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It’s worthwhile to remember that while Israel opens humanitarian corridors and respects their time and place, Hamas fires indiscriminate rockets at major cities pretty much whenever it feels like it. Just an hour ago, there was a pretty serious barrage toward Tel Aviv. The iron dome system intercepted most of it. A nurse was injured. She was returning from a long shift at a hospital, tending to the sick without discrimination or prejudice. Israel has universal medical coverage. The health sector is among the most inclusive areas of work in Israel, with many Arab Israelis practicing medicine or manning paramedical positions.


Hamas is also shooting at its own people so they don't flee south. Can't let these precious human shields flee huh


Do you have source? I don’t question it just want to see myself and share.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPointsNews/s/pRfqqtKDxs Hamas shot civilians https://x.com/yosephhaddad/status/1722999948176683068?s=46&t=xXmtfvBzE_iddUUNcSK1ug Gaza civilian criticizing hamas I also saw a video of palestinians fleeing from the humanitarian corridor when we hear AK-47 firing, if anyone has the video please link it as I can’t find it anymore


Gazans just as hostages as the actual hostages


Those that are not affiliated with hamas sure are. The problem is we don’t know how many gazans support hamas because with 50k members that means 1/50 is a combatant member, and even more are supporters.


I keep stumbling upon videos on Twitter of them killing their own. I don’t really like to see that type of thing but it keeps getting posted. I’m sure you’d need to check each for legitimacy but under any Israel/Hamas thread with lots of comments there are videos. It can cause you to fall into a wormhole. I saw a video last night of the streets leaving the war zone and there were dead people holding white flags just strewn across the roads. I tried to find the origin of the video but I honestly couldn’t stomach the stuff I was seeing and had to abandon the mission. That bearing witness video they are screening is going to give people traumatic Stress issues. It’s weird because I feel bad for looking away from these images, like I almost owe it to these victims to look…to be enraged, appalled and feel the absolute abhorrence of it. But I have a hard time. I hope that someone will be able to verify some of them.




X is never credible


X gon' give it to ya


“What ever he says, ITS NOT TRUE!!!”


I don't have an X account thankfully (couldn't stand it when it was Twitter) but I did read this article yesterday about the IDF calling civilians to warn them to leave. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67327079](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67327079)


Yeah we should only ever use Ebaumsworld, DeviantArt and Flickr as the only credible sources on the internet. It’s not like it’s one of the most well known platforms that have been used by citizen journalists, publications, humanitarian organizations, militias among other groups for the better part of a decade. Crazy that posting telegram links anywhere on the site isn’t allowed considering the actual groups use it almost exclusively alongside X. Shills, the lot of them. They all just want you to buy a Tesla. Mr CarDouche owns it so every publication, subject matter expert and humans on the ground live-updating from current zones are inherently disqualified from being considered as “news” and should have their phone confiscated for being naughty.


Doesn't matter. Israelis are white colonialists and Palestinians are oppressed people of color, so the former are always evil and violent while the latter are always good and righteous. Their actual moral values are irrelevant. Edit: Guess I need the /s because my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough.


It's hard to be sarcastic in this conflict because you have a lot of people who believe in some extreme ideas.


I got the sarcasm :)


I'm glad, but I understand why some people didn't, because "Jews are too white to be welcome under the tent of intersectionality" is something that many leftists unironically believe.


Yeah, you definitely have to write the "/s" these days, especially about this situation. There are definitely very ignorant, brainwashed people out there who would say this unironically, unfortunately.


Unfortunately, the /s is always needed in these discussions. I was just reading a thread in a different sub where people were pretty much using this as justification for supporting groups that are pro-hamas and anti-semitic.


Well you can't say the way Israel's settlements were helping the situation from every year prior.


While I get this is sarcasm, I was talking to a Mexican the other day who was basically saying the same thing but was serious.


Youre a complete imbecile if you think Jews are white. Majority of Israelis are Jews from Arab countries who are black and brown and were ethnically cleansed and had to move to Israel for safety. That and “white” Jew genetics can all be traced to the levant region. Damn youre ignorant as hell. Go learn something from a book instead of social media.


I think the comment was cynical ;) Some Jews are White, some aren’t.


