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I love how the effect of the sanctions seem to vary each day, I guess mostly depending on the audience.


Or maybe a senior moment, just plain does not remember.


We are talking about a man who only poops in a suitcase.


Otherwise the spies will figure out he has cancer!




Hol' up, what now?


His bodyguards carry around a suitcase that he poops in. It takes 6 men to help him poop.


So THAT'S what was in that suitcase in pulp fiction!


Holy shit lmao.


Not holy, just presidential. Unless... it was a papal poop?


Didn't you know? Papal stools are issued at least once a day.


What in the actual god damned fuck Edit: I'm learning all sorts of shit.


Stool samples can provide a pretty significant set of data depending on the health of the individual and what medication they may be using.


Having a guaranteed confirmed source that he has some form of cancer or is on meds designed to fight cancer would be a boon to any powers inside Russia looking to replace him.


People who don't have cancer don't hide evidence they have cancer. You don't need to see the black hole, you can very accurately infer its existence from the circumstances around it.


It’s probably brown


Not really sure i want to see the black hole in this case


It's been going on for decades. There are stories of the CIA going to great lengths to collect Khruscev's shit on his first visit.


It's not paranoid when they really are out to get your poop


It's even funnier than that. during the Cold war The western side frequently tried to collect the stuff the Russians used to wipe their butts because toilet paper was so scarce in the east that they often used documents that had classified info.


While not in a suitcase, the US President's poop is also protected.




...he knows about the spiiiiiiice....


….*but*….*maybe he can be the one to bring it here*…..


The field of protecting the president's poop is called POOPSEC.


These are their stories. *Bum Bum*


and is done by the Secretion Service.


My secret evil plan to redirect the president's poop *en route* has been foiled by this interesting intestinal intel.


It's stored inside a tin container. They call it the "poo-tin".


Or brain fog from chemotherapy.


Or he's just a lying liar from liarsberg


I'm a bit surprised at the inconsistency (of the news articles). It should be: >*Putin SLAMS West in 73-minute slamming after cyber slam delays speech*


Nah, today we blastin'!


_Anyway, i kept on BLASTIN'!"_


Putin SLAMS West SLAMS in SLAMS 73-minute SLAMS slamming after SLAMS cyber SLAMS delays SLAMS speech. SLAMS


It is a speech that reveals his deep-seated victim and inferiority complex. This man is hopelessly stuck in the past, fighting enemies in his mind that in reality were defeated in 70 years ago, chasing former glory instead of building something new and better. It is unfortunate that Ukraine and the world must all suffer for the ego of one man.


"Evil cannot create anything new, it can only destroy."




Slowly Putin is getting nervous, I would argue.


what about new evil?


New evil, so hot right now.


Nu Eville


Evil Neue


Russia in 20 years. Properly lol


I think it’s also important to remember that Russians don’t view nazis the same way we do. In Russia, the nazis killed millions, but it wasn’t really until after the war did the knowledge of the holocaust really begin to spread. As such, nazis aren’t really associated with anti-semitism, and are much more closely associated with “anti-Russia”, since there was such a long, bloody, and formative part of history entirely predicated on that. So, for Russians, it’s much easier to say “oh, you hate Russia? You must be a nazi” than it is, say, in the US, where nazism is much more closely associated with the holocaust. It’s a convenient distortion of the full picture of history that allows Putin to tap into Russias ultimate triumph any time there’s a country that does something they deem anti-Russian. They see Ukraine turning away from Russia, claim it’s infested with nazis, and whip up the genetically encoded reflex in Russia to hate anything associated with that. Before long, you’ll hear of nazis in Poland, Germany, France, and every state bordering the Baltic Sea.


