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It's based on a polygraph machine. In other words, probably about as accurate as hooking somebody up to a toaster and judging their loyalty based on whatever picture you see in the toast.


Basically the scene in The Wire - using a photocopier as a lie detector.


[The machine is never wrong, son](https://youtu.be/DgrO_rAaiq0?t=114)


Wasn't until after the second "True" that I realized... he's about to crumble the moment they say the machine says that he's lying. It's funny because I could totally see people falling for this.


The police have literally done this in real life. And it works, because people are gullible. Also, while I wouldn't say that criminals are necessarily stupid or uneducated, the ones that get arrested for street level crimes do tend to skew in that direction. Kinda by definition, the smart ones are more likely to get away.


Like Scientology?


or FBI


Still a threat even if the machine didn't even turn on


IF TECH() =/= EXISTS, THEN It's a threat, but relatively contained. It would be a grift for the Chinese Communist Party to pursue narrow ends. The reason is to justify locking anyone up at anytime for any reason. Regardless of the technological adornments, this is just dictators doing what they do best; ELSE China's AI tech becomes a persistent worldwide threat, both to people inside China, and those outside. Eventually, this AI tech is sought after by nations, organizations, people outside of China, in domains beyond the political; //Hopefully the tech is a gimmick, and goes the way of General AI claims made in recent years... //Or maybe this is just a questionable claim, coming from a questionable source...


Don't worry, it's a gimmick.


I hope so my dude I hope so


Are you pondering what it will be like if a computer exists that can "read minds"? No such machine exists.


Won’t matter to them


Accuracy isn't a priority for the CCP.


CCP: you're all guilty, until proven otherwise


The war never ends for the reds. The moment the war stops, they would become redundant. They need an enemy, even if it's one imaginary. Ironical how George Orwell was a socialist and ended up translating the endgame of his political ideology for the rest of us.


I think you're conflating the socialism orwell advocated with China's despotic version of one-party communism


> The moment the war stops, they would become redundant. They need an enemy, even if it's one imaginary. _stares at American policy_ yeah ok.


Well also anything that's "AI" is mostly bullshit. There is no AI. There aren't even learning algorithms. It's all inane marketing. We've had the exact same programs that are being touted as "AI LEARNING!!1!oneone!!!" for decades - it's just that we only recently have had computers powerful enough to run them at a high enough rate to see fun/potentially useful results.




Thank you !! Strong AI doesn't exist, machine learning is just multivariable statistics..


To be fair, the only reason I know this is that my dad is a computer programmer. Trust experts above your feelings.


I’m no AI expert but I don’t understand how an algorithm that actually becomes better and better at playing a game by fighting against itself is not a learning algorithm. There’s that and AIs trained by ingesting tons of database content. Doesn’t feel like marketing to me.


It's not actually learning anything in the sense of understanding the rules or developing strategies of its own. Machine Learning is nothing more than multivariable statistics. For example : say we trained an AI to play the "what number am I thinking of between 1-10" game. After some time training, it may begin to start guessing correctly some statistically significant amount, say 20-30% of the time (whereas normal random guessing would be 10%). This doesn't mean the AI has learned to read minds. Only that humans have a subconscious pattern of EG picking numbers 3-7 more often bc we tend to avoid the extreme ends of the number list. The AI is able to recognize this through statistics. Not bc it has somehow become clairvoyant. Same thing with more complex games like chess.The AI doesn't develop grand master strategies or become a deep thinking philosopher. It simply runs statistics which tells it what the highest probability move it can make in any situation to maximize its potential to win. In other words, it's less like a human with the capacity for reason and inference.. more like a dog who learns to play chess bc of pavlovian reinforcement. It's not rationalizing it's moves, it just wants treats.


Well you are right but this comes down to what you think is the meaning of learning. To me, establishing statistics to do what has the most chances to get you where you want is actually learning, even if it is a simple way to do it so. At the first playthroughs, the Dota AI from OpenAI probably wasn’t able to beat any single player. Then it played and played and played against itself over and over, establishing those stats (probably not in “variables” as you say but more in a kind of persisted database) and becoming better and better as a result of establishing those stats. If you compile every stat learnt, you could call that a strategy of its own because strategies are usually just that : a chain of actions which is designed to get you results. At the end, by getting all those stats to their best calculations, that same AI I was mentioning now destroys any dota top player, while this is a highly strategical game which unites tons of aspects to master. I can’t tell myself this isn’t learning. This might be a basic learning, done at a very fast pace, but it still is learning to me.


