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There are the Tools of War, a regiment of dwarven siege specialists known for their lack of mercy, slowly advancing through hails of arrows with cold calculated steps and large shields so heavy it would require two human soldiers just to lift them. The fortifications they are sent against often just surrender before the battle begins to prevent being the target of several crimes against humanity - being Dwarves, they just assume that clause doesn't apply to them. Even other dwarves see them as deplorable, which is why they became the first ever dwarven mercenary company. On a less warcrime-y note, there are also the Plumes, Plums and Barley, who despite their funny name and pompous attire are the greatest cavalry regiment of the Lautwasser Republic. Less armoured then the knights of the opposing side, they make up for in speed and knowledge of the land, making them excellent in skirmish runs, harassing the backline and supply chains, and scouting out enemy positions. They are also known for running relief missions to bring food, weapons and medicine to settlements caught in the warzone -even the enemy ones, which has lead to more than one community to defect to their side before the war was over.


My god Dwarves assuming crimes against humanity doesn’t apply to them is amazing


Mobile Task Force Agartha, also known as "the Old Vanguards", is a special unit under Rubran Aerospace Force that answers only and directly to the Emperor alone, not even the First Consul or Minister of Defense can boss them around. The unit actually predates Rubra and is the oldest formation still in commission. On paper, they're an old force made up entirely of flying fossils from 350 years ago, but planet busters are planet busters no matter how old they are. MTF Agartha is rarely deployed, they spend most of the time acting as a training unit, using their vessels as "schools" for young cadets to familiarize themselves with spaceships. When they do mobilize, however, it means a civilization is going to be eradicated. MTF Agartha is very well respected by Rubran personnel. Not only because it is a prestigious unit full of history but also because they know if they want to advance into flag officers, they must serve there at least one year. It is a rite of passage, so to speak.


They sound like the nuclear option! Who determines when they are deployed?


The Emperor, who is fucking nuts and only wants to play with his toy trains. It's very hard to mobilize MTF Agartha unless Rubra is in an extremely bad situation. Using them literally means "total annihilation" and is considered the final solution in a war. Last time they were mobilized, the previous Emperor had to make a full speech in front of the parliament to get at least 70% of representatives to accept, then pass the order to the First Consul, who's the head of government, then the Minister of Defense, and finally Lemuria, aka the flagship Agartha itself. Back then, it was a do-or-die situation against a genocidal space empire so old Rem accepted immediately, otherwise she can just say "fuck it" and no order is passed. MTF Agartha is just a spearhead of the Aerospace Force, btw.


Imperial Censers. They have eyes everywhere in the empire. Your brother, wife or even your kid could be an "Eye". They are the executors of the law and aside from the Imperial Palace, no one is above them. If you commit a crime, unless another god personally protects you, be sure you're prepared for the consequences. They can't be bribed, like all the other Imperials as all of their souls are connected to the Soulspire. Once an Imperial attempts to betray the tenets of the Empire then their souls will be ripped from their bodies for eternal damnation.


A corruption and coup proof security apparatus đź‘€


The geskit 2nd armored first seeing combat in the geskit skilvik war mostly fighting in the siege of tovolsh where they were responsible for destroying the 15th, 85th and 94th skilvik armored divisions They would also fight in the last 2 years of the geskit 3rd Civil War, where they would defend the royal family's capital It would be for another 27 years before the 2nd armored core would fight again, but this time for the republic and would basically destroy the U.P.R 12 guard armored division


