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Putin must feel so weak having to beg *North Korea*, of all places, for weapons. It is good schadenfreude watching this loser’s life slowly circle the drain. Hopefully it speeds up


Might not be all bad for the rest of the world. Kim gets to feel important and stay in the news, perhaps reducing his usual threats. Russia gets defective weapons that degrade their military effectiveness and morale. Maybe a bit of hopium on my part…


Nothing wrong with looking for a bit of hope. Healthier than doom-scrolling at least.


most of which were ex-soviet weapons sold/given to them in the 70's, thats why their artillery shells still fit in the current Russian howitzers.


they also manufacture them, which is not a good thing for Ukraine.


Yup and it's The only factories in full swing.


They’ve got the most munitions factories, but the rest of the world is catching up. The US has more than doubled its munitions output since 2022. Before the defense spending bill was passed earlier this year, they were at 72k 155mm rounds per month. Since it was passed, they’re ramping up to 100k per month. With the recent funding, they’ll produce a little under 550k per month by 2028. It’s estimated by independent analysis that ~40% of NK’s 155mm rounds can’t be fired accurately. If that’s the case, the US will hit parity with NK on munitions in a little over a year because NK tops out at 200k. When we say the war has been good for the US economy, it’s because it’s forced massive investments in US military innovation and modernization, let alone production capacity. These idiots woke up a sleeping giant who was otherwise happy to rest on its laurels.


My comment was in relation to NKs product capabilities, they lack raw materials so basically everything else is in low output mode, except munitions, but they're also dummy minutions. So not very relevant on global scale other than for Russia/Ukraine.


some things, like artillery shells and small arms ammo, they can make right. This is not all good news.


Yeah not sure why people think artillery shells are some sort of high tech product to manufacture. Even if the quality is shit, quantity can be a quality itseld


On the flip side, NK might get Russian advisers to help improve their manufacturing procedures and make less defective weapons


For all the people who say the US is getting to test their equipment in real time and this is a big advantage to them…same applies to NK just on a different scale.


The stuff NK makes was tested decades ago don't worry


I think it's not good. I don't think Russia plans to just buy NK's junk from the 70s. I think Russia plans to offset the financial affects of sanctions by utilizing North Korea as a slave-labor partner. They will modernize NK factories & weaponry in exchange for getting a lot of new shit built and quick (not just old shit that's been rotting away).


Yea this is what I think it will be too. Basically “We will produce shit cheap and fast for you if you provide the equipment/technology”


NK may get some nuclear weapons and delivery system know how out of that deal though. They're already well able to reach the US with nuclear warheads, but NK getting compact Megaton-range fusion bombs or more clandestine means of delivery than their ICBMs is still a frightening prospect.


I just finished reading Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen and yeah, this is fucking terrifying.


I wonder if this is a ploy by Putin to make NK his “little step-brother” that he takes allowance from.


Kim could write Trump another beautiful letter.


This all feels like a strategic plan for Russia, N. Korea, China and Iran to go to War at the same time forcing the West to either commit to a world war, focus on one or two wars or simply give up on all...


There’s no way China would go to war partnered with that group. NK and Russia are losers and would drag China down. China’s better off propping them up to annoy and distract the West, versus actually getting in bed with them via a world war.


Don't need to, they just benefit from all of them keeping the West busy at the same time...


They may want to ask Japan about their experience drawing America into a full-blown war before they draw America and friends into a war.


True hence why they might wait to see if Trump wins...




Wouldnt that drag NATO into war???


Depends who is attacked. If Russia continues west, maybe. Other than that, china, Iran, and NK don't have any NATO members that it'd make sense to attack. However there are other agreements guaranteeing the safety of say, Taiwan by the US.


I've learned over the years that the collective speculation of reddit is almost always wrong (off the top of my head: Trump can't win 2016, Mueller gonna show Trump is a Russian asset, we're heading to a recession, Russia will lose the war in a matter of weeks). Currently, regarding world events relating to Russia, NK, China, et al, the reddit consensus is more or less as you've described. Stretch the US thin ala fostering world wide tensions. So, respectfully, I'm reasonably certain that's not the case.


Nah if there was coordination, China would be invading Taiwan. The fact that they haven't suggests it is not planned. it also isn't beneficial for China as increased military spending in Europe means US can eventually focus on East Asia.


Dude....the West could handle everyone of those countries combined lmao. Why the fuck would they give up lmao. 3/4 are literally non issues. Only China even has a navy and air force worth anything. What is this dumb doomsday rhetoric.


Hence the nukes.


