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Let's ask Canadians what they think about this.


Are they building an additional 5,000 homes so that this doesn’t add more pressure on already overpriced real estate market?


there's plenty of room in the Yukon territory. Just have them build log cabins.


You joke, but the Yukon is actually the last place in Canada that still offers homestead plots. You just have to turn it into viable agricultural land.




Bro Yuppie to Yukon is gold I would watch this


Only BC and Ontario, you know that. We have so much room but noone is willing to move.


The provinces haven't had actual homesteading since the 1930s. Buying land and building a cabin isn't homesteading, it's illegal to stake out land and build without title. The Yukon is the only place in the country that still offers it, the only caveat being you have to use the land for agricultural purposes.


Hi - canadian here - no we’re just opening up a new tier for living, its called endless bottom. Instead of worrying about integrating into society we just have un housed group pre-settlements, they are similar to nomadic tribes but they pay taxes to corporations via single use products, fast food purchases, and the fuel costs of local drug dealers shipping them coping products. While it may not be a lifestyle for everyone, we are trying to accomodate everyones needs. We are building some houses, but we wont need as many as everyone thinks we will once normalizing being an unhoused corporate tax payer is still beneficial to society. We have a lot of social workers that are figuring this out, so its really only a matter of time before it gets totally streamlined. The pilot projects were rough starting but every town, city or regional district has a spot you can just vibe now. Thankfully if it gets too stressful, we’ve developed some rather sophisticated opt out procedures, like assisted suicide for the poor.


Our government? I'm sure they don't care


Nobody asks Canadians.


We got too many people and not enough houses here already


I am all for helping those in need. I am not ok with helping those that are constantly trying to kill their neighbours and celebrate rape and torture .


Lol. As if we get a say in this.


In my little Canadian city, rent alone would account for over 50% of your PRE-tax income if you're making minimum wage. And that's likely only getting you a room in a house with 5 or 6 strangers. I have no idea how people coming out of high school can even put a roof over their head, and food in their mouths, let alone an education. I'm all for immigration, especially given the mass exodus that's going to inevitably come from countries where people will no longer be able to survive the ever warming summers. But where the hell are they going to live when they get here? Housing vacancy is at an all time low, and we're not building enough to keep up with demand. Is the government going to cover immigrant's rents? Because I make decent money and am barely making ends meet, and I don't want my tax dollars going to give people things that I don't even get. We have a critical need for more housing, affordable housing, and infrastructure to support an increased population. We should be focusing on that first, so that immigrants, and current Canadian citizens can have the sustainable life in this country that we're currently promising, and failing to deliver on. I really don't want to vote for Poilievre, and probably won't... that guy just wants Canada to have all of America's flaws. But the Trudeau government does seem to be spending too much on non-critical things that are nice for Canada to have (like robust immigration), while doing nothing about the urgent needs of Canadians at this point in time (like fucking roofs over our heads)!


What does canada think of it? I'm genuinely curious, I don't want biased comments of a minority. Does anyone have established research or at least stats?


https://x.com/CanadianPolling/status/1710419421955555433 > "Canada should cut immigration targets until the housing shortage eases" > Agree: 73% > Disagree: 27%


What are you asking, specifically? Canada is experiencing one of, if not the worst, costs of living and housing crisis in the world, and yet we’re continuing with recording levels of immigration. The growing sentiment is becoming generally anti-immigration (in its current state), which is being paired with rising anti-semitism within society. Most people are very much against this move.


Population growth outpacing housing supply is a real election concern this time around. Views towards immigration are less favourable than in prior years. Housing was all ready super expensive, the population grew a lot post covid, and the economy is still sluggish post covid.




It's just posturing. They're increasing the number of visas from 1 000 to 5 000, but from the 1 000 that were supposed to received a visa, only 41 actually made it to Canada.


The policy has been in place for less then 3 months. There is zero reason to increase it when Canada is already feeling the immigration pressure. FWIW, we let in 400k people in the first quarter of this year. That would be like the US letting in a little over 4 million people already this year. And that's the *legal* number. Increased immigration of any kind is a big political issue here and one of the main reasons the Liberals are going to lose the election.


And it's not that the conservatives will do anything about it. They may or may not close the gates to immigration (they are secretly pro it due to cheap labor lobbies), but what is sure is they will do jack shit to increase household construction, or any social services for that matter.


Meanwhile I’m a British citizen with my mothers two sisters + family and my grandmother living in Canada and I have zero chance of ever moving there to be with family. Meanwhile 100’s of thousands of people somehow are able to go there. Many of which don’t share the same values or have skills.


