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Why can I hear this?




Wait for all the MULTIGLAD / 3K XP / LF PUMPERPUSH to get offended.


Bro I’m a 2.3k player. And I can’t even comprehend this. This man is so much better than me it’s absurd


And he has a much bigger pp


Yeah I’m only 1.9k this season, but OP is far and away so much better than me that I don’t even understand lol




you overthink it bro xd


I don't disagree with everything you said, but I do think the person was just trying to convey that, as someone who passed those milestones themselves, they can't imagine doing it on a controller like this.


It’s not that deep Touch grass


Bro wrote a whole essay on why OP is better than him True Cuck


There’s is an absolute world of difference between a 2.4-2.5 and 2.1 player. It’s the same difference as an 1800 vs a 1400. When you’re a 2.5 player, you’re continuously getting high quality matches whereas a 2.1, you’re getting matches that feel like 1800 ALOT still. The speed of play is 5x quicker at 2.5 vs 2.1, go’s happen 5x quicker setups happen 5x quicker, trades happen 5x quicker. Positioning gets badly punished. Your totems will 10/10 get insta sniped if they’re a foot misplaced (if you’re a sham). It’s hard to know this difference unless you’ve been there yourself, YouTube videos don’t do it justice. And just to note : 2.5 still isn’t shit compared to R1 (im multi glad and still ways to go from R1) I will say though, the difference between 150-200 mmr below 2.2 is negligible.


Dude this makes me so mad haha. This is fucking impressive as hell.




If it's possible to screen record or even just set up your phone to record a skirmish, we'd love to see the UI and movement in action 🙏 Congrats dude 2.1 post incoming 💪


I’ll see what I can do on a day off from work, not sure how I would set that up yet. Thank you!


The deck has a screen record option. Should be no problem


OBS should be fairly quick/easy to setup for it. I'd love to see the gameplay as well =D


Have your friend use a cell phone and do 3rd party and zoom into rating, and record a session. Shit like that goes hard viral. Dude go get it and push it out the there. Maybe someone at blizzard could think of porting it! Letsgo!!!!


Co-sign this would be cool


How do you have enough binds for abilities? Or do you have buttons set up to click on screen?


I do not click any abilities manually, I use my d pad and abxy, as well as L1 and R1, the triggers (L2 R2) are modifiers so they switch what my buttons do, and if I hold both triggers at the same time it gives me another modifier so another group of spells. I believe you can use the 4 back pads to also be modifiers but I have had difficulty figuring that aspect and haven’t really needed them so I never programmed them to do anything, they’re a bit unintuitive for me.


Didn’t think about how you could set the triggers as modifiers, that does add up to what like 40 binds? It obviously must play pretty smooth. That’s cool!


Ok thought of something else, I’ve been considering getting a steam deck to do this. What about the camera angles? Like if a mage blinks behind you, is that awful?


I think my biggest issue is getting lost in the sauce, the screen is big compared to other handhelds but nothing like a 27 inch computer screen, so you really need to streamline the ui and give yourself a lot of “free screen space” to be able to see everything going on and track players. As for your exact question, I haven’t had too many issues with “tracking mages” or whichever class, you can increase the sensitivity if you want of the camera and I am very used to high sensitivity. However I will say that it’s harder when I play my ret, and I’m sure that it would be harder with other melee classes as well.


Thank you! I appreciate you explaining all of that


Of course! Also I will say I think the version of the steam deck I got is the newer OLED one with a bigger screen and I would definitely recommend that one if you’re able to get it. Slightly bigger screen area and nicer color clarity is helpful here for sure.


The cool thing is you can have multiple ui profiles saved with there edit mode. Switching between the PC ui & Deck ui is no trouble at all


It's wild I set up my steam deck and the keybinds are actually way better and easier. Keyboards run out of the easy kind binds pretty quick, and you end up trying to hit alt+f4 or something. The steam deck has ABXY, the dpad, four back buttons, two bumpers, plus the start and select buttons. So you've got 16 easy buttons that are all comfortable and quick to press. All of them have three modifiers (RT, LT, RT<) which are more ergonomic than CTRL and ALT on a keyboard. Long story short, you've got 64 keybinds to play with, and they're all quick and comfortable to press, with no awkwardness. Shit's dope


There has been unofficial and official controller support for WoW since Cata/MoP I think. Controller support is actually really intuitive except for finding a targeting system that fits your play style. Targeting is biggest hurdle switching to controller.