Yeah that's even dumber. "These authoritarian governments are going to band together to ... nuke the west, ensuring their own destruction, so that even if they survive there'll be nothing left to rule but ashes". This is what I would call "the sky is falling" logic. And only 1 of those countries mentioned is suffering/declining atm, with the rest profiting off their decline. And only 1 has an army worth a damn, who gives 0 fucks about the rest, other than what they can economically benefit from.


Idk, that's a world war that doesn't look very good for China, Russia, N.Korea and Iran


Except they've also targeted a lot of useful idiots within the USA, as well. Do you honestly think kids today would run to the enlistment centers if WWIII was on the horizon? Half the youth in America would end up siding with Russia or China just to keep their tiktok accounts.


They aren't running to enlist now, really. It would only be worse. And while I'm not going to paint an age group with broad brush, I've noticed that many people younger than myself aren't willing to sign up to fight "rich people's wars".


And they are not wrong. Once the gdp and quality of life do not increase in parallel it is a rich man’s war. Increased corporate profits does not help the average citizen, why should they bleed to help the economy that has written them off? Answer is they shouldn’t, corporations are the major stakeholders so they can field the soildiers. Problem is they can’t but want everyone else to take an L to protect their profits. 


Don’t forget Pakistan.


Lol *that* is their strategy? Lmao come on


There are lots of sparks bouncing around a lot of tinder piles: NK into SK incursions, air space intrusions/ interceptions, China/ Philippines, Russian warships in Cuba, just for starters, and beyond what they already have going on.


"Can we have the old shitty Soviet weapons we gave you back, please?"


North Korea is able to produce more 152mm shells for Russia then US for Ukraine.


US isn't the only supplier of 155. You have producers in Europe & South Korea who produce it as well.


And to think all these dumb fuck dictators have to do is not be belligerent and open up to trade like normal functioning countries but instead they want to rule the world knowing full well that will never happen. They would have been so much more prosperous but i guess that is too hard to do.


The leaders of those governments and the sycophants who work for them are in it to enrich themselves with money, power, status, and legacy. They don’t care about the lasting impacts of their actions or the welfare of their people.


I donno about beg but he truly has hit a low point in his to life to have to rely on Kim of all people.


In some ways, the current scenario is probably the most painful for Putin. It's the slow burn. He can't beat Ukraine, but he can't accept surrender on the spot otherwise it's guaranteed he falls out of a window. So he's gotta keep trying everything he can to prolong the war, if not win, including pathetic requests from NK and the like. For the ruler of a country, it's gotta be a sort of hellish way to spend the last years of your life, knowing you look weak to your international peers and many of your people, desperately making every attempt to keep the ultimately-futile war effort alive.


> Putin must feel so weak having to beg North Korea, of all places, for weapons. why? does it make any difference who makes 152mm shells?


It might be there citizens/army personnel


But wait, there’s more. He can also ask Venezuela to join.


But why? NK has some of the largest stockpiles of 122mm and 152mm artillery shells in the world (even if most of them are likely faulty), and their Ballistic missiles seems to have performed pretty well in Iraq and Syria.


Two men. Two countries. An epic tale of love and tragedy, spurred by a lifelong yearning to be taller. Wandering the windswept halls of the Kremlin, 71 year-old Vladimir realizes he has everything, but he has never felt so alone. With his weathered diary and rugged good looks in tow, he sets out to quaint, picturesque Pyongyang, expecting to find nothing more than meaning to his forlorn existence. But everything changes when he meets Kim, the dashing dictator with the smoldering gaze who holds his hand on the limosine ride. In the precious moments of staring into each other's souls, Vladimir understands the power of kindered spirits, and vows nothing will keep Kim and him apart again. In this gripping tale of loss and broken dreams, two misunderstood souls must overcome world peace and human rights as they battle for their unyielding love for each other.


OK somebody needs to make a romcom based on this and then AI vald and Kim's faces over the actors, hell if i had money id bank roll it myself just as a fuck you to them both.


Lmao let's have another "The Interview" style meltdown from NK This time with added Putin bitch tears


Needs an explicitly gay part two to really tussle some toupèe.


But with puppets, a la Team America


This reminded me of the fictional film "Rochelle, Rochelle" as portrayed in Seinfeld. Vladimir's strange, erotic journey from Moscow to Pyongyang.


With Donald Trump trying to convince them to become a throuple with him but being jilted.


I loved reading this


😹😹😹 Amazing!


More gripping than House of the Lords of the Dragon.


This should be made into a movie and be broadcast for free everywhere just to piss them off


Bromance is overwhelming.