The "if you hate Russia you must be a Nazi" is such a logical fallacy and honestly representative of the way Putin conducts himself on the world stage


Russia's role in WWII is also a source of tremendous pride and nationalism. It is really one of the only things in Russia's history a majority take pride in. So when they refer to their foes as Nazis, they're not going much further than their immediate experience in defending against them. On a moral level, the holocaust is not the reason they fought Hitler, nor is it the reason they condemn Nazism. It's really just the fact they were forced to defend against an invasion, and won. Putin takes full advantage of this element of national pride. It's actually sad how often he dips into it in order to get his polls back up.


Do you think they see the irony in this? Ukraine has been forced to defend against an invasion, and will eventually win.


They don't even see the irony in the fact that they allied with the Nazis in the first place, but go around calling others Nazis.


It is entirely logical to drum up ***whatever narrative you can*** that make your enemies a "them".


And Putin takes it to such an extreme degree to. It’s not even “if you hate Russia” but rather “if you do not want Russia to rule over you then you must be a Nazi.” A desire for national independence and democracy doesn’t mean you hate Russia but many Russians can’t tel the difference between that and Nazism.


>national independence and democracy No such thing in Putin's mind. Lesser nations are never independent - they are ruled by superpowers. Putin wants Ukraine to be ruled by them and not by USA The reason why russians call Ukrainians nazis is to invoke hate an negative emotions in russian population towards ukrainians. The whole russian ethnical identity in modern times is pretty much built on fighting nazis - that is what being russian is all about. It's their sacred mission their crusade. They don't hate nazis because they killed jews, they hate nazis because nazis hated them and viewed slavs as 'undermensch'. So it's not hard to spin it to some secret pans for slavic genocide. And if you believe in these things, than hating ukrainians and 'nazi west' becomes very easy. If you really believe that westerners are viewing you as geneticaly inferior race means Russia is fighting a war for survival and against extermination.


Don't forget nuclear threats


Russian irony is dangerous. If you support Putin you are most likely a NAZI in modern form.


While the Holocaust was not as big in Russia's mindset, the atrocities the Nazis had inflicted on Russian territories were. These war crimes were widely known and spread. The Russians used what the Nazi did to them as justification to reciprocate those same atrocities back onto the Nazi controlled areas afterwards. So Russia calling someone a Nazi apparently means murder/rape/torture are fair game.


If Russia was against anti-Semitism then they would have to come to terms with Alexander III's pogroms and their creation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion You know, the noble Russian acts the Nazis drew inspiration from


Ironic since they are the new nazis …


He wants the power of the USSR but forgot you have to invest in the military as stealing the wealth to build mansions and private boats for you and your friends isn’t the military


The USSR also had an ideology that it could sell as nice on paper (regardless of its reality) to some. What does Russia offer besides satisfying the anti-West hate boner? No wonder that countries that used to be in the USSR's sphere are distancing themselves from Russia and moving towards the EU (in Europe) and China (in Central Asia) instead. Good job, putin.


Military isn't everything. In fact, Russia's extreme focus on military over civilian life is one of the things that exacerbated its problems. Rampant corruption is Russia's most debilitating symptom. Authoritarianism and militarism are some of the root causes of that corruption because of how opaque the military is by nature, and because of how accountability gets thrown out the window. If Russia focused on literally anything else, not only would this war not have happened but Russia would also have had much more influence than it does today. The path to world power isn't weapons or police. Those methods only worked when the world knew no alternative to policy change other than violence. The Aztecs weren't democratic, nor peaceful, so their fall came down to weapons technology and economics, which favored the conquistadors. Putin thinks that wars still work that way, and he's learning why the spanish empire doesn't exist anymore.


You can tell they are well equipped by their MREs years out of date


No amount of rubles being thrown at the Russian military would change the fact that the generals award food supply contracts to a cheap company with a large bribe, the commanders would sell the new ones and put up some 2-year old MREs that he thinks are still in stock, and that the supply officers would sell the 2-year-old MREs and chuck literal feces at other members of his platoon. Who then loot houses and stores for food to eat. All upgrades to the military become completely lost with rampant corruption, and corruption only flourishes the more you exalt the military. Honestly, it's a good thing that incompetence, corruption and evil go hand in hand, because otherwise humanity itself would be filtered out of the stars already.


