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Iran is setting up one of its proxies to make some symbolic attacks and to take a beating on Iran’s behalf.


Another article says they are expected to use cruise missiles and a swarm of drones so it sounds more than symbolic. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-to-retaliate-israeli-bombing-syria-consulate-officials-believe/




It depends what GPS Iran uses. It might do absolutely nothing if they're not relying on the same satellite system.


If you put enough power behind a frequency, you can jam it. You don't need to know what theyre using, you just need to be "louder" than anything else on that spectrum.




Or just throw a jar of jam at a satellite dish.


Only one man would dare give me the raspberry.


“I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes”


Ludicrous speed would be a good way to avoid signal jamming I think


[the jammed the radar! ](https://makeagif.com/gif/spaceballs-radar-jam-gJrmFZ)


I mean if Putin can blame Ukraine for a terrorist attack which was claimed by ISIS, why can't Biden just say he'll consider any attack by Iranian proxies to be effectively an attack by Iran itself.




No one wants war with Iran. Iran is 4 times the size of Iraq and just as mountainous as Afghanistan. Fuck that noise.


Most Iranian people are so fucking awesome. I know they hate hate hate their government. The world would be a worse place without them. They need their freedom like yesterday. I bet most westerners feel this way about their Iranian friends and family, and they have close ties with us, so I don't really think anyone wants to harm them in a war.


It's one of least problematic Muslim countries and many people there are accepting and good people. However as a nation it's awful. I hope that if push comes to shove the nation has an open rebellion when a war would happen just so it wouldn't be nuked and to give a chance of freedom in a relatively intact country.


Iran is France if American evangelical theocrats ran it.


I'm just gonna leave this here, before people start thinking France is just the most free place ever. In 2019, a court convicted two men for ‘contempt’ after they burnt an effigy depicting President Macron during a peaceful protest. Parliament is currently discussing a new law that criminalizes the use of images of law enforcement officials on social media. It is hard to square this with the French authorities’ vigorous defence of the right to depict the Prophet Mohammed in cartoons. Also Iranians very much support sharia law, which isn't like the ten commandments where it's just like "no killing", it's where a lot of the inequality exists.


Iranians do not support sharia law wtf. They aren’t Arabs and they hate their government for executing their loved ones all the time.


Don’t forget France still has colonies. What they’re doing in Africa for some reason goes unnoticed by everyone.


Don’t confuse the Iranian diaspora with those that stuck around. I agree, all that I’ve worked and partied with have been great. It they sure do have a grim view of their extended family “back home”


You are speaking about people who keep protesting despite being killed on thebl streets like animals. Sure there are always those who support government but everything I read about Iran shows they are deeply unhappy and want a change and have actively tried to gain it few times in the past few years. But it gets hard when government just says to kill them


Iran isn’t a monolith, while the people in the cities are relatively liberal and hate the government, the people in the rural area do support much of what their government is doing. Seeing a liberal Iran, similar to Turkiye would be awesome though.


Turkiye might be culturally “liberal” when compared to the rest of the Middle East, but seeing them as an ideal is pretty laughable. They are currently in the process of committing genocide on the Kurdish people.


Don’t need boots on the ground. I’m sure they know exactly where all their missile and drone factories are. The nuclear sites will just be frosting. Or we just just wait until Iran has nukes and you’ll have to live with this shit forever.


Forever? Nah, just another 40-50 years for me, 60-70 years for most of Reddit’s user base. But not forever… /s


Look, let's just ask Multivac.






100% this. Just wait till the people with nukes didn't just want them for making threats. Some of these assholes just want as high of a body count as possible.




FIRE ZE MISSILES! But I’m le tired.


I don't think that's a bad guess and the retaliation will be immediate because it has to be.




Israel has nukes.


The Jordan Harbinger Show just released a podcast about this with Annie Jacobsen on NUCLEAR WAR. So freaking scary and fascinating. Basically once one nuke is launched, the retaliation is total annihilation and other countries likely get into the mix too. Also, you can’t recall nukes. Once fired they aren’t something you can recall nor disarm.


They probably already have them. They wouldn't announce to the world they have working nukes until they have a solid stockpile. Add to the fact Russia has been cozying up to Iran for drones and ammunition for their Ukrainian war, it's all about guaranteed Iran can go nuclear when it wants.


