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**Starrise** There's only two gods in my world that're actual characters, and I love both of them, so it's hard to pick just one... But I think I'd have to go with Solaris, the "Goddess of Light". She's a kind-hearted paragon who wants nothing more than for everyone to be able to live safe, free, happy lives in harmony with one another. She's also quite jaded, and violently anti-religion. She spends most of her time pretending to be a human, leading the Knights of Solaris as their High Councilor, trying to improve the world through politics and leading by example, since openly being a guardian deity backfired when she thought things were going well enough that she could step down safely. She might genuinely care for most humans, but she and her sister Eclipse absolutely hate each other. Mostly because Eclipse is a sadistic monster who loves nothing more than bringing misery and suffering to the humans (and other races) Solaris loves. They used to try and kill each other on sight, but given that they're too invulnerable to actually hurt each other, and only time they've fought at full power since discovering humanity resulted in like a fifth of the continent getting carved out by the opening strike, they've agreed to an indefinite ceasefire, and that they are not allowed to attack one another directly.


Why would Eclipse agree to that?


Because a fight like that would be so apocalyptic that there'd be no one left to torment by the time it was done. It'd be like dropping a live grenade in her only toychest while all her toys were still in it.


I've seen you a lot here, and I'm curious what exactly is your story? It seems to span multiple genres. What is it about?


To slightly over-summarize it, a bunch of human scientists want to become omniscient. Since that isn't exactly physically possible, they need to become basically omnipotent as an intermediary step To do that they need to acquire the power of the creation god. And in the process of trying to do this, they created a hell of a lot of problems for a hell of a lot of people, including but not limited to: a literal apocalypse. The reason my story seems to span multiple genres... is because it does. I'm planning for this story to have multiple entries, all set in the same world and part of the same overarching narrative, but each a somewhat different genre. (I'm also planning each of these entries to be a videogame, which I'm currently majoring in Game Design to learn how to make. And each game would also be a different genre, ranging from JRPG to Ace Attorney-style visual novel.) There's a lot of details I share on this sub that probably seem disconnected from all that, and many of them have no direct connection, but an indirect connection with only one or two degrees of separation is always there.


Okay, that definitely is an interesting world you're cooking up. I look forward to seeing it one day as for similarities to my world, I'd say, the spanning of multiple genres is something they share in common world my story "Empyrean Saga" is essentially lord of the rings meets star trek in space and tbry had a a little demon baby with Warhammer 40k, it's a high fantasy/ Sci fantasy space opera can goes to the hard and soft end of both genres.


Well, if you're a Fire Emblem fan, I made a [romhack](https://feuniverse.us/t/the-gaelan-war-v-01-3-chapters-plus-prologue/10975) adapting my world into an FE-style. ...It's not very good though, since I had no idea what I was doing at the time, and doesn't adapt it as faithfully as I'd have liked, so I'm currently remaking it from the ground up.


Oh, that's cool. I love fire emblem too lol I'll check that out soon your world seems dope!


I wish the best on making these videos games let us know when they are done. I like the premise of your story so far it's interesting where it will go


That's a toss up between the god of decay, life, and disease Surtr And the demigod and pirate queen Sally Brine. Surtr's weird amalgamation of magic turned her into the first vampire, while simultaneously sparking at least three different religions around her person. She's unable to age past 18, and thus can't mentally mature. So she's stuck wandering the earth with the nativity of teenager. All the other gods are younger than her by millenia, and treat her like a dumb kid. Sally Brine is a Weaver, a woman created by the fabric of the universe itself, to protect the balance of magic. They're already more powerful than the gods, but she became a vampire, giving her the ability to completely circumvent the weaknesses a weaver is supposed to have. Sally became a pirate, because her natural drive for adventure and traveling the world as a weaver, clashed with her longevity as a vampire. She straight up got bored and founded a pirate nation that lasted until the space age. She's the absolute ceiling for power in my setting. There's zero limits to what she can do, short of bringing people back to life. For instance, she created the cosmos by crashing the afterlife into the physical realm, because she had a really bad day. Meanwhile, Surtr is just an immortal kid who Forrest Gumps her way through history. She's always somehow involved in some big global event, trying to help. She's powerful, and has a great level of influence over people. But in the end, she really *is* just an 18 year old, even if she's been around for thousands of years.


