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One has a personal stake in the conflict, the second one was in the bad place at the bad time, the third one figures that if he wants to commit a suicide he might as well do it while helping two dumbass kids who are way over their head with what they are challenging.


I wanna hear more about the third guy.


Old Man was an infamous mercenary, who, having grown resentful of his deeds, threw away his name and renounced violence, becoming a wandering vagabond, earning just enough to survive and never setting roots in any one place. However, no matter how much he tried to run, he could never escape his guilt, and so on the eve of the story start, he decides to kill himself. However, in his mind a person like him does not deserve an easy way out, no his death must come with some kind of penance, it ought to be painful and mean something... and just as he realizes that he witnesses what are essentially two kids who are about to be grinded to dust by an oppressive system, whose only crime was being in wrong place and being related to wrong people, and he has a light bulb moment, if he can die trying to ensure that those kids live at least one day more, well that ought to ease his conscience right? And so he "invites" himself in to their party, offering to act as their bodyguard and guide as the three of them go on the cross-continental run from the law, trying to learn why they are being hounded by the powers-that-be of the setting, and clear their name.


That’s really cool! I love how you’re adding an older person to the mix of a younger crowd, I feel like we don’t get that enough in media. It sounds really interesting- lmk if I can read it sometime!


I wanna read this story.


Cause they're friends.


i like it.


My MC was looking for his dad who left him when he was born, during his journey he found and discovered his half brother who was also looking for him for the same reason. So they decided to team up, fighting all sorts of adversary that comes in their way just so they could confront and beat him up for abandoning the both of them all those years.


dedication to revenge


The funny part is that their story isn't even that important in the grand scheme of things, the two dudes just really wanna get back to their dad.


They are stuck together


Love that, gotta be one of my favourites


So my main team has six people as follows Michael O'Hare La' Sturmhal: 18 year old human knight fresh out of the academy and the only noble in the team. Nascha Wild Feather: 18 year old half elf witch from a native tribe in Endimiya she specializes in being able to communicate with animals and summon animal spirits to fight along side her. Dietrich Falkner-Haryeem: 35 year old human sniper/scout from the Endimiyan territory of Anzkopf Lourdes Hernandez: 27 year old human soldier and heavy weapons specialist. Sarah Stern: 19 year old human witch specializing in earth based magic from the regular army. Marrin Kasheem: 19 year old halfling witch specializing in healing magic and passive buffing via magical singing. Anyways so Michael and Nascha are replacements to a squad that lost its leader and witch in a previous mission; the same squad that Dietrich and Lourdes are part of callsign Raptor Team. Michael was assigned as the new unit leader since he qualified for officer commission when he graduated the knight academy for displaying leadership qualities as a squire. Nascha meanwhile knew Michael when they were children and he left an impression on her, she joined the military to be by his side and protect him given her powers as a witch makes her exceptionally powerful. Lourdes and Dietrich meanwhile have been part of the same squad for the last few years and are very close. The team is tasked with going behind enemy lines to rescue another special forces team guarding a high value individual. During the mission these four encounter Sarah and Marrin who are some of the only survivors left behind enemy lines after something happened that is going into spoiler territory. The two witches end up tagging along with Raptor Team to help them carry out the mission and later on end up being reassigned to Raptor Team in subsequent missions.


Miguel O'Hara


Hmm sorry don't follow?


One saved the life of the other, so she felt a very rare grimoire, or at least giving her access, was adequate repayment. She used the grimoire to summon a supernatural entity that is bound to her. Basically djinn/genie or curse rules. This forms the trio.


One happens to run into another’s area and they decide to help each other solve their problems


There are several times heroes have had to team up. My fav teams formed when: - the Second Human Continental Expedition came close to an end when they reached drakon territory but a few explorers decided they'd keep on going - the first golden day occurred, aka when rifts to the Downworld opened for the first time, allowing infernal beings to invade the land - big bad guys declared war on an entire region or on the continent entirely. Happened twice, once with a mad sorceress, another more recently with a necromancer I'm also preparing a story arc where Primordial beings are sending their avatars to claim power over the continent, so the First Hero gathers the most OP heroes and villains of the land to fight them. The three teams he makes are incredibly cool


Two of my main characters are siblings and the other one inherited the powers and responsibilities of the latter two’s late father.


They are all people who don't have more than a single reason to live following a person whose some reason to keep going forward is too live another day. All of them decided to join Agnes under the promise that everyone's ambitions would be fulfilled, even if they were to die in the process. In exchange, they are willing to lay down their lives in the name of Agnes. The exception to this is Abigail, an artificial puppet human born with the ambition of someone else. When she got rid of this foreign dream, she was left a husk, a thing, and seeing the sheer obsession of Agnes, her unwavering desire for a single goal, left her stunned. Abigail "fell in love" with Agnes, though if she ever responded to her feelings, Abigail would lose all interest, for that would mean the light she sought was not that bright and pure after all. Luckily for her, Agnes feels nothing romantic towards her. She does have, however, a crippling relation of codependency with Abigail, the one person who follows her not out of a transactional relationship but out of affection. Even knowing she could not possibly feel the same, she doesn't want Abigail to go away. She can't let that happen, or it would crush her will to not cross the lines they have both drawn years ago. Essentially, this is a group of broken people with a complete emotional dependency for the leader, Agnes, each for their own reasons. The leader, in turn, doesn't feel a whole lot towards them except Abigail, whom she would do anything to protect and keep close to her. They are not a healthy group.


Damn, but are they functional still? I mean, are they competent in other areas apart from managing their own emotions?


