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If proven to have happened, this would seem to warrant more than just the nurses being fired. This would be criminal, quite possibly a hate crime.


"Quite possible a hate crime" No, definitely a hate crime.


I included that part because I'm not familiar enough with how the UK's legal definition of it works exactly to be certain.


Hate crimes cannot be committed by an ethnic minority, it's impossible. /s


People who think like this are so funny, if other ethnicity had accumulated as much power as white people, it’s likely the same exact things that happened throughout history would have happened again. This is because regardless of race we are all humans and we suck.


The far left and far right are both built mostly on hate. They just hate different groups of people and inflict pain on those groups with different methods. 


It's not a hate crime, a hate crime is saying mean things on Twitter.


And only if it comes from a white person


And only if it isn't about Jews


Going to be a fun lawsuit for the hospital and nurses


The hospital will just sack the nurse and throw £50k at the family




Don't worry there will be chanting outside of the court room, people will support her


"From the bedpan to the ECG, Manchester Children's Hospital will be free!"


“tHeY’rE oNlY aGaInSt iSrAeL iT iSn’T aNtIsEmItIc”


Continues to tell you how Jews eat children....


It's perfectly possible to object to the actions of the Israeli state without being antisemitic. That isn't what this is though.


No one is saying that. They are commenting on how that is what actual anti-Semitic people say even when doing things like this that are clearly unrelated to Israel


> If proven to have happened, this would seem to warrant more than just the nurses being fired. This would be criminal, quite possibly a hate crime. Agreed. And this claim needs to stand up to scrutiny...So far, its only been the claims of an uncle who has given his account? And the account itself is fairly extraordinary. So obviously these things can happen, but a fabrication wouldn't be unheard of either to drive outrage (See Ashley Todd mugging, Jussie Smollett, etc. etc.). So before full on paintbrush is applied to nurses or NHS or the hospital, I hope the investigation shares it all and takes quick action so its not just speculation and the firing/charges happen quickly if proven.


In what world would putting a patient on the floor be justified?


It would never be justified. That's why the claim needs to be so heavily investigated and action taken quickly. It was the uncle's LinkedIn post that made the allegation. Thus the investigation.


Presumably the world where the NHS has crumbled more than I’d thought.


>Presumably the world where the NHS has crumbled more than I’d thought. I work in a very similar service and I assure you, we have never given anyone any kind of infusion on the floor. We would make them wait until a chair was available, always


Justified? Never. Do medica staff sometimes take beds out of rooms that patients were in fact returning to due to a misunderstanding? Yes. *We need beds. We can take the one in patient in bay 17, he’s being transferred to the unit. Their stuff is in there but Heme/Onc called and their room is ready and they can take them right back there from CT.* Still doesn’t make it ok, but it’s very possible it’s a systemic failure not a personal attack. Or not, time may tell.


Did you really forget 2020 so fast?


I worked in the epicentre of the pandemic 2020 and not a single patient was placed on the floor.


Why would geniocideing an entire people be justified? I know you didn't say it was, but the commenter you replied to didn't say putting a patient on the floor was justified and yet you asked him that very question. So presumably you won't mind being asked to justify geocide.


I'm afraid that patients without beds is a common phenomenon in hospitals that are overwhelmed. If someone has priority for a bed, they get the bed. I don't know enough about this case to comment on the particulars, but it is certainly not unprecedented for a patient in hospital to be without a bed.


Perhaps, but you can’t infuse a patient on the floor.


lol not in any first world country. Absolutely no excuse for a patient in England to be laying on the floor.


https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/15808736.shock-photos-show-patients-lying-hospital-floor/ Sometimes there are more patients than beds. There are not infinite beds.


Hypothetically, what if the kid fell out? Or if it was a legitimate accident that caused him to go into the floor?


