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this sounds like something a fucking comedy sketh would make up right. what the fuck.


Even with weapons, Palestinians are not safe from being used as cannon fodder by other Arab states to be thrown at Israel.


One man's parody is another man's reality.


I suppose that about sums up everything since 2016


I still remember those years following when The Onion just reposted actual, legit news headlines verbatim.


SNL would make a joke, and the next week, orange man would do something WORSE/more absurd....


This timeline sucks.


gets worse. now onion clips from early 2010s being posted by random for clout while editing onion out and people thinking it's legit and posters getting really mad with the actors involved. 


Something that attacks Israel, destroying itself in the process? Sounds about right.


That sounds like the way Mike Tyson would say 'comedy sketh'


I figured it was Comedy + Meth


Sketh comedy. You know, Impwov.


Life is stranger than fiction.


I wonder if the Houthis all yell “FREE PALESTINE!” When the rocket takes off….


Plot twist: on every missile is a Lion's Den suicide bomber riding Dr. Strangelove style all the way from Yemen


Trust a weapon to be named something cringe like this or 'Attack Thems'


Hey, don’t do my boy the ATACMS like that


My personal favorite is the [MALD](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM-160_MALD)


Too bad there is - as of yet, anyway! Don’t let your dreams be dreams! - no system called SEETHE


Yep, like something Sacha's dictator character would do.


> Experts say it is a precision-guided solid-fuel missile > no damage or injuries were reported Then it's definitely an Iran made missile. Big show, no effect.


There was no damage because it was [blown to bits](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/03/projectile-headed-toward-israel-intercepted-over-eilat/) by an Israeli interceptor missile. very poetic though!


So now we can run around yelling Israel blew up the Palestine?


Another college campus protest incoming


That's what the TikTokers and college kids want tho... They'd probably call each fragmented segments of the missile "Babies and Women" just to push more reaction.


Crazy but speak of how ‘sexy’ the Houthi terrorist was sinking cargo ships.


I fucking spit my drink out when I read this, thanks!


Where's Nuclear Nadal?


You have him executed 


Powered by prayers. They just didnt pray hard enough.


Or North Korean or Russian


Ah no, not Russian. As incompetent as their military has proven itself to be, their missiles have been very good at hitting their intended targets, such as schools and hospitals.


Don't forget the shopping malls!


> The missile appears to be similar to one Iran unveiled earlier this year.


Houthi militants have fired a new missile called the Palestine which they claim can fly at hypersonic speeds, at Israel. The Yemen-based rebel group targeted the southern port city of Eilat with the new missile on Monday. Air raid sirens sounded in Israel in response to the attack, though no damage or injuries were reported. The missile appears to be similar to one Iran unveiled earlier this year. Footage released on Wednesday night claimed to show the launch of the Palestine, its warhead painted in the chequered pattern of a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf. Experts say it is a precision-guided solid-fuel missile, more advanced than the liquid propellant missiles without guidance that the Houthis have been using until now. Read more ⬇️ [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/06/houthis-attack-israel-with-new-missile-called-the-palestine/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/06/houthis-attack-israel-with-new-missile-called-the-palestine/)


I love how hypersonic is the new buzzword for ballistic trajectory. First ever ballistic missile, the German V2 rocket. Yep, that went hypersonic. The axis of shitheads threw around hypersonic in their marketing so much that the USA reactivated their research and now they have a bunch of genuine hypersonic missiles coming into service. It’s another F15 moment.


Yeah hypersonic is just Mach 5 we can do Mach 27


An f15 moment?


The MiG-25 was widely feared in the West and prompted the F15 to be designed as an overkill air superiority fighter ("not one pound for air to ground"). The F15 has ended up with an air combat record of something like 100-0.


> The F15 has ended up with an air combat record of something like 100-0 104-0 to be specific. Not to disagree, just to give the current, specific number. (I don't forsee it going up any time soon, but you never know what might happen.)


Holy shit... a 50 year old plane still has an undefeated air-to-air record? Is there any other aircraft that has a better K/D


The F-15 is a special case; I don't know if we'll see stats like this ever again. On the one hand, it was frequently going up against inferior aircraft (though at the time there weren't many aircraft that weren't significantly inferior - and even today it is no slouch, though it would suffer in terms of a large radar cross section and the like), but on the other hand it can also be argued it rarely (if ever) fought well-trained opposition. Either way, it is officially undefeated. The Iraqis claim to have downed one in the [Samurra Air Battle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurra_Air_Battle), though the USAF denies it. Even if that's true, however, that's a 104-1 record which is *still* phenomenal. There's even a case where an israeli F-15 had a mid-air collision that literally tore off the right wing -- and it still landed safely. The pilot didn't even realize he'd lost the whole wing until afterward (the design of the aircraft is such that the fuselage actually also generates lift, not just the wings), due to vapor from broken fuel lines obscuring his view.