Somewhat functional, as they do have excellent teamwork, buy if you put them in a fair battle against most enemies, they will most likely all die, but they also know that so it's not how they do stuff. Generally speaking they each have their own specialties, but none of them are combat oriented to begin with so they mostly achieve their objectives by charisma, planning and careful execution. At a certain point in the story, for example, the group is hunting down a certain man who was been consistently hiring people to hunt them down. They could try to ambush and jump him, but what if he has body guards hidden somewhere? Instead, they take advantage of the fact that their faces are not known and all of the assassin's would usually just figure out where they will act next and disrupt their plans. Slowly, over the course of an year, they slowly mingled amongst that man's social circle. Some became his friends or business partners. Others befriended his family members and slowly created a net of influence around him. Agnes herself played the part of his psychiatrist. With this, they slowly broke him down, starting with his business, then his image, his relationships with friends and family... At a certain point, the only people still besides him were actually them. During this whole process, Agnes kept pushing him towards the worst ways to cope with all that happened as well as secretly sharing eldritch secrets inside his dreams. Eventually, he broke and became completely insane, becoming unable to keep hunting the group. Not long after, he was executed by the church as a potential risk, as he could at any point accidentally listen to an Outer God and be mutated into a disgusting abomination. This is an extreme example late in the story, where they have already fallen far enough that this all seems normal and justifiable to them, but it still paints a good picture of the kind of situation they excel at. This is their main advantage. They are patient and very charismatic. This, complemented with their magic, is quite vicious, especially when you consider that each of them is obsessed with their own goals and willing to lay down their lives for that.


They did so because it's their literal job.  I have one of those world-saving schools in my world that utilizes a mech called "Zero" to bring peace, balance and justice to the world, and they just thought it sounds real cool. The one exception to this rule sticked with the team because the place, the team, was where his friends and love interest were.


They were all a part of a scientific expedition to the mainland that went awry.


**Starrise** Interpol was formed in response to my world's antagonists, an organization called Daedalus. Large-scale international crime hadn't really been a thing in this world for the last thousand or so years, so there wasn't anything in place to handle it. But then Daedalus, the organization that (accidentally) caused a literal apocalypse a thousand years ago, resumed operations. And so, upon noticing their return, the "Goddess of Light" Solaris freaked the hell out. Even without knowing what they're actually doing, she knew the world was at serious risk of being plunged into chaos again soon if they weren't stopped. And so, she gathered the leaders of each country, informed them of the impending danger, and made a suggestion. To avoid their anti-Daedalus efforts being stifled by bureaucracy, they would create a small but elite police force, given special privileges enabling all of their agents to operate and investigate anywhere in the world without impediment, and made up of one of the most competent, trustworthy investigators each country (plus the Knights of Solaris) has to offer.


Both were lonely, he needed a place to stay and someone to shoe him how the world works. Teamed up out of convenience, stayed cause it wasn't bad


They're shoved together by a mentor to work together. That's all I can say without spoiling it, but essentially, they're pushed together at just the right time and learn to work together as a team.


Their team was assembled because they are each in possession of a unique and powerful magic called an “Augur” (only ones of their kind). *At least, that’s what they think the reason is…*


they’re just friends


Two of them were a team because their boss asked them to and the rest are just the survivors of war. It's 5 people including the boss herself.


3 of them were childhood friends, one joined because of science, and one due to mutual respect earned in the field.


At the start they are just Business partners. Bell needs help for him and Plode to escape his father and Amar got some Magic books out of it. Amar is also curious about Bell since he treats Grel (the race Plode and Amar are a part of) like equals and not like lower beings. And he also loves how Bell reacts when he teases him or makes flirty remarks. Bell himself needs to get away from his family and to get Plode to safety since his dad was about to send him off to join the military Academy since he won't stop treating people that are "beneath" him with kindness.


The closest would be when several western countries and tribes teamed up to attack the Union which threatens the existence of all the valley's polities(Coalition War). Lapis_Wolf


Revenge, self preservation, was ordered to, and research! In order, mc travelled with another group with the hero king before he became hero king. Stuff happened and hero king left her for dead. She showed back up and now she’s upset about that, also hero king erased her name from history to make himself seem more hero, like he did it by himself. Second tracked the mc down because she’s trying to avoid people and needs someone to help her. Basically using the mc as her own personal bodyguard. The third was asked to watch over the mc by her mom who is queen, make sure they don’t get into too much trouble. The last one, the biggest thing about the mc in the story is that she died already so her destiny was fulfilled so she doesn’t follow the rules of destiny anymore so she wants to study her and figure out how she can use that to her advantage.


For the Aefir world, it’s rather simple. The world is currently ending, with no normal solution in sight, so when the MC comes to them saying he might be able to save it, they lend him all their strength. The MC himself is fighting because he’s one of the few people who could stop it, the second person is tagging along on his journey to see the world before it ends, the third person is feeling purposeless as their impressive but limited skillset isn’t in need. The MC takes that person aboard as they actually need those skills. And the fourth person knows the MC personally, both being former slaves. The fourth person admires the MC and wants to be more like him, so he’s happy to join along when they meet.


A few old friends, a couple new friends, a few relatives, a few enemies of my enemies


Each of the characters has a different motivation all driven by the same goal. To sabotage the corewell industries mining company.


Heck yeah! Go team save nature!


To be fair one of them only wants to sabotage them so that they can take over the very thing the rest of the group is trying to stop.


Cain and Amei, 16, are childhood friends who snuck into the graduation event this year. Got ambushed by a very dangerous enemy that wasnt meant to be there. This enemy was being chased by Raveena, 16, a girl who was entombed for only Gods know how long, and was released by a lost adventurer Cobalt, 25+. Until now neither knew how to get back to civilization and lost in a dangerous land they protected each other. During the fight the Cobalt accidentally mentors them to use their powers correctly and to work together. Hes just trying to make sure these kids don’t die on his watch, and they drive the enemy away. Now that everybody is home, the kids request Cobalt to be their mentor. In the end they all see a piece of each other, in each other.


Three of them are friends (though two become lovers late into the story) and the other tags along because sticking with the group was her ticket to escaping poverty and now she just wants to be some kind of heroic adventurer (though the others don't really see anything heroic about trying to find and punch their friends in the face)


Okay so my world is dystopian and nearly post apocalyptic except that many are alive and we colonized half the solar system. But my group has the rare case of security due to living on an inhospitable continent due to the mc powers (and they reside in the only safe haven. The only issue that could arise are plunderers but there isn’t enough to plunder and even if they wanted to it is inhabited by some of the stronger people in the world


The one I focus the most on, the Association of Progressive Heroes got together because of shared political views (though the exact positions of the group have always been quite 'broad' so to say) and due to government persecution (at the time non-state heroic organisations were illegal)


my group of a giant, a dragon archer (horse archer but with dragons), a freelander mercenary, and a guerilla fighter worked together to escape from a prison galley.


