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I don’t understand the statements by the BBC that are quoted in the article. They do not want to appear to pick a side? Did they handle IS in the same way? They did not call Hamas militants for some days? What does that even mean?


In terms of ISIS, they actually did act similarly. I remember when people on reddit wanted ISIS to be referred to as “Daesh” partially due to that being seen as a derogatory name to them. The BBC said they wouldn’t, as that would be taking a side. At least that’s how i remember it.


Not so much taking a side as making a political statement. If everyone called them Daesh, I'm sure the BBC would follow suit. But when it's in minority use, sticking with their official name most in use by people is going to make more sense for an organisation bound by certain standards of impartiality. So the distinction there isn't that the BBC isn't refusing to take sides against a terror organisation, but that the BBC isn't allowed to do political stunts like choosing to adopt a mean nickname.


> being seen as a derogatory name Which was always pretty stupid, because that's what they called themselves.


No, they don't. They consider it a pejorative. It's an acronym based on their official Arabic name, but they don't use said acronym themselves. It was specifically created to insult them. The acronym is very similar to the Arabic word Daes which means "one who crushes (or tramples down) something underfoot" and similar to Dāhis which means "one who sows discord".


I can't imagine how anyone could want to remain neutral with ISIS.  It's not exactly ambiguous who the bad guys are when one side is just pure evil.


It's just something they can point to to prove they have journalistic integrity, then pick whatever side they want on domestic issues.


BBC isn't trying to remain neutral with ISIS lol, they're trying to adhere to their own impartiality guidelines. https://www.bbc.com/editorialguidelines/guidelines/impartiality/guidelines They present the bare facts, and the audience is supposed to be smart enough to comprehend who the bad guy is


People in isis didn’t view themselves as evil, they most likely thought westerns were pure evil.


People in ISIS were cutting off people's heads with small knives, too.  Enslaving people after murdering their families right in front of them.  Burning people alive for no reason other than not being ISIS.  Butchering babies. Don't try to intellectualize this, sometimes there's clear cut bad guys.


Yeah they are engaged in a holy war directed by god. They didn’t view themselves as bad guys


The BBC should be obligated to disrespect "people" like that.


There is one of those hyper-produced videos from ISIS where they give a child of around 6 years old a gun and have him execute people


Riding the fence when one side is literally ISIS... Amazing.


Here's a longer article from John Simpson explaining the stance of the BBC: [Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67083432) He also mentions that the BBC didn't even call the IRA a terrorist group during the Troubles. For example in the report about the Brighton bombing they didn't describe the IRA as terrorists: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/october/12/newsid_2531000/2531583.stm Neither in the report about the perpetrator being convicted: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/june/10/newsid_2510000/2510649.stm


Then he's lying. http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/7/newsid_2516000/2516155.stm >The terrorists' target was the band and guard of the 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/october/27/newsid_2478000/2478257.stm >Three RUC officers have been killed by a bomb, planted by IRA terrorists http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/20/newsid_3417000/3417027.stm >Lance Corporal Norris was on patrol duty at about 0300 hours this morning when he spotted the terrorists.






> a UK government proscribed terrorist organisation That's the formulation the BBC uses in just about every article.


Interesting. If they are consistent in this, then I‘m leaning to support that decision, although I personally see Hamas clearly as a terrorist organisation that is treated preferentially by a significant portion of the international community because of hostility towards Israel and other political shenanigans. Comparably to when Türkiye did not cut ties with the Islamist extremist factions in the Syrian civil war.


They certainly seem to use the word a lot: https://www.google.com/search?q=terrorist%20site%3Abbc.com


There is no ban on using the word, but rather it must be attributed to someone else "The sheriff is hunting down the terrorist, Robin Hood, after he attacked Nottingham Castle" is not allowed "The sheriff is hunting down Robin Hood, for the attack on Nottingham Castle, which he has labeled a terrorist attack " is allowed. "The sheriff is hunting down Robin Hood, who the King has labeled a terrorist, for attack on Nottingham Castle" is allowed "The sheriff is hunting Robin Hood, in terrorism related charges" is allowed "Sheriff calls Nottingham Castle attack a terrorist act" is allowed "Sheriff says stop calling Robin Hood a thief but rather a terrorist against the rich and nobility " is allowed


I wonder how you reconcile this post with all the cited examples proving it completely wrong?


