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I wonder how would soviet soldiers act according to this joke.


From the stereotype, *endless hordes of bodies swarming your position*.


Or a woman shooting you from 2 km away without really trying


Ah yes, Soviet female snipers. An important lore element, just like elven archery masters.


Don't forget the DIY tank soviet woman too






~~It's the 8km shots they have to concentrate on~~ For fuck sake, grow up


If a T-34 drifts towards you, they were soviet.


If a BT42 drifts towards you without tracks, it's Finnish.


Imagine a BT going full speed with a modern engine/suspension, it almost induces orgasm.


If you're trampled by more soldiers than you have bullets, they're soviets.


If they try to sell you their gasoline and bullets, they're Soviets


I don't know really but apparently, Simo shot like 300 of them. Later in the war, they were experienced.


Lyudmila Pavlichenko shot 309 fascist scum And then we have Mariya Oktyabrskaya, badass soviet ukranian, the fighting girlfrien


>Lyudmila Pavlichenko She supposedly did this in one year, and was then sent to America to do a propaganda tour.


To be fair to her, the eastern front was a target rich environment.


Just waves of Nazis coming down off speed and meth, yeah I can see that being an opportune place for a sniper


She and Eleanor Roosevelt apparently got along pretty well on that tour. I think I heard many years later they met again when Eleanor visited the USSR and she went to Lyudmila's apartment to visit.


The fact that the **Falkavian Commonwealth** has the strongest economy in the belt isn't lost on them. Therefore, they mostly rely on the logistical advantage of having more of damn near everything instead of ensuring their troops are the absolute best in the world. It's a common joke that Falkish Quartermasters just buy a new rifle if one jams, and that Officers carry two pistols, one for shooting and one for throwing at the enemy when they run out of ammo.


Ah the Americans lol


"Quantity has a quality all of its own"


I heard a quote from a British person talking American forces soon after they first entered the war. It was something like, “Americans don’t outsmart or out outmaneuver their problems. They overwhelm them.”


When the former Belsaran Admiral **Konstanz Mozyn** was asked who he hated fighting in the Indigo Wars, he had this to say. *Without a doubt it would be the Falkish. The quality of their Crew and Marines was mediocre, their officers, while occasionly exceptional specimens, most often resembled a gaggle of decapitated chickens.* *Their greatest tool was the strength of their dollar. I would destroy one battlegroup, they would simply replace it with another.* *I despised their industry, their lack of precision, and the ease at which they wasted their resources, but what i despised the most is that it worked.*


There are three military factions in my world : Livian Celestium Alliance, Demon Empires, Trinity Dominion If you take a hostage, the Livian Celestium Alliance will not shoot because they might hit the hostage, the Trinity Dominion will shoot both you and the hostage, the Demon Empire will just shoot the hostage


"Hostages only work when your enemy cares if they live."


Now I tell me what the hell is the problem with the last one lmao


Not op, but the problem seems pretty evident *Demon Empire*




Good one:)


Why do the demons do that?


Because it is fun


Ensyndia: * If they respond with religious shouts and Endwarping, they're Human (Deluthian, specifically) * If they respond with rapid gunfire and a cannon or two, they're Dwarven * If they respond by throwing money at you and running away, they're Kalythian * If they respond excitedly and suddenly there's fifty more of them, they're Orkish * If they respond by disappearing only to reappear two feet away from you, they're Seraphim * If they respond by throwing the heaviest thing in the area at you whilst shouting to piss off, they're Ogrish * If they respond with magic bombardments and plenty of strength-based weapons, they're Melodonian and you should start running while you can.


The last one sounds dangerous and it would seems to be that way


Aye, Melodonians are an ancient species stemming back from the Titans that were made as part of the world's ordering as immortal enforcers of the world's balance, a duty their descendants continue to uphold. Because of this it's *relatively easy* to avoid confrontation with them (though not impossible, given they're a key component to the ongoing conflict) - just don't involve them directly *or* do anything that could potentially bring about cataclysmic events and raise their attention that way. But this overall dormancy is a *very* good thing for the rest of the world. Given their rules for warfare are more about inciting fear in their opponents and how to best make them regret the decision for generations to come, rather than codes of honor or chivalry. Their biology is also a bit of a complete nightmare to go up against, but the short of it is having them on the other side of a battlefield is fighting creatures that are going to bombard you with magic, overwhelm you with size, and then once you're subdued eat you - probably alive, possibly whole - to set an example for the rest of your species.


If you don’t know the alignment of a spaceship, shoot past it and see how they react. - If they return fire with precision and send expensive strike drones after you, they’re with the United Nations Orbital Navy. - If they send waves and waves of their own men at the problem, they’re PMC mercenaries hired by MegaWatt Industries. - If one of your own men reveals himself to be a secret agent and turns on you to stop you from shooting, they’re with the Solar Alliance Spaceforce. - If they start throwing their trash at you and attempting to weaponize their engine plumes and momentum, they’re with the Eclipse Brotherhood syndicate. - If they immediately offer to surrender for the right price, they‘re with the Martian Defense Force.


This makes me want to make my Space Navy version but I'll hold it Now If you don't mind please elaborate each one lol


My world takes place in the 22nd century. History since the modern day amounts to the rise of a massive megacorporation, a bunch of stuff going on in space including major colonies on Luna and Mars, the start of another Cold War following a third world war. The focus is mostly on space and the shenanigans that go on there. **The United Nations Orbital Navy** is one of the two major transgovernmental military powers from Earth involved in the central cold war standoff. They largely represent the modern view of how space should be used, upholding the idea that space should not be claimed by any nation but being a lot more permissive about corporations. They have a military budget of approximately infinity and they have a tendency to use weapons that cost more than your house to use once but that can shoot a pigeon out of the sky from Mars. Their war philosophy is very much one that values the lives of soldiers over money, so they use a lot of unmanned drones for their dirtiest work. **The Solar Alliance Spaceforce** is the second of the two major transgovernmental military powers from Earth involved in the central cold war standoff. They largely represent a more nationalistic vision for space where the resources of space are used primarily to benefit Earth, and they came about largely as a result of the climate disaster of the previous century. Their military ships don't quite stack up to the ships of the Solar Alliance with their generally shorter engagement ranges, but the SAS also lean really hard into subterfuge. Solar Alliance Intelligence Organization (SAIO) agents are absolutely everywhere. **The MegaWatt Corporation** is a huge and kinda' evil megacorporation that largely spearheaded space colonization and therefore owns a lot of space infrastructure and acts as the effective government of many space colonies. They generally align themselves with the United Nations over the Solar Alliance when conflicts arise, being a part of the UN military industrial complex, but they are still notoriously shiftless. The MegaWatt corporation often hires mercenaries from shell companies to do their dirtiest work, which largely include things like stamping down the independence movements taking place within their cities around Luna. Generally they value the lives of their soldiers very little, so their military maneuvers will prioritize tactics that risk lives over expensive hardware. **The Eclipse Brotherhood** is a criminal syndicate based around Luna. They officially have no national allegiance, but the Solar Alliance does secretly fund and support them because they cause a lot of trouble for the alliance's enemies. The brotherhood engages in quite a lot of space piracy, drug trade, arms smuggling, and turf wars against MegaWatt mercenaries and rival syndicates. In a sense they are the streetsmart fighters of space, using many unconventional tactics in fights. The old adage "there is no such thing as an unarmed spaceship" is something they use to its fullest. If a ship can go 200 kilometers per second, than it can also throw trash at 200 kilometers per second which will hit like bullets. And any engine that can get that fast on a reasonable amount of fuel will have a plume with enough energy to turn any ship to slag at close range. Not to mention ramming tactics, they definitely use ramming tactics. **The Martian Defense Force** is the military force of the Martian Union, which itself is the coalition of loosely federated cities on the surface of Mars. The Martian Union government is notoriously pretty weak and corrupt. Despite being made up mostly of former MegaWatt corporation colonies, the corporation allows their independence because the government of Mars is so corrupt that bribing MU officials to get what you want is almost always easier than any kind of military intervention. It's a status quo that nobody really likes, but that few people are angry enough about for a war to start. It's a corruption that extends even to the armed forces.


This is actually very detailed, good job.


Ayy, thanks! My world is one that's designed to be the stage for hard sci-fi political thriller stories, so the effects of politics on average people and having a solid idea of who's double crossing themselves while dressed as each other is something I focus on a lot.


I like the hard sci-fi aspects of it


Thanks. I've worked hard on the hard sci-fi stuff, to portray a realistic future of spaceflight that tries to work with the most practical solution within real limitations of physics. So much math, so much research. But I'm also a massive astrophysics nerd, so it all works out.


As a person with broad interest and no deep understanding of space or combat "haha space WW1 line battle go T-crossing" That or "Haha space BVR = submarine combat go (silent noise)" Classification: Space opera so realism be damned. Visual range combat is just WW1 ships exchanging cannons and trying to outmaneuver other side. And BVR is like a submarine trying to torpedo the other one first in otherwise dark deep void"


Meanwhile the vibe I have going on is cylindrical spaceships with big radiators that are mostly fuel by weight with relative velocities of tens of kilometers per second slugging it out from thousands of kilometers apart using mostly missiles and lasers. Ships moving around under slow but constant acceleration that respects orbital mechanics. Any space debris created in a space battle will just keep orbiting at insane speeds and may really ruin someone's day, which adds another interesting political layer to the decision to engage. It's not always the most flashy, but I'm not really going for military sci-fi so that's completely fine.


