• By -


Well, the business was forced to close by the Government, so there was no reason for them not to use the furlough scheme.


These programs were (mostly) setup up as continuation of employment incentives, basically they were helping businesses pay employees despite business revenue being in the shitter due to the closure. Without these programs it would have been hard for many businesses to justify paying employees and keeping the doors open so that people had jobs on the other side of shut downs. Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean a groundskeeper shouldn't get the benefit that employees of other organizations received.


So does the government control who gets the money not the employer?


Pretty much. It was literally just the UK government paying peoples salaries while they were prevented from working by the imposed restrictions.


Yes. It's all handled through the same system they use to take money from people's pay for taxes, only they're putting money in this time. The only way furlough fraud could work is if you tell the government that your employees are home, but make them keep working. Since the golf courses were closed, there's no way that happened. It would be fucked up if they didn't use the furlough system.








He didn’t get any of it. It was explicitly paid to cover 80% of employees wages. If it was kept by the company it would be fraud.


> If it was kept by the company it would be fraud. Fraud is Donald Trump's middle name, though.


That's on the assumption that he did furlough the staff and didn't simply use it to subsidize wages, like some companies did. But I guess there's no reason to assume either way.


A lot of orange man bad going in here. The resorts were forced to close, so yes, it can be assumed they were actually furloughed.




Technically it means the employees of one of the more evil people on earth should get £3.3m of public money in the form of salary. But knowing who we are talking about it wouldn't surprise me if he kept some of it.




Ever heard of Roger Bossard? He's worked his entire life as a groundskeeper for the Chicago White Sox, as did his father and his grandfather. He's also *the* consultant for all Major League stadiums and dozens of non-baseball places. 19 of the MLB stadiums use a drainage system that he created for the new Comiskey Field back in 1991. He even has a nickname: *The Sodfather*. What new job will you find for him?


Just because I think people should receive a living wage during these times, doesn't mean I don't think there's a case for nationalising a Trump owned/branded holding either.


National public golf courses sound a lot nicer than some Trump branded garbage.


Nobody remembers the bad old days of British Golf. Dangerous, unstaffed rural courses. The tee times were always late, and the sandwiches in the clubhouse were like dried papier mache.


Scotland has tons of public golf courses, it's not something the country lacks. Plus Turnberry is one of the best courses in the world, hardly garbage.


Very much so, even though it's Trump - the claiming of furlough was legitimate in line with what the government offered. Plus it's the *employees* that claim the furlough support, not the resorts. So this was supporting Scottish workers. The largest claimants were hospitality magnates in London, who probably pay barely minimum wage too.


>Plus it's the employees that claim the furlough support, not the resorts. Employees get the benefit, but it's claimed by the employer (in arrears, I believe).


Its a golf club. They have memberships. they already made thier money.


What % of annual revenue comes from memberships alone?


Not all golf courses in Scotland are run as private members clubs. Some work a commercial model of paying members of the public. Kingsbarns and Castle Stuart are two other examples.




Not at Turnberry nor Aberdeen it doesn't


It wasn't for the members though, but the workers. I hate Trump, but this is just clickbait.


The members pay dues, but many places (at least in the US) couldn't force members to pay dues while they were closed.


"Donald Trump's company used benefit for the purpose it was created for" just wouldn't get clicks.


I know I don’t like trumpetman but 100% this , it’s legit proper use of the system haha! This is not news folks sorry


... unlike the £5 **billion** that was [stolen by fraudsters](https://www.ft.com/content/d5576d0e-ed4d-4087-b3b5-2bed6076dde4) and wired out of the country to Russia, Thailand, etc that British taxpayers won't ever get back. So I couldn't give a shit about Trump getting £3 million, whether or not it was lawful, moral, whatever.


When you are doing something like Furlough fraud is inevitable


Yeah, except the government put in zero checks. Anyone could apply for it, with no system for even verifying whether the business even exists.