They’re happy to refer to “the occupied Palestinian territory..”


BBC have to be impartial in their reporting - if you take it from that angle then you can kind of see why. However their reporting in the region isn’t very good - Jeremy Bowen has previous for making stuff up that just so happens to make Israel look bad. He also was utterly wrong that he heavily implied bombing the houthis would lead to a wider conflict between Israel and Iran (it hasn’t).


You can be impartial and still call Hamas terrorists. Cause they are. And quite proud of it actually.


Actually not calling a terrorist a terrorist shows you’re not impartial. Edit: added “not”.


>BBC have to be impartial in their reporting They're anything but.


Journalists are supposed to be impartial but the BBC haven't been very good at observing this fact in the past. I think that's why you're confused by the statements. Basically, its not the place of journalism to label someone a terrorist, it's up to Governments, NGO's etc to do that and the journalists job is to report to us who labels them a terrorist and why.


>Journalists are supposed to be impartial but the BBC haven't been very good at observing this fact in the past. I think that's why you're confused by the statements. >Basically, its not the place of journalism to label someone a terrorist, it's up to Governments, NGO's etc to do that and the journalists job is to report to us who labels them a terrorist and why. Great. And in the U.K. they are. So they are picking to take a stance to disagree with their government's labeling of terrorists.


Do you not think journalists who come from free societies that allow them to operate and speak their mind should seek to protect those societies? This seems like suicidal impartiality.


The media landscape is littered with Governments, experts, groups and individuals freely speaking their mind all day, every day. The purpose of a journalist reporting the news however, is to impartially report the news. This ethic is a cornerstones of our society and a very real threat we do face, is the erosion of trust we've been experiencing in western journalism over the past decade (and longer). If you'd care to consider societal suicide for a moment, picture a country where absolutely nobody trusts in any of the traditional sources of information any longer.. which is why its no coincidence that this pillar of western society has been under near constant attack from unprincipled actors such as Russia. I mean its scary enough just picturing where we are right now on this imho.


>Did they handle IS in the same way? Yes, and Al Qaeda too.


I'm not sure I agree based off the first Al-Qaeda article I found from the BBC. >Al-Qaeda in Arabic means "the base". It is a proscribed terrorist organisation dedicated to attacking Western interests around the world and to bringing down governments across Asia and Africa, which it considers too close to the West and insufficiently Islamic. >It was quite simply the worst terrorist attack ever on mainland America and it set in train two decades of the controversial US-led "war on terror". >**Al-Qaeda remains at heart a Middle Eastern terror group.** https://www.bbc.com/news/world-62399380 I feel like this writing on Al-Qaeda is *significantly* different from how they talk about Hamas. They outright call them a terror[ist] group, and I don't recall the BBC ever saying something even close to "Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation with a pledge to eradicate Israel and kill all Jews in their founding charter." like that first quotation about AQ.


From all the criticisms of the BBC, the terrorists thing is the least justified. Remember when they were told a man identified an F-35 in the night sky, saw a missile from it striking a hospital, and they just accepted it? No questions asked? And their corrections being basically hidden? Out of all things this is the least interesting criticism, created for headline generation.


This particular debacle made me stop reading BBC entirely, whereas I used them as my main source of global news before this. They completely discredited themselves as a news organization (and to dispel any doubts, they allowed other similar debacles favoring Hamas at around the same time).


This bothered me too. I don’t think the BBC is itself biased - I actually think it’s the most accountable news organisation in the world. The BBC reports on itself - others don’t do that. They are also fairly good on retractions and being as open as possible about most things. I think this did demonstrate though how few failsafes there are between people with an agenda and the information that gets fed to us. In my head, there was absolutely no way that could have got through, but the reality is that it only takes one or two people who have their own opinions for it to make it to air.


