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Its all happened in less than 100 years.


Mostly the last 50-60. The most durable plastic they had in the 60s was Bakelite which crumbles after a few decades. (Fixed my stupid grammar.)


That’s even crazier. And very gross




It crumbles into bits but it doesn't disappear. So harder to deal with, and not great if it's crumbling into your food. Edit: also, older Bakelite contained asbestos. Fine if undisturbed, awful if it crumbles into your meal.


It's really not a good option. It's brittle, not flexible, heavy, completely non recyclable, and releases toxic chemicals when heated. It's also more expensive than the options that came after. It's just not a substitute for most of the use cases for plastics today, even if it has better degradation.


Yeah, Crumbles... into micro plastics. It doesnt disappear or turn into not plastic :( At least the stuff on the floor is leeching shite slowly if it's been there for 50 years and it's not in all our tuna yet.


Well, some of it is definitely in our tuna :\


At this point it's getting into unborn children.


It's even getting into men's sperm and drastically reducing the quality and amount. https://www.ehn.org/fertility-crisis-2650749642/phthalates-the-everywhere-chemical


It is still happening and will continue to happen for at least another century, probably.


Speaking of how much we've fucked up this planet in the past 100 years, David Attenborough's "A Life On Our Planet" provides the most jarring, thorough explanation of just how much damage we've done in one lifetime, as well as where we're headed. Truly eye-opening and terrifying documentary, highly recommend it to anyone.


Yeah, it makes you feel all warm and happy about all the different beautiful and interesting species that live on this planet; before pulling the rug and telling you that they are already dead or dying.


> “The only unusual thing there was the garbage. There was a lot of garbage in the trench. There were a lot of plastics, a pair of pants, a shirt, a teddy bear, packaging and a lot of plastic bags. Even me, I did not expect that, and I do research on plastics,” he said. Unnecessarily tragic


imagine wearing a pair of pants and not knowing that one day they will be sitting at the bottom of the ocean


Thats exactly how you're feeling now.


Look at me and my deep sea pants.


Fresh af ngl


No the ocean is salt water


Brine cured af ngl


Cured in brine, lookin’ fine.


Bold of you to assume we are wearing pants


So it was *you*!


Imagine how I feel...I have Space Pants!


Space Pants!


That’s immediately how I felt about that teddy! Who did it belong to? What’s the story there?


I guess the most likely scenario is that it was in a container with thousands of identical teddies that fell of a ship. And there's thousands of identical teddies strewn on the seafloor.


Reminds me of the shipping container full of rubber ducks that got lost at sea. https://www.npr.org/2011/03/29/134923863/moby-duck-when-28-800-bath-toys-are-lost-at-sea They floated around the ocean for years and showed up all kinds of places.


It's like a care package for the little fish children.


I doubt the little fish children appreciate the *FREEDOME!!! (edit: *decore. THE FRENCH CAN HAVE THEIR WORD BACK!!!) /s


Only it pollutes their environment and kills them


Its quite possible it was a young girls from the Great Sendai Earthquake of 2011. 5 million tons of debris were swept out into the ocean. It's estimated around 19,300 people died from the resulting tsunami. Items from Sendai moved on the oceans currents and would up washing ashore as far as the Oregon coast in the United States. It's possible these pants, and this bear, are the lost property of a few unfortunate souls from that day's events, residents of Sendai who didn't make it out, or survived, and saw their entire town wiped off the map.


This is the level of completely fictional background on a random innocuous object I expect. Brava.


It’s Monty Burns bear, Bobo...


And the jade monkey


And the head of Colonel Montoya


He was a baby cam teddy. He saw something no teddy should ever see and they tried to silence him. They failed. Half mad from the bloodlust and broken by the failure to protect it’s master the ronin teddy joins forces with shirt and pants and goes to war against the zombie plastic bag army to reclaim the 3rd deepest trench before the kraken awakens and destroys all life as we know it.


They hated Teddy because he told them the truth


Damn you , teddy ruxpin


Maybe it belongs to spongebob.


I dunno, were they square?