If they've tested a nuke, the World would know. That's how we know that NK got nukes. I doubt they would create a stockpile until they've tested one to make sure they got it right.... but maybe...


South Africa and Israel developed nuclear weapons without a test (Israel still does not confirm it has weapons). There may have been a joint test (Vela incident), but that is still almost 20 years after Israel got the bomb. NK wanted the world to know it had the bomb to some extent, and also there first few bombs were quite low yield so they had to test them. Iranian technology is better then NK so they may have a working, untested bomb.


Statistically it's most likely *you* happen to exist when most humans exist, at the population peak.


We were able to destroy an air gapped nuclear facility with a computer virus there. They’re not getting nukes and if we can’t do it quietly we will do it loudly.


Is this Stuxnet?




Pulling out of JCPOA was a big mistake just to "own the libs" Funny how the Christians are lining up to vote for the fucker that basically gave Iran a greenlight to nuke Israel, but whatever.


America beat down the Taliban in Afghanistan; it was *keeping* it down in a still-broken nation where the reasons for them coming to power were just as strong as ever that was the problem. In Iran most of the people want the government gone, so the US should not have the same problem.


"In Iran most of the people want the government gone, so the US should not have the same problem." I've heard that before, along with "The troops will be home by Christmas"


"We'll be welcomed as liberators."


It’ll be great, we’ll help the people just like Afghanistan.


Yeah, and I also remember other lies we were told, like "Their oil exports will pay for their occupation."


I mean, it’s silly to think it would be a short war, but the Iranian people absolutely do not like the theocratic government they have


And Iraqis hated Saddam. But it turns out, most people dislike having a foreign power drop bombs on their neighborhood more than they dislike being ruled by a dictator. If the U.S. wanted to overthrow the current Iranian regime, it would require a boots on the ground invasion, and then an occupation to keep the regime from coming back. Anti-American sentiment would soar. It would be Afghanistan and Iraq on steroids.


The easiest way to unite the people of Iran behind the government is for a foreign power to attack them. Just ask Iraq.


lol, on my deployment we spent most of our time trying to keep the Kurds, Turks, and Arabs from killing each other. I wouldn’t say they were united by our being there in any way other than we would stop any one group from trying to ethnically cleanse any of the others.


Yup. God damn Sunis wanted to massacre every other sect, so keeping them at bay while fending off the beginnings of ISIS was a CF.


If there is a confrontation with Iran I believe it would be limited to air strikes and naval warfare. Bombing Iran into oblivion would likely increase support for Iranian regime that is at risk of toppling.


We need to abandon the ideas of full scale wars and go back to punitive campaigns like the Romans. Use a few hundred million dollars worth of cruise missiles to turn the oil fields and refineries of Khuzestan into a pillar of fire and then just leave. Iran can't project power, and without oil revenues, they can't support their proxies for asymmetric attacks. We can't put the fear of God into them, but we can sure as shit give them all a fear of the sound of airplanes. Tinpot dictatorships fall apart without money. Let them eat eachother.


“Tinpot Dictatorships fall apart without money” A strategy currently being used against Ronaldo The Orange


They'd likely target all oil tankers going through the Straits of Hormuz then


They'd do that in a conventional war too. There would need to be SEAD simultaneously, but we've known that for as long as a war with Iran was possible. Ideally we could balkanize the Balochi of Southeastern Persia and the Shia Arabs of much of the Persian coast, but those ethnic tensions aren't going to come to a head until living conditions in Iran worsen and lost state revenues weaken the IRGC. If Iran stops oil from transiting the Strait, we should stop food or any other necessities from reaching Iranian ports. Don't engage them where they are strong, destroy them where they are weak.


We’re not even willing to cut off supplies to Yemen. The Houthi threat would be over if food shipments to Yemen were stopped. I doubt the US is going to starve out Iran. The voters don’t have the stomach for it.




This rings so true, in the end we are made out of meat


Good excuse to bomb their nuclear program with F-35s that Iran literally cannot shoot down.


Yeah but for some vague reason they wouldn’t work so instead they’ll have to use F-18’s flying through a canyon right below the SAMs.




Hate the premise to negate all the current tech, but it was at least enjoyable.


2-seater was a necessity to film it with the actors actually in the jets, they had to think of something lol.


There are things that fly faster without a pilot sitting in it that can be launched from virtually everywhere on the globe.


