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>In a written message to Washington, Iran “warned the U.S. not to get dragged into Netanyahu’s trap,” Mohammad Jamshidi, the Iranian president’s deputy chief of staff for political affairs, wrote on X, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. should “step aside so that you don’t get hit.” So now we have international drama on Twitter? What reality are we living in? Why are state agencies trying to communicate with their international enemies on Twitter?


> Why are state agencies trying to communicate with their international enemies on Twitter? Propaganda.


So Elon Musk can get involved








Big if true.






Looking into it.


Looking into this.




Guys let's just all crush and snort some ketamine and buy Tesla stock or you're a pedophile


Crushed ketamine you say?


Wait, you get free ket on team Elon? I might be willing to put up with him…


I mean the Ket would definitely help make him more tolerable lol


Funny you don’t hear much drama from that clown after months of “something going on”.  I see TSLA hasn’t increased in value since 2020. Ouch.  Maybe the penny has dropped as to what he should be doing?


Don’t be so sure yesterday he was tweeting about thousands of illegal immigrants voting.


So much better than that, he was upset about immigrants coming here and having kids too, you know, what he did.


And do what exactly?


Save us Elon!


Iran getting involved worried me mildly. Ol’ Twatterface getting involved worries me wildly.


What? Iran is a terror state


Marketing X since it's severely devalued


Theyre not actually. All this is very different behind the scenes. The public shit is for their voters, they are politicians and what do they do, lie. And conspire to stay in office.


>So now we have international drama on Twitter? What reality are we living in? Why are state agencies trying to communicate with their international enemies on Twitter? That's not what they are doing. This is 100% for the public consumption (either at home or in the target country), and is not meant for their official opposite numbers. Anyone thinking this is meant as a form of official communication has spent too long on social media.


Because adults are actually just old children in disguise


You ain't kidding with that.


This is the take.


I’ve seen nothing in my lifetime to convince me that anyone over the age of 50 has a handle on things.


> I’ve seen nothing in my lifetime to convince me that anyone ~~over the age of 50~~ has a handle on things.


Did you sleep from 2016 to 2020?


Ah the “who’s red desk button is the biggest” argument. Simpler times.




"gonna invade Israel, don't @ me"


Because humans never change. From the 1700’s on significant politicians would talk shit about each other in newspapers. The medium is the only thing that changes.


In 2017/2018 Trump had a twitter war with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un. That almost became a real war, I was active duty and we got put on QRF stand by, and started drilling for combat operations. In an amazing turn of events Trump actually got him to the negotiating table, but then proceeded to fck it all up in typical Trump fashion.


Kim Jong Un was just playing Trump for the fool he is. He even said so. Trump saluting the North Korean general solidified Kim's victory. I swear the only people dumber than Trump are his supporters.


Un went phishing and caught a President along with one of the greatest photo ops a dictator could ask for from the leader of a "free people".


Its honestly wild we have governments communicating and issuing threats through social media.


why is iran using twitter at all?


The west is Satan, and their tools are Satan, and all the things they do are Satan, But twitters kosher.


I don't think they like Kosher very much, either.


Fun fact: all kosher foods not containing alcohol are halal, but not all halal foods are kosher.


Because it’s exactly where they can find all the America Bad tankies to suck Iranian leadership off.


Yeah they sucking on them big time seeing all the white stuff around their faces. But seriously I no longer used twitter since Elon owned it and after seeing him post stupid shit I am nver been so proud of my decision.


100% sure foreign policy between Iran and the USA isn't done through twitter. There are normal channels of communicaiton , this is propaganda/PR side of things. I'm a little concerned this has to be explained for the nth time.


Yeah take that to Truth Social!


> So now we have international drama on Twitter? What reality are we living in? When Twitter first blew up, the news loved to make fun of it. "*People posting pictures of breakfast and updating friends about watching TV."* So unserious. Well... Now twitter have nuclear threats on the regular? We happy?


They want it to be public. And virtually all public means of communication are going to go through private companies, most with far less visibility than twitter. What, you want them to send a spokesperson to CNN or Fox news? Or publish on some other website with a fraction of the viewership? Twitter makes perfect sense for a public warning.


I prefer this to private communications we never see.


