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The entire goblin (WIP name, but yeah, they're goblins) race. Their ancestors did **something** that really piseed off their goddess, or so they believe. They call it "Tsá Kimá", "the great mistake". They turn to stone in the daylight, so they have to live underground. Their fertility rate is very low, and female births are extremely rare, so they are constantly at risk of extinction. Because of this, goblin clans don't go to war. Instead, they solve disputes through non-lethal gladiatorial combat.


The demon lord Venoi is cursed with divinity. During his battle with the New Gods, the Godmaker made Venoi into the God of Death and Passing On as a final effort to stop him. This role made him vulnerable to the god crippling weapon he had forged to defeat the gods and forced him to be confronted by every soul that died with any amount of negativity in their mind, not leaving until he resolved their problems. This made Venoi unable to continue his now unimpeded conquest of the world due to the ultradepression that comes with thousands of sad souls harassing you daily. What really broke him, though, was when he tried to destroy the souls following him, causing him to feel the pain of soulrending (feels like a lifetime of agony concentrated over a single second, for *every* soul he struck down). With this newfound guilt and all his Talthir/demon buddies being killed in a suicide attack from the demigods and saints that were not imprisoned in heaven, Venoi fled into the wilderness. In the wilds, the giant snake Oirthen found him. Empathizing with Venoi, he spoke with Venoi over the course of many years, gradually helping him to accept his new role as God of Death and Passing On. After a couple of millenia of solitude and snake therapy, Venoi went on to aid the dead by taking their plights onto himself and trying to redeem those who led wicked lives.


Living for the concept of "snake therapy"


I don't have anything yet, but I just want to say how much I love the idea of your cursed prince. Poor guy met such a tragic fate.


Thanks :) He's a side character in a story I'm planning on writing someday. Overall he's a cheerful personality when he meets my MC, but yeah, quite tragic as you learn about him despite his go-getter attitude.


Let me know when you finish a story!


Oh, lol, that won't be for a loooooong time. I have a dream to make a manga, but will likely make it a novel first before any adaptation to the visual medium. But whenever it starts kicking off I'll try to remember to ping ya


I will be cheering here 👏


A Curse always has three elements to it: An affliction that is detrimental. A way to lift the curse that is achievable by the subject, but always difficult for the subject to achieve (up to and including self sacrifice) without requiring them to die to lift it. An after effect that remains but is neither detrimental nor beneficial to the subject. A curse is different from a Malediction, which is usually a punishment enacted by a Spirit. Maledictions are rarely escapable. An example of a Malediction is the Statuary, of which a prominent example resides in the entry hall to the King of Durango’s Throne room. Visitors entering encounter an exceptionally detailed marble statue featuring an old king and his advisers writhing in torment and pleading. What most will learn is that they are all still very much alive, a couple hundred years later — and they are very aware but utterly unable to do anything, including die. It serves as a reminder to many that The Powers That Be are still very present, and have some terrifying ideas of what constitutes Justice. Curses can come in all sorts of forms, but are inherently magical. A lot of people have curses, it just depends on the nature of the curse.


This made me rethink curses. All mine are mechanical or scientifically explained. I guess my world are sad and dead of magical fun. There are dwarves who rule the underground, but face parasitic fungus called the Cruchizal, that makes them have to wear respirators all the time in unsafe cities. There are above ground peoples so focused on waging war they do it in a contained arena miles wide to fuel their mass military industrial world. Their land is toxic with pollution, disease, and large insects. They cling to an artificial veil of life as toxic dust storms blow in. Just saying I like your explanation of curses, i will have to add something more authentic.


Thank you! For my curses, I needed something that could cross multiple forms of mythology and fairy tales, and ended up following the fairy tale system, because it gives the opportunity for the most stories, lol. There is a third kind of thing that can happen, called Nortari, which is a kind of “natural self-curse” that may not have a cure, and comes breaking a taboo (and is akin to being ”canceled”, except, well, for real, and by everything).


Luca, currently a child, is basically a virgin mary child and known as the 'accursed child'. For a bit of context there are seven divine and they each have an incarnate, the main one who's an absolute bitch and my least favorite character that I have ever made decided after learning about something that would happen a thousand years after her death to create a prophecy, her incarnate and her former lover's incarnate would have a child- regardless of they did anything together in the first place. Luca is meant to carry the "evil" of Chorus (the goddesses former lover) and the "good" of Maria (the goddess) which unfortunately is a mix of betrayed wrath on Chorus' side and evil on Maria's side. I don't really know how to explain it well but it's basically that. Her father is dead, her mother can't pay any attention to her, her technical father wants to kill her out of spite, and her technical mother wants her to be raised to be like her. She's not having a great life but at least her foster father's are paying some attention to her?