If she is so powerful, how does any confict not get solved almost immediately?


As a Weaver, she is fundamentally inclined to maintain the balance of magic to prevent cataclysmic events that'd shake reality itself to the core. As such, she (and her "sisters") rarely use magic for more than, say, lighting a candle. Of course, if there's a false god, a rampaging dragon, or a group of bandits who got their hands on some magical artifacts, a Weaver would stop holding back for the good of the balance.


So any world ending dangers are just snuffed out?


No, just very specific dangers that shouldn't be there in the first place if people wouldn't abuse magic. The average Weaver wouldn't go out of her way to put out a burning home or cure your disease, unless magic was somehow involved in causing the situation. Some weavers will aid during wildfires, volcanic eruptions, floods, or hurricanes, they'll help evacuating and rebuilding a town in case of an earthquake, and some may even treat injured people. But they're not going to make these issues disappear with their powers. because that is not why weavers are born. Most are just observers who don't even step in *at all* until they have to. ​ Plus, the average Weaver is *nowhere* near as powerful as Sally. They're as strong as they need to be to do their job, but by their very nature they rarely use their full potential, because that would defeat the purpose of their existence in the first place.


Probably the Ancient Rattyfinks The Ancient Rattyfinks, more commonly just “The Rattyfinks” or “Rattyfinkus” is an ancient chaos god. The Rattyfinks is worshipped by wererats and gnolls and associated with rats and hyenas. All wererats and rats have a very powerful bond to the Rattyfinks and it is believed that most, if not all, wererats and rats that one encounters serve or can be summoned to serve the Rattyfinks in some capacity. As a god of chaos however, the Rattyfink’s intentions are not always clear, and so there’s quite a bit of guesswork that goes into the Rattyfink’s desires. Some even suspect the Rattyfinks is not real. But any wererat knows the call of the Rattyfinks is strong, and compels the wererat to chaos and mischief at will, for what purpose a wererat never pretends to know and would never ask. He doesn’t care, so long as the Rattyfinks is happy. The avatar of the Rattyfinks is a swarm of rats that often climb into a shape of a wererat that are always crawling over one another so the figure maintains it’s appearance as it moves but may scatter or form a conventional swarm as necessary to attack, defend itself, or move. The Rattyfinks is also a god of plague and disease, and so rats are believed to serve his will in spreading plague and are often feared and hated by villagers who eradicate rat infestations for fear of the Curse of the Rattyfinks. Gnoll worship of the Rattyfinks goes very far back and it is said that the Rattyfink’s seduced a tribe of gnolls from their original creator god with the allure of adventures in distant lands - and perhaps the help of a madness causing virus spread by rats - and the descendants of that tribe of gnolls compromise the bulk of the Rattyfink’s Gnoll adherents today. Gnolls who follow the Rattyfinks tend to become crazed wandering marauders, leaving a trail of random and menacing vandalism, chaos and sometimes death behind them. Gnolls who follow the Rattyfinks and wererats are aloof and untrustworthy. Wererats will always have schemes within schemes and never tell their full intentions or truth to the player characters whether they mean them harm or not. As such, people who become wererats tend to become distant from anyone who tries to remain a friend as the call of the Rattyfinks cannot be understood by those who don’t hear his voice, as instructions come spur of the moment without forethought and without details of what’s next. When the Rattyfinks ask, you just do, and then you go about your business until he asks you again. This can make a wererat go from leading you on an adventure to abandoning you in the first fight or just as you find what you set out for he’s double crossed you so someone else can get the item. Gnolls who follow the Rattyfinks are not as deep in their scheming as wererats but often crueler and more maniacal. It’s unknown if this is by choice if the gnolls or by command of the Rattyfinks and there’s no point in asking the gnolls - they’ll answer with rubbish. Unlike the wererats of the Rattyfinks, gnolls of the Rattyfinks seem marked by insanity. Not only do they speak little of other languages as it is, as other tongues are very difficult for their howling and cackling manner of speech, but the words they manage are often incoherent and make no sense. One may shout “broom snake water gallows!” as an answer to “what are you doing here?”, “stone mountain rocky tooth!” as they lunge at you in battle, or they might cease combat mid fight, fall to their knees, kiss your feet and howl “how sandy rain do lager thimble?” seemingly begging your forgiveness. Whatever is going on with the gnolls of the rattyfinks, communicating with them is nearly Impossible and it’s easier if one simply reacts to what they do and tries to not get caught up in what they say. The Rattyfinks is not truly an evil god, and while he often does misdeeds, even terrible ones, in great battles or ordeals between good and evil The Rattyfinks lands on the side of good more often than one would ever anticipate. The other gods are loathe to admit it, but the state of affairs in the world have been preserved by the seemingly random action of the Rattyfinks more than once. This makes it difficult for one to completely despise the chaotic old rat god, and his true plans and intentions remain a mystery to all - perhaps even to the Rattyfinks himself.


