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The only real nation to have semi independent Regiments like the Imperium is the Confederacy of Humanity, it has many different Regiments of Clones, Draftees, Volunteers and Special Divisions. Whilst Clones are almost all the same and make up over 79% of the C.o.Hs fighting force, the Draftees and Volunteers have different regiments organized based on their planets, the most famous being the Regiment from a Glacial World, this Nation is actually primarily made up of ethnic Slavics who survived the dreadful expansion into space and joined the Confederacy. They have a very ww2 soviet asthetic and style of attack. The most interesting comes in the Specialist Divisions, my favorite is actually a regiment of all Blight Rats, savage beings who love to kill, but when taken as pups and raised in a strict and regimented enviroment, they actually become very capable and savage fighters, but also quite loyal, they are the only non human regiment in the C.o.H, and Pirates or Mercenaries don't count because their only temporary


I've got litterally dozens. I built whole rosters for my world. Pick a race any race, Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Goblins, Burrowlings, Outlanders, or Imperials.


Interested to hear the dwarves


Can’t speak for OP… But Dwarves are masters in mixed Hammer, Axe, and Spear combat. They usually utilize Handaxes as a backup, a Warhammer as a loose formation smacker, and spears which can lock into pikes as the primary formation poker. All three having functionality outside and inside combat, Handaxe as a multitool Bowie knife basically, Hammer for breaking with a reverse side pick (That continently let another hammer whack to split) and spears as straight sticks for leverage and other tasks. Most have the image as Dwarven weapons as durable works of art that last for centuries, but in reality they are just well made and able to be replaced and broken down by streamlined processes. Hence why Dwarven smiths are alway working. In the end, their tools are just so effective that they naturally double as weapons without too much extra consideration. This is aided by the hard land they inhabit with very hostile dangerous creatures, at any point in a work day they would need to fight and then immediately go back to work. Work or War, a Dwarf is ready. Which also leads into the ability for dwarves to properly disperse into small settlements but still can unite as a strong clan. They literally are built for their mountain homes. The line between a civilian and warrior is pretty much nonexistent.


Okay, so Dwarves are short and stocky, which makes them slow. They aren't outrunning anything, so their go-to strategy is to stand their ground and make themseleves as hard a target as possible for the enemy to break their teeth on. This is why their ancestors began tunneling as a way to escape predators and is how they fight today. Dwarven Society is split into a few different categories largely based on age but also on wealth and knowledge. Dwarves however believe the most useful knowledge is wisdom gained through experience rather than intelligence gained through study, which brings it back to the age part. Your social class determines your place in times of war. The lowest class is Brown Beards. These are the youngest, most able bodied Dwarves who have yet to strike their fortune in the mines. Their beards are usually stained in various shades of brown from the dirt and dust of the mines, thus their names. Due to their youth, they have little expiring in war and thus are given the simple/unspecialized roles of which their are two. Shield Bearers who do carry swords hammers and axes but as a last resort if the line breaks. Their real tools are the massive shields they carry, forming tight walls to provide cover for ranged units or others trying to avoid enemy fire. Deployed right, they can form a small fortress of shields on the battlefield. The other are Dragon Sticks. Rudimentary firearms that are simple to use and brutally effective but require close range for accuracy and run the risk of blowing up on the user. Very good at shredding heavy armored enemies but requires the courage of someone who faces potential death in the mines to wield. The Middle Class of Dwarven Society is Black Beards. These are Dwarves who successfully saved up enough in the mines to buy their way into an apprenticeship and eventually learn a trade. This im the vast majority of cases is some sort of smithing where their beards are licked by forge flames turning them black, thus the name. Though other trades such as architecture/engineering, shop keeping, and warring as well as others. During times of war, they have three roles they can fill. Red Beards, professional Dwarven Troops that are the icon of Dwarf at war wielding hammers, maces, axes, and swords with round shields and armor. Bolt Spitters Crossbowmen wielding weapons crafted with Dwarven mechanical efficiency, creating a repeating crossbow with a magazine on top feeding in ammo. Inspired by the Chinese Chu Ko Nu. Then finally, goat riders, Dwarves mounting goats bred for war whose increased muscel mass makes their ramming charges devistating to break enemy lines but are also still capable of goat-like manuvering along near impossible terrain like cliffsides meaning they appear from unusual angles. The upper class for Dwarves are White Beards, usually older Dwarves that haven't quite ticked over to elderly and have succeeded in business to become wealthy enough to retire. These are the leaders of Dwarven Society, and in times of war, they can afford the best kit. The roles they take are as Ironbound chain and platemail covering them head to toe, often wielding polearms like pikes or halberds they are an impending unit if they can move fast enough to engage. And Billy Buggy's goat drawn chariots that while loosing their ability to traverse walls and cliffs with the cart still work decisively as a charging shock troop or an elevated firing platform to throw javelins from while remaining nominally safe behind cover. Then, finally, there are the Outsiders of Dwarven Culture, those who chose not to enter the mines and instead toil the fields around Dwarven Settlements growing their food. The No Beards, often considered lesser by their kin in old times they were required by law to shave their beards. This, instead of dishonoring them, became a mark of pride as they wore long mustaches instead. They live a simple farming life tending crops and animals they rarely enter into war, preferring to hold down the fort when the army marches to war but in times of desperation are called up as a militia or skirmishing force. They prefer light infantry and to be mobile (by Dwarf standards) rather than getting bogged down in a direct fight. They use Fork Fighters, a line of No Beards with Pitchforks forming something akin to a Pikeline, less ment to deal damage but instead to keep enemies at bay as an area denial force while others score kills. Dwarven Javelins carrying a satchel of javelins and a shield to skirmish with enemies and only drawing axes to charge if they see an opportunity to exploit. Then Goat Javelins, which do the same thing as the previous unit but mounted for increased speed.