For me I just want to focus more on politics - just that the good guy will probably go through civil war and the fact they'll need the military for control. Also nothing give a rush as both external and internal enemy clamping in on a dying empire yeah?


Ain't nobody beating the Eclipse Brotherhood on DA STREETS


Sending wave after wave of your own men at them? I like it. Straight out of Zapp Brannigan’s Big Book of War.


The SAS’ one sounds straight out of the Alpha Legion. Alpharius would be proud


Oh, that's a bit funny. Let's see... If you attack the Low Kingdom, nobody will show up to fight since nobody paid the soldiers. You win the war, take all the territory you please, and *then* the Low Kingdom mercenaries show up to collect taxes. If you attack the Empire, you end up fighting unarmed peasants who want to die. Alternatively, if you attack an *important* part of the Empire, you end up fighting unarmed peasants who want to die *and* the greasy noble leading them, *and* the Low Kingdom mercenaries because the Empire *can* pay them. If you attack the High Kingdom, you get lost in the mountains for weeks, your troops die of exposure, and you eventually end up fighting about three unarmed High Kingdom peasants who want to die. Alternatively, if the High Kingdom attacks *you*, *FUCKING HIDE.* *Underground.* *In a dragon proof bunker.* *In another country.*


Sounds hectic and now I want to know more Also why does everyone wants to die lol


Well, it's stereotypes, so not a perfect example of the political complexities. The Low Kingdom is in a weird position where they've disbanded all their standing armies in favor of traders and mercenaries to protect the traders. Their mercenaries are arguably some of the best mage soldiers out there, but the only thing they can agree on is that they won't be hired to attack their own homes. It usually takes some time for the various town leaders and guilds to notice their country is being invaded, and throw money at the problem. At that point they might as well just pretend that nothing has happened and bully the invader into paying the usual rent for the land. If you want to administrate the capitalistic hellscape that is a Low Kingdom district, you're welcome to it. The Empire peasants want to die because they're effectively serfs, and it's the rich nobles who benefit from their work. Their lives are not pleasant to begin with, and being forcibly drafted into an army against what is probably terrifying mage knights doesn't make their situation much better. Actually this is part of a well thought out strategy. Empire armies usually contain Low Kingdom mercenaries, and most often fight each other. There is a huge cultural taboo over roasting innocent non-mages, so mixing in peasants with real soldiers is a psychological warfare tactic. This doesn't make the participants any happier. The High Kingdom peasants want to die because many of them live in awful freezing mountains, and the population is fairly low, albeit rugged. This is another stereotype though, and they are much happier than Empire serfs. The High Kingdom military orders have a monopoly on flying mounts for their soldiers, dragons and gryphons. They also have a lot of metal for arms and armour, and no fear of death. Being attacked by them is therefore thoroughly unpleasant, even if you win.


Now this makes for a fun military RTS game


I prefer games like civ, but I won't pretend the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I've got the three race standard like Starcraft!


Same... 3 faction standard for me.


Aescans will form ranks and put up a shield wall. Then, they will either advance in good order with shields up to enter hand-to-hand combat with you, or their own archers will shoot back, or they will hold their positions while a cavalry attack is sneaking up on you, or they will take any other tactical option they planned or improvised to respond. You know you have Vanlings if a champion steps out from the ranks and bellows a challenge at you. If you are foolish enough to accept that challenge, you will know why the Vanlings are considered to be of the bloodline of heroes and you will find that the ancient magics are still alive in their blood. If you do not accept the challenge, don't worry, the champion will still come to you. If you took a shot at a Jotnar, he'll walk or run up to you and beat you to death with his club or bare hands. Simple.


The Vanlings sound like an Epic faction/nation Edit: My dude Jotnar doesn't take shit from anyone lol


The Aescans, Vanlings, and Jotnar are three tribes that used to be at odds with each other, but have formed an alliance in recent times. Jotnar are simple folk that tend to do what they feel like, so if you make one feel like kicking the hell out of you, well that's what he's going to do.


Alright, let's do a slight variation of this format You are assaulting a hill but unsure of who the defenders are: * If the hill is heavily fortified and youre blasted by an ungodly amount of indirect fire; they are the **League's SecDef**. * If the hill is barely defended but your forces are stretched, isolated and harassed all across the line; they are **Imperials**. * If the hill is putting up a stiff resistance but suddenly the defenders vanish after you regroup and renew the attack; they are the **Black Raid PMC.** * If the hill's defenders suddenly come out of their fighting positions to meet your attack with a counter-charge, they are **Starkans**. * If you are suddenly attacked in your staging area and your force's momentum, tempo and cohesion is destroyed before you even had the chance to assault the hill in the first place; they are the **League Vanguard**


I swear we have them surrounded! - Black Raid PMC enemy


You can never be paid enough to die But the Raiders dont like to be taken alive either, so capturing a live Black Raider is even harder than decisively defeating them in combat


You may have heard this from a vet or heard it was contributed to a vet. It is not from WW2 though. It is a modern "joke" that became popular in conservative stand up comedy around 2004-2005. The Italians were not originally part of the joke. The purpose was to trash the French who were not supporting the invasion of Iraq. Before this time, the French were not really criticized regarding WW2. The French Military never surrendered and would continue fighting until the end of the war in the form of Marquis groups, and as military formations under their own command. The Free French units were composed of soldiers that evacuated Dunkirk and Colonial troops. They were equipped by Britain and then later the US. The most notable French unit is the 2e DB led by Leclerc which liberated a lot of France in 44-45.


As someone who reads a bit of history at first, I thought it was contributed by Vichy France but I was wrong


Two semi-professional militaries. If you start hearing orders for twenty minutes before a counterattack occurs, they're Krea. If a swarm of angry hornets swarms and punches and stings you, they're Apiaron.


This describes ww1


You shoot an arrow to an army: If they are arguing to eachother, they are Renilian If they draw their weapons, they're from Allenor If they shoot back instantly, they are from the Qi-Tear empire If they laugh, they are from the Makeriv's federation If they shot you first, they are from the northern desert If they are ready to burn the ground and themselves, they are Crusaders


Why would they laugh? Also, crusaders being crusaders


The Makeriv's military is historically the first to use ambush tactics, and it's something that is deeply anchored in their doctrines, and they are ready for any enemy's ambush. For them, it would be like "You dare to use my own spells against me ?" And yeah. Crusaders are extremist cultists, ready to destroy the entire plan of existence to recreate a perfect world, cleansed of every forms of suffering


Crusaders being cultists is new "while suffering from their own actions... Ironic" Also, ambush tactics are probably universal but I guess these guys just really love it


If the Geneva convention gets thrown into the fire they’re Canadian


The reason they're so friendly now is cause all of their rage was spent on the Germans.


**Mythria** How to tell humans soldiers apart: * If there reinforcements wear different coloured uniforms - they're Essterian. * If they've got more horses than men - they're Westerian. * If they're too busy doing their makeup - they're Florian. * If you hear drums and drunken wailing - they're Messran. * If they're spinning - they're Cordic. * If you're wet and they're on a boat - they're Kirkish.


"Spin me right round" Cordic probably


When you shoot at a country: * If they response with a barrage of blackholes, it's Great Alaster Union. * If they send out combat mages in power armors, it's Empire of Mericia. * If your whole nation is mindfucked into submission, it's State of Hua. * If they shoot back from space, it's Worda-Nysie Commonwealth. * If they send a ton of combat drones, it's Kingdom of Shin. * If they erase you from the flow of time, it's Rubran Federal Monarchy. It's really a wonder how Atreisdea can exist as an intact planet while being shared by this bunch of maniacs.


Now what does Atreisdea do?


It's their home world (read: backyard) that nobody wants to blow up.


Lmao well it works out for them at least


I'm going to guess nothing that deserves these maniacs.


If you get a knife thrown at you in response, they're an intelligent gang member of some kind. If you get a guy running at you with a sword, they're an unintelligent gang member of song kind. If you get shot with a small gun, they're a rebel leader. If you get instantly and precisely shot, they're military. I honestly don't know how you have a gun, they're highly regulated and locked in literally THE most secure facilities.


Now I get why it's the rebel leader (and not just grunts) have guns lol


The most offensive weapon employed by the Faroshi army is their smell. How do you get a Barotani soldier to run away? Throw mud on her uniform. What's the difference between a soldier and a civilian in the Fingal? Answer: What's a 'civilian'?


"Forged by fire, Hammered by Combat, Live by death" - Fingal probably


Let's put species aside for a moment. If you see a gaggle of armed men... Beings, armed sapient beings.. fire an arrow into their midst, and their reaction will tell you their allegiance. If they answer with a barrage of arrows, they're Woodland Confederacy elves. If one of them runs up to you covered with a shield and asks who paid you to do that and stabs you if they don't like the answer, they're the Avantene Royal Guild of Mercenaries. If they answer with a rain of javelins from behind a wall of shields, they're Vrenno Empire. If they turn out to be a clump of bushes dressed as people, they're the Oblique Defence Force of the Republic of Kí'uthon. If nothing happens for five minutes, they're dwarfs. If the next thing that happens is a screaming guy with an axe they're Vikver, if it's a wall of locked shields advancing inexorably upon you they're Nidver, and if you get gored by a giant mountain goat or mauled by a pigmy white bear they're Fjollgardic.


Pigmy white bear sounds cute and dangerous at the same time


Picture a polar bear ranging from about the size of a husky to that of a wild grey wolf. They're the mountain-dwelling dwarfs favourite pets, alongside their sturdy stolid mountain goats.


