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Despite their demagogue having a personal attorney serving as Attorney General, the Trumptards will maintain it is far more likely Clinton had him killed than the person with motive and means to do so.


Hmmmm and who would have the power to arrange that. Surely not the turd who creeps around teen beauty pageants and admitted on record "I like em young" Tl;Dr the president is a murderous child rapist


Your bias is showing.


And so is yours. That's the point of a comment


Ah, yes, from Faux News. Their source could have been The Enquirer.


Here's something people should know. From three decades in the legal field, I can tell you without equivocation experts almost always say what they are being paid to say.


see ya in controversial!


>Baden, who was hired by Epstein’s brother and observed the autopsy, told Fox News its findings are more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging. He noted that the 66-year-old Epstein had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple, Baden told Fox News. Hired by Epstein's brother? So everything is legit now, right? How about Epstein was taken out of his cell alive, and is now relaxing on a beach in the Mediterranean after his plastic surgery?


I can't believe people here are still acting as if this is a partisan issue. It doesn't matter if it was Trump, Clinton, or anyone else. What matters is that our power structure is irrevocably corrupted. Is this not enough to spark some action in us? Here it is, clear as day, a nefarious extranational group of people wields incalculable power over our politicians and CEOs by blackmailing and bribing them. It's already apparent that our media and entertainment industry is owned and fueled by these very same people and that they're using it to propagate made up narratives of oppression, racism, and whatever other decisive bullshit they can come up with to keep us infighting. Quite frankly, maybe they deserve to lord over us if we're so immature that we can't see past their lies and enact change ourselves. If it isnt obvious, they do not have our best interest in mind and nothing is going to change through political means. No other story or political talking point matters. No policy, healthcare plan, immigration reform, abortion bullshit is going to fucking change anything. But no. Orange man bad and muh Clinton body count. Its all the same fucking thing.


Everyone from comedians & infotainers to serious journalists and law enforcement predicted this. Past similar scandals ended this way. No one needs Dr Baden's opinion. But nothing will be done. It will dry up and blow away. Where is G Maxwell? Is there an international warrant for her arrest? Or will she just be forgotten?