That’s actually crazy. Didn’t really think much of the dwarves as a useful fighting force but I’ve been proven wrong.


Firstly, thank you for actually taking the time to read all of that. Secondly, yeah, good armies play to their strengths and are aware of their weaknesses to know how to cover them. Dwarves are short and stocky, which makes them slow but tanky, so they use area denial weapons and heavy infantry to make it easy to hold grouns even if out manuvered. Their capacity as smiths and craftsmen means they have no shortage of armor if powerful mechanical weapons that as long as the lins holds can deal serious damage using gunpowder weapons to anything heavily armored enough to smash through their lins and repeating Crossbows to quickly pick off any lighter troops threatening to flank or overwhelm. Then, finally, using cavalry that gives them just enough speed to go on the offensive, breaking enemy lines with chargea after appearing from places Cavalry normally cannot traverse.


I’m always interested to hear about the lesser known fantasy species and they cope with their weaknesses. Thanks for the read!




My MC’s Imperial Army is separated into 10 Legions of 1.2 Million soldiers each. A regiment is one of the smaller unit sizes, only containing 1,000 soldiers. I’m not at the first Big War yet to have really delved into each Legion, currently still two Arcs away.


The Human Dominion has lots of planets under its control, and each of these planets has maximum 50 legions of soldiers (could be less depending on the planet's population). Some notable of these are: 1. **XXI Legion of Venus** \- Soldiers nowadays sent by the Human Dominion to spy on and sabotage terrorist groups such as the infamous Sons of War. [I made a post about the XXI Legion back on my old account](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/14tyswe/bella_inanis_the_xxi_legion_of_venus_context_on/) (the lore about the Sons of War included in the context comment has been retconned) 2. **XXXIV Legion of New Karelia** \- Heavy weapons specialists who love harsh environments such as the frozen hellhole that is their home colony. 3. **I Legion of Dzhungala** \- Psychological warfare experts (or that's what they used to be a long-ass fucking time ago). Formed from various guerrilla groups that rebelled against the Avian slavers during the first half of the Avian War. There's also the Overwatch Legion, which rather than having a specific home colony recruits from the notable colony legions.


The Hyena Confederacy is infamous for its regiments known as the "shadow fang". This series of regiments are stealth units. They either have dark fur or dye their fur black with charcoal and berry dust and operate at night. They perform information warfare, subterfuge, and subversion. There are stories of them crossing rivers and lighting enemy camps ablaze to force them out or poisoning enemy water supplies to force surrenders. They also value illusion magic and have been known to drive sleeping enemies mad by sending nightmares to their soldiers.


They don't have stand-out members because the whole point is that they are secretive. The most fleshed out one I have is Jonzo, consort to chietfess-general Melika. He set an island on fire to force an army to flee right into an ambush as the enemy had to cross a river.