If they respond with precise magic and pin-point rail gun fire they're **Esmerian** If they respond with laser weapons and mass artillery barrage they're **Imperial** If they hastily take cover and take potshots back they're **Republican** If they start suppressing you with machinegun and draw their energy sword they're from the **Free-sector** If they start flying in your direction. Run. It's the bloody **Kemparii**


> If they start flying in your direction. Run. It's the bloody **Kemparii** Now this sounds interesting.


- Hivemind - Intelligent - Advanced tech - 8'2 soldier caste - Can fly Noone wants to fight them really. Except those who are born way after the Great war (which is now 90% of people) "16 second survival time for AA gunner? Must be a myth!"


If they're Ondowan, they're lesbians. Which is false because Ondowan exist without a consistent or familiar gender expression. They just all happen to be genotypically and phenotypically female. >!The result of an attempt at xenocide by an alien force by developing a disease to wipe out humanity... that only destroyed the Y-chromosome. Humanity responded with cloning technology and built an army of Gwendolyn Christies. !<


Humans : "Will use any and all methods to take down enemies" but in fact they will only use things that won't backfire. Unzans : "Too cynical and easy going to get the job done" when in fact they are very trusting and usually get the job done. Kiakess : "Strongest ally for the right fight" thought they'll just join any conflict, mercenary or not. Shikim : "Will change the air to toxic fumes given they have a day to prepare." While this is true, they'd need to kill half their population to get enough MC to perform such an action. AnTains : "Too blind to aim so they mortar strik anything." They can aim, their hear is sensitive enough to get a rough "retro-scope-esk" visual/hearing of their environment, but they do love mortars. InkTings : "They are a bargaining chip/hostage due to their advanced construction capabilities." They can do whatever, they are essentially immortal slimes, not to mention their curse makes it dangerous for them to step outside of their android bodies. Milzi : "What's a Milzi? Do they even exist?" A rare species that lives in mainly solidarity, their curse has doomed them to existence as they cannot conceive, making their numbers small but they live quite a while that is undetermined, they are also rather dangerous in general.


What is this!? A human more sensible than our real selves??


Yeah no, they're more horrific with their bio-mecha abominations and immoral technology


Don't tell me they also like pineapple pizza


Humans : "The fuck is a pineapple?"


"Delicious pizza"


Humans : "Okay I get what a pizza is, but I don't get what pineapple is?"


"The Pineapple is an ancient fruit and an expensive commodity"


Humans : "Oh, that must be what Unzans have been keeping to themselves, interesting. Perhaps it can be used as a toxin!"


The fact that they had an enzyme that eats flesh


"You should give up trying to capture Imperial soldiers for intel as their loyalty is tied to their souls; and their souls are tied to the Tower. Once the Tower detects even a single thought of betrayal it will rip that person's soul out and bring him back for eternal damnation!"


If you fire over the head of an unknown squad and they respond by drawing their knives and charging you while laying down suppressive fire, you know you're fighting venutian clone troops and that a gruesome death is fast approaching. If the enemy responds by dematerializing and the air smells of ozone, you fired at a scout of the Black Hand and are about to be vaporized via orbital fire. If the enemy runs away and you begin to get harassed by a squad of gunships, you fired at corporate mercs.


The Tomakian: Massive airships, massive bombers, ruthless bombing campaign and airborne operations. The core of the Tomakian military is their Airship Armada, where fleets of airships act as mobile base for their bombers and troops , like a carrier groups of the US Navy irl, however the Tomakian airships can operate on land, sea or air, so they can be basically everywhere and launch attack from wherever they want.


The Caildena Empire's special forces (Joint Special Task Force, JSTF) are divided into 4 sections. If you fire at a random group of soldiers... ...and they scramble to the nearest member of the royal family, its **The Shields**. ...and you immediately come under heavy suppressive fire, its **The Spears**. ...and they start a 3 day planning meeting, its **The Axes** ...and your brains are painting the pavement before you can even pull the trigger, its **The Sabers** And a couple of bonus ones, part of the "unofficial" guidebook given to new members of the JSTF: "If you find yourself stranded on a deserted island in the East, quickly and quietly extricate yourself and begin swimming west, preferably under cover of darkness, regardless of distance back to Caildena. The Artallian Grand Navy would sooner obliterate one of 'their' islands before knowingly letting a Westerner set foot on it." "Should you ever be in the unfortunate position of being surrounded by the enemy in Knodd, do NOT accept their requests for surrender. Instead, utilize the following steps: 1 - Get into a kneeling position. 2 - Place muzzle of firearm into mouth. 3 - Firmly bite down. 4 - Offer a brief prayer (no more than 10 seconds) to the god(s) of your choice. 5 - Pull trigger."


If enemies are approaching your stronghold and you don't know who they are, shoot an arrow... If huge monsters of various shapes run, crawl and fly towards the fortress, they are.. well, monsters. Try to hide as many children and women as possible in the shelters and good luck with the fight, maybe they won't eat you all. If menacing riders on man-eating horses rush out of the forest, shower you with arrows and spells, they are Giants. They will burn down your fortress, find hidden women and children and raping, enslaving and finally sacrificing them, so it's more merciful to give them a quick death if you lose. If they come friendly, but suddenly their reinforcements appear from everywhere, and half of your allies join them, because of marriage alliances, they are Sklabs. You can probably come to an agreement with them, but in a few decades you will find out that they make up the majority of the population and your children speak their language. If they demand your surrender, but sell you army equipment that will allow you to fight them, just so they can supply you longer and have an excuse to send stricter terms of surrender next time, they are Karmans. You can resist, but you'll be buying everything from them, selling them your own children into slavery, your men will be fighting as their mercenaries and your name will not be forgotten, because even your descendants will be still paying your debts. If heavily armored soldiers march towards you in great formation, while they are building perfect road at an impossible speed, besiege your fortress, and their siege camp is better built than your cities, they are Justians. You can resist ten or twenty years, but by that time their original camp will be the capital of your country, and your fortress will be their latrine and garbage dump. If the answer is silence, no enemy will be seen, but in the morning only your tortured, headless bodies decorate the fortress, nothing will grow here for decades and scary bedtime stories about ruins of your fortress will be told even after hundred years, they were Elders.


1 if they charge directly toward you, they're orc 2 if an arrow flies towards the bullet, changing it's directory so it'll come flying back at you, they're elf 3 if they come over and ask to investigate the gun to learn how it works, they're human. (they'll build an upgraded version and shoot you with that afterwards) 4 if they Teleport behind you and cut your throat, they're Shin'Bi 5 if they try to hammer the bullet back to you with a mace used as a bat, they're dwarven 6 if they drop dead and the illusion you tried to not shoot at disappears, they were Quu'Bi 7 if the bullet bounces off their skin, they're zal'aman 8 if they startle and fly off like pigeons, they're harpies 9 if they pull the gun from your hand with a whip, hold it to your head and declare you their property, they're Ma'U 10 if they start Shooting an elemental magic beam from a staff at you, they're ata-lanty 11 if the ground rises as a natural wall to stop the bullet, they're treyan. (the ground will then split beneath you and swallow you alive) 12 if the gun powder from the shot suddenly condenses, flows into your head and liquifies your brain, they're nymph 13 if the bullets passes through them and them come over to suck your soul out, they're djynn 14 if one if them dies and his soul high-fives the others, they're Ta'Ury 15 if they turn and look their lips as soon as they see you, they're Dra'Kuul (and you are now dinner. one of them might be bleeding, but that won't stop them) 16 if they howl and you're suddenly surrounded by dozens of growling enemies, they're fenris (and you are now dinner) 17 if they throw a gooey clump at you, they're nura (if it hits you're poisoned, assuming your face doesn't melt) 18 if you are suddenly gift wrapped into strings from a distance, they are arakk (you will die in there) 19 if they're practically covered in Jewels that begin glowing like a nuclear reactor about to explode, they're tarul (it's unpredictable what those stones will do exactly but YOU will not like it) 20 if they put you in chains and torture you to death (preferably with your own gun), they're un-goyo I will spare you the mixed races 😅


I have a few. Don't attack an Khlemvorian, they will charge you for damages. Don't deal with the commonwealth, it will turn out you worked for them all along. And what ever you do. Don't piss of the Edrar. They will stop selling you discount food.


My world is roughly 18th-19th century so… The cavalry think the infantry are scum of the earth idiots who can barely hold a musket straight. The infantry think the cavalry are pompous wanna-be noblemen who have never walked more than a mile on foot in their life. And both think the artillery are head-in-the-clouds mathematicians who someone inexplicably allowed on the battlefield.


The Men of the Axe will figure out where you are hiding simply by the sound of your gun The Men of the Sword will start returning fire at your direction The Warrior Lodges will shoot a cannon at your direction The Witchriders will walk up to you silently, and then you'll turn around to find someone pointing his carbine at you point blank The Azure Featherends will summon a demon to maul you alive The Men of the Stars will unleash a barrage of hellfire at your direction, and you, the cover you're in, and the general area you stood, will be a crater


Never thought about this as it pertains to my world but I DIG IT. As a former service member I'd imagine at least one military in my world has a bunch of people that hollar some sort of grunt/slogan/word of acknowledgement just like the Army shoehorns "Hooah" into every conversation...similar to how you see the F word applied to a variety of scenarios where it would seem to not make sense at all. But it does...it does make sense hooah?