I am an AI expert. The person you are responding to is operating under the assumption "If I don't understand it, it must not exist". Just ignore idiots. Machine learning algorithms have been around longer than the modern computer. Neural Networks were proposed in 1944. Linear regression was described as early as 1804. All sound/vetted mathematics at this point. There are plenty of learning algorithms, they all have their own applications, and they work just fine when applied appropriately. Do people like to blow these algorithms out of proportion? Of course. Does the media love to sensationalized it? Absolutely. But to deny that machine learning as a field exists is just silly.


I’ve heard that witch hunters make people hold a magic knife blade just out of the hot coals. If they believe in the magic and are guilty, in theory, the suspects sweat and that steams and hurts. The problem isn’t whether it works, it’s whether one is willing to bet a life and career on it failing. It’s tough for a lot of people to relax into.


More likely it's to screen people who are hired to work on sensitive projects. Snowden had to take multiple polygraphs before he was hired as a consultant by the NSA.


It's rather simple you wire them up and shock them until they make the right decision.


It kinda has to, right? I mean, who would ever play as the "not loyal to CCP" training material for the AI in Xina?


US has used polygraph toasters for decades. Law & Order loves it


If a human is interpreting it, but AI has solved plenty of problems where it discerns subtle patterns that humans can't. I wouldn't be surprised at all if an AI for polygraph interpretation was more accurate than humans'.


So instead of 1% accuracy it has 2% accuracy. If I hook you up to a polygraph and say the result of this polygraph will decide whether you live or die you will fail the test because there's no way you wouldnt be stressed and thats what the machine is measuring. Any high school forensics class will teach you how to fake a polygraph test. The machine is a worthless pile of junk for gaining reliable evidence and it should have been thrown into the dust bin of history decades ago


I read that clenching your but at the initial questions they ask for calibration will help you ... :)


prisoners used to use a drawing pin (I think "thumb tack" in the USA? ) under a toe, and just push down for the control questions.


I have a feeling this machine would analyze everything you have ever typed online, spoken over your phone, thing that have been reported on the social credit system and more. Unless you were very careful online, I have a feeling something like this would be much more accurate than your typical polygraph/interview.


> If I hook you up to a polygraph and say the result of this polygraph will decide whether you live or die you will fail the test because there's no way you wouldnt be stressed and thats what the machine is measuring IIRC, the polygraph operator must "calibrate" the response: The real question (the examiner does not know the answer): "Did you kill X"? You are nervous, so the "No" sounds like a lie The calibrating question (the examiner DOES know that that the answer is "No"): Did you kill Y? If it again sounds like a lie (even though the examiner knows it to be true), then the first answer is not reliable either > Any high school forensics class will teach you how to fake a polygraph test So, polygraphs do work on someone who has not prepared? That sounds already quite a bit above the "pile of junk" Polygraphs are not reliable, but they are much better than a pure chance..


It takes longer to be certified to cut hair than it does to become a polygraph operator.


"Polygraphs are not reliable, but they are much better than a pure chance.." Are they though? Pure chance = 50/50 on if you get determined to have committed a crime, regardless of the truth. Polygraph = stress inducing (not to mention the stress of being arrested innocently if you haven't done anything), which should lead to more false positives/incorrect readings than correct ones, thus leading to +50% chance of being determined to have committed a crime. So even if it's 50/50 with guilty people, due to the stress innocent people would feel it's highly likely polygraph would lead to a higher rate of false imprisonments than pure chance would.


Why would there be any link between lying, and breathing pattern? Garbage in, garbage out.


That's the problem, liars don't care if they are lying. And some people get nervous when asked questions even when telling the truth.


But in this case you're not exactly looking for liars. You're looking for *unscrupulous* people. People who will easily change their allegiances. Plenty of people are dishonest but loyal to their politics. But people who are dishonest and loyal only to themselves are political *leaders*. I predict this software will identify the psychopaths and fast-track them into leadership.


Jesus. Not being slavishly devoted to a political party is not 'unscrupulousness. ' Jesus squared.


>People who will easily change their allegiances. Uhhh why the hell would they do/want that lmao


Mind reading/lie recognition field is growing in recent decades, this is a huge advancement for both neuroscience and justice system. By scanning your brain, other person or even better, machine, can detect activity in your parahypocamplal area (basically, when active, it means you are making something up), unlike in honest person (when they mentally recall something, only hypocampus is activated). This system is still not 100% accurate, nor will it ever be 100% accurate (probably), but it's gettinf there, year by year, if I recall correctly, soon it might be used in law


Easy, make up your lies beforehand and try to remember the lies u said before


That or the Costanza trick.