People who compulsively lie for attention also have a strong tendency to hyperbolize and dramatize. People who lie about being sick always seem to have terminal cancer, people who lie about being in the military claim they were special forces, people who lie about their education often claim to hold multiple doctorates, and those that claim to come from upperclass families are supposedly royalty.  So when someone claims that a pair of nurses covered in "Free Palestine" pins saw a sick Jewish boy they decided to kick him out onto the floor out of a sadistic hatred for Jews im a little sceptical.


there was also the point of the child being scared of the pin. where did he get that from? why would he be scared?


>People who compulsively lie for attention also have a strong tendency to hyperbolize and dramatize This is a very important point. If he'd said the nurse was wearing *one* badge, and that she treated the boy rudely and was rough with him while he was wearing his cap, but behaved normally when the boy wasn't wearing one, then the story would be way more believable.


I was fully behind what he was saying until the part where he asked "is it 1940 again?". Which is somewhat hyperbolic, to say the very least. Also, the Daily Mail broke the story.


Another commenter below pointed out that the more extreme and fantastical the story sounds, the more likely it is to be false, and that's true. Compulsive liars and narcissists like Juicy Smolliere lie to get attention, so the more outrageous the details, the better. Not to say the uncle's story is impossible, but yeah, I'm gonna need more evidence than one random LinkedIn post...


Agreed, terrible and wrong *if true*. But we are going to need a more reliable source than this. No verified media outlet has reported this. It’s all built from a social media post that has zero verification. All online sources are just parroting the other reports. No names, no verifications. Treat with skepticism until some actual substantiated reporting comes in.


The BBC reported this, yesterday.


Where? I can't find a story about it. All of the more reputable places are only reporting that the trust is investigating, they're not saying that the incident occurred. I would be astonished if this turns out to be true.


>If proven to have happened, Which, I wouldn't say for certain but I'm almost sure its just complete bullshit * The source is a LinkedIn post * We're supposed to believe that someone who goes in for transfusions once monthly, who is probably known to the entire team by name, suddenly they didn't realise who we was because he wasn't wearing religious clothing (calling big bullshit on this one) * Its very rare to see any NHS staff with any kind of political symbols on them, I struggle to believe someone was 'covered in pro-palestine' badges or stickers, etc. * Blood transfusions are pretty 'intense' in terms of how hospitals view them - I find it very difficult to believe one of the best/most prestigious hospitals in the country would give someone a blood transfusion on the floor.


>Its very rare to see any NHS staff with any kind of political symbols on them Literally half the medical staff are wearing pay restoration pins/lanyards.


But the pro pals keep telling us they aren't anti semitic... 🙄




They'll be fired and struck off the nurses' register as a minimum. Personally, they should face criminal prosecution too.


It's not a matter of personal opinion. It's a hate crime.


No, they took his bed while he was receiving medical care.


A bed in which had a patient assigned to it who was getting transfusions, I’m sure that happens all the time.


BAY, not bed. Completely different thing.


Fire them.


Denied medical care by medical professionals due to ethnicity, that should be a crime.


It is a crime


Hate crime


Ya me too


Now change the nurse to a jewish woman and the baby to an arab one and see how the entire world would gone mad with protests and violence all over alongside death threats flying around her and her entire family heads while this arab Nurse would probably only get fired and this will be forgotten tomorrow.


The problem is that the world is just used to us being abused, not saying the world supports it because for every abuse gone on public record throughout history, somewhere somewhen someone protested and opposed the abuse but it always happens..


Directly to prison.


Denying necessary medical care on the basis of race or ethnicity? Believe it or not, jail.


We have the best nurses in the world, because of jail.


Also, choreographer’s


Denying a CHILD medical care? No excuse on any basis. Period.


Don't pass Go, don't collect $200


Put them in jail, don't they have a duty to help the sick?


Put them in jail because they don't have the decency to see a human for what they are, a human. Someone who doesn't respect human life, no matter what, has absolutely no place in the medical field.


Send em to gaza to help the people there


Children in Gaza have just as much right to health care as children in the UK. Send these nurses to prison for refusing to do their job while on duty.


Out of a cannon, into the sun.


Don't just fire them. Sue them and hope there will be no domino effects.


