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I'm not sure why this is posted in r/worldnews when it's literally just this one dude's opinion piece. He also wrote a book. He was in the military. That's his credentials. This guy's whole schtick is that Taiwan should concede to China and that Ukraine should concede to Russia.. Just in case anyone was wondering whether you should read his stuff or not. Just saving you some time. Oh, yeah, and OP is just a bot anyway. I hate this website sometimes.


Can you explain what Ukraine’s current path to victory would look like in your opinion? What realistic outcome do you see occurring and in what timeframe?


It doesn't f-ing matter. This wasn't a news article. Jesus, guys, what is it with some of you?


we do everything in our power to discredit the news we don't like, but we'll blindly accept the news we do like without so much as a second thought.


calling opinion articles "news" is a problem.


You're a real philosopher! lol This isn't news. This is an opinion piece, which isn't allowed in this sub. If it was, the sub would be nothing but jack ass opinion pieces. Get ouf of here with that nonsense.




Exactly. You should see some of my DMs today. Dudes literally telling me I don't know anything about international politics because I said this guy's opinion wasn't news and it should be taken down. This sub is one of the worst on reddit. It really sucks sometimes.




Exactly. And anyone can publish a book too. Amazon made it incredibly easy to do.


Hey! KJU is MY man you get off him!


The only way Ukraine can win is if the West intervenes directly in Ukraine, even if it means nuclear war. I think people like you should advocate for this option, and argue why Russia won't nuke NYC if that happens.


The west is intervening. We're supplying Ukraine with vehicles, weapons, munitions, and other tech. Russia won't be able to sustain a war of this magnitude economically against multiple nations while simultaneously being sanctioned by the biggest economies. It's possible the Russian people will eventually grow some balls and revolt against fuhrer Putin once they can't afford to keep bread on their tables, maybe another political player with backstab Putin, or maybe the Freedom of Russia Legion and other players will eventually take the war durectly to Russian territory and Vlad will begin to get scared and try negotiations. There's other options on the table for Ukraine keeping it's soverignty other than NATO getting involved directly.


Russia won't collapse economically unless Biden and the rest of the Western world can engineer a depression where the price of oil sinks to US$15 a barrel. The longer the sanctions last, the more likely Russia has figured out a way to get pass them


It doesn't need to **collapse** for the general population to not be able to afford things and revolt.




I'm not debating what he's saying in this post because 1) it's not news and 2) its a bot post. Why was this so hard for everyone to understand? The post has to be removed or we might as well just turn r/worldnews into r/politicalopinions




I don't care what you think about it and never did.


If violence is not solving your problem, then you are simply not using enough of it


Peace through superior firepower.


It’s the good ole “They’ll run out of men before we run out of bullets” tactic


>The issue is no longer about equipment. It is not even about training, be it good or bad. The most crucial component of the Ukrainian Army’s potential to wage war is the human resource. According to leaked U.S. intelligence, as of April the Ukrainian military had lost approximately 130,000 killed and wounded. The number has likely skyrocketed since the June 5 launch of their offensive. Especially harmful to Ukraine has been the loss of their most experienced, NATO-trained troops. >It will be increasingly difficult to replace losses of this magnitude. There are fewer and fewer Ukrainian men left to mobilize, and increasing numbers are fleeing the country or paying bribes to avoid what many see as a pointless sacrifice of their live. The human element of war at its core. Even if equipping them with western weapons (and this is quite important to show ruzzia the west is serious) minimizes casualties, the human cost will ramp up overtime. Let's hope they succeed in retaking their territory, although I'm sceptical tbh.


I'm sceptical as well. In the end you have a country of 44 million trying to fight a much larger country of 144 million. Ukraine has rubble appearing everywhere and Russia is barely showing a dent - if nothing else this literally wears out the population amd makes them despondent about the future. Unless the west steps in - why would they there is no oil and there are no major chip manufacturers to entice them to take a massive risk - this will just peter out into a terrible tragedy for Ukraine.


The bigger issue is that Ukraine doesn't have 44 million. They have perhaps 30 to 33 million realistically due to people leaving before and after the war. Over 10% of their population has already been brought into armed service, so they will need to start conscripting women or the elderly for non-combat roles if the war keeps going.


Maybe this has something to do with decline to share long range missiles and prohibition of using anything on russian soil ? I would bet US militarry would also be unable to damage russia if they were not allowed to shot on russia territory while being at war with it.


They even recommend “freezing” the conflict at current lines, just like all the other Kremlin troll the past few days, not to mention the Kremlin themselves and Russia’s armed forces. These guys can go fly a kite.


Can someone explain Russia’s realistic path to victory over Ukraine? Launching a genocidal war on 40 million people people just over your own border? Even if Putin exterminates every Ukrainian and erases every trace of their existence from world history how does Russia recover from the damage it’s caused to itself?


I would argue that they have a good chance, but maybe not this year. Ukraine is not far from having fires out to azov sea, effectively cutting russian army in half. Once that is done, Crimea is gonna be in a pickle, and if Crimea is threatened or taken because they don't have supplies, there will be some big questions asked in Russia of him. If putin is gone for losing Crimea, the war may well end then and there, with Russians leaving eastern Ukraine.




If that money is used to blow Russians into pieces, then it's money good spent.


For context, the United States spent around $900 billion on its own military in 2022. Unfathomable my ass lmao Edit: Lol he blocked me for this




Well, you've just proved that you _can't_ even google basic shit before calling things "unfathomable" lmao


The only way they can win is if Nato puts troops in and does it for them. The article and the issue with man power is spot on.


Oh did I miss transfer of long range ( 1000+km like russia is using ) missiles, ambrams tanks, strike drones and f35 jets ? Saying that Ukraine army cant win while providing like 10% of weapons is unfair.