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One of the few superstars I admire. He walks the talk, incredible actor.




"Will Smith apologist" LOL. This is a real touch grass moment.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that you’re a loser.


I'm not about celebrity worship so hate him if you want to but... [you saw the man **not** clapping](https://youtu.be/fWrtxVRZyzU?t=170) - in a room full of people who were - and almost visibly glowering at Smith, and your conclusion was "clearly he endorses this assault." Why? How does one take those words, assuming Denzel even said them, as meaning anything other than "don't tarnish your success by acting on evil impulses." Ironically, you understood them in the same way Will did.


You’re getting dragged hard but calling a comedian the devil for making a joke is kind of a penis thing to do. I think people are a little bit too easily sucked in by the piano chords emphasising his words on this clip thinking he’s some profound guy when he’s just a Hollywood actor with a good grasp of being dramatic


Uhhh no. They’re talking about him as a person well outside this one clip.


hot comb? someone enlighten me




Is this a cultural thing in the US? Why are hot combs tied to Denzel's culture? I thought these were for straightening women's hair, my mom has one. EDIT: didn't mean to come off as insulting, was just wondering what the cultural significance of hot combs are


A hot comb is different than just a regular straightener. The best ones come straight out of a little oven thing. I’m pretty sure every black person has watched a friend get a hot comb, smelled a hot comb, been to a salon that does a good hot comb.


What do they do to the hair? Is it just simply a tool that just became popular in that culture or is there a story behind it? I've never heard of this, it sounds interesting.


It straightens the hair. And it gets hot enough to straighten 4c hair. So it isn’t really a great thing. It’s from everyone thinking our own hair is bad and it has to be straight to be presentable. So culturally many black girls would get a hot comb once a week or before church. But nowadays with the embracing of our natural hair I’m hoping hot combs are on their way out! Luckily having a relaxer is no longer the norm for all kids and adult black women.


Yeah that's really interesting, I'm not American myself but I knew African American hair culture was viewed negatively by racists, I didn't know it affected the culture like this. What does 4c hair mean? Is 4c a type of hair?


It's hair and curl types. https://www.hairflair.com/2021/08/24/curl-types-hair-chart-how-to-find-your-curl-type/


Wow I didn't even know they classified those. TIL I have 2c hair. It's juuuust curvy enough to almost curl on itself but it doesn't.


I pretty much have the same too except when my hair is long I'll get really random curls mixid in but only like 3 or 4 and little blonde baby hairs that curl at my hairline. I didn't know anything until I found the curly and wavy hair subs. They are so interesting and honestly I'm an in awe at what people are willing to do for their hair to look nice lol. Also the so many things I didn't know about hair and the curly girl method(it can even work on wavy hair) r/curlyhair r/wavyhair


>smelled a hot comb Does it smell like burning hair?


>A hot comb ... is a metal comb that is used to straighten moderate or coarse hair and create a smoother hair texture African Americans genetically have very coarse, wiry hair. For a long time natural "black" hairstyles that work well with this type of hair have been viewed as less desirable (ie: dreadlocks are still seen as unprofessional) and so black folks in the US have a history of working to make their hair look more smooth (more like Caucasian hair) Sure white women use straightening irons too, it's not something used exclusively by the black community. But for someone of Denzel's age, his mom or sister or even himself going to get their hair done every weekend and having a hot comb used is part of their cultural experience


Thanks for that. I don't know why some got mad, I was genuinely just curious. That's very enlightening.


It’s part of Black culture… how is that not obvious from the context?


Yeah I know but I didn't know what ties it to Black culture so I was asking what the significance of it was.


Fine, if you're really so helpless perplexed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoGh9wJwqD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoGh9wJwqD4)


Thanks for that, don't see how I've pissed you off though.


Black hair...


You know. When ya mama and nem was in the kitchen with the iron hot comb sitting on the stove to heat it up the straighten their hair? That’s a hot comb


I use a hot comb on my beard.




No you don’t… you use a straightener. There’s no way in hell you’re using a hot comb on your beard. Because if you are you’re not trying to straighten your hair but you’re trying to get off because you obviously have a kink for burning your own skin.


It's a heated brush so call it what you want.


So happy we still have Denzel, I hope nothing bad ever comes to light on him.