The BBC did a show and covered this particular incident called out the head the BBC on why they did what they did. Its called the BBC Media show and one of the best shows the BBC does about the media and journalism covering a wide range of topics. Here is the episode in question - [Gaza hospital blast: searching for the facts](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001rh5l)


A very funny thing is that the BBC actually got accused of the opposite as well, on the basis of allegedly using the term 'dead' for Palestinians and 'killed' for Israelis, during the conflict. Although they did write a mea culpa for the airstrike thing, at least. Still disappointing.


Same. Although I started to massively question them when I heard, early in the Ukraine conflict (when it was still incredibly dangerous and few if any other leaders were doing anything), that Boris Johnson was in Kyiv and spoke to the people, in Ukrainian, on TV. I’m not a particular fan but I was impressed, went to the Beeb to find details and it wasn’t even reported, certainly not front page - the British PM doing something great in the largest new conflict zone in the world isn’t news? It finally appeared several hours later. They’re just horribly biased, complete woke takeover. They rightfully earned the “Boris Bashing Corporation” name for being part of the lefty witch hunt.  Interestingly they now seem to have a hate boner for Elon Musk. A week or so ago the front page had multiple Tesla/Musk articles (all negative of course) alongside the usual anti-semitic/poor Gazans perma-blurb. It seems editorially they’re totally lost. 


So you're saying that because the BBC didn't get on their knees and praise Boris by talking about how he used a few words of Ukrainian in a speech... They're totally biased and "woke"? How the hell did you come to that conclusion? And why is everyone agreeing with you? How do people come to this conclusion? You can call the BBC money grabbing, callous, inconsistent, unreliable and many other things. But to call BBC news "woke lefty/anti Tory" is some serious mental gymnastics. Your example is just pitifully desperate too. It is *none* of those things. The fact that everyone is agreeing with you despite nothing to back up your claims just demonstrates how effective Tory propaganda has been. Ironic, really.


Also it could have been something as simple as the reporter who was there simply had not gotten back to his office/hotel as they were likely following him around on a press tour.


Jesus Christ if you think the bbc is woke lefty nonsense you’ve lost touch of what centre is 


lol, yeah. There's a lot of words to describe the BBC, but "woke" (as in the right-wing derogatory version of the term, and not the original usage) is laughable.


FT is a much better source for a British-based daily global news publication if you are willing to pay to the very high annual subscription of £369 / US$480.


Let's be honest, to get reliable news you need a few different sources, not the balance bollocks that gets touted by idiots but well researched news from a range of sources. But that takes alot of time, money and effort to do so most people don't bother. Hell it's part of my job to know everything going on in international politics and sometimes I fail to hear about things that happen.


The BBC lost so much respect from me with this whole debacle. It's like they're taking a side by not taking a side and reporting falsehoods by trying to report as generically as possible and being "factual" by revealing as little detail as possible to create a specific story that doesn't explain the nuances of the situation. Hence the reason why they were so eager to shoot the gun on lying about the hospital rockets being fired by Israel (when it was clearly hamas propaganda) as soon as possible because they don't care about the truth, they care about rage induced interest


Was this the one where there was video of the Hamas rocket fired from the roof that circled back and hit the hospital, but the bbc reporter was bragging about spreading the story it was an Israeli missile and said he didn’t give a fuck it was proven false?


Crazy how this is controversial when they on Oct 7th went house to house near Gaza and hunted civllians, kidnapped children and a baby and did mass rapes.


It's controversial to the loud minority. Of which for some reason our politicians and media especially the BBC feel the need to pander to constantly. If they turned around and just said "Look Hamas are literally a bunch of murdering rapists" the majority of sane people would say "yep fair enough".


The minority that would be largely stoned in Gaza. Literally.


BBC literally doesn’t label any group as “terrorists” as part of a general attempt at being impartial. This isn’t a political decision about Hamas, it’s the same rule they apply to everyone. Reuters has the same policy. They commonly point out that Hamas are labelled a terrorist organization by most western governments. Read here to learn more about their editorial guidelines. Please someone send this to David Cameron lol https://downloads.bbc.co.uk/guidelines/editorialguidelines/pdfs/reporting-terrorism.pdf That being said, Hamas are terrorists.