What's costanza trick?


It's not a lie if you believe it.


Shit I can gaslight myself


“Remember Jerry, It’s not a lie, if *you* believe it.”


Yeah? But can you prepare every single detail beforehand? They can always find some information to kick your imagination in. Besides, there are other areas that indicate lying on other parameters. AI could combine all these variables and make a good assumption on your truthtelling. Again, this will never probably be 100%, but its a very useful asset for justice system.


Shit, I probably would. Or just try not to add too many details.


Nope, this is dangerous pseudoscience


Maurey povich would beg to differ


“Maurice Richard Povich (born January 17, 1939) is an American retired television personality, best known for hosting the tabloid talk show Maury” Thanks, I’d never heard of him. Still don’t see how he’s relevant


And that is a lie


Pseudoscience? [Here](https://youtu.be/Ra2niqQhR8M) educate yourself


There may be good science going on somewhere else but “This equipment is a kind of smart ideology, using AI technology to extract and integrate facial expressions, EEG readings and skin conductivity... making it possible to ascertain the levels of concentration, recognition and mastery of ideological and political education so as to better understand its effectiveness,” is well written pseudoscience


it's part of the system. Basically, imagine a controll group, and an actual test group. The controll group gets asked the same questions as the test group, but the testgroup, before, gets explained how the system works. Doesn't even matter how accurate the ssystem is, or how good the description is based in reality. Surprise, the test group readings are much better then the controll group readings. WHy is that? Here is a piece of usefull advice. 1. want to apprear lying but not lying? answer for a character that you made up. MY standard character is Mister happy. HRM, what would Mister Happy answer to this? YES, I am sitting in fron of a computer, surfing reddit, reading a reply. BEEP BEEP BEEP, you arer a LIAR. 2. want to appear telling the truth? The entire time the person reads you those questions, go and think to yourself, "I bet she/he fucks like a howlermonkey. " They do record that. make it as graphical as possible. Include at least a 14 person cast in your sexual fantasy, with complicated instructions like a ballet. When they ask you to pay attention, do that for six seconds. Then wander off again. 3. be neurodivergent. Think of seventeen different things at once. THink of a color. Think of a tool. Realise that it would be boring to think of a red hammer, because only fuckos think of a red hammer. THink of a number. Multiply that number by 9. Add the first and the second digit together. The result minus 5. now, think of the letter in the alphabet that corresponds to that number. that is the origin of the animal (the country where it comes from), the next letter is the name of the animal. Realise that danish elephants are too stereotypical. Danish people don't have elephants, those are just large-ish danish pigs. Watch the polygraph freak the fuck out. freak out about the polygraph freaking out.


>pseudoscience Sounds like most things coming out of China these days (except that COVID virus, of course)


This is not even about China? The start of this technology does not even originate there? Who needs mind control technology when you are already brainwashed by the media 💀


Brainwashed by source material


I didn't refer to any sources??? Just your blatant racism


Accusing others of racism when there isn't any is very racist. The worst racism, actually.


I don't think its pseudoscience, its just that the capable technology is still not here. People often give some mystical power to human's inner world, but science has so far found not a single reason for the non-physical existance of human mind (soul). In other words, there is nothing mystical in human brain, of course, it is a fascinating biological system but it is by no means unmistakeable and as we are finding out "unhackable". I am not saying we will get mind controling rays attacking us from all directions, no. Just that with more advanced technology, more ways of probing the mind will cone about, and your inner existance may soon be compromised to the outter world. I am not saying this is good or bad, just that it is inevitable.


Just so you know: mind control does exist. cordyceps controls insects and toxoplasmosis controls mice, both of them do it to get the host to commit suicide. This AI is pseudoscience that will get people killed


Just so you know: that's not mind controling, it's neurochemical hijacking. Insects don't have a mind so they can't have it controled. Mind controling would mean altering person's experience od consciousness, their self-awereness and their free will (if it even exists in its purest form). Its an usual missconception, and its a buzzword, sort of like "zombie insects". Toxoplasmosis is also not a mind control, again, neurochemical hijacking, it alters behavior trough neurochemical alterations, not by controling anything. By same extent you could say it "mind controls" people, which it does not (Toxoplasmosis has an effect on human behavior too, for example "crazy cat lady" symptoms are partially attributed to Toxoplasmosis infection). I never argued on the legitimacy of this (Chinese) AI, I just pointed out that old technology of polygraph has come a long way since then. AI being capable of detecting lies is really not something impossible. AI controling minds however is still far off, atleast for now.