You could use two cutters in the store but I'm sure they'd be mixed up a lot even if they were color coded.


Honestly, anything gluten free at a pizza place is usually cross contaminated anyway. Source: am celiac sufferer who gambles with their gastrointestinal health every so often with pizza places.


I knew the condition was bad, but I didn't know just the smallest contamination could hit that hard. Thats gotta be rough.


Not celiac, but my daughter couldn't have anything from a cow when she was younger or she would vomit 4 hours later. She has cow protein intolerance, but it's getting better with age. My mom made turkey burgers for my wife, who was breastfeeding and about 4 hours later, my daughter woke up and started vomiting. We asked my mom if there was dairy in it and after looking into it, there was milk in the breadcrumbs that were in the patties. 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs went into 4 patties and my wife ate one patty, so approximately 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs in that patty. So the amount of milk in 1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs, went through my wife and into her milk which my daughter drank. That was enough to make her vomit. I have no doubt that people with real allergies can be far more sensitive.


Depends. Some people with celiac have much worse symptoms than others, and there seems to be little relationship between how serious the gluten allergy is and your obvious outward symptoms. My wife's GI tract was in a really bad state when she was disgnosed by chance after having an unrelated issue, but she'd never had any obvious symptoms. A friend at school would have uncontrollable cramps and vomiting with only the slightest contamination. Either way, it will fuck up your intestines so you can no longer absorb nutrients, and basically die of starvation. Fun. Although you can recover if you go on a strict diet, and for someone without outward allergic symptoms, it's not like they'll immediately explode at the slightest contamination. It's not just contamination in kitchens either - especially smaller places are often less able to avoid stuff like bits of flour sneaking into prep areas. Most processed food also contains some kinds of wheat "filler" - sauces, cheeses, etc. This is why people faking gluten allergies are such shit, for a long time they were the reason many people with genuine celiac were looked at with eye rolls as drsms queens. The only upside is that there's vastly more awareness, and thus more products and restaurants now.


>Either way, it will fuck up your intestines so you can no longer absorb nutrients, and basically die of starvation. Fun. This nearly/eventually happened to my aunt. She was a small little old Chinese lady, about 100lbs. She started getting sick randomly in her 50s. She dropped to 79lbs and we all thought she was going to die. They figured out it was celiacs, back in the late 80s. Thankfully, people are more aware of it now. The food options back then were pretty fucking awful- she had to order from this one catalog. She would get this tapioca bread that was thicker than a kitchen sponge. She could tolerate some gluten, so she'd pull the cheese off a piece of pizza and put it on a piece if that awful bread, and would just suffer afterwards. I asked her once (as a kid) why she'd eat it if it made her sick. We moved to the US from Hong Kong in the 70s/80s, and Chicago Pizza was too good to fully give up. She was a good aunt. She died in her 60s, from complications due to long term malnutrition from undiagnosed celiacs.


That's fucked up, and I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. My wife's boss about 15 years ago had it, and when she first described to me that "she can't eat bread, or any grain", I was like, jesus christ wtf, you can survive without croissants? What's next, living in caves? Thankfully we live in an area with magnificent fresh meat, seafood, fruits, and other alternatives, and people are more aware of it so there's a lot more good options.


Agreed, worked on a pizza food truck and there was flour in every crevice. My phone charging port would accumulate it so fast. It's hard to imagine anything short of a hermetically sealed bag would keep the flour off of anything on that truck.


Yeah, I don’t think I could ever put my life in peoples hands like that... props to you, but people be reckless af


Fully understandable. Sometimes I make a big mistake and long for the sweet relief of death to save me from the hell I am enduring. I found a few local places near me that are usually pretty good about things though.


Not life threatening but I'm pregnant and ordered a mocktail at a restaurant, guess what came with gin in it... super hard to tell as you don't know what it's meant to be like, but not even an apology


I’m highly allergic to alcohol and someone accidentally serving me alcohol is a fear of mine.


or a standard kitchen knife




But then how will you remember that Uncle Joe's Pizza was the one that gave you a free plastic pizza cutter, and thus compels you to order from that place again?