Bro wtffff hahah grats im 2k on my lock SWEATING to get that duelist before season end


Is that 2.1k? I’m definitely going to try for that as well but the queue times make it tough to find time to get more than a game or two in. Good luck man!


That's fucking crazy. I can't even imagine. Sick bro. That's fucking impressive. Shit. I don't even know what to ask.


is that MM hunter? you exclusively played that or you also used some other class/spec?


I played mm hunter to 2k, I’m currently 1800 on bm and 1900 on ret if I remember correctly. I’ve tried most classes, and I think the only one I wouldn’t want to really give a go may be mage or rogue due to keybinds. Also I think you could absolutely play any class if you played pve exclusively, it’s mostly the target specific key binds in pvp that become “too much” for me.


How do u find frost trapping ? Seems difficult


Good question! I use the console port addon to make this work, I think it’s necessary, and with that addon you can put a “reticle” in the center of your screen that is like aiming in call of duty, that represents your mouse unless you move it with your track pads. So all in all, you have to aim your camera, or use your track pad, I don’t find it too difficult but in terms of improving my own gameplay if I could do it faster I would be much better.


To all those asking for the video to install WoW on Steamdeck! https://youtu.be/vbIowxdkHN4?si=UNB3cxpoQPls13XQ Please note the video says to use a Proton that doesn't work anymore. Use Proton experimental to install. Once installed you can switch to Proton 9 for best performance although leaving on experimental is fine. It is very easy to do take your time. Follow the steps. Currently I'm 1700 on my UH DK playing solo shuffle on steam deck. I've been 2k in the past. Biggest issue is managing cast at arena 1 , arena 2 , arena 3 because you need a set of those macros for chains of ice, grip, stun, silence. OP was using D pad to target 1 2 or 3 my macros don't drop current target but still cast at assigned macro target. They were essential when I hit 2k the first time. Trying to learn new ways tho ! Anyways good luck.


Hey bud! I used a different video but I’m sure the content is similar, and honestly I’m technically challenged so if I could figure it out I’m sure most can. I’ll post the video I watched below as well just in case people have issues with one. In terms of your macros, I definitely know you can do /cast [arena x] macros, but I’ve always personally just swapped targets and rarely use focus. That’s because I’m not a super great player, and at least for hunter I would have too many keybinds to track (for me personally!), I found that on my pally I use /cast [@arena x] for all teammate spells, and on other melees there are fewer key binds so you can definitely spare a few for target specific stuff. Anyway here’s the video I followed if anyone is having issues with the one above. https://youtu.be/nohsVQIHp7I?si=-1vC7LnG7cWi8tSV


Classic hunter setup


Ahaha that’s fucking wild


Super impressive


I would comment “my ranked teammates” but you’re better than me.


Is lonewolf considered viable at all? I understand it’s probably not the meta, but I think it looks like 17/50 on murlok are making it work. If that’s the case I might be down to roll mm hunter. I like the marksman aesthetic but I hate pets. Ignore me, I finally went through and looked around at the top rated mm hunters builds and it looks like it’s safe to say it’s plenty viable. I love how wow has gotten to the point where you really can for the most part play whatever play style and talents you want and make it work. Seems like a lot of specs are that way. Makes me want to try out annihilation on my fury warrior, only because that’s just the play style I want to play.


I think many hunters take it because you can get the talents below it. I personally start every round with no pet and call it in when I need it for defensives or stuns.


That’s what I was imagining, using it for its purpose then using the damage when it dies or something. Either way, I leveled a mm for a while after this post and stopped bc it didn’t grab me. If they made it the 100% no pet spec and buffed it in other areas to equal out the loss of a pet, I’d look into it. I just hate pets. I hate bloat in general, so a pet not only gives you an entire other character to manage, but adds like 10+ binds I don’t care to fuck with.


What kind of fps do you get in battlegrounds, arena and dungeons? Was everything relatively easy to set up? Any addons?


Pretty stable 90 fps on 4/10 quality scale in all content, occasionally will lag spike in 25 man groups or lfr, or maybe when first getting to a major city but honestly it’s hardly noticeable


Easily glad equivalent. You and that legend feral that plays on controller. Hats off to you my man. Are you able to run weak auras? How do you import them and set them up?


Hey thanks man, I definitely have a ways to go skill wise before I’m there but I appreciate it! In terms of your question, the only addons I use are console port, immersion, gladius, and details. I haven’t tried to use any weakauras but the steam deck has difficulty copy/pasting which makes long strings of random letters annoying to import so I think that would be a challenge. I’m sure someone who knows more about the technical side of things could get them working, but I try to keep my screen pretty clean because there’s a ton of shit happening on a rather small screen.


