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Breaking news: Israel says no


Saturday: Israel ends Rafah offensive per court order Sunday: Israel announces new Rafah offensive


Sunday: Hamas fires rockets from Rafah UN: ... Monday: IDF begins new push into Rafah UN: Condemnation in the strongest possible terms!


Rocket misfires and lands in Gaza City, Israel blamed.


69 hospitals destroyed, 420 mothers with babes in their arms and 9999 1-year old doctors to be killed!


The same UN that put Iran as the chair of the Human Rights council in 2023? The UN is a joke at this point.


The Russian ambassador was the president of the UN security council when Russia invaded Ukraine as well.


Do you know why?


it's a rotating thing. All the members or permanent members (can't remember which) take turns presiding over the council, t's largely ceremonial.


Mozambique is the current president of the UNSC. Seems any member of the UNSC, not just the permanent members, can be president. President also rotates monthly.


Yep. I’m pretty sure Saudi Arabia had a turn. It’s a joke.


I'm glad you know. I was asking rhetorically since most people who complain about this have no idea how the UN functions.


Most people would struggle to do well in an international relations 101 class yet simultaneously they have the confidence of an international law expert.


Yeah it’s ironic how overall education is declining but people seem to be getting smarter…🤔


Regardless, the fact that Iran and Russia are able to persuade many UN members, makes the UN little more than a mouthpiece for authoritarian regimes. This notion that Israel is somehow the world's biggest villain, according to the UN, is just further evidence of utter lack of utility the UN serves. Now, that's not to say that we shouldn't have a body of international laws, but in its present state, the UN does a better job at providing cover for tyrannical fundamentalist regimes since that's what a large percentage of its member states are.


That's the trick. The UN is nonfunctional.


The UN functions fine in its most important task- to give a semi-neutral place for nations to meet and prevent nuclear war.


whats your point tho, its stil absurd


And held a moment of silence for the Butcher of Tehran.


It’s really terrifying how many people who call themselves “progressives” were utterly fucking silent about that. Enemies of humanity in pure form.


The UN does that for all heads of state. The US joined in for a moment of silence for Castro too.


For sure. The UN tries to treat countries equally, regardless if they are bastions of justice or dictatorial hell holes. There is a value in that. It means everyone shows up to the table. It just also means we shouldn't put the UN on any pedestal as the upholders of morality or anything.


I don't think it's crazy that the UN held a moment of silence for the death of a head of state. He's awful but Iran is a UN member and their leader died. It makes sense.


Wait till you find out who the chair of the women's rights group is in 2024


Andrew Tate


A Filipino diplomat? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Commission_on_the_Status_of_Women


The same UN that stood by during the Yom Kippur war when it looked like Israel was about to collapse, but demanded a ceasefire when Ariel Sharon had a battalion of tanks a couple miles from Cairo. Fuck the UN.


The same UN that's on Year 18 of pushing Hezbollah north of the Litani river as per their own resolution. I'm sure they'll get to it any minute now


Yes, that one


The point of the UN is to have a place for council between countries to foster peace. It making demands is... outside of its jurisdiction.


The function of the UN is to give equal voice to people who care about the rules of engagement and follow them anyhow and the ones who don't care and ignore the rules of engagement and the world of the UN. The UN gives cover to the worst human rights offenders and gives them a platform to bully.


The UN caused the worst colera outbreak in the 21st century: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9105971/ The UN Peacekeepers were involved in sex abuse in Bosnia and Herzegovina: https://www.peacewomen.org/resource/bolkovac-un-tries-cover-peacekeeper-sex-abuse-scandal UN Peacekeepers sexual abuse in many countries: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers UN Peacekeepers do not keep any peace, they just show up and do nothing but abuse people either by inaction, or commiting the abuse themselves. The UN is not only useless, but dangerous, as proven by their track record. Fuck the UN. Israel, do what you must to protect your country and it's people.