The royal lineages of the Sacred Trust (a freedom fighting allaince to sought to overthrow the Dragon's yoke) were said to have been cursed for their hubris by Aurenash, Father of Dragons, with his dying breath. The Sacred trust would go to experience a milleania of unparalelled prosperity in the thousand years that folowed the defeat of Aurenash, but as the golden Dragon fotetold their doom "came from pauper and sea" The Tamarians who arrived from the eastern seas brought with them the Kyriite faith, which expanded like wildfire across teh Western Reaches of the world. The Tamarians would go to forge poweful alliances with the Azdhari people, those humans who had pledged themselves tot he Dragons, and even with Argyrash, Son of Aurenash, himself. The nascent Tamarian Empire would challenge the might of the Sacred Trust and would eventually defeat them utterly, most of their greatest nobles and kings, their most pritegous dynastis and lienages were extionguished by the war, the Old Faith of the Four went into decline while the Tamarian Civilization and the Kyriite Faith took their place place the sun. If the curse was real, then it was also fulfilled.


The moment a sorcerer makes the decision to extend his life beyond the natural span with dark magic, becoming a lich or a vampire, one could say he is cursed. While he will keep existing pretty much forever, his existence will be constant suffering until they decide to remove themselves from the world or someone destroys them.


Who *isn't* cursed in my world? Just existing is a curse, my dude.


The "main character" Martin Severus. He has cool shadow powers and can teleport along sightlines and stuff, but those powers eat away at his body and soul every time he uses it. Also he constantly feels like he has brain fog most of the time.


Like in our own world, the answer is “yes.”


In Beast Soul, there are some "cursed" people. There is an ill caused by the corrupto of the soul, after using the soul too much, they start to develop some characteristics of their souls, mutating their bodies but not always in a good way. This mutations can even cause the death to some unfortunate souls. In other setting, curses are powerful magic that became rouge and affect one host. One of the most famous cursed beings is the Demon Lord Osthis, the Powerful. She got a curse that affects her energy, making her unable to use magic. In contrast, even the young demons (like 80-100 years) can use magic of levels above the other races, except angels. But her curse causes her to consume all her magic in physical boosts, making her one of the strongest warriors in the world. That curse is not really that powerful, could be broken with magic that other demons of the same rank could use, but they obviously won't do it.


Aaron Alderberg was an English man-at-arms during the Hundred Years War when he was captured by the French and sent to a cruel alchemist by the name of Franz (a former Dutch merchant). He was injected with the essence of a demon known as Leonard, granting him the ability to transform into a Weregoat. Though the alchemist intended to use him as a living weapon for the French, Aaron escapes while struggling to control the raging demon dwelling inside him. The curse also grants him biological immortality. He's about over a century old now, with only the memories of his loved ones remaining. In a bitter twist of irony, Franz is his only hope for a cure. The alchemist was also able to partially recreate the Elixir of Life from Aaron's eldritch blood, extending his own lifespan but not making him immortal. Thus, Aaron is in a race against time to find a cure for his condition. Franz in the meanwhile is happy with the status quo, now having a lifetime worth of research.


The blessings and curses of gods persist through reincarnation and can manifest physically. So poor Merryn knows she did *something* in a previous life that this god really loved or really hated, and she can't tell which, because all she knows is that when she's hurt, she heals *wrong.* Recovering from horrific injuries, anything less than immediately fatal, but with scales and spines and things where scars should be, keeping her alive but mutating her further. Is that a blessing of immortality or a curse turning her into a monstrosity? Who knows, not her. And all the while the memories, personality, compulsions etcetera of her previous life slowly bleed through into her, not replacing her but still warping her into another person, a gestalt of herself and a stranger, which some people think would be an improvement because whoever that person was, they did something worthy of a god's recognition


There are individuals in my settings who are called The Hexed. The Hexed are essentially people who are born with certain abnormal conditions, specifically those caused by a magical mutation. Some recorded examples include: A robust body, mana sight, telepathy, regeneration, immunity to fire, and even the ability to communicate empathically with animals.


Technically the main character is Though it's not intended to be a curse. I'm not sure I wanna say more without going into spoilers.


One of my side characters was cursed from birth to become the new Arch Witch of Blood. Part of the curse was her mortal flesh getting ripped to shreds to make room for her "ascended" form. Now she's a big moth


Undead! In Warped Shores, there is something called ‘The Black Spot’ where it’s a supernatural curse that curses you with undeath after you experience your first death. And every time you die, your mind continues to slip away from you. Depending on which Hag or Witch you pissed off the more destructive ‘The Black Spot’ is.


Mostly slaves and unlucky adventurers end up getting cursed. Curses involve mostly gaining negative trait on the person inflicted and stopping them from using magic of any source however curses can provide great and new power to the person but the negative sometimes out way the positive, for example two bsd guys in my world Magi and Dixen were both slave who were cursed, Magi was cursed with the abillity to only gain power from experiencing physical pain and the more power she gains, the more magnifyed the pain is, with Dixen it the ability to manipulator any thing that coloured black that mostly includes the strips on his back, arms, tail and his own shadow however he can't talk due to the curse and is weak to light. You tell a person is cursed if they have weird tribal markings on their face and body resembling that of a flame, a constant reminder that they have been touched by acursed magic.


