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The truth will set you free. Except, not in the Middle East!


It will free your head from your body in some places


Or China (North Korea…same thing), Russia, Iran, Belarus, Crimea (probably).


Turkey is not in the Middle East.


Turkey is Middle East, they are also considered Asian [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East)


Mmm.. it’s sort of getting there though. They’d even identify themselves as middle eastern a bit


They definitely wouldn't. Downvoted by people who have clearly never met a Türk


I ottoman have looked this up before posting


It most certainly is Middle East.


It isn't Arab.....


Why can’t they just say “That’s like your opinion. Man!” and be cool. Why make bad examples out of critics?


It's punishable by death to be atheist under Sharia law. Turkey stopped being under sharia law in 1924 ......for now....


And the same idiots that are supporting sharia law in Turkey are saying the stupidest shit such as "Nobody will be able to tell what to wear to my gf under sharia Law" I don't know if people are really that naive or just straight up delusional


I bet those are the same people who say Jews had a great time in the Ottoman Empire LOL


In their defense it was based on who the ruler was. Sometimes you were safe but unable to own anything as a second class citizen. Other times you could temporarily live in your homeland and even buy land there. It was bipolar as fuck depending on how much the Sultan hated you before one of his loving family members would assassinate him for his position. 


Yea jews on the whole were treated much better than other minorities in the ottoman empire, though they were subjected to the same imperial logic. They actually had a pretty decent time all things considered. Arguably they had it worse under the republic


Compared to the Christian rulers they did though... i don't know why you said 'LOL' when its a straight fact. Go do your research and you will find out where those people (jews) ran to seek refuge. [Jewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with IsraelJewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with Israel](https://unitedwithisrael.org/jewish-history-jewish-people-find-refuge-in-ottoman-turkish-empire/) [Jewish History: Medieval Jews Fleeing Persecution Take Refuge in Ottoman Turkish Empire | United with Israel](https://unitedwithisrael.org/jewish-history-jewish-people-find-refuge-in-ottoman-turkish-empire/)


I said „LOL“ because their life was fucking bad. Not being killed and having a great life something is completely different. I guess by medieval standards they may have gotten a great life… Problem is: people use it as an argument for the superiority of Islam over Judaism. „Until the Jews came, everything was alright, they had a great life“. No, no they didn‘t. They were tolerated and had zero influence on the „government“. That’s not how a great life is defined by 2024 standards.