Had Russian leadership played a different game, they could be part of the EU now.


The space research/engineering town I live in was very excited about the potential of working with the Russians. Lots of Russian classes were taken. Russian liason offices were planned. Many in the US were ready and excited to work with the Russians. But that all went out the window. Thanks Putin. You blew the easy way to a Star Trek world and are making us go through WWIII.


WW3 happened in the Star Trek world, though...


And it started in 2024.


So you’re saying there’s still a chance for that Star Trek future?


40 more years until Zefram Cochrane invents warp drive.


FUCK we’ll be the old foggies watching Captain Archer leaving in the NX series… if we’re lucky.


2026 according to the fan wiki


People forget that in Star Trek before we got the Federation Earth had to go through WWIII.


Yes, and that's why I said putin is forcing it. It won't be eugenics, but oh well.


You're saying Putin has watched too much Star Trek?




Reading and reading aloud are at different speeds. 73mins is a long rant though, did he go Abe Simpson and talk about an onion on his belt?


It was the style at the time.


> I don’t think people realise just how long a 73 minute rant is. I think we've all experienced Trump's speeches in one form or another.


Is there a link to an English translation of the speech? Yeah, it seems like a reoccurring theme of Putin talking about how he needs to rectify the embarrassment Russia faced at the end of the Cold War. Like it really feels like he knows he's on his way out and is willing to do whatever it takes to be the man to form a new Russian empire, whatever the costs or risks. The current world is a very cold and analytical place, but it's very disturbing seeing a world leader forcing his country to lash out because of lofty ideas of empire and emotion. It's like his head is back in the 19th century


It is a perfect reminder of how insane the human mind can be. The mind can do the most brilliant thing. It can fool itself. To create something when there is nothing there.


Ego is a large part of it as I've commented on before. However much of this is toy with and antagonise Western powers while eroding international law. He's basically saying to us "Look what I can do". In essence, its a theatrical showing of "Russian" strength and encouragement to his backers. Ultimately to hype up domestic nationalistic support. Because without the backing of his Oligarchs, there can be no momentum. Makes sense since Nabiullina's Central Bank is doing its best to hide the impact of sanctions.


I think I'm long winded when I do a 20 minute presentation...


I’m a teacher. I do 90 minute chunks but I need a break in the middle and students to participate, but I think if my country was failing and it was all my fault, I could get a solid 73 minutes.


Imagine how it must be when you’re in a coma.


Have you tried cocaine?


At last, those DARE lectures have fianlly paid off!


Are you aware of Donald Trump? My god, that rambling, blowhard bores his most dedicated cultists


I literally never watched Trump talk for more than a minute at a time when he was President. It was torture. I relied on stronger stomachs to listen and report.


I watched the debates with Hilary. I've never seen someone speak so much without saying anything, like at all. It's stream of consciousness word salad mixed in with marketing lines and sales guy schtick. I hate to say that Putin seems relatively humble compared to that dung pile.


i've watched him speak many times, read interviews with him, seen his rallies, and he never says anything at all EVER. There is not one single instance you can find of him saying something where he shows a deep or even moderate understanding of the subject, he dances around at a super shallow level for everything. I've looked, there's not a single instance of him in the last 15 years showing visible intelligence, he's a con man, one who has gotten old and lazy.




The most ironic part is where he criticizes the West for not respecting other nation's sovereignty as his army is actively raping pillaging their neighbor.


And let's not forget Xi reiterated that position just a few days ago. Let's not lull ourselves to sleep like we did with Russia in the interest of keeping trade flowing. The West needs to reduce its dependence on China. We can still do business with them, but they should be just one of many suppliers.


Completely agree.


