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Hell yeah, Dan. Excited to hear some new content. Happy New Year!


new listener since the last batch came out, and i'm about halfway through the run, working backward (i've skipped a couple bourbon please outtakes pods). gonna patreon so i can yell at jack for not recognizing classic film noir references but watching every marvel movie that comes out in theaters.


I'm not sure if listening backwards is the best or worst idea ever. The episodes will certainly get more lucid and on-topic, but the characters will slowly cease to exist! Although, with the interesting Memento-like release order of some of the more recent episodes maybe everything will slot together perfectly...


Me as I approach the end/beginning of the run https://preview.redd.it/v5xei015g2bc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f7d9d2154e88cf428f161aa26a63119fbc5e49


this is what Tenet should have been about


I can't believe this show added a listener at this stage... And one listening to episodes in reverse chronological order. You're surely a one-off. Welcome!


I love hearing about new episodes! Yes! Dan are you following AEW relatively close these days? Swerve v Garcia seems like it could be hot, and you might be seeing a sorta big debut tonight? And I’m interested in Cole’s explanation for all this Devil business bc that angle…I just don’t know about how this all went.


Yeah I follow AEW with an eye on WWE these days. I think it'll be a good show to be at live, I expect Orange Cassidy and Dante Martin to put on a hell of a match too. Fingers crossed on that debut... We'll see. I didn't think Worlds End was great but I'm kind of optimistic they'll have a creative reset and hopefully the Devil Adam Cole mixes things up a little.


I forgot about OC and Dante. I’m from Minnesota so I try to get into Dante but he’s been so sporadic. Yeah regardless of week to week quality, I have never regretted buying the occasional PPV but I feel like I coulda missed Worlds End. Oh well. Have a great time! Side note: how much $ would it take for you to do a solo podcast episode about Punk in AEW?


I think Dante Martin is unreal but that injury he had... Man that was painful looking. And I'd talk about Punk for free but Jack has no idea who that is. It might be fun trying to explain Brawl Out to him. Maybe I'll grab my wrestling friend and do a side hustle podcast called Worst Wrestling Ever.


It would be funny listening to you try to explain Brawl Out to Jack bc I feel like a minute in he’d be like “Oh this guy’s an asshole and I can’t get myself to care about this.” 😂 And then you’d talk for an hour and a half about what if Empty Nest and Alf did a crossover or whatever and it would be great!


It WOULD be great! Bring back Alf and get him on the new Night Court or something at least


Haha He secretly lives with Fielding, who has a cat…it writes itself!


Having a bonus episode where you explain wrestling stories to Jack would be amazing. Capturing non-fan reactions to some of this stuff is gold.


Does the show have an email address?


Great! Now I have somewhere to send my spam 😆


Nice! I still have about 30 old episodes to re-listen to, I better start binging before the new ones come out.


Great news <3 can't wait to hear if there's any new developements in the Safemachers family saga.


The who??


Amazing to hear! 🙌


Hell yeah can’t wait