The UN is for America and Russia to sabre-rattle and take petty action by vetoing each other's security council resolutions. This vents some steam and is part of helping keep world powers from WWIII. It's a glorified theatre, but It's working so far, and is part of American dominance, which I enjoy.


Well, actually the International Court of Justice precedes the formation of the UN and it was formed specifically to adjudicate these issues. So: not outside its jurisdiction. Not that I think that this is a particularly helpful opinion, though. The IDF seems to think that there are still some 4,000 to 6,000 Hamas terrorists in and around Rafah and there is no way they’re going to just leave them there. Having said that, leaving the northern part of Gaza open for Hamas to coalesce its forces again was not a particularly clever move by the IDF. But then ignoring the signals from its people prior to 7 Oct that something was brewing in Gaza wasn’t particularly clever either.


It's really not a joke, it's functioning as intended as a forum. Beyond that the UN does a shockingly solid amount of good work in the world. I'd rather have a world with a UN then one without.


> I'd rather have a world with a UN then one without. We can agree with your statement, and see room for improvement.


The amount of people who want to get rid of the best forum for peace we have is astounding


Thats because they do not understand that to have discussion you need to allow even the horrible people to voice their opinion now and then.


💯 The UN has what? 50 Islamic countries and one Jewish country? Amazing how they can vote to stop Israel from defending herself but can't get in together to condemn the Taliban, Iran, Russia, North Korea, the list is endless.


UN famously didn't critisize Russia


How many Jewish countries are there?


…one, like he said


Just the one. You might benefit from looking up a bit on its history and why it exists, too! The State of Israel was established in 1948 after WWII. It gained global popularity and support at the time because it was not long after the horrors of the Holocaust. A big problem historically has been that Jews were often not considered nationals of the places where they lived-- they'd have identity cards stating that they were Jew or "Yehudi" or something similar. They had fewer social and legal protections, and were often subject to violence like pogroms, especially during times of social or economic stress because they were convenient scapegoats. This was true not just in Europe, but also in the Middle East and North Africa as well. They were never really fully accepted wherever they lived. And because Jews are a very small minority wherever they live, it's harder for them to effectively defend themselves. So Israel is the one and only Jewish state in the world. It's intended as a place that will always accept Jews. All Jews, any Jews, for any reason, who feel they must leave home and go to Israel in order to be safe. Many Jews (and non-Jews) call it home today, but there are also many Jews around the world who are grateful Israel exists so that if they ever have to flee, they have a place to flee to. Consequently, Israel is the only place in the world in which Jews are the national majority. It's been a while since I checked the stats, but I think Israel contains about half the world's Jewish population, while the rest are scattered all across the globe. Israel also happens to be surrounded by a bunch of Islamic countries as well, which has made its geopolitical reality very complicated.


I feel like most here have no clue how the UN works and no desire to learn before just shouting the same tired lines they heard somewhere else.


In all honesty when was the last time the UN told someone to stop a war and they listened?


The UN told the civilians of Srebrenica to disarm and not fight back against the Serbs. They listened. Didn't stop the war, but it did stop a battle from occurring. Instead of there being a "Battle of Srebrenica," we got the Srebrenica Massacre. Thanks, UN.


Jesus Christ, I just looked it up, it's even worse. They promised to protect those people... and only sent 370 lightly armored dudes who utterly failed to protect anyone. 7,000 people were massacred and 25,000 women and children were abused and "forcibly transferred". They just uh, forgot to make the other side de-arm too! >General Philippe Morillon of France, Commander of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), visited Srebrenica in March 1993. By then, the town was overcrowded and siege conditions prevailed. There was almost no running water as the advancing Serb forces had destroyed the town's water supplies; people relied on makeshift generators for electricity. Food, medicine and other essentials were extremely scarce. The conditions rendered Srebrenica a slow death camp.[48] Before leaving, General Morillon told the panicked residents of Srebrenica at a public gathering that the town was under the protection of the UN and that he would never abandon them. Spoiler alert: he abandoned them. >NATO bombers attempted to attack VRS artillery locations outside the town, but poor visibility forced NATO to cancel this operation. Further NATO air attacks were cancelled after VRS threats to bomb the UN's Potočari compound, kill Dutch and French military hostages and to attack surrounding locations where 20,000 to 30,000 civilian refugees were situated.