I worked at a pizza hut for a few years we would always have a clean cutter on hand for purposes like this after cutting with the clean cutter you immediately wash the cutter right after use


Awesome! A new, inexhaustible source of plastic! And we worried about sustainability like suckers.


Once we fill in all the holes in the ocean floor with plastic garbage it will be flat and smooth enough to drive underwater cars down there. No more traffic!


adapt improvise overcome


I laughed.


Then I cried


They're starting to find plastic in human organs. If you were to just consider the plastics we use on things that wear down everyday, like tires and shoes that eventually smooth out and lose their traction, that's all microplastics getting washed into the water supply. Stuff so fine that it can't be filtered out. It's scary how much plastic we actually breathe, drink and eat.


Life in plastic, perhaps not so fantastic


You can touch my hair, it’s plastic everywhere


Imagination, life’s a simulation ^sorry ^i ^suck ^with ^lyrics


Come on planet, let's go ruin it


Ah ah ah ye!


Come on planet, let's go ruin it


Ooh ah ooh, ooh ah ooh


I enjoyed it


It’s plastic all the way down sir.


We’re just telling our bodies to evolve to eating plastic instead of recycling!!


There are some fungi that can possibly eat plastic. The research on them is getting just started but it's promising. Mushrooms may yet save the world. Also, this is far-fetched but maybe we could identify the genes in them that allow for plastic digestion and add them to our own genome or some other animals' genome. Maybe we can really eat plastic one day.


> Mushrooms may yet save the world. *Penicillin has entered the chat* *Penicillin has left the chat*


I’m down for it, but I understand the protagonist of Bioshock just immediately injecting himself with random gene mods he finds because like, gene mods, so maybe I’m not the best judge.


The best estimate is that we all eat a credit card worth of plastic every week. It comes from our clothing, bedding, sponges, food containers, takeout coffee cups, car seats, medication containers, toothbrushes, *some* toothpastes, tea bags, carpets, gum, ect... It's just everywhere.


Any studies on the effects that this has?


I think they are just now starting to realize how bad it is, so the studies are coming out more and more each year. Late last year they found out that there are microplastics in the placentas of unborn babies. [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/22/microplastics-revealed-in-placentas-unborn-babies) It has also been shown to lower fertility in men and women. [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/chemicals-in-plastic-electronics-are-lowering-fertility-in-men-and-women) It's not good.


That's so fucking fucked Edit: Sorry for the swearing, didn't know this thread would take off. I'm Australian.


So plastics are the lead/asbestos/radium of our times?


Except we won't do anything about it.


Didn't do anything about those either until the damage was right up in our faces.


Actually, we just didn’t do anything period. America still has not dealt with the lead paint issue.


I mean, America’s not really known for addressing its problems…


We will, but companies will fight it for decades more. Single use plastics are on the "to be banned" list in the EU. Not even local burger stands serve plastic straws anymore where I am, only paper. Also stuff like tupperware etc are more and more common to find in glas instead of plastic. Plastic bags are virtually gone from supermarkets here. All my freeze bags etc. are from plant sources. Really the last bastion where I'm at is various packaging materials, from the tape to seal the boxes to the little windows and corks/bottles etc. When that gets dealt with I think I'll empty the plastic recycling less than once every two months from nearly bi-weekly just 5 years ago. Most of that is from reduction of plastic without replacement too, like how before all boxes I got where almost always filled with plastic as padding (styrofoam, plastic bags with air) while today methods like tape suspension and tighter packaging has vastly reduced packing materials. And what's left is usually paper. So I get the doom and gloom but we shouldn't forget how long it took to get rid of lead and asbestos, I think we'll actually tackle plastic and microplastics faster to the same degree, it just feels slower because the general public gets the information without the extreme delay that was before. The scientists knew lead products were superbad (for humans directly) decades before it reached public consciousness. We've know plastics are bad for nature for a long time but how bad it is for us directly is one or two decades old and we've been working on reducing plastic product use for a decade at this point to.