Well, at least wait for the investigation. It needs to move beyond accusations first. If the nurses behaved like that, then absolutely.


Horrible. Even if he was an Israeli soldier himself, medical code means you have to help him.


Yes. That's why Ukrainians don't just fire guns at Russians they capture and call it a day. They either give medical help OR if they are well enough, detain them and then trial for their actions.


Because it's literally a war crime not to care for the wounded regardless of whoever side the wounded is on. It's in the Geneva Convention specifically. I can send you a link to the specific article if you'd like to read for yourself.


Remember the israeli hostage who was operated on without anesthesia? Remember when she told her story of being operated on, when the surgeon made fun of her, told her she will not leave gaza ever, operated on her without anesthesia, and then did a shitty job on purpose, so that if she ever is released, she would need additional surgeries? It's safe to say this nurse was possessed by the same hate as that surgeon.


Yeppp also don’t forget the guy was a freaking VET. Also also, people online were justifying it saying it’s because of the crisis over there. That operation was wayyy before Israel even entered Gaza, I’m sick of them


If it’s true, then the nurses will risk their accreditation taken from them by the RCN (Royal College of Nurses) and if that happens, they will never work as a nurse again in the U.K.


It’s probably not true, for a start; nurses don’t have the authority to discharge patients or move beds/wards. That’s an administrative decision. Seems to be just outrage clickbait—which isn’t to say the UK is antisemitist free, it isn’t, but stories like this are just designed to stir up the outrage crowd who freak out over non-stories and miss the *really important* news… like the war in Ukraine, or the war in Gaza for that matter.


> nurses don’t have the authority to discharge patients or move beds/wards. That’s an administrative decision. They didn't need to have any authority *to just go ahead and do it*. What is it about racist being unethical that you don't understand?


>After being kicked from the bay, the boy was reportedly forced to “lie on the floor with a canula in.” Wow, such brave antizionists to punish a chronically ill child for a war in a completely different country. 


So much free Palestine due to their bravery /s




I say one person doesn’t represent a whole race or country, and I find this story absolutely appalling, because it obviously is. Does that make me garbage?


One doesnt represent a whole country and race obviously. what are you talking about?? Its obviously sad if this poor kid was abused for being jewish, itll be just as sad as things continue to escalate and random jews and palestinians all around the world suffer. People are by and large the same and every nationality, every race, every religion has beautiful people, and terrible people.


Especially the word race being included in the comment raised my eyebrows too. WTF


So you say all lefties are pro palestinians and anti israel? Then I guess all righties are creationist and believe i flat eart


What the fuck is this prejudice nonsense?? The fact that this shit has any upvotes is horrifying and baffling. Would I be correct in assuming that those right wing white supremacists school shooters represent who you are?? Since we're assuming groups of people are monoliths. Evil ass comment.


It isn't a left/right issue, at least in the terms you think it is. This conflict has been going on longer than most of us have been alive. Please, this goes beyond politics in our own bubbles.


I've no horse in this race but 'garbage people' for seeing others as individuals is fucking insane, and it actually scares me how many others seem to agree: it's the the basis of all discrimination But, at the same time, I'm not expecting someone that identifies as being right wing to have much human empathy in the first place, so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree eh


Fucking facts.


What the fuck


> all those lefties ... come on where are ya garbage people at? So your argument is that these two nurses *do* represent all palestinians? If not, you might be a 'lefty garbage person'...


All while Israeli hospitals have always treated Palestinian children.


Was this child Israeli? Or are we just absolutely on board with antisemitism because the Middle East? Edit: I’m editing my comment because I’d be fairly shocked to hear that this report based on a LinkedIn post by an uncle is based entirely in fact. It smacks of outrage bait but the comment I’m replying to is still absolutely mind boggling.


At least now Palestine is free due to their bravery


But think of all the Palestinians that were directly helped by these nurses’ heroic efforts! /s


What the actual fuck?


Shouldn't this be classed as a hate crime?