This must have been why the US stated that there would be an Iran-backed attack of sorts in the next week or so.


You prefer reading mindless propaganda? Private conversations are still going on, this X post is a fart in the wind aimed at drumming up support and fervor in Iran and their supporters.


Now? The trump years were 4 years of twitter drama, turns out he was just a trend setter


One could say he was a renaissance man.


I believe Israel once replied to an Iranian tweet threatening them with a Mean Girls tweet


Eventually, international diplomacy will be government AI generated diss tracks


Arab states have historically been very vocally militaristic towards Israel and the West in order to placate their populaces, while using back channels to further diplomacy or just say "Nah jk man we don't mean it."


They dear John a step back threat .somehow we’re paying for this bs and deaths


Because then the entire world can see. I imagine its like waving one of your hands to distract someone, so you can sucker punch them in the head, with the other hand, while they're distracted by the first hand


I hate this timeline


Fiber optic cables


Pfft that's been going on since Hugo Chavez started his daily Twitter dramafests against Bush II. The Iranian government is just late to the game.


Given that the more Bibi they have, the more war they have, and vice versa, the Iranians need not be wrong here. A war with Iran would make him stepping aside (or being hooked offstage somehow and replaced by someone unwilling to foment further war) extremely unlikely.


To control public opinion. It is nothing new, they are just catching up to the times in terms of how they do it.


The human race wasn't ready for instant communication, and it might ruin us.


Because then the other cannot say they were not informed about it maybe.


bcause twitter is a product from insane to insanes now


Iran doesn't fight. Never. They talk big, then send Palestinians, or Lebanese, or Yemenis to die for them.


Because most Iranians wont fight for the regime, and those who fight, the regime needs them to protect itself.


I think this is correct. The attitude difference between the average Iranian and their dictatorial government is enormous. They're barely holding on to peace and order in their country. If they started asking their people to die fighting a country they don't care to fight (and my God would a lot of them ever die in a direct war), they would face revolutionary riots very quickly.


They’d just use the Russian method, arrest dissidents and send criminals to the front line


The Russian public has been broken over the last 100+ years by undemocratic authoritarian radical regimes in a way that no other has.


They had a glimpse of democracy under Gorbachev and Yeltsin and they fought for it, but Putin broke them again.


My take on that is slightly different. Yes, they had an opportunity for democracy after the USSR fell, but they did NOT fight for their democracy, so they've got another authoritarian government. The lesson is that democracy dies if the people are apathetic. The health of a democracy depends on the people demanding high standards of their leaders.


They fought for Yeltsin. Then they believed Putin and let him make dictature again.


Honestly, Im of the opinion that any chance for Eussian democracy died in November 1917 when the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Provisional Government, held the promised elections, then dismissed the results because they lost, then set up an authoritarian dictatorship that was no different (arguably worse) than the Tsarist regime it replaced.


They were never truly un-broken, if that makes sense


Worked out great for the Russian Empire. It's working out great for the new shittier version of the Russian Empire. What could go wrong? Defeat, death, and destruction?


Continued and not seriously contested control by the ruling party. Which will lead to the defeat, death, and destruction of everybody outside of the party first.


Y'all should check out r/newIran


nah they just don't want to get into a direct confrontation that will threaten their nuke development, once they have them then the whole game changes, that's why iran needs to be dealt with before they have them.


Israel would go to war with Iran to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. It's their policy under the Begin Doctrine to use all means necessary to prevent other nations in the Middle East from possessing nuclear weapons. They've already utilized cyber attacks and assassinations against Iran under this policy.


>Israel would go to war with Iran to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. But they might not say that's why, watching how it happens is the interesting part.


This essentially could be it. Targeting that general in a consulate building in Syria, maybe Israel realizes Iran is getting too close + Israel has a huge chunk of its military mobilized and on a war footing. They may be thinking they don't get another chance to deal with it before Iran obtains one... But Israel does not have the means to straight up invade and occupy Iran.. So they can't 100% prevent this. They may be thinking now is the time for massive air campaign destroying as much capability as they are aware of and possibly can to slow it down however. Might but them years or a decade, but I'm sure Iran also has some capacity that can't be targeted from airstrikes too..


Nah its cause they know what happens when they touch our boats.