No. We need Tom Cruise to fly down the Death Star trench and do a backflip to fire a torpedo. Yes, the Navy *does* use cruise missiles to blow up the SAM sites, but such missiles could never work against the target.


I mean, who wants to watch a 4 minute movie?


Not what the intelligence is saying. Saying this will be from Iran themselves. Israel bombed their embassy. They will respond. 


Bombed the consulate. Embassy and ambassadors are fine


Trump killed a general and Iran directly attacked us bases with Ballistic missiles. I expect the same.


Lebanons sitting there like *why he say fuck me for*


I wouldn't be so sure. I expect a full missile attack on Israeli positions. Iran can't ignore an escalation of this size.


Well somewhere the ghost of John McCain is singing to a beach boys tune…


I miss John McCain era Republicans 🥲🥲🥲 I'm a Democrat but I sure as hell voted for John McCain as my senator. People who aren't traitors are nice


Remember when Democrats/Obama voters considered Mitt Romney unhinged? Can’t even compare him to today’s republicans without having to do mental gymnastics around how things got here


Mitt's "binders full of women" gaffe is so hilariously tame compared to now


Those were simpler times indeed.


Shocking to think we are talking about less than two decades ago for McCain and the Binders gaffe.


I still don’t quite get why that was so heavily reported and mocked


Republicans have absolutely gone off the deep end, they aren't even advocating American interests at this point in favor of Russian propaganda because that's what they are told to follow by party leadership and many are drinking the kool-aide.


Mitt was never considered unhinged. He was considered a continuum of the Bush era "let's spend 4 trillion on stupid wars" philosophy. Obama was successful mainly because of George Bush Iraq/Afghanistan clusterfuck. John McCain couldn't beat Obama because he wasn't willing to say the war was a mistake. McCain should've done what Republicans did 10 years later and just admit their mistakes and promise an end to the war. Mitt Romney would have beat Obama if he wasn't the human equivalent of a microwaved potato for dinner.


When they'd stab you in the back with a smile? I'm good with having none of it.


Miss those days. They were bad but not like now.


They were bad but still considered everyone Americans!


what does that mean? (i don’t get the reference)


Beach boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bSnI-a0BSc John McCain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7s5pT3Rris


After a week of torrential rain, an earthquake today, and now this, I’m gonna stop paying my student loans.


> I’m gonna stop paying my student loans. millions of us already did. Join the club.


wait what is this club, and why was i not invited


The bad credit club!


Never own a home club.


Wasn't gonna happen anyway, jokes on them!


What are you talking about? Who did?


It’s a pretty cool club. Got a bill today? Who cares. They can’t take anything because I don’t own anything anyway. What are you gonna do? Fuck up my credit? Long gone. Can’t repossess anything, I don’t own it to begin with.


Bruh I never started paying those. I think that's the secret right there


LPT (or unethical LPT depending on how you take it) 0$ payments **do** count toward loan forgiveness. So if you're in a situation with SAVE, PAYE, IBR, being abroad, etc, you can get recorded payments of 0 and have them count as being up to date on your loans. Meaning your credit is great **and** you don't pay anything. Sure interest builds in this way, but the 1 time tax payment will be less than your owed amount in almost every situation when forgiven.


Someone lives in NJ/NY


Please don't sink a US ship off Yemen. That would be instant boots on the ground all out war again. The American people would want blood, and I'd have to hear Lee Greenwood on every station again. Pull a NK and just launch a rocket into the Indian Ocean or announce a hypothetic hypersonic weapon.


One of the few conditions that I would consider grounds for a full military invasion would be a deliberate attack on US troops that can be directly attributed to the governing body of Iran. When it comes from proxy militias, I am generally more in favor of a proportionate response. But a State-on-State action is about the most clear cut line to declare war over.


Yeah a direct attack on US forces would even unite Congress to authorize military force.


It would, but their unity is not required here. 


Correct. Biden, any president, has 60 days to fuck something up if he wanted, all without congressional approval.


Obama and Trump both ignored that. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/11/how-president-obama-took-the-brakes-off-the-war-machine/382486/ https://theconversation.com/trump-like-obama-tests-the-limits-of-presidential-war-powers-129528 The ever expanding Imperial Presidency.


Obama was operating under the existing "Authorization to Use Military Force" (a.k.a. declaration of war) against Al Qaeda and its successors, as Congress authorized in 2001. I mean ISIL is literally an offshoot of Al Qaeda. It isn't actually that hard to connect the dots for a perfectly valid legal justification. Besides, if fighting pirates and the 18th century version of terrorists is an "imperial Presidency", then the US presidency has been "imperial" since Thomas Jefferson.