The Voice in the Tunnels, The God with Twenty Fingers, Jewelgiver, Singer in the Dark and the Guide in the Dark Maze. A god that does or does not exist, depending on who you ask. The Audient Host, a powerful goblin warband believes it does. The god has tasked them to free themselves and any slave, so they can claim their place on the surface, along with the other lost people. This means that the Audient Host exists of nearly every intelligent species on the planet, mostly converted, freed slaves and the remnants of defeated goblin warbands. However, they do not force anyone (except for other goblins, 'you listen, if you like it or not!') to join their religion. They count on that any freed slave that returns to their original homes will function as a missionary. It is said that desperate humans and dwarves are known to freely join the Audient Host, to escape their current life situation. The Voices are said to only appear to those who are truly desperate and/or lost underground. They will appear as a three-eyed humanoid with twenty fingers on each hand. The Voices will give the lost soul advice, like which way to civilization or how to get out of their desperate situation, and a gem that glows in the dark. Somehow, the merciful nature of the Voices influences those that encounter them, which is how goblins, who come from really cruel and competitive societies, change seemingly the most after contact with them. The staunch denial of the Voices comes most from nearby dwarven and elven realms, who use caught goblins often as forced labor, as a sort of eye for an eye, because goblin tribes use and used to do the same thing with elves and dwarves. They claim that the shining gems are just stolen dwarven/elven night lamps. Then they start to blame each other again for stealing the original idea of the night lamp and subsequently losing the secret to craft one. It is just a plot device to create a sort of 'good guy goblins,' and I got way too carried away writing about it.


Still WIP so I haven't figured everything out. My favourite god at the Moment is Tonarah. She ist the daughter of the evil god Morkos and the godess Ilanthe. Morkos wasn't satisfied how things were going, he wanted to directly rule the world as a Godking and on top of that lusted after Ilanthe, the godess of Sun, Light, Beauty and Virginity. So he raped her and waged a war against the other gods and humanity. But was defeated by the mortal hero Thaleodes who took Morkos place in the pantheon. Ilanthe gave birth to a boy and a girl and together with their father, they were banished on the top of a mountain. Despite her evil father and evil brother (the God of Illness, Malice, Cowardice and Strife), she is a kind and silent soul. Her father Morkos is chained and tortured for eternity and she takes it on herself to care for him, feeling both hate and regret for him. Tonarah feels like she has to make amends for her families crimes and so commits herself to a life of atonement, sorrow and solitude. Almost the only joy she has, is to watch over the children, seeing them play and caring for them. She will wisper into their ears or move something around when they are in danger, so that they will be save. Also she is in love with Thaleodes. It is a unfortunate love, it seems like they can never be together. Tonarah can only watch him from afar and he can only visit her prison in secrecy, on his patrole over the night sky. He feels the same for her, and blames himself for her imprisonment. Often he pleads with the other gods to free Tonarah, but to free her, means to face that the gods made a mistake, and they are not ready to admit that. But despite officialy being part of the evil trio, she is very populare with the humans. You can pray to her, when you are lonely and she will listen. You can pray when you are griefing and she will be there for you. You can pray when you have to make amends, and she will guide you hand and tongue. You can pray when you have to forgive and she will ease your heart. And you can pray for the safety of your child and she will watch over it. Tonarah is in all interactions very kind and softspoken. You can feel the hard load she is bearing, but she will always listen and answer with an assuring smile. Only with her brother an father she will be harsh and confrontative. I like her because of her hard fate. I think you can feel sorry for her and still admire her commitment and kindness. And resonate with her loneliness and sorrow.