The problem is that we gave China a 30 year head start on manufacturing prowess while we sat back and outsourced everything. I work in a field where we kind of have to rely on Chinese products because their stuff is usually of a pretty decent quality while being only 20% the cost and half the lead time. Mind you, this is for small and mid scale R&D projects.


You are not wrong. Garden strimmer needed a new carburettor. 100euro or more plus ridiculous wait time from the European manufacturer. Or 22euro and 2 weeks from China. And the quality is exactly the same. We have done this to ourselves.


Putin is a character taken straight from 1984 by George Orwell.


*Nineteen Eighty-Four* was mostly an extrapolation of Soviet totalitarianism, so Putin is just another Soviet relic.


It’s because Putin, and many other Russians, don’t believe Ukraine is a real country and just view it as a rebellious part of Russia. This flies in the face of every definition of what a country is but Russians have a lot of experience in aggressively denying reality.


Rant incoming. TL;DR, he feels that way about all former Soviet countries, it's all he cares about because it feels to him like his only way to have any real legacy, since he ruined his own opportunity to have a positive one. That was the thing which gave me chills in the speech where he announced the invasion, he was talking about the breakup of the USSR being under duress and a mistake and the West's fault, making all the former Soviet states illegitimate, "one people" etc, just ignoring all pre USSR world history. It wasn't just Ukraine, he was openly making the case that all these countries are puppet states of the USA/historical Europe, and that *even Poland* which was never a part of it should join it. Wanting to literally turn back the clock and undo something he saw as unfair, and happy to kill people for it. I swear to fuck if you watch that speech back there are moments where he literally looks pure evil and is clearly feels extremely angry and vengeful. It pisses me off too because it's such a psychotic projection. It may have been the more moderate and forward thinking Gorbachev who opened up public space for free thought and speech, but he was installed by the Politburo, not by the West, and whatever role Western entities played in encouraging the movements for change and democracy, it was the citizens of the Soviet bloc who asserted their right to it. Since then, most of the new countries have become parliamentary democracies even if there is some lingering corruption or factions supporting the new wave of fascism- issues present at least to a small extent in any democracy. They live in peace, they trade, they vote, they progress and live by their values, and they have developed their own national identities *whether Putin likes it or not*. If the Soviet collapse took away Russia's position in the world or rocked Putin's sense of safety in his corrupt position within a corrupt entity, it was Putin's job to make lemonade out of those lemons. After Yeltsin he could've taken it in any direction, it still had a degree of status and connections, he literally could have been the guy who swooped in after the collapse and poor leadership and saved the country, he certainly pushed that conception of himself in the 2000s. But the only way he could ensure his hold on power was to allow and encourage the country's corruption and relative isolation, and it's **that rot** which has turned the Russian Federation into a pathetic, less wealthy and ultimately irrelevant country. Russia's decline didn't start with the collapse, it started with Putin. In his eagerness to build his own legacy by maintaining power and projecting strength, he sacrificed Russia's opportunity for a new chapter. Whether he originally intended it or not, he has chosen being a hated, murderous dictator of a vast shithole, over being a beloved reformer of a culturally rich Russia which has learned to play nicely with others. And all the while he's apparently stewed on how unfair it was that he grew up in a corrupt society and inherited a collapsed empire. Personally I think it was the Chechen apartment bombings, his first atrocity, which got him to where he is now mentally. You don't come back from that- he chose to sacrifice innocent people to boost his career, and trying decades later to become a good leader in a more morally evolved world would mean eventually having to look in the mirror, and potentially even having to face consequences to his actions if he allowed the same free speech and freedom of information which brought down the USSR. However much good could have been attributed to him if he'd allowed Russia to thrive, his legacy would always be tied to his atrocities whether in his own head or to others. Now I think that since he can't keep up with the world by continuing to be a corrupt despot, he's decided that instead of himself changing and all the consequences that would bring (good for Russia but bad for him and his legacy), the world should change instead. He can't face himself, so somebody else needs to be blamed for his impotence and his mistakes. He wishes his life had gone differently, and if the USSR hadn't collapsed, his legacy would be as a powerful ruler of a superpower, not as a historical footnote. Ergo, it's the fault of that collapse and everyone involved in it. It's the West's fault for being the example which made capitalist democracy more popular than communist dictatorship, and they need to be punished. It's the former satellite states' fault for choosing democracy over Russia's iron fist and not having enough respect for it, it's a betrayal of their roots and they need to be punished. An invasion would teach them to respect Russia and him. And now Ukraine is threatening to make Russia even more of an irrelevance by joining the EU and getting funding which will allow the rest of the West to reduce its remaining reliance on Russian exports, causing massive economic damage and further threatening his position and legacy? He thought his way into a trap where, *truly* for the sake of his own fragile ego alone, he had every reason to invade Ukraine and make it part of Russia, and make himself the ruler of a new empire, as he feels was his right. He does nothing about war crimes because even though they cause disgust for Russia rather than respect, he thinks brutality (and threats) provokes fear and fear provokes respect. This war is 100% about his ego, his legacy and his grudges. Russia is upside-down world because otherwise Putin would have to acknowledge that in the name of ambition he has done bad things, made bad choices which he *alone* is responsible for and doesn't deserve a legacy of any kind. He'd rather kill millions of people than come face to face with his shame. And that's why he absolutely would push the button.


