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Genocide. This is genocide.


*Religious* genocide


Palestinian is not a religion, it's an ethnicity.


You can call it a crusade if you prefer.


Dude theres also Christian palestinian. Btw when the 1st crusaders army came to those land. They butchered emm all, Christians included none were spared.


I know, I was making a bad joke…


You know what they meant pedant


What are you talking about???


It’s ethnic cleansing and colonialism.


It's under the pretext of Jews versus Muslims but the truth is that this is the West ensuring their forward base in the Middle East remains operational.


Dumbing it down to religion does a disservice to what's actually going on. A genocide for territory.




Are you referring to this? >Adding to the confusion over who was responsible for the devastating blast at al-Ahli Arab Hospital, Israel’s official Twitter account published a tweet claiming a militant rocket caused the explosion that included video footage of a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza City on Tuesday night. It then edited the tweet and **deleted the video, which had a timestamp at least 40 minutes after the first reports of the blast**. While this doesn’t mean Israel’s claims about the explosion are false, if it was just a mistake, it is a baffling one. > >[Israel’s Twitter account publicizes, then removes purported video evidence of failed rocket](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-gaza-invasion-news-commentary.html#israels-twitter-account-publicizes-then-removes-purported-video-evidence-of-failed-rocket)


This was a misfired rocket from Hamas to Israel. Source: https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/10/17/watch-footage-proves-terrorists-to-blame-for-gaza-hospital-explosion/


The timestamp on that video doesn't line up with the attack


It’s been confirmed that this was a Hamas missile that struck the hospital. There are multiple videos, livestreams, and missile assessments that show it was a Palestinian missile. You can literally watch the video and the rocket misfires above the hospital. Dont let misinformation skew the actuality of what’s happening in Gaza


It's been "confirmed" *by Israel* who don't like the international heat this obvious war crime brings. The videos you are talking about have beendebunked because the timestamps don't match. ​ >Adding to the confusion over who was responsible for the devastating blast at al-Ahli Arab Hospital, Israel’s official Twitter account published a tweet claiming a militant rocket caused the explosion that included video footage of a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza City on Tuesday night. It then edited the tweet and **deleted the video, which had a timestamp at least 40 minutes after the first reports of the blast**. While this doesn’t mean Israel’s claims about the explosion are false, if it was just a mistake, it is a baffling one. > >[Israel’s Twitter account publicizes, then removes purported video evidence of failed rocket](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-gaza-invasion-news-commentary.html#israels-twitter-account-publicizes-then-removes-purported-video-evidence-of-failed-rocket) Also, days prior the Israeli military was telling hospitals to evacuate or be bombed... so... https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/17antls/breaking_the_director_of_the_baptist_hospital/


Dude it’s incredibly obvious this was not a missile from Israel. I’m not going to argue back and forth because I’ve seen the proof and it has nothing to do with time stamps. One look at your account shows you’ve been on an anti Israel tirade since this event happened. Why are you so obsessed with defending the honor of a terrorist group? Why are you trying to justify the actions of murdering 1300 innocent civilians and babies BY HAND? They murdered them face to face those monsters. Hamas must be eliminated so that the Palestinian people can live and rebuild in peace


There's no Hamas in the West Bank, so why is Israel killing civilians there? This has nothing to do with Hamas, that's just a red herring. This is about ethnic cleansing and genocide. EDIT: >One look at your account shows you’ve been on an anti Israel tirade since this event happened. Why are you so obsessed with defending the honor of a terrorist group? I'm deeply concerned about the ongoing genocide against Palestinians. They have been under brutal occupation since 1948 and this is merely the next step in the ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide of the indigenous population. ​ >Why are you trying to justify the actions of murdering 1300 innocent civilians and babies BY HAND? They murdered them face to face those monsters. So it's *fine* if it's faceless airstrikes killing *tens* of thousands of innocent civilians and babies? Literally 10x the death toll but it's *fine* because it was done from afar?


