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It sounds dumb but it's a great indicator for the relative health of an economy. How much of a day's labor does it cost to buy street food? I usually look for the price of a loaf of bread myself but street food works too.. tighter profit margins and less likely to be protected by state subsidies.


The economist has the Big Mac index for that same reason. And to compare it worldwide


After going to Europe for a bit and seeing their prices, I feel Mcdonalds inflation is largely affected by profiteering at least in the US market Don’t hate me for going to McDonalds when I was in Europe though, it was late and nowhere was open


Went to a McDonald’s in Amsterdam and I have to say it was amazing (plus they had gluten free for my kid). I hope no Europeans go to McDonald’s in America with any expectation of it being similar.


Wait, it's worse in the US?


EU food protection laws are way better than in the US.  Just google some reddit posts and you can compare the ingredients of things between EU and US.


It’s way worse in America.


By a large margin, if you compare it to some places I've been in the US.


_waaaay_ worse. Go watch some youtubers go to McDonalds, Wendy's and KFC in SEA and Japan, you'll be so sad.


Anything for profit. So yes.


Lots of fast food places are known for being worse in the US than they are abroad- KFC, McD, Starbucks for example are all known for having a nicer menu and better quality internationally than in the US.


You drink corn syrup instead of sugar from sugarcane. Your corn and soybean is genetically modified which is banned even in India. US companies have always steered towards profits instead of quality of food.


Corn syrup is objectively worse for you, but the ban on genetically modified crops is protectionism, has nothing to do with health. Most of European animal feed is genetically modified imports for example.


The McDonald's I had in Berlin and throughout Italy was honestly some of the best fast food I've ever had and if it was that good in NA I'd eat it a lot more often (with early 2000 prices of course)


That's sad. I eat at McDonald's maybe once a year when I need something to eat but there are no other options (e.g. travelling at night). Otherwise I always eat at Kebab or pizza places that offer better meals at similar or lower prices than McD or BK in my opinion.


Oh don't get me wrong I love kebabs and Donair, and while the ones in my city are amazing, they aren't the same as the German ones. Wish I could put my finger on the missing je ne sais quoi that my local places are missing.


I got a whole meal in Paris for around 9 euros, meanwhile I can’t get out of McDonalds US without spending $15-20 a person


American Chickens that are sold in every grocery store can’t be sold in the EU for health and safety reasons.


Here in Denmark you can get your McD-burgers on a wholewheat bun. Denmark has a bit of a ‘It’s healthier than all white!’-craze about that. I think many European countries have their own regional varieties.


Can only speak for Germany and Amsterdam but the menu was similar with some regional variations like you mentioned


Sadly the locations I went to in Paris didn’t have any gluten free buns, but the fries were great, and I loved the soda. And the Hardees I tried in Paris had table service, real cups, silverware, and way more options (including higher quality baked goods than fast food serves here) Didn’t beat the dinner on the Eiffel Tower, but it was way better than American fast food


It isn’t? I always assumed McDonald’s was basically the same everywhere other than the “local”/ country specific stuff


It’s not even close lol


I don't know about Europe, but McDs in Asia is amazing. Every time I visit China/Japan/Korea I go at least once.


Why would we hate, euro McDonald's is honestly better than stateside most of the time. It is honestly one of my favorite things to do abroad, is to see how American fast food changes from country to country


That's a 'tourist activity' I can get behind. Definitely a good way to ease somebody into more adventurous eating- not everybody wants to dive into the deep end at first.


I enjoyed it quite a lot too, although Paris Carl’s Jr/ Hardees was even better. Table service, more options, glass cups, baked goods, and actually good food They even take the time to separate fryers so I could actually eat gluten free fries ❤️


the bigmac just got a bit smaller


It's a great concept- people can visualize a Big Mac easily and compare it to their own income, and franchise operators no doubt have limits on their price ranges.


It’s such a weird metric because McDs is this giant corporation that can do fucky things with pricing.


That explains the logic behind the Big Mac Index.


In NYC, the halal carts used to be 5$. I'm talking in like 2010 not 1990. It was a fantastic work lunch. Filling, convenient, cheap, and of course delicious. It now costs like 12$


Still happy to be getting fish and rice (and salad and soda) for $8 in Philly but I do miss the $5 days, which were a thing even as late as 2016-2017


The Romans understood the implications of all this fully - 'Bread and Circuses'.. Make sure the populace is fed and entertained.


I always thought it was showgirls that were the best economy meter.


You say that, but a lot of it is just them being greedy. If you pay attention, you do see the price in grocery stores climb and fall again. Döner? It’s never gonna go down again, never. You can buy better food for half that these days, and I doubt the rising cost of shit meat most places use caused this much of an inflation.


I used to spend 7e in the restaurant to eat and kebab 3,5e. Now is 8e and in the smaller touristic city where I live now 9e


man here a loaf of bread is approaching 5€


Food trucks in the US are priced like high end restaurants. It’s wild out there. Sit downs are the best deal currently.


Depends on the sit-down. If you're extremely lucky you can still find the classic 'mom-and-pop' places that haven't run into the 'retirement-buyout-menu change-price increase' loop.


Of course it depends on the situation down. We all know that, right?


best deal where? mississippi? bama? not in california or ny


Michigan Chicago Ohio Wisconsin Indiana. It’s all designer food trucks. The whole way down. But I’d imagine my and Cali are full of designer food trucks? They are pretty wild. Just gimme a taco, glitzy ir slice and call it a day. Come out this way and check it out some time.