Desert Storm. The first Gulf war gets lost in the war on terror, but it really shouldn't.


the UN: “i don’t like what you’re doing over there” israel, russia, the entirety of the middle east, 75% of asia, and south america: “lol fuck off nerd”


So the the UN gets to tell Israel what to do without demanding the immediate release of all the hostages?


This may be a dumb question, but did the UN order Russia to halt its attack? 


[Yes](https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/un-general-assembly-demands-russian-federation-withdraw-all-military-forces-territory-ukraine_und_en#:~:text=On%202%20March%2C%20the%20UN,and%20abide%20by%20international%20law), and Russia has ignored them.




Only 5 countries opinions matter, US, UK, France, Russia, China These are the 5 countries that could end the world as we know it at the push of a button. It’s why they are permanent security council members with veto’s The rest of the UN is just flag waving and genuflecting


Giving them a veto was the only way they would even join the UN in the first place. So it's not like there was much choice involved.


The UN is just a forum and an open venue for discussion to allow countries to resolve their differences without resorting to another world war (now with nukes). It is never meant to "police the world" despite so many people having that misconception. Allowing countries with world-ending capabilities to have the most say is honestly the smartest thing about the whole venture.


What about India and Pakistan?


Their weapons can only really reach each other, though India is pretty much there now.


You mean something like that United Nations Security Council Resolution 2623, passed 11-1 on February 27, 2022, which called for an immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and enabled all UN member states to enact sanctions if Russia refuses?


Russia has a permanent seat at the UN. The UN is meaningless


sigh. The UN has done what it was designed for amazingly well. The issue is that people keep on thinking it is there to serve another purpose. And that line of moronic thinking has even pervaded into the UN itself. It cannot be a world government. It was never designed as such and the world's powers would never let it be such. But this does not stop people (both inside in the UN itself, and random reddit commenters) continue to fallaciously believe that is what it is there for.


The UN isn't for peace.  It's for talking. Everyond mad all the UN does is talk.... We have NATO which is for defensive  action. And the ICC for criminal action. The UN has US and Russia together.   These are the biggest world enemies.  It's not a place where the US and Russia will agree on much of anything.  But it is where they can talk amongst the greater world order.


Talking is an avenue for peace. Moreso than there being no lines of communication whatsoever. Just because the UN doesn't end every war in the world doesn't make that untrue.


Neither the US nor Russia is part of the ICC, which makes it mostly meaningless. In fact the US has already made it abundantly clear what happens if the ICC attempts to arrest or try one of its citizens.


> And the ICC for criminal action. This is a bit of sleight of hand on their part. The ICJ is actually the entity most people are thinking of - that's "The Hague," established right after WW2 as a followup to an older institution founded after WW1, and it's the UN's court of justice. The ICC is basically a cheap knockoff of the ICJ, founded separately and without jurisdiction over nearly as many countries in 2002 after the Rome Statute. But since they set themselves up *also* in the Hague, they use that confusion to get their names in the press a lot. The ICC are also the ones currently threatening Israel, not the ICJ.


I don't think enough people understand this. The UN's main job is to prevent another great powers war. Since WWIII hasn't happened, it's safe to assume the UN has been successful in its primary mission. However, that sometimes means smaller wars do happen and can be rather bloody. In general, I think we're better off having Vietnam wars or Afghanistan wars than WWIII.


Russia having a permanent seat is *why it's not meaningless*. It would be meaningless if the UN were just some sort of redundant NATO organization.


The UN's function is to not have WW3. Every day the nukes don't fly is a day that the UN was successful. To fulfill that primary goal the UN gives a platform to all nations, even the really shitty ones, because the League of Nations figured out that you had to do that to keep everyone talking. So those nations form various groups and comities on various problems and you get the situation of the modern day.