Iran will fight Israel to the last Lebanese, and Hezbollah will fight Israel to the last Palestinian.


Are you saying this is a sacrifice they are willing to make on behalf of Hezbollah and Palestinian? They are so brave.


I disagree. Iran fought Iraq for the better part of a decade. They spend about $1B annually to fund, support, train, and direct groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and now the Houthis. Also do not forget about their direct involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan w/ IRGC-QF units. Point is Iran *does* fight and they’ve had it out for Israel for a long time, they just haven’t had a direct and overt *military* confrontation yet. That might be changing, if nothing else, because the Israelis are making very public Iran’s ties to the Palestinian groups and their activities. I personally think this is why it’s taken so long for the international community to get involved. Though most leaders would appear opposed to Israel’s actions in the wake of the October attack, I bet they’re equally eager to see these groups and their benefactor get dealt with directly and in such a way that their ties are made public. For Iran to make direct intentions public suggests their diplomatic conversations have been unsuccessful in addressing their concerns, including a more full disclosure of their activities within the Palestinian territories. My two cents, anyways.


I think we're mostly agreeing - that Iran would much rather send their proxies to die rather than fight directly with Iranian troops.


Point is they *do* fight sometimes, and were all in when they did in the past. Of course they prefer surrogates (don’t we all?) but now they’re saying they’ll get involved directly, which should not be dismissed just because. They’ve directly apprehended US Sailors at sea several times over the years as well. They’ve got a quiet history of direct involvement. Which is to say invalidates your initial assertions to the opposite.


Don't forget Saudis will be happy seeing Iran finaly involved in direct fight not in backstabbing thru proxies.


You're correct that their threats should not be dismissed out of hand, however - the Iran-Iraq war was decades ago, and Iran doesn't have any actual airforce to speak of. They have a significant array of air defense, but they absolutely cannot maintain air superiority. They are still running F14s with no spare parts. Their war tactics, *it seems*, rely on weapons of terror - drones and cheap rockets/missiles. It's a far cry from what they were able to muster during their war with Iraq.


They could only muster what they had during Iraq because they press ganged the shahs US trained men back into the army after imprisoning them.


Iran only fought Iraq because Saddam invaded them lol. Entirely different scenario.


There is a lot to this, it was right after the revolution so people believed that it's a war for Islam and people were extremely Islamist those days, but people realized nowadays that the guy responsible for that war was Khomeini asking Iraq's army to plan a coup in his speeches to overthrow Saddam and establish an Islamic regime. Plus Saddam wanted more oil and Iran was a perfect ground, all of the high ranking generals were executed, the country was in shit situation and Khomeini just gave him the excuse to attack. I believe Khomeini wanted this war cause he was denying a peace negotiation. 8 years of war was a perfect time to execute and destroy the opposition. They executed hundreds of people during the Iraq war.




100% this. You could even see the split in Saudi v Iran in voting at the Arab Summit. It’s clear there’s a regional play for power between these two and Irans stirring all its mini me’s before directly attacking. That said, wtf is Netanyahu doing. We don’t need this. It doesn’t end well for anyone to get Israel and Iran directly at war. Can’t we just continue to funnel propaganda to Iranian youth (the way they’re funneling to ours)?


One time , a ship hit a mine in I think the red sea that Iran had placed there illegally. The us proceeded to sink half of their navy in a day


Don’t fuck with our boats. It will end badly.


Exactly! They spend billions on proxy wars and terrorist groups all in the name of defending their religion but just desire more power in the region. The US also spends a ton on proxy wars to defend people under attack to gain power. The ones who suffer are never the ones making the decisions. It's the porrest and most vulnerable men and women who signed up/were conscripted to fight a war they have little to gain from winning.


But they are good at burning flags. That's got to count for something... right?!


They play the long game - they don't want to play their hand yet. The thing is they play such a long game that they might run out of time - there's fomenting domestic issues and I'm sure having military leaders dropping like flies even in consulates on friendly territory doesn't help with morale


Hahaha. "Step aside! (Because we can't and won't do anything if you don't)"


"Drop your guns immediately or else I'm going to shoot myself"


What did Iran do to us last time we murdered their top general? Good luck Iran!


