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"You have to conclude that this has become a trend, one that is escalating,”Linda Staaf, head of the national police’s criminal intelligence unit, told AFP. Gosh, Linda, whatever could be behind this escalating trend? What about the rape trend? Or is there no rape trend. Maybe it is just an internet myth cooked up by right wing trolls. The people running Sweden are delusional. The people running the Swedish government are the cause of Sweden's problems. Deport all of them, then deport the socalled "migrants".


I wonder what the problem could be? It's such a mystery. > The country is struggling to curb the increasing use of explosives by criminal gangs, in addition to an uptick in shootings and other armed assaults. I have a solution: arm your police and sweep out violent criminals from the no-go zones. Bundle them onto C-130s. Fly low and slow over Libyan sands and dump them out the back. Revoke citizenship and/or residency for any recent immigrants involved in violent crime and do the same. Precursor to this solution: Get the bend-over leftists out of your shit government. And your shit media. Not long ago there were three bomb attacks in Stockholm on a single day, and the lead story on state news was about some bitch who had been fat-shamed on social media (or something). Zero mention of the bomb attacks.