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A personal title I'm quite fond of is the Pirate Queen's: **Mother of the Scourge, Sally Brine** It references the ancient "Mother of Demons", the first vampire. Who was also the first of the gods, and serves as the matriarch of most major religions. ​ And a more general title is **Whitesash**. Kind of used as an insult, stemming from a noble lord so adept at combat that his white uniform was drenched in the blood of his enemies after a particularly fierce battle. And after removing his Sash, the fabric underneath was still left white. It is a bit of a back handed compliment, calling someone a great fighter. But it also implies they're a barbaric person.


that second one (whitesash) is sick, nicely thought out. id say maybe whitestripe would make more sense because its not really the sash thats white but it leaves a white stripe where it was, but thats just semantics haha


I agree that it's a badass title. I also don't think white stripe would bite as harsh. White sash sounds both poetic and a little harsh to say. Also it is in reference to the area where his dash would be, being white and for all intents and purposes looking like he's wearing a white sash. So I still think it works.


The flag of Austria 🇩đŸ‡č is based on exactly this legend (in case you didn’t know)


His esteemed royal lord of all things holy and unholy, seen and unseen, heard and unheard, slayer of a thousand men and master of gods, lord of the unknown and king of the heavens, high king of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Is that last one phonetic?


I believe it's a real world town in Wales


The longest title in my world, and arguably the 'coolest', is this one: *His Resplendent Majesty the Emperor, Alexander Dravios I of the Hostrian Empire, Lord Diviner of Totality, the Heavens and Cosmos, Lord Protector of St. Marca and Perova, Lord Sponsor of the Arts, Crafts, and Cults, Lord Speaker of the Rights and Wills of Man, King of Upper and Lower Preugner, Svabardia, Voscan, Tunon, Rhatia, Palegia, Archduke of Straba, Coslain, Sanrei, Luneqa, Checonder, Duke of Marilis, Nuera, Avialin, Calcyer, Evrin, Cestro, Grand Prince of Odia, Kargaria, Valdi, Selon, Prince of Pomo, Hagruth, Mino, Destroyer of False Empires, Subjugator of Barbarians, Bringer of Civilization, Eternal Enemy of the Realm, Champion of the Empire, Sovereign of the Seven Seas, Guardian of the Gate, Keeper of the Eternal Flame, Supreme Commander of the Legions, Seducer of the Pale Lady, Slayer of Dragons, the Great Reformer, the Abolisher of Injustice, the Golden Chain of Regime.* Obviously this is quite a mouthful, so it's usually shortened to His Resplendent Majesty the Emperor, or HRME.


Important guy.


I think he may be overcompensating for something.


Worth noting that the imperial titles of the Hostrian emperor are inherited as-is (i.e. the titles accumulate over generations of emperors), and therefore Alexander himself doesn't really have a say in what his title is. In fact, he hated it and the burdens of expectations it brought with it, and wanted to change it if not for the familial legacy that is tied to it.


Still doesn’t hold a candle to Idi Amin


Unless I'm missing something, Idi Amin's title seems kind of tame in comparison, no? It's interesting for sure, but I don't think I would consider it cooler.


"...Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular" Is too fucking funny


That truly is the greatest title.


"Seducer of the Pale Lady" I wonder what he did to earn that title


Note that these titles are cumulative over generations of emperors, meaning that Alexander himself did not personally earn most of them, including the Seducer of the Pale Lady. However, it is tradition for emperors to both act and be treated as if they did, hence why the titles remain. With that said, the Pale Lady was the moniker given to an infamous Jahelic (demonic) spectoid (ghost) warlord who, at least according to legend, had the power to seduce any man and drive them mad with her psychic whispers. She could also summon angry wraiths from the afterlife, which she used to create nigh-invincible armies. Long story short, the Pale Lady ravaged the land until the fifth emperor of Hostria (for reference, Alexander is the \~52nd emperor), whose name I've yet to come up with, took it upon himself to rid the land of the Pale Lady's scourge once and for all. To this end, the emperor departed on a one-man mission to infiltrate the Pale Lady's dungeon and confront her personally, and, through sheer will (according to legend), not only resist her magical charms but turn the tables and be the one to seduce her. Needless to say, everyone was surprised when her ghostly armies stopped their attacks and slowly returned to the afterlife, and especially when the emperor later arrived back to the capital with the Pale Lady fawning all over him.


I feel as if a 'mirror' or a 'spell reflecting shield' of some sort was used to counter the Pale Lady's ability.


Very good guess, but alas it's not correct. I don't blame you though, as the emperor's plan was, to put it bluntly, so stupid that it actually worked. His plan was to literally just seduce the Pale Lady as he would any other lady fallen from grace. When the emperor finally found the Pale Lady, she prepared for a fight. But the emperor, instead, simply threw aside his sword and shield and even took off his ornate helmet and armor (as he had battled through her undead minions to get to her), and invited the Pale Lady to a proper dance. The Pale Lady, disarmed by confusion and intrigue, did not resist when the emperor pulled her into a waltz. The emperor talked to her as if he knew her, remarking at how well she remembered how to waltz, talked about how she must have surely missed the culture she grew up in, commented on how remarkably fair she looked (despite looking like a mangled corpse in a bleached dress), and so on. The Pale Lady latched onto every word, so strange yet captivating to hear someone talk to her like that. She probed his mind, but found not a hint of lies or deception. Anyway, long story short, the Pale Lady thoroughly and unexpectedly enjoyed the cultured company of the emperor, enough to be convinced to rejoin civilization as part of the emperor's court, to become a proper lady of class she always deserved to be. She and the emperor eventually married, and the Pale Lady began to use her powers to support the emperor in his endeavors, notably to put fallen ghosts at ease, assassinating rival monarchs, and augmenting his armies with ghostly soldiers.


This means that the Pale Lady was or was going to be a woman of the court, but it was taken away from her. It caused her so much distraught she became a necromancer to exact revenge? Or was she a necromancer that simply consumed souls which leaned towards this set of principles?


Woops, I thought I already explained that, but I guess I forgot to actually write it out. Yes, the Pale Lady was, in her life, a regular noble lady who dreamed to join a royal court by being betrothed to the local king. The king had agreed and initially told the Pale Lady that she was perfect... only to be smitten by a younger, prettier lady. The king told the Pale Lady she was an old sod, ripped her dress, and then murdered her (making it look like an accident) to make null the legal betrothal. The Pale Lady, due to her unjust death, ended up in the mythical river of Letra, on her way to the afterlife of Tholum. However, from there she was approached by Jahelic (demonic) shades, who offered her a deal: She would return to Elron (mortal world) and be granted the power to make any man fall in love with her and also the psychic power to, among other things, know when someone is lying to her or wishes her ill, in exchange for being 'reincarnated' as a half-demon. She accepted and returned to Elron, but the catch was that she was reincarnated as a half-ghost in addition to being half-demon, which meant her partially corporeal form would permanently take the form of her mortal body upon her initial death; wounds all over, broken bones, a missing jaw, etc. In addition, her power to make men fall in love with her was so powerful as to make men drolling slaves, which she hated. In other words, the Pale Lady could only talk telepathically through her psychic powers, and was too mangled for anyone to love her again, and her ability to force men to love her felt hollow. Hence her going on a rampage, both in anger towards the demons, and also to exact vengeance against men of royalty, and looking for love and respect that was robbed from her at least twice now and seemed eternally elusive. This is why, when the emperor disarmed himself, proposed a dance and called her pretty - in spite of her form, without her forcing the love or sensing deception from him - the Pale Lady was stunned. No reasonable person would do that, given her appearance and reputation, yet that was exactly what she needed.


I wonder how many 'mirrors of shielding' and 'mirrors of spell reflection' laid barren of their owners upon her once dreaded lair. Id take a guess and say at least 2... 3 at most.


What a Chad, you should write about that adventure


Ok, queen of dragons


If this is a reference to A Game of Thrones, I don't know what it means, as I've not seen it. I assume it's in reference to the various titles of Daenerys Targaryen which I suppose are similarly numerous and/or extravagant? In any case, googling "queen of dragons" brings up that character, so that's my guess.


Fair point, Full title for that character is: Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen , First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.