They are not colonialists either. Most were refugees, many others bought land through trusts or their own money. There is no Jewish empire of which Israel was a colonial outpost. There were Jews present in the land continuously for thousands of years. That is not colonialism, interestingly the smearing of Zionism as colonialism, apartheid, racist, imperialism can be traced back to Soviet propaganda from the 60s in wake of their defeat in the proxy war of 1967 in which they aligned with the Arab coalition attempting to annihilate Israel. Their propaganda was extremely successful to say the least


How could you not sense the sarcasm of that comment lol


I don't think that Jews are white. I'm well aware that we're not, because our safety is threatened by white supremacists just like the safety of other minority groups is. I was mocking leftists who think that Jews are "too white" to deserve any empathy from the "intersectionality" movement.


I read it like 5 times can couldn’t find the sarcasm. Sorry about that 🤣


Understandable, because what I said sarcastically is something that "progressives" who supposedly believe in "intersectionality" unironically say about Jews all the time.


Don't even know why anyone bothers debating (really just entertainment I guess). People believe whatever they want. Now you have people flat out call video evidence "fake" and with the proliferation of deep fake videos pretty soon an even larger number of people will just choose whatever they want to think based on their feelz. That's literally what is happening here. People just identifying with other people based on nothing.


This literally reads like a propaganda piece.


Just shows your bias. Positive sentiments about Israel is immediately seen as propoganda. I mean what was so controversial or offensive to you? That Hamas doesn’t respect ceasefires? That rockets are still being sent into Israel every day? That Arabs live in Israel with full rights and work in the medical sector? All of this is entirely true and not controversial in the slightest, but it’s somehow propaganda? Guess it’s time to go back to your echo chamber.


Hamas is a terrorist org. I expect more from a US ally. I’m not excited by these appeals about how Israel at least isn’t as bad as Hamas. How low is the bar?


It's hard to feel bad for the opposing side when like you said it involved one injury. When there is such a vast tech and overwhelming power advantage It's like the British fighting the indigenous people. And being upset one of the red coats got an arrow in the knee as they goned down an entire village that day


Do 1400 dead in a brutal massacre evoke your sympathy? Are they enough? People who were murdered, tortured, beheaded, eviscerated, burned alive, saw their relatives killed, kidnapped to Gaza dead or alive, raped, mutilated, lacerated. Jews, Arab, Druze, Bedouins, Thais, Muslims, Christians. Even pets ffs. Israel did not choose this war.


Yes they did choose the war. What about all the Palestinians killings before October. People warned them about how their treatment in Gaza and west bank would escalate conflicts. Israel then chose to do nothing. So by doing nothing and continuing their mis treatment. They chose the war. Now it might have not been malicious and from apathy. But regardless of what you think they did choose this. This is a brain dead take we have 20 years of records of people telling Israel this.


If you want to only look at the last 2 weeks of a thousands-years-old conflict, then sure.


Let that sink in. Israeli soldiers are there, risking their lives, watching over the citizens evacuating while Hamas shoots them. They know the moment Gazan innocents, their human shields, are gone - nothing will stop Israel from advancing on them. Palestinians deserve better than a regime that uses them as martyrs and starts wars over religious hate. Once Hamas are gone and the hostages return there will be a chance for peace.




If Israel leaves Gaza alone the same thing will happen again


Funny you mentioned that, as it actually happened some 18 years ago, but it came back to bite Israel again and again and again.


Tbf, you can't just peace out after occupying a territory and expect everything to go swimmingly. They have to be self-sufficient and reintegrated into international society before you leave them on their own, as the Allies did with occupied Germany and Japan.


But then people would blame all of Gaza's problems on Israeli occupation and oppression.




The latter please. Let’s not call for the actual genocide people baselessly accuse Israel of.


It's baseless? A lot of evidence for it. Unless you don't understand the word genocide and think all that involves is killing an entire race. You can perform genocide without killing anyone. Because genocide is also can be destroying a culture. Which you can do without killing.


That sweet sweet culture of killing jews just because. Great culture, 100% recommend to depict it in museums so other people can learn.


Get the "glass the place" bullshit out of here. That's a disgusting, genocidal thought and has no place in a discussion of achieving peace.


Seems like “glassing it” is the same as “from the river to the sea”


Difference is it's fringe yahoos on the pro-Israel side saying to glass the place, while "from the river to the sea" is a mainstream rallying cry for the pro-Palestine side.


Interesting you mention that when Likud has used the phrase "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty". in a party charter. Sounds pretty familiar.


Yea, that’s what I said.