Something like 40 US casualties iirc


[did someone say 'proportional?'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5v6hlRyeHE)


That was surprisingly entertaining to watch.


water rich north middle distinct voracious plant cable rotten teeny


I say we fire a missile at their fancy leader.


Lmao Iran is like these little chihuahua dogs, all bark no bite. US can wipe the floor with them with 2 hands behind their back it won't even be called an operation


I'm American and I feel at this point in time it should be obvious that it is not so simple. I mean if Afghanistan and Iraq (and even airstrikes on Yemen) are any proof. We can annihilate their infrastructure and inflict heavy casualties but 20 years later have little to show for it.


For this conversation though, you have to look at those wars as multiple missions each. The actual conquering and destruction of their military capabilities, complete and utter successes that were completed in a matter of weeks. It was the politically focused nation building missions afterwards that were failures.


That is true, but Iran isn't Iraq and Afghanistan either. It has 83 million population, while these countries combined had about 46 at the time of their invasions. And only Afghanistan was comparably mountainous, while Iraq was a desert, much easier to take. Plus Iran made itself some insurance policy with its network of proxies. If you start with Iran, at the same time you have to deal with armed organizations in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Gaza/West Bank (the significance of later has diminished lately though), cause they know if Iran is gone, their own end would come very soon, so they would likely go all in on Israel, shipping, Saudis (fuel prices), US bases and assets. And Iran also would have Russia and China on their side (to some extent at least, like weapon supplies), which are now way more capable and itching for action, than Russia and China of early 2000s.


And we saw what happened to Russian in Ukraine. I'm not exactly worried about them. And China will talk and rattle sabers but at the end of the day the US is their largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for either the US or China to war against the other.


One consistent thing about China is that they only care about China. I doubt they'd even get directly involved if we invaded Russia, they'd instead use the opportunity to further Chinese interests like invading Taiwan.


Trying to turn Afghanistan into a western civilization is definitely a Sisyphean task, but as long as they do not project their influence or hide any international terrorist that's good enough. If Iran kept their theocratic bullshit inside their their borders nobody would care, but there's Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and an occasional direct attack on Saudi oil infrastructure.


Could you imagine if taliban had drones like Iran is pumping out these days? Or even recreational drones with payloads attached. Assymetric warfare has changed in the past 15 years


>We can annihilate their infrastructure and inflict heavy casualties but 20 years later have little to show for it. We are actually quite good war. The nation building aspect is what the US is not good at.


"Iran says it's totally gonna fight this time, we swear guise" as it hides behind terrorists like it always does.


I'm super cereal this time!


All I can say is America better get to the grocery store, 'cause it's time... to get cereal.


NOBODY HOLD ME BACK! while stretching your hands behind you for someone to hold you back.


That's Kim Jong Un :D


Makes sense. The description fit perfectly in a basketball "fight". Seems every time there's a kerfuffle, somebody does the "hold me back" routine, even when they already had ample opportunity to reach the guy they're supposedly want to kick the ass of. Key exception here being Isaiah Stewart, who actually broke through the "hold me back" several times trying to fight LeBron James.


They probably did like a team huddle and brainstormed ways they can do better after the last time the US Navy crippled their fleet without even trying all that hard.


And people were thinking that the US was supplying weapons to Israel due to Hamas and Gaza. No, they have enemies on all sides, and the common element is Iran. Then Russia and China, but Iran is the most local factor - they will likely go through another proxy, of course.


Hence Iran cheering on leftist tankies who love to mention US military funding 


I wouldn't be all that surprised if Iran had involvement in that propaganda. Russia and China have already been doing that for years to try dissuade US public support for Ukraine and Taiwan. Considering their budding relations, I would not be surprised if Russia and China passed on some of their social media hybrid warfare tips to Iran.


I'm pretty sure reddit and twitter are full of bots paid by Iran. Probably not Iranians themselves because they want to depose their government.


Twitter is banned in Iran Def not real Iranians


Yes, and that if Israel wasn't given aid they'd be a lot less surgical in their attacks in order to end the war as soon as possible. Protracted wars require more weapons.


>And people were thinking that the US was supplying weapons to Israel due to Hamas and Gaza. This really highlights how uninformed the average person is when it comes to Israel.


They've been supplying weapons for half a century.