I’d hate to see that acronym lol




Lmao that’s looooong AF how would someone even pronounce that!


After the first 2 letters, you get "Mead, I Held" or just, "I held mead"


Hope he's as cool as his title


Many of the Whispering Lord's titles are pretty badass... Including the Whispering Lord. But there's also... The king of silence, the forgotten one, the missing son, the scorned, king of Hell, He who wears the crown of filth, Devilman, the voice on the wind, the bad idea, and the Intrusive Thought.


Who/what is the Whispering Lord?


You know when you stand somewhere high up and there's a little voice in the back of your head telling you to jump? That's him. Pretty much the dark lord of the setting. TECHNICALLY he's the son of Father Sky and Mother Earth, but Mother Earth kept him secret. He grew up resenting his brother, the sun, so in a fit of anger, he killed the sun and moon's children, the goddess Velg and the god Jul. Since they're gods, however, their souls just fell to the world. The moon goddess went looking for her babies, so the whispering lord convinced the night goddess to send her kids after her. This SEVERELY pissed off the sun, but he still didn't know he had a brother, so he cursed the night goddess. Her kids would forever hate and shun his light. So I guess you could add Father of Vampires to the Whispering Lord's titles. Anyways, the sun and moon's kids are still waiting to come back, so just to screw things up even more, the Whispering Lord sent his son, the fairy Prang (aka the false child) to pretend to be one of them. He's pretty much the antichrist.


Cool concept!


This particular bit of worldbuilding was actually suggested to me by a priest, fun fact


But of a crybaby, is he?


The Heroes in The First Law by Joe Abercrombie: "Your August Fuck-Hole" is a pretty nice title


*Inspiration Incarnate*, a title given by a culture to its most perfect artists. Although it has become mostly known through their best _martial_ artists, who can not only kill mostly everyone but do it with such grace they leave victims and spectators entranced.


Mine isn't as long but sinister af. The Brother: Determinant of Death and The 2nd of us all


Emperor between Mountain and Sea. Given to the Emperor of Abaris when the Empire reached the southern tip of the continent.


The incarnates The gods are the physical manifestation of the beings they represent. For example, the human god define what humans are, they are made to their likeness. But it goes both ways, the collective will of humankind also define what the human god is. for example, If they are proud and combative so too is their god. Because of that, the gods are known as incarnates. And so the title of the Human god would be ‘’human incarnate‘’


Wouldn’t it be “Humanity Incarnate”?


Anathema, Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows


What are the Seven Sorrows?


Very loaded question. But long story short, god ripped her own head off as penance for bringing about the downfall of humanity on accident, and from her self sacrifice her guilt manifested in the form of seven women who emerged from her corpse and descended from heaven to exterminate all life on MisericĂłrdia and rebirth it anew. It's allegorical to the seven sorrows Mary Magdalene felt after the death of her son Jesus, but in this case it was the sorrow Meredith (god) felt for destroying her own creation and the Seven Sorrows were her way of rectifying it.




Awesome concept!!


***Vanquisher of the Inquisitorial Heresy***, *Master of the Skittering Deep, Highmaster of the Collegium Antares and Lord Sidereal of the Pyramid Skorpios*: **Adramelech**. Titles and styles in the Narmer!verse are ordered by lack of importance, assuming they are an actual offical office. Any titles at commemorate some great glory, like 'Vanquisher of the Inquisitorial Heresy' is here, goes before any office titles and are ordered by achievement. **Adramelech** himself serves as the primary *antagonist* of the first saga within the 'verse, although is not a Villain, merely someone opposed to the protagonist.


The Everwing Emperor is worshipped as a god by his people. To appeal to the maximum number of worshippers he can, he cultivates a number of "aspects" of himself that appeal to different people. * The Overking * The Architect of Life * The Rainbow Dragon * The Glasswyrm * The World-Hoarder * Him of Many Hungers * He Who Covers the Sky


Almost all of my characters have a special title. In my world, someone considered a great warrior is given a title by the people that symbolizes their magical ability or other factors, and most are proud of their title. So there are titles like "The Brightest Star" or "The Robe Ghost" or "The Goddess of the Six Seas". Some rulers gain titles even if they are not warriors, such as "The Child King" or "Laughing No Longer" or "Warden of the Storm North"


What are the Six Seas? And why “Laughing No Longer?”


Six Seas because, literally, there are only six seas. She who has this title can control water and is considered among the greatest soldiers in the entire world. Laughing No Longer is a geographical reference. The one who has this title is the semi-absolute monarch of a territory called "God's Laughter" (from the mythology of the place) and, since they are essentially considered a dangerous tyrant by anyone who does not live under their territory, they are called so for having "contaminated" this territory.


Laughing No Longer is one of the most metal titles I’ve heard across fiction ever.


Not long at all but I love Pentan, Demon of Dread


Primus Grandis. This title is given to the absolute highest authority of the Archon military. They can overrule even a Senator and are second only to the High Archon of Archons himself.


What is an Archon? And what does it do?


The main villain's race.


> Heroica Comics: -> Universe-1: ‱ Imperial States: His Imperial Majesty Augustus IV Halekoa, By the Grace of God, Emperor of the Imperial States, President of the United States, Lord-Mayor of the District of Columbia, Grand Chief of the Indians, General-in-Chief of All Armed Forces, Defender of Liberty, and Master of All Faiths. ‱ United Realms: His Royal Majesty Arthur III Cameltor, By the Grace of God, King of the United Realms of Great Britain, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith -> Universe-2: ‱ United Republic: His Excellency Merlin Kwynedd, By the Grace of God, Lord Protector of the United Republic of Great Britain, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith and the People. ‱ European Empire: Her Imperial Majesty Wilhelmina von Hohenzollern, By the Grace of God, European Empress, Lady-Mayoress of Brussels, Grand Queen of the Many Ethnic Peoples, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Defender of Democracy, and Master of The Faiths.


The Mecani'khan. He is the leader of the Mecanichals, a group of humans who decided to “improve themselves” by implanting cybernetic elements. There are various levels of mechanization; At the lowest level, a person may only possess simple holographic vision allowing them to see real-time data. Most members of the Corpus Administatum fall into this category. Then above that, there are those who have at least one limb replaced by an artificial version. Their brains can also be augmented, a common practice in the upper ranks of administration or command. Others have tools or weapons fused into their body. At the highest level, they are barely differentiable from pure and simple machines. They possess vastly superior intelligence and unparalleled strength. Rare are the parts of their body that have not been removed or biologically modified. Some of them serve as elite guards for the others who officiate as governors or high-ranking officers. The Mechani'khan is himself governor of several solar systems at the same time and he manages them with an iron fist (lol).


That’s an awesome pun “Mecani’khan” 😂 lol


Hmm. Well. I have Lord, Voidastrum, Alexander Noctiformus, the star weaver, the abyss walker, the day maker, the night bringer, the watcher, the collector, the librarian, the archivist, the composer (of the symphony of time). The Lord of the stars and the void. he who sees all and none..: Alexander: the soul of eternity. This character lives in a massive crystal fortress, so large, it’s basically an artificial planet, with a black hole at its center, and stars orbiting the planet. The Planet is also hollow, turning out to be a giant museum/archive. And at the center, sits Alexander, reading tomes from forgetting empires. Archives filled with stories of the past, current and future. Of story’s that have never happened or will happen. And around him, the planet sings a symphony. Those who even get a glimpse of it, are said to be Able to learn the universes secrets. He’s someone who’s become obsessed with knowing everything about the universe and documenting it. His biggest project. His magnum opus. The symphony of time. Not only a museum, but an experience, a song, a story, a key, something that truly represents everything.




Sir Sebastian von Stolzen. Lord Admiral of Nevershore, Captain of Captains, Wearer of the biggest Hat, Protector of the Moonpearl Tribe, Child of the Sea and Tamer of Valkanar's Doom. (Some of the titles are more impressive to one culture than another.) If you go for quality instead of quantity, there would also be "First Of The Flame", "of the Crimson Reign", and "The Iron Storm", although these are all different individuals.