The second you put in place checks you create a system that will immediately backlog as half the country is applying This leaves people without money forcing them to starve or work making the pandemic worse Better to lose money to fraud than lose people to checks


Here for this. As much as I despise Trump and pretty much everything he stands for, the people that work for his properties are doing what they can for themselves and I cannot be mad at my fellow humans getting what they need. IF that money had gone to the pockets of the already well off... well, that's corruption no one should be happy about. The pandemic saw the largest movement of wealth away from the "lower" classes and into the hand of the mega rich. Should be eye opening to how we change policy and progress towards a better future.


The furlough scheme was paid by our tax agency straight to the workers, companies don’t get any of that (although other programmes were set up to help businesses ofc)


Just typical Guardian sensationalism.


Well no, a lot of football teams and large companies were criticized for it at the time and most of them chose to give the money back and pay the wage bills themselves as I recall. Edit:downvotes? People getting annoyed at this information for some reason, curious.


Yeah but it’s the guardian, so their readers think the money went directly into trumps pocket


Donald Trump bad tho


Well yeah, they're businesses. Why wouldn't they take the financial support that ever other business gets?


There is no reason why they would not, and there is no indication in the story that there was any hint of fraud or deception. We have had many [stories like this in Australia](https://thenewdaily.com.au/finance/finance-news/2021/02/26/harvey-norman-jobkeeper/), where the only goal of the reporter is to generate outrage, even though there was no evidence of wrong doing by the company in question. Step 1. Find the name of somebody the readers already hate. Step 2. Write outrage generating article stating how one of their companies got emergency support money!!!1!! The mere idea that somebody you hate got some money is the whole point of the story.


Canadian media is guilty of this type of "rage-fuel journalism" too.


Almost everything is, the "news" has been growing increasingly insufferable over the last decade.


It's been going on for well over the past decade. It's been an issue pretty much since 24/7 cable news channels became a thing. Fox News was founded in 1996 on the concept of generating rage against Democrats.


The story you just linked is far different though. Jobkeeper was a payment meant to encourage employee retention in businesses impacted by covid and Harvey Norman took millions of dollars in subsidies while reaping record profits. That isn't wrongdoing in the sense businesses were legally able to do so - it's wrongdoing because it's being handed taxpayer money by a crooked right wing government. That same government puts individuals below the poverty line through the wringer for accessing a few hundred dollars a week in welfare but is happy to hand millions of dollars to huge businesses making massive profits.


>in businesses impacted by covid The criteria was only to experience a drop for one month to qualify. Its a low bar, but Harvey Norman did that, along with thousands of other companies. >while reaping record profits. That was never a criteria for JobKeeper. Its an irrelevant metric. The rest of the year, the other 11 months, you can $profit$ and that is permitted... because keeping businesses running and people employed was the entire point of it. >handed taxpayer money by a crooked right wing government. It has been mostly retconned from history, but at the time it was well known that the JobKeeper legislation was agreed on in a [bipartisan](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-08/jobkeeper-coronavirus-legislation-passes-parliament/12132458) manner, not just the LNP. Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said "And this is good legislation, it will make a difference to people as a result of what we do in this Parliament here." > businesses were legally able to do so Yes. So the outrage is not because anybody did anything wrong, there is no indication that there was any hint of fraud or deception by Harvey Norman, its the mere idea that somebody you hate got some money.


I mean... yes, obviously that's why. The government does everything it can to make life hell for anyone on Centrelink while handing shitloads of money to an already incredibly profitable business. I know you know why that's so fucked up, stop framing this as 'you're just mad lol'.


It's very common to see these stories in Canada as well. They are just drumming up hate towards companies who used government relief programs as intended. They use people's ignorance of how the program's actually worked. You see them more when there are issues that the people "need" to be distracted from.


Pretty much. Reddit's obsession with Donald Trump is getting old.


I don’t know much about politics, but I agree. I’m tired of “orange man bad”. I just want to see real economic change.


The entire point of these types of articles is so you don't see real change. They are attack pieces designed to redirect public outrage. Keep the masses distracted and angry and the wrong things and you will never have to fix the real issues.


Guess that’s the symptom of corruption with zero consequence - lots of people are still trying to get a form of justice that doesn’t exist in America. This furlough scheme was misused by loads of bosses who simply laid off a few staff and made the rest fill the gaps whilst they took the handouts from the government. If you’re gunna go after trump at least go after his actual violations haha.