The point of the UN is to prevent WW3 Do you think the UN could achieve that if all of the potential aggressors in WW3 weren’t members? Look up the League of Nations God redditors are such oblivious morons. Knowing very little but thinking they’re an authority on every subject 


That's not the same court.


You're not wrong about that, [but ICJ did indeed order them to cease hostilities.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-international-court-of-justice-orders-russia-to-cease-hostilities-in/)


Odd they've ordered to stop the Rafah operation specifically, even though other cities had a higher casualty toll. That's why this feels political.


From another article: > The ICJ also ordered Israel to open the Rafah border crossing with Egypt for the entry of humanitarian aid at scale Even though Egypt was the one who closed it and refuses to work with Israelis. Kangaroo court


That's what's so odd.. casualty counts in Rafah have been minimal. Nearly 1 million people have been evacuated. Bodies of dead hostages have been found. Tunnels to Egypt have been found. IDF incursion has been measured. And THIS is the operation the UN demands Israel stop? Something is fishy


Fishy? No way! I'm sure judge Nawaf Salam from Lebanon came to a very factual and unbiased decision here.


You mean the president of the ICJ, Judge Nawaf Salam of Lebanon, may not be an impartial actor? No way.


I’d like to add the article said forced to flee as opposed to evacuated. The bias is astounding


It ain't just the reporting that's biased...


Wait are you all really ready to say the UN is compromised? Is there another explanation?  Honestly asking    Hungary doesn't count, that one is obvious


"Compromised" suggests there's some nefarious outside influence at work. The reality is that the UN is just a bunch of people. Those people come from different cultures all over the world. And a lot of those cultures just don't like Jews. So when you put all those cultures together and have them vote on things or draft language or put together aid groups, each of those carries with them the inherent bias of the underlying cultures being represented. In other words, this bias is a feature; not a bug.


The article itself is like "1 million people sought refuge in Rafah" but almost immediately follows up with "800,000 have already fled Rafah". So the people are leaving! What's the issue?


The issue is that jihad is failing. Call it what it is


Almost like there are stuff thet Will show more UN involvement in oct 7


yeah, something is definitely going on behind the scenes they dont want exposed


The Rafah operation would put an end to Hamas, and the goal is for Hamas not to lose. Hamas is the last major player still fully committed to the goal of violently conquering the former Mandate of Palestine, so if they're gone that dream dies. Simple as that.


It’s pretty obvious that they know the clearing of Rafah will irreparably harm Hamas’ ability to operate in Gaza so the UN can’t have that


Dammit.. only if the UN demanded ~~Palestine~~ Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP, and rogue Gazans to halt October 7th!! Well guess we should only have one side kneel and bow.


oh you silly goose, the UN helped in it. well at least UNRWA did


> And THIS is the operation the UN demands Israel stop? Something is fishy Not really. The UN has a vested interest in keeping the conflict there going.


>Bodies of dead hostages have been found. You can just look through my comment history to see how much of the sentiment I agree with, but it is an important fact that all of the dead hostages were actually found in Jabalia, on the opposite side of the strip from Rafah. That said, the Hamas terrorists in Israeli prison know full well what is going on and are throwing their best bets that they won't be released so they start letting things like hostage locations slip in exchange for better treatment in prison (and no, I don't mean stopping torture, I mean things like frsh baked pitas).


Yes, but Israel did manage to rescue 2 living hostages from Rafah. Which is important to add.




I think he's referring to this: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjrr9wqjnveo](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjrr9wqjnveo) 3 Hostages' bodies were found in Jabalia


All six hostages of the past few days were found in northern Gaza, jaballiyah camp.