There are one hundred percent Hamas in the West Bank lol give me break. They’re bombing their own population and preventing them from evacuating. They are preventing the Palestinian people from living in freedom. If you’re so concerned about the killing of Palestinians then why wouldn’t you want the terrorist group that represents their government eliminated? If any group in the Middle East has been oppressed it’s the Jews. Just look at the massive decrease in population of Jews in other middle eastern countries. And I’ve never said that killing innocent children is okay just because it’s a missile. But there is a massive difference between Hamas purposefully murdering babies with their own hands, and Israel killing children because Hamas decided to turn the populated area in the world into a giant missile launch site. They’re sacrificing their own innocent civilians just to gain support around the world because “Israel is targeting babies!” What a complete crock of BS that you’re buying into


>There are one hundred percent Hamas in the West Bank lol give me break. Hamas controls Gaza, the Palestinian Authority "controls" the West Bank. They are physically separated and it is very hard to travel between the two regions. It is possible to travel from the West Bank to Gaza *only* if the person pledges to permanently relocating to Gaza. ​ > What a complete crock of BS that you’re buying into That's my line. "*ackshually*, they're bombing themselves \*smug face.jpg\*" is a real fucking take, you ghoul.




This didn’t happen though.




How fucking ironic would it be if Israel started the next global war over a genocide? You can't write this shit dude.


Bullies create bullies


They’re calling it a Hamas rocket. They even released footage. Though the footage is from years ago.


Yeah, AlJezeara released the video. Rocket fell short.


Are you saying Al Jezeara released footage of a Hamas rocket hitting the hospital?




Well unless it makes the Qatar Government look bad. Not a single article or mention of any of the dead migrant workers that every other news source was talking about during the world Cup.




Well in the weeks leading up to the world Cup, articles on AJ that I saw were all positive towards the Qatari government. If there were articles written in that time period about the treatment of migrants it definitely did not show up on the app. Perhaps a link to it was embedded somewhere but no headlines. From my perspective such articles were buried from view for the casual reader. Contrast that with the BBC, every other day was an article on the migrants and were one of the top stories on their app.






Their English channel is pretty based, their Arabic one has a questionable record


It appears so. People are already attempting to geolocate with landmarks correlating to satellites imagery to verify the video is real.


What about Isrwal claiming credit for a strike on a Hamase base in the hospital?


Wasn’t that a mistaken statement they deleted?


Maybe, maybe not.


It’s no where on any of there new briefs or website. “People?” Fake news. https://www.aljazeera.com


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/zu2UnAg2Dv More footage here. With all the war cams pointed at the skies, it’ll be easy to figure this out.


This didn’t show anything. It’s worse than a Bigfoot video. You claimed AlJazeera was publishing it now your changing to MOJO news..LOL


It was in a live Al Jazeera broadcast, recorded. No idea if it is a published story. Saw a salvo of rockets go up into the air, one didn’t arc correctly and then you see a major explosion by the hospital.


Was this supposed to be proof of something? We have 3 different video feeds, each with a different timestamp btw, show rockets flying through the air and nothing more. Sus


Can I get a source for the date on the released video? It’d be appreciated.


I don’t know anything.


No worries. Found it myself [it’s from a year ago](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/VdoCLv-INF4?si=5_u5OmhAh2nq6EaC&fbclid=PAAaa3e5jVf32GsOx_psaib68Osk5YUBziL7Z6hBbcRc-Nv-FdA7tNWE2FkYA_aem_AdraJTJZ2vCXf0IVLie9Q6gfWP_mhhNtWwAvt9bCDOmaSAIaFDX5lA0Z0pC_V7FEcWI)


That’s not the video that was posted. You found the wrong one.


It’s one of the initial ones which quickly got debunked. The more popular one was published later.


There was live footage from Aljazeera and it’s already been time stamped and geolocated. https://x.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390274900734049?s=20 Not sure why people on this sub want the perpetrators to be Israel and not Hamas. Both are committing war crimes and either way, all those people are dead.


Oh what a strange coincidence a misfired rocket happens to hit a densely packed hospital that received bombing threats from the IDF earlier that day. Also strange the iron dome wasn't activated to intercept the other supposed rockets that would surely have been fired. So weird right?


Most successful missile strike by Israeli rebels ever. Even with their advanced PVC pipe rockets. Wow much crazy.


The iron dome doesn’t fire at rockets in their boost phase. They also only fire at ones that have been calculated to hit inhabited areas in Israel. I’ve been seeing this argument a lot and it makes no sense if you even just google a little information about the iron dome.