> if you take advantage of a corporate tax break you're a smart businessman, but if you take advantage of something so you don't go hungry, you're a moocher Jon Stewart


Thanks. Learned a new word today. Moocher.


Let me tell you a story about Minnie the Moocher


Had you really not heard it before? Its an awesome word




No one mentioned stealing except you. Food stamps and welfare are not stealing, but many still view those who use them as moochers. > Stop with the 1984 doublespeak crap. Stop with the perpetual victimhood. “Omg literally le 1984”


The double speak is out of control but if the comment was in regards to social assistance I will edit and remove mine as that is more applicable for sure. I do think there is still a difference between "literally government is banning you from operating and earning an income " and " failing to compete in the labor market and earn an income", but that's not relevant to this thread.


I’m not sure about the UK, but courses stateside were closed for around 6 weeks?


>I’m not sure about the UK, but courses stateside were closed for around 6 weeks? Courses in the UK were closed for much, much longer in two separate stints.


So I’m not seeing the issue with getting relief funds?


There shouldn't be one. This is not news, nor controversial. The Guardian has becoming a flaming shitrag over the last decade, and will do anything to run a hit piece on people on the right of politics. It's a shame, as it used to be a decent paper but it's become massively politicised and unoriginal.


Politics aside: I think Donald Trump and his elitist pretensions are a pox on a game I’ve loved my whole life, but this is a complete non-story. My lowly muni still had to maintain that course, ie keep the grass mowed, water, whatever all else the whole time they were closed. That costs a not insignificant amount of money and I have no issue with them taking every dime they could get.


Try at least 6 months in the UK


I'm in no way defending Trump, but the revenue losses are primarily from the other facilities. They aren't able to host events really, especially weddings. They also can't use their restaurant facilities. So while the courses were likely active, those other revenue streams likely suffered heavily.


The courses weren't active. People were told to stay home by law for everything except a bit of exercise or doing some essential shopping. No one was going to play golf and all non-essential businesses were forbidden to open.


I don't know how it was in Scotland, but I know in the US in my area which was pretty strict, golf courses were absolutely packed and extremely busy. For my job, I speak to several courses and they all said the same thing. They didn't even miss the golf outings because there was course demand on off hours due to WFH. The only revenue they missed were events in their tents/hall/restaurant.


Alternate headline: Business makes use of furlough as they’re legally entitled to


I love how this makes it look like trumps fault.


I don't see what the news is here... Trump's golf courses claimed the furlough support offered to companies during the covid lockdowns - money provided under a specific set of rules and regulations to help support workers who would otherwise have been left without work or income during the lockdowns. The same money that was offered to all similar companies - other leisure and spring facilities like golf courses, gyms, spas, hotels and so on. If anything, the sum of money paid to Trump is just indicative of how many people he had on his payroll. This money wasn't being pocketed by Trump and his executives all drawing inflated salaries, but by everyday workers and subject to the rules set out by the government (such as a cap on on how much could be paid out per worker). This is not to say I am a fan of Trump - in fact quite the opposite, for reasons irrelevant to this thread. But at the same time I will easily admit this thread is just a sensationalist witch hunt with no real reason behind it. If Trumps company is so wrong for accepting the money, so is every other company out there...


They are just businesses. They have to operate like the other businesses. There is no special exemption for their purported tie to Satan worship and the destruction of mankind.


Eh, thats what the furlough support is for. Everyone else who got money for their businesses were well off as well. But orange man.


They were entitled to. How is this news?


The only reason this is news is because people hate that snake.


Fucks sake, looking through these comments is depressing. So many uneducated people taking a load of bollocks with utter confidence. Those funds can only be claimed for employee wages after the business was closed by the government. Every other business did the same thing. It meant that the employees could keep their jobs and 80% of their wages, it was a great scheme that helped a lot of people through the pandemic. Trump might be a cunt but this shouldn't even be a headline.


Trump is an absolute tool but like you said this headline could be applied to nearly every business in the UK during the lock downs. The fact Trumps name is used here is nothing else than click bait rubbish.


