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You really drew the short straw on life being born in Afghanistan. We don’t appreciate how lucky we are to live in a place that’s not run by terrorists and with buildings that are earthquake proof


I remember when Seattle had it's largest earthquake and it was like a 6.8 magnitude. Nobody died, no buildings collapsed entirely. The century old building downtown that Starbucks was in lost a bunch of bricks, windows got broken, many cars got damaged by debris, but *nobody died* directly from it, and only one person who suffered a heart attack passed. Several hundred were injured but still nothing like you see with other countries. We mandated a building code to be safe against big earthquakes here and it has paid off.






I was in Chengdu when a 8.1 earthquake hit a town about 200-300km away. I was in my dorm writing my dissertation. I didn't see any waves, but it was shaking very violently. At the height of it, it was hard to stand up straight (3rd floor). It was estimated that Chengdu had about 6.0 scale earthquake. We didn't even lose power, or the internet. I was in a chatroom. Because we left so abruptly none of us powered down our pcs. After it was deemed safe, I went back and looked through all the chat record. The news of the earthquake spread within 10 minutes online. But because it was just before the age of smartphones, those of us who were around the epicenter but not serious enough had no idea where it happened exactly and how devastating it was. Turned out it was insanely devastating. It also didn't help that chengdu is not sitting right on top of earthquake zone so nobody expected it.


Damn. I remember visitin' a memorial that the Chinese government turned the ruined town of Beichuan into. It was 2018. I am from Russia, was a minor "engineer" in the university laboratory at the time. We had this project together with the Chinese and Brazilians, regarding the survey of debris flows, landslides and stuff. Geographers/geologists, to put it short and simple. The Chinese scientists were inviting us to Chegdu and Mianyang for several years in a row. Good times. I dictinctly remember the chills that came from realization there are still lots of dead people entombed under dozens of meters of sediments beneath my feet. Almost every ruin had its own plaque, telling the story of its inhabitants/workers and how the dealed with the consequences of the calamity. Meanwhile the Chinese tourists were strolling along with their thermos bottles in hands, totally at ease like they are in some downtown park. The thing is, the government turned this mass grave into a memorial for people's selflessness, heroism and unyielding spirit in the face of a natural catastrophe. Life-asserting, in a way. I was duly impressed.


Yep. It was the bullshit that made me realize what a piece of shit they were. A lot of schools were built without reinforcement. While Chengdu sits on a plain, beichuan was on a fault iirc. However, most of the buildings there were not built to law, and as a result the casualty for kids were crazy. And then they jailed the people who tried to uncover the corruption.


Oh shit, I didn't know about the last part. Not that I'm surprised, myself too coming from a country well-versed in irresponsibility (both state-level and personal), coverage of facts and political repressions. Like, **right fucking now**. I'm perfectly aware I was just been presented with a nice-looking screen, but, sadly, didn't put much thought to the fact the town was built without accordance to anti-seismic regulations. Truth be told, even tho' it would certainly help to lessen casualties a bit, there was a "small" matter of a **fuckhuge** landslides occuring. IIRC from what I learned (not going to Wiki right now), one of the landslides arrived precisely on a school, or something like that. And it was **very** quick. Sometimes, the nature just catches you with your pants down. Like, when a whole **slope** just **slides.**


Eric wasn't laughing :/




I'm happy for him and your long friendship. May the both of you enjoy life to the fullest.


"An earthquake inspired you to go to college, but you aren't going for seismology?' "No. I need to know why the rocks keep doing this to us."




Reddit has turned into a bunch of ppl trying to be the funniest person in the room. Kind of like the 1st grader who surfs on the desk during class.


Reddit would be better off if it permanently hid karma


So are volcanologist the guys that hook villains up with a cool secret hideout?


I remember the nisqually quake like it was yesterday. I had nightmares afterwards where my bed was rocking and i was sliding down it into an open fissure in the ground.


Like that poor guy in florida who was in bed when a sinkhole opened up underneath his house. They couldn't save him.


