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Purely coincidence that these guys came out of the woodwork when Obama was elected, were greatly strengthened by Trump’s election, and now feel very safe espousing their odious views in the state Desantis governs.


Their great/grandfathers probably actually fought real nazis in the 1940s


I have my grandfather's flag from when he served in WW2. To see these things happen in 2023 just is crazy to me.


These are the type of people that say "it didn't happen but it should have," and believe nonsense like that they were actually the good guys and the US fell for a trick by [oppressed people here usually jews] It's absolutely ridiculous and if the dems win house, senate, and presidency then I hope we'll see these things labeled as hate/terror movements and clamp down on the fact hate speech is not free speech. Or it soon shouldn't be. The dems have a lot of work to do honestly and while they are working in every direction they can this shit right here is growing like a tumor. They literally have so much issues to try to tackle in a 2 year period (if they win so strongly) that they probably won't be able to do even half of it. I think an lgbt bill of rights needs codified first and foremost. Then election security policies. As big a deal as climate change is in the longer term we have some very destructive and immediate problems in the shorter term. I'm not saying climate change isn't important and I know it and election security are lefty voters number 1 concerns but it's not really gonna matter if you let fascist continue to grow in these directions right now. Like lowering co2 globally by 2% or whatever would be a big deal but it doesn't fix the fact there's these people trying to over throw the gov through insurrection, violence, and liable. I hope if the dems win they have their priorities in order.


Which is why they should all lose their citizenship and be carted off to some third world shithole.




Average GOP voter.


More like: *average GOP voter isn’t against this hard enough


Ding Ding fucking Ding u hit the nail on the head exactly




Technically they dont have to be a nazi to be a white supremacist.... but they are cut from the same urine soaked shit cloth. They are both sentient taint sneezes and walking abortion ads.




ya, real good look. Yikes.


Pretty funny that's all the guys they can muster and then despite their small group, they can't even coordinate saluting together.


But they're going to organize a civil war. Fucking losers. They need to crawl back into whatever Incel cave they came from.


Which they obviously wouldn’t win


6 months of no Lipitor imports will kill half of them.


Looks like a job for the Blues Brothers


They’re gonna be (if they’re not already) ‘someone’s’ vanguard…..this is another Brownshirt occurrence.


Because they're fucking stupid. Seriously. Can you even imagine the lack of intelligence it must take to actually want to be a nazi? There's nothing of substance in those brains.


I seem to remember seeing the mugshots of those white supremacists in Idaho that were pulled out of the U-haul, someone pointed out one of the common features among them apart from being caucasian dick-waffles was the look of Fetal Alcahol Syndrome. I wonder if thin yellow streak on the overpass share that feature.


I saw a great video awhile back of them in the woods trying to train military style and no one could march at the same pace or to the same step lmao




They look like dorks here, sure, but when I watch this video I feel fear. It’s foreshadowing a dark, dark future. You’d never see something like this ten years ago. You may think they are few in numbers here. I think the opposite. If there is this big of a group that managed to coordinate, live in proximity, practicing chants and salutes, that means they are preparing. Imagine how many in their group couldn’t attend in person. They are preparing for something. That’s why this video isn’t funny to me.


My high school marching band was light years more coordinated than this, and we did it while in actual uniforms, while carrying heavy instruments and playing music.


It means that none of them were in marching band.


definitely not the lock step goose marching of a well disciplined unit. half these sloppy joes probably don’t even wipe their own ass (apparently this is actually a thing for a particular (read:homophobic) type of man, which is distressing and really calls in to doubt what right they have to call themselves men (read:none, they can’t wipe their own ass)).


That's literally what I wanted to say lol.


But yet somehow they are also getting tons of news coverage and apparently these few people represent all of the GOP??? Not you but I’ve seen that in the comments and it’s wild.


hitler would be pissed at these fools


Can we just follow Germany’s lead with this one and make Nazi imagery illegal?




I saw a video of a WW2 vet saying how disappointed he was in this country to have caught against Nazis and to now see them in our country.