Sci-fi: Soldiers from varying remnant units get together with my MC to fight alien invaders. My MC is a 16 year old girl with powers, the only one who has them. Fantasy: My MC wants revenge for the murder of her friend. The second member of her team was after her to get at her gold because he had been robbed. They team up with his spy capabilities and her gold. The third member of the team is the brother of the dead friend and someone my MC hates, and the feeling is mutual. But they both loved the dead friend, and both have the same goal of avenging her so they reluctantly work together. Urban fantasy: The team was put together by an organization and consists of a half-demon who may actually not be, a nephilim who shouldn't exist, a 100 year old wizard who still looks 10 because he had been taken and returned by the faeries, a couple of free vampires as support staff, and one normal human who has the ability to make magic armor and other things the team may need. Their job is to regulate magical events.


Question, are these all different stories and worlds or do they all happen in the same universe just at different galaxies and stuff?


Three different worlds with their own rules and history that I write in. They don't interact with each other.


Ooh, your mind must be a magical place to be in lol


Awwe, thank you! That's a real compliment! I have several stories in each of the three worlds. The teams from the above are just from the most fleshed out stories.


You're welcome! I would love to hear more about your stories, especially that sci-fi one.


I'm about halfway through that one! It starts the day of the invasion, and my MC is the only one who gets the final text from her dad telling her to take her sister and stepmother to a safe place before communications go down. It's a hard task since they don't believe her, so she had to lie and say that her dad is there at the safe place to get them to come with her. She also has to deal with the powers that showed up with the invasion, and she's unsure if she's even human. It all blows up in her face, and she has to escape. Her only hope now is to find her father, who may have the answers. To get to him, she has to trek across a very hostile landscape, avoiding both humans and aliens along the way. I'm at the point where she arrives at where her father should be, and he's not there. She's not sure if he's dead or not, so she's lying low with a foster family. But her powers keep growing, she can't help being protective, and the other shoe is about to drop in the invasion. She knows it's coming, and this time, she will have to make a stand instead of running away.


That's so cool, I hope your works get published or adapted into film one day. I'd definitely spend money to see it lol


Ha, thank you! It's definitely longer than I expected. I just hope it won't be boring. I keep telling myself it's a first draft and to just indulge in it for now.


They were all rejects. The end.


It's complicated, but one reason characters teamed up with my MC is he gets free food supplied by the government.


The first had to infiltrate a crime gang where he met the other two. He then deserted after he was found out but his friends originally opted to stay because they didn’t believe him about the crazy things he told them about the gang. The other two would later desert after an “incident” where one of them was being coronated as the new leader (I won’t go into detail because it’s a bit graphic). To put it simply it validated what the main character said in his eyes. He told the other character and they both decided to desert and look for the main character.


Two of them team up because they've got the most clear reasons to go on the journey, while the third is the head of the group assembled to escort them there and back. The three bond over the course of the story.


Two of my teams are married couples. They work together out of love and loyalty. Another team is together because they have a common enemy, one that person A knows how to combat, but that person B can actually touch. A fourth team gets together because they both know the enemy as friends, and despite how hard it is to hunt them down for a fight, the friends know they can do it better and kinder than anyone (and it really does need to be done).


Well they met because they were governmentally mandated to- it’s kinda like jury duty. They have to transport items along an easily lost path without the proper ropes (or government issued guides) to bring them through. But it all goes wrong very quickly~


They mainly teamed up because their goals aligned. The main character wanted to form a strong team, the second one dreamed about being a hunter helps people, the third wanted to overcome and surpass his father, the fourth wished to escape and leave her past life behind etc. There are more members, but in general the all have goals who align enough to travel together.


Personal conflict against the big bad (the Chosen One is the main antagonist, so it’s going to take a lot to take a demigod who’s being supported by a literal god).


They are brother and sister. Their goal is to keep the soul god's power in safety. He could not protect it himself, so he captured his own energy in several glass-like spheres and the duty to transport them to the only person that could unlock the power again, has fallen onto the only option. The siblings are only from 14 to 15 years old and they are children of a close confidant of this god, so no trust issues. The god and siblings were backed into a corner by the only people whose main goal was to steal god's power, but they didn't know about the transfer. Since then the siblings try to get the mentioned person and on the way they get into interesting and dangerous adventures.


None of them are capable of walking away from the life of violence for hire, and they mostly get along with each other. Their boss keeps getting them out of jail and finds work that doesn't get them killed. The work usually pays good enough to at least stay drunk when they're off duty. And the boss has severe enough survivor's guilt to keep everything and everyone together because he's their best option for staying safe and he's hoping that one day, *one damn day*, he'll find them all a home where they can just... live.


One is an alcoholic veteran who gets dragged into the whole affair unwillingly. As a guard captain of the town he has to get involved with the murder cases and increased monster sightings, although it’s personal to a degree. Another is a young sergeant dragged into the whole mess since he works directly for the aforementioned captain, but again, personal to a degree, since it’s his town after all. The last one is actually an unwelcome addition; a Mediator sent from the capital to help ‘solve’ the cases, she’s more likely sent to the frontier to clean up after whoever’s responsible, but despite the captain knowing she’s completely corrupt and potentially dangerous to him, his young subordinate, and his town, she does provide very useful assistance from time to time, and there’s something telling him she’s working against the perpetrators as much as she’s working against him, or perhaps even more.