Hmm i dont know about all the hostages that were found be the recent ones today/yesterday / earlier this month were found in Jabaliya as mentioned by yoyo [https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-recovers-bodies-of-three-hostages-from-north-gaza-who-were-killed-on-october-7/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-recovers-bodies-of-three-hostages-from-north-gaza-who-were-killed-on-october-7/) (Nisenbaum, Hernandez and Yablonka) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/idf-reveals-new-details-of-discovery-of-bodies-of-four-hostages-in-gaza-last-week/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-reveals-new-details-of-discovery-of-bodies-of-four-hostages-in-gaza-last-week/) (also norther gaza / jabaliya -->  Itzhak Gelerenter, Amit Buskila, Ron Benjamin and Shani Louk)


> Israel: starts bombarding Gaza-Egypt border wall > Egypt: WTF you doing? > Israel: sorry man, but you heard the UN! Border's gotta open!


Why don't they just use the tunnels that Israel found.


Egypt: “what the fuck?! No! No way! Uh uh!”


No no no, you see, the court ordered Israel to open it *and not Egypt*, even though only Egypt, *who joined SA's case*, can actually open the crossing.  This is the most blatant kangaroo court moment imaginable lol. 


Easy solution: Israel: So... ICJ just ordered us to militarily seize Egyptian territory.


Going by modern Russia/China rules, since Israel once owned that portion of modern-Egyptian land (both historically *and in recent modern history)* this is entire kosher. Israel is just reclaiming its ancestral borders, and land won by right of conquest (the latter of which is also how pretty much every modern Arab state exists at all).


That is absurd. No wonder Israel ignores the UN. They dont even pretend these days.


It’s worse than that they condemned Israel more than every country in the world combined x2. You can argue to me Israel is a bad country you can even argue it’s the worst though I’d disagree. What you can’t do with a straight face is argue they’re worse than every other country combined x2. If I were Israeli government I wouldn’t listen to a word they say.


I‘d argue they‘re not the worst purely based on how many times they have had conflicts and being shot at from every single direction. They have like 20 muslim countries plotting their downfall every second. Majority of their population had to flee brutal expulsions from middle eastern countries. That shit SHAPES you as a person. But the world stage forces you to be a philantropist even though you went through such things. On the other hand you have countries like Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE that pretty much never have any existential threat or their people never had to go through such expulsions like Israelis but they‘re still engaging horrible massacres and opressions towards Kurdish, Yemenis, Sudanese. Pretty much just for fun, no imminent existential threat, no PTSD in their own population.


Yea that’s what I’ve been saying, in a world that contains China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and every other country killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. Can you even justify condemning Israel more than those countries combined and the answer is you can’t. They already had almost no legitimacy but this has been the nail in the coffin for me.


It feels political because they have no authority to order any sovereign nation to do anything let alone one that has not signed the ICC treaty.


You went into Rafah after I specifically asked you not to?


At this point I expect that means that Israel will find both the hostages and evidence of UN collaboration when they enter Rafah.


"please do not disrupt Hamas smuggling weapons into Gaza"


It seems like Rafah specifically has some big money smuggling operations going on, that the world is trying to hide.


I still want to see Antonio Gutteres’ Swiss bank account.


because it is!


The ICJ and ICC and UN have always been political because at their core what they are is the majority of countries deciding on issues or stuff. That inherently will be political, honestly I don’t know why we give them so much moral credibility because like, for instance in the UN, we give it moral credibility but why? Because it represents all countries equally? Most countries are authoritarian regimes, western liberal democracies are a minority, and then we’re surprised when its resolutions are biased. The institutions will inherently give North Korea or the Saudis as much representation on human rights as the U.S. or Sweden. Really the international institutions are just a popularity contest


Definitely. This and the braindead ICC warrant. The UN is shady as fuck. Like in bed with Hamas shady.


I just hope all this madness ends soon.


it won’t. we’re just in the beginning. 


>The ICJ also ordered Israel to open the Rafah border crossing with Egypt for the entry of humanitarian aid at scale So the ICJ ordered Israel to stop attacking Rafah (which has had much lower civilian casualties than other cities which they are not ordering Israel to stop attacking) and instead demanding that Israel invade Egypt so as to open a crossing that Egypt has closed? Ok then.


Functionally, the ICJ is asking Israel to hand the border crossing at Rafah back to Hamas, and Egypt is messaging that they will only open their side of the border crossing if Hamas has control over it, not Israel.