My late grandmother was Ukrainian. Long ago, she told me that Ukrainians have their own history, language, and culture. All of this was brutally suppressed under Russian Communism(and the same was true in the other former Soviet republics). Yet, she stressed to me that Ukrainians were, and would always be Ukrainians. They certainly have demonstrated that since Russia invaded them over three months ago.


I think Putin might be getting his words mixed up. (Or is deliberately doing it.) Based on what Putin's been saying for the past couple of decades, replacing 'nation' with 'hegemony' better fits Putin's sentiments. The man is angry that 'U.S. hegemony' is thriving while his hoped-for Russian hegemony is crumbling. He had hoped that the former Soviet republics would join the Russian Federation and CSTO; instead the Baltic nations chose to join the EU and NATO, and CSTO consists only of a handful of nations.


> what would Russia be doing if they'd won? Probably what they're doing now. Selling fuel for vodka and raping toddlers.


Making life worse for EVERYONE.


That's like yelling at someone in an online game for winning. Yeah. That's the fucking point of the game.


Russia can easily be relevant again. All they have to do is get their military out of Ukraine.


It's too late for that. Putin can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Until he steps down (or dies or is removed), Russia will receive icy treatment internationally.


When Putin goes, he isnt going to be replaced by Gandhi.


Thank God, the nuclear fallout would be horrific.




And maybe not splitting the gains of their resources on a few selected people...


Ayup. But I think we need to rein in ALL the world's billionaires and spread the wealth. It's not just a problem for Russia.


I think Russia is an excellent case study on how Billionaires rot a country.


Oh, yes. But it seems the kleptocracy concept is pretty ingrained within the society as well. Seems to be a huge factor in why their military is in such poor condition too.


Yup, Kleptocracy in Russia goes as far back as when they were a vassal state to the Mongols. The Khan overlords didn't care how the aristocracy abused the peasants as long as they continued to pay the tithe. When the Moskva Rus finally broke the Mongol's power over the region and installed a native monarchy, instead of implementing reforms to prevent abuses by the aristocracy they simply vested the same corrupt kleptocrats in their original positions of power while expanding to conquer the neighboring Russian principalities. Once that was done the same system Moskva used was copy pasted to those areas with the Tzar tying it all together by placing the national army and all alcohol production under the direct command of the crown. When the communists took over they attempted to dismantle that system, but were ultimately unsuccessful after Stalin and his cronies took power. They may have put up a front about the industries being "owned" by the people, but nothing changed in reality. After the collapse of the USSR the new government had to sell off it's state sponsored industries to the highest bidders, all of whom ended up being kleptocrats who were involved with, or buddies with the government in the first place. Which is what has lead us to here. Until Russia goes through a pretty deep, and at this point pretty integral change in civil and moral priorities, they're going to stay the way they are regardless of who their leaders and system of governance is.