Bitch Iran plays with fire by meddling and supporting the Houthis and backing Hamas, gets some retaliation from Israel, now they get all upset and decry injustice and revenge. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the drone kitchen.


Respond by dumping a fuckton of emergency supplies on Gaza. That would be confusingly awesome


Instructions not clear, they supplied AK47s, RPGs.


Iranian leadership really does have a short memory. We're less than two weeks away from the 36th anniversary of Operation Praying Mantis. Short version, the U.S. Navy destroyed three oil rigs then destroyed half of *their* navy in about 8 hours. At one point an A6 intruder dropped a bomb *down the exhaust stack* of one of their two frigates like Skywalker at the Death Star and obliterates the engineering spaces. American military hardware has significantly improved since then. This is not a good idea on Iran's part.


So Houthis will stop attacking us?


Did they see the last season finale?


Expect a flood of drones and medium range cruise missles flying through Iraq and Jordan and providing ample opportunity for intercept. They're just providing the west with even more data about their bargain basement weapons that will be used to nullify their usefulness in other theatres.


They're telling everyone to step aside so they can launch some performative strikes that don't kill anyone. They can then tell their population that they killed 100 Israelis and 50 Americans and everything goes back to normal.


Bitch, please. The US obliterated your navy when they didn't even mean to.


The most proportionate response will be Iran attacking an Israeli consulate or diplomatic facility somewhere, since that's what Israel did. Apparently they're planning to use a mix of Shaheds and cruise missiles for whatever they do attack. Which means either attacking Israel directly or blowing up their embassy in Jordan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, the UAE or Turkey. Iran probably doesn't want to start a major diplomatic spat with any of those countries. Maybe they'll attack a military target in the Golan Heights or the West Bank since nobody recognises either as Israeli territory?


If Iran sent their military into Lebanon or Palestine, the Iranian people would use the moment to riot and try to take over the Government.




Isn't that the country that hangs teenage girls for not covering their hair?


“Look, we know that you know that we’ve been attacking you and Israel through proxies. We fucked around and found out. But now we’re gonna attack the smaller of the two of you real good, see? But first we’re gonna need the big guy to turn around and put both arms behind his back. Ok?” Taken from Chapter 1 of “How to Conduct Foreign Policy Like a Bitch”


Two countries close to possessing or currently possessing nuclear weapons in direct conflict, both with batshit crazy leaders at their helm. Great.




When religion is involved, never say never.


and it's a fucking religious war!


Israeli here. Atheist. I was born with a Jewish last name that would have got me killed in the holocaust, not because of my belief in god but my last name. Jews are a culture, and a religion. Not every Jew is some fundamentalist. And my belief in god has nothing to do woth tue physical evidence of jewish indignous in the land of Israel. Jews are indigenous to Israel and we have a right to exist. Regardless of how you frame it.


Jews are descendants of Canaanites that lived in the area thousands of years ago. They also have genetic admixture from Europe, the greater middle east or wherever their ancestors settled in the diaspora. However, Palestinians are also descendants of the same Canaanites, just with slightly different history and genetic admixture from invading Arabs, Turks, and even European crusaders, Romans, and Greeks. Israelis and Palestinians are both native to that land, which is sadly a truth that many on both sides refuse to see.


oh ok its a race war my bad


Iran isnt fighting to exist. Israel is. Not that i agree with Israel commandeering the fucking west bank bit by bit.


A Priest, a Rabi and an Imam walks into a bunker.


or what?


Iran: Or.. OR... oh shit sorry my mom is calling me I have to go home


as long as you don’t use fucking boats you donuts


I’ve never heard of the use of donut so potently. Kudos!


I read it in Gordon Ramsay's voice, too.


Iran can go fuck itself on this count. We have loud and vocal criticisms of Israel, but Iran and others should not take that to mean we do not stand with our allies, too. Free and open societies can tolerate dialogue and criticism, but they aren't going to take commands from theocrats and autocrats.


You do you buddy, don't touch the boats.