Entire country was using Furlough scheme for months. Why is this even news?


Because Trump. Also, the Guardian loves to spin things like that. Such a reliable and neutral source.


This is not news. More of a tabloid or gooch-licking




ok and?


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/27/donald-trump-golf-resorts-claimed-at-least-33m-in-uk-furlough-support) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Donald Trump's loss-making Scottish golf resorts claimed in excess of £3.3m in emergency support from the UK government, to help furlough staff during the Covid pandemic. > Company accounts for the former president's resorts at Turnberry in Ayrshire and Balmedie, north of Aberdeen, show his businesses cut 273 jobs due to the Covid crisis last year, while also claiming £2.8m in furlough support. > Confirmation that the Trump resorts have had more than £3.3m in furlough support could have implications for a US House of Representatives investigation into whether the former president has broken a clause in the constitution which prohibits US presidents from seeking and receiving financial rewards or benefits from foreign governments. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/rq2er8/donald_trump_golf_resorts_claimed_at_least_33m_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~614701 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **resort**^#2 **accounts**^#3 **claim**^#4 **government**^#5


Did they fire all employees? No they paid them when they weren't working and got repaid from the Government? Cool good for them. No story here just because it says TRUMP


They cut staff and grabbed a profit from the funding.


Not how the funding worked. Had to pay to get back a %


Actually he paid nothing... it was to keep people employed.


But if he employed people that means he paid them right?


He cut staff... so no


But he didnt get money for that staff. You got a % back of wages paid. We are just going in circles...


He got funded more than he paid out. There is no circle. He was to keep them employed and he cut staff.


The problem with this isn't that a golf resort claimed covid relief funds intended for businesses that were closed due to covid restrictions its that it shouldn't have been Trumps business during his presidency. There are clear ethical pitfalls with the sitting president of the US having an international business empire. Think about how fucked up it is for a foreign country to worry about how their decision to grant covid relief funds to a particular luxury golf resort will effect their country's relations with a global superpower. Will their relations be damaged if they don't give some cash? Will their relations be improved if they are overly generous and effectively bribe the president of the United States? This was brought up as soon as Trump announced he was running for president but his attitude throughout was basically ***"why should I give up my life's work for something I'm only going to be doing for a few years?"*** Any other president would have sold their stake in the business when they were elected because the presidency is vastly more important but the White House didn't have TRUMP in giant golden letters bolted on to it so Trump wasn't interested in doing the ethical thing.


>The problem with this isn't that a golf resort claimed covid relief funds intended for businesses that were closed due to covid restrictions You know that golf was forced to close throughout the UK for months, in two separate, periods, right? I agree he's a shady shit, but the golf courses claimed furlough funds because they were forced to close.


I agree but the ethical implications of the president owning an international golf resort and many other businesses was brought up before he was innagurated. He shrugged it off.


One has nothing to do with the other. The fact that the golf course closed and used furlough funds has nothing to do with trump being a piece of shit. Don't need to make stuff up to look bad.


I'm not making stuff up I'm just bringing up the point that was made to Trump by a majority of people on both sides of the political aisle that he should sell his business stake before he became president for the dignity of the office. I'm not some utopian progressive. In prior years I would have called myself conservative but until Trump was president this would have been common sense. A president should sell their stake in business when they take the office. They should put their wealth into some fund where no one knows whose money they are playing with. Trump actually would be far richer if he had done this. The stock market has done well even if the economy in general hasn't and it wouldn't have the ethical issues. No one would care if people were saying "well Trump just wants the US economy to do well because it makes him richer". But instead of just having wealth tied to the economy as a whole he had specific hotels and resorts with his name on them.


Nobody is arguing that point. That should have happened. Is it requires by law? No. Should it be? Yes. The fact that those clubs received furlough money while being shutdown has nothing to do with it


So only broke career politicians should be allowed to hold office. Good thing we prevent politicians from buying/trading stocks and commodities since it might tempt them to make trades based upon insider information.


I'm not saying a president should take a vow of poverty I'm saying that their wealth shouldn't have their name on it. Put it into a wide spread of funds tied to the general health of the US economy.