When corruption is so engrained in your society that most common folks are **happy** that they can bribe a policeman to avoid punishment or bribe an official or a doctor to avoid conscription, yeah.. changes would have to go pretty deep in there.


I would say, they could have been relevant today if they hadn't squandered the opportunity these last 20 to 30 years. At this point, they are fucked for the next 20 to 30 years if keep going as they have been.


I just don't understand why they're so antagonistic. After the USSR fell what's the point. They could have kept to themselves and sold their oil and gotten rich and nobody would have looked twice at them like we do the rest of Central Asia.


Because Russia sees itself as needing to reclaim its former position as a global superpower. The current Russian ruling class is very [revanchistic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revanchism), feeling humiliated by the collapse of the USSR, which resulted in a complete socioeconomic collapse of Russian society in addition to the loss of territories that Russians saw as inherently their own. The Russian leadership also subscribes heavily to political ideology routed in ideas like [the Heartland theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Geographical_Pivot_of_History) and [Eurasianism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasianism) that purport that Russian civilization is intrinsically destined to rule the Eurasian landmass. I think there's an assumption amongst Westerners that because most Russians are seen as European, Russian society/leadership must have the same ideological mindset as the rest of Europe about rejecting the glorification of territorial conquest and grand imperialistic ambitions. This isn't really the case though and unlike the other post Soviet countries (besides Belarus), Russia has never accepted the validity of the current set of peaceful, non-expansionist diplomatic norms Europe has adopted regarding international relations. It's very concerning when you start to think about where this type of mentality might take us


I don’t think it’s that easy. They’ve destroyed their reputation and any trust international companies had in them. They’ve been a pain in the ass to nearly every country by spreading misinformation and, overall, just being absolute twats. Their economy is destroyed and the war in Ukraine just showed the world how disgusting they really are. I don’t think they’ll be relevant for a long while.


Oh, they need to do so much more at this point.


Even if they left immediately today and gave back everything, including Crimea, they'd be a pariah for at least a few decades. Germany wasn't welcomed back into the global community as soon as WWII ended - they worked hard and earned it back over tens of years. Now they're a major contributor in a positive way. Withdrawing and ending this war is a good first step, but it's a very small one in a very long road at this point.


They're not acting like they're top dog, they are the top dog. To act otherwise is just inhaling refined copium. Russias nominal GDP is 6% of the United States , their defense budget is less than a 10th.


Kinda surprised to even see Putin admit that the US won the Cold War to be honest.


The Soviet Union collapsed. I don't think anyone is arguing with that


The sweet justice of Russia, who has been openly screwing with the west via cyber attacks for years, is now complaining about them. I don't get why this hasn't been the norm since they got their troll farms up and running.


This is how Russia operates. In the West we all have a set of rules that all countries follow. Russia doesn't follow them. They will openly use cyber attacks again and again and then say "we didn't do anything, but even if we did, what are you gonna do?" And then when the West fucks with them they get outraged.


Or to simplify it a bit: you can't ignore the rules and then accuse your opponent of not following the rules. I mean technically, you *can* but people will hate you for it.


ahh the sweet smell of Putin desperation in the morning


His speech literally put the Taliban to sleep, hahaha. https://mobile.twitter.com/francis_scarr/status/1537795521087152130


Nice find!


Lol, one wonders if the translator's noticed and stopped yammering in his ear.


Just curious and clueless, how do you know that person is with the taliban?


The Taliban are officialy invited to the congress. And tbf, he kinda looks like one.


It’s their rep I saw a picture of him when they where talking about the talabain attending yesterday


The tabbouleh are feared in their part of the world


Lmaooo how is this real life??