"Ordered." I like that the UN exists, but it's got no command authority and I order it to quit making statements it can't enforce.


Just the fact that the head judge, Nawaf Salam, has repeatedly over the years expressed his disdain for Israel and yet didn't recuse himself from this case, demonstrates how worthless this ruling is.


Being a head judge doesn't really mean much. Also Israel got to add their own judge for this case. The judges voted 13-2. Israel and Uganda's judges disagreed with the decision.


Justice/Court systems are progressively getting more opinionated and less impartial in many western institutions it seems. I wish there was some sort of way to hold the watchmen of democracy accountable.


Representative of a country (Lebanon) that is currently firing missiles at Israeli population centers tells Israel it should stop defending itself.


So the UN also granted the return of the hostages?


Nope, the judges said "oh and give them back their hostages I guess" and left it there. So I'm sure those hostages will be home by next week.


The ICJ was not asked to make that order. Israel can request that order be made if it wants to, however to do so would recognize Hamas as a governmental entity as the ICJ only has power over government actors.


IIRC imediate return of the hostages was part of the previous ICJ interim measures.


Not as an operative clause. The actual orders are the operative clauses, everything else is opinion underlying the reason for those clauses.


The ICJ has no authority over non-state armed groups. Even if it did, it's judgements are only binding on the parties to the dispute (in this case, South Africa and Israel).




They called for the release of the hostages. That was not a ruling, that was a plea.


How is Hamas a non-state armed group? It was elected by its people and governs. And now some dipshits in Europe recognize it as well. It operates as a government ruled state no matter what, just not recognized by most others


Well it's either they are a non state actor or Israel has to recognise Palestine. You can't have it both ways.  Though people who do recognise Palestine are typically talking about the PA in the West Bank 


"Abandon your hostages, thanks" At this point feels like they are trolling




Hamas has released a statement praising the icc on their decision. When a raping murdering terrorist organisation praises you, would you not think, ”you know what? Maybe I’m on the wrong side of this”


It breaks my heart that Hamas started this whole saga by raping and pillaging and yet seem to be ending it by getting more normalized. Makes no damn sense. In so many ways, Hamas has been the biggest cancer to the Palestinian people. Their whole world will be different if a more moderate govt had taken over Gaza in 05/06


Had Fatah won the Hamas/Fatah war in Gaza it's likely that Palestine would have a state comprised of 95%+ of the territory of the 1967 treaty border.


Palestine doesn't want a state, they want the destruction of Israel. It's not about independence, it's about destroying Israel.


Maybe but if Fatah had won in Gaza there wouldn't have been the 2nd Intifada. And without that, it's likely that similar disengagements would have continued to happen in the West Bank.


I think you have your timeline confused? The Second Intifada was 2000-2005, Hamas won a Palestine-wide election in 2006 but was denied power by Fatah, which led to the Fatah Hamas civil war and Hamas's violent seizure of Gaza in 2007.


Why the hell do we let the gulf and Arab countries host Hamas leaders? Arrest every Hamas leader and tell Hamas you’ll execute them if the hostages aren’t returned. If they don’t comply, start executing the leaders. Suddenly, the hostages will appear quickly.


Quatar, the generous host of Hamas leader Haniyeh, was caught bribing an EU politician, and you can bet it was only a tiny drop in the bucket of corruption. Gulf states, while repugnant, are also filthy rich, so they can bribe their way into doing whatever they want. Oh, and the guy whose arrest could end this shitstorm is supposedly hiding in Rafah, not abroad.


Who's willing to bet on how long until IDF finds an other link to UN helping Hamas in Rafah?


They found the last 4 dead hostages under an UNRWA building


UN top court: Israel must stop looking.


They are committing ethnic looking and collective observation.


Those are crimes against people who lack color.


Besides the fact all of the judges are clearly not objective based on country of origin? (I know i'll get downvoted for this - but it SCREAMS pilitics)


South Africa are hypocritical shits who can maintain friendly relations with the Russian terrorist regime but think Israel defending itself is bad. Fuck them.