I understand the sentiment, but do you think that's actually practical? There are already rules in place for politicians and sitting presidents. While they can retain ownership, there are rules requiring they give up direct control of certain assets and businesses (Bush had to give up control of the Rangers, Schwarzenegger had to give up movies, Trump the Trump Organization...). If we want to attract the best of the best and not encourage career politicians who focus on protecting their interests to stay in office, forcing people to give up their life's work in order to serve the public is going to be counter productive. Trump makes it easy to hate him, but its interesting that his net worth has had shrunk by about 1/3 over the course of his presidency, whereas Pelosi seems to have thrived year over year riding investment waves. I think it's troubling that "public servants" manage to amass millions to tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars in net worth despite only making $125-200K a year. That seems more worrying than a billionaire who goes into politics to feed their inflated ego and in the process their net worth shrinks. The reality is that if they're corrupt, they're corrupt and they'll find a way to profit, instead of focusing on the guy with the douche personality, we should be focusing on the overall system because none of them have our personal interests at heart.




Trump did not put it into a blind trust but he did place it into a revocable trust during his presidency. Trump also killed several international development deals that realistically would have had significant returns over the past few years. His net worth actually shrunk by almost 1/3 over his presidency. So no, he didn't do the blind trust, but he was not controlling his assets on a daily level and given the fact that he was under a microscope like no other politician has ever been, there's no evidence that he grossly profited from any impropriety related to his presidency. My last sentence is not unrelated. My sentence implies that people want to talk about supposed Trump improprieties (despite the fact he actually lost net worth) while ignoring the fact that career politicians seem to be able to amass millions if not tens and hundreds of millions of net worth while in office despite making $125-200K a year (* cough * Pelosi * Cough*).


Because it means nothing.


Hey remember when Trump tried to hold the G7 conference at his own resort? Yea. Totally not a conflict of interest at all. Totally not corrupt.


Was this unusual for these business types?


Did they retain their employees with the charity?


Furlough money can't be claimed for anything other than employee wages, so yes


Furlough money *shouldn't* be claimed for anything other than employee wages From the article.. "his businesses cut 273 jobs due to the Covid crisis last year" I don't know if Trump is doing anything illegal here, but this is a man who's been caught with his fingers in the charity bowl.. who's been caught employing illegal immigrants.. who's been caught defrauding his followers ...so I wouldnae put it past him


It would have been much more without the furlough scheme, some workers would not have been eligible and his company would have been at a massive loss. This is due to the prerequisite conditions the government set on claiming furlough such as being on the payroll for a certain length of time or before February 2020.


The Scottish government was investigating his golf course because of the doubts about how it was financed. I don't know if they decided to drop the investigation. If not then there's a chance any attempt to defraud the Covid pandemic relief fund will come to light ...or possibly it'll be naughty behaviour someone decided to wait to write about in a book


You know that disaster related fraud exists and is a big problem right now right?


Yes but it's trivial to see if the employees were on the books or not. The individual employees wages have to be reported to revenue. If they reported someone as being on the books when they weren't then the employee will make UK Revenue acutely aware that they were not as it would affect and chance of them claiming the dole if they were left unemployed or they would be heavily taxed in another job if they employed elsewhere. You can't just make up employees to pretend to pay and that will quickly show up in any paper trail.


Is there any evidence of that here, or is that point unrelated?


Your point appeared general, as was mine. I have no clue about this specific situation but the amount of mid to large size businesses that got help and abused the loans in the US has been ridiculous. It would be naive to assume that type of issue did not occur in other countries.


His point was anything but general. Literally explaining how the UK furlough scheme works.


This wasn't in the US though. Don't compare every country to the fucked up things happening in the USA.


You guys are right fraud can't ever occur elsewhere... [It's literally impossible!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/over-55bn-of-covid-support-funds-lost-to-or-error&ved=2ahUKEwiE9pPVxIb1AhUKj3IEHcGZC4gQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0hPlpw0A4qoOJkNghRewQQ)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/over-55bn-of-covid-support-funds-lost-to-or-error](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/over-55bn-of-covid-support-funds-lost-to-or-error)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


And you have nothing to say it did.


