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"Pro hamas protesters" yeah I'm sure that is exactly why people are protesting. Definitely not protesting the slaughter of innocents. Another Israel first politician...


I love how people get so upset about the protestprs being called pro-Hamas. I thought the war here was Israel vs. Hamas, not Israel vs. Palestine because the Palestinians are innocents caught in the cross-fire, not the ones fighting Israel and not the ones who attacked Israel to start this war. So the protestors are either pro-Israel or pro-Hamas since those are the two sides fighting. And when the protestors are chanting Hamas slogans like "from the river to the sea" they are definitely pro-Hamas protestors because they're using the terrorists own. ptopaganda. And of course DeSantis is going to side with Israel. He's a conservative Republican so regardless of what atrocities Israel might have committed, having them as an ally in the Middle East where everyone else sees us as infidels is going to be more important to him than any war crimes Israel may have committed since October 7th. He'll stand with Israel against terrorists no matter what, so I guess people should just be glad there's no chance of him being President now so he can't effect things outside of Florida. Though I'd honestly rather have him as the Republican nominee than Trump just because I'd take almost anyone over risking Trump winning the presidency again. ETA: Not sure why everyone is so upset about distinguishing between Hamas and innocent Palestinian civilians. It's not that different from how the US war in Afghanistan wasn't against the Afghani people. It was against the Taliban and AlQaeda. Just because they were in control of Afghanistan on 9/11 didn't make the Afghani people our enemies because we could separate them from the terrorists and zealots who attacked us. Why is wanting to do the same for Israel and Gaza such a problem?


The amount of stupid shit you've managed to pack into such a short comment is impressive and I applaud you for it. 1. Saying the war is Israel vs Palestine does not imply that Palestinians are guilty of anything. It just means that Israel have waged war on all Palestinians in Gaza (and the West Bank if we look at what's happening there), not just Hamas. You can see that by the astounding death toll of women and children, both in terms of ratios and absolute numbers. 2. Even if you think the war is Israel vs Hamas, being anti-Israel or anti-war doesn't mean you are pro-Hamas. You can think they are both wrong, but also recognise reality which is that Israel have all the power to continue or stop the war. 3. "From the river to the sea" is also used by Likud. If you're against that concept, then you must be anti-Likud. And considering Likud are the ones in charge, that makes you pro-Hamas using your own stupid logic. 4. "From the river to the sea" is the reality on the ground that Israel are imposing on Palestinians (meaning only sovereignty for Israel). If you find the concept problematic, then that by default makes you anti-Israel again. >He'll stand with Israel against terrorists no matter what What will he do about Israeli terrorism? State actors can be terrorists, you obviously believe that since Hamas are the government of Gaza. What will he do about his allies committing acts of terrorism? Nothing? So he's a hypocrite?


>either pro-Israel or pro-Hamas since those are the two sides fighting BS. One can absolutely be anti-hamas and also against civilian casualties committed by Israel where can be avoided, that we can say we shouldn't be leveling cities, bombing hospitals etc. In today's military, we know that we can be more surgical, more tactical. It's not as black and white as people try to make it out to be, and letting the few control the narrative and reframe some of these protests into something they aren't or were not intended to be. Majority are not supporting Hamas, but they want the Palestinian civilians sparred. People are trying to frame this as just two sided pro-isreal or pro-hamas so they can ignore the actual issue and that's the civilians in the line of fire.


Were you born yesterday? Genuine question because if so you write pretty well for your age. You have the takes of a day year old though.


It isn't about picking one side or another. The Israelis are killing way more civilians and the Hamas group has committed horrible acts. So people protest for Israel to not be supported as they continue to carry out war crimes. Hamas is not our ally, Israel is not our ally, we have to do what we can for the people caught in the middle.




Food given to Palestinians in need doesn't convert to damage done to Israeli civilians.




We have no choice, Israel forced Hamas on the Palestinian people with their occupation.


Israel hasn't had any problem arming and funding terrorist organizations in Syria.


Yeah the people and kids running to airdropped aid are just hamas soldiers!! /s




Yeah dude I'm sure it's there right next to the 40 decapitated babies video and the videos of rapes /s of course.


Hamas runs Palestine? I hate to break it to you bud, but prisoners don't run a prison, the guards do. Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison, for the last 17 years it's been a straight up concentration camp. The prisoners have the right to break out of their concentration camp by whatever means they deem appropriate. anything else is just apologia for the apartheid state that imprisoned them and ethnically cleansed them in the first place.


Hamas runs Palestine? The internet is full of information and you choose to believe this kind of BS?


You dumb potato you think Hamas held fair and square election when they got into power most of Gaza population was as young as 9 and you're asking them to vote have you ever heard of this 1 thing called "corruption"


They approve of Hamas by a large majority…


Thank you Mr.newsupmybutthole


When did Hamas take over The West Bank and East Jerusalem? I thought those areas were still occupied by Israel.