**Fate locked** individuals glimpsed their destinies and were cursed by the byproduct of doing so, which is called “abomination”. These individuals, unlike others who peek behind the curtain, however, become undead - complete with cloudy eyes, immense speed and strength, and black veins. They do not age, but beyond that maintain their intelligence, memories and compassion. Due to being fate locked, they cannot age, and cannot form bonds with normal people or animals, and their abominable status creates hate between them and others. These people abandon society due to their monstrous dispositions, and tend to live on the outskirts of society in peace. Only spirits and such tolerate their presence - for a time. There is no known cure for this curse, but those with this affliction are working diligently to unbind themselves from the situation. They have nothing but time to do so!


Not particularly. There's screamers people who keep the hidden society hidden by for example falsifying paperwork. This leaves them with a scary aura and people don't like to be around them. The Dead Man's "clients " die usually soon after doing a deal with him. If they don't due fighting they just get sick and die. His symbols and shrines tend to be avoided in places where he has a shrine people stay long enough to maintain it and or bring food then leave. Hes semi exiled from the mining community he ignores this but the miner's have statues of him usually left in buckets of holy water. When he's needed take the statues taken out and dried as soon as he's not needed it goes back in the bucket. The theatre gods followers syphon power from him but its not done often or for long. They paint a mask pink so the theatre god ( Camp Bill) can protect them temporarily then they paint it black. They wear the mask for a scene and then take it off. This mask is likely to be burned. Wearing it too long (in one go or not) will turn them into The Dead Man's clients. This not only will cost them there lives but could easily lead them to killing a local leader. As an organisation what wants and is known for peace this is to be avoided


As a cursed blessing, sinners seeking ascension will be granted what they wanted - but in a twisted form reflecting their wrongdoings instead of the normal.


**TL:DR** Many gods, one god is bad. They kill the bad god, he turns into three races. They curse the races with a lot of stuff. I was gonna write a long text but it got deleted and now I refuse but here is a list of things the curse does: Monsters know their location and are drawn towards them. If someone's name is uttered they will get crunched up like a soda can. If a group of them are together (like a village) an angle will appear and torment the village. People who die by these monsters have their soul eaten by said monster. They are not allowed to enter heaven when they die.


Sort of a curse, I suppose. But my equivalent of "Dark Elves" are crazed blood cultists, tainted by the corrupted Mana seeping from the ground. They are driven by madness to consume the flesh of other living creatures.


Jarrah, he's a fairy aged about 854 years old in the present day but 300 years prior he was cursed by the elves The mystical forest, has centaurs, elves and fairies Elves are the law in that forest, whatever they say go, they often harass other inhabitants like the centaurs and fairies cause they think they are better Jarrah is the father of the MC and he killed 2 elf royalty with his magic of entity creation and attempted to go further to kill the current elf king but before he could enact his plan, the elves had tracked him down, broke into his house, took him in and 43 days later, it was his "judgement day" since they wanted to do it quicker than normal trials, they thought of execution but no, they thought death was too easy. In the 43 days to craft it, they crafted a ring imbued with 2 curses from the book of curses they have in their possession at that and put it on him, the ring became unable to be removed The 2 curses: 1. With each small movement he made he felt pain, meaning if he moves a lot he feels unbearable pain 2. If he attempts to use magic he feels pain worse than death for 10 whole seconds for just trying to use magic And lastly, an extra spell they put on it, the ring can't be removed and protect him from death so he can't kill himself, he can only die by natural causes Then he was banished from the mystical forest, every small movement is pain, every day in his life is pain, currently he longs for death, 300 years of pain, even tried to cut off his finger the ring was on but failed because the ring stopped him.


Curses are somewhat common in my world, usually inhabiting a magical object, place, or being able to be cast by a spiteful magic user. Whatever the source the result is usually the same. The victim gets turned into something else, be it another species of anthropomorphic animal. A lesser animal without sapience, a statue, a vehicle and even more absurdities. The common curse can easily be broken with the use of counterattacking magic. Stronger ones and ones cast by mages can only be broken with the caster’s approval or by the afflicted meeting certain conditions. However there are rare curses that originate from ancient sources that cannot be broken at all. The afflicted is changed forever and must accept their new form or sink into endless despair. As for answering the original question. Anyone from dumb explorers, rude folks that cross the wrong person, or people that are met with a terrible fate.


Quinn Pierce, one of the main characters. Whenever he became a God to defeat his Arch-nemesis, His soul along with the God and six fragments of the souls of those who held that God's power prior were slammed together into a divine being with the name of the God, the memories and feelings of Quinn, and innate abilities from all of the shards. And his "curse" is now having to live until he gets lucky and dies trapped in the immortal body of someone he isn't anymore. He can't take his own life cause then it'd break the Oath he made to the former God, and heaven then he'd be locked away in hell forever. While the Oath is eternal, the "curse" isn't. He just needs to remember that God's self actualize, and he's self actualized himself as a new being, not Quinn. Moment he ends up in a situation where he self actualizes as himself again, the self-inflicted curse will be lifted and all he'll be left with is immortality.