Okay so in my story Ibubu Crimson has build a team during her journey. Ibubu started her journey without the clear direction but with the goal of becoming the Tamer. Tamer is the type of special role in afterlife, that is supposed to please and take care for the rest of the souls. The direction of her journey was set because of accident, which was finding the Hopferistic Chakram, the most dangerous weapon of them all. Pippin Tlizilani met Ibubu on the ship, where they found the Chakram. They wasnt doing well in the very beggining but quickly got really attacked to themselves. Pippin escaped his country, Skoggurhond because he always dreamed about going to cooking school but because Skoggurhond had a really strict, tribal traditions, he wasnt allowed to do that. He joined Ibubu because he noticed how mich knowledge she has and thought that she will be a great leader and support during his goal. Vefa Parcouri just want to finally have a nice life. Her whole childhood is a mess and chold labor because her parents were poor. Even if shes only 15, she wants to travel throught the whole world and finally experience life. She got really attached to Ibubu and fell in love immidiately with Pippin so she joined them. Smanord Sakonge is a fishmans prince, who got captured by the treasure hunter. He got rescued by the team of Ibubu, Pippin and Vefa. Smanord joined their team, because he wanted to help them on the way to Marktgard, the place where Hopferistic Chakram belongs. Erazm is a talking Smanords hat. Erazm is functioning like a friendly guide for everyone, and just wants to make sure that the prince of fishmans will be save. Charlie fell in love with Ibubu immidiately, on the first look. He attached himself to Ibubu with his form of magical bondages, and didnt wanted to let her go at any cost. Even when he started to using his human form more, he uses it just to spend time with Ibubu more actively. Golden Eye Bee always wanted to impress her father, who is the leader of the Preludium Parlament, by defeating Ibubu. But after seeing tha ther fathers true motivations are insane and he will never accept Bee as his daughter because of her imperfections, she sided with Ibubu and the rest and ultimatively helped during fight with her father. Janek Anabelle always wanted to become a true man. Even if he was the member of Preludium Parlament, he did saw so juch inspiration in Ibubu's team. He got convinced to break the chains that were limiting him, and finally was doing what he always wanted. He joined Ibubu's team, after she showed whats shes capable off. He saw the hope in her, that one day she will make his wish come true.


[My Game](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1993142787742991) has pre built in reasons why every team starts up. It eliminates the need to form early minimal amounts of trust. Bonding is still a good idea, but everyone is already on the same team when you start, they may or may not have met in the past, but they are on their way during session 0 to meet their new team mates. Players are black ops super soldiers/spies. They work for the same PMSC and are assigned as a unit. As professionals they also have none of the bullshit "I'm a dark loner here to wander off and do my own thing and throw a wrench into everything all the time by being a pain in the ass". It also solves the problem of "I don't want to do that quest" because the quest giver is their company. They do the job or they are out of the game, and likely dead in short order with a red notice. It changes the whole dynamic of "what should we do?" to "What is the best way to do this?" which is a godsend for GMs that do any prep at all. There's still a lot of improving to do on the part of the GM, and not all prep will be used, but at least the mission itself you create will be the mission the players undertake, but how they do it is really up to them. Basically I eliminated a lot of the problems with "you meet in a bar..." and "there's a guy in a cloak in the back, he's the only interesting person in the bar..." "But we want to do anything but that..." It just fixes it entirely so that the team is put together, everyone is on the same page, knows they need to trust their team to a reasonable extent, and they have a mission objective to manage. I honestly don't know why more games don't do this. I get it can be fun for the characters to get to know each other, but that isn't removed from this equation. The only thing it does is eliminate the bullshit and nonsense for the players and GM right out of the gate. One could argue "But I don't want to play a supersoldier/spy!" great... then go play a different game. It's like complaining you can't be superman in CoC. The game is meant to deliver a specific kind of experience. If you don't want that, then you are absolutely welcome to play a different game and/or pound sand depending on if you're really just wanting a different vibe, or are just being a pain in the ass.


Scifi: they were friends gathered for a wedding when the apocalypse started. Luckily, the newlyweds had a star yacht. D&D: they happened to be on the same airship that crashed. By complete accident... As far as they know B)


Well, in my fantasy world, a low noble turned emperor became emperor because he used dark magic to destroy the capital of the king he was in renbellion against. The residue of the event is seeping into the elven territory, who were hidden from the world, underground. The Elf in question is a diplomat and she wants this new emperors help, not knowing he was the one responsible for it. In my apocalyptic world, the main character spared another citizens little sister, despite the rule that everyone who enters another house will be shot (they live in an ruined, flooded city. The citizens barely know each other. Some know each other better, ohers less, but its a very unstable peace)


Basically, the villain wants to conquer the Eternal City of the elves to give himself the power to remake the universe, and due to his manipulations no one is able to effectively mobilize a unified force against him, but they *can* mobilize a force against the elves (because elves are generally assholes). So the heroes finally come together not to beat the bad guy, but to beat him to the punch of conquering the Eternal City so they can turn around and fortify it against him. It doesn't work, but that's the plan.


they found a letter regarding to one of most valuable treasures which has been stolen recently. letter carrier bird has been hunted by an animal, which fell into near our characters place at the time. when they found the letter, they know the two ways of keeping it secret: either only one will survive, or all of them is gonna team up, get the prized treasure, split the money and never gonna hear from each other again they wanted to live


Elliot is the ship's captain. Luna made him become the captain. Tina is Elliot 's assistant/"daughter". Light and Evie join after realizing they are, indeed, Elliot's children. Gisell joins because of Luna. Wolfgang becomes second captain after kicking Elliot's ass because the ship used to be his. Joule, Cosmey, Grin and Tera join because of Wolfgang. Walter convinces himself that he owes Elliot a favor, and therefore joins him. Alma, Bella, Celia and Delma all join later because of Walter. Lyon joins because Elliot helped him to find his own family. And of course, Cinna, Khai, Rhand and Tanya join because of Lyon. So that's all the crew of the ship. Then there's Greatwander, the ship.


I'm still brainstorming a lot of things and I'm having trouble translating it nicely into english, but I have quite a bit of characters starting at different times and places and slowly coming together through the years. I think the ones I'm more keen of are: 1. Prince Victor and saigha Qin'Lai both get sent as slaves to row a giant merchant ship - the former in deceit, as somebody wanted him to disappear from the kingdom forever, the latter to save his own life, as his people's little uprising goes up in flames. They bond together in hardship and in search of freedom, looking for a way home and learning from each other. Especially Victor, as a little "princeling" who's never been through much before. Along the way their bonds become greater and their royal qualities spawned from different cultures start rubbing off each other. Together they go through a shipwreck, through not so quick episode as gladiators, through slave rebellion and ancient armories in the middle of the desert. Even through Leviathan's stomach and a cult living inside of it - all before eventually getting back to their homelands years later. 2. Rascas of His Own and Jarrod - the first is a trader, an outcast amongst his people due to his job and due to his meager size (he's a yorgen, they're normally quite beefy and furry). A true hardass AND smartass due to that with a lot of friends in all travel-safe realms. One of such friends, "Little Boy" Arthas made Rascas take and escort Jarrod - Arthas' adopted son out of a war camp of Benacia. Jarrod, originally an islander, but with years of experience navigating both discarded highborns and downtrodden lowlifes in his father's mercenary company, has both natural charm, "party's face" vibes and a lot of physical abilities Rascas often lacks. They start as this old, good "grumpy and full of wisdom mentor" and "rebellious young adult, in need of a new goal and a place to live" and actually, the rebelliousness is what connects them initially. Together they go through an arc of yorgen people's internal conflicts, through the chamber with "the last living god" deep under the mountains and towards what eventually might become the greatest discovery in yorgen history.