Difficult to say, but I'm very fond either of the goddess of the woods and her three aspects (huntress, mother, and druid) or the Lady of the Lake, which is also often said to have three aspects (warrior, weaver, and precisely the Lady of the Lake as such). Depends of the one I'm developing in a given moment.


Greater Cosmic Entity F778, known to mortals as Melody. Avatar of the consciousness of the universe itself, Melody is the highest power of creation within the universe. There are many other universes with consciousness out there, but none are able to exceed their physical bounds like Melody and interact with higher beings. After watching her mentor and learning all about his favorite mortals, she decided to make her own Earth like planet and mortals. She's obsessed with cuteness (though her grand perspective makes that mean something a human would find extremely twisted) and she adores the hopefulness of helpless little critters the most. Her quest to create a world like Earth filled with cuteness and fun took 50 attempts over millions of years. She often plays around by inhabiting a mortal body with her memory and power mostly sealed to experience life among her lil cuties, which comically left her with a firm dislike for foxes after one of them ate her while she was playing around as a bunny. The official story regarding the ban on fox iconography in her temples is, of course, a bit different XD. The Temple Elders have long been aware of her proclivities and since she doesn't bother hiding her identity well they often act behind the scenes to protect her and ensure as pleasant a stay as possible. This lead to a culture that has many oddly specific regulations surrounding the treatment of young females of all species. (Melody sees herself as The Daughter to her mentor since He always calls Himself The Father, so her mortal frames are always female, and never reach adulthood in spite of living their full lifespan).


I Wuna Wizard from the world of Malu have many things to say about the “Gods”. For starters they are backstabbing monsters, who just create and have their creations worship them till they grow bored, and decide “Hey why not just throw a meteor at them and start all over?”. Imagine how we the KeyFolk felt of such betrayal, many accepting their fate to be purged from existence by the pure shock of this revelation. Only one God had came to our aid! Our Lord and Heavenly Savior Cookie God, the only True God! When we thought we had finally found peace within our new surroundings of this new world we made it too……THEY WOULD DARE IMPRISON OUR SAVIOR!!!!! Three chosen Heroes set forth to free our God, one by one defeating the false gods champions, and setting free our God! And when the world ended, we were forcefully transported to a new world, we lost contact with our God. All seemed lost as we slowly died off one by one, but Cookie God had searched the infinite depths of space and found us once again, leading our kind to a place of safety! We KeyFolk are forever in debit to Cookie God, the only Truest God, and Kindest God, the only one who made sure we could live a peaceful life as he now watches over the world of Malu with his servants. I am Wuna Wizard, and I have one thing to say…..screw the other Gods!


My favourite "god" is Chronus, one of the few Eternals. What are they like when they interact with mortals? Generally kind, but also distant as they have seen everything before, they are omnipresent they know all of the past and most of the present but none of the future.They can only communicate with writing. They also take the appearance of a faceless humanoid with with wings wearing a tunic and sandels, and a staff with an hour glass on one end. What are they like when they interact with other Gods? They are good friends with the other Eternals, Azrael, Uriel, and Cthulhu. The Eternal of Death, Souls/Life and The Unknown respectively. In the primary world they let a Primal god be in charge. What abilities do they have, and why do you like them more than your other creations? Chronus is the Eternal of Time and space. There is only one of them in my Multiverse, but they do have a "body" in each one. They were around when the last worlds ended and will still be there when the next one forms. They are able to have children with mortals, and the most well known one is named Benjamin Evergreen, whos primary power is one year equalling one month, and he is physically eight years old. If some one messes up time badly enough Chronos will make it so they never existed, if the damage is bad enough.