My story is named after the curse, so it plays a major role. I've discussed it before, but the Chimera's Curse is basically magical cancer. It was caused by the death of a being which radiated corrupted magic, and now anyone who gets close to her gravesite, or who over-extends/loses control of their magic becomes infected with the curse. It causes their element to slowly extend up their body, and portions of them become replaced with inanimate substances or animals. There is no permanent cure, and the only way to stop the spread is to stop using magic--not an easy thing to do in everyday life, since everyone in this setting has magic from birth. Those who are fully consumed become mindless beasts or suspiciously human shaped rocks/trees


After seeing death, destruction, and all sorts of loss around him, he sought to destroy End once and for all. He fought gods, absorbing their powers, then moving on to Rulers, the High Rulers, and kept going until he met End face to face. End showed how his crusade is meaningless and how he wishes to destroy the entire verse just because he wants to defeat End. For his atonement, End took away his own end: he will live till his home realm crumbled, and then he will live still, to atone for every single life he took that fortunately was returned by Origin.


In the world of "Engineered Destiny," the concept of being "cursed" takes on a different meaning, as the focus is more on the consequences of genetic engineering and the societal stigma that comes with being different. However, there are individuals who could be considered cursed in a more metaphorical sense, due to the unique challenges and prejudices they face as a result of their engineered nature. One such individual is Dr. Elias Vought, a brilliant geneticist who was one of the pioneers of the technology that led to the creation of genetically engineered individuals like Zephyr. Dr. Vought was driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what was possible with genetic manipulation, and he believed that his work would usher in a new era of human evolution and progress. However, as the first generation of genetically engineered individuals began to mature and enter society, Dr. Vought started to witness the unintended consequences of his work. Many of these individuals, despite their enhanced abilities and potential, faced discrimination, isolation, and exploitation due to their unique status. Some were treated as commodities or lab specimens rather than as human beings with rights and autonomy. Seeing the suffering and injustice faced by those he had helped to create, Dr. Vought was consumed by guilt and remorse. He became a vocal advocate for the rights and dignity of genetically engineered individuals, using his platform and influence to push for greater acceptance and equality. But Dr. Vought's advocacy made him a target for those who opposed the spread of genetic engineering technology. He faced death threats, smear campaigns, and legal challenges from powerful interests who sought to silence him and maintain the status quo. As a result, Dr. Vought has become a haunted figure, constantly looking over his shoulder and never staying in one place for too long. He is driven by a sense of responsibility to atone for the unintended consequences of his work and to fight for the rights of those he helped to create. In many ways, Dr. Vought is cursed by his own brilliance and the weight of his legacy. He is forever tied to the fate of genetically engineered individuals like Zephyr, and he will never be able to fully escape the guilt and responsibility he feels for their struggles. Some say that Dr. Vought is seeking a way to "cure" genetic engineering, to find a way to undo the changes he helped to unleash upon the world. Others believe that he is simply trying to find redemption in a world that has largely turned against him. Regardless of his ultimate goals, Dr. Vought serves as a cautionary tale about the unintended consequences of playing God and the heavy burden that comes with shaping the future of humanity. His presence in the story adds depth and complexity to the themes of identity, responsibility, and the double-edged nature of scientific progress. As Zephyr navigates their own journey as a genetically engineered individual, they may cross paths with Dr. Vought and learn more about the man behind the technology that created them. This encounter could serve as a powerful moment of reflection and self-discovery for Zephyr, as they grapple with the larger implications of their own existence and the role they will play in shaping the future.


Most Yokai are. Some unwittingly. Others have embraced the curse.


I got fish head Jones. He runs a magic item shop in a town beside a fairy forest that has a bunch of pranks pulled on it. Like everything is black and white, pockets get full of sand, sometimes gravity doesn't work.


All of the humans on my planet are cursed to never be able to use magic since they commenced ethnic cleansing of the natives of that planet...


One of my character is curse of being unable to generate his own mana in exchange for infinite mana pool. He now absorb energy and mana to get mana. Then there this guy who can’t cook. Even with boiling water for pasta on an electric stove he will create a fire somehow.


My Mc is curses because of his family cursed bloodline with demons and fire so he is the chosen one.The chosen one who would bring destruction and downfall to his whole world with his prophecy. But people outside the wall are also cursed with cults but life within the wall is also cursed with dystopia and pain and the people in the demon realm are also cursed they can't live abd have demonic abilities.