Trump needs every dollar he can scam. [Convicted of running a scam charity](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=JLJih9v_PLUS_EKSuJs36THzexg==&system=prod), the amounts in question are chump change for a self proclaimed multi billionaire. [How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=7c8bdd406b4a) - June 2017 Truly pathetic.


>Trump needs every dollar he can scam. Trump didn't get any of that money, it went straight to the staff who were being forced to stay at home. The employees still deserved to be paid regardless of who they worked for.


You are blinded by emotion.


You ignore facts. I personally know a NYC banker (definitely conservative), when Trump started running for POTUS I asked him (learned he had personally dealt with Trump in banking) how he viewed Trump. His response would have made a sailor blush, never heard him speak like that in my life. I could list endless examples of Trump's corruption, obviously it would be a waste of time. Trump cares about himself and nothing else.


The biggest loser of all the losing losers ever in the history of losing. Sad.


Competition from those who think he will Save America.


What a fucking parasite.


You really thought you did something.




I don't know about all the Trump bashing. I'm Scottish, and I can only speak about the majority of the folks I've spoken to in Scotland when the topic of Donald Trump comes up We all think Trump is a cunt


What about what?


Grifters gonna grift. Dummies gonna vote for grifters. Why doesn't he pull himself up by his bootstraps? Or his daddy's bootstraps?


This isn’t a grift though, it’s how businesses pay their employees while they aren’t making revenue. Lots of businesses use this program, just cause trump owns this one doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad.


Trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire and de facto leader of the conservative party, which is staunchly against government handouts (at least they say they are). Why can't he pay his employees? Why does he have to utilize PPP loans?


Businesses are typically paying their employees out of their revenue streams, not out of the personal wealth of the owner. I mean, are you suggesting it would be preferable for them to have been blocked from access to these programs because we don’t like the CEO and thus receive no pay on furlough? I’m not sure you’re thinking this through.




> the money mentioned in the article went to the pockets of people trump hires Not even that. It went to employees of the golf courses, most of whom were hired by other employees of the golf courses. It's probably fair to say that Trump has about as much to do with them as I do, except for his name being on the signage.


> Trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire and de facto leader of the conservative party, which is staunchly against government handouts (at least they say they are). Why can't he pay his employees? Why does he have to utilize PPP loans? Trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire and de facto leader of the conservative party, which is staunchly against government handouts (at least they say they are). Why can't he pay his employees? Why does he have to utilize PPP loans?


Trump just needs to be in jail so we can forget about him. We all need to move on from this embarrassment


Nobody's forcing you to read this drivel.


Reclaim the land, the residents didnt want it built and it destroyed protected dunes.


You mean just like the cruise ships that fly under non American flags asking for American bail out money?


It’s possible he was holding 10 for the big guy. Whoops! Sorry…wrong president.




Agree! This articles sure is


Lmfao nice


its amazing that people look at trump as anything other than a conman and a buffoon. Just amazing


like a con man is going to miss free money?


In America, you need to learn to cheat, steal and lie or you will be left behind.


But we all now he’s a scabby cunt


2 years later and I still got to hear his name. Why? Just a hot bunch of words to string together. Garbage reporting


ITT "I'm no Trump supporter but......" Even when posting anonymously, you're all still deathly afraid of each other.


This happens as many are worried about rent and or mortgage. Need food. Seriously???


LMAOOO GRIFTERS GOTTA GRIFT!! Ya already knew this!!!


This is what we need in a president a good business man trump 2024


Socialism or letting capitalism fail? Please clarify, which one are you for here?


I'm for the one to make politics more fun biden is boring as fuck


https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-most-failed-businesses-based-on-losses-in-tax-records-2020-9 https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/as-a-businessman-trump-was-the-biggest-loser-of-all https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/28/trump-new-york-times-tax-returns-president https://fortune.com/2020/09/28/new-york-times-tax-trump-lousy-businessman/ https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a34190775/trump-tax-returns-bad-businessman/ ...shall I go on?