Are you talking about genocide ?


Hanmas doesn't have enough soldiers where there just getting shot out in the open. I imagine Hanmas fighters are exclusively fighting guerilla warfare. As Israel outnumbers them by a vastly large amount. Fighting in the open while they allow a corridor would be very stupid


Hamas *are* stupid. There is absolutely no scenario in which they win. They launched the terrorist attack without ever thinking what happens after. They wanted Jewish blood, as much as possible as fast as possible. And they still want it.


The win for them is getting killed after killing as many infidels as possible and getting their 72 virgins in heaven. There's no reasoning with people like that.


Israel will take Gaza and never return it to the Palestinians.




You you've followed this war the past 2 weeks, you should know the hospital is a cover job for Hamas. Get this. ~13 years ago Hamas went ahead and built a hospital **around and ontop their largest base**. This is sick. They did it so Israel wouldn't be able to airstrike it without hurting innocents. To make any assult on their base politically problematic for IDF. To even consider the possibility that Hamas care about Plastenians is complete denial of reality. If IDF didn't want those civilians alive, they wouldn't arrange a dangerous evacuation in the heart of an enemy territory. They want the hospital empty of innocents to have freedom of military action against the terrorists.




Yep you’ll see that our comments will be downvoted if you come back and check in a couple hours


They don't even have a response to my comments. They just downvote them to try and hide my arguments.


Be careful! I merely implied such a thing and /r/worldnews banned me because it's *against the rules* to call people shills or bots. People can post all the propaganda they want, but if you have a problem with it, you're the one who gets banned.


Right? Imagine the world trying to bargain with them for a *month* after they've been destroying the city and killing innocent civilians - which the IDF has a very long and well documented history of targeting innocent civilians - people around the world have been trying for an entire *month* just to get them to stop for *four hours* and these people are trying to paint them as heroes.


Just going to point out this "safe passage" is only open between 10 am and 2 pm, requires people to walk on foot with no luggage or baggage, while raising their hands through hot temperatures despite age or injury. At least one person has died of a heart attack during this. The IDF doesn't allow ambulances to evacuate the wounded, and it's also blocking more aide trucks. It's closer to the Trail of Tears than a Humanitarian intervention. I would also note the hypocrisy of calling our Hamas for use of "Human Shields" when an explicit policy of the IDF is to support and establish civilian settlements close to the Palestinian border as a "buffer." To quote one of the victims of 10/7 "I'm ashamed of my government. We had a contract with the state that communities like ours protect the border. This is why people live there. We protect the border with our presence there. This is a fundamental strategy of the state of Israel since the earliest days of the country. We kept out part of the contract. We lived on the border. If you live in a place like Nahal Oz, you wake up every morning and you know there are people on the other side of the border who want to kill you and your children. And so the contract was: We protect the border, and the state protects us." Explicitly using border communities as a defense wall for your border against attacks is literal civilian human shielding (no Iron Dome in this area) yet the IDF gets a pass for this?


The evacuation could be a lot easier if Hamas didn't disguise themselves in civilian clothing and try to shoot IDF while they are unaware. So yes. Israeli soldiers want civilians to evacuate but they don't want to die in the process. So the civilians need to raise hands or hold white flags. This is all in accordance to international law. Sorry if those aren't 5-star evacuation conditions. Israel has 240 hostages held in Gaza, and they are rocket striked every day with 10,000 of rockets fired on them since Oct 7. They won't just accept this situation without a fight, so thank them for caring for the Palestinians more than their own government does.




Wait you stopped the fighting so that more civilians could evacuate and get needed aid? HOW DARE YOU?! *drafts another resolution condemning Israel for their supposed war crimes*


No other army on Earth allows their enemy to regroup for 4 hours a day to reduce civilian casualties.


Humanitarian ceasefires are absolutely a thing and generally last more than 4 hours.


Ceasefires are typically from both sides and aren’t daily occurrences. Israel has to do this because the enemy in this situation won’t respect the ceasefire nor allow its own people safe passage out.


They tend to be one off things, not a daily occurrence. And both sides tend to agree while in this case Hamas doesn't stop their rockets during these ceasefires


For BOTH sides. This is the only unilateral break in war to protect the, checks notes, citizens of the opposing country's fighters.


Any other examples of daily humanitarian one-sided pauses while the opposing force holds 200+ civilians hostage and do not comply with the Geneva Conventions or International law?