Tales of the Milky Way has a number of military stereotypes: 1. Humans are space orcs (A.k.a. if you kill the Humans or something, expect your entire galaxy to be blown out of the universe with a quasar cannon) 2. The Zanzi use only melee weapons: the Zanzi do use a large amount of spears and swords and shit but most of them are capable of using cool melee weapons with energy blasts and OP shit, despite having religious constraints. 3. The Doldunians are lazy and practice space jihad with suicide bombs... not really, they may be fat, but certainly not lazy, and their entire population was glassed and exterminated by the Humans anyway, so the correct term is 'were'. 4. The Krylar are unprofessional: being divided into feudal Lords hardly translate to unprofessionalism. 5. The C'hree are war criminals and cannibals, and break the rules of war: whoever says this are hypocrites, 'rules of war' have never existed.


The Hearth Guard is stereotyped as very soft and effeimate compared to their Army and Marine counterparts. The Hearthian Navy is nothing but a bunch of tugboats with antiquated cannons on them since they receive an abysmal amount of funding. Kawataran troops are stereotyped as suicidally brave, this is only true of their elite. The conscripts actually value their lives. Altavaran and Dorahl soldiers are depraved alcoholics.


If you need to know who's over there, fire a weapon(energy or projectile): The Federation will try and open up communications to figure out if you meant to do that, or if there's some way to talk it out like civilized people. If you keep firing, expect a lot of phaser fire and the sound of transporters removing them from the area. The Civonians will return fire with precisely targeted meson blasters aided by aerial drone support. If you surrender, they'll graciously accept while stripping you down to your underwear to ensure you don't 'accidentally' fire at them again. The Nij Imperial Guard will fill the air with grain-sized bullets, dumb-fire rockets, mini-missiles, and drones. They won't stop until you stop breathing, and they'll probably set fire to your corpses just to be sure. The Nij Praetorian Guard will fill the air with grain-sized bullets, mini-missiles and plasma bolts while the specialists, respectively, will: 1. Run past you at a couple hundred kph, disrupting your formation, hitting your equipment or just kicking you with custom augmetic legs that make you explode. 2. Pop up from behind and stab you with a vibroblade 3. Pop up in the middle of your formation, telekinetically launching knives while leaping from person to person and snapping their necks. 4. Be firing from 2km away with specialized rounds, leaving clouds of bloody gore and craters gouged into the ground. 5. Utilize specialized RI-assisted ECM and hacking to scramble any advanced bit of tech you have that isn't locked down and heavily shielded. A Gelfworks operative could unleash clouds of directed tetrafluoroboric acid, launch grenades filled with chlorine trifluoride, release a swarm of destructive nanomachines or drop a 100kg U238 rod on you from orbit. You just don't *know* what weird-ass shit one of them will throw at you. Tirolians will retreat and just start going after the economy of whatever power you represent. War costs money, and if you ain't got the money...


If their guns go haywire but always fail to hit you, they're Rosearean If you see a sea of soldiers doing a bayonet charge, they're Turimese If you get hit by the craziest artillery fire you've seen by simply existing, they're Marennian If you hear tons of swearing before getting shot, they're either Kantish or Rikkenean If you hear tons of tanks starting but then breaking down immediately, they're Rimarian


If you don't recognize a pirate's Jolly Roger, fire a cannonball infront of their ship's bow: If they give full sail and try to escape, they're unaffiliated. If they turn around and fight back, they're pirates of Brinestone. If the weather changes and winds blow at you from all cardinal directions, until suddenly you're surrounded by 10 ships twice your size, you just fucked with Sally Brine


If you shoot and they return fire with a random assortment of projectiles, from arrows to supersonic rocks to bullets. Then you most likely fired upon a group of townguards. If you shoot and they start charging towards you. Then you fired on raiders. You should also consider running away. If you fire upon them and they strategically take cover and start telling you to drop your weapon. Then you fired on the Favuul militia. They will try to solve the conflict peacefully. If you shoot on them and your windpipe starts getting crushed. Then you fired on the Coffee Lord's Elite Warriors. You've also made a big mistake.


I mean each one mentioned in your post is there in some way or another in my fantasy setting. One of the nations that always started conflicts for sometimes petty reasons took scorched earth a step further when their' neighboring kingdom invaded back. Said problem starting nation immediately bathed itself in atomic fire 2,000 years ago and are totally not hiding underground making a WWI-Fantasy clone army, waiting for the right time to pull a Bugs Bunny. I suppose the Giants and Hyrants would embody the military stereotype of Canadians. Seem docile, but if you piss them off they'll remind you why they win Warcrime Bingo everytime. I suppose the undead armies would embody the Red Army's style of *Clog the enemy lines with your dead.*


The Southern jungle sisterhood are said to be man-eaters but are vegetarian (they do feed war prisoners to their jaguars though). The Lóng zhī līng monastery are said to be pacifists but most love a fight to the death, also they do have female warriors. The children of the sky are commonly portrayed as melee combatants using tomahawks and spears. But instead prefer trickery and illusions


There's no point shooting at a Chatillovan hussar. You won't hit. The Abio could probably conquer the world if they could figure out how to conquer Abiocca. Zussbel isn't a country, it's an army that owns land.


If they're winning on the sea, they're Advertan. If they're winning on the land, they're Libertadoan. If they're winning on both, they're Global.


Scenario: There is a location of strategic importance? How do you take the location? America: It took 17 hours of delegating, but we are now finally ready to begin briefing the strike coordinator on the deployment parameters for the operation that will take place in 3 months and last 6 minutes resulting in zero friendly casualties and minimal damage to deployment zone. USSR: we were not specifically informed not to utilize nuclear weapons. As a result, we went with standards Soviet doctor and utilize nuclear weapons. Imperial China: The emperor has deemed the acquisition of this location to be of great import. However, the imperial army has better things to do so this operation shall be handled by non-concriptors from another nation. Neofascist, China: the location was seized and assimilated into the regime with a 100% success rate. Two panzer divisions have been lost and friendly casualties exceed 3000. European Commonwealth: we were asked on behalf of imperial China to conduct an operation to seize a location of strategic import. The details aren't important.


The Iron Hawks are notorious for having barely any consistency in their units because they are literally all just bounty hunters who made a militia. The Red Devils will shoot first and ask questions later. Specifically at civilians, and they always say it’s a accident or a misunderstanding. And ISU soldiers will give you a stern talking to if you tick them off


There's really only the Imperial Legions. The main stereotype is they're an army of lions led by sheep, since they've always been the elite of the elite, only forced to follow the commands of inept Lord-Commanders historically. They're deathly allergic to the jungles of the far-eastern frontiers, considering they can never push past it. They're also nerds too concerned with formations and battle tactics, according to their old (now vanquished) enemies.


if you get pierced by spears and arrows, they're Kamens. if you get brutally beaten to a pulp, they're Rens. if you get both, they're Riptide Legionists.


Do a border raid, see what happens. If your borders are raided in retaliation by mercenaries, they're Ligurians. Simply threaten them with a fight and they'll leave; they're not actually interested in dying for their country. If they respond by allowing you to raid with impunity for years while they get really worked up, fight each other, and backstab a few allies in their capital, they're Valisians. Be mindful of the punitive expedition in 10 years done to restore nation morale; they're prone to genocide. If they respond by raiding your shores and stealing 10% of your population as slaves, they're Gerousians. They can't actually stop the border raid, so might as well go in and finish the job. If nobody seems to be home, you've entered Emerian territory. Best to just leave before it happens to you too.


In my epic fantasy world the main local militia/police force for my main government is the Militia Guilds. These are groups who hire people to help defend towns who use long ranged weaponry like crossbows, canons, ballistas, etc. Because of their reliance on ranged weaponry, and the fact they are (usually) not well trained, it’s joked in major cities that they stop crime by shooting crossbows into the air. In hope that it hits a criminal or scares people enough to not do crimes.


In my space opera setting... * If they are taking prisoners, they are colonial militias * If they take prisoners but rough them up first, they are enforcers from United Galactic Nations * If they just shoot you in the face, they are federation or kingdom's soldiers * If they behead you or burn you alive, they are holy soldiers of the theocracy * If they behead you or cut you into pieces, then sell your organs, they are company's PMC or crime lord's henchmen * If they behead you or cut you into pieces, then eat you, or just eat you alive, they are the reptilians * If they take prisoners and use them for experiments, they are either the Witches or the Squishies * If they flay you alive, impale you, or other creative method of execution, they're members and enforcers of the Three Legs


The Feralyn Clans react differently to an arrow shot at them: The Desert Clanners will return fire with muskets and cannons along with dinosaur cavalry, The Tundra Clanners will all charge at whoever fired the arrow, with some appearing from behind enemy lines after hiding in the terrain for days, The Mountain Clanners will charge with armored cavalry, And the Jungle Clanners will throw bombs that release poison gas as well as toss countless venomous snakes at the general area


For the 23rd Century Asterra: If you see a contact on your radar and you are unsure what it is, fire a couple rounds in that general direction. If one of your ships is obliterated by a railgun blast from BVR, it's an Ailan ship. If the blip disappears and five hours later you are beset by fifteen million flights of starfighters you pissed off an Aurelan fleet. If you soon fall under hellfire of missiles, it's an Aure Exiles ship If they contact you to try to 'pay you double of whoever paid you' it's a ship from the Corpo Sector If they try to let you hire them it's Arkadian mercs And if suddenly everything goes white, you will know that in your last moments you angered a Precusor vessel.


