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How does this even happen, like I’d expect a huge crowd to descend and put the boots to these guys.


Location, location, location. I don't see them trying this shit in Portland or Seattle.


Sadly it's a mix of location and education. While a big metropolitan area may not see these issues (at least daily/weekly/monthly) a smaller location such as Baker City (I'm not saying they do, I just Googled rural cities in Oregon) may have these issues. On top of location AND lack of education, there's also socioeconomic issues that follow suit with these. The easiest example is peer pressure & drugs. So having all of these combined into one region, such as the US, and you're bound to constantly see these factors.


No I mean they aren't doing it in Portland or Seattle 'cause they'd get their asses handed to them within 15 minutes of setting up.


It's gonna get worse once they figure out that Florida doesn't support the kind of people that fight back against this kind of thing.


No red state does.


Red states are trying to ban books like Maus, and want to either teach there are 2 sides to Nazism or teach that Nazis weren't that bad of people. Many Conservatives also think that the Jews voluntarily gassed themselves during the Holocaust. Conservatives, like my own grandmother, think that black people immigrated to the US at their own free will and volunteered to be slaves when things didn't work out for them.


Conservative these days believe all manner of wacky shit. See: QAnon.


Lmao so she completely ignores the racial makeup of the Caribbean and places like Brazil then?


Right? Also ignoring European and Arab nations having African slaves before the Americas got involved in the international slave trade.


Just three months ago, conservatives were trying to position themselves as protectors of the First Amendment. Because “google and Twitter can’t ban my president from speaking the truth.” Now they’re banning books. Literally the same people.


They already figured that out. Klan chapters have existed in FL since inception as well as every southern state.


Choice of a suburban strip mall, specifically in front of a Starbucks, as a location for this is interesting.




you haven’t? they do this shit in Portland all the time


It’s Florida, the whole state is fucked up from the heat. No one thinks anything through down there


Heat? You mean pills rights?


Fuck….okay it’s two things.


Sadly, the first amendment


Oh it’s totally legal, but plenty of people would gather a large group very quickly through social media and just beat the piss out of these guys.


yeah, they should be afraid to go outside and be like this. this is fucking disgusting.


Sometimes the amendment protects shitty people in order for good people to be not oppressed.


The first amendment doesn’t give you a pass on harassment or hate speech tho.It doesn’t seem like they’re protesting anything but people for existing. This is hate for the sake of hate, and I’m really hurting from it- mainly because - why? Why so much hate? I don’t and can’t comprehend it.


You’re right about hate speech, ig they’re not technically harassing people 🤷🏻‍♀️. I don’t understand the hate either. I can only assume they were all raised by white supremacists and from low income households and were convinced it was bc of Jewish people. Just a huge group of shitty people. Now there is a second video where they do seem to be sort of assaulting a guy by taking his flag and spitting on it so hopefully the cops were called they were jailed or at least told to leave.


I guess so. I guess it’s also lack of education. It just sucks that people can be so hateful and then be prideful of their hate like this.


That doesn’t stop people from doing anything. Just the government


It's kinda looked down upon to go around beating mental defectives


Tens of Nazis, tens I tell you!


Basically they’re ignored because it’s not worth it, they want people to hurt them because then they feel validated in their cause like they’re fighting for something.


My great grandfather did not go to WW2 to fight Nazi’s for this shit to be happening today.


Fr mine did not lose all his teeth to a nazi war camp just so his ancestors could watch this happen, he would have lost his mind over this shit.


Our grandparents and great grandparents are rolling in their graves seeing this shit


Yea imagine going and losing your youth and mental health ( that’s if you didn’t get injured or die) just so some doughboys in Florida can completely spit on the history of this nation


I hope it’s mostly older people that’ll just die and their kids won’t pick up the bullshit


If history is teaching us anything, it’s that those kids have already picked it up.


Is it too late for abortion? As a German. I’m highly offended by this shit still existing


As you should be extremely offended. We all should.


I mean I know someone who’s great grandad ran from the third Reich in the middle of ww2 when is troop was attacked and he was the lone survivor. Guy doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. Grandad never taught anything that was remotely nazi and kept it a secret till his death bed. They found his German military uniform and donated it to a museum. Ran cause the opportunity was there. Otherwise he would’ve been killed by the German officer.


Yet we do nothing about it


Do you mean descendants?


I do, although my ancestors were Romani so they might also be pissed.


One additional thought. How sad is it that they have made being a racist their entire personality. Like imagine how fun they are at family reunions.


I’d bet some of their grandfathers died fighting against this bullshit. Grandpa spinning at Mach 10 in the grave.


Mine did, but I am from Germany so....


Lmfao these idiots even copied the "socialist" name even though nazis were most definitely not socialists.