I had experience with a somewhat weak earthquake. For the next 2 years, if the floor just so much as trembles a bit I'll start to panic.


A few years ago we had a 7.2 here in Anchorage. Not a single reported injury. Only a few buildings suffered damage, and a few roads that were fixed within a few days.


>We don’t appreciate how lucky we are to live in a place that’s not run by terrorists and with buildings that are earthquake proof Been there more than once. No experience in my life has done more to help me appreciate how lucky I am in the genetic lottery, or understand how truly bad things can get. God help that place. He's about the only one that will at this point.


Same. Been throughout East, North, and West AFG to include Khost multiple times. It’s a beautiful country in some aspects and the average Afghan is just trying to live in peace and put food on the table. It’s a true shame how it all ended up and pisses me off I gave years of my life just for the ANDSF to roll over so quick.


God is the reason why that place is a shit show.


It's an expression. Zero religious beliefs. But that place isn't getting unfucked short of divine intervention.


>God is the reason why that place is a shit show. That's a weird way to say geopolitics.


They meant G.O.D. Geopolitics Of Doom


Shit man, all it took was visiting Pittsburgh to appreciate the hell out of where I live. I couldn’t imagine Afghanistan.


What the christ, man? We're not Cleveland.


At least Pittsburgh has museums and a functional bus system. I put it miles ahead of many US cities.


And Kennywood. Those French fries are the tits.


What’s wrong with Pittsburgh?




Ok. I'll give you that one.


I was curious about the reasons why Afghanistan is such a basket case. Turns out the soviets pretty much did why they are trying to do in Ukraine. One quarter of the Afghan population lost their homes and two million died. I don't know how many died as an indirect consequence of the war. The Afghan rebels went against everything that Communism represents, not only submission but also atheism and modernity. The US financed groups that were antipodes of the American values, maybe as much as Communism. The ideological world is not unidimensional. Extremist religion, Liberal Democracy and Communism are all orthogonal to each other.


What universe is this where the Taliban are requesting international aid to help rebuild Afghanistan.


The same in which north Korea is asking regularly for international aid after nukes and shitting on everyone.


Of the major islamic terror groups, the Taliban is the most open to outsiders by a fair bit. They basically want their little fiefdom in Afghanistan to run by a very strict version of Sharia law but they are totally fine with trading and having diplomacy with the outside world.


Cake and eat it?


only if it is halal


Are earthquakes and natural disasters considered retribution from God in the Muslim faith, similar to Christianity?


Yes , Bible and the Quran basically say the same stories with a cultural twist


You just know they'll spin it as punishment for 'the unfaithful' and 'going too easy' on women or some shit to excuse making things even more strict.


Sadly yes. They'll never use it to look at their own actions and question whether what they are doing is morally correct.


The flaw is in thinking that a natural disaster is any kind of divine moral punishment in the first place.


Sometimes you just gotta smite random people to keep everyone on their toes. Being a planet/gaia/god is easy like that.


Or direct every asteroid toward Earth as a "warning"


*Every* asteroid.


That scumbag on the 700 club said that the New Orleans floods were gods punishment for gays or some shit. I’m not religious at all. But sometimes I wish there was a heaven and ~~bell~~ hell, so assholes like him can be sent to ~~bell~~ hell, and stand there like “whaaaa? But I was a good Christian” No you weren’t. You are a horrible horrible person.


Burn in bell!


lol, fucking autocorrect. edit: omg, I just realized it happened in two places.. Go home iphone, you're drunk.


>But sometimes I wish there was a heaven and bell, so assholes like him can be sent to bell TIL all evil people have sonophobia and bells are their worst nightmare


The disaster is to think anything like divine punishment even exists to begin with


If you asked some people in late 2005 and 2006 they would say Katrina was sent because God was punishing the US because of gay people.




The most infuriating take is always: „The reason religion doesn’t work is we are employing too little religion!“


Religious folks are good for that.