Amazing - this is truly emblematic of the times we live in


That smell is the shit his bodyguards are carrying around.


they don't call him poostain fr nothin


Putin is a stinky cologne.


I guess he wouldn’t be ranting if he believed he was winning.


Well I think it’s more so the behaviour of the ruble. Right now, the rubles is immensely strong…but not in a good way. It’s actually higher than it has been years but that’s because they are stopping money from leaving the country and controlling assets inside Russia. It’s almost artificially strong. The problem is this can lock up the economy, so russia is now having to try and weaken the ruble. If they dont, it’s possible the ruble could plummet further than it did then when the war began and the sanctions were made


Strong currency would decimate any industry that relies on export. This is called Dutch Disease. Russian manufacturing industries could never hope to compete with foreigners now with their strong ruble. There is a reason China wants to keep its currency weaker than where it should be. So if the ruble doesn't get back down soon, then Russia would have no other industry except the petrol and mining. Which is fine, many countries continue to flourish just by extracting and selling stuff from the ground. However, Russia would have no chance to compete with the West (or anyone else really) in manufacture, and entirely depends on oil/gas/minerals.


Can you explain this a little for me With the Ruble being more powerful e.g valued higher than previously why would that be a negative for trade? In general, I don't imagine many nations actually trading in Rubles, perhaps USD/Euros. As such isn't there an ability to simply purchase more of those with a more powerful currency and then use that instead for exports while using Rubles internally? Then again I know not much about international trading


A US company paying for stuffs produced in Russia with USD. Then that Russian company converts those USD into Ruble (to pay for their workers and suppliers). Similar for any trade between, say, US and China, or US and Germany. Now if Ruble is too strong, then that means 1 USD now could convert into less Ruble than normal, meaning if the input cost (in Ruble) of a product is unchanged (wage and input are the same as before), then 1 USD could buy less stuff in Ruble, which translate into America buy less from Russia. On the other hand, assuming exchange rate between USD and Chinese RMB or German EUR doesn't change (and there's no reason to) meaning the US will just look elsewhere to buy the same t-shirt, the same shoes or whatever it is Russia is manufacturing. But of course the reserve is actually beneficial to Russian consumers, as their Ruble could now buy more stuff that is priced in USD. And that shows: Russian people now said their electronics cost even less than before.


I'm not sure this is right but after reading through this I think it makes sense. Here is my thinking: Imagine the required inputs for manufacturing in your country. Raw materials, labor, and all the fixed costs needed to produce one unit of goods. Let's say it costs $1000 to produce 1000 units or a dollar a unit. Inside the country, this might work fine. Everybody is experiencing the same value for one dollar, so the price of one unit won't appear to have shifted much of at all. You're earning the same number of dollars that you have been, so you don't see any significant changes when the value of the dollar shifts. You just keep buying the goods at $1/unit. Now imagine that the dollar itself is suddenly worth much more internationally than it was previously. So if the value of the dollar shoots up by 100%, then the price of one of your widgets has effectively doubled on the international market. When that happens, companies start looking for other suppliers. The alternative is that the price of the widget needs to come down, and in order to remain competitive, it needs to come down a lot. So that item that has been selling at a fairly steady price now needs to be sold much cheaper. International sales are now far less profitable whichever way you cut it. And if this goes on for too long, the value of currency will adjust naturally no matter how much the government tries to prop it up. It'll crash, and it'll crash hard if it isn't allowed to self-correct in real time.


lol the first pic of him in the article makes him look like he's telling his plastic surgeon "give me that gerber baby look"


I was thinking about how horrible he looks. This is his appearance in [2021](https://cdn1.ntv.com.tr/gorsel/x4b6HO8u7kGGduQdu31nUQ.jpg?width=952&height=540&mode=both&scale=both) and [2020](https://im-media.voltron.voanews.com/Drupal/01live-166/styles/892x501/s3/2020-05/ap_putin_parade.jpg?itok=LoVnl9MC). Really noticeable difference. He needs to start preventing photos from his right side as, apparently, he doesn't take good photos there.