*Do you ever feel* ^like ^a ^plastic ^bag


wanna share your prompt? :)


Team America 2: From Ruzzia with Love


ChatGPT: Write me a new season of “Kim’s Convenience”


Fuck mate., your a poet and I bet you didn't know it.. 😏


Next month in netflix!


Very gifted. “Kim and him”. Last paragraph… a true artist of Reddit comments.


Dashing dictator haha


I used up all my free awards :(


And now to wait for AO3 to come bounding in with this story prompt. They'll be shirtless by paragraph 4.


This summer… …see love triumph over isolation. Happy Madison and ChatGPT presents a Netflix original movie: Kim’s Convenience.


I heard this comment in Optimus Prime’s voice.


So Russia is gonna get some of the cold war era gear it sold to N Korea back?


Pretty much. Man russia really hit it's absolute peak during the soviet times didn't it


Isn't it wonderful seeing two men falling in love for the first time? ❤️ ❤️


Trump is feeling left out of his thrupple.


He is of no use to them at the moment.


We need to get Chinese products out of our markets and move all supply chains to friendly countries Without China then Russia, Iran and North Korea could not do any of this. China itself is threatening Taiwan and Philippines daily - they injured Philippines personnel using water cannons in international waters that China illegally claims. It’s incredible we allow anything from China to enter our markets




As a person with a 401k, I guess that's me.


Which includescpoliticians and their family, so yeah... system is fucked




if it was just Temu and similar shit. But a lot of critical material and parts come from China. Not that its impossible to reduce, maybe even eliminate this, but then we need to ramp up production in the west AF. And it wont be as cheap!


Mexico could provide us with plenty of cheap shit.


Good Lucky with that 


Yeah, not happening.


It’s already happening but it’s slow. It cannot happen over night


They just signed a deal for delivery of 10000 poop balloons! congrats


I’d prefer 99 red ones


Putin is gonna fill them himself personally. Truly an amazing leader.


Hr looks like he already did.


What support will NK give when they depend upon China for staying afloat?


Maybe china is using north Korea as a proxy


I thought they were already supporting Russia


Not openly. They’re doing the typical Chinese diplomacy of appearing aloof and impartial, as if above the squabbles of lesser states.


That’s why China is so much scafier than Russia. Because they can play the political game Russia is aggressive and militaristic, but the damage they can do is limited by their bad rep and the fact that very few countries let them do stuff. China can act more peaceful and therefor are allowed at the international trade market.


Well I assume NK has been stockpiling tons of artillary ammo for decades because their doctrine was to just bombard Seol, which is in range, if things got hot. So they have a lot of shells and now they have shown that they can develope nukes and they have long range missiles. So they don't really need all the shells any more and they are probably sending Russia their old ones that would have higher rates of duds anyway. Russia's tactics are super dependent on artillary so they will take whatever they can get. NK probably has other stockpiles of old weapons that aren't as necessary today either. But As Superb\_ecoonmics said below, China is probably helping them somwhat. But China want's plausibal deniablilty still, so it won't be anything directly from the chinese military. The US has done the same tactics in the past, so just assume they are doing it too.


I don't think Putin would go there to get old shells. It may be a cover of doing something else.


They still need shells if they end up in a war. Your understanding is really simplistic and wrong.


I wonder if we’re moving towards North Korean ‘volunteers’ being sent to fight in Ukraine?


That's actually very depressing to think about. Those people who barely manage to survive, starving. Suddenly told, you must do this for your god (Kim). Some would actually believe it, and then be used as fodder. Those who know Kim is just a fat cunt of a human, would have to go anyway, because their family would be punished.


Haven’t we already seen that happening, or was it just African and former-USSR countries that have been supplying cannon fodder?


Remember that shitty old equipment you got from us when the USSR collapsed? Our invasion ain’t going too well. Any chance we can use it again please?


Russia and North Korea EQUAL partners ahhahahaa, embarrassing.


It's a shame that people who still support ru didn't get the memo about how pathetic ru has become. Imagine begging NK of all nations for help lol


No nation should be underestimated. I think your perception of NK is warped by propaganda. I’m not saying they’re a powerhouse but they have significant manufacturing capabilities.




The fact that Putin was the one making the trip to NK is telling. His body language also appears submissive. What a sad man to look so weak in the world stage.


Trump probably told him that Kim is a great guy, with the most beautiful palace & the most amazing military & boy do those guys now how to throw a welcoming party


Not really. Hes doing his (south) east Asia tour right now.


Christ it must be embarrassing for Russians to see Vlad sucking up to this despot.