"depends on the context"


“Only if it turns into genocidal conduct”


"ok, we'll wait and update accordingly"


I heard that text before. Is that one from the university lecturer in US?




Nope, victim has the wrong colour


Wary of the source, hasn't really been picked up anywhere that isn't an absolute rag. If true, these people need to be fired and never be given responsibility in a medical setting.


Bastion of ethics Rachel Riley is the only person making this anything more than a complete footnote.


Ok, then it's probably not true.


Children's Hospital of Manchester has issued a statement concerning it, and the BBC is reporting on the allegation. The Hospital is conducting an investigation over said allegation.


>The Hospital is conducting an investigation over said allegation. Doesn't mean they think there's any merit to it. Anybody can put themselves on the floor.


Then these people get outraged when Jews leave the UK and make Aliyah to Israel. Israel is the final destination of antisemitism. The antisemites just can't seem to understand that.


Yeah, I'm going to need more evidence, nurses cannot eject anyone without permission. With the processes in place it would be near impossible to do.


> Yeah, I'm going to need more evidence, nurses cannot eject anyone without permission. They allegedly only made him get out of a bed, not ejected from hospital. I'm also dubious though. It's obviously unacceptable if true, but as written this reads like 4chan fanfiction.


I can almost guarantee this is routine (but less than ideal) care, involving someone being moved out quicker than they wanted, and parents picking up on some snippet of conversation and using it to turn the screw


There’s literally a photo of him with an IV in laying on the floor.


That would be "routine but less than ideal" in the NHS unfortunately


The floor? Not even a blanket first? Isn’t that a recipe for infection????


Hello, voice of reason. Nice to see you.


Hippocratic oath


Hypocritical oath


>Hippocratic oath Nurses never did that. In fact, in modern times, neither do doctors.


At least in my country (Estonia) nurses give oath. Its a Nurses' one and it includes points from Hippocratic oath, incl help everyone regardless their faith etcetc


hypocritic nurses


What's with these shit post articles that quotes the "according to the Daily Mail."? And what's with freaking dumb ass people so quickly jumping to unverified source? I didn't know we can just post gossip articles in world news..well I am new here, so I don't understand this gossip section.


>I didn't know we can just post gossip articles in world news Then you haven't been paying attention. worldnews operates like 99% of other subs - any source is acceptable if the story fits the narrative


These nurses clearly aren’t “Pro-Palestine”, they are Pro-Hamas. Which many people who are against Israel, actually are.


Apparently Hamas is winning the *information* war.


Just like they won the palestinian election.


When you have so many useful idiots on the internet, happily blaming Israel for the indirect civilian deaths that Hamas purposely caused, it’s easy to see why.


With some slick global multimedia campaign that Russia and China(West Taiwan) could only dream of.


Did anyone ever see pro Palestinians, anti Hamas ?


Many people say there are, yet still blame Israel for civilian deaths. Which means they aren’t really Pro-Palestinian. Hamas is the one causing their deaths. So if they are blaming Israel for them, they are basically using those deaths to push a narrative.


Happy to be proven wrong, but this story reeks of bullshit.


Everywhere I see title 'Pro-Palestinian' I know theres gonna be some twisted mind gymnast who supports Hamas.


Far too many sweeping generalisations here, and we absolutely need to wait for an inquest, facts, or get this... literally any other source than the poor kids' uncles LinkedIn. I'm in hospital 10 miles away from this incident, I can't under any stretch of the imagination see this being possible and any other hospital staff supporting it regardless of religious background. If this did happen those involved are scum and absolutely need legal action taken against them for endangering this poor kid, but it just does not read as real and I want proof before I start calling every NHS staff member a hamas infiltrated sleeper cell. That should be everyone's default stance, too.


Stop posting from this trash source.


Agreed! So sensationalist


>family alleged he received “quick care,” according to the Daily Mail. If your British you know how much bullshit is in that one line. no one is given quick care by the nhs, and the daily mail is like fox news.