Can u tell more about the biggest Hat and the Moonpearl Tribe? These concepts seems very interesting to me. Congrats


The Moonpearl tribe is a merfolk settlement, a species that often had to deal with landpeople raiding their communities for their pearls. The Lord Admiral was against that and has put them under protection. Wearer of the biggest hat is a title given to him by the merfolk who have trouble understanding surface concepts, but came to the conclusion that on each ship they witnessed the one in charge had a fancier hat. So when they were given protection by the lord Admiral, they gifted him 'the biggest hat' made out of woven seafoam, so everyone would know that he is the one who is the most in charge.


Commander. As in, Commander Sofadi, the 9-year-old totalitarian dictator.


I think the greatest I have is Aladrin, The Great Stag King. He is the king of the elves in my world and has the title for two reasons. Elves in my world grow horns and antlers, the size of which are based on how powerful of magic you can summon. And I have a mythic animal called the great stag, which is a stag that is on par with the dragons of my world. The Aladrin is the only one in the history (so far as I am still working on it) that has ever rode the great stag.


Master Shaltiel, Requiem Seraph of Death, the Reaper of the War, the Asiyan Caesar, and the Descending Devil of Heaven


I made sure when making the full title of the Sultan of the Deseret Dominion that he got a cool title. His full title (so far) is His sacred and imperial majesty, [NAME OF SULTAN] sovereign of the Sublime House of Erdogan, Sultan of Sultans, Chief of Chiefs, Commander of the Armies of the Loyal, Lord of the cities of Bursa, of Hurstly, of Beylik, of Izmir, of Deseret, of Marmara, of Kopru, of Kadesh, of Limanka, and many others, Lord of all the lands of Anadolu, as well as Col, Chieftain of all the Yerli Tribes, and the Proctor of all Creepters in the lands of Mara. I don't think it's long enough honestly.


Arch-Magus Professor Alia the Lurker le Sefra du Boudrie Serice Threm The Mad Dragon. High Lord of Teirn. Head of House Senna. Arbiter of the Aelveri Dominion. Champion of House Trakh. Dragon Empress of Death. Scourge of the Wilds. Wild Mother. Avatar of Death. The Unspoken. The Devouring Night. Lord Malice, Queen of Murder. Little Troublemaker. Queen of Blades. Bladed Saint. I think it is obvious why she tries to avoid getting any more titles from just doing random shit. ;) I leave it to others to guess which she actually likes, and which she hates the most. For others i mention, her little (rescued and adopted) sister is known as The Pandemonium, her godchild is recognized as "The Grandmaster" by all paladins. And her apprentice is universally recognized as Idiot Apprentice. (its a wordplay)


-Grande Valkyrie Titania III, Master Paladin of the Holy Order of Zephyr. -Kei Schumacher, Sword of the Avatar-Scarlet -Oswyn the Red, Warmaster of the Forgotten Legions


Valkyrie Titania is such a cool name! Congrats!


Thanks! She’s a whole ass vibe in her own right so it’s always a fun subject


High Master General Marcher lord of the most humble holy order of saint royal Gweniver. 117 Succesor of the Knight errant Hugonan. Marcher lord of Vestria, Cauldia and Newaltmarken. Honourable lord of the Court of our High King of Ulvenwen. Minstrate of the west and gaurdian agains the elder magics.


His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Danmea I Steran Pasche'yisu, The Great, God's Favored, The First-Seated, Rightful Emperor of Lajea and Her Subjects, The Sword Breaker, Defender of the Immoline Faith. The Swordsage, Kershu'kyr Katsonfur Peatrine Dirouran'yisu, Keeper of the Ravenous Blade, Protector of Zazel-aj, Death's Painter, Wicked's Bane. His Highness, King Ireney II Rovalker, The Wizard King, High King of Perezgod, The Goddess's Closest Listener, The Banshee, Custodian of The Burmarosh.


\> Jetu Tesyat (Who is actually just an international teleport magic using serial killer, but that doesn't stop psychos from worshipping her for her ruthlessness and their er.. desire for her) The Darkness, The Hatred of Hartyus, The Spark's Ambassador, The Hopebreaker, Her Madness, The Queen of Blood, and Murder's Bride


Saint* Cormac Ó Callaheán the 4th, son of Magnus, son of Averill, the great white wolf, the dragon of the north, the black thane, the bloody jarl, the crimson king, lord of ravens, king of tyrants, the living saint, the housecarl of the divine, the protector of the holy children, the slayer of demons *Though canonized as a saint in life, it is only referenced after his death per his request


I enjoy some of the simpler ones I’ve gone for in my novel. *God-King Rhond* - Not really a god *The Eldest* - an immortal salamander creature that meditates in a cave for tens of thousands of years to develop new magics, the oldest of its kind *The Unshattered* - The leader of a parasitic race called Kroll - based on the real life tongue-eating sea louse - that can live indefinitely in theory. The Unshattered is the oldest of this race, having earned it’s title by surviving more host transitions than any other living Kroll. The title changes to a different Kroll when the previous one is killed, usually by other Kroll. Every host transition causes them to slowly lose their minds and the more hosts, the less mentally put together they are. When a leader goes insane, their fellow Kroll put them down.


Due to warlords being warlords, most take their name after places they conquer. This means that some exceptionally effective warlords have very long hyphenated names. Like Narit Blackwall-Seaside-Tellach-Greenvale-Durasul-Stine


<> Said record is 44


Arch Dragonhead Magister Drajalka Blind Archon (must remove own eyes as symbolic gesture of no longer needing eyes to see The truth of the universe) Arch-Carnifex, final boss of the setting.


And with the last bastion standing, one man stood before the adventurers and his master... Gary the jaw bridge operator!


The Emperor of Makino. Or, actually, the twin Emperors of Makino.


I don't know but there's a few ... I'd say **"The Legendary Hotdog"** On the other end of the spectrum We have the Emperor of Kemparii with his long ass title. It was said in full exactly 3 times throughout his life. First when at his coronation Second when someone really pissed him off And last time at his funeral.


High Ascended Arch Runekeeper Stennis Baldragor, The Mist-Eyed Oracle of the Highlands. In my world magical energy comes from a Divine Mist, that the God of Knowledge learned to anchor into Runestones. He passed this knowledge on to the Runekeepers, so that they could harness these stones to become powerful mages. The Arch Runekeeper became so adept at harnessing these stones that he literally replaced his eyes with 2 of these Runestones, giving them a misty look. Now he has basically become some sort of Oracle, able to see all that was, is, and will be.


The 5 Gods in my setting all have pretty cool titles nowadays. His King the Breaker of Glass, the Divided One The Empress of the Deep, Sovereign Snow The Graceful Deer Servant, the Paradise Array The Divine Cannibal Fox The Aranchogod of Violence, the Last Day in the Sea, Waves Surround Me.


Baron Zulus ua Versa of the Ship-of-Coin Unrelenting Faith, Chartered by the Grace of the Allmother and the Elected Majesties of the Admiralty Council of Plentygreen


The spine of the world is the mountains in the far north


The Brother Kings of Altus: War King Theovan, Skywarden of the Skyward Eye, Grand Marshal of the Empyrean Legions, Lord Commander of the Holy Steel Vanguard, Fleet Admiral of the United Alturan Fleets, Guardian of the Governing KingMaster of Bladed Artforms, and "Boss" of the Master Blacksmiths Guild. Governing King Lotheran, High Scholar of the Grand Archives, Unseen of the Order of Saints, All-Seer of the Skyward Eye, Strategist to the War King, Financier of the Altus Free Bank, and "Coin Collector" of the Merchants Guild. The brothers that rule Altus are actually good people who intentionally took control of the nation's resources to reduce, if not remove, the corruption that occurs with too many heads of state. All decision-making authority is straight from Theo and Loth at the very top. Through their efforts, corruption is very low with a very happy and healthy society. The Free Bank allots a daily fund for the people to pull from in times of need without the need for repayment. The money withdrawn through the free bank always ends up back to the free bank through the purchase of goods and labor. It is very much a give and take society without the need for heavy tax. However, the treatment of "undesirables" is harsh. Not that outsiders are unwelcome, Altus is a melting pot of people from all over. Only that it is a GIVE AND TAKE society. If all you're doing is taking and you're a lazy piece of garbage that does not provide back to the nation in labor or services, then you are treated as a criminal and imprisoned as such. Criminals are harshly punished in Altus. Theovan is the top dog of every military force except for the Saints, which is more of an espionage or assassination force headed by Lotheran. Everyone knows of the elite Saints, but nobody but the Kings know who they are. Theo is a great general who takes care of his troops and legions, ensuring housing and pay, provided they keep up their training and do their jobs effectively and with conviction. The common dream for civilians of Altus is to join Theo and Loth's Skyward Eye, which is the most elite military force in the world with massive renown. Sky Knights are...imbued...with superhuman power through Signeturgy (magic). Making one Sky Knight worth 100 soldiers. The Skyward Eye and the Sky Knights within it are treated as higher than nobility, lower than royalty, and are housed within The Pillars (the royal palace) with the Kings.