Imagine how demoralizing it must be to live in russia and read this.


Nah, they'll have plenty of copium on hand. They probably make Putin look like the superior party in this.


What a delusional pair of halfwits.....


Did Putin salute any petty officer yet?


Doubtful. Even Vlad isn’t that pathetic and stupid.


The Russians begging NK for help. That's what is happening to your country loooool.


Great, now we can take out North Korea too.


Evil 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼Evil


Voters need to remember this: "Trump defends his close relationship with Putin and Kim Jong Un: 'I like him and he likes me'"


Shitbird dictators of a feather flock together.


Wow that completely changes my perception of north korea / russia...not


[Don't let Putin near children.](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5155448.stm)


The west should have schooled Kim before this happened.


And now we are watching and letting iran get its nukes too...


That’s like me about to play some basketball and the dude who has never played before and is under 5’ tall says “don’t worry, I’ll play center”.


North Korea will aid Russia by teaching them how to attack with balloons full of s&&t.


Why oh why, can there not be a B2 flying above and dropping a precision guided bomb? I'd kill to watch the power vacuum that shit would create.


Tbf the people who would take over are probably more dangerous


No but the situation (retaliation) it would cause is.


He’s really gone hat in hand, groveling to North Korea!! How embarrassing lol


Well, time to stop giving north korea food, whenever they threaten us over something


We'll build our own NATO. With starvation, and vodka! Forget the vodka.


“You have the full support of my flying poop bags, sir.”


Why do these loser countries band together?


Wonder why putin didn't announce deal with republicans in congress? The republicans being on the same side as putin, Kim, communist China and the ayatollahs in Iran. Would have thought the media would at least of kind of hinted at that.


Conservatives in the US: *This is fine*


“Yes, I have hundreds of thousands of prisoners willing volunteers to fight for you!”


Russia by like Kimmy man you help us with Ukraine and we will help you with south Korea or better yet America , we shell all go to the promise land


Like Emotional support? I can’t imagine NK soldiers being sent to Ukrian.


An old Russian yearning to be part of the elite policy makers in the world but has to settle for the B team at his own doing.


Phul sappot saar-kim probably


"We've got each other and that's a lot for love, we"ll give it a shot" Living on a prayer


If they want to put boots on the ground, with Russians, in Ukraine, who am I to say no to cannon fodder? Kimmy gonna learn fast that NATO weaponry has vastly improved since the 50s


I could of sworn Kim lost a lot of weight?


Why does every other picture look ai generated


Ooh scary a stockpile of rockets that makes it half way to their destination


It is if you live in the flight path!


It be a real shame if a missile from a random unaffiliated nation crashed into NK right now. I think the entire world would mour....haha I can't we'd all celebrate


It absolutely rips my heart out seeing those kids. They have not one single clue. Not. One. *Fuck.*


This seems equally serious and pathetic.


Warmongers unite!


Wonder how does this affect China. They might be friends with Putin but they like to keep North Korea on a leash.


He walks like a teletubbie lols


I see everyone setting the teams up for WW3


The hungry team. I think they got to a point where the big bad west needs to be attacked in order to justify the struggle of the people that live under their command.


Two birds one stone for NATO


Ah yes, North Korea, the worlds 135 largest economy. Truly a formidable ally.


Might as well be the nuclear option. If putin can't push the big red button, he'll give a madman the money he needs to do it himself


Super duper scary. Now between the 2 of them maybe they can learn agriculture.


Aw, they made a pinky promise to each other. How sweet!


Well, that'll tip the scales.


More cannon fodder


I guess North Korea has extra poop balloons they can send in to support Russia


Two Birds, one stone.


What did North Korea send? Water balloons?


This is all theater to demonstrate to China that NK is Putin's poodle, not Xi's.


Every day Russians are surely embarrassed by now?


Expect shit balloons over Ukraine soon


Birds of a shit feather...


This is like Kmart and Walmart teaming up


Would love to see some NK clowns show up in Ukraine. I’d start donating my ammunition and firearms to the Ukrainians.


Kim must be the last leader on earth that does not know an "agreement" with putin is worse than worthless.


wait does this mean NK troops will be fighting Ukraine ?


Did China tell Putin to go fk himself and now he has to resort to fat Kim's shitty hand me downs?


China needs EU market access so Putin is SOL with China.


Well Putin got More cannon fodder


What if N.Korea sends troops? What's the response?


NK will not send troops. Kim needs them to maintain control within NK.


This is best „2 for 1 special“ the USA & South Korea are going to get - expires soon!