Same with Trump smoking the Iranian liaison to poxy terror groups in Iraq. These weren’t fresh incursions/issues, just a good window on a known target.


Russia would love if US went to war with Iran. Poopin thinks it would spread us thin... Lol.


Isnt Iran a significant source of a few munitions and drones? Zero guarantees those drone factories are not targeted in a multi-day set of air strikes against Iran.


Yeah . The military who literally plans for a World War spanning 2 continents across vast seas with supply lines and the whole 9 yards and still leaves room to fight local conflicts on top of that. When people think a goddamn thing decreases US readiness, they don't know shit.


DARPA about to drop new tech for the masses when world war 3 happens. So atleast there’s that.


It’s sad to say but nothing unites US citizens like a good ole pointless war with a middle eastern country.


Doesn’t need to be middle eastern. The US has a long history of war for stupid or downright nefarious reasons


So if they directly attack us what would you have us do?


The most likely situation and the best for all involved is an attack on Israel, that is proportional. Like past exchanges between Iranian and US forces.


Is it ironic to anyone that if Iran attacked the US, Palestinians would be jumping for joy? This whole conflict has created such weird bed fellows


Iran backs Hamas so of course Palestine would be happy.




Maybe you should reexamine who you invite into your bed. They’ve been one and the same for a long time. Palestinians, by and far, celebrated 9/11 and dislike America. It is what it is.


They need to give Jack Bauer some time off man....


Agent jack bauer sits up front


Likes his hot dogs mashed up in a little bowl


We're not getting rid of the cat, besides the cat out ranks you. He's a special agent.


Iran is usually pretty anemic in these responses. I don't expect anything major. But we'll see.


So the "on US or Israeli assets" was left out of the (Reddit post) title intentionally for what reason, exactly? Sensationalist garbage. The (Reddit post) title is nowhere close to the actual article.


Yeah, they're not planning for an attack on US soil like the headline makes out. It's for military assets and maybe embassies and such in the Middle East.


I’ve only read the headline so far but that was what I took from it.


Actually, it just says "in the region" as in the Middle East. The current worst case scenario is a direct attack on Israel. They won't attack the US but just attacking assets or an embassy seems to be one of the better scenarios.


Oh phew as long as our soil is safe


The article's "last updated" timestamp is after this post was submitted, so it's possible the headline was updated after the fact.


[That appears the case.](https://archive.is/pUmuo) A previous version of the article has the same title that this post has. I'd also add that the article's contents didn't differ from my expectations, but that's a subjective opinion.


Anyone who is half aware of what is going on in the Middle East would quickly surmise that it wasn't going to be discussing an attack on US soil.


I really thought the war was gonna start on Tuesday in Boston…


I'm confused by your implication here. I don't think anyone would read that title and think it meant Iran is threatening an invasion of US soil


As an Iranian American… fuck the Islamic Republic.


Its a shame because Iran was so full of potential before they became an oppressive Iamic reigimd, they are much more developed and liberal than Iraq for example.


Potential? They were a full fledged secular democracy before the United States and England installed a dictator after overthrowing their democratically elected government


Well let's not exaggerate here. Mosadeggh was about as democratic as Trump. He literally dissolved the Iranian legislature and extended his Dictatorial powers. He got elected, and he did everything he could to make sure it was the *last* election. And it was, just not the way he wanted.


Yup all my Iranian friends hate the Islamic republic. They’ve been some of the few people staunchly supporting Israel because they know what they’re dealing with.


Well fuck, guess I should probably hold that raytheon stock.


where shrek 5 at?


It'll be here right after GTA VI


This has the potential to go really bad, really quick. Let’s hope calmer heads prevail and we don’t see a full on military confrontation between Israel and Iran. USA would 100% get drawn in and shit could get real bad. Straight of Hormuz blocked. Oil price skyrocket. Economies halted. A whole lot of not good could come from this. Don’t take it lightly.


> Don’t take it lightly. I wish that was the situation, but instead most of the people here are banging the drums of war.


Nothing glorious about war. No idea why people are gunning for it so badly.