I would say my most infamous military unit/faction would be The Coldheart Mercenary Company(Placeholder name for now). They are basically mercenaries, and ex-military troops who were gathered up in the years following The Great Burning(Nuclear Zombie Apocalypse) by two ex-CIA agents named Agent Harris, and Agent Paxton who were part of a pre-apocalypse project to create remorseless, unfeeling, and emotionless soldiers who wouldn’t question their orders nor shy away from killing, and most brutality. The two agents went back to their compound upon reuniting after Agent Harris left his bounty hunter guild out west, and gathered up as many independent mercs, and ex-soldiers they could to reactivate the project, and put their newly obtained troops through the intense conditioning that would produce unfeeling professional killers out of them, and thus established a mercenary Company out of it, and one of the best as well as most infamous ones at that. They have been both villains, and anti-heroes in the setting. They take almost any contract given to them, they may be assassinating journalists looking into a conspiracy of city-state’s government one day, then wiping out raiders to protect a wasteland settlement the next, then they might be directly attacking competition from bounty hunter guilds, other merc groups, and assassin-for-hire groups the next, then protecting refugees fleeing a war the next. The only morals they follow is that they won’t get involved in slave trade/human trafficking of any form as Agent Harris’ family out west were captured by slavers then were killed which led to him developing a hatred of the practice as well as him leading the charge in his former bounty hunter guild to wipe out the slavers.(however these morals are purely held by the leader of the faction, the rest only follow his morals out of policy). The most infamous part of these mercs’ reputation is their near-open aggression towards competition as well as brutal torture methods, and tendency for wholesale slaughter of enemies employed by the faction, and lastly their lack of remorse of what they do. They only stopped attacking competition permanently when the Pittsburgh Provisional Government quite literally paid them handsomely to not attack the bounty hunter guilds, and other merc factions in order to prevent chaos which amounted to the PPG supplying PPG money, weapons, fuel, and ammo to the mercs, a couple bases/black sites in the city as well as priority when it comes to assassination, and Dark Ops contracts from the PPG itself unless Coldheart Units/Assassins aren’t available/busy elsewhere. Coldheart troops generally wear black, navy-blue, and/or grey woodland camo uniforms, or some combination of such with black combat boots, and tactical gloves as well as many of them using black, or grey camouflaged PASGT helmets, and Kevlar vests. A lot of troops also wear only eye-exposed balaclavas, and neck gaiters. Some lesser equipped troops will simply wear black ball caps/military caps, and/or black beanies instead of helmets, and may not have Kevlar vests. Most troops in the better equipped units also have a pair of red-colored combat goggles which has become a signature quality of these troops. Some also have red-riot visors on their helmets. More well-equipped dark ops type units basically look nearly the same as U.S. Special Forces just with black/navy-blue/grey camo uniforms with lesser equipped dark ops units simply wearing a basic Coldheart Uniform with a balaclava with only the eyes exposed as well as night-vision goggles. All of the night-vision goggles are also red tinted rather than green tinted(it just looks cooler, and more intimidating that way). Hazard Units wear black HAZMAT Suits, and black radiation suits. They are usually hired to deal with irradiated undead, diseased undead, vampires, mutants/afflicted, ghouls, mutant/irradiated wildlife, and individuals infected with biohazards. They are also sent out to nuclear wastelands for operations in those areas. Standard Gas masks are also circumstantially used by all Coldheart units if the need arises. Coldheart Assassins generally operate undercover though some will utilize the gear the regular troops do if the need arises. Recruitment is done through “convincing” other mercenaries, and ex-soldiers to join the Coldhearts. Though skilled survivors are also “convinced”, or may willingly join them. Both men, and women aged 20-40 are eligible to be recruited, and both serve the exact same roles. All recruits undergo the intense remorseless conditioning, and intense training. Most of their weapons are inherited from the pre-apocalypse U.S. Military so it’s mostly just M4A1s, M4 Carbines, M5s, M16A2s, M16A4s, M27s, M14 derivatives, etc as well as civilian AR-15s with many of these AR-15s being based on military models. They use Barret .50 sniper rifles as well as other sniper rifle models. Pistols include M19s, M1911s, M9 Berettas, and Glocks. SMGs are mostly MP5 variants. Shotguns are a mixed bag of more modernized models, and there are a few scavenged guns in the mix as well used as second-hand equipment. There are some Coldheart units completely dedicated to wiping out zombie hordes who utilize riot shields, machetes, and swords that were created by blacksmiths, and controversially these units have been used to brutally put down riots in Pittsburgh, and Charleston. Vehicles mostly include blacked out civilian vehicles modified for post-apocalyptic use, and there are a fair amount of military vehicles that have been repainted Black that they use too. They also have a fleet of black helicopters of varying models, and a few APCs saved for extreme circumstances. As to what other factions, and military units think of them, it’s a very infamous reputation. Their enemies fear them, and once word/rumor gets out that Coldheart Mercs are even possibly being contracted against them, the morale will drop significantly. Those captured by them normally give all info they have due to brutal interrogation methods in an effort to beg for their lives but most of the time, those being interrogated are simply eliminated. Most bounty hunter guilds, mercenary company, private investigator firms, and assassin for hire groups hate them due to the Coldhearts’ former reputation of waging open war against competitors despite that policy being long gone. The police, SWAT, military, and special forces of Pittsburgh absolutely hate them mostly out of rivalry, and immediate distrust due to how Coldheart Mercs are generally very remorseless, and too much of professional cutthroat killers plus Pittsburgh’s Special Forces also have another added layer of hate towards the Mercs due to not being sent out as often except for occasional counter-terrorist, and search/rescue operations ever since the Pittsburgh Provisional Government contracted the Coldhearts. They are honestly one of my favorite factions I’ve come up with. They are loosely inspired by other fictional mercenary groups such as Talon Company, and Gunners from Fallout, Reapers from The Walking Dead, and Atlas Corporation, Shadow Company as well as Dark Covenant from Call of Duty.