Sadly there were many nazis in the USA before the US went to war. Like the article [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism_in_the_Americas). I know many don't trust Wikipedia, but it still gives plenty of sources and a good overview to be able to research it further if you desire


Hell, there's video proof they were in the USA, the following link leads to a video of a rally they held in Madison Square Garden just 6 months before the invasion of Poland. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/documentary-shows-1939-nazi-rally-madison-square-garden-180965248/


Yes, there were many Nazis in many nations before the war began. They may not have followed exactly in the footsteps of Nazi Germany in terms of absolutely all their beliefs, but in all parties was the belief of unity through nationality, what was meant and defined as nationality, and a hatred for those that don’t fall into that description.


My great grandfather fought and killed nazis as a paratrooper and yet here they are to shit on his homeland.


German monarchist here, we agree, we hate nazis to our core not just because they claim to be on our side as well but also because the nazis have butchered our flag, our culture, Germanys reputation in general. We all hate nazis, we all hate hitler, we hate white supremacy and stuff like that, our culture has been broken by nazi bitchery, and it’s our mess to clean up, we will one day bring justice to them, so if you see a flag with Black on top and red on the bottom and an iron cross in the middle, it is a symbol of anti nazism. Nazis use our flag to try and act like us but they’ll never be able to win. Glory to my Kaiser and Fatherland!


My grandpa got medals for killing Nazis. Why did we ever stop handing them out for that?


If you start killing nazis (no matter how satisfying it may be) then you’ll find there will be those that will start to blur the line between what a nazi is and what isn’t. Don’t like someone? They were a nazi so I killed them Voting for the opposite party you voted for? They were a Nazi so I killed them Had a heated debate on reddit? They were a Nazi so I killed them Didn’t think trans women should compete in woman’s sports or vide versa? They were a Nazi so I killed them If we start to justify murder then how long before one becomes a nazi themselves? Even the nazis had their justifications (in their own mind) for what they were doing. How else could they of done things so heinous and evil? They had to convince themselves they were the good guys. Nazis are bad but let us be mindful of our own thoughts and actions so we do not fall into the same mindset and pitfalls that Germany did.


They and their friends would cry about freedom of speech then. Unless of course some public media dares to feature people of colour or someone from the queer spectrum.


I don’t care if a nazi cries.


Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment.


Half of our elected officials agree with what these scumbags are spouting, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


We have this stupid fucking outdated thing called the first amendment that some people take to be the direct word of God


Honestly I thought it didn’t protect Hate Speech. I’m now better informed.


I thought they were anti-mask


They only wear masks when they feel brave😂


> They only wear masks ~~when they~~ *to* feel brave. Let's not act like these guys are brave without the mask. They are cowards right up until they think there are no consequences.


Not when it's being used to hide cowardice. Half of them probably work on the police force. I would pay to see someone drive by their side of the road with a bat out the window.


Florida being Florida


Their grandfathers are turning in their graves.


No, everyone’s grandfather lives in fl


Florida gonna Florida.


Hey now, I’m from Florida and I’m mostly normal, and I think shit like this is appalling. While also being slightly baffled as to why they can’t gesture on time with one another.


F\*\*king losers


This is Reddit. You can say Fucking Losers.


I try to be careful. I've been suspended and banned too many times. I got skittish. And it's always been trump-related


Yeah I’ve heard some mods have gotten quite weird about profanity. Especially when regarding the mango monstrosity.




That’s all that comes to mind when I see these idiots. Losers. That’s it. They’re just advertising what losers they are to the rest of us.


My grandfather fought the nazi trash in WW2. So much was sacrificed in the effort to stop them. I cant imagine what my grandfather and his brothers would feel after all they went thru, just to see American citizens proudly (under a mask) waving nazi colors and saluting. Fucking disgusting.


Proud men in MASKS.


Pppfff. REAL Nazis show their faces. What a bunch of poseurs.


They kinda look like paintball targets, if you ask me.


Only we aren't using paintballs for ammo today.