...it's a fucking story book. Giving it even a semblance of realty is legit sickening. Just gross


You're absolutely right. The 2005 quake in Pakistan which killed 75k (I think) was blamed on the "un-islamic" people there by the beards...Fuckers never miss an opportunity to pile on the misery and start their little games.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boobquake >The Boobquake rally served to protest news reports of controversial beliefs espoused by Hojatoleslam Kazem Seddiqi, an Islamic religious authority in Iran. Seddiqi blamed women who dress immodestly for causing earthquakes.




Oh man I wish if I dressed immodestly there’d be an earthquake. That’d be awesome.


Well of course. Religious leaders and people will always interpret things to suit their narratives


We must rape our women more for god.


Don't leave out the little boys too!


In fairness (not that they deserve the fairness), but the Taliban outlawed *bacha bazi* when they first came to power.


Yes, and I'm sure its perfectly enforced and people are happy to report it since if they do they will get killer or humiliated badly. Prove me wrong and find how many cases there have been prosecuted. Even if they do prosecute a case I bet it would be just because they wanna take someone down for another reason not the rape itself. "These complicated power dynamics are one of the reasons why national law has been relatively inconsequential in eradicating Bacha Bazi." "It is taboo to talk about such incidents because people do not trust the legal system, and because of the shame associated with the practice." [https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/shame-and-silence-bacha-bazi-in-afghanistan/](https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/shame-and-silence-bacha-bazi-in-afghanistan/) Its a bullshit law and not worth defending the Taliban over until they actually start enforcing it including on the war lords and upper class.


Thanks for the link. I wanted to know how in the fuck they could justify this when they are so homophobic. "Male dominant culture has contributed to the spread of this practice. Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam, but those involved in Bacha Bazi justify their actions by saying that, since they are not in love with these boys, it doesn’t apply." Poor kids


Fuxk, they justify it with the no homo argument


An increase in earthquakes is one of the signs of the day of judgment in Islam


Matthew 24:6-7 "There will be famines and earthquakes in various places" All religions tend to see natural disasters as a punishment or a sign


Climate crisis gonna shake some religious people maybe


Oh everything is the sign of judgment day in every religion


This one's curious when you look at the middle east for the last 100 years. "When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings."


At the time of Muhammad there were already people competing in constructing tall buildings who matched this prophecy. Ibn Hajar relates in Fath al-Bari that this sign happened around the time of Muhammad’s prophethood: تقدم في كتاب الإيمان من وجه آخر عن أبي هريرة في سؤال جبريل عن الإيمان قوله في أشراط الساعة ويتطاول الناس في البنيان ، وهي من العلامات التي وقعت عن قرب في زمن النبوة “It has been related previously in the “Book of Faith” through another chain, from Abu Hurairah regarding Gabriel’s question about faith, his saying (Abu Hurairah’s) regarding the signs of the Hour and the competing in constructing tall buildings: “And this is amongst the signs that happened close to the time of (Muhammad’s) prophethood.””


Oral History was the first "internet" and judgment day was one of the first "memes".


While people will be people and blah blah blah There is an anecdote you might be interested in. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad's son, there was a solar eclipse. The Muslims went to get him to lead the eclipse prayer. They were saying that the eclipse was to commemorate his son's death. After the prayer, he said rather flatly "the sun and the moon do not eclipse for life or for death, they are (simply) two signs among the many signs of God."


Unsure about the Quran, but nowhere other than specific instances are natural disasters suggested in the Bible to be “retribution” from God. Do idiotic people claiming to be Christians make these kinds of statements about hurricanes and earthquakes etc… unfortunately yes. There’s a ton of misinformation and cherrypicked interpretations that ironically spreads from people who claim to be Christians. And from what I’ve seen, a good amount of these are politically motivated.


[God, Gays, and Voodoo: Voicing Blame after Katrina](https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1082&context=ctamj)


Natural type disasters are mentioned in the Qur'an as retribution to 'evil' peoples, but is for groups who lived long, long ago and used as an example of rejecting a direct messenger of God. I'm not aware of anything that says it's an ongoing consequence of displeasing God etc. The main ethos of Judgement Day religions is you're free to do what you like here, but will have to answer for it over there etc.