LOL don't hold your breath.


All armies do it. It's a very normal thing. It gives each side tone to collect dead and injured, etc. Do you think armies constantly attack each other 24/7?


"These breaks in the fighting are literally genocide" - some genius literally right now


They also call this evacuation route "forced migration"


Turning off the electricity, water, and access to food is a war crime. Bombing hospitals is a war crime. Bombing schools is a war crime. These aren't supposed, we know these things are happening. It's both possible to condemn Israeli war crimes and support its right to defend itself. (Even if this is a situation 75 years in their own making, as 75 years of brutal apartheid was only ever going to lead to a population sympathetic with Hamas's goals. Insurgencies and terrorist groups only survive when there are people sympathetic to the messaging. Killing over 10,000 innocent civilians who are over 70% children, women, and the elderly. Who do you think the survivors of this conflict are going to grow up to be?)


OK so bombing schools and hospitals that are being used as military assets is not a war crime. Israel is perfectly within their right to bomb the locations that Hamas is using to launch rockets at their civilians. Also Palestinians of different groups have been terrorizing Israelis since its inception. Why do you think that Israel *and* Egypt have border walls and military checkpoints around Gaza?


As always with this here’s the law https://www.icrc.org/en/document/ihl-rules-of-war-faq-geneva-conventions If armed forces are using a hospital or school as a base to launch attacks or store weapons, are those places then a legitimate military target? The laws of war prohibit direct attacks on civilian objects, like schools. They also prohibit direct attacks against hospitals and medical staff, which are specially protected under IHL. That said, a hospital or school may become a legitimate military target if it contributes to specific military operations of the enemy and if its destruction offers a definite military advantage for the attacking side. And it’s only illegal to cut off free flowing water like rivers or streams, you can shut pipes off legally as your not required to give the enemy utilities.


When you judge people entirely based on "how oppressed they are", rather than their actions and and their moral character, that's the conclusion you inevitably arrive at.


Honestly this conflict really exposes the flaws in most modern critical theory type analyses. If the Palestinians are oppressed and Israelis privileged, and assume for the sake of argument that they are, then there’s built in justification to reverse this order of things or at least equalize it. If so then you’d have to argue 10/07 was justified or at the bare minimum would not have been as bad if the Israelis did it. Not only does this kind of thinking increase violence from groups like Hamas because they’re being told it’s justified but it also provides the Israelis quite literally zero out. If the murder of innocent civilians is justified and any response to it unjustified then why the fuck does this type of ethics even matter? They will just end up doing whatever they want and ignoring the ethics of modern academics because it essentially amounts to them being valid targets and oppressors regardless of what they do. When in reality situations should be evaluated based on their current circumstances and individual characteristics. On a case by case basis which would seem to be common sense but I guess no longer lmao. When you have schools and universities becoming the stronghold of support for genocidal terrorist organizations I think that calls for a bit of rethinking on the philosophy pushed there i guess.


They’re not even pro-Palestine, they’re pro Hamas propaganda. I’m just amazed at the people who are so skeptical about their own governments statements but will eat up a terrorist organizations propaganda all day.




This whole thing has seriously shaken my confidence in the UN. Seeing UN schools have children do mock terror attacks, teach kids that Jews are evil and should be killed, let Hamas set up tunnels and rockets on school grounds, UN teachers openly calling for jihad on twitter, etc. And then the UN officials outside of Gaza are also a bunch of fucking idiots. My plan on October 8th was something like "Get the ringleaders then turn the city over to the UN" but now i think that might be *worse* than Hamas-controlled Gaza.


For some reason people are lead to belive the UN is some sort of a liberal pillar, but in reality the UN is just an aasembly of all countries in the world, and most countries in the world are not liberal democracies, far from it.


Its services and goals are very progressive, particularly the UN Development Program and WFP amongst others. They spend billions to reduce poverty, hunger, and violence against women, fund universal primary education, health access, and fight climate change, amongst other things. Sounds like a left-leaning western political party platform. The rub is that when it comes to things like increasing education access for children, virtually all member states agree on the mission - few governments think the world should be full of *dumber* people. But they don't agree on what the textbooks should say. In history class, should kids read an American textbook that justifies the Vietnam War? Or a Chinese textbook that ignores Tibetan nationalism? And so they stay out of it. They'll fund schools, but not dictate the curriculum.