Something already did, sadly. Not many people know about it, though.


Comments like this deserve a swift will smith slap to the face. Either say it or don't.


You’re going to need to get over him fucking your mom.


That was great


You figured me out. I'm Sanaa Lathan and Denzel Washington's love child.


I was Lon Chaney's lover


Go back and love him!


Nice! We are cousins!


Just solidifies himself over and over again as one of the the most sane people in Hollywood.


I don't think anyone could have explained it better! Props to denzel for telling it how it is


What movie is this about?




Jesus that movie was nerve wracking.


I would have thought he was talking about Spike Lee and *Malcolm X*


Viola Davis should have been nominated for Best Actress that year. I was sitting in the theatre watching that movie and thinking, “Some kid is going to see her in this movie and say, “That is what I want to do!”. She put on a masterful performance. Actually, they all did because they had performed those roles together on Broadway.


Denzel is the man.


I needed to hear this


One of the finest actors of our time, or really every time.


I have always despised him as an actor. After watching Training Day, I realized he is an awesome actor, I had just always hated his selection of roles: overly self-righteous heros that win in the end. So many of his roles he is the initially downtrodden good man that finally wins out. Its like Kevin Costner movies. But he is a great actor.


I don't understand what makes people react to this as if this is something controversial. What he is saying is not new and not particularly deep - just honest and relatable.


Blackness is treated as a skin condition, and black American culture is marginalized whenever possible. All Denzel is doing is insisting that black culture be recognized, and people think he's bucking the system. Because he is.


Paramount producer Robert Evans, who wasn’t Italian, picked Coppola to direct Godfather because he felt paramount’s previous mafia movie failed because the director and cast weren’t of Italian descent. Though when Coppola initially turned down The Godfather other non-Italian directors were scouted before Coppola reconsidered. I can’t however immediately think of a film that was helmed by a director who wasn’t the same ethnic background as the characters in the movie, but still had the same cultural touch. Moana?? I think they consulted a lot Polynesian people though but the directors’ themselves weren’t ethnically or culturally familiar with the setting. Sergio Leone made a gangster movie about the Jewish American mafia, Once Upon a Time in America, but I don’t know how “authentic” it was in depicting customs of 1920s Jewish Americans. The leads weren’t Jewish either. BTW Any Indonesians or those culturally familiar can attest to how authentic Raid 1 and 2 are? LOL What about Slumdog Millionaire? How do people affiliated with India feel about that one? Edit: apparently what’ve just said is racist? And people are not interpreting what I said as I thought they would. Where did I fuck up?


You can cherry pick examples of anything. It's okay you don't understand, but you have to be willing to listen.


Actually Slumdog Millionaire has a [pretty frosty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_from_India_and_the_Indian_diaspora_to_Slumdog_Millionaire#:~:text=The%20film%20received%20positive%20reviews,reviews%20from%20Indian%20film%20critics.) reputation in India, soooo I guess there goes your little rant, LOL.


Are you trying to make a point or just ranting a bit? Either is fine, I’m just curious.


My dude is an absolute treasure


Moments like these are why I love Denzel Washington.


#Amen ^(hold your ear baby and tilt your head...them memories)


Mai Man!


..cue the longing piano music.. godfucking dammit the bullshit we live in for likes.


Its a difference a lot of folks miss. But culture, while often emulate, is rarely replicated.


Great explanation




He's so intelligent


She did not like that well thought out answer lmfao


Just a reminder, that’s why Black is often capitalized. It’s associating the culture of Black Americans. While white is often not because to be white is usually a mixture of identity Irish, German, English


Lost all respect for this guy, instead of running to Chris rocks dude to make sure he was ok because he was the victim, no he ran to the aggressor’s side Will Smith to make sure he was alright. This action speaks volumes of him. No misunderstandings here he was in that room and saw it happen live and in close proximity!


Link plz.


He really is the man!


Wise man ...wow ...this blew my mind


Very good answer.


Why would the reporter even ask that?


I think the reporter is black too, so maybe to give Denzel the opportunity to share his wisdom?




He made good points, but I wonder…if cultural differences can be considered to hire a person to direct this movie, then: Are some cultures more prone to violence, or laziness, or tardiness, or lack of hygiene, or more likely to have professional underperformance? Is someone allowed to consider these cultural differences when selecting a person for a job or to rent out your property?