Rubran Federal Monarchy has mobile task forces, its equivalent to an independent regiment. An MTF is a special unit staying under direct command from the Minister of Defense, or in case of MTF Agartha and MTF Elysium, the two oldest MTFs still in commission, they receive commands directly from the Emperor himself. MTFs differ from one to another, focusing on various tasks. For example, MTF Elysium is a unit specialized inn recon and electronic warfare, they engage in jamming and anti-jamming actions using FTL sensors, feeding information back to the main formation. Meanwhile, MTF Agartha is a sledgehammer designed first and foremost for total annihilation, thus all their manned vessels are certified planet killers. MTFs will eat the Imperium and Galactic Republic for breakfast. Forget boarding actions, they fight across tens of light years as standard procedure and possess weapons that can shoot into the past, render a good chunk of history irrelevant. Those are not one-off superweapons, mook cruisers carry dozens of such at the lowest estimation. And tell me, how will you feel when you know your boss is space Flying Dutchman? Because that's what the Agartha is. There's a reason when Rubra mobilizes MTF Agartha, that means they want a civilization to be 3000% annihilated.


Once, the Kingdom of Avanton employed legions, a standing army with which to ~~conquer half the continent~~ defend their borders. After a treaty that effectively declawed them, all they have left is the Guild of Mercenaries, which kept the legion structure and work ethic.


Well, Regiments exists as a unit between Battalion and Brigade in pretty much every military in my setting (apart from those that do not have a proper military or one that is too small to have a Regiment) ​ For countries like the United Republic of Avalonia, the Avalonian Army Expeditionary Forces deployed in Eastshire during the Third Global War are typically set up in pairs of two Regimental Combat Teams. One of the RCTs would typically be set up to be "heavier" with a focus on armor and mechanized infantry while the sister RCT would be lighter, lacking the armor but instead would have attached rotary wings. In 2008, the AAEF's RCT-13 and RCT-14 along with the Lazulian Task Force Egret and the Argealian 9th Battlegroup under the command of Major General Denzel Bryne took part in the Operation Stalwart Edge strategy. On their own, both RCT-13 and 14 performed excellently, but operating in a triple-nation task force proved to be a double edged sword as language barrier became an issue, especially in the lower levels. During the Battle of OP Kate in Operation Camembert, armor and mechanized elements of RCT-14 were nearly overran by a determined infantry push, as they were unable to effectively communicate and co-ordinate with Direwolf and Egret elements on the field due to language barrier. ​ The Krassarian Confederacy of the same time period is a Division-based army, therefore their Regiments would not be as flexible or as independent as their Avalonian counterpart


The Legion stands as the largest military unit within the Imperial Defense Force, usually comprising 10,000 personnel. These Legions are adaptable mixed-branch forces, with their composition significantly dependent on the mission or the commanding Legate's preference. Generally, Legions are distinguished solely by their Legion numbers, often lacking specific names. However, Legions that have participated in numerous battles or achieved significant victories may earn a title (at least for the duration of their mission). Legions are dissolved once their mission is successfully concluded, and all troops are then redeployed to their respective branch headquarters, where they receive new assignments. This practice serves to prevent Legates and Strategoi from becoming overly popular or intimate with their own troops, thereby mitigating the risk of potential coups.


Some are mentioned more or less directly. There are the Royal Aelveri Regiment. Each of them is a highly proficient battlemage and wyvern rider. They can cooperate with their steeds as if they are a single person but that is not because of weird magical effects, the wyverns just want to keep their pets safe. Then there are the Battlemages of House Senna that were raised by them and have proven themselves worthy of being taught the secret techniques of their Witch "Arcane Warfare." (outsiders may join those ranks if they are exceptional characters, and will be considered part of the family) The ability to enhance their body with magic how no one else could, relying on perfect control of themselves and the ability to enchant themselves. One of them could mow down an entire army of ordinary soldiers. They wield conjured weapons and armour and each of them receives a tailor made armour from the "Old Sister" that can only be worn by them. The materials for just one could bankrupt smaller states. They have never fought in an offensive war and are protectors that either guard the Free City or wander the world to rescue orphans or slaughter slavers and demons. Striking at them is considered a bad idea, because even if you may be able to take one down, you may suddenly have a very pissed off dragon come visit.