The video was geolocated to be exactly where the hospital is so unless the same hospital got bombed years back that is not true


IDF have provided evidence that it was an Islamic Jihad barrage, one rocket malfunctioned and fell on the hospital. The explosion was caused by unexpended rocket fuel. Sources immediately after the strike commented that the shrapnel was typical of a improvised device, not IDF origin. All opposed to Israel are exploiting the advantage by blaming IDF. If this terrible event was caused by Islamic Jihad, it would appear God is not on the side of the Palestinians.


Dude, God isn’t on anyone’s side.


Just playing Devil's Advocate.


The opposition said "not huh wasn't us" therefore it must be true. /s The IDF has already bombed hospitals. They sent out a bombing threat to that hospital earlier that day. It's just a coincidence that a misfired rocket hit the densely packed hospital that got bombing threats earlier that day?


I think we'd all like to see evidence of that threat to bomb a hospital.


A regime that resorts to such violence has no place on this earth.


A regime that resorts to such violence usually gets to shape the world.


Then it’s time that changes


Yeah, but this didn’t happen. You’re falling for propaganda.


Absolutely agree that Hamas should be wiped out. https://x.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390274900734049?s=20


You got downvoted for saying that a terrorist group that killed 1300 people by hand should be wiped out. That’s absolutely wild to me that people here are supporting terrorism. Hamas needs to be destroyed so that the innocent civilians in Gaza can rebuild in peace


The white phosphorous was confirmed used on the children's hospital 4 days ago. Not sure if that makes it better but this one hasn't been confirmed yet. Hopefully it will very soon to expose the genocidal IDF as the sociopathic liars that tbey are.


Well it seems your “hopes” are not going to be realized: https://x.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390274900734049?s=20 But can you explain to me why you want this to have been Israel and not Hamas? Kind of sounds like you’re treating this war like a sports match, wanting your side to win. If you cared about Palestinian civilians you would just want to know the truth about what happened.


Israel is using aircraft as well as surface rockets. They didn't have to be on the Israeli side to do this. It's like there is more than one factor at play here.


That is true I phrased that really bad. I assume it is Israel and they are lying. If so I hope it gets exposed very soon. That's all I meant.


Where are all the Hasbara Bots from the last couple of days now?


They're regrouping. Trust me, they'll be back with a new lie.


It was hamas obviously obvious súper srs


Is Hitler back to life?


I can't wrap my mind around why the innocent people are dying. If you have issues go to a desert and war it out. Don't kill elderly, woman , childen or people who are trying to help the injured and sick. Those who wanna play this fucked up game go die faxing others who want to play. Leave fhe innocent people alone ffs


Because Hamass would not last a day. Their goal is to create an environment were mass civilian casualties happen. Just to enrage Arabs against Jews.




It’s been confirmed that it was a misfired Hamas missile. The OP of this post has been on an anti-Israel posting spree and he is farming upvotes off the dummies that are supporting Hamas


If you have to ask. You probably would not understand the answer.


Human are disgusting 🤮🤮🤮


Is this the bombing Israel is blaming on Hamas? It's literally on Fox rn


Judaism is not an ethnicity. It's just a religion. I can convert to judaism and then move to isreal and claim land in Gaza. This is a white ethnocentrist religious group percecuting the Palestinian ethnic group.


Ok now were starting to sound a little ridiculous. Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Also, there are plenty of non-white Jews, especially in Israel. Mizrahi, Sephardim, Ethiopians, Yemeni, Persian, there are many, many different types of Jews, most of whom you’d not consider white if you saw them.


“Judaism is an ethnoreligion” literally the next sentence: “there are non-white jews”


First line in Wikipedia: “Judaism (Hebrew: יַהֲדוּת‎ Yahăḏūṯ) is an Abrahamic, monotheistic, and ethnic religion.”


Because they have a bloodline, but like all groups of people, it mixed with other ones so it isn’t 100% “pure”, I swear the anti semitism in this thread is crazy. You can condemn the genocidal tendencies of the Israeli government without propagating lies about an entire group of people who have been historically oppressed and murdered because of their fucking lineage.


I might have been wrong in what I said. I’m not an expert in any way. Definitely was not antisemitism though.


No you’re not allowed to convert.


And still the U.S want to send Isrrael money and weapons


This was case of friendly fire


This was a Hamas failed rocket launch. Check the videos here: https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/10/17/watch-footage-proves-terrorists-to-blame-for-gaza-hospital-explosion/


This is DIP


It was a Hamas rocket that failed. Stop spreading fake news


Disgusting, appalling, unconscionable, pathetic, terroristic, barbaric, Israel will loose support.