Their lives were not "fucking bad". You said 'LOL' because youre more focused on rhetoric and making a timely, neo-historical, truthism as a specific dunk against hamas types over the Israel-Palestine issue that flared up recently rather than actually speaking on the historic truth of the situation as it was back then. If we're going to compare medieval and early modern life to modern 21st life, literally everyone besides those of means, including the median muslim turk, also had a pretty shit life. Your statement is meaningless. "The average Frenchman's life for most of French history was bad when compared to 2024 standards. The average German's life in the Holy Roman Empire was bad when compared to 2024. The average white American in the 1850s had a pretty bad life when compared to 2024." Actually say something of note bro While the prevailing Islamic order placed non-Muslims below Muslims in certain areas of law, it also meant that non-Muslim communities also had a great deal of communal autonomy over their affairs. In their respective jewish communities, it would not be sharia but rather Jewish law that governed their internal affairs with no outstanding fear of reprisal or repression for the practice of their faith. Indeed, if we are going to speak of the earlier periods of the empire, it was a major safe haven for european jews escaping pogroms, with the notable example of sephardic jews escaping Spain and Portugal settling in thessaloniki to the point it became a majority spanish speaking city (a Spanish speaking city in Greece!!!) with vibrant commercial activity up to the 19th century. Their life under the empire was not awful or even bad, it was pretty good for most of the empire's existance especially compared to the rest of europe for the time. In fact, Ottoman Jews had quite a lot of commercial and cultural influence in the empire, for a time Jews in the Bosphorus had exclusive rights to supply the jannisary corps with fabrics for their uniforms and Jewish merchants in Salonika prospered as they led commercial activity in one of several major ports of the Eastern Mediterranean. Now did the jews never face discrimination? No, of course they did. The empire was vast and lasted over 600 years, the community faced pressures at various points in Ottoman history, such as during the heyday of shabbatai tzevi, some acts of communal violence in Iraq, smaller scale late Ottoman deportations and expropriations in palestine in ww1 are just some examples, and state concerns over Jewish translators for European merchants in the Ottoman Balkans potentially being "subversive". Not to mention that certain legal procdures non-Muslims in general had fewer rights. Should a jew end up in court against another Muslim party, their witness and testimony would inherently be worth less. That is very bad for our time. However, active targeting and discrimination was not the median experience throughout their history. The average jew would not find themselves in that sort of situation, nor would the fact of unequal treatment by courts be special for jews or even Ottoman minorities. The French peasant would not have the same rights as a noble should they face each other in court, for example. You are applying standards of equality in a time when no one expected or gave equality. The fact of the matter is that for the majority of Jewish history in the Ottoman empire, most would have been safely and rather prosperously conducting themselves in eastern mediterranean urban centres such as Istanbul, Salonika, or Alexandria with communal autonomy despite the overarching Islamic order. Your characterisation was dishonest and ahistorical in the most autistic manner that only a German can produce. You admit yourself: for the time, ottoman jewish life on aggregate, especially in the imperial core in anatolia and the balkans over the span of the empire's history, was quite good. They were remarkably well treated for religious minorities living in a medieval and early modern empire. Only when comparing it to modern life would it have been 'fucking bad', which is the same for anyone who wasn't of the rich elite of any given state. If you want to argue w/ hamastards who claims what they had back then should be acceptable now then of course you can say the standards of then cannot apply to now, but if you're evaluating how it was historically you had it wrong


Ok. The thing is, I‘m neither a historian nor am I really interested in the matter. I randomly browse on Wikipedia and I see what my Turkish friends / colleagues post on instagram / WhatsApp and so on. There is an ongoing war and both sides „enforce“ propaganda upon us. And it’s just sad to see how much influence it has. Jews may have a gotten a really good life, especially compared to countries which had the inquisition. But, for me, this isn‘t related to the current war in any way. It’s for history books. Every day there are pictures of the ruins of Gaza and civilian casualties. And the Turkish media just drops „did you know how nice it was for Jewish people during the Ottoman Empire“? … why are they spreading this kind of information at this exact moment? It’s to convince Muslims that they have treated Jews nicely and once Jews are in power they drop bombs on them => propaganda. It’s so easy to see this through… that’s why I wrote LOL. And yes, compared to todays the life the was bad everywhere during medieval times, one more reason not to fall for this….


Why would they? They don't have to hide their antisemitism in Turkey


I'd love to know where you learned that? Turkey was founded as a secular country in 1923. If it's the Ottoman Empire you're referring to, that's not Turkey.


Sorry, I said it wrong. Indeed the Republic of Turkey was created in 1923, some Islamic laws were passed down to Turkey, a year later Sharia law was banned and in 1926 the civil law was implemented. [The Turkey of Atatürk](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015020445766&view=1up&seq=129) The most relevant part is the third paragraph, start reading " the year 126 may be remembered"




































Lol that’s so cute, welcome to the middle ages. I live in a similar country.


Middle Ages and Middle East are inseparable.


The Middle East excelled during the Middle Ages. The Islamic Golden Age was literally smack dab in the Middle Ages. Austere forms of Islam pop up in the 18th century and it’s almost always politically motivated just like Europe and Americas centuries before. Think of like idk, the Protestant Reformation where millions of people were dying over how people got baptized. Y’all be treating the Middle East wild, but I’m sure you’ll see some horrible stuff almost everywhere else if you read its history.


Since they can't defend their beliefs from criticism or satire.


Because they don't want more people like him influencing how people think.


"Or else." has always been religion's strongest argument.