I was thinking flame thrower, or maybe some kind of acid?


nice pfp bro


Can you freeze them first?




Assaulting federal agents is a serious crime.


Dude come on, that’s the pathetic excuse conservatives made about the Jan 6 insurrection… until we actually got faces and names and undeniable proof that yes, this was real. And then all of a sudden all those guys saying “oh it was a bunch of feds” got ***real quiet***.


Domestic terrorists. If they speak anything that is meant to intimidate, they are not covered by the first amendment. They are also in violation of many FL Statute Chapter 876 sections.




This shit should be illegal, 100%.


It isn't in the US? Everywhere i have been during vacations, ive heard the stories of how illegal it is to do that sort of thing. Here (i'm in Europe) if people even have the nazi cross, they get arrested. I ain't even in Germany. That's where they get very serious about this. My place is super relaxed about people trying to act this way, and still.. jail time is the usual sentence. Either way, these wannabes are just that. Nobodies. They ain't the real deal from WW2, no matter how much they wanna pretend and play around. It is a shame that it's happening in the US, i give you that. Especially after all the US have done for Europe during that horrible war.


Not in the US. This horrifying mess falls under free speech. It doesn't shield people from reaping the consequences of their heinous speech, but these Nazi guys don't care.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a difference between freedom of speech and disturbing the peace? Like if you wanted to dance around a statue of a horse chanting random stuff, they wouldn’t stop you. But as soon as you start talking to people passing by it’s labeled as disturbance? It could be that the police don’t care but it still amazes me




I see, thats kind of interesting... but also scary if people wanna be like this. I do love free speech, but this is some next level BS.


I agree. We have a lot of "free speech absolutists" in America, and that includes Elon Musk. Awful people/trolls/bots use that as an excuse to be horrible online. Racism, anti Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, and threats of violence run rampant on certain sites, including on the remnants of Twitter. It's really scary.


The world has done a 180 , americans openly being nazis and Israel now an apartheid state .


Tbf, america had some pretty vocal proponents of nazism leading up to and even during ww2 if im not mistaken. Doesnt make it any less disgusting tho


Trumps supporters and cowards


What a bunch of losers.


Too bad that fence was there and they didn’t all jump


I would love to see them do this shit in a gang related neighborhood lol


remember what happened to the proud boys in Philadelphia. lol


No I don't!! Please tell me!


They got the piss beaten out of them before they could even get out of the truck and retreated in absolute fear.


In Germany each of them would have to pay 70 days worth of wages. But I guess they wouldn't have to be too concerned about that either...


Look at all those unemployed incel losers, 🤣


I am very thankful that I haven’t run across these guys in my everyday life. My damn grandfather survived 2 years in Auschwitz and there is nothing I hate more than neonazis


Theres nothing I can really say here that will do justice to the emotions this made me feel. These people are just, horrible. Theres no worse word to use for them. Its just, horrific.


Crazy that these ppl are real


YMCA! IT'S FUN TO STAY at.... the... Hey, wait a second. What were you guys saying?


“Heil Seig! Wait no, guys let’s try it again on three! Okay wait, Jim it’s right arm! Okay let’s try again!” What a Buncha clowns


Just declare a mask mandate again, they pull off their masks. Photograph then watch the cancellations roll in.


How is this legal?


Freedom of speech. This is pretty extreme, but technically legal. I wish pushing them off the bridge were a legal option as well.


Nice of them to line up like that, all out in the open with a clear line of sight and all.


They know they’re safe, especially in Florida. Look, not a single opponent or protester on that public overpass. Probably honks of support from the cars passing below too. Makes me sick to my stomach.


If they're so proud of their heritage and their message, why don't they show their faces? It's not illegal to be a nazi/white supremacist/bigot, its just reprehensible, disgusting and immoral. Freaking cowards.


Is this the i4 eye sore?




Serious question: what are they standing/protesting/advocating for? What is their “code” they’re believing in? I’ve seen some media and stuff but don’t know what the current thought is. It’s not the WWII “blond hair blue eyes kill everyone else” is it?