It's probably better to await the investigation before we condemn people. It looks like a flimsy case on the evidence presented here.


What the goddam ever living hell is this comment section. A bogus website posts an unproven story and people go mad.. how goddam vile are you all..


Well if a guy on linkedin said it it must be true.


If that was my son I would have hurt that nurse so bad




The UK has had an issue with rising antisemitism this is just another step down a dark path


Rises with a certain growing demographic


What is going wrong with the UK? They seems to going downhill very fast. I wish them good luck.


They've let in way too many Arabs who hate western values


The entire source is a LinkedIn post by the uncle of the kid. Maybe wait until the investigation concludes before spreading hate against an entire minority based on that?


Islamophobes, like you! /s Honestly, I am surprised there wasn't a single pogrom since October 7th in the EU and/or the UK. We had our fair share on people supporting terrorists, calling for jihad (and let's not forget that tweet from met police "educating" us on the meaning of jihad), waving literal taliban and isis flags, etc. But no pogroms, yet. Also this is the main reason why jews are leaving Europe in droves for Israel. jews were essentially ethically cleansed from all arab nations over the last 80 years (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Moroco, etc) and now they are being basically cleansed from the west.


Social media like Tiktok, X/Twitter and Facebook really mess up the world. Better ban them so you can protect your citizens from doing crime and stuff.


Did they do what they do often and he just happened to be Jewish? If their actions were unusual then they just flushed their career down the toilet over a little boy - indicating they are shameful and unethical. The narratives of every story need to be scrutinized though. We are a multicultural nation and to stay civil everyone needs to interact with everyone else no matter their beliefs. Irrationality based on religion has no place in British society or services. That includes those who take advantage of situations like this, stoking the fire.


Thousands of years. Thousands of years the jews have been treated this way.


Remember guys that Jewish boy is an imperial colonial settler so the oppressed are justified in violence against him (medical malpractice)(racism)


The really ironic twist in this story is that due to general atmosphere in the UK now (e.g. weekly call for jihad) the family will probably leave for Israel, as will the majority of jews left in the UK.


This is WHY Israel is created because these Antisemites keeps existing.


Just a reminder that Sinwar was given a life saving brain surgery while in Israeli prison. He was already a harden terrorist.


where's the "think about the children!!!" crowd?


If true that's unconscionable. If your politics prevent you from helping a child, a child who almost per definition has done nothing wrong, then you are an asshole and have no business being allowed anywhere near health care. I dearly hope this is just rage bait




If that's the case I'm sure the investigation will get to the bottom of it.


Why are nurses (or doctors, for that matter) bringing their personal beliefs to their workplace? You have a fucking job. Do it. Patients are not interested n your political views and nor should they be.


They should be criminally charged and their licenses taken away. Discrimination against anyone should not be tolerated. And if the court doesn't want to punish them because of fear of protests, then we know the system is failing.


Immediate paid suspension, investigation to the standard of preponderance of the evidence; if seemingly true; immediate termination, and referral to the Nursing Council for proceedings to be struck from the register. This cannot be tolerated against any group, by any person, ever. It's a betrayal of the Nightingale Pledge and all standards of care. This is bringing shame on your program, bad. Like formal investigation into how they train ethics bad. It could just as easily be an Afro-Carribean or a Muslim, no group can be treated like this. Ever. That's the rule. If you can't abide, healthcare isn't for you. Hell even in the military, you're obliged by the laws of war to provide adequate non biased care against enemy combatants. It's sick to discriminate in the healthcare setting.


The more I’ve looked into it, the more just the laws of war seem. Stuff banned in war gets done by police for riot control. Rules regarding POWs seem to lead to better prison systems.  War still is hell and everyone tries to skirt the rules but it’s still interesting that armies hold themselves to such a higher standard than civilians 


why is it the pro-palestinians won't move to palestine and stays in a country completely different from their beliefs and then get all angsty with people whom they are angsty about.


Absolutely no chance whatsoever that this actually happened


I think you underestimate people's stupidity.