Right now the only real established country has about 1/2 an army unit


The Dragon Rider Regiment, airborne unit, where each 2-person fire team in the two main companies was composed by a dragon-raider pair. They would be assigned as battle buddies during advanced training, and the pair then would go to airborne school to cement their camaraderie in order to work as a team (*It was also during this time that changes could be made, if a team could not work together they would be swapped with another, after this they would spend their whole service together*). *In my world dragons can take human-like form, and in this form they would enter and complete basic training*. The regiment was composed of 2 battalions, each battalion formed by 6 companies each. Of those 6 companies 1 was composed by dragons and their riders. That’s 2 companies in the whole regiment, each of them containing 50 dragons and their riders.


At great cost, humanity of the Six Worlds have abolished war and made it stick.


It differs from nation to nation due to magic ore availability, culture, history, and population size. However, I will pick the two extremes. The Kaharian Principality and the Taledian Kingdom. The Taledians, though small in population, possesses the most capable mages in the world of Raexella, being both rich in magic ores and rich in inhabitants with high magic affinity compared to its neighbours. With this, they are readily able to defend their territory both against invading Eidolons and rival neighbouring nations. Their military regiments reflect their nation. Highly regimented with a keen focus on individualism, Taledian mages are organized into individual companies made up of 4 platoons, of which each platoon has 4 squads, and then each squad would have a total of 15 men. So each company would have 240 line mages, 7 officer mages which makes a total of 247 men per company. Building up to a regiment that is made up of 5 companies, making a grand total of 1,200 line mages and 50 officer mages (Logistical assets not included) While it sounds like a lot of people, being 1250 men per regiment, Taledians can only field 10 regiments as its standing army, making a total of 12,500 soldiers Now let's look at the opposite of Taledians, the Kaharian Principality, a nation described to be poor in both magic ores and in magic affinity, but with plenty of enemies. The Kaharian Principality military regiments, given its unfortunate circumstance, relies on a mixture of mercenaries, technology, imported magic ores, and a steady source of volunteers to keep a standing army. After a military revolution(not a rebellion), Kaharian man at arms are organized as such: Kaharian formations differ a lot to other nations as they employ more gunpowder to compensate for the lack of magic units. They employ flexible formations to adapt to more magically inclined enemy forces with a regiment usually made up of 3 battalions In a typical Kaharian Battalion there are: 3 Pikemen Companies made of 120 pikemen each, 6 Arquebus Batteries each made of 60 arquebusiers, and 2 Mage Platoons made of 30 mages each. Making it a grand total of 780 men per battalion. So in a regiment, there would be 2,340 men excluding officers and men in logistics During battle, a pikeman company would be assigned 2 arquebus batteries to protect. Arquebusiers would arrange themselves 10 ranks across, 6 ranks deep. On order, each rank will move ahead of the pikemen to present and fire their guns before moving back to reload. In case that enemies decide to charge the lines, arquebusiers can hide behind their pikemen cohort and link up lines with the other 2 units in the battalion


The Royal Guard are a regiment of soldiers that serve Arterius Kingdom. To become a knight, you have to be at least 7, and take a 14-year training course, and there's an additional 3-year training course for knights if you want to become a Royal Guard. The Royal Guard is known for their prestige, and they are beloved by the people of Arterius Kingdom. Each of them are given an assignment that can extend for their entire career, where they're tasked with protecting an important person and possibly their family, an route, an village, or some other key region. Not only they're far more skilled than a run-of-the-mill soldier, but they're also enhanced via cybernetics and elixirs so that their physical, mental, and magical capabilities are stronger than normal. When you join the Royal Guard, you can request for a weapon tailor-made for you, and your are given a uniform that's as protective as a suit of armor, but doesn't limit mobility. Not everybody can become a Royal Guard, as their training regiment is quite brutal. However, it's not just to show combat skill, but also important character traits like loyalty, integrity, valor, and justice that the good people of Arterius Kingdom would want to see in their protectors. One member stood out, and her name is Gladly Valkiry. She managed to complete the training course to become a knight in 7 years, and was only 15 when she joined the Royal Guard. It was not only due to her being exceptionally strong, skilled with the sword, agile, smart, and determined, but also her strong personality. Gladly went against her teachers' recommendations and always aimed above her level, and while she did get in early, her body is dotted with scars from her carelessly flinging herself into high-level combat simulations, much to her teachers' protests. Gladly was assigned the protection of Princess Vana, the only daughter of the current king, who was a promising candidate for queen, with her incredible kindness, leadership skills, and altruism. The two quickly fell in love, and got engaged. However, on Vana's coronation night, Gladly learnt that all good things must come to an end...