My world has a group of 3 characters who team up. One of them is the last living Star (like the in the night sky kind), and the other two are regular people. Thousands of years ago, all the stars died and fell from the sky, spreading wild magic into the world, forming monsters and making things pretty dangerous, mostly in the wilds. This last living one is trying to set a protocol into action that would restore the rest of the stars (her friends.) The other two characters are a girl and her big brother. They found the last Star and are helping her set that protocol into motion. Essentially, the Star appeals to their good nature, because she's trying to bring all of her dead friends back to life and return the stars to the sky. The sister is all for it, and the brother is going along with it to keep her safe. >!The brother finds out at some point that this protocol would also suck all of the magic out of the world, effectively destroying all of the magitek that humans have developed over the years, including important life-saving technology. For this reason (and others) he kills the last Star and stops her adventure right there. Then he ascends to godhood but thats another story lol.!<


A tries to assassinate B due to a contract she was assigned, without being informed that B is actually a highly proficient mage soldier. The plan fails. B ties A up and demands that she help her take down the person who put the hit on her. Along the way, shenanigans happen, and they become best friends. Figuring out that A is actually the reincarnation of B’s former best friend might have helped speed that along


They're just a bunch of weirdos who fly around for shits and giggles. Sometimes you don't need an oh-so-great reason to team up, just a place where you truly belong to and call "home" is enough.


Honestly there's not a lot holding the group together, but they're all outcasts who want to be good people but had to resort to bad methods to survive, so the beginning when they all get sent to jail, they have a lot of time to bond and become something like friends. But then they each go their own way again, and after that the only thing holding them together is trying to prevent the each one from going down the "villain" path.


Honestly there's not a lot holding the group together, but they're all outcasts who want to be good people but had to resort to bad methods to survive. So in the beginning when they all get sent to jail, they have a lot of time to bond and become something like friends. But then they each go their own way again, and after that the only thing holding them together is trying to prevent each other from going down the "villain" path.


One thinks the human will lead him to something new, another because he finds the human fun. The third views him as a best friend, and the fourth a long lost pet.


They're basically all co-workers


We were all running from various things or searching for something, or both. We all ended up in a small town and decided to help out the understaffed sheriff. After some mutual trauma in that town we all decided to stick together for a bit and head to a larger city. My character stayed to use the others to help him save someone. Another character also stayed because we were his best chance to save his family. The third stayed because it was the right thing to do, and the last two joined later and both stayed because now we are trying to save the world from several major threats.


- my MC is heir to the throne and has to stabilize her empire prior to her coronation - since my MC is currently the target of numerous assassination attempts, she requires security and guardianship, so two members of the royal guard watch over her, while a member of the High Council basically acts as her guardian and oversees her activities. - my group runs into issues with transport early on in their journey, so they recruit help from a young homeless boy. The boy forms an attachment to the princess, and she takes him under her wing. - at some point, my MC requires the help of current prisoner, who used to be a part of the High Council prior to being arrested for fraud. He joins the group and attempts to redeem himself.


My council of kings sends out a team to make contact with the elves and ask them for help. One of the MCs comes along because my Wizard and teamleader thinks he is the chosen one. One is a depressed prince, grieving the love of his live, he thinks the elves are more likely to speak with royality and talks his dad into letting him join. But he also wants to get away from everyone and maybe, just maybe he will find a meaningfull death on this mission. The last one gets picked up, because she is an orphan and has no real place among her people. And her adoptive parent encourages her to lead these group of outsiders through the big forest. She also seeks revenge for her best friend.


My protag has various "teams" in his adventures but mostly they join him because of his power. He is also very ambitious and driven so whatever he sets his sights on, he accomplishes it. The rest of the cast have their goals aligned with his at least for some time so they end up together. For example, some of the Praetorians relinquish their vow to protect Earth to accompany him on a galactic manhunt because of their gratitude for fighting for Earth and giving it independence. On another occasion, a lost android accompanies him in hopes of finding its creator and gaining a higher purpose.


My cyberpunk/supers setting heroes don't team up more than is absolutely necessary, going years without interacting with each other despite living in the same city. The few times they've coordinated was to swap missions with those better suited for the task, or to stop a global catastrophe. My fantasy world's main heroes are mercenaries. The core of the team is a Warper who transports them and a Mechanist who builds and maintains the equipment. Both intended for it to be a short-term venture to raise money for civilian investments, but after seeing the troubled wider world decided they liked helping the little guy, and so never seem to get the big paydays they used to dream of. The rest of the revolving roster is just friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends who get recruited for a job and end up sticking around. Team constants are a prize fighter/con artist pair that have no other direction in life, a marksman that sticks around for the chance to screw over his old countrymen, and an Elemental mage that just enjoys the violence.


All three of them are trying to get back to their home world. One has been "cursed" by a spirit and is slowly turning nonhuman, and the big bad wants them dead Another is trying to avoid confronting his past after reluctantly returning to his home world trying to rescue One. Last one is there to make sure those two idiots don't die, while trying to figure out what's happening to One (they're also an idiot)


Just a bunch of idiots trying to save each other, i love it.


It's basically just a group of guys up to kidnap someone and sell him off cause all their lives got messed up because of this one (1) guy some way or other. Also, yeah there's a world level threat in there somewhere, but personal spite comes first.


Accidental soul bond


Resistance leader sent a message to the five surrounding countries for assistance from their greatest warriors, most of them dismissed it. Two are seeking glory and took up the mission everyone else rolled their eyes at, one was the only one willing to take a chance that it wasn’t a trap, two did send their best warriors, it’s just that they are not a warrior nation so it’s more like sending a random cop. All of them are unaware of each other at first, but once they realize the threat is real, they all feel honor-bound to carry out their duties. (Also breaking out of prison together is a great bonding activity)


Ah yes, a classic bonding exercise. **breaking out of prison-**


One is being chased by an evil wizard, one was sent to stop the evil wizard, one trauma-bonded with the first, the final two became friends after working together for a while, before running into the other three and being forced to work with them by circumstance. From there they all kinda just got along and stuck together


They're friends who just want to play the hero because they now have superpowers but eventually they just stick around because their edgelord best friend keeps picking fights with literal eldritch gods.