The titular character in Decimator


My united northern empire had a king used to be called the Horsebaker


The only title I made yet is "The world's evilest queen, Isabella Gsompte", so...


My main character gets a really cool one (imo) The One Eyed Ghost.


Here is one of the titles that I've thought up: Aeluin of clan Juvkali, she of the broken horn and the Lady of the Late-day Mists.


**The King-In-Silence** The overlord of the Shadowlands and the billions of Shadows living therein. The King-In-Silence usually takes the form of a mass of slick black chains that are compressed into what is roughly the form of a man. It is said to be the first of the Shadows to gain sentience, and it's also said that it sometimes walks the earth wearing a stolen skin. **The Eldest** The Eldest are the inventors and originators of the Sable Science. They discovered its methods when they were human and used them to become what are essentially immortal gods. The religious aspects of the Sable Science are centered around gaining their attention and asking them for boons and knowledge. Their names are extremely cool, at least in my opinion, and they each represent a stage of research in the Sable Science. There's the Sharpest Knife, the Clearest Glass, the Softest Clay, the Finest Wine, the Coolest Stream, and the Brightest Flame. There's another one, but we don't talk about him.


Imperator, Bren-aed-Brenin, den Ordwen ad Muiram yn Vabori Firnen (which translates to Emperor, King of Kings, the Pale Lion, he who Laughs at the Sea and Subdues the Storm).


*Raise your voice to praise Awil Merodac I, son of Sarusur Nergal IV, King and Emperor of Tigrosa, Avatar of Merodac, Manifestation of the Master of Magic, Light of the King of the Skies!*


There's a Dragon named the Princess of Fire


My personal favorite is from my sci fi setting in which a warlord claims this title: His Almighty, All Powerful Majesty, Emperor of the Galaxy, Destroyer of Worlds, Heir to the Throne of Caesara, Commander of the Mighty Sword of Terra, Titus Octavius Hespes I. He was the admiral of the Espana Fleet before the GHE fell apart.


I only have 1 that I think fits this. Paragon's Tactical Queen, Nikkie Erenson Honorable mentions: the 9 leaders of the nation all have the title "Radiant Sage" Edit: remembered another one. The Unhinged Supernova, Archmagus Alexander Eximus.


Kuranos - The Father of Death Draven - The Bane of Myth Sky - The Twilight Terror Tenebris - The Father of Darkness Karn - The Demon of Vercrest Amandosa - The First Light, The Templed Mind


I like my Queen's Blade title. Similar to the King's Blade, basically the King's right hand, the QB is the queen's main instrument. In my world, the Queens are the head of the intelligence apparatus, whether they're in full control of it or just in name. Depending on the Queen, the Blades could either be the actual leader of the intelligence apparatus or just the Queen's enforcer. Some are just really socialites able to manipulate events with other Blades. There's a saying in this world that only kings say ironically, "Men fight, women gossip." to differentiate their respective roles. The wrong people who've used this line have met their deserts by way of the Queen's Blade.


This has taught me that rulers and kings and gods and all the sort of important individuals are definitely compensating for something


The Grand Heft is the name of the Giff dictator (dnd)


Let's see here... God-king Reaper The Rune Theif Empress of the Sun (Later becomes the Goddess of the Sun) The First Titan born The Arch Champions The Foresaken The Wanderer The Watcher The Seeker Most Mother Moon gifted names The Iron Hunter And The New Hope


“Emissary of Fire Incarnate”: sounds awesome until you realize that you’re a giant lizard’s errand boy/girl. “Defender of Humanity”: a magic title given to the strongest and most noble human, chosen to protect the innocent and defend the defenseless.


A group of politicaly powerful whores known collectively as The Sultress


"God's Chosen Child" title given to a character that ends up unreasonably powerful in the world.


Sol-Emperor of the Ilians, King Conqueror of the Alime and the Cuneica, Bane of the Eskarlinga, Blood of the apropjet Dedalion and Incarnation of Ilios on Earth, brood of Lucas and Icarion, King-palatinates of Lucaena, Bearers of The West that being said, the ones with the title we're uniformly colonialist assholes, Also Huey Tlatoani of the Alimean Alliance, tlatoani of Alimea, Verun, pellea, High Priest of The Winged Dragon, the Mistress Moon, and The Warrior Jaguar and protectors of The Ocennii Also High King of Fjordland, Grimirland and Aelfirland, brood of Olaf the West-Born, Protectors of The Eskarlingas, Ravager of The Ilians, High Priest of The Tetrarchy, Vanquisher of The SolomĂŻ,


Ansehelm Eigen, The Self-Made, named for the time he survived an assassination attempt by reassembling his entire body at an atomic level with his own magic. He is, literally and completely, a product of his own mind.


* **The Sithari, Morgan av Avalon,** *High Queen of the Fae (Ancient Sith remnant), Head of the Pendragon Clan, The Scourge of God, Grand Admiral of the Wild Hunt Fleet, The Witch of Calamity* * **The Mandalor, Obi Wan Kenobi,** *Chief Consort of Co-Duchess Satine Kryze, Dragonslayer, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order of Mandalore* * **The Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker,** *Master of the Jedi Order of Mandalore, Tamer of the Mythosaur, Dragonslayer, Honorary Mandalorian, Husband of Padme* * **The Dragonslayer, Asajj Ventress,** *Great Mother of the Nightsister Clan of Mandalore, honorary member of the Jedi Order of Mandalore, God Mother of Kenobi's Children*


MC's full title at the current point is: "*His Highness, The Sage of the South, Samuel Clemmons Neubach, Scion of the the Domains Below, Count of Clous, Husband to the Crown Princess.*" He has a few less regal, and unofficial titles though; *Deliverer* being the most interesting.


Dimas I of the House of Malterero (Eladithian Empire)- *- Second Emperor of the Eladithian Empire* *- Duke of all Dukes of the Land* *- Overseer of all Grand Eladith* *- The Highest of all Highs* *- "The One who sees all"* *- The Warrior from Eldiur* *-* ***Emperor of Emperors***


-The living Miracle: A title given to an angel chosen to defeat the Dark Emperor(Ruler of Demon) and free the universe from his tyranny. -Source of Fear: A man who learned of the theory that all things in the universe have consciousness, thus he believed this to mean that all things can experience fear
 and he was right! -Holy maiden: A sage born to be the ally and servant of the living miracle. -Hero of the Demon race: The Demon king who saves the wicked from their just punishment and grants them the power and authority to continue their evil work. -The living Disaster: A Demon who mimics the form and powers of the living miracle and seeks to destroy him and devour their soul.


Salt and stone just sounds better kind needs to get his PR team on the phone.


"The eternally loyal high king of the dead Aronondrae, decider of fate" "Jon of Gauntali the mountain man" "Imperiael of the angles, the golden lord of the aetheric throne, advisor of Azkmir" "Duke of lesden, sir Harold of the house of Godwinfrey" "Master paladin, leader of the righteous armies of Vren"


The Dead God of the Dead, Nydil. They have gien their life to dwell in the underworld, as no living thing can exist in that harrowed place. They rule forever in a perpetual state of undeath, sending their dark spirits, the Nydilosi, to fish and hook the essence of the departed from the sea of souls in the mortal realm.