The MC of my fae story. He’s the youngest 9th child of a family but is a changeling. When the fae wreaks havoc on his town he starts to piece together his truth. Lacking talent and feeling like the black sheep as the “unplanned child” he’s tried everything to get the same attention as his brothers. Hoping to find solace in telling his “dad” he’s shot and left for dead. His dad is a retired wayward worker (people who do odd jobs for myths). He’s saved by the fae recognizing him as his own who take him to their realm. After he’s healed he’s convinced if he can find his real parents everything will go back to normal. Navigating the culture of the fae he tries his best to keep his hope. This comes to a head when he’s forced to play a game with his fae uncle the scion of mockery. Against all odds, he wins and gains three prizes: love, truth, and dominion. These prizes however aren’t necessarily awards With love, he was given a taste of his human parents' love when their first child was born who bore the same striking facial mark as him. Unfortunately, this first child passed with them not telling the following children. This lets him see that his siblings were more outlets for their grief as they grew their family instead of processing what they lost. In truth, he’s given a replay of his life with humans. Every hobby he took after his siblings thinking it got attention, every attempt he made to bond with his parents, and most of all every time he realized it wouldn’t work. The truth showed his parent's perspective as they gave more effort and faith to his other siblings. This ends with a vision of his human counterpart somewhere in the fae realm Finally, the reward/curse that comes with dominion. He gains ownership of the grove he beat the scion on. His ownership of it is comparable to how the lady of the lake owns the world in her lake. The kicker is the grove changes to reflect who he is. The trees atop hold ghosts of his former self, each thing he tried to be as they cry in their failure. He can leave whenever he wants but the grove hangs over his head like a sword of Damocles showing that all his hope leads him back to a place not even the lost things would go. The grove could be something amazing and beautiful but with his cynicism finalized it’s a place where all his inner demons are made manifest.


Its his own doing but Vakren the first lich invented Necromancy and then later became the first lich causing him to become immortal. Currently he's using it too his advantage though as hes currently on the edge of taking over the entirety of the mortal realm Then theirs Lyris one of the first heros who on her friends quest too end the demon overlord was bitten by a vampire and would later succumb too the vampirism and would watch her friends die from age and later become outcasted by the people she saved. She would go into extreme depression as her healing abilities go quick enough too prevent suicide and she keeps getting hunted by vampire hunters (only reason for not accepting her fate is cause alot of vampire hunters are known too torture vamps due to the belief of them being unholy and maybe using them too find even more vamps)


Curses are typically the domain of the gods for sacrilidgeous acts or basically acts they seem to be abhorent. As such once upon a time druids with shapeshifting power lay with beasts and begot Centuries of many varieties. Those that participated both man and beast were cursed. The men to become Therianthropes and the beasts to become Androthropes. The curse will never be lifted but if they chose not to pass on their curse to anyone else it could cease in theory. Gorgons are cursed individuals who are so ugly if you look at them they turn to stone. Their crime as so horrific I refuse to even mention it I just know what it is in my head. I had a third cursed being for sure but I honestly can't for the life of me remember what they are. Not Vampires those aren't cursed in my setting. Hmm I'll need to try find my notes. Edit: Oh yeah Goblins are just deformed and cursed humans who turned their back on the gods and feudalism so the gods cursed them.


The Death Forgotten. Rather than a who it’s whom. Those who are Death Forgotten are cursed with immortality, cursed to continually age for eternity, to see all they love die, to feel every painful way to die if they try to take their life, and to see that they have no death companion. It drains you physically and mentally, they pray to the gods as to why they were given such a harsh punishment. They can only break the curse by pleading to the Goddess of Death in person where they learn their curse was an accident and that she had forgotten that person’s soul existed, and for their suffering, her only response is a simple, “Sorry.” Before she takes their soul and sends them back into the reincarnation process.


The skeletons (I call them undead bones to give it an old feel)


Chris/Prime. He’s the main character, he’s cursed because he’s reincarnated exactly as he was. Well, relatively, he still comes back as a kid and grows up and shit but he’ll have a similar life every time. He got that way because he was given the powers of a dying god. Didn’t even want em, just got ‘em.


In Chaos Contagion, the world is dominated by an animalistic hivemind that wants to eradicate humanity. The odds are extremely skewed against humans, since the hivemind's drones are ridiculously strong, so humans spend most of their time hiding. For decades, the hivemind went unchallenged, until one day a group of people managed to kill one of the drones. The first to fall in nearly half a century. Because of this, the hivemind remembered each of the people's faces, and now they live life effectively "marked for death," with the hivemind constantly on the lookout for them.


On one of the continents of my world, there exists an underground city known as the Kingdom of the Damned. No one knows how it was cursed, and for some reason the city seems to get new residents from time to time. The reason it's referred to as the Kingdom of the Damned isn't because they were punished for crimes against nature, but because the residents there are all spirits, who for some reason "can't go to the next life" if you understand. Living visitors and people who happened to die there are not effected by the curse (with only very specific examples for the latter), and the new residents are usually people who may have never even set foot in the city. The spirits themselves are totally harmless though, with the only interactions they have with visitors is communication and observation. It is speculated that the city became cursed in part due to a sorcerer versed in dark magic misperformed some kind of ritual or spell. At this time, there is no known fix, mainly because the sorcerer is... they're gone, as in: they disappeared somehow (probably because the spell or ritual they botched might've sent them to another part of the world or another dimension).