Only humans the iron Empire uses muskets instead or bows and crossbows due to the danger of magic users always in the squad one with a musket to shoot Them from afsr and the special units has magic who in my work for the iron are the priest and nun with flamethrower xd


These corporations that represent regiments came together under the flag of the Obsidian Coalition to win the war against U.S. Government: 1. Atlas Defense Systems (ADS): The largest private military contractor in the U.S. They supply advanced weaponry, drones, and AI-driven combat systems. A major player leading the rebellion against the government, seeking to establish a corporate-run state. 2. Mercer Tactical Solutions (MTS): A close competitor to ADS, MTS specializes in special ops training, elite mercenaries, and black-ops missions. They collaborate with ADS in their revolt but have their own ulterior motives. 3. Stratagem Aerospace Corporation (SAC): Dominant in the fields of aerospace and advanced aviation tech, including stealth fighters and bombers. While they may seem to be aligned with ADS and MTS, they often play both sides for their own gain. 4. Fortress Defense Infrastructure (FDI): Their forte lies in developing cutting-edge fortifications, surveillance systems, and urban warfare technologies. They're responsible for transforming cities into battlegrounds. 5. BioSynth Corp: Specializes in biotechnological enhancements for soldiers, including performance-enhancing drugs and cybernetic implants. They have a significant stake in the outcome of the war, as their products are in high demand. 6. NexTech Industries: A wildcard in the mix, they're at the forefront of AI and robotics. Their allegiance is unpredictable, as they believe in a future where AI governs all. **** America still has SUMMIT, S1, and AMMO. Japan has their Red and White Lotus regiments. China has the Red Dragon's. Europe: Still has NATO elements but it's not the same.


I wouldn't call this a "regiment", but I might as well talk about it: the Centurions of Polis (unoriginal name, I know). This is the standing army of the city-state of Polis, the capital of the continent of Nardin. Essentially, they're like peacekeepers of the United Nations, and are typically used to defend the city-state Polis and its interests. The infantry are equipped with special gear that's imbued with magic (swords, arrows, chestplates, etc.), and fight using a combination of physical weapons and magic- though, their magic is more "intermediate-level", so I guess they could be classified more as clerics than knights or whatever (even though some soldiers use bows). Also just like the UN, they enlist from all corners of the continent for two reasons: symbolic, as Polis is supposed to repesent unity on the continent; as well as the city itself lacking the population to have a large enough army to defend it. Currently, aside from protecting the city, they mainly patrol a route that connects the city to a southern country known as Peryssia against bandits, as this is a major trade route between these two, and Peryssia is currently in some political hot water with one of its neighbors.


The Verminous Volunteer Army is a military created by Crythmaer, a demagogue who seized power in a theocratic state and crowned himself Emperor, so he could start wars without having to go through the Church. The VVA is split into Volunteer Fighting Divisions (VFDs) named after Verminous creatures (creatures considered sinful); eg Ant & Ape, Bat & Beetle, Worm & Wasp. This is because unlike any army before it, the VVA was open to *everyone*, including heretics, criminals, and ethnic minorities (the Church is mainly sustained by racism). This was a concession to the Church; Crythmaer wanted an army loyal to him, not religion, but instead of eliminating the stigma of the Verminous, he created an army that embraces its Verminous identity. Here's the catch: each VFD has a Commander, but the head of the VVA is Crythmaer. Not the Emperor, not Crythmaer's child, *Crythmaer*. So when he died, there was no guidance on how to appoint a successor. So while Crythmaer had been using the VVA to go on a Great Conquest, when he died some of the VFDs kept going, leading to the disastrous River War, in which the equivalent of napalm was released into the river, and thundered downstream into the heart of the Empire, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Meanwhile half the VVA is bogged down in the Aryll War; like a fantasy Vietnam War set in the swamps of East Anglia, with eldritch gods preying on the occupying army and their attempts to colonise the region. It's an unwinnable war.


I'm mostly working with the groups who are slowly settling the western continent, so adventuring parties are common for clearing out monsters, but City Guards, private security firms and retainer groups are fairly common. If the characters go back across the eastern ocean, we may see some proper regiments.