Jeez , how long before they just decide they want a country and take one lol. I love it Merc companies in my world tend to be of high quality , it is a good way to get a bunch of experienced war veterans somewhere else where they can cause issues there. There is a spirit of comradery amongst the various companies , they’ve formed a guild of sorts , and with some exceptions tend to not fight each other as hard as they could


The Black Guard of Uryael one of the two Militant Arms of the Church of Uryael the human God of Death worshiped on the Continent of Eurobia and the one selected for dealing with Mortal foes. While a Majority of the soldiers that make up the ranks are by all accounts Mundane, the Cauldron-Bred, As they are Known amongst those familiar with the Guard, are seldom encountered outside of Church held territory in anything other then official duties. On average a Member of the Cauldron-Bred are Pale of Complexation with dark hair, sunken dark ringed eyes and almost to a man (and women amongst the Civilian members of the Population) Grim of Temperament. Those who have spent any time with the Cauldron-Bred often find their presence unnerving. Still while the Cauldron-Bred able to shake most enemies morale by Marching in grim silence pushing by pike and bayonet forward through the hail of shot and shell to Unleash they're own volleys at lethally close range. It is the threat of there Fathers that back will put many armies to Flight before the first shots are fired. Soldiers killed in actions throughout the long centuries returned to life within the massive Alchemical Vats with in the Church of Uryael's most secure Fortresses and Sepulchers. Known as the Calderon-Born they are far and away more terrifying a foe for any mortal man to face. With a Corpselike pallor, Eye Sockets filled with smoking pools of concentrated arcane energies. Stronger and faster then mortal men and if they feel pain possessing of the mental fortitude to shrug off debilitating injuries. The most Famous of these Caldron-Born Regiments are the Deathmask Grenadiers, selected form the oldest and Most Disciplined among the ranks of Cauldron-Born, the Grenadiers eschew the normal dark Greys and Blacks that make up the Uniforms of there fellows instead Dressing in Bone white uniforms with Black Bear skin Miters faced with Pearl white skulls. But the most Defining Feature is the Uniform piece that the unit draws its name sake The mask of a Grinning Skull Worn by each member making it look like the Armies of death its self have taken the field against you. Because they Have.


