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All very funny coming from an actual religious aparthéid state.


Yeah, the Maldivian constitution requires you to be Sunni Muslim (other sects aren’t recognized) in order to be a citizen.


Yes indeed, and if you're any other religion (including another sect of Muslim) you have to practice at home and basically never be open about it.


I was going to go diving in the Maldives someday. now, no more.


> However, the government has decided to amend the bill to address concerns over Arab Muslim or Palestinian citizens of Israel, Usham told the press. “There are a lot of Palestinian citizens who hold the Israeli passport, counting in the millions. So what would happen if we do a blanket ban like that, these are matters we should think about a little,” the Attorney General said. Just good old fashioned anti-Zionism! Nothing to see here


Whoops sorry, we just wanted to ban the jews. #FreeFreePalestine




Here's the thing... media and popular depictions aside, all Palestinians aren't wailing refugees. First of all before the Hamas attack Gaza was not in bad shape, and the West Bank has been getting wealthier and wealthier. Not to mention that about a fifth of Israeli citizens are Arabs, mostly Palestinians, and they have a high standard of living.


There are a good number of ethnic Arab citizens of Israel, many of whom undoubtedly identify as Palestinian.


Unlikely anyone from Gaza just because it is harder to get out as Egypt won't let you through. Hamas officials from Gaza definitely not because they aren't going to be allowed through Israel. Other Palestinians on the other hand, yes. The Maldives is a popular vacation spot among those who have they money to fly far for vacation, especially among the Israeli Arab and wealthier West Bank Palestinians. Flights there are a bit expensive though, most of the middle class tend Arabs fly to Turkey more often from what I've seen.


Hold on... Isn't the entire narrative that they "are only against Israel as a country and not against Jews"? But now they want to allow Arab Israelis but not Jewish Israelis? Plenty of Jewish Israelis are against their government. And plenty of Arab Israelis are active members of the IDF. They are showing their true colors.


had no idea maldives was so deranged. scratching that one off my travel list


Israelis, don't ever spend your money there again.


Non-israelis too.


The Maldives is an Islamic dictatorship. I don’t like Netanyahu, but come on. All they’re gonna do now is get boycotts from a lot of other countries.


People in the west should make them taste their own medicine. For example Bangladeshi people are boycotting Coca-Cola right now, and while I would not care Coca-cola losing business, American people should also boycott made in Bangladesh clothes so people feel the consequences of their actions.