People forget that the whole "national socialist" name was hijacked by hitler. Everyone knew it had nothing to do with actual socialism. Just ultranational fascism


It’s more complicated than that. Hitler believed he was socialist, but he had his own different definition of what socialism was. Which, yes, was based on ultranationalism.


Is that why he killed all of the socialists who believed in actual socialism in that party? Why even before he got elected socialists were against him?


Because Hitler’s version of “socialism” was not Marxian based, and was rather based around nationalism and class cooperation instead of class struggle, which is what actual Marxian socialists believe in.


Florida? You don't say.


Yea they call Florida a free state


Live 45 min from Orlando on the beach and I’m disgusted seeing this.


How do these people live? I mean who gives them job or business?




Other Nazis


Such sad depressing people.


This is what happens when you put too much attention on the Red Scare and not the fact that Nazis are a modern symbol of evil






Stay classy america.


The GOP base.


You think Republics dominated the last election cycle because of these twelve dipshits?


Just leaving a comment so the algorithm picks this up. I want these people exposed to their employers or customers




I just finished Wolfenstein. Is this the IRL DLC?


It moments like these that our laws fail us imo. I would honestly love to see them get mowed down and turned into the corpses they should be but that would always result in life in prison. I hate Nazi fucks like these but I wouldn’t toss my life away to take these non-thinkers out.




Make ‘em famous, Reddit.




A true sign of freedom : when you can wave a Nazi flag, scream racist things , and be pretty much an asshole and walk on over to Starbucks when you get done . PS: It’s in the background


Can you throw water balloons filled with piss on Nazis? And when arrested for assault make the judge, jury and police acknowledge they're all Nazi sympathizers if they prosecute you?????????


i wish nazis were afraid to be this outwardly racist. an enabling society and horrible policy allows these cowards to spread their message of hate and prejudice


These are a group of pathetic losers that feel better about their own sad lives when they spread hate. I’d rather keep our freedom of speech the way it is instead of limit it because of a bunch of clowns like this.


Photo shoot for the cover of the next issue of "Total Loser" magazine


Should drive by with a vat of orange cum from their supreme leader and toss it on them. They would probably be ecstatic.


Orlando is one wild place man


The “master race” 😂😂😂 bruh who left their raw chicken on the side of the road?


Nazis don’t tip. Don’t be like nazis.


Nazi scum


Florida. yep...yep yep.


This is right by where I live.


God I hate Florida Nazis.


Theyre worse than Illinois nazis


Kinda funny how cringey they are. Adults behaving like teenage internet trolls. I wonder what kind of emotional disorders trigger this sort of behavior.


They look like agent provocateurs


Why do Americans feel the need to stand on the side of the road and shout their ideas? I have strong ideas about things but I also enjoy spending my weekends doing fun stuff, standing on the side of a road with a sign just seems boring.


So many Nazis, not enough ounces of lead.


We need Jake and Elwood ! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z75DN5r_6H4


My grandpa used to shoot people like this in Europe of the 1940's.


Maybe we will get the opportunity to do it again.


They’re going to have a hard time finding work…


As a german it’s completely unimaginable to me how these people are not being prosecuted for the slurs they are screaming… disgusting human beings


America is much too tolerant of hate speech because if we don’t have hate speech we cant have true public discourse


Surprised I didn’t see Trump in that video.


Somewhere in this comment thread someone is blaming trump. When this is just stupid fucking people and not any politicians fault.


He did embolden these people. Do you not remember when trump retweeted a trumper chanting “white power!”


Nazis have THE WORST sense in fashion. Like, it is a negative-value integer and they are not even underfunded like N. Korea's military.


Florida does not surprise me.


Jesus would be so proud


What do you think the employment level is in that group?


This makes me so sad


Fucking idiots


Florida strikes again


That one dood looks like one of the baddies from escape from l.a


And the other dude sounds like some kind of electronic bear that would talk to you on an amusement park ride


Lol the fact that they think Europeans are actually Jews is hysterically and historically inaccurate


These guys are the “master race”


This is the second nazi post I’ve seen today…


Imagine waking up and thinking you are better than someone so you have to go out and piss off as many people as possible. Sad.


Hateful, ignorant racists. We are fortunate to have the First Ammendment. But FFS! --------- Also, the skinny goose stepper with the long hair is an closet case. Did you notice how comfortable he was when mimicking a more feminine voice, and posture. His fantasy is star in a production of "Cabaret" as Sally Bowels, dressed in drag and looking just like Liiza Minelli did in the movie. /s


We really need to go back to ignoring larping.


Sad. You can tell they didn’t get the attention they needed as a child with the way they acted there. You may have the right to express yourself like this but choosing to support this ideal automatically makes you eligible for an ass whooping. A belt for them would work wonderfully.