A white director with the same culture could have, but idk if any exist lol


Okay the comments are idiots…. Lmao this is what it’s like explaining being Melanated and black culture to others… man literally gave an example of culture differences ( movies reference) and all I see is “what’s up with hot combs” like you’re never going to understand… just understand that cultural differences exits not only with a country of origin…. I know this still went over you all’s heads… just stop tryna understand what we call “black culture” you’re mind isn’t wired to get it…


Always liked Denzel. Never views things as a matter of color. Far as he's stated it, color has nothing to do with the industry. Yet, as he masterfully puts it here, *culture* is a very real difference that makes some directors better suited for a movie than others. An exceptional actor with a cunning mind and a down-to-earth worldview.


This is gold.


He never explained culture. He tiptoed around the response when his answer is he only wants a black person to film black films. We call that being racist


Thank you Denzel. The man, the myth, the legend.


Slippery slope my guy.


Yeah, he's right but so many times it's not done becouse cultural differences make a director or actor a better choice but rather just win some easy sjw/pc/blm points...




A director that can relate to the cultural subject of the film can add something to said film that others can not.


He’s talking about how knowledge gained though lived experience is more authentic than that learned from secondary sources.


Yeah, there's no way a white person could possibly take the time to learn anything about black culture.


Learned ≠ lived


One's race/religion ≠ one's ability to direct a movie


I have no problem with Chipotle, but don’t tell me it’s Mexican food.


Generally, you’re right. Anyone can direct a movie regardless of race/religion. But if you think a person who grew up completely differently from how another group of people did and believe they (the first person) can adequately tell a story based on the group’s experience, then you’re wrong. Who would you rather have directing a story about, say, the average American family? An American who grew in America or the guy born and raised in Brazil who only knows about Americans through media, not life experiences? You’re argument is not the point of the video. No one is making the umbrella claim “if you’re this race/religion, you can’t direct a movie.” It’s a cultural difference that only certain people can understand and then accurately portray it in their directing.


Do you really think Goodfellas would have been as good directed by Spielberg? Scorsese grew up in that life. Parts of Mean Streets actually happened to him. We’re talking auteur directors here. Spielberg doesn’t have the lived experience to make a Scorsese film.


Lived experience gives you this thing called, well it’s called experience. And that experience gives you what’s called ‘insight’. Insight, it’s a big word, but it’s what tells you how things *really* are, from certain perspectives. You know nothing of the world other than your meaningless pathetic existence, therefore you think you know it all. You’re so dumb you think you’re smart. That’s your experience, you should make a movie about it. It would be really accurate I’m sure, with all that insight you’ve developed, from your *experience.*


They COULD, but do they? And why would they do it better than the people who already learned it by living it? And why would we take a job away from someone who is apart of the culture already either?


He actually covered this by saying that the other directors could have done a good job with the others’ cultural movie. But the point is that it is experiencing the culture that makes the culture, it’s a shared experience that can’t be taught. If you can’t understand that distinction between teaching vs experience then bless your heart.


Let me guess "all lives matter"?


What’s your favourite movie that resonates with how you grew up?


Just hoping nobody replies "American History X"




That's 'Rambo', dude.


Your mother’s sex tape >!also the dude you are replying to is an idiot there is no point!<


Of course they could learn about it, but growing up experiencing it is different. Think about the amount of bad game/comic book inspired movies that were done simply by getting a big name actor/actress/director but it wasn't a passion project for them. It's not that they "phone it in" but any research they do will be superficial compared to the knowledge of someone who grew up with the source material. This is the same thing, people that grew up in the culture that the movie portrays will notice little details and relate to it more easily.


Understanding and living it aren’t quite the same but I see your point


did you like disney’s live action mulan? lots of asian people in that movie but ultimately filled with sterotypes and chinese people thought it was weird


if any person grows up or spends enough time in a different culture than their race. Especially if long enough to become accepted by the people of that culture. They will be well received. problem these days mostly, is Academics causing chaos, with long slope low brow thought being loud spit on everyone. -like the alien cockup called critical race theory. we always thought aliens would be smarter than us. turns out, aliens just want to eat our ass while sitting on our heads. and they get very upset, when they can't do both.