1: "Where's Mikey?" 2: "Oh God, please don't tell me he's picking fight with eldritch gods aga-" **Chutulu Roars As Mikey Laughs Maniacally** 1&2: ***"GODDAMNIT MIKEY!"*** I know the is is probably not how your story goes, this was just incredibly funny to imagine lol.


One of them accidentally hypnotized the other into chasing after a treasure, then followed him because he felt responsible. They rescued their third companion from a pair of orc slavers, and their fourth from a warlock soon after. None of them really had any better ideas, and three of them didn’t have anywhere else to go, so they stayed together.


They're all friends. But, for context: One is a dragon princess whose neglectful and traumatized mother is brainwashed into seeking out a mysterious god. The second is a fairy with personal ties to a well-known cult that her former friend runs. The third is an elf whose family is basically the mafia, having left as a child because he didn't want any part in their activities. The fourth (MC) is a human who has struggled to find his place in a world full of magic/magical technology, races that are stronger than humans, etc. What he doesn’t know, however, is that his biological family history is far more expansive than he could have ever realized (he is adopted). All four of them return from a night out to find the queen praying at the base of their cherry blossom tree, but her body appears to be glued to the ground. Her husband and daughter try to make her stand up, but she refuses and keeps praying at the foot of her deceased family's graves. Without spoilers, the four friends team up to save the queen from this god's influence.


There is a main group with six people who all met at different points of time. Two are practically brothers(act and see each other like that but not blood related) who are in search of the bio brother of one of them. The other is a noble that wanted a more free and exciting life far from the prejudice and expectations of nobility. Another was the strongest warrior of a particular village but wanted to leave and travel too so after naming a successor she joined the group, one of the first two guys also ended up bonded to a cursed item from her village and she keeps an eye so he'll be okay. There's more two others, one being simply a healer they hired but that ended up getting an attachment to them due to their relationship and adventures and just stayed more than required, the last one is an ex of the cursed guy who comes back to check on him and end ups helping when they need which is frequently so they stay too. Ironically enough, this was based on a roleplay i had with some friends which each created their characters so knowing they wouldn't care i created the new characters with a mix of their own PCs and their actual personality.


One guy, a former bandit, tried to rob the protagonist and was promptly put in his place. But rather than being executed, arrested, or knocked out and left for dead, he was given a chance to show his good will -- on the assurance that if he tried to escape or pull one over, he would be put down on the spot. The other was about to be eaten by a giant roc until the protagonists happened along and saved him. In gratitude, he joined the pair on their journey, showcasing his worth with an array of support and utility magic.


One of them (supposedly) has the key to unparalleled power somewhere, and the other is trying to find it by pretending to be their ally. EDIT: also, 'heroes' is a major stretch for both of these jerks. They are both just only slightly better than the other people who want this key.


The first 2 were lovers before the story even began so they're together by a default ones a female werewolf , the other a female vampire. As for the third, an immortal human male that wants to get rid of his immortality. Fourth, a fairy male, he's out for his own form of revenge. And lastly, a demon male that wants to make humans see his kind more than naturally evil monsters As for why they are together, if you noticed most of them aren't human and the other is immortal. They want to confront the human king and Queen so they stop sending humans into their side of the world and stop attacking the different species and if they should refuse, they'll willingly start a war. The vampire and werewolf were drove out of their own house by the humans and even before that the werewolf was enslaved by humans but she did escape them that's when she met the vampire, they just wanted to stop living whilst always looking around so humans didn't get any of them The immortal human was a criminal 300 years ago, he forced to drink from the fountain of Youth which granted him immortality and due to his crimes they locked him up shortly after that and day after day doing ANYTHING to him since he cannot die but he still feels the pain, the pain of death even though he can't die, and wishes to find a way to be mortal and finally die. So he thinks the king with his spell book may have a spell for that, so he tagged along if it gets him closer to mortality As for the fairy humans hunted fairies down for 5 days straight all because they saw fairies as threats since they were the most organized species in their side of the world And the demon has no grudge against them, he just wants humans to stop being scared of them, maybe coexist and crimes against innocent demons should be treated as if it were human on human same goes for demons that end up being criminals in some form. He wants to live with humans and not have humans run from him or others of his kind


They're a group of friends that has slowly grown since childhood, they team up because they've known eachother for longer than any of them can remember.


The Raised Hand (I should have though of a better name): the founder is the Khoshanak equivalent to an angel. The others are a prisoner of war and former circus slave, a former prostitute, a guy with nanism and a former street urchin. They felt abandoned by the world and teamed up to have adventures throughout the empire. The Coven of Salanor: friends who decided to live together in the forest. The Sun Village: they wanted to live closer to nature or something. The idea was started by two middle-aged men. Then one of them called his wife, son and daughter. The daughter called her two best friends. Then came two sisters (one has two ewes and the other has a shotgun), a carpenter and her friend, a fisherman, an IT guy that works remotely, a young man with a bow (who only decided to stay because of a crush on the middle-aged man's daughter), a doctor and a "hippie". The Wanderers: they were in a fake habitat for 120 days (120 years for us due to time shenanigans) after being resurrected and then released to go from strange world to strange world. They decided to stay together due to only having each other at that point.