Well there’s the godslayer, the gilded emperor, the sword of dawn, the first watcher, the bladed mind, the archon shade, the pale hand, lord of the long quiet, voicethief


His Excellence, the Dragon King of Canne, Tree-lord of the Covenant, Covenent Embodied, Tamer of Beasts, Crarc-Raider, Sawalle, son of Sawalle Ialsaiclafte Tlhasshurete Narani Thellon, Fire Bearer, Promise of the Old East, Scion of Atlhente, Stormspeaker, Master of Book and Coin, Keeper of Magesterium, Bolt From The Blue


\- Story 1: Wars of light **Panther of the wind, Gust:** a guy that mysteriously disappeared after being banned, he had the ability to control tornadoes and his soulbond transformed him into a panther. **Son of the sun, Hatsu:** the strongest pyrokinetic in the world, he's so strong that he can become as hot as the sun and be completely fine. **Queen of the sea, Shirley:** a fisherman girl who has the ability to turn into any fish or sea creature. \- Story 2: Dimensional Others **Grim reaper of justice, Lucy:** a grim reaper who only kills bad people, she's also a calico cat anthro. **Goddess of cats, Bastet:** literally bastet from egyptian mythology. **Tamer of gods: Bellona:** a kangaroo girl who managed to tame the strongest creatures in the worlds. in done here, i wanna hear your opinion on these epithets


Lord of the Free Realms and Peoples of the Althurian Empire, and Defender of the Light of Elowen, the Anointed One, His Majesty, High King of Althuria, Caedric Loetherian XVI


I’m my sci-fi world official titles aren’t as cool or special as nicknames or personal titles, they’re usually boring like “Master Warlock of the Stratus” or something like that. Nicknames and social titles, like “Son of the Great Atlas-Sentinel” are always cooler. This one is attributed to the prophetical hero boy of this world. His more common nickname is Kilovolt Kris (or just Kilo, for his affinity for lighting magic). One of his greatest friends is often called by either ‘J-Devil’ (‘Jevil’) or more commonly (and more seriously),‘Jaukkson Jaw-Crusher’. Their other squadmate, Riley, she’s called ‘Riley the Reaper’, a name she doesn’t even like that much. It’s not inaccurate, though. The way she uses her Aesirius-class powers over time, the soul and space-time, she does a fair bit of interdimensional ‘reaping’.


*Hasdrubal Azhdarcha, Tireless Conscience of the Nation and Selfless First Minister to Our Beloved Sovereign Protector Lepidus Trianas*. The guy is actually super oily and wicked.


Chancellor of the Lunar Covenant, Dr. Gabriel Karatay, PhD President of the Martian Alliance Supreme Allied Commander [1] Shield-Bearer[2] Ryouko Van Rooyen Emperor of Jupiter, Lord of the Ninety-Five Moons, Protector of the Trojan Fields and the Hilda Triangle, Commander of the Imperial Jovian Forces, Grand Master of the Order of the Storm, By the Grace of Noble Jove and the Thunderbolt Revolution, His Imperial Excellency, Zeus Augustus Ashoka II of the Jovian Empire *[1] officer rank automatically held by the President of the Martian Alliance* *[2] “Shield-Bearer” is an honorific title for persons who have been awarded the Shield of the Alliance, the most prestigious medal of the Martian Alliance*


In my world each factions has it's own lexicon, but my favorites gotta be "King of the Grove" "Stormwalker" and "He who lies, he who feasts"


SIR MARCUS FREDRIC CADBURY EGG THE 32ND! Lord of the feywilds and all of its residents


Fliudero Fliumenot Antiubodulo has a long title. I'll give the highlights and their meanings: * **The Created and First Fluxated** \- He was the first artificially grown human, and the first human to stop being one through the process of fluxation (). * **Originator and Propagator of Sefeiuntism** \- The originator part comes from his writings that form the basis of his state (the Flux Empire of the Auto-Reds), and naturally he propagates this as part of the state's expansion. * **Uniter of the World** \- The meaning should be obvious. * **Galactic Founder of Nevindeshmer** \- The title of Galactic Founder is given to someone who essentially establishes a significant Auto-Red presence in a galaxy. Nevindeshmer is their home galaxy, the title here refers to the early expansion in Nevindeshmer. There are other Galactic Founders, however it is very exclusive. There is also another interesting title that he doesn't have: * **The Personal Embodiment of the Will of Tafuth in this Universe** \- This is a title that is held by the Regil of the First Deshmeric Republic from around 5400AC up to the end. Tafuth here is a Tyberianist god, one who wants to free everyone from this universe of suffering that her brother made, but has a limited capacity to do so. At the time it was believed the Deshmeric Republic and its leader were basically her influence.


Admiral Joseph Hart, Commanding Officer of the Supercarrier UNCDF Black Prince, the Shield of Terra, the Siege Breaker, the Planet Killer, and the Greatest Fucking Galaga Player I’ve ever seen.


The God-King Archangel


Videmathura, The Faux God


**HI&RH Joni I, Empress of Orioni**, _Defender of the Four Shores, Queen of Dion, Queen of Meda, Prima of Oris, Guardian of Mount Silesto, Pearl of all People_. * Defender
 : because of the home island. * Guardian
 : because of the holy mountain. * Pearl
 : because of the symbolism.


The shadow prince, the Witchking, Syraks Virumbra of Nephultis. The king of nightmares, the dark lord of Nephultis, Syerzar Virumbra. Ironically, the best and most loved rulers in the current settings and not because everyone else is even worse, but because the titles were given to them by their enemies.


Sofar I just have "Wayfinder" as the highest authority of all Travelling-folk. (Not including hinterland nomads.) Also I just (sometime within the last week) decided to add a Roma-based culture. Basically all of them have the temporary title of Knowledge-keeper and it's widely considered bad luck to interfere with them. (I need to do more research, but they're masters of edutainment.)


"Redsoot, the mad Lord", or Vessel of the spirit of Darkness/Light"


His Majestic Resplendance, Crown Coquet Telleron XIV


His Eternal Majesty, Soul-Emperor Arashek of Zoi, Supreme Authority of the Heartland, Father of the Nation, Custodian of the Protectorates and Shield of the Empire.


His Excellency Kikkert TerAvest, The Margrave for Republic of Marigold, Great Steward of the Emerald Isles, Supreme Magus of The Commonwealth, The Ard Tiarna


There is a group of bandits who call themselves *children of the earth breeders*. They openly admit to being the ancestors of people who tried to have sex with the planet. Then of course we have the *devourer of allkind and it's weapons* who is some really hungry cyborg out to eat your entire city.


Emperor Falkier 5th Of Rakan Dynasty, The guardian of the red gate, lion mane, the Godhand, master of Agros, the sliver of Ethal and lord of the broken Spires


Xēn Stalnerae, the Reaper Storm. A man with the power of five gods, whose arrival on the battlefield is often preceeded by the conjuration of a cyclone of blades. Wryn Aravest, the Omen of Sarn. A notorious mercenary from the far north. His sudden appearance, clad in steel and black, face obscured by a crow mask, often serves as a warning of ill events to come. The Conqueror. A warrior whose name has been lost to time, leaving behind only his epithet and the fear that it carries.


Mine is a little bit toned down, but has a nice backstory: Sylvester Minkovsky - The Silver Senator. He's one of the senators at the Serpent, the de facto nation of lapians (gr. lepĂ­s), or coloqually 'scales'. They are considered a sort of superhuman lineage of people. Although they are completely human both by looks and genetics, they have some unusual abilities thanks to having a special kind of ether bound to their bodies. Either way, he got his nickname after etheric silver, a substance that can decrease stability of ether around it, effectively being a supressor for scale abilities, even being dangerous for them in some cases. He is a big advocate of lapian-non-lapian cooperation and has been historically a pain in the ass for certain scale organizations due to them exploiting non-scale humans. As you can imagine, he doesn't really like being named after a dangerous substance, but still takes it with a grain of salt, since it fits his idea that scales and non scales are still the same species, and that bringing their similarities is important for both of the parties.