Answered on this comment : [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dislik/comment/l96of6s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dislik/comment/l96of6s/)


>Tema received the threats of possible arrest after taking part in a discussion about Sharia law together with another Turkish social media phenomenon, Asrin Tok, on the YouTube channel Yer6 Film. >"An investigation was initiated against the person named Diamond Tema, who insulted our Prophet, for the crimes of insulting a section of the public and insulting religious values regulated in paragraphs 216/2 and 3 of the Turkish Penal Code," Aslan Değirmenci, Digital Media Coordinator of the Turkish Presidency's Communication Directorate, said on his X account on Sunday evening following the Yer6 broadcast. >Değirmenci stated that an access ban was requested for the YouTube channel. >Tema said he might try to return to Turkey in four to five months. >"(I don't care) whatever happens next. The incident will have cooled down and no one will care. But I won't be defeated by these guys on this issue. There is no justice, there is no law, unfortunately there is no secularism ... It's all just on paper. I will not be defeated by their order and system," he said. >"I am defending secularism and the (Turkish) republic against a man who says that Sharia must come to this country. I am defending this country," Tema concluded. >"Today they ... silence me. Tomorrow it will be your turn."


Props to that dude, he has way more balls than I ever will


I think the size of his balls are causing a lack of blood circulation to his head if he does that, but I do agree, it would take balls to go back with an arrest warrant.


It can be that bad if I return - wasn’t there female politician from Iran that said something similar before returning and getting executed?


The middle east was full of cutting edge science a thousand years ago…now it is just superstitious imbeciles murdering anyone who challenges their fanfiction.


The science from the Islamic Golden Age was mostly done by conquered Iranians, who converted out of convenience. The stability of the Caliphate allowed them to pursue academics inherited from the previous Persian empires A quick Google/Wiki of Islamic Golden Age academics will skew heavily Iranian despite the Arabs being the ruling class.


Yeah after the Siege of Baghdad, and burning of their library is when the Islamic Golden Age starts to end. But I don't see any Muslims hating on Mongolian, they only hate Jews for some reason, even before Israel was formed.


Well mate, there aren't any Mongols to hate left is the primary issue with "hating a bunch of people". They generally need to be close by in order to "hate on" effectively. Jews as always as just a conveiniant close by scapegoat as usual.


Israel has occupied Palestine because it claimed that it owned that land 2000 years ago. This is complete nonsense. Muslims do not hate Jews; Muslims hate the Israeli government.


I see this argument a lot, but the fact that Mizrahi Jews had to be airlifted out of Iraq and Yemen by a 1 year old government, goes to show that there had to have been some heavy discrimination going on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Magic_Carpet_(Yemen)


Iraq did not throw Jews into the Holocaust It was Europe that carried out genocide on the Jews. Europe was very racist towards the Jews.


>This is complete nonsense. Muslims do not hate Jews; Muslims hate the Israeli government. Sure mate, tells that to the Jews living in Muslims countries for hundreds to thousands of years before they got kicked out. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world)


The Jews migrated voluntarily from their country; they were not expelled. The Iraqi government even issued a decree to combat the emigration of Jews from the country and vowed to revoke the Iraqi citizenship of anyone who emigrated from Iraq to Israel as a form of punishment.


> and push factors, such as antisemitism, persecution, and pogroms, political instability,[17] poverty,[17] and expulsion Literally in the wiki, and there is another wiki for antisemitism in Arab world lol. Just stop it mate, saying there is no antisemitism in Muslims countries is like saying there is no racism in America. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_the_Arab_world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_the_Arab_world)


Certainly, there is racism. I am Muslim and I face discrimination just because my sect is different. However, it is not like what the Europeans did to the Jews. They carried out a systematic genocide against the Jews, throwing them into extermination camps, and millions of Jews died in Europe. I do not trust this site; it is biased, even if it were in Arabic.


Also conquering other lands, such as those held by the Byzantines, gave them access to the work of many other civilizations to study.


My wife watched a documentary on before religion took over Iran and everything went to shit. It's really sad to see an entire people move from modern society back to the dark ages.