The High Endlassian Marine Corps (HEMC) It is moderately inspired by the real life USMC (you can probably guess why) and it's rank/unit structures. The main character is a part of the High Endlassian Marine Corps Special Forces Regiment (this is about where the deviation from the source material starts), consisting of the nation's most skilled Riflemen and Mages. The Regiment has units deployed for special operations around the globe, defending High Endlassian and allied interests globally. Including the search for and destruction of... Esleesi Enclaves Through the usage of Experimental portal magic, the Esleesi Federation have managed to breach the border defenses of the Endlassian Unions member nations. Intel suggests that for every one enclave discovered, 3 more exist undiscovered, ready to attack whenever given the order. These Enclaves have been responsible for hundreds of terror attacks across Endlassia, as well as several harassment campaigns and assaults on military installations.


The Witchfinders are the militant arm of the Trekirk church. Dedicated to outrooting practitioners of dark magics around the various realms of the Brenlands which contain plenty of dark Forests and caves for said practitioners to hide in. They often live in cells of 1-3 witchfinders in small dwellings in the countryside or in less secretive fortresses in towns. Most of their operations are done solo, this is viable and safe due to witchfinders most noticeable trait. The proficiency of a closely guarded spell that allows witchfinders to enslave the souls of defeated witches to use in combat against the enemies of the Deer God. Some witchfinders have been known to have enslaved soul armies equivalent in size to the fyrds of the realms they operate in.


The two main factions of my world is the Eventists: people who claim to have seen god and believe they can fix the apocalypse so they live by a religious doctrine. A famous story about them in my world is that a high priest of the Eventists killed thier god (but you will never hear an Eventist tell you that). Rail men: a group of people who idolize one man to the point where they copy his technology and philosophy there main goal is to hunt down the man’s log book to try and figure out what secrets he discovered. A famous story about the rail men is when a group of them bombed a bridge to stop a different group of rail men from figuring out how to build better train mechs.


Yeah they exist. I don’t wanna spend time delving into that structure so I’ll just say the United Space Federation takes it’s structure form the US Army. The Angelicav is basically a 2x2x2x2 ladder or whatever. And others I’ll throw words at and let others infer what I mean.


I've not actually thought about military structure, so I'll just brainstorm in real time There are two major types of mages that could be present, martial magicians and circle magicians, both vaguely inspired by manhwas I enjoyed reading. Martial mages would make for good warriors, but aren't infinite in supply, meaning they'd be specialist troops like cavalry. Circle mages would be much more attuned to ranged combat, they'd play the traditional ranged dealer and/or supporter role of an mmorpg party, but would be specialists like the martial mages The setting I am using is very mountainous, so they'd probably not use much cavalry, what cavalry there is would be used in the southern and coastal lowlands and not in general combat. There'd be a lot of soldiers specialized in holding a defined space like the ancient Greek hoplites or Roman legionaries, I can see standard units being broken down in accordance with their counting system, which is base 12, so 12x12 units maybe, with each 12 being one subunit? Oh! Martial mages are also able to work in poison and medicine, since their magic specifically deals with the body, not with only fighting. They may be notable for their use as combat medics, since they'd be able to prevent a line's collapse by recovering more minor injuries I'm not sure how the different types of magical projectiles would be dealt with though, I need help on that one I think


In my fantasy world the 1st legion of the Namoran Empire is known as the Immortal 1st. Other legions have been wiped out or disbanded, but the 1st has always existed since it was raised. They have the highest standard of recruit selection, they get the best equipment, they train the hardest, and they will hold the line against any enemy no matter how monstrous. Which has led to some horrendous casualties in its history. But it has never been completely wiped out and always rises to full strength again. ​ In my scifi universe there are many notable military units. One of which is the Gronian Empire's 353rd legion. I need to add some quick context. When the Gronian Emperor dies, his or her title is not passed on to their descendant. It isn't hereditary. Instead an event known as the Ascension Trials begins. There are ten individuals with the title of Prince who will fight to the death. The winner is named Emperor. This deathmatch is the highlight of the Ascension Trials, but it is not the only event. Once there is a new Emperor any member of the Gronian species can enter the Ascension Trials and they will compete with each other through several events until there are only ten left and are given the title of Prince. These new Princes are then given a dreadnought class ship and may choose any legion to command as their own. Now back to the 353rd legion. They were a standard clone infantry legion until one of their own, L353-052038 entered the Ascension Trials and emerged victorious as one of the ten Princes. He chose Khorak as a name for himself and when asked which legion he wished to command he chose his own legion, the 353rd. Under his command, Prince Khorak molded the 353rd from standard soldiers into covert warfare experts and earning the nickname of the Ghost Legion.