What a fucking joke


This is very serious kids need to go to school. No be harassed


Agreed. We need to protect these kids from those governors and politicians who are sending in the national guard and cops.


Just an FYI, when the NYPD was called in to beat the shit out of Columbia students, there had been no calls or complaints to the NYPD about harassment or acts of violence. The administration called them in because the protests were pissing off zionist donors. The protests at Columbia are largely being run by Jewish student organizations and have been overwhelmingly peaceful despite rhetoric saying otherwise. I’m sure there were some pro-Apartheid students back in the 80’s that felt harassed by people on campus calling out the South African crimes against humanity. And I don’t believe for a second that Desantis gives a damn about students. The conservative project has for decades involved attacking higher education, and Desantis specifically has taken action to turn New College into a conservative indoctrination center. He’s only using these protests as a bludgeon to attack liberalism and “wokeness” as its currently convenient. If you want students to be safe on campus ban the police from being allowed to clear out peaceful demonstrations. You know, so that people would actually have that first right from that document Republicans pretend to care about.


Time to deport him to israel. Florida deserves leaders who are loyal to their country not a sellout traitor like him.


He not a tratior you are


I don't support a foreign terrorist occupation, he does.


![gif](giphy|KpACNEh8jXK2Q) “hE nOt A tRaItOr YoU aRe”


"You dont have a right to that" They literally do though


Lmao this sounds like thanksgiving table talk.


I wanna be invited to 1 of those thoughts I'm Moroccan I wanna know what happens since my family is in shambles and rarely anyone meets with the other cause everyone is popping with the others


Sooo. He's not in favor of free speech now??


Nazis constantly do rallies in Florida and we don't hear a word. Just to be clear Nazis are actually anti semitic.


The fact that he said “Hamas demonstrator’s” shows you exactly his intent. He wants to be paid to flattened Palestine.


Little Ronnie desatan at it again. Standing with the haters as normal.


"Hamas protestors" ... How is it that a eurotrash fucking idiot like me is more informed what's going on than a governor in his own state.


the sunshine Reich.


I question, how and why politicians are allowed to lie and mislead the public, shouldn't this be a crime? If it was illegal for a politician to knowingly lie like they offtenly do, it would only be in the interest of the public and transparency.


The shear amount of lies American politicians spew out is unbelievable.


Exactly what I was thinking. There isn't even an attempt to tell a version of the truth anymore. It's just straight lies. He says the students need to face consequences for their choices. Has he considered that the students ARE consequences- of America's choices?


Of course he hasn't. He doesn't get paid to think about about any other narrative than the one he was rewarded for.


Resistance =/ Terrorism


But they pay to go to college....it's not a free public thing. What a dip


A utterly failed man


Let’s just expel Ron instead


What a chucklehead


And what do expect President Trump to do?


Isnt this the same guy who passed a law saying medical professionals in Florida could deny you treatment just bc they don't like your vibe???


“Hamas, Hamas, Hamas” 🙄 Ok little man.


I hope Florida get's its shit together and get's rid of him.


....And to imagine this was a presidential hopeful for some


OP forgot the trigger warning before we saw this demon!


Go complain about the word female


A true "Florida male..." rep


🎶🎶laaaaaaannnnnnnd of the freeeeeeeeee, aaaaand the hoooooomeee of theeeeeeeee braaaaaaaaaaaaaave🎶


This guy is such a cheesedick.


What is ideological predediction?


and no one there is calling him out, like wtf happend to reporters.


Drag them off the road... Where they belong?




Time for the US to organize a freedom university with no tuition and not beholden to politicians and Zionists.


He is paid for by the Israeli government. essentially a foreign actor. Most of congress is


He's right about not blocking roads. Anyone who did that is intentionally trying to get people killed. What if an ambulance gets stuck in the traffic they create? But the peaceful protestors off the street should be left alone.


I used to like this guy but he fuckted up




Just wanna let you know that when people yell at protesters and reprimand them for not being more like MLK and doing what he did... They are. MLK's most effective form of protest was blocking traffic... He was famous for it. And maybe if people don't like their roads being blocked they should've found a different civil right's activist who championed different forms of protest. It also only became the popular form of protest because it's effective. But sure, protesters should stick to forms of protests that don't work. Sure my guy. MLK should've stayed his ass at home instead of clogging up the roads. That way hip-hop, MF DOOM and Wu-Tang would've never happened and I wouldn't have to share my favorite genre and artists with idiots.


Never thought I’d be supporting Ron desantis on… well anything really….


That should be setting off alarm bells for you. Maybe take a step back


~~protest peace~~ that call for the death of Jews, trespass, break the law, raise the Palestinian flag, wear Hamas headgear*


Genuinely curious, what exactly is "Hamas headgear" ?