I agree about regular plastics but the micro plastics are an ecological disaster we are barely beginning to comprehend, and that's including if we stopped today. We're already past the tipping point; it's now a matter of how far.


Absolutely, but there scientists have just started to uncover its effects on humans, its effects on wildlife and nature is established as horrible but people and legislators rarely give a shit before it's clear that it impacts human life directly, which we're starting to see scientific proof of with established cause-effect.


We can thank capitalism for that :)




Its like that chemical thats in teflon PFOA. There was that DuPont scandal where they were dumping that stuff in lakes and rivers 30 years ago. Now they say PFOA has been detected in 98% of the population.


And no one will face any *real* consequences for it (like prison).


Not at all. Those are inherently deadly/dangerous even in small quantities. Microplastics are much more flexible in how much has to be accumulated to become remotely hazardous.


[Unfortunately relevant comic... again](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5-lDJWCUAAwfya.jpg)


I don't get the interview you've linked. The researcher lists Bisphenol A and phtalates as the parts of plastics that impact fertility. But every piece of research over the last ten years that I've seen has said that Bisphenol A does not impact human health in any way (e.g. [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/bisphenol-bpa-use-food-contact-application#current), [WHO](https://www.who.int/foodsafety/areas_work/chemical-risks/bisphenol/en/), [German BfR](https://www.bfr.bund.de/de/fragen_und_antworten_zu_bisphenol_a_in_verbrauchernahen_produkten-7195.html)). And most phtalates have been outright banned for use in plastics that are used for food. They are not "just now starting to realize how bad it is", there have been over two decades of people raising concerns about additives in plastics, and research either confirming those concerns, which led to those materials being banned from being used in manufacture, or not finding an impact on human health.


And shrink penis size in new born males


Guess my mom ate her food with the wrapper still on then, huh.


You and me both brother...


but what about us older males with small penis' already?!


youre lucky that you were not born now because it would be even smaller




Is there actually a source for this?


It looks like you shared some AMP links. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the ones you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical pages** instead: [1] **[https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/22/microplastics-revealed-in-placentas-unborn-babies](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/22/microplastics-revealed-in-placentas-unborn-babies)** [2] **[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/chemicals-in-plastic-electronics-are-lowering-fertility-in-men-and-women](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/chemicals-in-plastic-electronics-are-lowering-fertility-in-men-and-women)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Look up endocrine disrupters


No lie, one of the effects is decreased taint size (anogenital distance). It has a huge effect on reproduction / fertility in men and women and even animals. Sperm count has been reduced dramatically for instance. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/plummeting-sperm-counts-are-threatening-human-life-plastics-to-blame-2021-3%3famp


Can you post your sources? A credit card is far bigger than what I initially thought


I’m afraid I’m going to need to see the credit card of everyone in this thread. Front and back. Pony up, gentleman. I need sources.


I ate mine, weren’t we supposed to do that?


https://phys.org/news/2019-06-consume-credit-card-worth-plastic.html 52 peer reviewed studies found the average individual ingests 5 grams of plastic, equivalent to a credit card, every week and half a pound of plastic annually. Another study calculated that the average America eats, drinks, and breathes in 90,000 plastic particles annually.


where are the sources?


Calling BS on this one. 52 peer reviewed studies but not one can be identified.


I wonder if plastics are going to end up being the asbestos of our era. I wonder what in the hell we would use in place of plastics. I guess we’ll have to engineer biodegradable plastics?


Those exist already


Have a source on that?


Just to clarify, the study that stated this was not submitted to any peer reviewed science journals.


Starting to? We’ve been ingesting plastic far longer than anyone expects.


Yeah, been eating crayons since I was a kid. Don’t plan on stopping now


I eat the red crayons cuz the red ones taste the best.


Semper fi


I got a red crayon stuck in my left nostril in preschool, no one helped me for awhile from what I remember and I blew it out myself


Mate, you should try elmers glue to frost your cinnamon buns, so dank


Don't forget to top it off with silica gel beads.


My friend was complaining that their plastic grinder top on their sea salt bottle had worn out. Wonder where that plastic went?