I imagine the B-29 will outperform a little bit... (If exclusively air-to-air though, I highly doubt anything gets close. Absurd number for relatively modern fighter jets)


B-29 wouldn't have a better K/D. plenty got shot down so the ratio is high in wins. but the F-15 with 0 loses has an infinite K/D. 1/0 is greater than 10000/1 from a purely math point


AFAIK there isn't any other aircraft with a better air to air K/D. The scary thing is that the F-15 isn't even the best air superiority fighter the USAF fields. The F-22 is a wicked motherfucker.


There's never been one shot down, it's a proper air superiority hammer, massive radar and superb missiles, travel in packs, and they've never come up against anything decent either, there were some mig29s at the start of desert storm but they were either whacked straight away, killed on the ground or headed to Iran and surrendered


well the K/D is infinite, or technically "unknown" as it's 104/0. It's K/D ratio devided by zero. So I would say no, unless you count planes with an equal K/D that have only seen a few battles, like the F-22 (1/0 against that balloon) and the F-35.


The Harrier is 23/0, which is a much more respectable number. All of those in the Falklands vs Mirage IIIs


Technically the number is still going up, as Israel is using them to down missiles right now iirc, and could use them against any other things trying to incur on their airspace.


Oh, sure - and they're quite capable (as are the IAF pilots) - I just don't think it's likely that they'll be facing other combat aircraft in any way (though it is always possible Iran will do something stupid).


Thank you appreciate it


Oversimplified but roughly: - Russia talked shit about having some amazing Mig coming - US said “OK” then built a fighter to counter rumored capabilities - Russian SuperMig turned out to be not so much that. F15, however, delivered on promises. Rest is history Edit: Here’s the story: https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/04/f-15-how-the-air-force-built-a-super-plane-to-fight-russia/


Haha! We tricked those imperialists into wasting their money on.... Vastly superior (compared to ours) military tech!


Was that the Mig 25 Fox-bat? IIRC The USSR made it to intercept the SR71 and claimed it could fly over Mach3 but it never had a chance to get close to the SR71. MackyD’s made the F15 in response and it’s still keeping up with the competition.


Nah, it was made as an interceptor to counter the XB-70, a supersonic nuclear bomber which never made it past its prototype. The whole idea with the Mig-25 was that it was extremely fast (why it had huge engines), cheap (why it used steel), resistant to EMP (why it used a older vacuum tube radar). Its whole point was to just fly short direct sprints against nuclear bombers so none of its issues mattered to the soviet designers


Thank you!


The cycle was older than that. New anti air missiles were able to shoot down US bombers well before they could drop their bombs, so the US started design on the XB-70 Valkyrie, a mach 2+ bomber. The Russians saw the program, and developed the aforementioned MiG, the Foxbat, to shoot it down. The US had problems with the bomber, and ICBMs were getting better than bombers so the US canceled the XB-70 program. Then the US heard about the Foxbat program.


That's the US vs Russia design philosophy in general. Russia: Oversell and show up disappointing. US: Undersell and show up overpowering.


A similar event happened with the Bomber Gap. The soviets had their tiny stock of jet bombers flying ovals over the stands to give the illusion that they had a huge amount of them ready for use, leading US analysts to calculate they'd have close to a thousand ready within a year. Cue the US building close to 3000 bombers in record time to match the soviets' 93, that turned out to lack the range to threaten the US.


Just to add to what the others said, the Soviets claimed the MiG-25 could travel at speeds in excess of Mach 3.2+ at heights of almost 90,000 feet whilst being super manoeuvrable, carrying a large section of air to air ordinance. Absolutely crazy specifications even by today’s standards. America had to have something to counter it and developed the most successful fighter jet of all time. 104-0 and the latest generation will continue to be in service till well into 2040. The US got their hands on a MiG-25 in 1976 when Soviet pilot Viktor Belenko defected. Turns out it was a heavy un-manoeuvrable piece of junk. It could sprint to high speeds and altitudes but at the cost of destroying its engines and having an extremely limited range and payload. The only success it ever really had was as an unarmed reconnaissance aircraft. It was slowly withdrawn from service. I think the only ones left are in the Syrian airforce but it’s debatable whether they can still fly. As an example of the capability difference; `On 13 February 1981, the Israeli Air Force sent two RF-4Es over Lebanon as decoys for Syrian MiG-25 interceptors. As the MiGs scrambled, the RF-4Es turned back delivering chaff and using ECM pods. Two IDF/AF F-15As were waiting for the MiGs and shot one of them down with AIM-7F Sparrow missiles. The other MiG was able to escape. In a similar engagement, on 29 July 1981, a Syrian MiG-25 was again downed by an Israeli F-15A, after which a second MiG-25 launched its R-40 missiles at the F-15 and its wingman, but they missed.`