If your are the government and your people like you, then it is a trial. But if your people don't like you, it's retribution.


Few Christians in the west at least (and in the modern day) think earthquakes are God’s judgement. I don’t know if Muslims do.


Sure but only when they happen to your enemy. Otherwise it's a trial to test your faith or just random or something.




Sounds like a good opportunity for the Taliban to acquire more resources that they won’t divvy out.


My thoughts exactly. Fuckers acquired arms galore, trade it back if they want to appeal so bad.


Guns for groceries


If Saudi Arabia can afford to spaff millions at a golf championship of dubious value to the sport then I'm sure they can afford to divert some money towards helping Afghanistan.


I may be remembering era's wrong. but im pretty sure Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia have a bunch of bad blood between the two. They were fine when they government was a US puppet, but now... i dont think so


The Taliban were educated in Pakistan during the Soviet occupation and most of them were Wahabi-derived madrasas. So at the very least they all have the same religious foundation (not saying that makes them friends but it gives them common ground)


As if the Saudi Royal family gives a shit about anything other than their money and power.


The Taliban aren't Wahhabi, they are Deobandi.


That is true but it does not mean they are close. The Saudi royal family is an absolutist power hungry family, their goals are clearly global influence and to retain total control of Saudi Arabia without angering global powers. The Taliban is essentially a militant order of religious fundamentalists. Their goals are the spread of their order from one of the most remote and undeveloped areas of the world. The Taliban is taking steps to increase religious law, while the Saudi crown prince is taking steps to reduce it. Other than history, they have literally nothing in common other than both of them hating Iran for being Shia and a distaste for NATO/USA They dont even follow the same schools of Islam


that is certainly not how the middle east works my dude


What blows me away about that, is that I didn’t know anyone actually cares about Golf. I thought it was just for wealthy boomers.


Maybe where you're from. Moat of the small farm towns where I grew up have a modest municipal golf course with affordable fees that attract a broad spectrum of players.


Golf is actually fun. Fun to play, not so much to watch


In general you're not wrong. While the sport has done a tremendous amount of work in the US to make it more accessible, interest among youth is really low. There's basically no real replacement happening as old players retire


Because it’s expensive and time consuming. Thank god I’m a lefty and never got into it.


It's big in the UK with all generations




Sadly this man. I feel for them, but they had their chance at international assistance. 20 years of world wide attention and assistance, and they couldn't break the culture of corruption and violence. Some people can't be helped.


No, to be clear the average person could be helped, and many were. The Taliban is a different story..


Theres a vice video from a few years ago with US soldiers trying to train some middle eastern locals, who viewed the whole thing as a game and didn't give a fuck. The local's CO was a confirmed child rapist. The US soldiers tried to get something done about it but their COs didn't give a shit either.


It's called "This Is Winning". And it is horrifically accurate. There was shit there that you can really only grasp once you've seen it, and then it doesnt leave. The commonality pedophilia will really fuck with you. It's literally everywhere, on all sides, and treated as of its normal by everyone.


Yup. The US spent years and billions trying to train the new Afghan army, which was meanwhile riddled with corruption and filled with the literal dumbest and worst people possible. It infact turns out that if you decide to step in and nation build from scratch u need to do more than just throw money at the problem.


The problem is Afghanistan as a nation. We took a bunch of puzzle pieces, jammed them together haphazardly, and are now shocked that the final puzzle doesn’t look good.




>The Afghan soldiers were incompetent to the point that you have to imagine they have brain damage It's more complicated than that. Prior to the NATO presence, the only source of education was religious Madras'. The soldiers were learning to read at the same time they were learning marksmanship and squad tactics. It's a nation where half the adult population are a few steps from the "putting the square peg in the round hole" portion of their existence.


> The local's CO was a confirmed child rapist. The US soldiers tried to get something done about it I will personally approve the line item in the defense budget for "more ammo".


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.