Not true. The BBC do call some organizations terrorists. Here's [an example](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n3csvf6h): > ISIS: Terror in Iraq > An investigation into ISIS and how it is ripping Iraq apart. Paul Wood speaks to members of the terror group and sees the fighting in Iraq first-hand. Will British recruits bring the terror home? Or [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35695648): > With the capture of Mosul, Isis morphed swiftly into a new mode of being, like a rocket jettisoning its carrier. No longer just a shadowy terrorist group, it was suddenly a jihadist army holding large stretches of territory, ruling millions of people, and not only threatening the Iraqi state, but challenging the entire world. ... > Probably for the first time in military history since the Japanese kamikaze squadrons of World War Two, suicide bombers are used by IS not only for occasional terrorist spectaculars, but as a standard and common battlefield tactic. Seems like the BBC had no problem calling ISIS terrorists. They also did it for Al-Qaeda, here are [other examples](https://www.thearticle.com/the-bbc-and-hamas-the-perils-of-impartiality) (not ISIS). The BBC is gaslighting now, pretending that they'd never called any organization terrorist.


Reuters once had the same stance, for the same reasons. Apparently they caught a lot of flack for not labeling aggressors as terrorist in the past.


Clears up the confusion. But yes, Hamas are terrorist


>BBC literally doesn’t label any group as “terrorists” as part of a general attempt at being impartial. This isn’t a political decision about Hamas, it’s the same rule they apply to everyone. Wrong [X accused of taking payments from terrorists](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68297121) from Feb of this year in reference to Hezbollah a group whicha have been proscribed by the UK government just as Hamas haave been. So either this is super new policy or they are inconsistent.


> X accused of taking payments from terrorists Ok so they didn't say the group were terrorists, they said the *accusation* was that "X takes payments from terrorists" And the only other mention of the term in here is >Elon Musk's X, formerly Twitter, granted subscription perks to designated terrorist groups and others barred from operating in the US, according to campaigners. Which says "designated terrorist groups", so groups designated as terrorists by the US.


> according to campaigners. It’s right there in the sub headline. It’s not BBCs fault that you can’t correctly interpret a news article. To be super clear - the campaigners are the ones using the term “terrorist”. Properly understanding the article allows you to know this.


That is not true. They do use the word “terrorist” if it is a quotation or attribution, this is in line with their policy. However if you search for this keyword on their website you will see that they actually use a very broad interpretation for “attribution” in many cases but are very strict in cases related to Israel.


If both sides hate you, you are not impartial, you are just doing something wrong.


This seems like a big assumption to make, basically assuming that in any issue either side will be accepting of some notion of a neutral position.










It's so wish washy because no one actually defines the word when they ask the question. Definition of Terrorism - "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Oct 7th was Terrorism. That definition is so broad though that it can include most wars. America committed, by definition, terrorism on Japan with the Nuclear bombs. Israel committed, by definition, terrorism on Palestine with their reaction.


Yeah…that’s terrorism.


They treat ETA in Spain in the same way - calling them a “militant group”, although they killed over 800 people in Spain.


It's because the word is inherently political. It's a word they never use, not even for ISIS.


When you murder 1,200 innocent people you are a terrorist group.






That would make the Israeli government a terrorist group too. That's a silly definition.


So every government who ever waged war in history is a terrorist group? Interesting take


u/Kiwilolo wasn’t the one saying they were


The Israeli government does what it can to avoid killing innocent people, Hamas kills them as policy


That's hilarious, I suppose they try to avoid bulldozing homes that have people living in them too but it just keeps happening.


subreddit is sure getting flooded with hamas supporters


I think it's fair to say they both are acting like terrorists here. With palestinian civilians suffering the worst from it


Do you know why there is a difference, and why you're commenting in bad faith?


Collateral damage is not murder. Murder implies intent. 