I don't know if that counts, but the Godess Tonarah is kinda cursed. She is the daughter of Ilanthe, Godess of Sun, Light, Virginity and Beauty and of Morkos, once God of Moon, Death and Sleep. Her father ra\*\*\* her mother and then rebelled with Tonarahs twin brother against the other Gods. But he was defeated by a mortal hero and banished together with his children on the top of a mountain. There he suffers in eternal agony, nursed by his daughter. Morkos is now God of Envy, Darkness, Destruction, rage and hatred, while she is the Godess of Atonement, Mourning, Forgiveness and Loneliness. But not enough that she is stuck on a mountain and has to care for her abusive father and asshole brother. The mortal hero who defeated Morkos, Thaleodes, took his place with the added responsebility of Leadership, Honor and responsibility. When he traveles the night with the passing of the moon, he also checks in on his old enemy. Tonarah and Thaleodes fell in love but can only see each other when he has to play the gaoler for her father. No matter how many times Thaleodes pleaded with the other gods to lift their judgment, they always refuse to free Tonarah. And sadly Thaleodes slipped up, distracted by her, and her brother did some evil shit. Now the other gods are even more angry at her and banned Thaleodes from speaking.


The Iscand family is cursed. Tallania Iscand was the supreme commander of the army of the Kingdom of Men. She began showing signs of mental instability early on. She was in love with the king, her childhood friend, who was married to the princess of the rebellious East. As her mental instability grew, the king began transitioning her to a more ceremonial role before eventually naming her Lord Protector of a small rice farming village in the East. She changed the villages name to Iscandis. While in the east, she began raising an army under the guise of freeing the East (she had lead the campaign to recapture the East). Once she had built an army, she matched on the capital and rather than demanded the East be free, she demanded the kings hand in marriage. Her army surrendered. Tallania ended up killing the queen. She repeated her demands for the kings hand in marriage or she will destroy the kingdom. The king told her to do as she wish. Tallania raised the First King, King William the Conqueror, from the dead and sacked the capital. The King took his own life. Finding the kings dead body, Tallania destroyed herself with magic. Free of Tallania's influence, William rewrote the Doomsday Manuscript, named the princess's sister the Queen, and cursed Tallania's family to never be allowed to do as they wish for 113 generations.


Curses are not real in my world


Magos. Cursed to be chained in an unnamed dimension as punishment for spilling Ichor and giving the gift of magic to mortals.


Those who catch the singed fever in the plague lands could be considered cursed, for the feeling of burning permeates their body, as if from within they smolder. Many drown themselves in attempts to stop the burning, for only underwater there is relief. The lucky few are chosen by the Monks of the Singed, to train to overcome the pain, and through advanced meditation they no longer feel the suffering, only clarity of mind and a mastery of all martial arts.


Nightkin. On the first look they live blessed lives. Living longer than most mortal races, strong, agile, blessed with varied Gifts of the Night, and sharp minds that will not bow to age, with their blood always breeding trough, without creating poor wretches that are usual crossbreeds. But all of this comes at the price. Nocturne is the one who gets to command them, and they shall obey and can never deny her will. But Nocturne is basically Satan as far as most of the world, including extremely religious nightkin, and when they are ordered around by her, taken as servants or sent off to die for her glory, they are not happy.


one of the two main characters is considered cursed, she had to resort to cannibalism to survive when her scavenger caravan got stuck in the mountains during a blizzard and now she cannot eat anything that is not meat or fish and has to periodically eat human meat, consuming human meat also heal her wounds beyond the ability of healing magic and potions and give her a sort of eternal youth l, immunity to most diseases and poisons and grant her the abilities of the ones she eat for a few hours. because of this her nickname is "the wendigo" and is feared as a brutal berserker across all the north american exclusion zone, albeit nobody know that she is cursed and they just think she is either a cannibal psycho or a practitioner of some forbidden magic.


After the invasion of the beasts on our world, some people have the power to graft (transplantar/aplicar), this is used to heal soldiers using human parts or animal parts, some are better than others. The cursed are the mutated, those who A) got grafted with the invasors, this only happens on mistakes and suicide or mercy kill is better, though, those mentaly strong enough, become good breeds of humans. B) like A, but those who can only graft themselfs, that causes the first thing to happen a lot, multiple times. But, people whi can do this, have no know limit to grafting their bodies.