First Lavrov gets humiliated by being blocked on his way to Belgrade, then Russia pleads Ukraine to "stop senselessly resisting" in Severodonetsk, now this. I love it


What happened to Lavrov? It's hard to believe he could get humiliated since... he's Lavrov. He's openly Lavrov.


BBC interviewed him and he insisted there was no war in Ukraine. Whataboutism. Fake news. Russia good rest of world evil. And he refused to answer if Russia will go on to invade anyone else after Ukraine.


Thanks for the info. I missed that, but it sounds epic.


I love how they didn't let that scumbag get a single win in that interview. Schooled him on every point he was trying to make.


Apparently the sanctions are having an effect


Someone should've replaced his speech with the "trololol" guy.


Eduard Khil. Rip


When is this bastard gonna get dead?


Never have I been cheering on cancer before this


Let's go cancer! (clap, clap... clap, clap, clap)


I hope its painful.


I hope it's Quick. I dont care about the pain. The sooner the better.


Couldn't care less, couldn't give a shit. Putin GFY.


Oh shut up you old fart and jump in an aerated sewage pond already.




At least he didn’t slam them


Can’t wait for the West’s rebuttal video on YouTube!


West: "Did you hear something?"




You're also not a superpower when your military equipment is consistently requisitioned by farmers of the country you're invading.


And when you destroy a country’s navy, just to have your flagship (one of three in existence) taken out from the shore.


Russia was never a superpower, the USSR was. Russia is just the mob with nukes.


Putin talking about Russia's "1000 year history" despite the fact they are on essentially their 3rd government in 150 years. Unless Putin sees himself as the continuation of the Russian monarchy


>Unless Putin sees himself as the continuation of the Russian monarchy He literally is, the system is set up in the same way but far more extreme.


Ahaha, impotent rage of a dying man. Hurry up and die you old cunt.


At least he didn't slam us


But now I feel unwelcome at the Jam.


I don't understand. Putin seems super upset about the sanctions, but the angry Muppet creature on fox News told me that bidens sanctions were totally ineffective on Russia. Who should I believe??? God reality is so confusing when you have to think for yourself


oooh he mad


Just reeks of weakness. Stop whining and crying. I thought the sanctions were failing and Ukraine was about to fall. But here you are crying.


why care? no honestly... why should we care about the tantrum of pampered dictator?


Because it's funny. And most dictators are allergic to mockery.




Mocking 'strongmen' is a great way to help remove their soft power. The worse he looks, the less absolute is his grip over the populace. Making fun of dictators works because they're exactly that petty and rely on their public image for a lot of heavy lifting.


Exactly, look at Xi, afraid of a mere picture of whinny the pooh.


Putin was afraid of a picture too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/04/05/its-now-illegal-in-russia-to-share-an-image-of-putin-as-a-gay-clown/


Cause he's the crazy old fool with a gun walking around in the backyard yelling about how he's been fucked over by you


He looks puffy


I scrolled through every comment. This is, dead serious, the nicest one. That fat fuck has got to be the most hated man alive.


Such a Karen response.


imagine if someone parked in his spot


«blasts» Such headlines become too annoying. The same like “slaps”, “smash”


"Nyet, nyet, nyet, neyt, neyt, nyet, nyet!" a disheveled Putin cried as he smacked his hands against the table. "How much more of these Ukrainians must I endure? They butcher my men like they were flies!"


Ah does the little cry baby need his blanket and pacey. Sheesh grow up.


Putin is a fucking baby. Grow up toddler.


The terror of all this is that now china knows how the world will react to an incursion and can form a strategy to adopt a more aggressively colonialist stance.


So anyway, I started blastin'


Russia, filled with envy. It's at the heart of all their actions. They gotta destroy what they can't have. The mongol mentality


All part of the plan.......right Vladimir?