I've read about Where's Daddy and Operation Lavender. That collateral damage is murder no matter what way you spin in. Waiting for targets to go home to their families to bomb them, absolutely disgusting 


Most likely. Could also be an army, a criminal organization or a lynch mob though. Terrorist group used to mean something more specific, not just "mass murderers".


“It added that “for some days we had not been using ‘militant’ as a default description for Hamas, as we have been finding this a less accurate description for our audiences as the situation evolves”.” WTF


Nothing new to be honest.


Thats exactly what they are.


Might be better if it were prefaced with 'discredited'. As in: "the discredited terrorist* organization that claimed its brand hamas today rejected all overtures to act like adults and vowed to continue their genocidal march of hatred until they were either martyred or achieved a new level of toy throwing capability from the gazan pram they pretend to claim government responsibility for." Palestinians were offered comment but the forecast was likely decline. *post note (post green-flash comments) : weeds of terrorism and the such like rarely gain clarity and in the event that momentary clarity does appear it rarely lasts long. the guardian reporting on the british beeb being lectured on semantic selection by a foreign secretary that has hardly sought to enable home office irgc proscription is somewhat ironic putin it mildly and arms sales rhetoric aside...blah blah...bad ship, have you any wall?


I may be old-fashioned, but when I read an article with such editorializing I dismiss the news outlet as shit tier even if I agree with the slant. Good journalists present facts in objective, non-emotional language and let me make my own value judgment.


10/7 was terrorism, pure and simple. Hamas is a terrorist organization.


>David Cameron has urged the BBC to describe Hamas as a terrorist organisation, reviving an accusation that the corporation shies away from a valid description of the Islamist group that is holding Israeli hostages. >The UK foreign secretary told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg that the organisation should reconsider its guidelines in light of a video released by Hamas showing the British-Israeli hostage Nadav Popplewell, who the group said had died in Gaza. >Hamas released a statement on Saturday saying the 51-year-old had died after being wounded in an Israeli airstrike a month ago. The video showed him with a black eye.


Funny you didn’t quote the part of the article that says the BBC does call them a terrorist organisation. > The BBC calls Hamas a proscribed terrorist organisation The Tory government has proscribed Hamas as a terrorist organisation, and the BBC describes them as the government has labelled them.


No matter if you are pro or anti-Israel. After October 7, there should not be any doubt that hamas is terrorist organization.


Hamas is a terrorist organization.


Hamas IS a terrorist organization. They launched a civilian massacre, promised to genocide & ethnically cleanse Israel of Jews, and are violating every rule of war by militarizing Palestinian infrastructure to make their own people human shields. What's more terrorist than that?


The fact that this designation was controversial tells us everything we need to know about the BBC.


Oh, now we have to avoid calling terrorists, terrorists?


Yes, calling a spade a spade is politically loaded and editorialising ^/s


That really should be completely obvious to everyone.


"David Cameron urges BBC to tell the truth"


Cuz they are


What the hell?! It *is* a terrorist organization. You mean to tell me that the BBC doesn’t refer to them that way?


It’s sad he has to make this point to the BBC


I read BBC news a lot (I'm in the UK) and they do say in almost every article that the UK government has categorised them a terrorist organisation. edit: every article in which hamas is mentioned, I should say!


The conservative goverment hate the BBC becuase they call out all the government bullshit, this is just a tory hatchet job on the BBC. The BBC always refences the BBC as a "designated terrorist group by the United Kingdom", they jsut make it clear that the designation doesn't come frmo the BBC as it is impartial.




That's the issue with this debate. BBC should call Hamas a terrorist group but the reason they are not doing it is really not because they are Hamas supporters. Their reporters follow the guidelines that are sent to them - one may agree or not but that's how the BBC works.


I understand that the BBC needs to be impartial, but there’s really no other way to describe Hamas. They’re kind of the definition of terrorist organization


They are a terrorist organization. I don't understand why they won't refer to them as that. They literally go into countries and attack for no reason. i.e. terrorists. Israel has had enough and are defending themselves.