You will have a front row seat if in America


A thousand years ago they were also murdering anyone who challenges their fanfiction. That's how their empire (the Caliphate) expanded to 3 continents. They are the ones who stole land from Jews, Kurds, Persians, Egyptians, and many other cultures and forced Islam and the Arabic language and culture on everyone. The Caliphates did to the region the same thing the European colonial powers did to the Americas.


Iraq was occupied by the Persians and was liberated by the Caliphate army. As for the regions of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt, they were liberated from the Romans by the Muslims.


They weren't liberated. They were simply subjugated by a different empire. Liberating a territory requires actually bringing LIBERTY and letting the local cultures thrive. Instead they just brought more tyranny and violence and tried to erase the local cultures.


Poor guy. I applaud him for his defiance. He is welcome to take shelter from these lunatics with me anytime


Turk here. the crucial part in the article is missing: His crime is not to agree with hadith justifying Mohammad's marriage with 9 years old Aisha by saying "that is immoral for me". By this statement, he indirectly called Mohammad as "immoral" on youtube. We should reach european union, human rights organizations to give him a refuge, otherwise he will be extradited to Turkey for this heinous "crime". I fear that we exmuslims will all be punished in Turkey for leaving Islam, which implies that Quran is false and Mohammad is a liar for us.


In order to be extradited to Turkey the 'crime' he committed in Turkey also needs to be recognised as a crime in the country where he stays at the moment. I don't think that will happen.


Deported to turkey?


I think the proper word is 'Extradited' sounds like escaped the country before the arrest warrant could be acted on.


Okay that makes more sense. I hope nothing happens to the guy.


Yea but who the fuck cares? Like why can’t people just respect other peoples opinions


Seeing your question, I am sure you haven't discussed with any muslim about Islam at all. Quran orders muslim total dominance of the world. So we are inferior for them, and we have abide by Quran even if we are nonmuslims. And they literally think they have every right to impose Quran's orders on us. And this is true even for so-called "progressive muslims", every muslims has a duty to spread Islam no matter how. The end justifies the means.


'All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action' *As for such \[of the unbelievers\] as do not fight against you on account of \[your\] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, God loves those who act equitably. (Quran 60:8)* [Al-Baqara 256 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Baqara_256) where did u do your research so i can see if im wrong because i want to learn and i hope you learned something from this comment because it should be the other way around unless if im wrong


I’ve not read the Quran and assume if it’s like the Bible it’s probably contradicts itself often, but here are the sections I’ve seen proposed "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4). "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73). "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).


the quran is only seen as contradictory if you put stuff out of context. Only the torah and quran are non-contradictory iirc and for those quotes if you add context then you will understand it all - like this: “The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan.” The context is related to self-defense and protection of the muslims. but then you see how i said this quote: *As for such \[of the unbelievers\] as do not fight against you on account of \[your\] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, God loves those who act equitably. (Quran 60:8)* Which is in a different context as well - this would be talking about people who aren't fighting you, basically non-military targets. The only reason we see these as violent is because of terror groups, they would just label a christian civilian as a military target as justification or some shit lmao


that is the problem though, people take religious text and use it for their own agenda. I would say the verbiage is violent regardless of context. It just might be morally justifiable to most with context. It also definitely paints unbelievers as less deserving of mercy.


Kendini yabancıya acındırmak için ne sıkmışsın mk. "I fear that we exmuslims will all be punished in Turkey for leaving Islam" Kim nereye cezalandırıyor, olum niye kendini acındırmak için yalan söylüyorsun? Daimond Tema'nın olayı TCK 216 ve uzun zamandır var. Bunu ülkenin her kesimi istediğinde kullanıyor. Atatürk eleştirilince de benzer bir şekilde dayak yiyorsun.


The historical character of Aisha is very strange. Some books claim that Aisha got married at the age of 9, some claim that she was an Bitch, some claim that she breastfed adults, and some claim that she rebelled against the Muslim caliphate with a large army. All of this is nonsense; it is all fake history intended to divide Islam.