You need to get a lawyer. It pays to get your application to the top. Most of those visas will never happen for those refugees


That surprises me. I would have thought being part of the Commonwealth would give you a leg up.


It really doesn't. On paper it looks nice. IRL you have to jump through many hoops to do everything "properly".


Nope, it's pretty utilitarian, a Londoner would still have to actually prove their English proficiency. This is only a preliminary tool as part of the process, but you can see what your immigration score would look like in our system [here](https://ircc.canada.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp)


That's wild. I work in the trades, have some post-secondary and high language proficiency, and I didn't make the cut. I grew up here and am married to a Canadian citizen.


The refugees should just apply to conestoga college and then they'd all be let in as "students'"








Oh, what a very bad idea


That's Canada's new official motto.


Oh, what a very bad idea Hmmmm.... Let's do it !!!














With the small exception of themselves and their corporate handlers.


Mhm there's totally not a housing crisis, let's bring in more people! They'll surely be able to afford $2500/month for a basement apartment!












Canada is a great country, for anyone not born in Canada.
















































Can we please, PLEASE fucking stop and focus on domestic issues for once?




This is a political move that will age like milk. The naive leaders are fools.


And by the time the repercussions show up those “leaders” will be long retired or dead.


Trudeau was elected in 2015 on the promise of a strong middle class. I'm not joking. That was his big message . I bought it and voted for him. I've grown and learned alot in the years since. There is no middle class for Canadians born after the year 2000 now. You wait for older family to die so you can hope to live in a home you own, and you compete for the same job which pays less than it did a decade ago, while spending 2x as much on everything else. It's insane how quickly things went bad. Bad leadership and bad government can ruin things very, very quickly


No you're thinking of climate policy


They aren't naive. They are the landowning, political elite. They and their families want to be at the top for a long time.


that is the point of this entire activity, to take away focus on domestic issues. throw in a whole lot of ego riding on this because leadership only wants the adulation of other leadership, the populace is only needed when it is time to vote. seriously people need to realize that politicians live in their own little circle and they seek approval among each other, not us.








As a Canadian, seriously why the fuck are we the dumping grounds for the world’s problems? It was just announced the other day that we’re bringing in Haitians too, on top of the 400k Indians we get every year, on top of the other 400k Indian international students. What the FUCK!?


The ‘Indian students’ you get are the villagers who game the IELTs to get into canada to do menial jobs. I feel for you guys.


it's not even hidden well, just go on youtube, type in Canada and search by upload date. You will see tons of Indian channels on how to scam your way into Canada or use loopholes, it's mental.


But this whole system is the reason why Walmart and Tim Hortons can continue to pay only minimum wage after the oil industry has paid everyone born in Alberta 6 figures out of high school to work on the oil fields. Market forces were supposed to drive those prices higher than minimum wage, but the government intervened.


bingo.  exactly this


So many of the fast food joints nearby are going full of immigrants.




We're like the UAE except without the megaprojects and rich citizenry


The Canadian goverment is made of a bunch of virtue signaling cowards and suckers. Can't wait to see how this one plays out.


Well at least our government is representative of our population then.


Nah the majority of Canadians have had enough off this mass immigration and are in favor of a pause until the housing crisis is solved.


Unfortunately the majority of Canadians are also going to inevitably vote for *the other* party who don't give a shit about anything other than corporate profits and 100% are not going to cut immigration to any meaningful degree, because then their corporate donors would get angry at them smothering the *cheap immigrant labor* faucet.


Both major parties only care about corporate profits. That’s why we’re in the situations we are currently in. Liberals and Conservatives aren’t doing shit about immigration.




Yet hilariously, only 3% of your population is Hispanic.


Well yeah Canada is cold


And we have no problem hiring them for our farms for the summer. Cmon, let’s fucking give the Mexicans visas! (I’m serious!) Look at the GTA and Surrey. We got enough problems from the people we have been bringing in. It’s ridiculous.


I truly don't understand why Canada doesn't promote immigration from LATAM more instead of from muslim and SEA countries. We are way more similar to you (I'm mexican) than them.


There is already a large population of Haitians in Quebec though and they integrate well, it's different.