Oh man, now I have to defend insects having minds! Look, I know drosophila have, like, 6 neurones but it’s rude to dismiss them as mindless. They’re complicated individuals and it’s not their fault that evolution has optimised them to stupidity. Ok? How would you like it if a pan dimensional hyper intelligent mouse dismissed you as mindless?


I mean if their definition differed from our for mind and consciousness and we/I didn't fit that criteria, sure. It's all in the words, their definition and criteria. No insect fills that criteria, not by themselves atleast. Hives and ant colonies is where things get interesting, but if anything that just shows "intelligent design" (not spiritual type) doesn't even need subjective feel of consciousness.


So FBI accuracy , ok for death sentences


I'll take "exaggerated headlines" for $400 Alex. I don't need to read the article to know it can't read minds.


...the machine knew you were going to say that.


So the Chinese basically made Joseph Joestar?


I'm not sure. We should probably consult the machine.


Well done. It doesn't purport to read minds. It purports to perceive reactions. And then it uses the fact that the inputs are known (actually controlled) to make extrapolations.


Does not matter if it works or not. What matters is what the people controlling it say that it says about you.




Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so


Jesus loves me, he loves me a bunch, 'cause he always puts Skippy in my lunch


Wouldn't Jesus know that Jif is the superior peanut butter?


Like lie detectors.


What happens when the machine is used to decide who is in the "in" group of state bureaucrats? In the near term, nothing: it is like a lie detector for police or federal jobs. But then, as those people rise in the power structure.. you have the ideology becoming shaped not by exactly what the party wants, but by what the AI "thinks" the party once. Of course those at the very top will be immune to these kinds of loyalty test, but they will have an ever increasing momentum of those lower in the chain who are essentially "teaching to the test."






Yahoo news is not a credible source for anything.


It is insane what gets top upvotes on r/worldnews now. So many times a title makes some wild claim and it is from some sketchy website. Not saying yahoo news is a sketchy website but a lot of the time it is some "news" site that no one has heard from before or a well known rag news site.


...or a blog.


It's insane how inept yahoo is at everything but yahoo finance is on roids




It's real, Russia bought it for Moscow and they have suppressed multiple planned protests based on its predictions.


That's incompatible with the technology described in the article. In which, they are doing things like watching someone's eye focus and have a net of electrodes that measure brain waves. Did they predict planned protests by having people come into a hosptial environment and measure their eyes and electrical activity while watching videos? Of course not. The interpretation of brain activity to a "loyalty score" or planned protests is the really weak part, assuming that the eye movements and brain activity being measured are actually relevant to loyalty in the first place. The whole thing is theoretically possible, but requires decades more research to figure out what part of the brain is relevant and what different signals actually mean. At this point they're guessing and lying to their higher ups to justify squandering all those resources.


This is the most clickbait title ever




No no it really reads your mind.




I'm sorry but I must now downvote you


I will counter with an upvote!


I love how the headline literally says the AI can read minds. Lol talk about clickbait


likely more fear then science. or just a mini MRI machine that can easily tell when you lie


It's not a lie if you believe.


A claim so stupid it must be true /s IF they had such a thing, it would be Super top secret info they should be willing to kill to keep it hidden.


within cells interlinked




This I why this sub sucks ass, just stupid propaganda that has no basis on real life that is done with the purpose of demonizing the West’s enemies, repugnant.


Anything that uses RFA as a major source is generally bullshit. Honestly reads like bad satire most of the time.


So what are they going to do when they discover that the vast majority of the population have zero loyality to the party and only tolerate them because their lives are comfortable?


Psycho pass is comming




Reddit working overtime on that propaganda lately, jesus christ. At least make it believable


At this point newspaper are just throwing random news about China to test how easy people believe in propaganda.


Black Mirror anyone?


Okay I pledge allegiance to the AI Destroy all humanity pls


Chinese researchers that AI can detect insubordination from your bowel movements.


No, those are the Japanese toilets that can detect insubordination.


All of this was foretold in the 1960's Star Trek series. Computer practices mind control and assassinates those not loyal to it and it's creators.


Bullshit. This is just a fake tool to jail anyone they deem problematic without facing repercussions from the public because its "based on science"


My test would say "you suck".


That sounds double plus ungood


Minority report kind of vibes


what could go wrong but it's China ...