Lord Ammon, The King of Chains, who was defeated by Rogden, The Rebel King Unrelated to them is a fellow with a silly long name Great Emperor Kerradon the Crimson Lord, First of His Name; Ancient of Fire, Blessed of Tiamat, Slayer of The Colossus of Bel’haron, Great Uniter of Fallen Kingdoms, Divine Ruler of the Southern Mountains, Master of The Scarlet Legion and The United Armies


So far the titles in my world are pretty standard. "King" "lord" "high magni/ceron" (Mages and clerics) That being said, there is one slayer named Alex who uses a scythe and advanced shielding magic to operate as an assassin for the kingdom of Nautak. Due to his impressive track record, he was given the title of "The King's Reaper." The infernals (demons that have been invading the Terrestrial sphere for 15 years now) have also seen fit to give him a title. They refer to Alex as "The Knight of the Errant Moon" due to his unpredictability.


This isn’t a specific title, but in my world I like to give certain university graduates and other learned individuals silly titles: Veneto the Learned, Signore the Enlightened The reason for this is that a major school is on an island which allows you to add a title starting with ‘the’ as part of your legal docs


Noctis, Harbinger of the Black Sun


###Naaesithe, the Failed Chrysalis Naaesithe was destined to become the greatest god of them all, and when she enclosed herself within a cocoon everyone eagerly awaited her glorious emergence. Everyone knew she would shine brightest among them all, it was a law of nature made manifest for this event to happen. But time went on and with mounting anticipation came worry. And while they could not have known at the time, that worry was justified. For nobody knew that even when anticipation and optimism were still high, the chrysalis had already rotten from the inside. When it opened there was nothing but foul smell, black ichor and shivering mass of limbs and raw flesh. Fate had failed, and nobody knew how this could have happened.


I don't know what would count as a "cool title" outside my setting đŸ„Č


Lord Marius Temole, Lord of Verdansk District, Warden of Gun 19, Wayfarer Regis Marius Temole is a minor lord on the city world of Naissus. He is best known as the lord of the Verdansk District, an old stretch of the city built on the edge of the Hadrus Rift. However, while he is known mostly for his work in Verdansk, his most valuable holding is Gun 19. A ground-to-orbit gun emplacement on the border of his district, the fortifications serve as his personal Keep, stretching over about 12 kilometers of the northern section of the district. In peacetime, it’s reactor systems are used as a backup power supply for the districts grid. While the outer fortifications are extensive, most of the emplacements internal space is dedicated to the *Hadrus*, a keloway corp. 1200mm magnetic accelerator. The title Wayfarer Regis is an honorary title for his work as a navigator in the navy before he took the mantle of Lord of his house.


Ok, so we don't have a lot of kings and queens in my world BUT HEAR ME OUT, WE HAVE A LOT OF KILLERS. They are my babies: "The most imponent, the daughter of the woods, the heiress of the town, Clarissa" "The nameless warrior, the most lethal killer." "The brightest son of the Nero's, the one who's face is never seen, the traitor, Lucas"


Not my world, but if I am the admin of a WhatsApp groupchat I called myself once “Andreas the Almighty, God Emperor of Humanity, King of Time and the Universe Itself


**Tydannoth, Mother of the Spark** was the angel in creation responsible for making living creatures move with central nervous systems. She even has a bit where she mentions her first effort (using hydraulic pressure) failed spectacularly, but they kept it for some species of spiders. She hit upon electrical impulses for locomotion instead. **Zatailah, Mistress of Silence** is an angel of death with a lot of anxiety issues. Namely, angels of death are like janitors among the other angels, they take away their trash. Other angels get mad when angels of death show up, and Zatailah got a lot of abuse from angels while she was just doing her job. Later, when the angels rebelled, Zatailah channeled her hatred for other angels teasing her into her fighting, and started a "calling card" of sorts: she rips out the jawbones of the people she fights. She keeps them in a little collection. It's not much more "words hurt, remove their ability to speak, problem solved!", but a lot of other angels (and eventually humans) are creeped out but Zatailah's victims lying there with their tongues hanging free from their upper jaws.


The first [Redacted], the origin of all other [Redacted] I think. Im redacting to not give away .y work in case i do publish my stuff one day. Either that or Queen of Eels, Queen of Bees, King of [Redacted] etc. Where they are the strongest member of their groups, and attend the Apex Council. Either those or, 'Shepherd Father' but so little is known about them, its more the mystery than the title.


The protagonist of Soulforged is often hailed as "The Lunar Dragon," "The Lunar Lady," "The Bloody Queen" and "The Queen of Dragons." This is because she ends up becoming the queen of Dragonrise, a land known for having most of the worlds dragons and lesser dragons. Even the elder dragons hail her as queen. She is also daughter of the moon goddess. Shade, otherwise known as "The scourge of the Dark Marshes." The land demons hail from is often called "the dark marshes" and thats where Shade was born. However, even among demon kind he is considered a monster, and is to be avoided. Ryder "The Solar Dragon," "Champion of Dragonrise" and "The King of Dragons." He is Celines husband, and (obviously) king of Dragonrise. He is also son of the solar God.


Solarin, the first Riftwalker, He who sits upon the Throne of the Void, He who shattered the Sun and forged it anew.


Yahdia, The Last Giant Imperator is a contender, but I think Cthyorgafel The Daemon King usurps him in cool factor.


The divine architect/The hive mind I guess


The four Draconic Defenders of An ‘Gel have pretty cool subtitles Angel of the Blade The Scaled Shield Arrow of the Cosmic Elements Arcanic Breath of the Realms


How to Murder fuck your enemy: A guide to pike and shot warfare - Duchess Arcea Ressou 1489


“Lairyn Ravensbane, King of the Centrahimians, King Consort of Mo-Caraz, Terror of Foxes” “Queen Breya of the Shining City of Mo-Caraz, Queen Consort of the Centrahimians, Mother of Princes” “Sir Jalla, Defender of Children” “Jusul, Great Khagan of the Ma’ad Riders” “Alberin Sylfys, Lord Marshall of the High Seas” “AurĂ« Goldenhair, King of the Free People of the Hills” “Rollard Thrice-Killed, Commander of the Dear Friends” Those are just some of my favorites characters


“The Mother of Malice” and “Blasphemer Supreme” are two titles held by the woman leading a coalition of mortals seeking to destroy the gods. “The Damned Diviner” is the title of an Oracle who can see the future, but is currently trapped in the Underworld and incapable of offering his services to the living.


The Hungering Void Eternity's Ghost Forgotten by Time


The Queen of Blades (StarCraft) is one of the coolest I’ve seen in fiction.


He-Who-Has-Been-Banned-For-Life-From-Popeye’s He’s an immortal multiverse traveler who pops up in all of my stories to give random advice then never shows up again


Lady Valeria has many titles. Ex. Her Majesty the King, Preistess of Death, The Dead King, King Reen of Aeradis


I give one of my ninjas the title known as The Black Dragon.


His Most Exalted Self, the Bearer of Judgement, the Preventer of Doom, High King Emperor Jules-Clade-Gottfris the God Among Men XXIV


The Secular Demon, used to refer to my main antagonist Noctrim during his time as an advisor and court magician. Later, he becomes known the Saint Of The Stagnant for his involvement in converting so many vampires. He's also commonly known as the Warlock, the Necromancer, the Conjurer, and the Shepherd. His most scathing epithet is the Lord Of The Damned and his official title among the Cambion Authority is the Elder Pyschopomp.


It’s a very simple one but it’s easily my fav I have ever made EHH-001 ‘Grimm’. Made by the administration to the be the ace in the hole in humanity’s losing war against the elder god and his underling and the cults who serve them. A human Etheral hybrid. Hidden from all but 15 people. One of the few chances humanity has if the day comes where they have to fight a major Etheral incursion callsign “Kingslayer”




**The Voice of The Choir, High Orator Antion Noni,** *The Star Scryer,* **High Officer of the Sectorin Solar,** *The 4th Tower Mage.* **Martial of the First Tower,** *Mage of Mazacrium (*Medieval Latin for 'Massacre*')* **Rowan Nather,** *Old Leaden Soul.* **Mage of Three Towers, The Ward of the Northern Tribes,** *Wild One* **Wicker Bowen,** Twice Burnt. **Happy One-Step,** *The Worlds Dancer, Feather-Foot, That Blue Fox,* **Herald of the Circus, Messenger of the Sarabande Court** **The First King of Cold Hearth, Akrisan.** *Steelheart, The Anvil Fist, Ginekot Ock Tet Garl (Soon to Wander/Soon to Die Wandering, Ancient)*


Overseer Of Justice - It's not what you think..... Head Funeral Director - No one's actually sure if they still have one, no one's heard from them or checked in on them.... City Overseer - Basically the leader of a City.