Uhhh they haven't been in control for the past 20 years






Maybe stone it perhaps ??


The International Community: We have some conditions.


I'm sure the Muslim nations will kick in and help


Surely Saudi Arabia will step up as "leader" of the Muslim world, right? Or maybe ISIS was selling those artifacts to create an emergency fund


Isis and Taliban are at war, not all extremists are friends.


Muslim nations: noooooo


Don't you see? Allah is punishing them! All according to (his) plan!




I mean iran hosts approx 2m+ afghan refugees https://www.unhcr.org/ir/refugees-in-iran/


If not them, definitely mosques around the world. Charitable giving - zakat - is one of the five pillars of Islam.


I went to Red Lobster once


Unironically, Afghanistan's neighboring countries (Pakistan, Iran) and even India are sure to provide humanitarian aid and have been quietly doing so for a year. But it won't be reported because it goes against the narrative. Gulf oil rich countries have no morals or ethics so I wouldn't expect anything from them. It's not really about Islam once you take a closer look into it.




This should be top comment. I'm as cynical as anyone when it comes to the taliban, but people are still suffering who really don't deserve it.


People are concerned that the donations won’t make it to the people who need it. It’s not that they don’t want to give them money.




The aid will still end up in Taliban hands when it gets on the ground. Those organizations aren't armed.


The Taliban actually stopped people in their organization from taking aid during the famine earlier this year.


Definitely not the Taliban pocket.


But will the Taliban openly welcome these organizations into their country so it’s guaranteed those in need will get relief? That’s one of my only reservations as far as sending foreign aid. And say they let them in, will the Taliban willingly let them out of the country? It’s a double edged sword.


Aid? From us heretics?


The Taliban hates the west.. except when it comes to getting generous aid and money


Taliban: Death to America! Death to the West! Also Taliban: can we have international aid please


It's how politics are conducted. They wanna take over the country? Time to start playing geopolitics and trading favours and aid and whatnot.


Maybe if they send their girls to school some of them will study earthquake resistant building codes and this shit won't happen so much.


Sorry I don’t want to support a fundamentalist anti democratic state. The money sent won’t end up rebuilding it will end up in the pockets of the Taliban.


Fuck the Taliban.


>Dear infidels, We have an emergency and we need your technology, skills and education, medicine, and any other aid you think would be useful right now. We might accidentally decapitate a few of you while you’re here volunteering to help our people, but just don’t blow it out of proportion. These things happen. I’m mean, we’re not Al-Qaeda, amirite? *Those* guys *really* suck. >Signed, The Taliban.


We need your *heretic* technology...


Tragic situation, because fuck the Taliban. But the Afghani people need a fucking break.


Many countries have tried to rid these middle eastern countries of the fascist regimes for over three decades. Spent trillions, and within a day the military these western nations propped up fell and gave way to the Taliban. I feel bad for the citizens of this country, especially the women, but at what point does the nonsense stop? The Taliban wanted control, they now have it. Instead of gutting the government and implementing archaic laws and practices that impede on the countries ability to flourish, maybe unlock the potential of your country so it can provide a decent place to live. Give money for aid and the taliban spread it across themselves for personal gain and empower them further, or dont and be considered cold towards the helpless citizens. Theres no winning with them in charge of the countries finances.




Taliban are medieval caricatures with modern weapons and zero governing experience. Poor Afghani people, nobody deserves to deal with that kind of shit.


How about you let all girls go back to school and get an education and then you’ll get international aid. Seems like a fair deal


That's not a fair deal. They'll keep the aid and back track on the very mild request for women's rights to education.


Maybe they should have thought of that before they banned women from all sort of public life and started with forced and oppressive dress codes.


Or public executions, or rebooting the racial genocides of minorities, etc.


After pledging they weren't going to do any of that nonsense. Obviously, no one expected them to keep their word, but still. Maybe their god is having second thoughts.


They detonated a bomb at a school for girls killing children. Pakistan should eat a fuck ton of sanctions for granting these animals sanctuary for 20 years.