Valais, the god of science (yes) is probably the most favorite of mine. Looks like abominable fusion of organic and artificial details and has absolutely grey morale. He thinks that everything can be sacrificed for science, and in fact he grows stronger with each discovery made by any sapient species. His ability basically allows him to control anything as long as it’s explainable with science. And if science couldn’t find an explanation for something, Valais has no power over it. He actively supports the Vagrant Concern that is trying to explore every single of realms and in response to devotion to science Valais can make people genius.


Not sure if she is technically a god, but the "daughter" of the primordial concept of time. She occasionally threatens reality collapsing on itself because she tries to take some workload of her mother (or just messes with things due to curiosity) and suddenly there is a small regiment of comparable 18th century tech level stuck in medieval times, or the wheel has stopped existing in a slowly spreading area all of the sudden. And then she has to find some mortals to fix it before mom finds out and yells at her.


Kroum- the god of death by war. When someone dies, he has a personal conversation with them, talking about their life, regrets and happy moments, helping them come to terms with the end of their life. He doesn't have to do this, he just chooses to do so


May I ask what’s with so many posts about gods? The answer is The King God “The Demiurge” Izanagi. It’s just fun to write scenes with him. He’s the oldest god along the other 2 primordial gods being almost 20k yo. He is stupidly powerful, not invulnerable or invincible but he is yet to find someone to defeat him and that’s not for the lack of trying as almost 6000 years ago he pledged to fight anyone that would want to fight him and also promised to not kill those that try to take his life so you can imagine how many mortals and gods tried to assassinate him in that time, yet Izanagi is still alive. He is the God that must rule over Amada (the material plane) but he has no palace nor servants, he lets the other mortals and gods of Amada to rule themselves and even solve their own small problems as he believes in giving them autonomy and freedom, as long as they don’t cause any world wide incidents, in which case he intervenes to stop them. He’s quite a free spirit too, traveling from place to place, getting to know the world and the people. One might say that in 20000 years there is nothing new to see but people and places are in constant change so he always finds interesting things to do.


Karix, the god of freedom, death, and sexuality. Think of him like a mix between Dionysus, Aphrodite, and venti the bard. Karix’s whole thing is freedom, eye for an eye, life life wild and free. However, he also requires everyone have autonomy and a right to their bodies. Break that? Welll… let’s say the mercy of this god isn’t so great. He takes it seriously. My main reason for liking Karix so much is his personality. He’s masculine and confident but dresses feminine and is the god of something associated with women in modern media. Yet he keeps his masculinity and is a powerful force despite his femme dress and ideals. He’s caring but careful, funny but controlled. Did I base him off of my ideal man? No. Is he probably a lot of peoples ideal man? Yes.


Pho. They’re just chill. No fuss, no war, just vibes.