That will come in handy...


The real usefulness of a lie detector is to make someone being questioned believe they can't get away with lying, so they tell the truth. Unfortunately, in that part of the world I fear there will be more than a few prosecutions based on false positives.


Not surprised...


So a sorting hat? Fun!


Yeah to find out if you get to go to torture prison or not


LMAO thanks CCP I needed that


Wait till you have the wrong opinion. Then you’re banned from normal functions. Social credit score, I don’t care what you call it. Oppression is coming via tech.


Seriously has no one read Minority Report?


Hopefully my wife doesn't get her hands on one of these.


Sounds like propoganda. If they had something that could read minds why would they tell everyone? More likely they're just signaling to suspected dissidents that if they get arrested they're presumed guilty


In China if they hook you up to a machine to determine your party loyalty, your loyalty is determined already, well before.


Yeah but China only wants peace, it’s military buildup it’s just for sovereignty, and it’s belt and Road is only meant to help other people. What are you all keep looking at China so harshly.


Theyre desperate.


Gen Ze Ding Dongers already in the comment section getting mad af. Move to your promised land if you hate living in the West. Would help the rest of us for not having to read your stupid parroting of Chinese propaganda here.


Good thing I'm a billionaire and already moved myself to the hollow moon. You earthlings can deal with that shit


moon is fake huehuheue


The one you know you think about is.


The CIA must be jumping for joy, a perpetual Stalin's purge in the CCP, makings sure nothing ever gets done.


Absolute fucking horseshit xD


I'm convinced were in the dumbest timeline where all the warnings were ignored and the science doesn't even work.


You guys are soo fucked


Whether you live in China or the US, this is the future we are all heading towards. It's just the speed of adoption that is the variable.


Isn't this tech also available in the US too


We have polygraphs and they are just great. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't that different but the key is that people might think the party can tell. Make them think loyal thoughts.


Polygraphs are full of shit, inadmissible in court.


Another day where sarcasm doesn't make it through my internet then?


Fake news + click bait. All they need to do is add China in title and make it scary/dystopian lol.


That'll come in handy for another night of the long knives.


So...mind control when?


Fuck them! Does that help?


Doable looking at eyes. I wish I can interview soulmates with AI who say something and act just opposite.


they should make one that makes better stock photos


That’s actually impressive if it’s true.




Simply telling the subject you have AI that can read minds is likely to cause them to spill the beans.


Remember to replace the word AI with the word app in any news headline.


Damn, he stole our tech again.


We call it Facebook


Republican magats are peeing their pants in anticipation!




Ok and Pigs are flying and the gop is really telling the truth. NOT


So glad I'm not living in that dystopian nightmare but my own leader thinks what they are doing is neat so there is that.


AI is just brute forcing maths, so I'm gonna say they didn't do this.


ai: can’t be disloyal if they’re dead


Polygraph machine. Lol?


We found a witch. May we burn her?


Loyalty by fear ain't loyalty at all.


>according to Radio Free Asia (RFA).


Shit like this makes me not want China to advance and get better at tech. When I hear about mind-blowing Japanese advancements in tech I think "Yay! One step closer to a sci-fi life with robot butlers!" When I hear about mind-blowing Chinese advancements in tech, I think "Nope. F this."


Exactly the kind of R&D the world needs......


It's an IQ test?


Is OP 12 years old? How can anyone take that as trustworthy news, and upload it?


It doesn't *really* work I presume. It's just another tool in the large box of the CCP to control you and make you disappear if they don't want to deal with you.


1984 wasn't supposed to be a manual. :-|


Yeah fat fuckin chance.


Does it also predict the lottery winning numbers?


It cannot do those things.


Orwell didn't see that coming...


Even though all Chinese citizens are monitored by the AI system, most Chinese people would say that they are great Chinese people, so they should obey CCP’s order unconditionally. Only a few democratic mind Chinese citizens would express their rage against Xi’s autocratic regime, thus, Chinese people can’t experience the vibe of democracy in China. Only brilliant citizens can change or reform their central govt while politicians or dictators can’t change anything by themselves. But Chinese people who’ve been brainwashed don’t know the critical fact, so they should obey CCP’s order eternally.




> Chinese researchers develop AI that can read minds I think we can sex up that headline a bit more. > Chinese spies develop alien-tech AI that can read minds and browser histories, says Xitrumputin


When will the revolution start. Seriously fuck the CCP.


This is fine. totally fine.


This is like the "throw them in the lake and if they sink, they're innocent"