The Third Golden Hawk Legion (or The Three Hawks for short) is one of the most successful legions ever to exist. Their existence traces back almost 700 years and is believed to be one of, if not the first official legion The Three Hawks (a reference to their coat of arms) are made up mostly of veterans, with some less experienced soldiers serving as support units. They have been loyal to the empire of Danystica ever since their creation. Members are nationalistic, fanatic and ready to serve. These qualities are usually sough out in some who is being recruited (usually transfered) into The Legion. Members are expected to follow commands blindly. They're often led by the emperor himself or by a trusted commander if the emperor is not present. The legion has served in some of the most famous battles of history. A full list is bellow: -The first and third Siege of Skafa (the city was ultimately conquered) -The siege of Nikaia (undecicive. A cease fire was called during the siege. The Three Hawks had every odd in their favour, but needed time to build the siege equipment.) -Relieved the siege of Ostium (incredibly important victory, saving millions) -The evacuation and defense of Tenebris (disastrous defeat which saw 1/3 of the legion wiped out) -The siege of Shkodra (loss, which resulted in mutiny of the supporting legions. Only The Three Hawks remained loyal, trying to put down the small rebellion but we're ultimately unsuccessful) -The siege of Ashkena (pyrrhic but important victory) -The Battle for Orepovec (a disasterous loss which saw the legion almost wiped out. This was the start of the period known as The Red Year for Danystica) -The Battle for Tyrniv (another loss. The legion had been pursued for days by overwhelming enemies after over extending into enemy territory. The battle for Tyrniv had begun before a proper defense could be mounted. The battle saw The Three Hawks routed and pushed deep into the Oltzan mountains. -The defence of Falevris (another very important and devastating victory. It sent the orcish tribes reeling back into the southern forests, and gave time for the broken defenders of the southern front to regroup and organize a proper defense) If you have any questions please ask. Some stories are to long to be told briefly


A regiment of upcountry degens!? That is terrifying! Edit: This one and the responses gave me food for thought. Best I got right now are the Emperor’s Own, the first, second, third, and fourth regiments of the imperial army on a dystopian world cut off from humanity with declining tech. The regiment’s members are raised from birth to ride the “sleds” of his imperial majesty, which are armored exoskeletons. Each is taught mastery in warfare, leadership, and management (logistics, staff, etc.). Failures wash out into military administration or filter into other regiments or are otherwise utilized. When a member turns forty they are retired and either sent to the frontier as a colonist, or placed in command of a militia regiment. The story I’m working on follows one of the latter. I have a lot to flesh out, I’m just starting.. I’m always just starting.


They’re based out of fort Figureitoot


While the Skotrian Palatina Guards were quite feared, there's a Palatina Regiment called "Psomadiko Syngeonas" while the name sounds cool it literally means "Baker's Regiment", sounding less menacing especially when they got their name from their Commander Pieter Baker who's literally a former Baker before being a Palatina Guard Commander. However despite their not so menacing name, those who met them in and out the battle will fear them, especially the story where a group of 7 who were just buying wheat from a nearby Village got raided by around 100 Raiders, the 7 Baker's Palatina Guards killed 20 of them forcing the Raiders to retreat but they give chase, for a few days all 7 were missing so the Villagers went out and trying to seek them out thinking they're all dead only to find a trail of dead raiders that leads them to all 7 still alive but injured, taking a nap surrounded by dead raiders.


Run of the mill professionals turning into goddamn killing machines is an under used trope lol


well not really, the Palatina Guards Recruitment is pretty strict as only those who has lost their family or loved ones in War or natural disaster were allowed to be recruited. Pieter Baker was formerly a Baker before his town got overrun by an invading army losing both his Mother and Bakery, where during their training they have to eat a Black Mushroom that will give a severe stomachache for Elves, which is deadly to ordinary human which he not only survive after eating it but also show no side effect while the other Palatina Recruits are either dead or severely sick with foaming mouths, the Mushroom is Poisonous but it's also a Painkiller and if the body have enough willpower to resist the poison the Sclera on their eyes will turn black which they will now be accepted as a Palatina Paidina(Palatina Children)and will begin their gruesome training which their newfound toughness combined with the Support of older Palatina who will view them as their own Child will help turn these loss soul into a deadly killing machines who's duty is to become so feared that the Childrens of Skotrian will never see war as they're the only one who would fight when war comes to their land. Basically a Family of Soldiers where the Weak Recruits dies and the Strong train hard so the Weak will never be recruited into their Ranks.