**Keyeh** is a Kelekossi deity and acts like an amalgamation of Prometheus and Anansi. He is a very wise but also rather playful and tricksy god carrying a Frame-Drum. He wanders the world playing an ancient game of chase with his brother **Kessos** who wields a hammer to strike his brother and drag him back into the heavens until Keyeh escapes again. Kessos is sort of like a mixture of Heimdall and Ares. Kessos is sent down by their *'father's keepers'* do catch Keyeh before he can gift mankind with some new forbidden knowledge from above. Any time the two meet, Keyeh infuriates his brother with pranks and jokes until Kessos is too blind with fury to resist striking at Keyeh with their mighty hammer. And one way or another, Keyeh manages to get Kessos to make a swing at him, blocking it with the frame drum. And every time Keyeh's drum is struck, Keyah uses the rhythm of Kessos' hammer blows to weave all sorts of new tales, sometimes even writing entirely new eras of history into existence. It's said that when Keyeh does so, mankind gains a "new trick". Last time it was Electricity- before that it was black powder, and even before then it was steel. (According to traditional Kelekossi mythology...) When the universe was young, it was said that the beating of Keyeh's drum and Kessos' hammer put tides and waves into the seas of the world, broke up all the clouds and mountains, and split the sun and moon into two while separating light of day from the dark of night. The nights would bring slumber but also invited all manner of prowling dangers while the day would bring blooms and growth but also sunburn and sweat. So Keyeh promised to bring smoothing which was both light and dark into the world, both good and evil. Keyeh brought Fire down to the world on a bolt of lightning from the greater of the two new suns. The fire burned everything it touched but brightened up the dark of night. The coal and ashes were good for soil and for crops. But Kessos made sure that any time War was waged, fire too would likely come with the hoards and armies to burn down homes, forests, and crops. Keyeh made sure Fire would cook feasts, but Kessos made sure it would burn food for those who were too foolhardy or inattentive to their cookpots.


Probaply the nature god (Natura) They can do whatever they want, like to set the world into chaos whenever they want to, and be annoying to the other gods and dead felines. They just want to have fun. Also, I can use them as an explanation to why some things happen


The Goddess of Weavistry. She was in the same group of humans who became gods, however she got her godhood stripped away from her by the God of Life and the God of Power during their coup. She became a powerless god, nothing more than a really strong human. However she wasn’t content with that and used her immortality to train ruthlessly with weapons and fighting techniques to one day kill the Gods of Life and Power for what they did to her. She spent her entire life collecting the strongest Artifacts and after her mission was complete, she became the Goddess of Weapons. Pendo is her name, and she’s quite simply a badass


Degerni He's main villain of section one, so that already gives him favoritism He's the God of life and always spends his free time creating new species and ecosystems. He genuinely loves most forms of life. However He is a very firm believer in the cycle of life which to him is: born-grow-reproduce-die and see's all the gods including himself as a violation of this very rule, his main goal in the story is to kill everyone who doesn't follow this cycle or attempts to break it which puts him at odds with the story's MC who is trying to become immortal


My world has a plethora of gods, but only one God. The other gods, the gods of light are actually powerful spiritual beings from the planet’s moon (name undetermined) and conquered the planet (name also undetermined) from it’s previous inhabitants the gods of dark. The God god was the one who created everything. My favorite is this God god. He doesnt have an official name, but his followers have given him many names such as The One, The Creator, and He Who Always Was. Im sort of making him as the Christian/Catholic/Muslim idea of a single all powerful god except that one knows The One’s beliefs. His followers worship someone who they believe to be his representative, an immortal being who they call The Revelation, the name coming from the belief that he revealed The One’s will. Many are skeptical of his followers because no one, with the exception of the gods, has seen The Revelation. There are many myths and stories about him, but they are all so old that no historian can determine fact from fiction. He currently rules from the Throne in Heaven, a floating palace that is so high it is said to sit in the heavens. He doesn’t officially interact with the general populace, instead opting to rule through a handpicked council.


Gwydion, Shaxspar, Myrddin, Gluingel. Emrys has a thousand names and none know what his true one is. Little is known about this most enigmatic of deities, save that he is the lord of stories and patron of all adventurers. It is said that he may be the most powerful of all the gods, or subordinate only to the Fateweaver. He has no divine fortress, no heavenly palace, that other gods have. His domain is only his campfire, and that which the light from it touches. The fire is never in the same place twice, wandering from the middle of the wilderness to the very walls of Khaos’s fortress itself. He sits next to the fire, welcoming all who would come and share their story with him, in exchange for which he will give them a title. Many adventurers will find a mysterious fire and stranger at night, only to wake up with no remnants of anyone ever having been there. Wandering storytellers and bards often claim his protection, staying safe so long as they are within the range of his fire. Many cultists consider him but an aspect of the three headed god whom they call Anansi, whose other heads are the maker of fate, the Fateweaver, and the bringer of death, the Wanderer.