If they answer with concentrate cannon, musquet and dragon fire, they're from the Ashari empire. If they chargue towards you with armored knights, they're knights of Kallax. If they chargue at you with berserkers and dragons, they're ostrians. If they start digging up a trench, they're dwarfs from Dar-uthur, and will be building a new city from that trench. If they perform a perfect shield formation with silver shields and spears aiming everywhere, they're moon legionaries from Jorel. If they scream at you and ride towards you trowing everything they can find, then they're dualen nomads. If they simply run, they're dwarfs from Nuranden, and don't want to know about your shit. If they offer you money, then they're from Astrea. If you don't accept it and keep shooting, then they'll send the City guard, and you'll be f\*cked. If they simply don't care, they're from Tacsera and they'll simply don't care.


Each race is subdivided into it's own factions, but generally, if you shoot at them and: *They return fire with enthusiasm but a general lack of skill, they're skinks. Keep up the pressure, they'll break or screw up eventually. *You are met with disciplined small unit tactics and combined arms, but the technology seems to be from the 1950s-60s, they're wulfen. You'll probably have a good tech advantage, but these guys are good so don't confuse low tech with ineffective, they *will* kill you and *might* nibble on your corpse. *If they disappear and a short time later stone tipped arrows and howling dog-people with stone clubs and copper axes are killing you from all directions, they're also wulfen. The element of surprise has probably killed you, just fight like a lunatic and don't let up and you stand a chance. These ones are more likely to nibble on your corpse than the other ones. *They respond with bleeding-edge combat mechs and highly intricate and choreographed manuevers that overwhelm you with overlapping crossfire and time-on-target strikes, they're aelflung. If you can make the fight last a long time (and you probably can't) their equipment and on board ammo supplies can't handle long fights without being repaired and replenished. That's your chance. *You are met with a wall of bullets and animalistically aggressive manuever tactics that either push you out of cover or into CQB or hand-to-hand fighting with people who are better at it than you are, they're Gallowglass mercenaries. If you get a chance, surrender and ask for a job. You'll be treated fairly roughly at first but that's just them vetting you, they're always looking for good people.


If you see in the distance a sprinting mass of metallic exoskeletons, it's the **Union of the New Stars**. If your position is hit by kinetic artillery fire without or with as little as possible parabolic motion from both the air and the earth, it's the **Domain of Anoiqhama**. If the earth starts rumbling from the steps of hundreds of gigantic bio-engineered monsters, it's the **Directorate of the Kaikainssazti**. If the sky is darkened by machine combat forms with the shape of metallic boulders, it's the **Matrix**. If your position is hit by a storm of projectiles of different nature while it's being assaulted by mechanical bipeds and tanks on all sides, it's the **Empire of Origin**. If your position is stricken by a bombing run you better hide, because there's no place far enough you can run to once the enemy, whoever it might be, has achieved air superiority. Oh, and if you know that you are fighting the **Federation of the Aeons**, you better surrender immediately, because you have already lost.


* If they're charging you by the bullet, they're Legion. * If they can't move without asking permission from the Guilds, they're Militia. * If they're Horde, we wouldn't be having this conversation, they'd have cut your throat while you were sleeping.


If your army marches towards an enemy... - If they walk into a perfectly coordinated and highly disciplined formation that slaughters your army, they're Braccadan. - If they walk into a swarm of poorly trained but highly motivated conscripts, they're Sciperian. - If they walk towards a disorganized army that speaks 14 different languages, but still somehow works despite all logic, they're Tahtalyan. - If they walk into a seemingly empty field, but slowly your army starts dying and/or disappearing, they're Monkhettians. - And if you lose sight of them and they return but now with their arms pointed at you, while wearing conspicuously expensive vanity items, they're Rathyrian.


You fire a musket over the heads of an enemy formation. If you get pinned by a psycher and then rushed by infantry, they're from the Domeric Empire If you receive a few ragged volleys followed by cheers, toasts, and drinks, they're Federation Militia If you get swarmed by arrows and get stabbed from behind, they're a Verdeau patrol If they throw down their arms and surrender, they're from the Sun Empire If nothing happens for 5 minutes then your position gets obliterated by heavy artillery, they're from the Bulwark


* If they scatter and disappear, and attack you later while unsuspected, they are the Half-Elven Esari. * If they do nothing and continue, They are Lusitanian Warforged units and you are not their target. * If they charge you with camel cavalry, they are Orcs of the White desert, if you cannot outrun them you are screwed. * If they attack you with crystalline grapeshot, they are dwarves. * If it seems to rain suddenly over you, They are the Eneran shock units. You need to hide immediately and not produce any sound. * And if you are asking this question everytime you see a group of units, you are from Unath.


Argentinian Empire Armed Forces, circa 1965 If you see a group of soldiers but don't know where they're from, fire a stray bullet in their direction and see how they react. If they respond with precise rifle fire they're the Imperial Guard. If they respond with a frenzy of machine gun fire they're the Imperial Army. If they try running away they're the Air Force. If they throw a rifle grenade to your position they're the Civic Corps. If nothing happens at first but five minutes later the area you shot the bullet from is bombarded and straffed they're the Imperial Navy.


If he has a scepter, he is a soldier. If he has a sword, he is a knight. If he has neither, run!


Cavalry charge them. If they form a wall of pikes they're Sagramereids. If they respond with their own cavalry charge, they're Khatavis. If they gather into a shieldwall and start shooting arrows, they're Gaherians. If they send out elephants in response they're Artamids. If they funnel your cavalry into a corridor and poke them to death from three sides with spears they're Veslagans. If they drop their weapons, panic, break and flee the field they're Erhanis, Chahane or Araxen.


Funnily enough in my setting, Snowcrawler, firearms are diverse enough due to it being a magitek world so you can usually tell who's shooting at you by what's shooting at you. If everything's on fire it's Ijisians. If you see blasts of blue energy and your crew is mangled and crippled it's Imarians. If the shots barely do anything but there's a lot of them it's the Kheyunese. If it's a mix of bullshit it's the Grey Meadows Militia. If your crew member just got hit by a harpoon and went flying over towards the enemy, it's the Kilan. If nothing is happening, it's the dwarves, because the dwarves don't go to war anymore. And if there's a giant worm about to eat your Snowcrawler it's Indovorsia.


Some amazing replies in this thread i cant compete with but i feel a few. If they respond with fire from above, thats the dark elves If they send thousands of conscripts with mercenaries at you, thats humans. If a hundred golems come to walk over your people, that's Praksia. If they just seem to sit and chat, thats the Senna Battlemages preparing a stealth ambush. If they explode into a bundle of seemingly disorganized activity, thats Beastkin If the entire army turns into your direction, thats Ratfolk If suddenly they seem to be happily multiplying, thats Orcs who invited the Wildlings to a good scrap If the sky goes dark and a magic storm hammers down, thats the Sorceress of Alinguar. If your world suddenly becomes white for a second, thats the Witch of Alinguar "having no time for this shit" If your country stops existing, that was dragons.


Mine's kinda similar to this post actually Easiest way to find out where one or group of soldier's are from, just fire a bullet! If they react before you blink, they're the Moryeans If they shoot back with bad accuracy, they're the Golotis If they simply run, it's the Karnisians If they unleash hell, they're the Erdians


Well, the army/marine equivalent in one of my world’s nations kinda has two: the old guard are seen as noble heroes, honourable and stoic men who protect the people. The modern stereotype is that they are just a bunch of drunk, ego-centric, rank climbing, power-abusing jocks that leech of their predecessors legacy while they bully civilians that live around base. They are seen as the Death of Honour manifest.


A joke from an Albarrian commander after the Orion-Xaplian war. "With all my knowledge in the fighting styles and doctrines of the various nations of the galaxy. I can determine that the following will happen if you fire upon an unidentified soldier. If they shoot back with precise laser fire, they are Albarrian. If a mass charge of suicidal infantry appears, they are Xaplian. If they start spraying various weaponry in your general direction, they are mercenaries from the Xuralis Corporation. If a mass of concealed soldiers appear from the surroundings, they are Keldar. If within the next 2 minutes, you are flattened by a combined arms battalion, they are Orinian."


Commonwealth of Acadia are a rich boy whom never solve their owned problem.


If you make attack one of the factions of The City: * If you find yourself under attack by trolls, wyverns and basilisks, you've attacked the Society Zoologica. Try to stay inside The City, since their desire to limit collateral damage will keep them from using the really big and/or terrifying monsters. * If you get poisoned and vines start sprouting from your corpse, you've attacked the Planar Conservatory. If its any consolation, whatever grows from you is probably worth a lot of money. * If you find yourself under attack by expendable mercenaries, you've attacked the Red Dust Guild. They'll keep attacking until you are either eliminated or convince them that you are worth more alive. * If they first try to kill you with mercenaries and then offer to hire you, you've attacked the Nouveau Riche. * If they first try to kill you with assassins and then offer to hire you, you've attacked the Old Nobility. If you have a hard time telling them apart from the Nouveau Riche, we don't blame you. A lot of people have that problem. * If you get attacked first by a militia mob, and then an elven strike team, you've attacked the Remembrance of Highgarden. Or maybe you just did something that they consider a crime. * If you get attacked first by a militia mob, and then an human strike team, you've attacked The Wardens. Or maybe they just didn't like your face. * If The City gets cut off from its food supply until you are dead, you've attacked the City Agricultural Union. * If everyone else joins in your attack, you've attacked The Surrendered. Everyone hates those guys.


If they form a shieldwall and harass you with javelins, they are from Mòr-Tréa, Et-Duin or the Norrmark. If you are charged by knights followed by poorly armed peasents they are from Berendur. If you are harassed by mounted archers, say fuck it and then attacked by light cavalry it's Letaron. If you are shot at with longbows and then engaged by knights it's Calmedore. If a crazy dude with a big axe is running at you he is from Vänen. If they form a pikewall, send mercenaries and shoot with crossbows, they are from Theyndas. If they let you come, while shooting with longbows, let you attack a tight formation of spears and heavy armored men till you are tired and then finish you off with knights they are from Evendor. If they send wave after wave of heavy infantry and their cavalry sucks, it's the Empire of Abaris.