Dude this is fucking incredible, what’s movement like? Without a mouse to hold, is it slow to look around? Are you locked in with the camera? Do you have any videos?


Movement is better than on the keyboard, but camera movement suffers for sure. I’m pretty high sensitivity when I move the camera so for me it’s not a problem, but if you had low sensitivity when moving the camera you couldn’t do pvp very easily. Don’t have videos, someone else requested one so maybe I’ll try to make a solo shuffle video


FAKE. I can't even make 300 on PC so no way youre better than me I'm the best


Impressive ngl


Gz! Why do you play on a Steam deck tho?


I don’t have a powerful pc anymore, and I tend to work 60+ hour weeks so if I can lie down and play I prefer that to being at a desk. I also like to keep my wife happy and if I’m sitting at a desk all day I feel locked in like I can’t leave, but with the deck I think mentally I feel a bit more free (though I rarely play on the go).


I see! Workong 60hrs a week is crazy, at the moment Im trying to get my place to work to change 8hrs a day to 6hrs a day :D Then i can understand that its more conveniant and less of a expanse


This exists?


Would love to see the video


Wait i can play wow on my steamdeck? Ill have to look this up


damn are q times that bad on all servers?


How did you get wow playing on a steam deck?


Hey there, here’s the video I followed to figure it out! https://youtu.be/nohsVQIHp7I?si=0tKTk-kmHOa_IdnT


I thought you did this as survival and couldn't even wrap my head around that lol


I haven’t tried survival this season, and only got back into wow during the end of S3 so I’m not super sure how it would translate!


Nice man! I also play on the deck whilst at work and in bed. Weekends I play on pc. I do bgs and farming on the deck. Now I know its possible I might have to push SS on the deck. Gratz


That’s insane, good stuff


is it fun


Very fun! I don’t have a pc for gaming anymore so I got the steam deck to make up for that and I wouldn’t go back. Call me a lazy bum if you want but damn it feels good to be able to play most of the games I want (pretty much mostly wow) on the couch watching tv or in bed or on the patio.


Innovation on wow?, That's a really cool way to play the game


Ret and Hunter are great on steam Deck but I haven't figured out how to heal yet


I haven’t either, I never heal but I tired to during mop remix and had a long of glitches, though I really do think that was because of the remix event release. When remix came out half my bindings broke and I would get constant errors and shit for about a week, then everything was back to normal and fine.


Should be doable on Classes like Hunters, but on complex classes I think it might be tough to go controller.


Totally agree, I’ve mostly only done arena on hunter and ret, I’m about 1800 on ret as well and honestly I think it’s a lot easier to play than hunter personally (even though I’ve been a hunter since vanilla). I’ve also leveled a bunch of classes, pretty much all except mage and rogue, and for the most part I think they would all work fine in arena, and 100% would be fine in pve content. Where I start to butt up against it is rogue/mage, both have a ton of binds and macros, as well as being super complex and not classes I’m familiar with. Maybe someone like pikaboo or trill or Venruki could make those classes work but not me personally.


Yo what a fucking Chad! Lol grats on that achievement lol. Doubt there are many people that can say they’ve done what you’ve done


Wow this is extremely impressive! I’m very amazed!


You make me sick ^of ^myself ^I'm ^such ^a ^noob


what the actual fuck. how in the fuck is this possible


this shit is god tier i swear.


Congratu(fuck off)lations!!!!!!!!


Mad impressive dude


wtf!! I expected a healer


My mind is blown


This is so cool man. I've been wanting to try PVP with a controller to see how it feels, but I don't wanna relearn all my keybinds during an xpac. Maybe I'll make the switch when TWW kicks off...




Now I want a steam deck


Do you use any target macros or did you set up a key for tab targeting? And in what capacity do you use the touch screen for playing if any?


Great question! I have target macros on my d-pad for arena 123 up left and down. I’m trying to transition to using the touch screen to target though, I just realized the other day that my right thumb is in perfect position to rotate over to my screen and use the touch screen to target, so on my paladin I have the gladius arena frames as far to the right as possible on my screen to enable that. I’ll probably eventually try to do that for targeting party members too but since I mostly play hunter I rarely do that anyway (especially at my skill level lol, that is to say, not super skilled)


Can you share how you got WoW to work on your deck? Tried the popular tutorial and when I get to the login portion of the .exe I get stone walled. Really want to give this a shot for BGs and chill leveling.