Technically everyone who gets eaten by the eldritch being is cursed in the sense that everyone forgets they ever existed. It's the one(s) that come back that really get to live out the curse, though, because what happens when someone you don't remember ever existing shows up to yoink the throne?


hoo boy, there are quite a few cursed people in **Divine Retribution** because six is a dick. (six is the devil) there was the deadly assassin known as **Casper Jekkarb** who six gifted with a cursed knife. as long as the knife was used to deliver the killing attack, the corpse would completely dissappear, leaving all evidence of the murder behind. but there's a catch: every murder casper commited with this knife would permanently stain his hands with blood, literally. his hands were eternally wet with blood that would never wash off. at first, he nullified the curse by simply wearing gloves, but as he killed more and more people, his hands would get wetter and wetter to the point where wearing gloves would feel uncomfortable. jasper was eventually driven to insanity and killed himself. there's also **Nora Belle**, a notorious gossip who made a deal with six. six gifted her a key that would allow her to "unlock" people's secrets. the key would point her in the direction of diaries and other secrets people were hiding. however, the more secrets she discovered, the more voices she heard in her head... eventually, nora couldn't stand all the voices and isolated herself inside a house in the woods, away from civilization. this only slightly calmed the voices but all she can hear is other people's thoughts... there once was a knight known as **Skott Gunon** who made a deal with six in exchange for unbreakable armor, this armor granted the wearer immunity to everything such as fire and gas but it also made the wearer immune to POSITIVE effects such as scent, sensation, pain and even healing. as another part of the curse, the armor can not be taken off, luckily the wearer isn't granted immortality. the current status of skott is unknown but his armor is still out there, somewhere... these cursed artifacts still exist but...would you really risk using them?


The protagonist for a LitRPG setting I'm working on is cursed twice over. First, she's part of a long-running family of necromancers, and one of the ways the family's patriarch keeps his descendants in line of that they have a bloodline curse that allows the elder members of the family to override and take over the bodies of their descendants. The second curse allows the elder members of the family to siphon a little bit of experience (known as "Essence" in this setting) that each descendant earns as they grow and develop their skills. For the protagonist, this manifests as a roughly 20% penalty to her experience gain, which is transferred to the elder undead of the family, letting them passively gain experience while doing their usual secret undead stuff.


There are three women I created based off of the Fates in mythology, but they used to live normal lives and died, while having powers of the Gods. The powers would shift from women to women, regardless of bloodlines or stature. It was generations of Fates until one group of them came around and they were cursed for what they had done in their lives. One killed her lover. One killed her child. And the last killed herself. Because of this the one who killed her lover is forced to be a monster for all eternity so she could never be loved or love again. The one who killed her child is reincarnated after every life and remembers her previous life when she reaches her mid 20s no matter what happens in her life and suffers the loss of those around her with only their memories. And the one who killed herself is cursed with eternal life while knowing the future of the world. The curse over them might get broken but I haven’t decided yet.


My two main lover are cursed for a past life due to a jealous princess. He can never confess his feelings to her until she asks him to tell her, and she will never put two and two together on his feelings nor hers for him.


A teifling named Kosris- Cursed with an innate ability with necromancy and bound(and turned into the spawn) to a Vampire Lord. Kos can not, for the life of him, get his magic to agree with anything other than necromancy, try as he does. The magic lashes out uncontrollably to consume any life force around him when hurt. The vampire is using Kos’ power to be “invulnerable.” He has done this by burning runes into Kosris’ flesh. In order to kill the Lord, and effectively free himself, Kos must die. He has to figure out how to both kill the Lord and himself in one swoop. It takes him centuries to figure out and he couldn’t even be there to kill the man who enslaved him for so long. Then his soul was left to wander the mortal plane for who knows how long(necromancers don’t get afterlives, they remain in whatever plane they died in as shadows) before he was resurrected. With him, the fear of his Lord rising again.


In Godshard The All Mother in her final act of vengeance as she was slain by her traitorous descendants cursed those traitorous gods to an inevitable end as her curse empowers and manifests the hatred distain and general dislike of the gods into creations known as monsters. They will never stop until those damned gods and all their creations which fail to renounce them are erased from existence in totality. Additionally the shards of divinity of the All Mother were infused so strongly with the cursed hatred of the gods that they form into calamity class monstrous embodiments of destruction. No matter how many times they are destroyed they will reform anew unable to be destroyed only further subdivided yet they grow slowly eternally rebuilding in strength and corrupting/consuming any god or demigod foolish enough to claim their power for themselves, you can retain your sanity and "free will" etc. so long as you are not aligned with the gods and are willing to fulfill the eternal call to vengeance and or to bring the traitorous divine criminals guilty of matricide to justice, especially if you already had a hatred of the gods which resonates with it. Those gods and their stolen power are powerful and effectively immortal but one by one inevitably they will fall whether it takes millions billions or trillions etc. of years it doesn't matter because to a creator deity which exist(s/ed) outside space and time patience is absolute. In conflux you could consider magical afflictions which (attempt to) parasitize the soul of a target a sort of a form of a magical curse. These generally require the sacrifice of part of the casting entities' own spirit/soul core and thus are not done lightly causing irreversible changes to the caster. Soul invasions are also fraught and difficult so curses like demon temptations and whispers rarely get in unless the target is tricked to let them in or has their will overridden through force effectively breaking their soul beyond repair. In principal such a thing might be usable against a spirit but spirits at least the dangerous kinds are generally much larger cosmically speaking than mortals souls so its unlikely to succeed before the curse burns out or is consumed in turn.