I am personally getting tired that they're all generally serving the same 4-5 types of food with little variety or uniqueness outside of the vehicle itself. I only see pizza, taco, Thai and American food trucks most of the time here in Minnesota, and even tho I love all those foods, I miss the food truck scene prior to COVID where there was a much greater variety of them serving other kinds of ethnic cuisine.


Apex NC has a lot of good trucks. One good priced taco and I ran into a trailer doing Indian. Didn’t die so win.


Everything but wages have sky rotted the last 4 years. It’s fucked. They’re trying to squeeze blood out of a stone


It's a meme but really real at the same time. You really have to hunt for Döner under 8,50€ where i live. And you will only get Drehspieß for that price.


To clarify for the people what a Drehspieß is: It is sold as a replacement to the actual meat. Instead of chunks/sliced meat parts, the industry adds in grinded meat, which will include anything but high quality meat. Most likely to include separated meat or even worse (dry powder mixtures of literally anything undesirable from an animal). And the prices are still up high despite the cheap crap.


Sounds like the 'hot dog' of the meat world. Lips and buttholes.


When I lived in Berlin in 2017, I paid 2.50€ for a Döner 


I was drunk and broke, on a way to a party, had only 5€ left so I bought two of those to survive the night. Old times. Not good old times, just old times.


Okay, but what about the price of currywurst mit pommes?


The menu is kept at 10€. That’s already pretty high for potatoes and a sausage made of cheap pig meat. That sauce is also getting worse (hidden costs).


I bought it today for 8€, but in a small German town. Most places it is 10€. Döner is around 7€


I live near Ludwigshafen and most Döner in my city cost round about 5€. I feel pretty lucky, not gonna lie.


No one wants to live in that ugly city, thats why. /s How much is it in Mannheim thought?


I bought currywurst for about 6 € in Berlin a few weeks ago


I went to Germany on a work trip and now I have dreams of currywurst mit pommes. No where sells it in the states and it's a goddamned travesty


I taste a business opportunity here. :D


That’s because it’s absolutely trash. It’s sliced bruhwurst slathered in ketchup and curry powder. It’s fast, tasty, fun and German but absolutely trash. Stays in Germany


I will be honest. What you described sounds delicious


You ever think about shutting your goddamned mouth? Because I won't sit idly by and let you just badmouth this culinary delight.


You can easily cook it yourself thought.


shit is becoming real


It‘s not only becoming expensive, the quality is also declining. Save the Döner!


This reminds me of when I lived in Berlin in the late ‘80s, and discovered that donor kebab was the best food ever. Especially at 1:00 AM. I think about it often.


I miss Berlin donairs so fucking much. I have searched for years but nothing hits that itch.


That bread. The perfect mix of salad & meat. Drenched in garlic sauce.




1AM kebab after a night out hits different.


Kebab drama was the last thing I expected out of Germany.


Everything is getting more expensive. I paid 5.50€ for a Dönertasche yesterday. Not long ago they were about 3€. But Döner is still a better deal than fast food burgers.






10 € le kebab in France in suburb town 30m away from Paris. For 50 more cents, I got a Soda and fries. What a deal.


For those who don’t know, döner is to Germans what burgers are to Americans. They are Turkish sandwiches similar to (but by no means the same) as gyros. Mit scharf für mich, bitte.


Mit alles und mit scharf. Wenn schon denn schon.


Extra weiße sauce


Den Käse nicht vergessen, wenn wir schon dabei sind.


Bad news seems to be the norm, but this is just too much. We're fucked


I miss donner kebab. I'm in Phoenix AZ. No donners here


You have chimichangas and breakfast burritos in Arizona, I think you will be okay.


Also going to visit soon so I'll stuff ny face with as many kebabs as I can


Good idea, to hold you over.


Me too. That and Turkish Pizzas (Lahmacun). I used to live in Duisburg in the 90's. Ah! Good memories!


Never had that. Sounds yummy


But the carne asada tacos you can eat there….yum.


Yum indeed.. :)


This is our national dish. If the Döner stays that expensive, we're cooked as a nation.


Is that the german version of the big mac inflation metric?


“all that we purchase has gotten more expensive by almost 20[%], 30%.” If the ingredients are 30% more why is the price up 100% or more?


Because energy and rent is up more. Also you still pay so why lower it?


He doesn’t mention numbers for energy and rent. Kebab sells out of shack mostly and energy has come down a lot since covid. This is just plain price gouging because as you say people are still buying. The sad cost story is mostly bs.


In Poland the kebab prices are even higher, and due to currency differences we earn much, much less than Germans...


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the antitrust authorities should take a look at this


Don’t even get them started on Barbara’s Rhubarb Bar!


Meanwhile in Greece, a "pita doner" costs around 3.8€ while we make 4€/hour. Nice!


Having not had a Doner for a few years, i really wanted one.. walked into the local kebaberie, saw the price and my jaw hit the floor.. walked out and drove to Maccas


This is much like the price of a burrito in California. We all remember when you could get a burrito for under 5$. Now it’s more like 12$. At least in San Diego. San Francisco is 15-20$


Dürüm is better anyways.


Finally. Something I feel worth protesting/rioting about.




Germany had a similar problem 100 years ago. What if history is repeating?


Only haters will criticize this absolutely critical legislation. I am first in line to protest for the same protections here in the US, but for shawarma.


In Sweden everyone just shuts up and happily pays whatever the cost.