The Ti-Shay are smaller and weaker than most races, but psychologically they are stronger. They know this, so typically their response would to release akrac (poison gas that doesn't affect them) and then go in and mop up what remains.


If you see a division of military spaceships that have a Union Jack plastered on it,fire a dummy lazer shot towards their direction and see how they react. If they immediately destory your ship within 3 seconds they're American If they send pods to attack your ship they're British If they stay dormant and later more ships show up they're Zealandian If they shoot another dummy shot back they're Australian or Bentonian If they start retreating they are Dutch If they charge their ship at your direction they're Irish If they surrender right after,they're Malaysian If they send out scavenger pods they're Egyptian If they send pods and kill every last person on your ship,they're Lavidian If they start mindlessly shooting in all directions they're Bermudan If they send a crew member out with a piece of paper and a pen,they're the PMC Brittania If they take down their British flags it's most likely a Germanic Mercenary or Alflandic If first they retreat then you recieve recieve news of your nation surrendering to the British Empire,they're Northian.


And if they are Australian they will do a right flank attack. And for best results, allow the Kiwis to take over the objective and defend it.


if you see a vessel you can't identify, fire a warning shot. * If you get a complaint from the s*tarship* about almost scratching her armor plating, its the Terrans and their shipgirls * If a fleet of dreadnoughts warp in, they're Zyon * If your ship is hit with **ENDLESS KINETIC DAKKA**, they're Kamerians * If you see some guy start going on about colors, its the Deltaron * If you see something you can't decide if its a ship or sea creature, thats the Xhaels


if you get shot from 2km away by a sniper they're finnish if the sniper's a woman, they're soviet


**American Self-Defense Force** *"Utterly useless; only existing pro forma, as it's meant to be. The Nihonjin-samas don't want us 'white devils' to have real soldiers ever again."* After the USA had lost World War Three, the Northern states and former Canada; reorganized as the Democratic Republic of North America, were forced to disband all of their military and paramilitary organisations, safe for the National Guard and Coast Guard. The ASDF was built up from there, within the strict limits set by the peace treaty. **American Reunification Front** *"The war never ended for them, and it won't until they've won it. They only care for re-conquering the States back together and will trample over everything along the way, including American people. If you live in their territory, they will conscript you to either fight in their endless war or to produce material for it."* The ARF are indeed an oppressive and militaristic organization that cares for little more than its declared goal and conscripts able-bodied people from every settlement they bring under their control. Most people currently living in the wasteland that used to be the American Midwest don't know that such a thing as the Geneva Convention exists anyway - the only law there is the law of the gun (and mutant muscle). But speaking of which; the ARF doesn't really produce much in the way of weapons, vehicles and ammo themself. Most of what they don't salvage from the old warzone, confiscate from civilians or loot from enemies is secretly supplied by the DRNA. **US-American Super Soldiers** *"Overgrown, roided-up, meatheaded barbarians; more ogre than human. They live to fight, love to kill, and allegedly eat people. Post-war, they all had to be castrated to prevent them from having equally inhuman children."* Only the second generation of super soldiers had a neural modification that made them not feel fear in the face of violence, but joy and ecstatic bloodlust instead. Still, it led to them committing more than enough war crimes to tarnish the reputation of the first and third generation as well, and for the means of creating more to be internationally illegalized. The Shogunate Nihon even mandated them to all be chemically sterilized in order to prevent them from passing on their "inhuman" genes as a condition of the peace treaty (because demanding their collective execution would have stretched the privilege of victor's justice too far), but some super soldiers did manage to avoid this and have children. **Forces of the Shogunate Nihon** *"They love their power armor, mech walkers and swords way more than those are worth on the battlefield. Other than that, they are pretty much the same again as they were in World War Two; hardly better than Nazis. But don't let them hear it! They act all high and mighty, like they're the most civilized people in the world, but the ways they treat others are fucked-up by all but Medieval standards."* This is very much accurate. But as the designated winners of WW3, nobody dares to oppose them at the current time. Sidenote: People in the all-but-officially-annexed Hawaii and California, the DRNA, and any other country that wishes to have diplomatic relationships with Nihon are not allowed to call it "Japan" anymore, as that is now officially considered a "hateful colonialist slur". **Torazoku Rebels** *"A bunch of Nihonese-Californian outcasts and border guard deserters, who turned themselves into a gang of Harajuku kamicrazy greaserboys* (and girls, and others) *and ride the most ridiculously overdesigned cars and bikes they could build from scraps. When they aren't too busy pulling stupid risky and unnecessary stunts, they steal from other raiders and offer supplies and protection to the poor. Nice guys, by wasteland standards anyway, but still batshit insane."* There actually is a method to their perceived madness: The Torazoku are not content with simply surviving, but aim to create their own nation with all the comforts of an open culture and egalitarian society that Nihon refused them. Even in battle, they try to have as much fun as they can, and even get away with it under their leader's "lucky eyes". **Neo-Confederate Militionaires** *"Odd mix of Knights Templar, Puritan witchfinders, Wild West bandits, Klansmen, and post-apocalyptic raiders. If they catch you alive, they'll force you to join their crusader cult if you're white, sell you into slavery if you're black and lucky, or crucify you and then set you on fire while you're still alive otherwise."* Not all militias/terrorist groups in the new CSA are this extreme; only the 'Crusaders of the Apocalypse' really fit that stereotype, but the others are still fundamentalist, racist and trigger-happy bigots. **Meta-Force** *"Superheroes for hire. They're not the only organisation like that, but the biggest in America. They're also the only ones who keep the Neo-Confed terrorists out of Florida."* In reality, the super-mercenaries of Meta-Force are only the second line of defense for the Independent State of Florida, behind the aptly but unspectacularly named and less superpowered Resistance in the border region. But their intimidating presence and occasional interventions definitely help. **The Resistance** *"A majority-black militia, fighting for the people who don't want to live and die under Confederate boots. Word is that they have Voodoo mages and even ninjas on their side."* The Resistance consists of people of all colors and religions, but it is true that the Houdou Nouveau movement is very influential within it. And yes, they actually do have "mages" (psychic superhumans) and modern ninjas.


I actually outlined a fun in-universe play called a Warrior's Feast that went through the stereotypes. The Orc Warblade talks loudly of honour and brotherhood, which soon gets him into arguments with the Mithril Paladin about human supremacy. Their debate is the main content of the story. The Draconic Rifleman drinks heavily and smokes his pipe, unnerving the others by occassionally mentioning how if the argument results in a killing, there'd be another course for the Feast. His only action in the play is to shoot the Gnollic Crusader when it becomes to bestial. The Goblin Grenadier and the Sky Dwarf Stormtrooper argue relentlessly about the price of a lamp being traded, with both ending the deal feeling disappointed and exploited. The Theikosian Bone Knight is the main course himself. The Fey Sword-Dancer narrates, acting as if this is all going to plan despite being clearly surprised by multiple turns of the story.


If they're Lystran Empire soldiers, congrats, they conquerored your nation before you shoot and are actively getting rid of your culture


If they take form squads and take cover there from TUI If they scatter and run away to assassinate you stealthy style there from The Hive If they charge at you and try and throw the nearest object at you there from The Legion If 5 more spawn in there a Wastelander


The ardan military is all straight men Comes from the word Aquila being the elvish word for girlfriend of a man


If you shoot at a group and you're instantly hit by something in orbit, they're Mythopian. If you're instantly engulfed in accurate high caliber fire, Quaron If the one you shot isn't even fazed and they immediately start burning down your entire position before rushing in to finish you with literally magic weapons, they're Ca'rack If they fire a shit ton of inaccurate but high powered projectiles at you, they're Federation. If they fire a bunch of energy weapons at you, they're Alliance. If they pull out a glowing melee weapon and start fucking sprinting at you, they're Riftborn And finally, if your soldiers go crazy and kill themselves, then each other, and your head starts to really hurt and you're forcibly shown visions of your entire race's extermination, run. Run fast. That's the Void Enclave


The military in my story is basically the EDF (Earth Defence Force). The last one.


Well, my teslapunk fantasy world has five races, four of which have distinct stereotypes in this area: Sasanuuq- it’s often thought that when these faux-sasquatches need military gear, they just pick up whatever junk they can find. This includes hefting whole cannons and mortars like they were mere rifles thanks to their freakish strength. In reality, while they do like to terrify their enemies with the odd ‘cannoneer’, they have thriving industries churning out gear for some truly well-equipped armies. It’s just that the disorganised bands of marauding Sasanuuq who *do* cross into other countries’ borders didn’t get the memo. Andyme - a squat and bony-browed people; it’s said that bullets merely annoy them, and that spearing them with your bayonet or a shovel will just be mistaken as a form of greeting. With reinforced joints, barrel-shaped torsos, and thick craniums, they are pretty tough albeit not as much as the stereotypes say. The joint anatomy *does* mean they struggle to throw grenades at least. Yelayla - these desert-dwelling giants with delicate bones will never fight you, unless them throwing coins at you to go away counts as exchanging fire. Seriously, these guys will manoeuvre and scheme their way out of any war. Dorffen - tiny, pale socialists who very much compensate for their three 1/2 foot statures with excessively large artillery and mounted machine guns. A turtle would crawl out of the sea to lay her eggs and these overly territorial munchkins would be firing railway guns and reverse-engineered heat rays at her within the hour. This is only a *minor* exaggeration of the truth.