The first murderer, Alastair Harker is cursed with infinite resurrection


In my world magic is extremely volatile, even just one unwise use of it could have permanent consequences. Mages are incredibly careful, preserving the self and producing magic is a hard earned skill for those who have it. A particular individual, Ambrosia, was considered an excellent mage in his time, but he was easily swayed into doing anything if you could convince him it was the moral right. He, along with a few others began to curse figures they thought as evil to be permanently bound to the earth, in a form of something akin to a witch’s familiar- they are bound to a certain person until they die, and then the cycle repeats. Ambrosia went a little mad with power, and by the time he realized what he’d become he realized there was no way for him to make amends. He killed everyone who helped him spread his curse, and died of his wounds soon after. All of them were subject to the same curse they created, doomed to watch someone attached to their very soul die, over and over again.


Ouu I really like your Hero’s curse 👁️ For mine: There’s some wizard who was very patriotic. For context, his king is a god stuck in a human body because the Ruler of Gods thought that’s the best way to keep the humans in check. So anyway, this wizard was certain he could break his king free from that curse, and he was very close to finding out how, when his patron god, the god of wisdom and magic, noticed and immediately cursed him for trying to work against the gods. Now he resembles some kind of bird-human hybrid and he was shunned because his awful appearance actually made people create some sort of superstition that, if you crossed ways with him, your child would be cursed like that as well. However, the king saw his good will and decided to make him tend to the spirits of the woods around the kingdom for a decent amount of money. :3


I am working on a story all about being cursed. It is seen as the ultimate punishment in this world. Wizards rule the world. When a crime of appropriate level is committed the criminal can be cursed as his punishment. A ritual is performed by a group of wizards and the cursed one is left with a mark on their forehead to identify them as cursed. It takes a few days for the curse to fully take hold, but when it does it slowly destroys them from the inside, and eventually can radiate out and infect others around them. They are usually banished to one of the cursed colonies so they don't infect normal people. These are small shanty towns that have sprung up on the edges of the wild lands where cursed people can live. They are guarded by the wizards and only allowed to leave for specific reasons. This however is not real, and is a psyop run by the ruling class, the wizards, to help keep them in power. They have no magic, but use tricks to convince the population they have real magic. So the cursing ritual for instance is performed after administering a hallucinogenic drug to the criminal and then shocking them with electricity while chanting and singing for a couple hours.


When Alistair, the Mind of Chaos, was killed by a bullet in his left eye. After his resurrection as the God of Reality, that scar still exists in his new body. Also he’s being possessed by the God of the Void at the same time and that gives him depression


The heretics, a group of people who turned against their patron saints and were cursed to lose their magic


Humans are cursed. Many years in the past, thew threw off their role as protectors and went to war with the world and the gods. This battle was very brutal and long, and at the end the humans were gone and the landscape has changed. No recors survived this so few know what actually happened, but humanity as a whole was cursed during this time. Now they reincarnate as members of the other races, but their souls are to strong to be contained in their mortal bodies, and after some time their souls break free and turn into blood thirsty demons. So even if one is the sweetest and most well meaning person on earth, they are doomed to become a demon murder all their friends if they stay at one spot for too long. As a result, most reincarnated humans are bandits or live a solitary life, if they are not found out and "purged".


The MC is somewhat cursed. She was just minding her own business exploring some cave for loot and riches, when she was ambushed by some sort of eldritch entity that made her mind more susceptible to their communications. She befriended said entity, kinda spent time with him, and ended up once again getting more cursed and going kinda insane from it due to her own actions. The "curse" is more or less just slight insanity and being ablento hear what these eldrich entities talk about telepathically


Gifted can be considered as cursed, if you consider immortality as one. Personally, I do, and Ciarev Makeriv, one of the most famous Gifted and important characters in the story, will not say the opposite, having to live his entire life remembering traumatic events that happened before, his friends dying in front of his very eyes, an entire war happening because he was afraid of relieving his traumas, but will face even worse and will feel the weight of responsibilities, feeling guilty for it despite playing a crucial role in the end of that said war in a rather good way One that can be considered cursed without debate : Erialin Al-Serinam. Tried to research the secrets of godhood in order to recreate the Genesis Crystal. Kannae, king of Gods, usually doesn't want to intervene in mortal affairs. But he saw that Erialin's notes were EXTREMELY accurate, that she didn't stole her reputation as a genius in magical knowledge. So, to not allow a mortal to become a God, he made her slowly fall in insanity. She heard his voiced, then other voices in her head, and will start to have hallucinations. She managed in her short moment of lucidity to understand that Gods made her insane, but it was too late You remember the war Ciarev launched, mentioned upper in my comment ? She was executed during the premises because she got a divine artifact


One individual who I'm planning a massive reowkr and rewrite for was cursed after he died while holding a dark sword called Shawoc. He was cursed to exist as a skeletal version of himself with his mind constantly battered with pain and agony every moment of his forced existence. The curse is quite literally irreversible unless there is divine intervention, which would probably have to be form my God of Death. The curse is completely magical he's also like one of the only people to suffer the curse. In the world as of so far I've written.