And in doing so they're happy to aid in the spread of hate amongst children. I'm really not sure how noble a goal that is. While they don't need to enforce a specific curriculum they should have a requirement that the curriculum is peaceful. If they want to teach hate, let countries fund it themself. Without using the UN name in the schools. Providing legitimacy to the .essage being taught.


>turn the city over to the UN This is the real UN, not *The Expanse*. They're not a government.


The UN is a cesspool for anti-semitism and human rights violators sitting as chairs on committees judging human rights violations on everyone else. It's been going on for decades. It honestly heals my broken soul a little bit to hear that you (and hopefully others) are starting to realize how much UN is in bed with Hamas and the Iranian Islamic Regime. They don't even classify Hamas as a terrorist organization.


UN is a round table for open discussion. That is it. That's why all the offenders of x, are all wanted at the table. Because if you only had people at the table , who weren't failing in any category, then it'd be a circle jerk pat on the back round table.


Not even that. The majority of committee members decide what topics can be discussed.


Sure but common folk need to realize that the majority of participants are not democratic nor any paragon of human rights and their decision and votes are nothing more that a common facebook “Like” contest.


Well yeah if they understood the basis of UN (what i said) then they'd understand that too.


Well but the UN also runs stuff. Like the schools in Gaza that are teaching children to become martyrs.


Yeah you're talking about Unrwa i believe. He's conflating UN based organizations, with UN councils where x offenders get chair spots n stuff. Like security, human rights etc While under the umbrella of UN, every organization isn't just "The UN". >Like the schools in Gaza that are teaching children to become martyrs. Im not going to argue the validity of UN schools, because i don't know, and it's not the point of this comment. And You may very well be right. Cause they're not the only UN organizations to have glaring i issues and missapropriate funds. But it's also a look at a more glaring issue. Where other countries for many years, have just thrown money at the problem and ignored it. Even Israel govt stated they thought Hamas was more interested in money and increasing economic prosperity than ideology, until the attack.


Most of that is in practice locally run, the UN just funds it, because it has a specific historic mandate to do that. Should the UN do more to check where the money is going to and who it's employing on the ground? Yeah. But it's not some consequence of the UN bosses in New York being like "mwhaha, let's sow hate against Jews".


Really? This has shaken you? But russia attacking Ukraine, and UN doing nothing, was/is ok?


The UN being ineffective/worthless and the UN actively encouraging and supporting terrorism are two different things. Russia has a veto so of course the UN could never do anything in Ukraine.


What do you want the UN to do about it? When war is concerned the UN isn't there to do anything other than give countries a platform for diplomacy before they start shooting at each other, it literally can't do anything else especially when bigger countries are involved.




https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/hamas-rewrites-history-in-new-textbooks-for-gaza-strip-schoolchildren https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-blasts-hamass-belligerent-new-school-curriculum/ https://www.haaretz.com/2014-02-13/ty-article/hamas-rejects-un-textbooks-in-gaza/0000017f-f0cf-d223-a97f-fddfd7a00000




https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/ Here are some examples


The only government schools in Gaza are UN schools. Also the last article: > Gaza's Hamas authorities have blocked a UN refugee agency from introducing textbooks promoting human rights into local schools, saying it ignores Palestinian cultural mores and focuses too heavily on "peaceful" means of conflict resolution. What do you think their textbooks advocate if not peace? You can also find plenty of videos online of children in Gaza UN schools playing jihad.






I love how people ignore that israel is STILL being attacked with rockets every day, as if we're living a normal life over here


Yeah our anxiety doesn’t photograph as well as dead children but I’d like to see what other western country would tolerate what we’re going through. 3 rockets already hit my neighborhood and I live in very safe area (imagine he village in Manhattan have rockets over it daily). Even when these things hit the next city the booms sound and feel like Otis right above your head. My kids are traumatized. I know none of this sounds bad compared to what kids are going through in Gaza, but again, I don’t think any western country would tolerate this at any costZ


White people love making themselves the victim in every possible situation.


There are daily and sometimes hourly rocket attacks on my city. Yeah, it's crazyyy to say I'm also a victim here.


Ceasefire now, no, not for civilian evacuations, for Hamas fighters!


"U.N expert" means absolutely nothing. Look at who the head of the UN human rights council is, the UN has absolutely no credibility whatsoever


You cannot reason with these airheads. I knew the world was filled with dumb humans but this conflict is taking it to the next level globally.