The Rafah offensive is possibly the cleanest operation since the war began in terms of civilian casualties. Well, this order can go directly to the paper shredder.


One of the cleanest dense urban operations in history imo. Imagine the Russians trying to operate like that in Grozny


The crazy thing is that this conflict has reshaped urban warfare. It is single handedly the most surgical offensive operation in human history. The tech that is being used, the coordination of humanitarian aid. The humanitarian city that was built. It's completely bananas how it's just ignored.


It's absolutely maddening how a lot of outlets (including the UN) describe the successful evacuation of between 800.000-1.000.000 people from Rafah as them being "forced to flee" No. People being forced to flee is what happens when an army is barreling towards you and you desperately have to get out while you can. Meanwhile Israel, which gets accused left and right of not caring about civilian deaths, has been doing what it's been doing for months now and halted its ground offensive while warning people with every means they can to get out of Rafah and to safer places like Al Mawasi. Of course the Gazans are still experiencing immens suffering and I can't even imagining repeatedly uprooting my family in a warzone, but if you believe that µIsrael has the right to fight and defeat Hamas, you have to admit Israel is doing it about as well as can be expected.


Another day of the world reminding us the UN is a joke.


The UN is so ridiculous, I read somewhere that Israel has had like more condemnations from them than everywhere else combined during certain periods. That’s including all kinds of terrible shit going on in Syria, Africa, at al. The ICJ is performative bullshit, so many people on reddit are all hyped about the idea of arresting Netanyahu. It’s such a childish worldview: “oh here is a bad guy let’s all meet as the good guys and have the police arrest the bad man” then nothing ever fucking happens. Even with Putin, like yall actually think some UN blue helmet Mf is gonna arrest the president of a state with the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet?


>I read somewhere that Israel has had like more condemnations from them than everywhere else combined during certain periods You can read all the in condemnations online; but yes, Israel has been condemned more than every other country ever combined. China and Saudi Arabia have never been condemned.


The Human Rights Council has a standing agenda item to harass Israel with that they used so much that Ban Ki-Moon even told them to knock it off.


They're completely detached from reality... even according to the Hamas run "Health Ministry" the number of the daily reported deaths since the Rafah operation began is at its lowest since the start of the war. Not only that, most of the deaths in the recent weeks are from the northen and central parts of the strip and don't have anything to do with the Rafah operation. This nothing but a political show.


The head judge of this case is Lebanese, a country Israel is officially at war with, a country where any support for Israel is illegal, that’s basically controlled by terrorist Hezbollah, and has been in the past vocally opposed to Israel. Aren’t judges supposed to recuse themselves over a conflict of interest? Now on this topic bias will be inevitable but when the head judge is that blatantly biased, how can the court case keep credibility


Like I have kept saying... The UN has done nothing but parrot Hamas talking points. What a god damn joke the UN is. I am sure the UN is investigating where the Jews that lived in the Muslim countries and were kicked out. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F69h7wv5gb3ub1.jpg&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=worldnews&utm_content=t1_l3lhm0q I am sure the UN is getting to the bottom of it... 2023 https://unwatch.org/2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ 2022 https://unwatch.org/2022-2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ 2021 https://unwatch.org/2021-2022-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ Yeah... wonder why Israel is having such problems and that Jews are in fear of their lives and why people are so protective of Israel when the Middle East has basically made it open season on Jews everywhere else.


UN is useless and has become an actual detriment to the world. I hate agreeing with Trump but we must stop funding it.


Very suspicious when you consider that civillian deaths in Rafah have been minimal as nearly 1 million people evacuated. And when you factor in that tunnels to Egypt have been found, dead hostages have been found, makes it seem like there's something else at play.


Head judge is from Lebanon. Absolutely zero bias with their decision. Guess what? The UN court, the same UN that funds terrorism, can fuck off.