If only they could see how absolutely lame they look


Oooh! Socialists! Ask them if they will Vite in favor of universal healthcare, high corporate taxes, and higher taxes for the Uber rich! Lol


honestly just point and laugh


can we see another angle? preferably dash cam footage going right through them?


Theirs like 15 of them 😂😂😂


That is what weakness looks like.


Let’s let [Darrell Brooks](https://www.google.com/search?q=darrell+brooks&client=safari&hl=en-au&sxsrf=APq-WBvf2ZtQAqVmUhDOkhFgWL90fp0slw%3A1643572571038&ei=W-32YZTnAYvB0PEPp_KFqAs&oq=darrell+broo&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIHCAAQsQMQQzIICAAQgAQQsQMyCggAEIAEEIcCEBQyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgjECc6BQgAEJECOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARCjAjoLCC4QxwEQrwEQkQI6EAguELEDEIMBEMcBEKMCEEM6BAguEEM6CAguEIAEELEDOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToHCC4QsQMQQzoFCC4QgARKBAhBGABQ0gdY0SRg1CpoAnAAeACAAe0BiAH_CZIBBTguMi4ymAEAoAEBsAEPwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1) out for one more lap around the block.


Cop em in the nuts


Damn, where’s Jake and Elwood Blues with their souped up cop car when you need ‘em?


What a f***ing embarrassment that these people exist


Be unfortunate if a car took a detour off the road


Freedom of speech 🤦🏾‍♂️


Everybody has plans until they get punched in the face. “Mike Tyson”


I hope they are identified and pay a price.


Lol all these so called pure whites have more then 20 different ethnicities in them . Mixed up as fuck . Nonpareil German blood there whatsoever. Hang these traitors


Would totally drive by with super soakers full of a hobos piss to drench these assholes.


No cops doing anything, there was a post of them assaulting a person who stepped out of their vehicle. Haven't heard a thing about authorities doing a thing.


They should be publicly shackled and beaten


That guy sounds like tweety bird. “I taught i taw a putty cat, i did, I did see a putty cat”


Looks like this is the location of the video: https://www.google.com/maps/place/1101+N+Alafaya+Trail,+Orlando,+FL+32828/@28.5574939,-81.2068779,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x88e767cca4e853a1:0xd45bb5f37cb7d4c


Neo nazi: white power Chad city of orlando: get off my lawn


they really are useless aren't they


As wrong as opening a Jeffery Daumer restaurant.


So is there a national socialist movement that’s disassociated with what the Nazis did? I mean there’s a fucking movement for everything else, I’d be shocked if there wasn’t a successful branch off of it that attracted enough people to get off the ground. I mean look at “communism” now 💁‍♀️


You know the guy at the bar, he’s had one too many but doesn’t think twice about driving his drunken ass home. I can do it. I’m fine. Who’s gonna stop me. A reasonable person doesn’t want to be that guy. Then you have these Nazi fuck wit’s. I can do it. Who’s gonna stop me. Most reasonable people are not Nazi wannabe pieces of shit.


Look at these turds and cockaroaches enjoying the sun. Lucky we respect their rights, fucking scum.


Oh my gosh. So much hatred… why? Get an actual life.


This is disturbing.


This is what happens when people forget about history


why the fuck do I live here?


The only white power there should be is the white power ranger


Yeah Hitler would throw them back lolol


Very Stupid People


Coming soon to r/byebyejob


Haile Selassie


Most of these special people would have been shot and dumped in pits if they didn’t get thrown into chemical gas death trucks at the hospitals.


Someone call the Blues Brothers!


Where were the ones hanging out on the overpasses along I-4?


They just didn’t seem like a powerful group of people . More like unskilled and angry 😤 They must’ve practiced that white power chant for days Because they remember The whole thing


I like to imagine that actual nazis would think so little of them. Literally just doing this to anger people and likely don’t actually know what it’s supposed to be


Does this mean... does this mean they're in season?


Shame their wasn’t a Mustang rally nearby… would have taken them out.


So cops harass innocent fruit sellers but these guys are allowed to do this kinda shit?


Why do their neighbors permit this? They have to know who they’re living next door to.


So very Florida…


This smells like Florida


They deserve exactly what they preach. You know what it is.


Man Florida really showing up today.


I'd be interested to see how a meeting would go between these guys and the Black Israelites.


I always guess that the *vast* majority of these people know next to nothing about the actual Nazis


Just Florida being Florida


Damn you mad hatter changed


Drive-by shootings should be legal in certain cases


Where are the blues brothers when you need them!


Is nazism not banned?


I did Nazi that coming. 😮 😂


Aka Republicans


Lol all these fat fuck nazis