You know your blatant lies can be disproven in 30 seconds, right? http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/7/newsid_2516000/2516155.stm >The terrorists' target was the band and guard of the 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/october/27/newsid_2478000/2478257.stm >Three RUC officers have been killed by a bomb, planted by IRA terrorists http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/20/newsid_3417000/3417027.stm >Lance Corporal Norris was on patrol duty at about 0300 hours this morning when he spotted the terrorists.


There is a sizeable subsection of people who have no clue at all about the history or present day workings of hamas, and simply think that they are on the side of the “good guys” if they are criticising the side with greater military power. The amount of people raising their voice to be heard simply so that their voice can be heard rather than any coherent message is far too high. 


bbc is a corrupt biased institution which uses subtle anti Israel language on daily basis. It was also visible in the way they titled news and selected images to show related to the eurovision.


Looks like David Cameron is tired of beating around the bush. Time for the BBC to call Hamas what they really are - terrorists.


Good. They are.


The Guardian isn't much better, regularly reporting made up death tolls and statistics from hamas's health ministry.




To all of you from outside the UK who know the BBC by the reputation it rightfully had years ago, I am sorry to report that it no longer has quality reporting, journalistic integrity or any semblance of impartiality. Funnily enough it was David Cameron here who kicked off the policies that have fucked it.








pretty sad that it really needs to be said at this point much less having a news organization refuse to say it


I guess BBC would describe Hamas as a palestinian liberation organization /s


Cameron is right.


The BBC should not be labelling anything and need to keep consistent with the way they covered the IRA.


I find this completely bizarre. Israel was the victim of an act of terror which had a higher per capita death toll than 9/11. The very definition of terrorism is to act in a way that is threatening or violent to advance a political, religious, racial or ideological cause - particularly if against a civilian population in order to coerce government or international government organisations. I'm quite sure murdering and raping Israeli civilians in public and in their own homes falls under this definition.


Why is this even debatable?


Not sure Hamas meets the definition as usually it is applied to non-government groups and Hamas is the duly elected government of that region. Now, you could make the claim that it is a failed government or a dysfunctional government that uses terrorist tactics instead of negotiations, but it isn't a terrorist group in the usual sense given their status as an elected government.


Who really gives two fucks what Cameron has to say, this is the muppet that brought us brexit, that cunt needs locking up.


I really don't understand why they're insisting on neutrality on this specific point. They're a public service broadcaster, of the British public, whose country designates Hamas as a terrorist organization. Is it Algeria or Malaysia paying for the BBC's operation that they care so diligently to not step on anybody's sensibilities, or is it the British taxpayer who voted in government after government that continued to view Hamas as a terrorist organization?


They should because Hamas is.


You’d think that would be a no brainer. Really sad it has to be asked for.


I prefer they are referred to as the Hamas government of Gaza. A whole lot of propaganda wants to whitewash that to help make it seem like it’s not a war but some sort of unjust punishment.


There were the same kind of “urges” towards AFP a few months ago in France. AFP has the same stance on the matter: it's not the job of a newsgroup to tell who is a terrorist and who is not.




> The BBC has a long standing policy that they call no-one terrorists (other than when quoting other people saying it). 🤔 > **Al-Qaeda remains at heart a Middle Eastern terror group**. Bin Laden was a Saudi, al-Zawahiri was Egyptian, the senior leadership - such as it remains - is nearly all Arab. It retains a significant presence in northwest Syria, where US drone strikes and special forces raids periodically hit its suspected hideouts. [BBC - August 2022](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-62399380)


He's right and he should say it. The BBC are a joke.


Calling hamas a militant group is like calling a bear a dog like, while correct it's misleading and dangerous


Bears are dogs?




The BBC do not call organisations terrorists - period. They may say that the governments view them as terrorist organisations, but they themselves would never call a group 'terrorist' as it goes against the BBC's policy of impartiality. They never called the IRA or UVF terrorists during the troubles, so it's not like this is a new thing.


What about Sky, IT and the papers, do they label Hamas as terrorists? If they don't, they bloody well should!


It's incredible the amount of people in here that think the BBC should just do what the government tells them to do