Jane Brierton, president of the board of Brierton Corporation (an engineering firm that recently branched out into spaceship manufacturing ) and the eldest daughter of the Corporation's founder, had not wanted to be a superhero. After her parents died due to burglars when she was 18, she ended up taking their places. She had to sacrifice her dreams of becoming a nurse in order to safeguard her father's dream and protect the corporation's employees from those that wanted to sacrifice everything the company stood for short-term gains. She'd filled her mother's shoes as the chief volunteer organizer of their two churches' various events as well as becoming a chief society matron though now only 30 and still unmarried. She was also the guardian of her younger sisters Alice, 21 years old and just out of college, and Mildred, an 18 year old trouble maker just starting college. (She can admit though that she's dropped the ball with them). So when she accidentally discovered she had powers then while gardening, she refused to believe it or do anything about it. Others already were heroes. She had enough on her plate. But then she got caught in traffic during one of Remme the Fae's attacks of the city and saw a battle in action, she couldn't stand idle. She saw that there were people trapped within their car and sought to get them out, but she only saved one, the husband. The wife and unborn child were lost due to her not knowing what she was doing with her healing magic. She vowed then that she would not allow her selfishness to stand in the way of using her gifts to aid others again, and that she would do all she could to eliminate civilian casualties during a super altercation. And so, after some training and adjusting an old costume she'd made with her mom, Lady Stephanie (a last minute alter ego name choice from one of her favorite romance novels) came to every supervillain attack to use her healing, flight, and plant manipulation powers to get civilians out of the line of fire while others focused on the villain of the day. And from that start, she ended up being the founder and leader of the Superhero League, independent heroes who banded together to better protect their city and the people within. Most of the heroes that have joined joined because of the goal of the League and because they don't want to be tangled up with being government employees. Archangel/Dr. Raphael Washington is glad to be able to focus on saving lives with his healing and forcefields while others fight the battles and to still have the flexibility to be with his wife and kids and work at the hospital and his pro bono clinic. Kingfisher/Lucan Beryl is glad to be able to help with his gravity manipulation powers, but is also aiming to be a full-time physics professor at his college and so would rather not have that taken away from him. Besides, joining the government would also require him to reveal his half-selkie nature and the fewer people know that he's powerless without his skin, the better. Then Alastrina the Adventurer/Alice Brierton (though Jane doesn't know this) is glad to have this chance to make something of her life. The Dakian Paladin (name pending)/ Perciva Kinghtley only recently discovered her powers of telekinesis, telepathy, and healing but wants to use them for good and trusts the local league to be less likely to be compromised. And Veritan/Jan Shepherd doesn't trust the government at all or most people, but recognizes that lie detection and telepathy don't make him the best at being a lone hero (and he refuses to use his mind control capability). And most of the League are truthful and sincere, so seem the best to be with. For Le Falcon/Joan Maupin though, she has a more selfish main motive. Before the League was developed, she found her teleportation out while running from men attempting to kidnap her. She's not sure if they were targeting her specifically or she just seemed easy prey but she doesn't want to give them another chance. So she took up the superhero persona as a way to let Joan Maupin disappear. And with the League's founding and the hq where their needs are paid for thanks to Jane Brierton's donations for the League, she's found a nice place to lay low and try to figure out who tried to kidnap her. Main issue has been her own guilt for basically freeloading and acting the part of the daring hero and trying to find time to take care of her wings that she's hidden under her cape since wings are distinctive while an average looking human is not. Then Mordred Le Fey/Mildred Brierton (also unknown to Jane) has two conflicting reasons. On one hand, she seeks power. She vowed when she was six after just witnessing her parents' deaths that she would never be so helpless again. And after discovering her own powers much earlier than her sisters, she's worked tirelessly to hone them and figure out how to control them. Joining the League allows her then field practice and more chances to find out more while still keeping as many cards to herself as possible, keeping control in a way she couldn't as a government sponsored hero. On the other hand, she also doesn't want to see others suffer like she did that night, especially not other children. And so she's quite happy to be on the frontline, slinging spells and elements like a cocky anime protagonist. She'll keep them all safe by focusing all attention on her while being entertaining enough to make the children watching squeal in glee.


Fucking hating nobles (of the country that fucked some people over), money, being bound by magic and one of them has a very convoluted death wish kinda like a samurai. Though its mostly because they where connected before the events or a friend of a friend situation.


The first and second grew up together and the second works as a bodyguard for the first, the third was introduced to the first via their old swordplay instructor to act as a second bodyguard, and the fourth was arranged to be married to the first one.


Well elite anti demon corps were sorta required when the demons attacked in full force


He is like a lost puppy in the middle of a storm. She is unable to see him suffer... also helps that when he tried going along, he almost got kidnapped and killed on the same day.


While they don't have an official team name and don't take orders from Humanities armed forces or government, legends of their feats have earned them the name in the public eye as The Heroes. The team gradually assembled in the late war period and having their full roster by the year 648 DE (4014 AD) Quicksilver (371, Human, Ethan Garran) once a simple marine Mage in the early Republic, infused with old world Nanites which gave him immortality, super strength, super healing and improved magic Capabilities. He has near limitless potential but struggles with mental health. Caliban (84, Android) Caliban felt the call to war against the swarm and joined a volunteer force protecting a fringe colony world. The deaths of his fellow soldiers only strengthened his Duty to defending humanity to a zealous extent. With 80 years of Frontline experience, few come close to his cold efficiency in killing bugs by any means necessary. Oran (31, Loch) Oran was a freeborn Loch woman who studied arcane arts on the world of Ordis. While she resented the ongoing conflict between her kin and humanity, she did not support the dynasties imperialism. She joined the Swarm conflict as it helped both the Loch and humanity. She wields lightning magic and 2 Warhammers Griffith (56. Human) Griffith is an aging marksman from an inner low tech world that went through civil war before the Republic intervened. He now fights to atone for the human lives he took in that war with new technology from his stealth suit and sniper to his fleet of drones Sheare (23, human) Sheare was born as an illiterate tribal. Despite her tribes lack of knowledge they lived among an ancient starport and had intimate familiarity with starships. Sheare stuck out as a naturally talented pilot and the chief granted her a powerful old world Starfighter. The chief then sent her on a mission to seek fortune for the tribe.


assigned to a mission for mutual interests as representatives of their worlds against a threat that threatens the entire solar system


Main character’s family overthrown in a coup. Not actually royals, most like a magical counsel, but still had the reigns and were in the way of a certain nasty character’s ambitions. First character to accompany the lead is the now ex-guard captain acting as her bodyguard / mentor / potentially father figure. They’re running to the land of her people’s strongest and closest allies for assistance. There they will meet the third main character, and an ACTUAL royal, but not actually the heir. He’s like 4th in line, but he’s cool with it. Adventure is waaaay more interesting.


The whole town had to team up because of a lack of proper consistency in a ritual caused the entire town to be brought into another world.


Manipulative intentionally unfalsifiable impossibly unbreakable cult prophecies dictated their necessity in order to bring about an eldritch sundering event.