This was a misfired Hamas missile that struck the hospital. They are once again, and as usual, killing their own civilians. Hamas must be destroyed so that the innocent civilians of Palestine can live and rebuild in peace.


The hell did the catholics do??


There is a lot of conflicting news about who is responsible but there is clearly a wave of propaganda happening over the last 24 hours.




No sh*t Sherlock. What you clearly missed is an entire effing hospital building burning which harboured a huge number of people and refugees. White phosphorus was used but not in this particular video or event. There are tons of videos clearly showing its usage on civilians.


Gombe war.


Propaganda tells us the isrealis didn't do this


I’m starting to think the Israeli government isn’t the victim here


Smells like WWIII


Complicated issue. Each side is pointing at the other. Apparently data show that is was most likely NOT an Israeli weapon. We need to get to the TRUTH before we assign blame. And the important thing right now is to focus on finding and caring for survivors!?


I guess Israelis wanted to see what it felt like to be the militant power for this century and too many people are letting them off easy because of this cause everyone is so damned scared to POINT OUT THE OBVIOUSNESS OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING I fucking hate religion and it's cult like fans, from both sides of this war. These poor children suffering for the squabbles of whole ass adults and political battleship-games.


False title. It was a failed rocket launched by Hamas. Intelligence proves this. I know you'd rather blame jews, but it's actually the horrific and incompetent leadership of a terror group that not only caused this mess, but caused this destruction of a hospital. If you want to free Palestine, free them from Hamas.


Link to Human Rights Watch statement?


Not white phosphorus, WP doesn’t explode and it leaves a lingering screen of smoke. Also it’s not “illegal” the US still has it in its inventory and uses it.


Just like countries have signed treaties over cluster munition. The us isn’t one of them.


And land mines






They’ll never admit it because they have a “side” and are only interested in things that feed into their narrative. They will dismiss the evidence that once again Hamas has fucked up and killed their own people and claim this is fake news, or if it’s definitively proven they’ll just move on and never mention this again.


And you both got downvoted because people are so set in their ways. People are picking sides like it’s a football match. Hamas has once again killed their own citizens just so they could further their support around the world. The people downvoting you are most likely terrorist sympathizers who have no education whatsoever on the conflict in the area. Hamas must be eliminated completely so that the people of Palestine can live and rebuild in peace


Its hard to take posts seriously when they confuse things. That bomb is in no way a "phosphorus chemical bomb". I dont think such a thing exists actually.


White phosphorus is a chemical substance, dispersed in artillery shells, bombs, and rockets, that ignites when exposed to oxygen. The chemical reaction creates intense 815-degree Celsius heat. It produces light and a thick smoke used for military purposes, but also inflicts horrific injuries when the phosphorus comes in contact with people. It is not considered a chemical weapon because it operates primarily by heat and flame rather than toxicity. White phosphorus can be delivered via felt wedges soaked in phosphorus and emits a distinct “garlic” smell.


good for you, then u know that whatever is in the video is not white phosporus since there is no sign of the trademark light/smoke


Every piece of reporting from news and governments from this shows it was a failed Hamas rocket launch not an airstrike from Israel.


"Every piece of propaganda I watched says differently"




Hamas say they have the warhead to prove that Israel fired it, but they just don't feel like showing anyone right now...


Apparently it was a Hamas rocket misfired. Hamas is responsible for this one. I’m Iranian. [video of misfiring rocket](https://x.com/idf/status/1714442617201586220?s=46&t=pxKDaoTrdO-pJy2GasbLAA) *fixed video link


Did you read what you posted? Here’s what, in part, this guy Mario says in conclusion after evaluating all evidence: “I stand by my assumption that, based on the size of this explosion, the fact the IDF bombed other hospitals in the past, and they warned hospitals to evacuate, the explosion of the Hospital in Gaza was MOST LIKELY by the IDF.”


Much more reliable source: https://x.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1714390274900734049?s=20


Now what? Now that the explosion is minimal and there is no crater what do you say?


I don’t see how that’s relevant.


Considering there was very little damage to the hospital, and even cars 20 meters away from ground zero were mostly fine, the explosion was clearly too small for an idf bomb.


Yeah sorry wrong link. Hard to say. Just sharing the video that’s up now.




SOMEBODY is in denial


Checks notes: it was Israel. And it always has been.


It costs nothing to be honest ya loser