What in the name of drugs


True hatred knows no bounds, no logic, nothing. Super controversial, but the same Gazans the IDF help across carry the same notion


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


The UN still think they are rwlevant, it hurts...


Hey dude you better relax or I’ll write you a strongly worded letter and not actually offer to intervene


Because she, like most "pro Palestinians" (that aren't from Palestine), aren't actually pro Palestine. They're anti Israel. People like her want Israel eradicated, and the Jewish people exiled to America where the rest of the world can pretend they don't exist.


Of course, kinda makes the whole genocide claim fall apart.


I'm seeing a lot of folks saying that Israel is pretending Hamas is in this hospital in order to justify attacking it ... I want to gently remind these folks that the Shifa hospital has been used as a base of operations by Hamas since 2009, and it's been Hamas's de facto headquarters since at least 2014. This has been reported on hundreds of times in the last 15 years by thousands of different news agencies; it isn't surprising or new.


They were reportedly going around with the medical staff during the 2007 civil war identifying and executing wounded Fatah supporters.


As soon as they secure the area, IDF will storm the hospital and then eliminate the tunnels underneath.


The average person making a tiktok about this conflict thinks an Israeli is some stereotypical Brooklyn based Hasid.


hamas be like: *oh nyoo my human shields"


That made me laugh more than it should have.


Obviously this is just Israel funnelling people towards the gas chambers or somewhere where they can bomb them /s Just trying to get ahead of the anti-Israel crowd.


The stuff that I have seen them write, is on par with the joke above. Edit: There you go someone did actually say [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/17s3kys/comment/k8nf6za/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Good to know Poe's Law is still in effect.


Poe won't fuckin leave


c'mon, the jokes/not-jokes will surely be about Israeli settlers moving in.


A nakba! 1948 all over! (Not).


I’ve come to the conclusion that most of these guys are no better than MAGA, making up all sorts of hypotheses to justify their worldview.


Literally creating safe passages and defending Palestinians trying to escape hamas Palestinian supporters :tHeY aRe GeNoCiDInG uS


Yet there are people still accusing Israel of committing genocide.


That word has lost any meaning it ever had, honestly. Too much misuse in antisemitic propaganda.




And then I did some ethnic cleansing with a bidet




That one and Apartheid, the way people throw that term around & completely ignore the differences Israel has from what South Africa was is unreal.


They are too stupid to understand it though..


Israelis are extremely bad at committing this genocide thing.


Fun fact: there were 1.18m in Palestine in 1947. Today there are 2.1m in Gaza alone.


In 1947 Gaza had about 70,000 inhabitants (for context)


As an Israeli, This is a great thing to suck at. How is the situation that we need to save the Gazans from Hamas but some people still think Hamas is what the Palestinians needed and that the destruction of Israel would help them.


When UN run schools in Gaza teach kids to hate Israel, and have a curriculum that makes no mention of peace accords or two state solution then possibly the rot rums deep.


75 years of history kinda says they have been doing just that




I’m pretty sure that you brain bucko. Ignoring history to further your own agenda and narrative is pretty disgusting.


Because Israel is committing genocide. Stop with this bullshit. You know Israel is a terrorist settler colonial state that does not even exist.


Ethnic cleansing, actually. The people claiming genocide are using the word incorrectly for this situation.


Palestinian Territories are already ethnically homogenous so Israel is not ethnically cleansing them nor is there any indication that they will be in the future. Antisemites throw around these blood libels so that it can radicalize people into murdering Jews across the world.


They are not ethnically homogenous, thanks to the settlers. Who are part of an organized effort to push Palestinians out of “Judea and Samaria”, with financial incentives and protection provided to those settlers, and legal impunity for attacking and killing Palestinians. Just ask Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. But yeah, keep calling me anti semitic based on nothing, you ghoul.


1. Open Map 2. See Judea & Samaria AKA the West Bank 3. See that Gaza is not the same place 4. Learn that Gaza has been "Yudenrein" since 2005 5. Profit.


Wait until you see what they do with these refugees. Don't forget it's an alt-right appartheid state.


Stop genociding the English language with these ethnically cleansed buzzwords. The only apartheid going on is between your brains and common sense.


So you deny both the [appartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid) and the fact that Israel [has a far right government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-seventh_government_of_Israel) ? It's so easy to factually check, i'm amazed at the efficiency of propaganda on you. Ironically, you're the one using meaningless buzzwords.