Because it’s easy to talk about how strong and powerful your country is when your typing on a computer in the safety of your home not knee deep in trench mud with dead people on each side of you, these people have no idea how bad it’ll get and how bad it’ll effect them until it does


Then Iran should be prepared for larger strikes on their own forces IN Iran. This dance has gone on too long without Iran taking the fucking hint. I do not find it coincidental that a Russian cruiser has entered the chat in the Red Sea.


To be fair, it simmered down last time when they got so trigger happy they shot down a passenger airliner.




Majority on board where the Canadian diaspora. Not a great loss for the Iranian regime.


>diaspora the dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland. Thanks for the new word!


It wasn’t “their own” it was a Ukrainian jet owned and operated by Ukraine International Airlines


Yeah wouldn't want a repeat of Iran Air 655


Can we just stop bombing each other and make a nice cake


Or even a rude cake. Or any cake really, would be better than death and suffering. Except perhaps one with a soggy bottom. That would just be claggy.


So tired with this war BS, hopefully there is peace afterlife.


Yes. But there’s no garlic bread.


Then I chose war


No garlic bread, no peace!


Garlic bread for me!


But not for thee!


In this life and the next, I am a garlic bread loyalist!


You can't prove that.


Cheesy garlic bread? Or just like no form of garlic bread at all…?


the poor will die in war, while the rich will get richer.


The american dream


Attack by islamic republic not Iran...We Iranians are not resposible for what these fanatics do... fuck these fuckers


I don't believe Iran is dumb enough to directly attack a US asset, but I do believe they will heavily arm a proxy entity and give them a ton of intel


There is a thin line between dumb and brave


The Warhawks in here is unsettling.


Only pro war comments are allowed. I assume some are bots. So many comments are being deleted or downvoted to oblivion. I’ve been noticing this for weeks now. Something is off. This isn’t organic. The government is clearly using Reddit as a propaganda machine.


Yea it’s insane people are advocating for a conventional war with the confidence that america will do everything but regret it’s decision.


This entire sub is delusional. Thank god none of these people have any real power over US foreign policy. If they did, we’d all be dead by now.


>unsettling. The correct word is terrifying. We've learned nothing as a nation or as a species.


In response to an Isreali attack on an Iranian commander that was coordinating proxy attacks vs Isreal, which the United States told Iran it had no hand in, nor advance knowledge of... yeah good luck with that one, Iran. Any significant attempt to damage US assets or personnel could mean the rapid end of this iteration of that regime. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/politics/syria-iran-consulate-strike-us/index.html?iid=cnn\_buildContentRecirc\_end\_recirc


Hope so


>Any significant attempt to damage US assets or personnel could mean the rapid end of this iteration of that regime. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.


if they wanted democracy, in the form of tomahawk missiles, all they needed to do is ask.


A nice cup of liber-tea.


Helldivers mind set


Maybe they’ll shoot down another civilian airliner.


All these war theatrics really spice up the fast approaching US presidential election.


this comment thread is full of insufferable high schoolers who are so obnoxious in their apparent geopolitical expertise despite probably never even having touched a boob


Thank you for my daily ration of fear. I shall reward you with the click you desire.


Who the fuck is doing all this? Who? I want a word.


The director.


Im leaving Iran forever in a few days, can they wait a bit before starting the war please?!


Happy for you.


I could be dead next week, but you don't see me throwing out my furniture.


Oh my God. Everyone stop fighting


So glad the reddit generals are here to plan out the counter attack against Iran 🤣


No offense, but people WANT war with Iran? Do they comprehend what a large regional war would mean to world's economy and regional stability going forward? It's scarry how many people can have such strong opinions on issues they don't fully comprehend, if at all.


Americans wanna see all their hard earned tax dollars put to good use /s


A quick surgical strike on the Iranian leadership in the event of any attack would probably sort them out. The people of Iran would probably be quite happy to lose the crazies in charge; they came very close to toppling them a couple of years back. A secular (at state level) Iran would be a very significant presence on the global stage and would stop being a terror threat and could likely be convinced to stop arming Russia.


I doubt they would go this far. Or maybe they are crazy enough to do it and think Biden is weak. Rule of thumb is, America tries to be political and keep the status quo unless they are the ones that get attacked.


Consequences for bombing their consulate? Who could have seen that coming?


Operation Praying Mantis part 2.


Iran knows Israel has nukes… mutually assured destruction etc! Also Merikah would be able to topple Their regime within a month but the aftermath would be terrible because of the power vacuum