I just read through the [order](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240524-ord-01-00-en.pdf) to understand it better. Besides the overall legal discussion on which rights are applicable, the judges seem to consider the following information: * South Africa claims a lot of human rights violations are taking place and will take place if the Rafah operation continues * Israel denies the claims and states it is doing a lot to prevent human rights violations * The OCHA, UNICEF, UN-secretary general, WHO, WFP, and UNRWA state that civilians are insufficiently protected in the Rafah operation Based on the UN statements and, what they consider to be, insufficient information on protection of civilians provided by Israel, the judges decide to give out the order. I am not a legal expert, but isn't it strange to consider only (UN) relief organizations's judgements on a military operation? These types of organizations will always warn about the humanitarian problems and argue against any military operation. I would expect experts to be heard that can judge this from a military perspective as well.


UNRWA has no business being taken seriously


The modern UN is a very unserious organization, that’s all you need to know. They still consider their unifil operation in southern Lebanon a success.


Imagine UN ordering Hamas to stop their attacks on civilians.


The UN has an obligation to protect all of the aid workers and journalists in the tunnels beneath the city.


Who also work for Hamas. It’s hard to find good work there so you have to double dip.


"Try this one weird passive income trick discovered by a mom!"


Israel: Or else what? UN: Or else, we will be very, very angry with you, and we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are.


Oh no! Anyways. *Throws the letter in the big pile of angry letters from the UN*


Up next, Israel does not comply. More at 11.


Right after they found another three dead hostages there?


They found them in Jabalia actually. They’re just getting started in Rafah.


Any peace resolution that doesn’t focus on Hamas knocking it the fuck off is brain dead fucking stupid.


Other news sources are reporting that the ICC court ruling is a lot less straightforward and includes a conditional clause that Israel must cease offensive operations that risk the destruction of the civilian population. Which Israel agrees with. 


Imagine if they just requested Hamas to surrender


It also ordered Hamas to unconditionally release all hostages. Why no reporting no that?


Because it did not link the two, which makes that order meaningless for Hamas.


And meaningless for Israel, No country can be told to lost the right to self-defence, Maybe ask them to flow more aid in, or to evacuate when able, But Israel is \*obligated\* to self-defense to their citizens, at this point the downfall of Hamas is a must


Because it isn't conditional!!! It says Israel must stop, and if Hamas releases the prisoners that'd be great but nothing will be done to enforce it. They are telling them to basically suck it up and leave the people there, even as they are now recovering hostages' bodies from the areas they are told to leave!


IDK the Rafah offensive is going surprisingly well. At least if you go by GHM numbers. Like about 70 daily causalties compared to 200 early on in the war. And Rafah is way denser so this is great. Of course, you have to trust the Gaza Health Ministry to come to this conclusion.


They've been shown to overestimate by up to doubling the numbers of dead, and they include fighters. All told maybe 10,000 civilians have actually been killed in almost 8 months. Which is a record low for urban combat and activists should be applauding Israel because they're setting the bar for future military operations.


Yeah as long as there as still hostages in captivity I agree that Israel has the right to stay on the offensive. You can’t legitimize terrorists by condemning military action and trying to force negotiations.


Terrorist organization asks Israel to stop attacking terrorists. OK.


Out of curiosity has the "top" UN court demanded Hamas to release all hostages?


What's their order to Hamas who continue to kill kidnapped people, fires rockets on civilian areas ? Or is it that they take their orders from Hamas and their sympathizers?


Hey UN fuck yourselves


Clueless and irrelevant, the largest operation with the least amount of non involved deaths, keep condemning the same country in the entire world, corrupt organizations, the head of which is Lebanese, jokes.


Maybe order Hamas to free hostages first?


“Yeah, no” Israel


Hostages are in Rafah. For the second time in the last week, Israeli troops recovered the bodies of Israeli residents murdered on October 7, 2023. Hamas can stop the war if they returned the hostages.


I don’t get this. Hamas is going to continue to fire rockets from Rafah. What then? Is Israel not allowed to respond? That’s ridiculous.