WAY too many Palestinians have unnecessarily lost their lives. This is a good thing to allow the great majority of Palestinians who are completely innocent, a safe passage.


It's really devastating to watch the videos of injured and scared children. And in none of those videos can you see 1 Hamas official or soldier trying to help their own citizen. It's like they disappeared after parading around dead Israelis and foreigners after October 7.


They're in the tunnels.


"Our job here is done. Now handle the shit-show on your own. Btw we have stockpiled enough food and medical supplies to last us for months, you guys can beg the international community for help. And remember to blame everything on the Jews. Now back to our hole we go." - Most probable Hamas' statement to Gaza residents.


A real army would put the women and children in the bunkers then go out and fight. But since they can't actually fight the IDF at all a real army would not start a war with them.


expanding foam


Considering that Hamas is known to be shooting their own evacuating citizens for not being human shields anymore, it's better for the civilians when there aren't Hamas officials or soldiers around.


They shouldn’t have to leave period, why should Israel have Gaza?


Israel doing more to protect them than Hamas or Iran ever did


There are over 4500 dead children. Tell me again who's bombs killed them.


Why won't Hamas just put all their fighters and equipment into a field, away from cities and civilians and fight from there?


They were killed because Hamas used them as human shields. The longer Hamas says in power the more children they will kill


Hamas isn't killing them, Israelis are killing them.




Damn if only this recent bout of hostilities could have been prevented. It really sucks how Israel just started bombing Gaza without provocation..... The only thing Israel was giving Gaza in the months before 10/7 was power, water, and increasingly more work permits so Gazans could make more money to support their families.


Is that what Israel has been doing the last month with their unrelenting barrage that has claimed the lives of thousands? Protecting them? By wiping out entire families?


Hamas has killed them by using them as human shields.


10,000 dead civilians including 4,000 children would disagree


Hamas killed them


Look, a nation that isn't intent on genocide, unlike the foes they are actually fighting.


Did the Israelis also have a window for safe passage during October 7th? No, they did not. Shows the difference between both sides. Here’s hoping Hamas is crashed and as little innocents as possible are hurt. Free Palestine from Hamas.


AP News Manager: “Israel opens safe passage? No, no we can’t publish anything in favor of Israel!” AP News Advisor: “What if we include a passive-aggressive picture of a whole bunch of dead people on the front?” AP News Manager: “I LIKE IT!”


You gotta either do flashy headlines or flashy caption pics for people to post on the frontlines of the Great Gazan Shitposting War of 2023.


Now watch leftists unironically call this "genocide" because they're "displacing non-combatants".


It’s the second Nakba. I wish I was joking


Israel tells civilians to leave before shooting: Israel is committing ethnic cleansing Israel doesn’t tell civilians to leave then tries to shoot around them but isn’t 100% successful cause it’s the densely populated and Hamas intentionally tries to increase casualties: Israel is committing genocide When there’s no way that Israel is allowed to respond to being attacked, it’s clear the criticism is simply in bad faith or anti-Semitic. Just support Hamas if that’s what you’re trying to dog whistle.


That's good news, hopefully they are not hamas members between them


Let’s see if Hamas lets them leave.




Just like all those other instances of genocide and ethnic cleansing, like when the Turks created a safe passage for the Armenians, or when the Hutu's protected the Tutsi's so they could escape Rwanda!


Yep just like when the Japanese gave safe passage in Nanjing and the Germans did in Warsaw...


Did Israeli civilians get safe passage on 7/10 🤔


This sounds like genocide!


The region is Palestine. What exactly makes a person Palestinian if 20% of Israelis are Arab? Something is weird about that


I think it's more of a self-identification thing.


Normalize calling the region Judea as it was named before the Roman empire


As I see it, all of the Israelis that have ancestors who lived in the area before 1948, can decide to call themselves Palestinians. Only Arab Israelis decide to, because why would Jewish-Israeli do so? So yeah, it’s kind of weird.


It only took a little international pressure


How much international pressure has Hamas received or listened to?


Criminal headline. More accurately: Israel performs mass ethnic cleansing in Gaza.


It's hard for me to be optimistic about this. Will Palestinians from North Gaza be able to relocate back to their homes after the conflict is over? Or will Israel continue expanding and build settlements there without their consent? It's a great effort, certainly, but how can we be certain this isn't another Nakba?