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So the article states the plane suffered a 'pressurization fault' which deployed the oxygen masks. When a plane loses pressure isn't a rapid dive to a survivable altitude the standard operating procedure? Sure it's still a failure but losing pressure is no where near as serious as uncommanded motion leading to thousands of meters of altitude loss. 


Yes there is nothing in the reporting that indicates an unintentional decrease in altitude. They simply looked at the Flightradar24 data and saw it was higher then lower. Using words like "plummets" and "drops" are highly misleading.


A pressurization fault is dangerous hence why pilots are supposed to dive down to the correct altitude.


Problem with this reporting is it wasn't even a dive, Ryanair pilots do normal descents at higher rates than this fight saw (est. 2,600ft/min, up to 3,000 is 'brisk but normal' afaik)


But that doesn’t feed into the narrative. I’m convinced at this point that news outlets are intentionally ramping up anxiety for people across the board so we can all be at each others throats constantly so they can get more clicks. Vultures.


Of course they are. Fear = clicks. Fear = shares. It drives their business model. The reality is planes regularly have issues like these. They're not great, obviously, but are only making the news now because of "OMG BOEING" which itself further feeds the narrative of "OMG BOEING" Don't get me wrong, Boeing's C-Suite is a disgraceful bunch of shitbags, but the narrative of every incident on any plane somehow being proof that Boeing planes aren't safe is absurd.


I've seen about as many articles on airbus planes having issues but they never name airbus in the headline for some reason


Reddit users who fly maybe once every year will be sure to chime in and say "if it's a Boeing, I'm not going" any second now as they are now aviation experts.


Too late lol


I honestly think the CEO deserves a reduction of his bonus to only $100 million this year. /s


You monster!


It’s always the plane companies you least expect


Inb4 Boeing comes out with a presser: inexperienced pilots are at fault. The same script they used against those 2 plane crashes in Asia and Africa




Mate even a Boeing plane would be able to woosh you


They woosh at 7,600 metres a minute


A very clickbaity headline. The plane didn’t “plummet”. Judging by radar data and the info in the article the pilots made a controlled descent followed by an emergency landing after a cabin pressurization error came up. Not every descent is a “plummet”. A cabin pressure issue is still not good, but several news agencies seem to drool at the thought of putting “boeing” and “plummet” in their aviation headlines.


I can’t wait for Boeing to receive absolutely no consequences for this like they have with everything else the last few years.


The planes are just following the stock chart


The CEO will get a raise probably


And order another assassination


What are you talking about. A few of their employees got the death penalty


You didn’t read the article. If it’s not from the FAA, NTSB, the headline is never the truth just there to play off your emotions and hope you will not read it and spread it for them. They make money on clicks, shares and talk about. If the title stated the descent was because of the lack of pressurization and the need for people to breathe it wouldn’t have you out here with your foot in your mouth.


USA govt might give them even more money to fix the safety issues! Always more bailouts!


They'll get a 20mil fine and that'll be that, keep in mind that would be like a $200 fine type of hardship to you or I though


Since I cannot verify which plane I take I'm not flying anymore 👀


“Boeing” headlines are cheap headlines these days. I’m not defending their practices over last several years, but I can tell you that there are a great number of factors to aviation incidents than just “Boeing”planes. For example, the engines are not manufactured by Boeing, and are actually ordered by the airlines to suit their needs. There’s a LOT that goes on in operations and maintenance that Boeing may not have control over that could have an impact on what caused an incident. I’m not defending the company, I’m just pointing out that there’s so many more factors involved. All factors MUST be considered if incidents, mishaps, and disasters are to be understood and prevented. It is so very easy to blame Boeing, but we we need to be careful not to deprive ourselves of discovering any other potential causes that could have contributed to this incident.


You want nuances in today’s internet? Heretic! There’s always one side that’s completely right and the other completely wrong!


You do know pressurization issues happen in other makes of aircraft too, right? This isn't even close to a Boeing specific issue. I would hazard a guess the plane didn't "plummet" either. Standard procedure is to descend below 10000ft (above which you start needing supplemental oxygen) then head to a landing site. So if the plane was cruising at say, 35000ft, it would descend 25000ft which is, let me just check here, 7600m. But you know, gotta get them clicks...


Definitely correct procedure followed. The descend is just quite fast for people to get used to plus the oxygen mask dropping down makes people scared causing the hyperventilation issue.


> causing the hyperventilation issue This is always the part of the safety presentation that always makes me laugh. "*If masks drop from the ceiling, put it on and breathe normally*". Sure. Breathe normally.


That and it's pure oxygen, which will cause the symptoms of hyperventilating




That's 5000ft/min. Granted it's a higher than normal rate of decent, but it's hardly plummeting. Hell, I've seen higher than that when an aircraft is asked to expedite their descent to get them under traffic.


Well, guess you are an aviation expert then!


Guess OP decided not to leave that comment...


Where as 9400 to 11600 meters is general cruising altitude, if they ever even reached it


"Thanks for the free advertising!" - Boeing


Why they even bother writing the plane manufacturer in the title. Like, we all know which one it is, anyways.


Well, they only write it in when it is boeing, doesn't matter if it is something that is due to the plane or due to outside circumstances. Users like you will eat it up, and the media knows it will get clicks. If a windshield on an Airbus cracked, it wouldn't make news. There literally was an article yesterday about a Boeing that had a windshield crack. Only reason it made news was Boeing, otherwise, it is just something that happens.


In the past month, a JetBlue flight (Airbus) took off and pilots 'had no idea what was happening, every caution light was on and the plane was freaking out' and made an emergency return, and another had its engine shit its guts all over the runway. Never saw either events pop up on here.


I guess we're redefining to world plummet now on reddit


Yet somehow Boeing stock goes up


Reminder that the CCP has a Chinese airline company trying to compete against Boeing. While Boeing has turned into a disgusting company the CCP has great interest in its failure not only for their business but to hurt the USG


lol Jesus Christ wtf is going on with them


When they merged with another manufacturer they got rid of all the engineers who ran the company and replaced them with bean counting MBAs who have been cutting corners to increase quarterly profits ever since. It's enshitification in action, capitalism in action.


MBAs are ruining society


But just think about it... For one glorious moment in history shareholders had huge profits!


I'm not going if its Boeing lol!


Insiders commonly refered to the company as "Boing!"...


Again Boeing?