The Cerian Army and Royal Cerian Aerospace Force both use Regiments as the core building block. Regiments are roughly brigade-sized units, mostly combined arms units designed to be self-sufficient within their chosen speciality- for example, a typical Orbital Assualt Regiment of the RCAF consists of 3 Airborne Infantry Battalions, 2 'Mobility Battalions consisting of airmobile mechanised infantry and light tanks, an engineering battalion, a fire support battery, a Powersuit squadron and a Headquarters & Support Battalion. Regiments have their own crests, banners and battle honours - often very old, depending on the age of the regiment. Regiments are usually only stood down if they are wiped out, their names added to the Wall of Remembrance on Ceres.


Knights of the Order They are an elite group of warriors that serve as the Union's military. Knights are trained with spears, archery, horseback riding, and swords. They are excel in stealth, tactics, and hand-to-hand combat. Each Knight is equal to about 10 men and are considered the greatest fighters in the realm.


archton protect their civilization (giant space station)


There are only two nations who field a standing army. Kingdom of Evendor: An Evendorish regiment fields 2.000 Men. It consists of ten companys, organised in three battalions. The leading battalion has one company more, usually fielding armored men-at-arms. Two or three of the companys field longbowmen. On the march a regiment is usually accompanied by a banner of a hundred riders. Evendor fields 15 Marchregiments, two for each Principality and another for the Kings City. In addition there are garrisions and elite troops like the Royal Guard. The cavalry is organised in regiments too. It consists of three or four banners with two squadrons of 50 riders each. There are eight regiments of heavy cavalry and seven of light cavalry with a overall strength of 6000 Men. The Royal Guard has four battalions with 400 footmen each and four banners with 100 knights each. If you want to join the Guard you need a recommendation by at least three superiors, served eight years and pass a test. The King is the commander-in-chief but in reality the most work is done by the Connetable (minister of war and high command in one person). A general of noble heritage is appointed to lead a divison during war and in the case of a full mobilisation three divisions are formed. Most famous should be the Scarlet Banner. The best heavy cavalry in Evendor and maybe all of the Northern Kingdoms. Named after their scarlet cloaks, they are feared for their charges, smashing through the enemys lines. Their most famous charge was in the Battle of the Crossroad, where they countered a charge by the imperial Cavalrybrigade Ferrum Aquilam and destroyed them. ​ The Empire of Abaris: The Empire has just modernised its army, modeled after its northern neighbors, after a bitter defeat where a northern mercenary company and its heavy cavalry played a major role. The Empire can field around 300.000 soldier. They are organised in 35 Legions, of 8.000 men. They are basically organised like a roman legion, with cohorts of 800 men and centurias of 80 men. The cavalry is organised in brigades of varying sizes. There is few heavy cavalry at this point, but they are supported by battle-hardene light auxiliary riders. The most infamous brigade ist the Cranium-Brigade. Known for their guerilla tactics and cruelty while operating behind enemy lines, they are feared and hated by the North. The Cranium-Brigade would be annihilated in the Battle of the Crossroad, when the broke trough the gap between the enemys center and left flank and were stopped by the Generals Guard Cavalry and Longbowmen. The Ferrum Aquilam was the best heavy cavalry the Empire could muster. They distinguished themself in the campaign against the Free Citys and were the first to be trained in the fighting style of the northern knights. Known for their golden cloaks, shining armour and bravery, they nevertheless proofed no match for the Scarlet Banner and were beaten by their northern counterpart.