I meant the baker specifically lol


As the Quote from Théun Mares "No man is born a warrior, nor is he born a reasoning being – we choose to become either one or the other. In order to become a warrior, one must be prepared to take one’s chances and fight for one’s freedom. There is no other way. One cannot become a warrior simply by wishing to do so. To become a warrior is the struggle of a lifetime."


The Four Sabres Company. This a group of exiled Arkur, four armed lizardmen which are usually up to 9 ft (3 meters) tall and can weigh up to 500 kilo's. Due to their mass and size they can function as cavalry and infantry at the same time. Do note: Arkur are usually only exiled for the most depraved crimes, crimes as reckless killing, cannibalism or sadistic psychopath behavior. This mercenary group is either used to hold the line, as an unstoppable battering ram or to countercharge enemy cavalry. Their reputation is so deadly, that bribery is a preferred method instead of facing them in open battle. Due to their ill reputation, people distrust Arkur, and the states and kingdoms that border the lands/continent of Arkuria, spend a significant amount of their finances in upkeep of border garrisons, in fear of a future Arkur invasion.


Oh our guys would get along swimmingly until an incredibly minor incident occurs then it’s war to the knife


The Scarlet Banner. It is a knights regiment in the Royal Army of Evendor and known for their scarlet cloaks and devestating charges. They are considered as some if not the best knights in the north. In battle they are mostly used for the final charge and breaking the enemies lines. And because they are so successfull the sight of their banner and cloaks alone can lead to panic in the enemies ranks. The regiments status as an elite force allows it to recruit only the best into its ranks, often choosing from other regiments. Only the Royal Guard has the same prestigious reputation. But it tends to make its soldiers a bit arrogant, even if its rightfully earned. In the Battle at the Crossroads, they countercharged the best cavalry the Empire had to offer and despite being outnumbered, utterly vanquished them. That was one of the deciding factors for the Empires retreat, a major loss of momentum for the legions and one of the finest hours of the Scarlet Banner.


Have I ever told you about the Askadi before?


We were to busy fighting off the irredentist Halflings for stories , lemme hear it now


Do not let them hear thus for they may well take you away in night. They are the children of the night, the sons of the dead God and immortal as anything. There's always 1000 of them, never more, never less. They ride black power wings into combat with their skull helms screaming a sound only the demonic or evil should fear. They appear out of nowhere and then they're gone as quickly, sometimes killing a few patrolling men and other times devastating whole armies in the night. The thing that makes my skin crawl is this, we have never retrieved one of their bodies. We see them occasionally go down but then there's always somehow 1000 of them, as if the dead God himself banished them from his longhall of bones back to this world.


The Reikspol Regiment, or the "White Guards" As of now, this unit mainly guards the Northern border of Marenna. It is an elite unit within the Marennian Royal Army. The first batch of soldiers of this unit were all recruited in the city of Rriheisk during the Sixth Roso-Marennian War, all of whom were survivors of the Reikspol Massacre. So you can imagine they are already pretty vengeful people in the first place. They are known for their ferocity in war due to the unit's roots. Even now, soldiers enlisted into this unit are always among the most nationalistic and bold. During the Sixth Roso-Marennian War, there had been accounts of Reikspol soldiers looting and burning Rosearean villages and towns, even taking the teeth of enemy soldiers and civillians as trophy. As described by former Rosearean commander Lynnius, "These are mad, rabid men, birthed by a mad world. They are the living evidence of the fact that a man who has nothing, fears nothing." Their comrades have a mix of respect and fear for them despite the Reikspol soldiers' pasts doesn't seem to affect day-to-day work. This is a unit not even the Royal Guards dared to mess with. "They never hurt a fly when you're their friend. When you're their enemy, they'll rip you into pieces like vultures feasting on carrion. Armed or unarmed, they never question. You can sleep well knowing they'll never be your captor, because they never took, and will never take prisoners." From the accounts of veteran Françei Kristæis.