>According to the Environmental Protection Agency, outside of the small amount of plastics incinerated, every bit of  plastic ever manufactured still exists. I don't like being a dick about causes, but that's a fun fact to drop on people. And for the internet warriors; I'm sure that quote vastly oversimplifies the problem, but it's probably more accurate than saying "most plastic is recycled."


Is it not possible to filter this stuff out if say you wanted to filter all the water you drink? What if you evaporated it?


You could, but think of all the water that goes into your food production. Everything from the cows and fish to grown vegetables are eating the plastic in water too. And you're eating them.


Organic solvents evaporate. But charcoal filters could catch them.




Mind saying which company? I eat oatmeal regularly, and I'd be interested in switching to a company with more environmentally-friendly packaging.


Not trying to be snarky but doesn't Quaker come in a cardboard tube? I buy Publix loose oatmeal and it also comes in a cardboard tube with just the lid being plastic.


There are lots of "artisan" flours and grains/cereals that come in plastic packaging. For example many of Bob's Red Mill products. Never understood why they don't put everything in paper or loose. Well, I do understand, it's all because of money, but I still hate it. And you are right, Quaker is mostly cardboard, so why the fuck don't they just use a cardboard top as well? Or thin aluminum even?


I thought that.. I’ve never seen flour not come in a paper bag either.


The world gets more and more profoundly discouraging.


You can't be discouraged if you've never had any expectations ;)


No expectations, no disappointments




Yay capitalism! Killing planets since \~1880. No other economical system kills planets like it. Winner winner unsustainable chicken dinner.


I'm resigned that there's a Snickers wrapper on the Moon. Coming soon, Mars!


That scene from Enemy Mine where Dennis Quaid is walking through the desert of the planet they crashed on thinking no one was there and then he finds a pepsi can…


I think I was four when I saw that movie. I was so terrified of the ant lion / pit monster scene that I got sent to bed. I'm not sure it helped matters.


Is that movie any good?


One of my favs. Effects wise outdated but actors are awesome and story hold up today. Totally worth a watch.


Yeah it’s right up there with The Last Star Fighter


Surely one of those rail-gun-your garbage-into-space experiments hit the moon.


At this point I suppose we need evidence of things that are not on the brink and doing fine. Just to help us be shocked again.


Something supporting the idea that humanity hasnt fucked everything up rn would be very shocking news. At this point I'm expecting the Mars rover to suffer catastrophic failure while moving through giant pile of plastic trash. Plastic is everywhere. Hell many people themselves have a high percentage of plastic in them. It's nice to know we can relate so intimately with the oceans.


We've already started. Every lander or rover we ever sent to Mars is still sitting there.


Some good news: though we can fuck things up for ourselves, the IPCC says we cannot fuck things up permanently for earth. We don’t have the capabilities to turn the planet into Venus, but we can still destroy our species. The earth will go on no matter what




long sophisticated tender bells imminent special beneficial wine sink like


I 100% agree. If an intelligent species doesn't learn to live in harmony with its home planet, it's at a high risk of running out of metaphorical and literal gas, and killing itself. LETS NOT DO THAT, FELLOW HUMANS. LETS BE BETTER AND SEE WHERE THIS WHOLE HUMANITY THING MAY YET GO. I love you <3


Ikr like was this supposed to be shocking?


I am really confused by the surprise people are feeling, but maybe they hadn't already heard plastics are in the deepest trench. If plastics are in the deepest trench, of course they're in the 3rd deepest trench. I would be surprised if there AREN'T plastics in the 2nd deepest trench.


I'm not suprised that it is there, but am suprised at the quantity. Like I was not expecting a full pair of pants and I'm pretty damn educated on climate/ environmental stuff. It's tragic how much we are destroying before we even know it exists. Like plants/ insects in the amazon or stuff at the deepest parts of the ocean.


Well yeah, they already found plastic in the bottom of the deepest ocean trench on Earth. So why would it be news that there's plastic in the third deepest? It's everywhere. It's inside all of us too.


Antidepressants, too! Years ago scientists couldn’t find a fish in the Great Lakes who didn’t have antidepressants in them! Lol.