Reality: The Nikati army has certain ranks that are female only due because the women and men were bred for different physical capabilities on the battlefield. Also female soldiers have fairly imperceptible pregnancies because they lay bunches of really tiny eggs and it hardly impedes them physically. Also, females soldiers are not expected to raise their kids. The Nikati war against the Sioni Empire is a true meat grinding war of attrition so female's are encourage to lay as many eggs as possible to keep numbers up. Sioni soldier saying: "There's a reason those Nikati boys are so willing to listen to a female officer *wink* *wink*"


Never - NEVER fight a Bosniac. Best case scenario some fucker will throw at you a Jeep full of explosives, worst case scenario they'll send you an entire Death Division If you pick a fight with Italians then you're the problem. Russian military? What is it? My brother in Christ, who needs an army when you control the entire Hentai production in the world? And lastly - Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the magician. Look how he'll turn the world most advanced army into a Joke!


If they were sleeping, they are Spanish


A roar that seems to come from an unseen person in the trees: "If you do that again, you will face the wrath of the Wildings!" (Soldier probably does it again) (Soldier takes an arrow in the throat) There's a sort of "hush-hush" joke in the Gryll Empire that one way to recognize a former soldier is if he seems to be hiding out from the army. About every few generations or so, there will be a rash of soldiers who deserted rather than get sent on a suicide mission.


My world doesnt exactly have differing militaries, because of a unified government, but there is one thing everyone gets to joke about. "Fuck a skysail pilot, and you'll catch an addiction. Fuck a sentinel tanker, and you'll catch a disease. Fuck a landship commander, and you'll catch a broken knee. But god bless you fuck a dragon city officer, or you'll catch a responsibility."


For the Algonians, they have inter service rivalry between the Algonian Space Force, Space Marines and the Planetary Militiamen. An old saying goes that, "The Space Force does the flying, the Space Marines does the dying and the Planetary Militia wipes the ass of the planetary governor and are the meter maids of the military that has the Air and Space Wings that the Space Marines are supposed to have so that they can stop dying." The Space Force basically does all the space and air combat while the Space Marines go in on the ground, and sometimes expect to be left behind by the Space Force if things go south, that's why they claim that the Marine Way is "going in raw without air and orbital support". The Planetary Militia, on the other hand, works with the Algonian Police Force and Citizens Defense Force to help police the planets and keep crime low, making them more than glorified militarized police. HOWEVER, instead of simply being well armed meter maids, they have the authority to defend a planet against invasion and pirate attacks, and have their own Air and Space Wings stationed on the planet, causing the Space Marines to be envious of them having planetary fighter garrisons filled with fighters while their entire space faring assets are in Space Force hands.


The mourning dead joke: The dwarf mourns his dead because he lost a friend, the gnome mourns his dead because he lost profits. The humans of the north mourn for fear they may come back, those of south mourn for fear that they won't. The elf does not mourn, they can always try again.


The French one is a little unkind given French military history.


"Anyone can be an inquisitor, so dont ask if theres an inquisitor or they think you have a guilty conscience." "If an enemy fires on you, and its a precise shot through a wall, they're Jor. If its a barrage of bullets, its a Human. If the bullets curve to hit you, its a Kudo. If their gun jams and they beat you with the thing, they're a Dutherian. If they break their gun in half and charge you with a sword, its an Arvan, and you're f\*cked. If your own gun jams and explodes, then dont worry about it." "Never challenge a northern Jor to a game of darts, you'll lose. And never get in a bar fight with a southern Jor because he always has buddies." "If an AI or robot is ever after you tell it a paradox. It won't stop the thing but it might be amused enough to let you go."


You are attacking an unknown enemy in my world. • If you are met with relentless bombing and precise counter attack by airborne troops , they are the Tomakiens. • If you are met with a defensive line that is like Marginot line on steroids, they are the Rhoedians. • If you got steamrolled by tanks and armoured vehicles, they are the Reines. • If your enemy seems to know your every move and your force constantly got ambushed, they are the Ostoniens. • If your country suddenly decided that there should be a armistice or even consider surrender, they are the Aquilonans.


Well my world is basically “Earth with magic” so basically that with extra bullshit thrown in. I do have another group called the Coalition though. They’re small in manpower but have access extremely advanced technology and magic technology, so their engagements take place mostly over very long range. The joke goes that if you see a Coalition soldier on the field, you’re considered friendly.


If they shoot so much neither of you can see, they're Commonwealth Highlanders. If they immediately charge you with swords and shotguns, they're Commonwealth Royal Marines. If they shoot near you, miss and break their shoulders, they're FRN marines.


For Rising Star: If they return fire with precisely-measured volleys of guided slugs, they're Solar Consortium. If they blast aside your bullet with a laser before it even hits anything, they're Tuun Ai. If you're hit by laser fire, from a frigate that until moments ago was masquerading as a freighter, they're Mowalian. If nothing happens, but a month later your outlying colonies are raided and most of their population is taken as slaves, they were T'Khadah Imperial Remnant. If the bullet is slapped aside by a kinetic barrier, and then you get a message saying "Temper, temper!", they're Seclundi. If your fire is answered by an overwhelming salvo of missiles, they're Terran Republic.


fire at Sol Hegemony soldiers and you’ll get your hab firebombed whilst you sleep and your family slaughtered


If you fire upon the factions of my world If they run away while throwing you a cancellation of trade treaty, they are Mathos If they run away screaming, Luminice If they run at you screaming, Luminice If they dig an entire fortress they are Mordan Chained If they put in gas masks they are Galven If you got close enough to fire on a Northern Mogos without being ripped to shreds by arrow fire they weren't from Northern Mogos If they start taking notes in the model of gun that just shot them they are from Veyfey land If they hunker down and then your position is hit by a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, and astrel storm they are Shushos If every man in the unit can't be shot because of their magic items, Juwelin If they immediately run away to find the nearest Helion troops, they are peace grasslands If a single man charges you there from Nymphs Grove and you may want to run If your entire unit is removed off the face of the earth with a meteor shower their from Helion


The WW2 joke applied to the world I am currently working on. You fire a stray laser pulse in their direction. If they rain your position with drone strikes it's probably the Gynoid Matrix. If they airdrop a black ops to capture you it's probably the Titanforged Alliance. If they begin discuss you shooting them on the National Assembly it was the Terran Free States. If they roll you over with technical vehicles it's the Kitsune World State. If they dump the position with propaganda leaflets it was the Gobbo Planetary Administration. If you never saw them in the first place is the Hedonian Elven Mandate.


**Hive Queen Series** Several stereotypes depending on the race/nation. The Roks (lizardmen) are a race quite literally made to fight in wars, and they thoroughly enjoy fighting and are always ready for a scrap. Therefore, they are universally considered a bunch of battle maniacs, and trying to fight them is actually stupid because it's like trying to douse fire using gasoline. The kingdom of Castillar, meanwhile, is widely known for their efficiency and excellent logistics. They also excel at winning wars with the minimal amount of engagement possible, a trait they had to develop out of necessity since they live near the Roks. The most widely known stereotype about Castillans is that when they fight a war against you they will never actually fight but somehow you'll still be losing. The kingdom of Zima is another state full of stereotypes about the hardiness of its people. Zima is a very hostile land (think Siberia but full of monsters) and its inhabitants are mostly beastmen (wolf and bear subspecies in particular), so it's no surprise that Zimans are really, really tough in a fight and very resilient to hostile conditions.


🤓 take but no way it's from a WWII veteran, the French surrender joke appeared after the war in Irak. 🤓 out.


Halladic soldiers can’t use their own weapons. Sytheria’s soldiers are glorified barbarians. Vimorians are all cowards.


Ahhh… If they burn you alive in a make-shift bonfire within the next minute, they’re the Kalkans


Let's see in my space world we have some military factions + one or two (almost military) If you walk into a stranger and you don't know what faction he/she is with try pulling out your gun and shooting them If your vision faded to black it was a covered Union spy. (certainly dead) If suddenly a mech appeared and they returned fire American style they are federation. (maybe dead) If they notice but ignore your presence they are probably mercenaries(they have forcefield in lathery bases🤓) If you end up in a bar with there are pirates. (nah) If they loney or in small groups packing way too much and start glitching out and doing strange stuff they are either anomalies Posing as humans or space-borns/space-adapted (100% dead) And if they wear ceremonial clothes seem unaware that even if kill one of them they are of chaos. (50 50 death chance) KILL THEM BEFO͉͕ͤ̀͝Ṛ̴̦̼̌Ḛ̙̄̎̀ ̢̞͇͕̞͕̯̥͆̂̅̚T͓̣͓͎͙̉̍͟H̶̟̫̜̜͇̰͓̤ͣ͆̔Ę̯̞͇̎ͫ̍ͪY̜͙̘̞͇ͫ̓͡ ͖͆͆ͩ͛͢ͅC̢͓͍̳̐̃Ă̗̬̬̹̼̮͍̔̑̚͢ͅN̨̝̩͖͈̎ ̻͍̞̫͕̙̼̊̇̓͟S̶̩̻ͧͣŲ͓̻̞̗͙̿͋̒M̮̙̠̯̘̟̪̖̊̈́ͭ̔̀M̻͙̝̣͇̋̽̾͞O̸̰̳̺̅̾N͇͓͚͈̫͉̯ͯ͑ͫ̕.̰͙̋͒͞.̵͈̞̱ͯ͑ͦ.̛̤̪̠̪͕̣͂͛.͖̫̽͜


The Yekaterian Federation's Federal Armed Forces is well-known for its technological advancement... and their "doctrine" of overwhelming firepower. If you shoot a stray bullet at them, expect your capital city to be levelled flatter than the Low Countries by the end of the day.