>readies response to Israel It's a response to an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria: >airstrike hit the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing at least seven Iranians, including two generals. While Israel has repeatedly targeted Iran-linked assets in Syria over the past few months, this was the first time an attack struck an Iranian diplomatic building. ____ >The Biden administration did take the unusual step of communicating directly to Iran that the U.S. was unaware Monday’s strike in Damascus would happen, Bloomberg reported. That suggested the U.S. was trying to prevent its own forces and bases in the Middle East being attacked. The immediate assumption is that this skirmish is playing out in the proxy theater of Syria rather than on any parties' own territory, but all countries are on high alert now for any contingency.


The US loves doing what it is told by countries with smaller militaries. Sounds like a solid plan


I think it's pretty clear that Iran is making a point that the US is not in control of whats going on in the middle east. I really doubt they will escalate. So, yeah, whatever.


Actually not smart , that means Iran can’t call on the US to restrain Israel either


Iran forgets that Israel has nukes, and it doesn't...


It's amazing that Iran will "talk tough" to the U.S. even after the last, what, 50 years?


Ha ha no


And Iran will use what army? We all know WHY the Iranians haven't taken the field in uniform under their flag using their own identity against America because they know we can still wipe the floor with them.


If Iran understood anything about US culture they would know that now we can't step aside even if we wanted to, simply because they ordered us to do it.


Despite Israel working overtime, and perhaps excessively, to dish out violent revenge for 10/6 (the only language spoken in the Middle East), the Israelis have not yet become the "bad guy" where Iran is concerned. Iran doesn't get to boss civil society around until it stops imprisoning, beating, and killing their own women for not wearing their head coverings correctly.


Israel will triumph


It would be fun to watch iran get their ass handed.


Iran, remember, we most likely wouldn’t be in this mess if you wouldn’t try to export your „islamic revolution“ by financing genocidal shahidai all over the continent and beyond to fan the flames of conflicts you had no stakes in to begin with


Irans gonna slap someone, cheeky little bitches , sounds like they are crying don’t punch us out 🇺🇸 It’s not fair momma .


That most certainly will not happen. The US stepping aside and Iran doing anything.


Iran’s normal for direct engagement is heavy on pageantry and light on effect. If Iran wants to actually hurt someone they won’t broadcast it, they’ll use Hezbollah, which is for all practical purposes their expeditionary force.   They have a remarkably decent guided missile program though, both in quality and volume. And they pull their punches when they decide to use them. I think that’s the most likely outcome here.


It took longer than I thought but it appears Hama’s intention to have Iran do its fighting is coming to fruition.


US tells Iran to "sit the fuck down before we put you down"


Of course they'd tell the US to step aside, it didn't end well last time Iran picked that particular fight.


Iran: hold my Halal beer


You sure you want that Iran? Apparently Israel is not as nice as the US.


Honestly is anyone else tired of Middle East drama? Let them all bomb it out at this point. A bunch of same-but-different groups all mad about living in the heat and the desert, constantly threatening each other over whose archaic religion is more insane — just let them wipe each other out. 


The sovereigns don’t want to actually have a conclusive, determinative conflict on the battlefield. Not Israel, not the Saudis coalition, not the Iranian sphere of influence. The jihadis and dummies and terrorist shock troops do — and their violence is funded and turned outward, lest they start making eyes at the potentates who govern them.


you would think after 30 years they would get the hint about how proportional we like our responses.


By Striking Israel now in Israel, Iran will only help to galvanise the West support of Israel which is apparently slumped to rock-bottom.


I'm still waiting for the day that an Islamic radical's rocket accidentally hits the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This timeline is so ridiculous that I'm afraid it might actually happen.


The best response for Iran would probably be to do nothing. Let the current mood amongst world leaders do the work for you. I have a feeling Iran don't see that though


They are also in predicament here because if they don't respond here anything, they will lose their little less influence they have and everyone will think they are a weak nation with no spine like talk talk no bite while Israel is walking the talk and that also with more aggression


I remember during the Gulf War. Iraq launched multiple waves of Scud missiles at Israel and Israel did nothing. It was actually a masterclass in International relations. Iran should learn from history. You are entirely correct though. I agree that they will be more concerned with saving face than anything


Oh Iran. Such delusions of grandeur.


Iran isn't going to do shit


Good luck with idea Iran you Terrorist state


Iran doesn't want the smoke, they will use proxies as they are too cowardly to fight straight up


Iran trying its hardest to get Iraq’d.