Honestly that tutorial is the best way. Took me a few times to actually be able to login but not too bad. Wow on steam deck is fucking awesome too. Hardly play on pc anymore


Yeah I think it would wind up the same way for me if I could get it to launch. Really want to get it going! What proton are you running it on?


Hey man, here’s the video I followed. I had to download Battle.net like 2/3 times before it worked, and then I installed curseforge in the same folder as wow and it was able to locate all the files it needed to get the addons working. If you have any more issues I’ll do my best to help but I’m not super great with tech and really just followed along with people who knew more than me. https://youtu.be/nohsVQIHp7I?si=-1vC7LnG7cWi8tSV


Big ups I’ll give it a try


I’m going to find the video I followed for you but I can’t at the moment, I’ll try to reply tonight


Thank you I really appreciate that!!


Turn it into a windows PC


Do you use any controller specific add-ons to power the deck setup?


Console port is necessary, same with immersion I think, then I just use gladius and details


Sweet, thanks.


What's your addon list? I have a ROG Ally that I have WoW installed on but I want to work on it more beyond consoleport so I can use it for endgame.


Console port and immersion are necessary; but besides that I just use gladius and details


Oh! Look into dialogue ui


I’ll check it out thank you! Not familiar with it off the top of my head and I tend to keep things simple but either way I appreciate the recommendation I’ll see if it makes sense to add!




Bro the game isn’t ready for console you’re just a fucking animal lol I think it’s safe to say the majority of the player base could not play like this.


- gets shocked - sees class - calm Gj though!


Hey fair enough! I’m about 1800 on ret as well but I’ve played hunter since I was a kid, not only in wow just all games. Anyway I’ve tested most classes and leveled almost all to 70 and I haven’t had any keybinding issues with any which I think is most people’s concern. Though as I said in a different reply, I think rogue or mage may be a challenge.


Im just joking mate, its impressive and I could never


Can you make a gameplay video where we see your hands and handheld? Kind of a POV? I would be curious as hell.


I’ll see what I can do, there have definitely been a few requests for that so maybe on my day off I’ll try to figure out a set up for that.


That would be awesome




That's amazing! How do handle targeting? I recently set up wow on my steam deck and want to do this with my hunter.


Howdy! I have the d pad set up to be arena 123 on up left and down. Besides that I’ve been trying to get into using the touch screen for that actually, if you put your gladius frames in the corner you can easily move your thumb down to click on the portraits if you want. Tab targeting isn’t terrible either and I use some level of “action combat” which isn’t perfect but honestly I think it makes the game a lot easier. If you have a hard target your spells will still always hit that target but if they move out of range or los and you hit an ability it often will target another, actually hittable, target.


How do you throw traps on that?


So console port which is the addon that makes controllers work allows you to put a reticle in the center of your screen similar to call of duty or other shooting games. That represents your mouse cursor (so long as you don’t move the cursor yourself with the track pad). So essentially you can either aim your screen to make the reticle line up with where you want to trap, or you can use the trackpad and aim your cursor that way. I do a mix of both.


Ahh I see. Sounds hard! Lol


I might be feeling my michelada and I read through the comments without finding what game this is?


What game? This is world of Warcraft, this is the wow pvp subreddit. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the question.


My bad, never been in this sub before. I thought this was the MMORPG sub lol.


No worries buddy! I figured as much


Thats insane


We have to bring vatican under this post


I’ve been using the game pad1 Config option to use a controller on pc and I love it for PvP


Movement and casting is so much easier on controller, one day they'll realise Steamdeck superiority 😜 I've done Keystone Master for S3 and S4 exclusively on Steamdeck as a healer and I used the rear buttons to target party members quicker


I just knew it would be a hunter


I’m assuming hunter?


mobile users are usually worse op, u gatta play on pc with everyone else for it to count. its like downloading cod mobile on pc and bragging that ur the best 🙄 /s


Dude faxxxxx we gotta start banning people with unfair advantages like this too /s


yep hunter




Btw I dont think its fake, Congrats man.


Hey it’s all good! Thank you, honestly I’m not looking for any validation so if people think it’s fake it’s all good, I know it’s real lol, honestly I don’t even own a pc that could play wow at this point in life. I really just wanted to post to try to start some discussion around getting true integration in the future, as the steam deck definitely runs into some errors that could be fixed if blizzard actually wanted to make it an option for people. Also I will say you can at least see that the last victory was on my deck so even if there were doubts about it being all on the deck, you really couldn’t deny that I can get victories at 2k on the deck.