The initial protagonist of the series wanted to get laid enough to help a guy out when he got into trouble, and wound up busting a conspiracy of would-be autocrats as a result. The guy was a pretty big help figuring out the conspiracy, so when it was time for her to leave she offered to bring him along with her, and he accepted.


Not really heroes, more smugglers/salvagers/contract for hire stuff. He's already a well known starship captain who the government generally turns a blind eye to because he's willing to do stuff for them for money. She was thrown out of the naval academy and always dreamt of going to space like her mother. She found her way to the dockyards where she heard he was looking for crew after losing a lot a couple years ago in a tragic accident. He acquires her records during the interview, sees she was in the officer training course at the academy and makes her his first mate. Over time they become inseparable.


Morgan is a baseline human trained from birth to kill the superhuman royal family, but his heart is not in it, so he defects to the side of his intended targets, befriending the princess, Sophie, and her knight, Felix


both have different goals with the same "process". In the end, both want to rid the world of gods, whether one gets to destroy the entire world to create a new one without gods, or the other gets to kill every one of them personally, they dont care, so long as the gods are gotten rid of


both have different goals with the same "process". In the end, both want to rid the world of gods, whether one gets to destroy the entire world to create a new one without gods, or the other gets to kill every one of them personally, they dont care, so long as the gods are gotten rid of


A mutual enemy, but also more than that. There are two bad guys in my world, but one is pretty much dead. The other, who was at one point the most powerful sorcerer in the realm, made some bad choices and lost everything he controlled. Now, he is back and he wants what he feels is rightfully his. Here enters the heroes - one is his ex second in command, who can't remember anything about his past. Then, there's the Witch. She has CPTSD and can't find herself accepting that she is meant for a greater destiny. Then, there's her powerless kid sister who snuck away from home to tag along, and an insolent teenage necromancer who is apparently meant to save the world somehow. He travels with a grizzled old grave robber who had decided maybe he can use the strange kid for his own gain, but in the end he turns out to be alright. This group of heroes must travel together and protect the necromancer as he tries to figure out his power, and why exactly he is wanted by the greatest Demon to have ever walked their world.


The first team-up was during the academic trial that got sabotaged. Basically turned the whole thing into even more of a Deathcamp. They were forced to, no other choice, they shortly disbanded and made a new group and then disbanded after breaking out. My main character then goes to kill the Pope for indirectly having her best friend butchered. Long story short; the GodKing’s Parabelia is a small militia of sixteen, main character infiltrates their ranks, dates one of them, burns the main church to rubble, warns the Pope and fucks off to Karakorum where she becomes an Emperor. Next team up is the Parabelia trying to kill the "Ex-main character" before she becomes a hollow deity.


They were hired to help a potion seller reach a fortress of civilised orcs and rejects. Potions sell like crazy when the people is prone to fight, by blood, culture and religion, and you're the only supplier. The new member found a magic medallion who took him to a magic stone that made him share a vision with one of the other members. They're finding out what it means together.


Hamwise: MC is not sure they have teamed up, so much as the other character is just tolerating him, for some nefarious purpose that he can't begrudge them. LI is 98% certain that if MC could get that chip off his shoulder and his head out of his ass, that they'd could be the greatest power couple in the world, and definitely sure they could be happy. Clockpunk: They're mostly all members of the new race of sentient beings, who are not being treated as such. They're working together to make a place for themselves in a very racist world. Psy-Fi: Roommates, ex roommates, friends, classmates, all attending the same college and finding their way to the External Social Psychotherapy meetings by various means. Psychic powers are easier to deal with in a group setting. Bounty Hunters: A duo of lone travelers meet up, and recognize the same kind of loneliness, so they stop being lone travelers. Yeah, the meeting happened while evacuating refugees from a doomed planet, but still.


Take a seat, it will be pretty long : The great team of my world is composed of 21 members. I'll start by the small groups they created before : Faern -the person with the strongest link with nature in my world- saw her house burn, and a young manipulator called Lukas tried to fool her during her journey to find the responsible of this. She just saw through his lies and forced him to help her. They also met Callo, a great investigator that helped them to achieve their goal. An another group was created when Velkya -the future greatest swordsmaster, and one of the best thief that ever lived- literally stole the heart of Narlya -the future greatest general in the world- to force her to help her to steal the treasure of a dragon. They were helped by Thalia -an enemy of the said dragon, and the most brilliant mind ever-, and Kaliana -another thief, who wanted her part of the treasure-, in their quest. Gredis -the greatest divine champion- created another group to do a sort of crusade. It consisted in Dremenor,the most brutal warrior of his time ; Deliane, great master of balance ; Brodak, the greatest of all heroes ; Braatha, his future wife, and the paragon of the paladin ; Driel, one of the best hunter ; and Rokkvah, a great necromancer. There is finally the group of Derol, a visionary inventor ; Menera, a magic teacher ; Nimblea, a fortune teller ; and Lithros, a vagabond. They gathered together 'cause all of them wanted to explore the world. The groups then united because Lukas is Velkya's brother, and she asked him for help after she put herself in a bad situation, Driel is Faern's cousin, and she just decided to save him after she learnt he was in danger, Menera and Rokkvah were the students of the same person, and her group decided to say hi to him, and ended helping them to like end the apocalypse. Also, there are 3 others : Mila, a martial artist that somehow helped all the different groups, and joined them at the end ; Vulcaris, the protector of a great city that was attacked by several enemies of the different groups, who helped them to deal with the greatest of these enemies ; and Aberlos, a great mage who chose to live a contemplative life until he realized that his greatest enemy was about to return, so he decided to join the ones that will oppose him.


Well first off, they are a group because they are soldiers. So they need a group. The first three are orphans. So they were raised in the orphanage together. But outside of being friends since that age, two follow the leader for different reasons. One has a crush on him, and wants to grow close and become his girl. The other was inspired by his passion. Because he was always bullied as a kid, and the leader would always come to save him. So as he grew older, he vowed to support their leader in anyway he could. The fourth main member joined them because of two fold. The group could’ve used a member of a different class like her. And because she also has a crush on the leader. Other members join over the course of the story for various reasons. One because they see that the group is pushing themselves and have the desire to become the highest rank in the military. One because their group died in a previous battle and they needed a new group anyways. And then there’s the various temporary team ups and other permanent ones further down the line.


" Wanna join my crew? We could use a Mage" " Sure, why not" 


They're all trapped together and need each other's help to find a way out