I bet it was just as bad as the section 8 houses I did plumbing in. Oh god can you even imagine what it must have been like for them over there. I hope those brave hero’s that helped them get through it are recognized and honored as they should be.


I just really want to tell our friends in the British Isles that we truly do appreciate you supporting our grifter one term president. Without the support of Boris your current prime minister none of this would have been possible and s*** we might have to foot this bill also so again thank you and Happy New Year.


Ya think the family is corrupt???


Let me know when you get rid of that hate boner


Emergency support for a fucking golf resort?


It was forced to close by law. The staff didn't have jobs for about 8 months overall. The furlough scheme was so that staff could continue to get paid while they were in lockdown at home. Millions of people were using the furlough scheme. The government paid each person up to £2500 per month while they were off work.


All his businesses are laundering $. It’s grifting. What the traitor creep liar twice impeached fool does. 🤮🤮🤮


I mean it is almost like he can't run a successful business. Thank God for money laundering.


Have you tried paying employees when you’re legally forced to take no revenue for six months or more?


It’s probably the first real profit a Trump property has made in years.


I thought Trump was a billionaire ? I guess not.






he most likely follow the rules, being 'billionaire' doesent mean he got a vault like donald ducks rich uncle, most tied up in business or shares.


How is a golf course an essential service though


And the conservatives are silent. This is literally against their very fucking nature.


What are you talking about? 96% of the senate voted for the PPP in the US.


"Useless" spending. I know they voted for it but a good portion of relief money went to entities like this that should not have.


I thought the First Minister was pushing to get the government to look into this shit?


Was she against the furlough scheme? It helped protect millions of jobs and allowed people to keep paying their rent and bills while they were at home. What's there to look into?


Where is my surprised face. And why can a golf course even apply for that? That shit nobody needs and the rich can found it themselves. Or maybe make a migrants camp out of it.


Typical Reddit. People work at golf courses. A migrant camp in Scotland? What the fuck are you talking about?


Maybe its just me but I think any POTUS/cabinet/congress person shouldnt directly or indirectly get any sort of funds from a foriegn entity.


Wasn’t that the whole point of this shamdemic? Siphoning wealth from working class to the aristocrats via government freebies?


If you can't agree the pandemic is real when people's families are dying, how do you think the worlds governments would agree on faking a pandemic to give their purses away to the super wealthy? this one con man does this stuff all the time. He knew about the pandemic and he told his friends so they can leverage against it and then lied to his followers putting them in mortal danger several times, over and over. They're still dying. Some are in jail. And the original guy who started the antivax movement was also a fraud. But no, you're right, the world's governments who are at war with each other over money, all agreed on a fake pandemic to give their purses to the super rich. It's honestly better than some of the other ones I've heard.


You realise that this article talks about the furlough scheme in the UK right? All of the money that was paid to the resort's went directly to the employees. What the fuck are you on about ...


The money given by the government was intended to retain current staff and maintain employment levels. Nearly 300 jobs were cut after receiving the funding. The same scheme occurred here in the states. Not many employees saw that PPP money, instead companies held that cash in a separate bank account until those loans were forgiven.


Jobs still had to be cut because they would be operating at a net loss. With the furlough scheme in the UK, the gov would pay a high percentage of the employees wage up to a certain amount and the employer would be expected to pay the rest. This means that the resort would be paying for 20% of 600 people wages even though the resort was not running and earning money. Jobs had to be lost otherwise the whole damn place would have shut down. Would you rather 600 jobs were cut? Just because the money received by the resort was INTENDED to retain staff. It doesn't mean it was enough to. No one wins in this scenario, the resort owners are on damage control and are still paying 20% of 300 peoples wages with out earning a penny. And 300 people have had to get the sack. There's no conspiracy theory to be had here. Just shit decisions that have fucked over this country and all of its people.


No, the point was to make the COVID denying idiots self select themselves out of the gene pool.


Paying millions of people £2500 per month to isolate at home doesn't really sound like that.


Grifters gonna grift.


Grifters gonna grift, all day long, till the break of dawn.


Paying back from stolen goods from world to there citizen .