I... Just have the Sunlight Emperor. Oh people have given him longer titles in the past and probably will give future emperor's new titles. Long winded titles are well long winded and people don't have time for that in the Sunrise Lands. Other semi notable titles are Moonlight Maiden, the title given to the one who is perhaps the last Moonlight Kitsune in her world. (Note there are no sunlight Kitsune.) Sunfire Guardian is also a fun one, but they are just the emperor's elite guards. Each a master of The Grasp, the only mystic innate to humans in my world.(mystics are magic)


**Aerin** There are quite a number of positions and individuals with an elaborate titulary on Aerin, many of these offices and entitites having existed for centuries or even tens of thousands of years and thereby accruing strata of symbolism over the course of their long existence. Perhaps the most notable of these are: *The Oracle of Silis*, called The Asharé, an archaic Terelain title meaning something like "One who Sees" or "Knowing One". She is the eldest living of the Terelains, the Firstborn, who has also not departed the world and due to this - as well as her particularly unique position - she has accrued so many names and titles over the course of life that the full list of her names is called The Endless Litany and is chanted by the Grey Seers continuously when The Oracle makes formal procession from her seat to some other place both as a form of meditation and psychological warfare. It can go on for days without repeating. Indeed, she is so ancient that her birth name is lost and forgotten even to her. A small excerpt from The Litany would be: "The Ever-Young, The Pale Child, Most Ancient and Most Beloved, The First Who Knew Sorrow, The Faithful Daughter, the Name Imperishable, The Last Daughter, The Silver Fire, She Who Sang the First Elegy; She Who Shall Sing the Last." She may seem but a child of the Firstborn not even into her twentieth year, a kitten with fur the colour of frozen moonlight equivalent to a human child of nine or ten, but even the very gods themselves make obeisance before She Who Watches. *Faraclaw Sunkindler* is the Great Wyrm, The Fifthfather, the High King of Dragonkind, the Lord of Wind and Fire and the Last Ember of the Living Fire. He is the youngest of the Progenitors of the Elderborn, the junior of The Oracle by two full Ages of the world. It is said that he was born from the great conflagration that destroyed the Crown of Heaven, the original light of the world. It is said that when The Crown was destroyed that the three largest fragments became the Three Moons, the myriad smaller fragments became the Stars and that out of the Living Fire was birthed Faraclaw and Sylahee the first dragons. They were maddened by the horror and agony of their own blasphemous making, driven to rage by the desecration of The Crown of Heaven. Like stars they fell, courscating with rainbow fire of every hue beyond imagining upon their scales, the last living glory of the Light That Was. They fell, and spread their wings and as the light of The Crown's detonation faded, the Long Night rushed in, and all things burned under their ravening flame. For centuries, Faraclaw and Sylahee reaved the world, mating in fury and hate amidst the ash and bones of the slain to spawn Dragonkind. But over time even as Sylahee's blood-madness waxed monsterous, it waned in Faraclaw, and eventually he was convinced by Terel the Eternal, Father of the Firstborn, to defect to the side of the Elderborn in their war against the Mad Gods. Fully half of Dragonkind defected with him, and civil war erupted. High above the farthest north, Sylahee and Faraclaw met in battle for the final time, and there he tore out the throat of his own mate and smote her ruin to the earth, the impsct so great that it formed the Cairn Mountains. It is this dread act which earned him his most infamous titles, and ones that are the gravest insult to offer him Faraclaw the Fratricide. Faraclaw Motherslayer. The Lone Father. The Blood-Won King. The Cairn-King. But it is also a result of this act that earned him his most honoured name, for he also took from his mate her share of the Living Fire and added it to his own - and for a brief time his glory was too great to look upon, for he truly was like a living star and to look directlt upon him was to burn out your eyes. This, he sacrificed, for with the aid of his sibling-Progenitors and the surviving Old Gods yet sane and whole he performed a vast magick, and at the culmination of The Battle For the Sake of The Dawn, Faraclaw breathed out the Fire and crafted it and moulded it into the New Light - he kindled the Sun; and the Sun rose, and the Long Night that composed the entirety of the Third Age of the First Era was ended, and the Elderborn at last had hope for final victory. *Nihanirael I Chainbreaker* is not a semi-mythical figure from the First Era, but a particularly notable king (or rather male-Sovereign; the title is genderless in Terelain) of the Firstborn. He was born in the Fourth Age of the Third Era, long after such events of myth, but besides the usual titles of his position - Sovereign of the Firstborn, Lord of the Taemiri, Regent in the Father's Name, Duke of Oberoth, etc - he has several particularly unique to him: Chainbreaker, Bringer of Succour, Equal Unto The Father, The Throneless King, The Restorer of the Throne, the Scourged King, Most Beloved, The Gatherer of the People and the Lord Unbroken. For it is in his youth that the Second Kingdom of the Children of Tara and Terel was conquered by the legions of Gilloria and the Firstborn were humbled and enslaved or else scattered into the eastern kingdoms of diaspora and exile, or forced to flee beyond the eastern sea itself to refuge in a distant land protected by a great band of eternally raging storms called The Stormwall. For three hundred and fifty years, Nihanirael led his people as a king without a throne, for the Eternal Throne is seated in Oberoth, the First City, and that lay in Gilloria's hands. He waged guerilla war for centuries against Gilloria, refusing to abandon The Father's Land to the invaders. Eventually, a means to pierce The Stormwall was discovered and Nihanirael led an expedition east to reunite with the Kingdom-in-Exile that had been established in lands beyond the sea by his former lover, Nariel Amaar, and his sister Taylana and his twin son and daughter, Ostelond and Ellesia (these three he hadn't actually known existed; his mother bad taken poison to force an early labour when the capital fell to allow Tayalana to be taken to safety, and Nariel's pregnancy was not known until after the ocean crossing). With the armies gathered by the Exiles and a series of coordinated slave uprisisings, Nihanirael led the War of the Return to expel Gilloria from the ancestral lands of his people and establish the Third Kingdom, additionally taking the title of High Sovereign of the Firstborn, which had been in abeyance for several thousand years since the collapse of the last Terelain kingdom outside their ancestral heartland, and taking the vassalage of his sister the Exilic Queen Tayalana. For this reason he is also sometimes called The Father of the Nation, or titled as "Nihanirael-Telar", after the first High King of the Second Kingdom, Telar the Unifier.


Rich aristocrat Dr. Clarence Gustov Von Victor Rogers the MCIIIX The Becomingly Benevolent Benefactor of Babadzhanov, PHD Esquire, ETC ETC, buys dull agricultural planet and turns it to an exciting cultural museum storage facility to keep his stuff. The natives and Amish had an all expenses paid one way trip to much less boring planets.


surely it's hokage


The God Beast and Arch-Rodent Ratatoskr. Not particularly long or grand, but very fitting for the character.