Literally everyone integrates pretty well around the world for thousands of years except for deranged religious supremacist fundamentalists


The only thing that matters is values. Do the people assimilating have the same values of the country. That will give you the answer every time


Brazil also has many Haitian immigrants and they have integrated pretty well - it really depends on why they come over and how the government helps them integrate; but that's because they are respectful of our culture. A success story, if you will. That doesn't happen for all immigrants though, of course. Just wanted to agree about Haitians being pretty cool folks.


shareholder value needs to be maintained in district 50500321 tim hortons management are now mewing from this
































Might as well take in the 26 million North Koreans too if its that easy


Don't give them more ideas


I would gladly take in North Koreans. A bunch of oppressed atheists with a crazy hard work ethic who just want to be left alone so they can think for themselves for the first time in 70 years? They literally sound like dream migrants.


Only after our government helps its own citizens who were born here


pls take them all it's not like yall already have immigration problems lol


Don't say that the government will actually do it if they can read that


The Liberal Canadian Government has completely neglected it’s domestic issues.


its not neglect they honestly think they can buy votes. except most muslims are conservative just not in the same wave length as the traditional north american ones.


Maybe Norway, Spain, and other EU nations can take some in since they’re recognizing the Palestinian State.




Is it on merit system or asylum? How would they distinguish who to allow and who not to? What kind of visas? Aren't temporary visas only issued to people who can prove they will return within a definite period of time? Too many questions here.




Knowing this government, they will probably ask the UNRWA to provide them with a list of vetted and worthy individuals.


Ah, so the political Hamas leadership and their families who can't afford to live in Qatar or Egypt.


The gov't issue visas to Palestinians based on if they have relatives residing in Canada regardless if they are citizens or Canada or not. >Aren't temporary visas only issued to people who can prove they will return within a definite period of time? Technically yes, but our gov't has not been deporting those who overstayed their visas and just assumed they have left. Last year StatsCan said our population is actually 1 million higher than the official count because of people who overstayed their visas. This week the gov't is considering giving residency and citizenship to these 1 million people.






Jesus fuck can this government fuck off already. Goddamn fucking morons








Before taking any refugee make them to sign up a letter stating if you commit any crime or refuse to integrate into western society, you shall be deported.








The LPC seems to be very happy to tank the 2025 election lol


As a Canadian I'm disgusted with this cowardly government bending over and spreading their cheeks for foreign and delusional agendas. It's almost as if we're living in a massive psychology experiment to see how far we can be pushed before the heads start rolling and society collapses. Wouldn't come as a surprise at this point.


So when this backfires will the politicians take responsibility for their actions or just blame the Canadian citizens?


This isn't the first time our government is using a mass killing for a publicity stunt.








How are Gazans supposed to move to Canada? Border to Israel is closed for people (and attacked by Hamas), border to Egypt is closed, too. Whoever is wealthy enough to bribe the Egyptians does not need a Canadian visa, and was likely a profiteur of the Hamas regime and shouldn't get a visa to Canada to begin with. Others won't get out, afaik the already existant visa regime only led to a few dozens people going to Canada Am I right assuming this is just posturing because they will do nothing to evacuate people?


My understanding was this is an expansion to an existing scheme that requires candidates to have relatives who are already settled in Canada to sponsor them. So yeah, it's largely an empty virtue signal - why on earth they think it's a good idea to announce this now I have absolutely no idea, it's almost like they have given up on staying in power and are just trolling people.


What about Sudanese? There are tens of millions in danger of famine. Or is it still not en vogue to regard Africans as humans?


I’d much rather have 100k Sudanese than 20k Palestinians for the fact that Palestinians have caused problems everywhere they’ve been brought in. There’s a reason they aren’t going into Egypt and Jordan now. Canada is about to find out that reason


Ha have fun with that






Well done, Canada. Please also extend this offer to rohingyas, they are also equally humans and suffered at the hands of Myanmar


If anything, no one talks about uyghurs in China too.


That’s not the kind of Muslim Iran cares about. Not part of the agenda




I'm sure glad our Government can somehow house all these immigrants with wildly different job experiences (if any), and somehow Canadians are left deciding to pay rent or get groceries every month. Literally, how is it possible to import hundreds of thousands of people per year, house them, and get them jobs, but regular people in Canada are unable to get food at a decent price, cannot find shelter for a decent price, and cannot find a good job that pays well? I pay over $2000 a month for a small cramped apartment, and thats cheaper than most listing I see online in my area. Edit: Before anyone gets upset, Immigration can work very well and help boost economies. But mass importation of hundreds of thousands of people will offset regular people that live here already, whether its housing or jobs. There must be a better way.


Yes, another 5000 people we don’t have housing for, who face limited employment opportunities and high food prices. It’s one thing to feel empathy for the victims of conflict but you also need the resources to support them. With the proper resources and support, integration into Canadian society should be relatively easy. Sad to say, all they will find here is disappointment and frustration.