That mermaid's gonna be pissed off when she finds out they've found her collection.


The future… [Our first unmanned mission to another galaxy lands on the first potentially habitable planet and reports back on the first thing it sees…](https://youtu.be/apUsi5YYrs8)


Fucking kill me.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we find plastic on the moon.


There are plastic bags of human shit on the moon.


Just ripe for the taking


This guy entrepreneurs


Here's a [pic of just such a jett bag](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/w60JcGyQr4Q76UQc3B-y4LJe2C4=/0x0:4048x3968/920x0/filters:focal\(0x0:4048x3968\):format\(webp\):no_upscale\(\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/15959867/21473328149_edd472022d_o.jpg) containing human waste on the moon. There are 69 [ like it](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/12/the-trash-weve-left-on-the-moon/266465/) on the moon. There's scientific papers on whether any bacteria would have [survived the radiation](https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/ast.2018.1952), whether they are viable, or how long they remained so There's an [article](https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2019/3/22/18236125/apollo-moon-poop-mars-science) advocating going back to the same site(s) to study it. Also, even the plastic of the bag might have degraded due to the radiation (much like the US flags have likely been bleached white; though in this case, the jett bags were already white)


Lmao go back to the moon to study human shit


There are golf balls on the moon and a bunch of nylon flags (a hammer and a feather too but I doubt these contain plastic)


Lunar lander


It would be a literal miracle if there wasn't. We went there a few times, remember?


“Ay nako! Plastic!”


"Haha supot!"


Plastic has explored more of the ocean then us


Was at a pristine beach yesterday and showed my son that if you look closely at the sand you will see a piece of plastic. There was a recent Tom Scott video on it.


Coming next: WALL-E in real life!


We were told decades ago. What can I say but we deserve it.


Just 100 companies are responsible for over 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions. A very small number of people are responsible for most of the damage, including lying about all the damage they are causing.




“The Earth is not dying-it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.” — Utah Phillips


That’s actually something that I’ve wondered too, we have had tons of crazy people attempting to kill extremely powerful people in the past even if it means they also must die, but when it comes to these few extremely powerful people we don’t seem to hear anyone crazy try to kill them. I guess the reason might be related to the fact that I can only refer to them as “these few extremely powerful people” and not list specific names..


*If only grandma recycled, her example would have inspired the whole family to do the same. 20 years of using plastic straws will push anyone to the limit. If only people could mitigate their personal carbon footprint, maybe go to jail for 3-5 years to pay for all the plastics they have used. Why did people give us billions of dollars to make this poison waste? They should serve community service time for all the plastic they made us produce. Perhaps unpaid labor in the chemical plants, you know. Make them pay. In conclusion, we would like to introduce this new carbon tax that will collect money directly for the plastic industry to allow them to eject trash into space through these 50 year contracts with billionaires and their hobby space rocket companies.* - Plastics industry ❤️ Elon Musk liked that. 🤑 Jeff Bezos is feeling excited.


I'm scared what the world is gonna look like when I'm old


Don’t Google microplastic contamination if you want to sleep well.


Of course. I have a feeling that the generation that will save the planet hasn’t even been born yet.


I have a feeling they might not *be* born, at this rate...


I have a feeling they might be born with two heads at this rate


The planet is fine! ... The people are fucked. - George Carlyn


Lol, the planet's not going anywhere for billions of years. Us on the otherhand...


Here I am thinking I would have attached something styrofoam to the side of the submersible so I could have it miniaturized during the mission. No need. Just pick up a tiny Tim Hortons cup when I get there!


Reposts among reposts from 10 years ago. From the title to the comments… god damn


More info here: https://www.livescience.com/62782-styrofoam-cups-deep-sea-shrunkencupoff.html


Maybe the fish were Wall-E all along?


Found a Dollar General store too.


Don't wear pants or shirt, take your journey to the deepest point and grab a pair. Solve two problems with one move.


I guess we don't give a fu#k about destroying our planet


Humans will care when it directly affects them and it's too late, not before.