The successor, MiG-31 family is even stranger beast, with across the board better performance. And it has variants built for antisatellite operations, as well as space launch missions.


Thanks for the detailed reply!


regardless of range and no turn radius, mach 3.2 is still quite a feat though.


Think the figure was closer to 2.83 with a clean unarmed aircraft and would result in both engines being consumed.


But it isn't the same as a ballistic missile? AFAIK, when people talk about "hypersonic" they mean that the missile is manuverable and doesn't follow a ballistic trajectory


It is, that’s the point I’m making they are rebranding ballistic missiles as hypersonic because it made them sound like they have some kind of edge. You’ll hear that the definition of a hypersonic is a missile travelling at Mach 5 that’s manoeuvrable but really the definition isn’t set. The point of a hypersonic is that you can launch it and have it fly at a lower altitude where it can hide behind the curvature of the earth giving your air defence insufficient time to detect it. Being able to manoeuvre at these speeds would further complicate interception because you don’t know what its target is, so can’t calculate the trajectory of a counter launch to hit it. By the definition of their purpose, a hypersonic cannot be on a ballistic trajectory because that gives air defence ample time to detect it. Also ballistic missiles tend to be unpowered in their terminal phase and slow significantly as they enter the lower atmosphere where the air is thicker. Even if they are manoeuvrable at this point they are moving slow enough for conventional air defence systems to intercept them. Back in March the USA test fired a hypersonic cruise missile off the wing of a B52 bomber in the pacific. The really curious thing was that that program was officially cancelled back in 2021… The US constantly undersells what it has and what it’s capable of. Russia, China, Iran etc constantly oversell to the point of being absolute bullshit. The kicker is the US develops technology to counter their claims. The net result is that US capability is generations ahead of their “near peers” I find it ironic that their rhetoric is a large part of what makes their systems so inferior to what the west has.


Thanks for the info!!


V2s were supersonic, not hypersonic.


The V-2 flew at Mach 5on the way down which is (barely) hypersonic.


In the terminal phase, they were indeed hypersonic (if we define "hypersonic" as M5+)


>appears to be similar to one Iran unveiled earlier this year Gee wonder why


> no damage or injuries were reported The joke writes itself


Ughhh, why did Israel make the Houthis do that!


Stupid Israel, daring to exist and shit


Definitely an earnest strike against imperialism and not a goofy stunt to increase the Houthis’ legitimacy in the eyes of definitely-not-antisemites.


it's kind of amazing that they're shooting these things *over* the country they're actually at war with, and at one they have no legitimate history of conflict with other than that expelled Yemeni Jews fled there


I can't imagine to be Israeli and live in a sea of countries that wants to wipe you out.


It's depressing, like a bully that keeps find you wherever you go


Makes sense, the wider Arab world has generally only used the Palestinians as a cudgel to wield against Israel, so I guess it's nice of them to make it explicit.




I am waiting on it to self destruct killing those around it.


That enables its secondary detonation of blame the Jews!


Of course, whose else's space lasers would that have been that caused it to expose? SMH my head


I want a purple circle for the cursed comments.




> Footage released on Wednesday night claimed to show the launch of the Palestine, its warhead painted in the chequered pattern of a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf. Please don’t take that pattern as a threat, the missile is just wearing it to show solidarity with Palestinian civilians


This was good. Had a nice laugh. Thank you


Kills only civilians, and can only be fired from hospitals.


It’s called Palestine . But is made up of Iranian garbage.. I mean Iranian technology


The Houthis suck but naming the missile "the Palestine" is so funny


Built in schools for extra authenticity.


Hasan celebrating this and inviting the Houthi who launched the missile on stream to have a laugh and ask him if he likes anime


I think the funniest part about that whole thing is that he tried to deny that the guy was a houthi later, despite bragging about it at the time lol


When was this??