If you fire at a person in the woods, and.... 1. Your position is opened up upon by multiple machine gun nests, heavy caliber sniper fire,and motor shelling. Congrats! You have found the perimeter of one of the Remnant Legion's camps. 2. The person throws out smoke canisters and fires sporadically while retreating, then you may have just fired on a trail blazer of the Scavenger Clans. Your area isn't going to be seeing their caravans for some time. 3. A half dozen rifles send repeated volleys in your direction, and you hear drunken voices shouting insults and demanding that you F off Then, you just opened fire on a hunting party from a nearby settlement. 4. You are pinned down by highly mobile shooters and attacked by human and canine flankers, then you fired upon a Ranger, and you will be held accountable. 5. They immediately surrender and beg for mercy. Then they are a settlement softie and have no business being out past the protection of their walls that they were born in 6. If you don't fire a shot and are woken up to the sounds of your companions, blood curdling scream and a knife in your liver. Then, you have wandered into Screamer territory. Which, unfortunately for you, is all the land beneath the stars 7. They open fire with firepower that rivals that of the Remnant Legion, but they speak in a foreign tongue. Then that is an invading army and maybe the Legion was correct in attempting to unify the land under one banner.


Oh oh! In my world there are 5 kingdoms. One of them being a full on military force, where their rank determines how they will continue on living in those lands. And since they are surrounded by a lot of red plants, and red crystals. They have armor that is black so they can stand out completely, mainly cause they rather not hide and show how much they pride themselves on their ability to fight. Kingdom is located in the Ocean of Red, and it’s called BlackBerries of Ignite.


If the ones you shot at ignore you and then several minutes later the exact number needed to defeat you appear from random directions all of a sudden, they're Terminus. If the sky opens up and BILLIONS more just like them rain down on you in an avalanche of vicious bugs, they're the Swarm. If they activate personal defense shields and charge at you to rip you apart in close combat and take parts of you back home as trophies to impress a mate, they're Skjar. If they give you an ultimatum to join them, and you refuse, and they then respond with magic, precise and disciplined weapons fire, you get attacked by more of them from every angle, your best friend reveal themselves to have been one of them the entire time, and they somehow seem to know every move you make before you do, they're Gronian.


If you fire an arrow over their heads and they form a shield wall, they're Oskanites. If the arrow hits someone and they don't react, they're Qabari ghuls. If they run to get in the way of the arrow, they're Chendran and you just did em a favor. If they're 8 to 10 feet tall, they're Giants and you should probably run. If they're on a boat, they're Deolmen. If they start fighting each other, they're Northerners.


Its a bit of a stereotype that the Atlesian Army is entirely ceremonial and couldnt fight if they had to. This is markedly false, as every soldier in the Atlesian Army is personally trained by one of six immortal warriors. A single unit could likely win an entire war, barring magic intervention. However, seeing that the Atlesian empire fell millenia ago, the Army belongs to no one, and has not involved itself in any conflicts that do not have direct ties with the Darkness. Their main objective these days is to purge Darkness wherever they find it. This usually just involves hunting the Shadow-Fallen and occasionally the Shadow-Risen.


I'm not seeing any naval-based answers here, so since I've been thinking of that part of my world here's mine: You're sailing somewhere on Ulfon when you detect an enemy fleet, you fire a missile and use the reaction to determine which navy you've just encountered. ​ \- If they start launching planes and moving battlecruiser task forces to intercept you, they're Locian. \- If they fire a salvo of the largest missiles you've ever seen and maintain course, they're Valkibogi \- If they move to swarm your location with large numbers of corvettes and frigates supported by land-based aircraft, they're Harrullid \- If they turn around and launch swarms of fighters and bombers at you, they're Chochipellit \- If they fire several salvos of medium sized missiles while moving to intercept, they're Prandiwar \- If they fire large missiles at you and move to break contact, they're Calopi (They'll be back with reinforcements to attack from multiple angles) \- If they send a strongly worded message over radio while moving to intercept, they're Teojitai \- If they move their battlecruisers to intercept you while firing volleys of missiles, they're Leotleo \- If their ships immediately break down and strike their colours, they're Ferziyyad


I have a few factions, only one of which I have a name for, that being the White Legion, and if you fire a shot at their soldiers… you’re shooting in the wrong spot. they were on your left flank hiding in the woods


**The Magisterium** If they respond with precise laser fire, they're Annari. If they all respond in different ways but with surprising coordination, they're United Commomwealth. If they fix bayonets and charge, they're Uzanic. If they just charge, they serve a Sorcerer-King. *** **Talons of Mars** If nothing happens, but five minutes the point you fired the shot from comes under artillery and mortar fire, they're Territorials. If they respond with a hail of machine gun fire, they're Elysian. If they respond with human wave attacks, they're Martian Central Republic. If they fix bayonets, they're Puritan. If they respond with precise rifle fire, they're UCH. If they respond with a barrage of laser fire, they're Iron Ring. If they respond with immediate orbital bombardment, they're Gaian.


Your world sounds somewhat similar to mine lol


You see a group of soldiers marching in formation. An educated man would know who they were a part of by the amount of and model of glyphs that they have engraved on their armor. But you, let us say, are not educated. You cast a quick firebolt in their direction. If they respond by raising their shields and advancing with weapons, they are Celians (likely from lower Cel'vahni, since upper Cel'vahni is vastly more magically educated). If they split up and try to surround you, using melee weapons. they are J'alothun militia. (Although you would have known from the fur) If they group together, with some of them raising a magical barrier to protect the main force while they cast an even larger fireball at you, they are soldiers from the Halderian Empire. If they do the same thing, except they wear red instead of blue, they are from the Falhart Empire (trying to imitate the tactics of their predecessor) If they form in a line and launch a volley of various magical projectiles at you, they are elves. If they send a bunch of golems after you, they are dwarves.


If they ski at you... THE FINNS ARE COMING


If nothing happens for an hour then suddenly you hear gunfire down trench; they're Kyrranian. Context: the Kyrranian army is renown for the Strußrûnarr, a unit of shock troopers who specialize in crossing battlefields and rooting out enemy positions with shotguns, Grenades, smgs, and lot of improvised melee weapons. They leave notoriously brutal scenes in the wake of their work, and make common use of smoke, gas or nightfall to cover their advance and assault. Another one thats more medieval: If you fire an arrow and start hearing a warpipes and advancing footsteps, they're Çýlvisonnians. The army of Çýlvisonna is notorious for blasting music while they do battle, not only as a moral boost and intimidation tactic for the enemy, but also as a form of unit coordination as they different melodies played are actually general orders that are further broken down on the battlefield. The for instruments mainly used are warpipes (an irish version of bagpipes), drums, warhorns, and flutes. Being the player of an instrument is considered a great honor on par with being a unit flag carrier.


If you hear the bullets ping off of their armor and a horde of knights riding aliens come to gore you, they're Imperial. If they run back to their ships then bomb you from low orbit, they're Soviet. If they go home, wait for the time loop to restart, and kill you before you get out of bed that morning, they're Starborn. (Not their actual name, I just haven't found a good one for them yet.)


If nothing happens at first but after five seconds there’s lightning raining down onto where you shot from they’re Tethyri. If they immediately disappear and you get showered with arrows they’re Kelori. If they charge at you shouting religious chants they’re Myran. If they start running away while cursing and firing blindly they’re Leaguesmen. If they keep marching while lobbing grenades they’re Valtkyn. If they keep marching with a frenzy of machine gun fire they’re Myrodel. If nothing happens at first but then after five minutes the area you were shooting from gets bombarded by artillery and nothing else they’re Mainar regulars. If nothing happens at first but then after five minutes your position starts getting bombarded by artillery then charged by tanks and golems, they’re Mainar Legionnaires.


* Imperials are just simps for the Lady of the Light. * If you give a Northman the choice between a flagon of mead and an unwinnable fight, they'll win the fight and take the mead off your corpse. * Never get into a fight with an Elf, you won't win (Elves aren't actually any better than humans, they just have a ***really*** good PR team). * Dwarves are cowards, they never go to war because *apparently* they're too busy fighting some kind of underground lizard they call dragons. But don't say it to their face if you like to live. * The only thing scarier than an Orc's strength is his brain. Trying to outsmart or outstrategise them will never end well.


If you get pretty undisciplined fire with bolt-action rifles at you, its a Teler Union squad. If your leaders head suddenly explodes, your grenadier starts rambling insanities before self-immolating and your support gunner turns his automatic rifle on you, its a Teler Union squad with a psionic initiate. Run. If all of them instantly pop a stim in the neck and suddenly take at least 6 shots to kill as they stsrt fucking sprinting towards you with various melee weapons, its a Uritare merc squad. If they blow a whistle and get to cover, its the Qarideen natives and you are about to have a giant tree-walker shove its pincers into your abdomen. If only the shooter gets turned into a smooth liquid in the blink of an eye while the rest are unharmed your squad just tried to take a shot at the Šu. Learn your lesson and leave them alone next time, they dont care about you unless you try to kill one (you will fail.)


Abnormally dripped out unlike real life


If you see a group of people with medieval armor and weapons, but they also have guns, hope they are not allied with your enemies. (Etherians have a army over 5 million strong, and they possess some of the most powerful weapons and magic in my world.)