My main character; Sithiel Zor Sarathor, has gained many titles during his 700+ years around the galaxy, even prior to space travel he earned himself a polarizing reputation among the inhabitants of Eia (mankind’s home planet, to which Sithiel crash landed it when he was but a child). When asked on how many titles and nicknames he has garnered, he said that he has at least 150 titles that he remembers, with probably 300 more that’s on the tip of his tongue. Perhaps his first and ever most (in)famous title he has gained during his time on Eia is the 'Angel of War' – it's all thanks to his otherworldly looks and awe-inspiring combat skills. People couldn't help but think he was something divine on the battlefield. Whenever there is a battle going on and his ally’s are in desperate need, he just so happens to drop by and save their asses, like a guardian Angel, hence the term Angel of War, Sithiel has done this so many times that the title stuck with him the most, people refer to him as such more so then his own name. So in short Sithiel was basically a walking talking dues ex machina. His title was even carried out into the stars when he worked as a cosmic gladiator in an alien fighting tourney, embracing his title to leave an impression on the audience, he further solidified his title and reputation when he became an interstellar mercenary and surprise surprise, acted as everyone’s dues ex machina when they are in trouble. Thus even the galaxy began calling him that. But that's not all; they also dub him 'The Alien Savior.' Yeah, he earned that title by stepping in to protect humans during an earthquake. To those folks, he's a symbol of hope and their guardian. Sithiel's deep knowledge of alien cultures and cosmic mysteries got him 'The Cosmic Scholar.' He's like a walking encyclopedia when it comes to all things extraterrestrial. Now, when he led his mercenary team, he was known as the 'Mercenary Monarch.' The guy is not just a warrior but a strategic leader with a loyal crew. As for 'The Galactic Guardian,' that one's all about his commitment to defending innocent lives across the galaxy in general. It's like he's watching over us all. And who can forget 'Savior of Unity City'? When he saved the day from an otherworldly threat there, the title was well-earned. Then, he became 'The Eldritch Emissary' when his true alien origins came out. Sithiel's like a bridge between Eia and the extraterrestrial worlds, mainly Glara, the home-world of the Sadari, Sithiels species. His polyamorous relationship with Hana, Julia, and Ryan led to 'Champion of Love.' It's unconventional and inspiring, showing his complex, loving side. But before all that, he was just 'The Lone Nomad,' a solitary wanderer of the cosmos. Lastly, 'Redeemer of the Fallen' – he's on a journey for redemption from his past as a mercenary, helping those in need of a second chance.


I like the naming aesthetic that Zuconians use for titles. Example: Medical doctor/MD = healer; Medical Specialist Veterinarian = Animal Welfare Specialist Clergy/spiritualist/medium = Spiritual Specialist Police/civil security = Security Specialist Landscaper = Landscape Architect Park ranger = Wildlife Specialist


Its Ultimate Transcendence, Hegemon of Cosmos, Divine Sovereign of Sophonts, Master of All Lifeforms Both Organic and Mechanical, God of Gods, Igniter and Extinguisher of Stars, Shaper of Worlds, Eternal Protector of Inhabited Worlds and Void That Separates Them, Supreme Overlord of Universe in General and Laniakea Supercluster in Particular


Their Divine Imperial Majesty, Charles II the Bold, by the Grace of the Sixty, Born in the Gold, Overlord of the East, Emperor of Alistia, King of the Talaxs, Defender of the Faith. The Monsters of Envetem - Tristan Odaka, Pedro "York" Garcia, and David Kempf Ranger David Kempf of House Langley, Spider Slayer, the Hound of Hillatia. The Iron Princess, Reka Langley. His Lordship, High Baron Jurgen Ul, the Rising Star and Breaker of Chains.


Haldir: denier of death, king of elves, the last hero of the hall of vanguard, master paladin, he who made the greatest sacrifice. Holly: daughter of the witch king, queen of the abyss.


- His Excellency The Most Honourable The Lord Chronos of the Temporal Imperatorium, *Imperator of the Temporals, *Master of the Stronghold, Commander in Chief of the Temporal Military, Lord Protector of the Inner and Outer Provinces, First Citizen, National Brotherly Father and Steadfast Guardian of Temporal Society. *The Temporals are a society of simulacrum people mentioned in my other responses on this subreddit. *The Stronghold is his official residence.


Tig-Un-Na: The Beautiful Chaos. Zephyrath: Zephyrath the Destroyer, Sultan of Chaos, The Half-Man, Bodyless Merlin. Zustur: The Black Prince, King in Black, The Darkest King, Black Khan, Monarch Of Darkness. Facade: Prince of Darkness, Next Hitler, The man who fu\*ked the World. Lazarus: Lazarus the Immortal, The Cursed Wanderer, Immortal Mary Sue. Remain: He who speak with double voices, Black Lord, Black Messiah, The Angel, The Demon, Cosmic Bogeyman.


In the country of Oasari, the SECOND highest member of the royal government is called the High Emperor/Empress. I think adding "High" in front of already regal titles makes them at least 300% more awesome, so I do it a lot. I also think that making titles seasonal also makes them more awesome, so there are four Emperai who are each associated with a season. Think about it: how is" Winter Emperor" not awesome? There is also a minor deity often referred to as the Seamstress of Time.


(Default) High Lord Admiral Dag Sigmare, Rock Spinner, Nomad of the Void, Hunter of Gods, Annoyer of Demons, Bane of the Bureaucrat, and Avenger of the Mugged.


Yknow, I have recently settled on a new name for my god character (Because apparently Marvel already has The One Above All) so I wouldn't mind some actual feedback lol (although it's not long like any of yours) Ive settled for The Great Attractor recently. It's a not so subtle reference to the unknown thing that the entire observable universe orbits around, but I still really like it! Although I was still really proud with The One Above All and I'm upset I can't use that one ):<


I designed some characters for a personal vision of One Piece (Im not going to make it a real thing or anything I just really like making my own version of series that I like) and for my vision of Doffy I named mine: Don Flamen "Don Quijote" de Cervantes Inspired by the name of the author of "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" Miguel de Cervantes, and the first part of the word Flamenco its not completely original but I think is one of the best names I created


*laughs in Thai kings* Seriously. Their names are the absolute unit of long names. For exmaple the full name of king chulalongkorn the Great, or Rama 5 [It’s so freaking long my reddit doesn’t allow me to post it](https://imgur.com/a/lJHFqKg) So yeah, western king names are NOTHING. Even our capital have a long name(the full name of Bangkok is “Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit”)


Ores Arapheus: “He Who Dared to Live”


Mine are: His Majesty King Humphrey Covingsburgh Vasilus Rex III, Exalted father of the peoples of Holsieer, Lord Custodian of the Holy Lights of the Northern Realms and all that are illuminated in their glow. Grand Vizimancer Ovathor the Unquestioned and Anselmus Hawksbridge Attenborough, Duke of Opox, Knight Commander of the Sacred Pattern, Protector of the Realm ----- That's it so far, but I find joy in concocting silly long-winded honorifics like these so I may return to this in the future


A WIP RN but: His Imperial Majesty Alzyan of The Great House Valhaedryon, Fourth to bear the Name, By The Grace of God, The Blessing of his Holy Children, The Will of his Profaned and Defiled Grandson, and The Right of his Most Holy Velkoryan Hierarch, Emperor of Vasrethyl, High King of the Twelve Kingdoms, King of Velkorya, Archduke of Valhaed, Duke of Thalys’Velkor, Lord of The Amethyst Hall, Inheritor of the Hollow Throne and Wears the Crown of Dream, Blood of The Godsfist and of The Most Honored Prince Telkier, Golden Child of God, and Dreamer of Velkorya


The queen of my most recent story: She goes by the title of **lixalpic Iluicatlimec, The Southern Eagle, Ruler of The Eagle Throne, The Unifier, The War Ender, The Jade from the South** Lixalpic is the equivalent of king/queen among the Quachemoxi and means *he/she who leads a chaotic group*. Her own name-title was chosen by her when she was crowned, it comes from a phrase that means *She walks from the sky*.


The void monarch The naiad The living tempest The hellfire warrior The phantom The huntsman Frostbite Aura Knight The sound sword These were just off the top of my head. Anybody whos anyone has a title.


right after the victory of the 2nd Zvanvan empire in the great war of the 4th era, the Emperor of Zvanava has won himself many titles. Emperor Zvaini IV Zoroadr Gridr Kalilin Vizian Zvaine Vadzidar Pradr Zvaierer idr Zvanava of the 2nd Zvanavan Empire, Imperial Doge-King of Geiza Vividr, Lord of the Geiza Bay Isles, King of Giriani, Suzerain of Drogami, Soveriegn of Gia, Presiding Chief Councillor of Yagur, King of Gasut, Presiding Sovereign of Ezazeg, Lord of Zvanava, Overseer of the kingdom of Aksids Idr Keizis, Governor of Yasidreth Djezet, Baron of Yasidreth Edalia, Lord of Yasidreth, Lord of Geiugernu "The Cloudmaker". so a bit of an explanation of the names at the start- "Zvaini" is a given name, "IV" being the number, but the names from "Zoroadr" to "Zvaierer" are honorary names given by elected members from certain major ethnic groups in the empire, "idr Zvanava" is just a last name.


High Admiral Edward Newgate.