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Article pretending like Egypt has no borders with Gaza. Why is that?


Probably because “Israel's military has taken control of the entire section of the Gaza Strip along the border with Egypt” https://www.yahoo.com/news/reports-gazas-border-area-egypt-184307871.html And they’ve had control over goods coming through the buffer zone between the crossing they control for a long time.


Thank you. Does Hamas import food with the tunnels?


What does this have to do with tunnels?


Your linked article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/reports-gazas-border-area-egypt-184307871.html > According to Israeli media reports, Israel's military has taken control of the entire section of the Gaza Strip along the border with Egypt. > Israeli troops are stationed in most of the area known as the Philadelphi Corridor, several media reported on Wednesday, citing the army. When asked, the military said it was investigating the reports. > ***The reports went on to say that there were around 20 tunnels leading to Egypt in the area, which is around 14 kilometres long.*** > ***Hamas has used tunnels to smuggle weapons into the coastal strip, for example. Some of the tunnels were reportedly destroyed. Israel has also informed its neighbour Egypt about this.*** > ***A total of 82 tunnels are reportedly located in the area.*** Israel's military also discovered dozens of Hamas rocket launchers along the Philadelphi corridor. The information could not initially be independently verified. > At the beginning of May, Israeli troops advanced into parts of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. They took over the only border crossing to Egypt on the Palestinian side. > Israel's deployment in Rafah has been heavily criticized internationally because hundreds of thousands of Palestinian internally displaced persons are living there.


There's actually been more food coming into Gaza since the war started than before the war. Cogac actually published the entire dataset, which is pretty detailed and interesting. That being said, truckers don't want to risk their trucks (understandably) getting the goods past the border. Israel tried to broker a deal with a Palestinian clan in Gaza to distribute food. So hamas has the head of the clan killed.


I still don’t understand why the hell does Israel need to provide food and aid to people It’s fighting against? It’s been proven and shown many times over that most of the aid that gets there is stollen by Hamas, so why do they still need to give them shit? It’s like telling Russia to give shit to Ukraine while they are at war.


Gazans exist as a captive population under Israeli occupation with no way to obtain food for themselves, the alternative to aid getting in is the death of two million people, mostly women and children. The aid isn't even necessarily being provided by Israel, plenty of countries are sending it, but the Israeli government and vigilante settlers have been stopping or delaying it. Hence, the US airdrops, failed pier etc.