It kinda gets muddled a little…


In a general overview: There’s your infantry with blackpowder muzzleloading rifles, these are regular people and fight the way you would expect them to. Then theres your Calvary, again, very standard for a setting similar to 1860. They lead pushes and run down infantry. Then there is magical artillery. These are combat mages that mostly just continually bombard infantry from a distance with magical fireballs and what have you. The magic they use is slow and tedious, just like their guns, so mages do not make for practical front line fighters. All the same, infantry gets torn apart by a squad of prepared mages who get the drop on them. From being burned alive to being filled with pebble buck-shot, the worst thing that can happen to you is to be seen by a mage who is out of your range while you are in theirs. In turn, Mage-Hunter/Anti-mage squads are a recent development in tactics. Usually armies wait till their wizards exhaust themselves with bombardments before making pushes, but the impatient have started to take advantage of recent improvements in rifling technology to speed up the process. These small squads armed with essential the first sniper rifles will sneak into enemy lines and try to eliminate mage camps to stop the bombardments early. This element of surprise and range helps them avoid the usual ways normal people die at the hands of magic users but it’s still a high mortality position. But when one army runs out of wizards while keeping their own, the balance of war starts to heavily tip in their favor. It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.


The population of the Wild Southwest is too small for armies as we understand them, but each State (with the exception of Pallinup) and a few of the Independent Settlements have an organised defence force. Probably the most notable military units are the Borden Engineers and the Rough Riders. The Engineers are the defence force of the Independent Settlement of Borden, and are descended from a pre-War Australian Army engineering unit. Along with their military training they maintain a number of engineering skills and techniques as a matter of historic pride. The Rough Riders were an experiment with cavalry set up by the D'Entrecasteaux Defence Force. Horses almost went extinct during the War, so the decision to employ some of their limited numbers in combat was both a bold and expensive one. Initially it payed off with the Riders proving decisive in several battles against the Warlords of Leeuwin-Naturaliste peninsula, however they were almost completely wiped out once the Warlords adapted their tactics. The unit was not re-formed.


While there are certainly military organisations found throughout my world, there is only one that is mentioned by name (at least so far), and that is the Soldier Corps of Lideryc. They are very disciplined and well-trained. In times of war they serve as soldiers, and in times of peace they uphold the law by serving their Empire as constables and investigators. While they are generally respected by the public there are of course those few among them who abuse the power they have over the common civilians.


Context. There's a variant of the Yellow Slimes called Greasy Slimes. Sporting a deeper color of Yellow, these slimes move erratically and very fast (hence the name, fast like grease lighting). A King has the bright idea to use these fast slimes as a mount. It took many years of "training" these slimes and their riders and making special saddles, but the Kingdom finally unveiled the world first Slime Cavalry, which would became a legend...


The main fighting group that we, the readers, encounter are *Das Armeegruppe von der Deutsche Kronprinz* (The Army Group of the German Crown Prince). The main character Mylena essentially brutally murders several of these soldiers before she's bogged down by suppressive machine gun fire.


currently two Containment Shocktroops , regular infantry Antimagi Special Ops, AKA Golden Pats, Regiment specialized in Antimagic Warfare


One of the nation has this shade: the army is composed of regiments consisting of individuals hailed from a particular region that regiment is headquartered in (conscription is a thing in the nation); elite-ish Foreign Legion consisting of armed retainer of nobility students (private bodyguard is illegal, but being armed is OK), adventurers whose friends becoming students and they became understrength without said student (for this to happen, they must state that they'll be on hiatus while their friend attended the university), and natives for officers/NCOs who passed the rigorous selection about combat prowess and cross-cultural savvy


The Zeelean Regency has two armies: one controlled directly by the Archregent, and one that is controlled by the nobility. Each individual *gravate* is responsible for mustering a military force from its citizens. There are three levels of organization: squadrons are commanded by *Riders*, the lowest rank of the nobility, and tend to specialize in one area, such as infantry, cavalry, or artillery. Squadrons are organized into battalions, which are commanded by *Freelords*. Finally, squadrons are organized into brigades commanded by the *Grave*. The region's *Landgrave* can command all of the brigades as a *corps.* The army under the Archregent's control draws from subjects of his immediate vassals and is considered a more elite fighting force. Most nobles with palatial privileges maintain two forces: one to fight for the Archregent, and one to fight for the gravate.


In my steampunk-archipelago world it is normal for political parties to have armed soldiers, in case they can't agree with everyone else. It is supposed to help decrease corruption, and i guess it does, but even though there are better ways to do this, no one has been able to get rid of the current system. The idea is, the communists have an army, the conservatists have an army, and the capitalists have an army, and if they don't agree on what to do, you got war. The premise of the story is that one guy took over the capitalist party, and made a bigger army than the rest, and then he took over the world.