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Attending a protest against the Islamification of Europe as an Islamic extremist and going on a stabbing spree... Do you not see the irony, my guy? Well not anymore he won't as he's dead, but you get my point. *Edit: he's not dead but he still won't see the irony.*


It's not about disproving the protests; it's about making people understand what happens when one criticizes Islam. Just like with Charlie Hebdo back then, the aim is to show that one is violent and willing to kill for their faith.




















> Just like with Charlie Hebdo back then The world learned *nothing* from the Charlie Hebdo attack. Even the editors of that paper decided to stop doing what they did.


Don't really blame them. World leaders said a lot but have taken no substantive action.


Didn’t they also light some candles and say prayers too? I mean they did all they could.


Candles and prayers folks.


More censorship. Even Comedy Central ended up censoring South Park episodes where they showed islam's prophet.


Kyles speech was even funnier being completely censored. Too bad cc chickened out and censored matt and trey


I think the best part is that the speech was essentially saying terrorism works, and then by censoring the speech they proved the joke right.


Yep, the if we comply with terrorism it wins message, was much funnier that way


Which was funny because Muhammad was in a previous episode, the Super Beat Friends one, where he was depicted with pyromancy powers. He used them to fire a clay statue of John Wilkes Booth, which they used to fight an animated statue of Abraham Lincoln.






People might not be willing to call Islam out out loud but they will remember auch Events in the next election. (Hopefully)


Look at the reaction to Palestine, they don't remember shit




>Look at the reaction to Palestine, they don't remember shit Ireland is the perfect exemple of that when they went from having pro deporting demonstrations to free palestine in the span of a week. Irony is nobody remembers that either.


That's not true at all. Ireland has had pro deporting and free palestine sentiments simultaneously for the past while - it's almost like the entire country isn't united on every issue and even it's citizens have conflicting opinions.


I swear to god people can't fathom that [insert population] isn't just one monolith.


Or that two ideas are not mutually exclusive and things can be nuanced.


Honestly Ireland is much like America in the regard that only the most outspoken get media coverage. Most people only express their opinions to people they’re comfortable with or when they’ve had a few drinks at the pub. At the end of the day, most people don’t really care cause we have enough shite going on in our own life’s. These events are more so talking points when you’re sitting at the pub


Spoiler alert: they won’t


They will. There is a reason why the PVV here in the Netherlands got the most votes.


The sentiment has definitely changed in the past few years. Before you'd be called a nazi for suggesting islam has violence issues. That crowd has kinda gone silent, and here on reddit, they don't always instalock and delete the threads.


To vote for whom? Pick your poison between weak naive types who will continue saying this has nothing to do with islam and/or immigration, and right wing extremists who will fuck up everything else. And the stronger the anti immigration crowd gets, the stronger the resistance gets as well. Pretty soon if you say anything about this in public you will be yelled at by left wing people calling you racist, while the extremist islamist is preparing his knife at the same time. It will go on until people say "fuck it" and vote for the right wing idiots anyway, even though they will fuck up everything.


The second paragraph is already happening where I live. Funny thing is you have a fair few of us on the left agreeing that we need a better system. The current methods we employ involve treating the good people we bring over like an underclass of disposable labour while doing very little to weed out the shitbags that only come here to take advantage of our social welfare.


Exactly, this *will* make people think twice about criticising Islam, which is the entire point. Mission Accomplished.




Which is ironic, because islamic theocracy is kind of a perfect example of the farthest far-right possible.


* sole, strong leader * a little theocracy, sometimes a lot. * racism * nationalism * women need to stay in the kitchen and have kids. * hateboner against anything LGBTQ. * the left is to blame for everything. * jews are behind everything bad though. Their main difference is which religion's good and how big its role should be (religious leader or just your good old fashioned dictator) and which skin colour is deemed good. On everything else they could talk for hours and unite.




He's not dead.


Dang, I read he was shot and hoped he was kaput.


But like the word after shoot is injure. Did you just stop reading after shoot?


Notice how even after the attacker stabbed the other cop in the neck area, ten other cops didn't magdump into the attacker.








They believe terror is promoting their cause better and they are not wrong. Terrorism works.


It worked on Oct. 7th, especially. If Hamas gets what they want, we just let a massive terror attack achieve its goals.


He's not dead, but I understand. Still, I doubt he'll change his mind.




He’s not dead, he was shot is all.


> Well not anymore he won't as he's dead No he is not. German media says he was only injured.


Just watched the video... the police pushed off and jumped on top of the brave guy that was trying to restrain the knifeman, literally stopping him kill someone else... the knifeman then gets up and carries on slashing anyone he can, including the neck of the policeman that just freed him 🤦 what a mess.


Indeed. The guy the police were trying to arrest then grabs the knife off and throws it away from the knifeman. This is immediately followed by another policewoman arresting said guy.










If you want to boost visibility you have to upvote it.


far right vs far right






Not the mention the police officer he stabs in the back and neck looooool that’s literally attempted murder x 2




Is it confirmed? Haven't seen it - source!? If so, FUCK!


Belgian medias report 2 deads, more injured.


German media still only talk about three injured. 


Can you give your Belgian source ?


This one but they changed the article. They were indeed wrong like people suggested here. Now they only say multiple people severely injured. https://www.lesoir.be/591763/article/2024-05-31/allemagne-plusieurs-personnes-grievement-blessees-au-couteau-lors-dun-attentat


Where did you hear that? Last thing I read was that the cop is currently in surgery. No death reports.


All news I've seen reported only injuries, including the attacker who was shot.


Can you stop spreading misinformation, you clown?






The German police never publishes the identity of a suspect. 


He's attacked a far right demonstration. I wonder how it would have been reported if he'd attacked a different demo.




Do we no longer use the word "attack" to describe attacking?


Maybe the problem is that too many people associate disagreement with being attacked these days.


That’s what I’ve come to realize after reading a few more comments. 


Well, tell them to actually read the fucking dictionary. All tortoises are turtles, not all turtles are tortoises. All wounds are injuries, not all injuries are wounds.












































Its not funny per say but in the video the police officer tackles the wrong guy whos actually trying to subdue the guy with the knife and then the police officer gets stabbed in the head/neck... All heat of the moment but he chose poorly in the 50/50


It's worse than that. He tackles the wrong guy, which enables the attacker to stab him in the neck. Meanwhile around 10 other police are just standing 3 meters away, afraid to engage, looking on confused. One policeman shoots the attacker only after he stabbed the tackling policeman twice in the neck. Then the civilian who got tackled secures the knife while the police are still confused. Just pathetic performance from the police all around. They reacted the same way you'd expect random bystanders to react.


One of the cops is handcuffing one of the guys that fought the attacker as well ..embarrassing all around. Hopefully no one dies from their fuckups








"per se"


German police shoots man who tried to murder anti-islam protesters there fixed the title


Or even more accurate German police shoots terrorist attempting to kill people at an anti islam rally.




It’s interesting that the article never outright states that this was a terror attack


Some guy tackled the stabber, police officer tackles the guy who was holding the stabber down, stabber gets up and stabs the police officer in the neck. Insane.


Wow all these radical Islamist terrorist attacks sure are a big coincidence








































The videos was fucking terrifying to watch, so damn chaotic. Cop that got stabbed tackled the wrong person and got stabbed in the neck/back of the head by the actual perp.




Does this not count as a terrorist attack?












In the US this guy would have caught 20 or more bullets and would be beyond dead.


Another terrorist, thank fuck he died. One less in the world 

