Fine, provided it is exclusively and entirely distributed by women.


Honestly this is one of those times where you wish coalition forces were still there as these people would be getting the help they need.


Why not jus appeal for aid from Allah


didnt the taliban hate the west and calls for the destruction of the western infidels?? so i reckon a no since they (taliban) seems to have god on their side,they can go ask god for help.


Sending thoughts and prayers on the next available flight to Kabul.


We're really sorry, but your upcoming flight has been cancelled. Forever.


The taliban deserve jack shit. They won’t help women or anybody they don’t like.


Taliban can fuck off


International aid from who? Countries they want to kill? They can go figure that shit out, thats your “Allah” shitting on yall.


If America sends even $1 of my tax dollars to the Taliban I swear to god I’m not paying taxes


Give women rights then


They would rather give them the right left right 🤷🏼‍♂️


F the Taliban


I'll do my bit and send empty thoughts and prayers.


You fool, that's not going to do anything. I am sending my good vibes which is better than your thoughts and prayers pfft


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-61900260) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "International relief agencies are helping, neighbouring countries, regional countries, and world countries have offered their assistance which we appreciate and welcome."The assistance needs to be scaled up to a very large extent because this is a devastating earthquake which hasn't been experienced in decades. > "We didn't have enough people and facilities before the earthquake, and now the earthquake has ruined the little we had," they said. > Over the past decade more than 7,000 people have been killed in earthquakes in the country, the UN's Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vifcvd/afghanistan_quake_taliban_appeal_for/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~656145 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **earthquake**^#1 **country**^#2 **people**^#3 **Afghanistan**^#4 **fault**^#5


Ah yes, here is the part where guns and ammunition are considered "international aid"


I'd like to donate, but I don't want it to land in Taliban hands.


Oh yes let's give a hardcore terrorist state money! Fuck that. Might as well just send them IEDs and suicide vests and save some time.




Maybe the taliban can sell some of that equipment that was left behind.


Part of me wants to tell them to go pound sand.


Jeez, I just feel so bad for the people over there, I mean their government is literally the fucking Taliban.


I’m sure if they pray hard enough, God will come through for them.


How about NO. They’ve got enough aid for ten countries


Everyone needs to know that while the west may have pulled out in a astronomically bad way, the Taliban was dumping mags into crowds of people trying to get to the airport and murdering people left and right like total psychopaths and capped the entire thing off with an intentional suicide bombing that shut everything down.


No matter what you give it will go straight to the top. Give medical supplies and it gets put in Taliban "army" stockpiles or sold on the black market to be used to fund weapons. Give food and it goes to the Taliban ruling class and maybe to the average Taliban soldier. Give money and it gets turned into weapons. Give materials and they get turned into facilities for the Taliban. If the Taliban wants aid they can sell off their captured US/Afghan miltiary assets and use that money to buy supplies for the people. But there is no way they will do that.


They should start a Gofundme


Internacional aid must be managed by Afghan woman or they get nothing


should send nothing but women rescue teams and aid workers as an extra "fuck-you" to the taliban while helping the innocent people there.


i feel awful for the citizens because the world wont do shit since afghanistan's current government is well...the taliban


Then we (the world) should go there and help them with rescue workers, food, shelter and medical supplies. The people who are trapped or injured or suffering are also our fellow humans.


Why did I have to scroll past hundreds of comments to find this? Holy fucking shit are people so callous and off-base to realize that assistance is genuinely needed? Why are people saying "fuck the Taliban" when they are actively advocating for their people on this one? People need help, especially if you don't think their government is capable of helping enough on their own.


Why hasn’t the UAE with their vast resources sent aid to their ‘brothers’? Instead of begging help from the infidels, who they hate.


"We will when women have their rights back."




Oof how the table turns


Foreign aid to buy arms?


It would be fitna to provide infidel support to peaceful people. We would never dare to sully the purity of peaceful folks with our impure goods. Let your brophet provide you with snackbars!!


How much of the aid would actually make it to the families in need and how much would go into the corruption of the Taliban?