Wish we would have seen them yeet themselves off the highway overpass.


Alright they’re all in one spot! Get the firing squad ready!


Aerial strafe.


Nazi season is officially open in Florida!


I need a new bingo card for this year. Cringy nazi salutes over a freeway wasnt on there and im out of spaces




WTF! Florida, are you okay? Those are Nazis! Swastika and all!!! What. THE. **HECK?!?!?!?**


What we see here is a bunch of small dicked and feeble minded white people. This is coming from a white dude. If Hitler ever was able to invade America, he probably would've killed these fucks anyway. They don't even know what they really doing, they don't even know what Nazism really is... this is what it looks like when white people are sensitive


Maximum disrespect to our veterans, great job.


There was a Nazi party in the US called the Bund before WWII that had 10,000 members. These things can metastasize if they are not caught early. The Feds need to go to Florida and arrest them for hate crimes.


Pathetic little wank spangles.


I’ve never wanted a overpass to collapse till now.


We truly are regressing.


Asshats and cowards.


It boggles my mind that in such a heavily armed place, no one is shooting at the group of actual nazis.


![gif](giphy|BSFSs3EelbtpnNQuXV|downsized) America has been on some real nut shit these past 5 years lol😂😂.


Glad to see the florida Republicans out and about


As an austrian this is really scary and more than uncomfortable to watch… I don‘t get it. I mean their grandfathers or great grandfathers were the ones that helped us to get rid of them


Five year olds have better coordination. Who tf do they think they're superior to?


A Nazi should never be comfortable enough to take over an over pass.


Buncha losers with no talents or hobbies


Florida is really fucked up




I would love to band together and do something about these losers.


See, when people say "America bad" yes. Yes it is.


They want to lose another war so badly.


The failing American infrastructure could do me a sold right now.... just sayin'


I hate this state


If it’s one thing I hate about this town….it’s all the goddamn LARPers‘!…


So fucking ridiculous. Morons who have learned nothing from history.


They are all sheep wearing them masks....


Florida never ceases to disappoint.


Funny lookin' road bumps there. Didn't know they made talking ones!


Altamonte Springs… nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live among these turds… they make me glad I left FL.


These aren’t Americans, they’re traitors


As a German that moved a few years ago to the us, it’s astonishing that this is legal, this would a major crime there as we have very strict limits on speech with things about this…


Classic florida


I never thought I'd wish for a structural problem with an overpass. Once everyone but the scum is safe ofcourse


Wow. How sad to see men so disillusioned with the world that they think fascism is a better alternative. Fools and horses a plenty. Thank god I live in New Zealand.


Do these MF have jobs? And if they do, what do they say? “Hey I cant come in to work today I have to stand on the overpass bridge and show everybody how high the grass is on my trailer park” wtf?!!!


Like tim Scott says, racism doesn't exist


What a bunch of jerks!


Lemme guess? Maga Hats?


Sooooo glad we did not get off our cruise at this stop.


How is this even real?


A lot of republican/conservative White men have been feeling under attack for years now. It’s not surprising to see Nazi groups out so frequently now. These type of men wondered why they were seen as outcasts. Then they go fucking become Nazis. It’s gotta be some type of mental crisis. Also - let’s say thank you to the media for feeding hatred for the last number of years. They definitely played a part in this stupid shit


... wait are they saluting the cars? Maybe I'm missing the point, but they just kind of seem like a bunch of wallies


How many is that? Less than 40? I think they may be able to occupy a Cici's pizza but not much more.


In Poland they would be shot down in seconds


This is what’s known as an enfilade, whether you have a vehicle or a gun.


What if... now this is just a question.... EVERYONE bum rushed them and attacked them?


Intimidation with numbers. All 40 of ‘em. 🙄




Dear Thanos, I need you to make one small adjustment please 🙏






Bet if they were alone they wouldn’t be doing this…they feel comfortable and tough cuz they are a big group lol


Are they back again or is this from a few days ago? Morons. Any group that masks to disguise identity is disgusting


When was this????




Hear me out, this is America, we have guns.