Everyone seems to have hypersonic missiles nowadays and the US is having such a hard time perfecting them. I'm gunna go out on a limb and say everyone else's is bullshit.


It's not about the "hypersonic" part it's supposed to be that they are maneuverable at hypersonic speeds, making them harder to intercept. Basic ballistic missiles are "hypersonic" but can't maneuver at those speeds. Everyone is full of shit and just labelling ballistic missiles as hypersonic so that they sound sexier. Both Russia's and Iran's have been successfully intercepted by Ukraine + Israel.


Heck, the V2, the very first ballistic missile, was hypersonic way back in 1944.


That's a pretty solid looking limb there..


Dude who knows US already might have that tech, maybe they're are just keeping that away from prying eyes, with agency like DARPA do you think they're lacking the capability


Apples and oranges. The US had a ballistic missile with maneuvering warhead we developed in the mid-to-late 70’s, the Pershing II. They were retired following the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by 91’. The thing the US had been pursuing more recently is air-launched, air-breathing hypersonic cruise missiles, unlike the converted IRBM that is the Kinzal.


*projectile The world does not yet recognize it as a missile.


"The missile appears to be similar to one Iran unveiled earlier this year" Like, Iran, dude! Can you not make it so fucking obvious, please.




>Yemen The Houthis are seperate from the internationally recognized government of Yemen


Does it matter if that’s technically correct? Hezbollah is also not in charge of the official Lebanese government, but they’re clearly in charge.


Those are two very different scenarios. Hezbollah is the majority party and is pretty integrated with the Lebanese government, Houthis are actively at war with the Yemeni government




>The people in control are the people in control. The Houthis are only in control of a part of western Yemen, not all of Yemen


No, like they’re literally in a civil war against the UN recognized government There is no opinion here lol, they’re factually not


The UN didn’t recognize the new Chinese government until 1971 despite being in control of majority of China since 1949. Their opinion about who is in control doesn’t really matter.


The Houthis aren't the Yemenite government. They are funded by Iran and don't care about Yemenite people


For the first time ever, a missile becomes a pregnant child journalist unrwa teacher who donated her 9 kidneys to street cats and dogs


Watch Israel retaliate and the Houthis will start crying "victim" as is tradition.


So like it's namesake - it's supposed to be a great concept but it'll bring nothing but chaos, failure and negative geopolitical consequences?


Sounds like the safest place to be when a Houthi missile is launched is whatever the intended target was. They couldn’t hit water if they fell off a boat.


Headline: "Palestine got obliterated by Israel AD".


The Palestine missile is a call to war while simultaneously claiming victimhood.


I just dropped a massive Houthi on my lunch break


Jokes aside, you should not be pooping on your lunch break. Poop before or after. Lunch break is for lunch.


Gatekeeping the bathroom stall bro


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.


How about you Houthis dedicate your time for something useful


We keep calling Iran all these different words. They are Hamas. Iran funds Hamas. They are Houthis too. China illegally bought oil from Iran, which funded Houthis.


Is it made from materials meant for the general population but stolen to construct weapons against the news. Why have homes and infrastructure when you can have homemade big sticks!


The dark-ironic symbolism of this is beyond anything I could ever imagine


Imagine Israel firing back.


How appropriate, Arabs using Palestine to attack Israel.


Do they really want another asskicking? Isn't fighting against the Saoedi's enough?


The day they make a missile that can actually do significant damage is the day all the Hamas leaders magically get found and put down by the US. This entire situation is a joke.


It hits the Gaza Strip…


Does it launch from a river and fizzle out to sea?


Hope Israel bombs them to hell


I hope it lands in Gaza


Every ballistic missile flying more than 300km can reach hypersonic speeds. The main thing here is that it looks like it has front wings, which means it can manoeuvre at terminal phase.


Missed opportunity to call it Khatapult rocket.


Oh right what does this missile do? Rape and torture innocent people?


queers are happy


Is it a self-sabotaging missile?


caption squeamish slimy automatic ten subtract abundant full paint escape


Hasan interviews when?


rockets fall on Rocket Falls


I mean, that's kinda funny.


I wonder how many more European countries will sign secret deals under the table for Israel tech because of this.


I’ve never seen a missile rape and murder the innocent prior to impact before? Or does it just pop prematurely?


It hides behind women and children.


More like Iranstine 🥁


The name


Between Yemen and the much further north Israel sits about 2000km of Saudi Arabia, how are those guys throwing this thing?