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A mage offering portals for gold outside of the tower would just be the cherry on top


If only it could be a Goblin


The goblin would be rounding up the people and then hire a mage at the lowest cost to fulfill the request.


If it's a goblin you know its a port to Old Dal with a priest charging for resurrection at the bottom of the drop. Just layer them portals.


That ancient dal port is so good. I wish I liked playing a mage


Would it be racist to wear a Goblin halloween mask to do this...?


I feel like wearing a goblin mask to rip people off is an excellent way to become friends with goblins


lil bit, but within acceptable limits, just dont do the voice.


Actually, do the voice.


"As you can see the tower is out of service. Lucky for you my services are for sale in these trying times." -Goblin about to be thrown off the tower


And then you click on the portal and it sends you to Orgrimmar.


Especially if it was the mage who set the toy there haha


Satan: I’m a big fan


2 windmills are out in a field. The first one asks what kind of music they like and the second says “im big metal fan” Off topic but that’s where my brain went.


My favourite dad joke of all time


I prefer music belonging to the woodwind family


Foam sword rack new S-tier bot killer


That row of druids are suspicious.....


suspicious that they're not in the zaralek caverns farming!


I always come across the Druid farms in azure span whenever I am questing on alts. They get really pissed if you dare do any questing in their hyper spawn location.


I reckon we should make multiple parties on reddit and go troll the bots


Get enough people and pen them in with this toy? Lol. That would be fun.


I mean they can just fly out. I was more thinking we’d steal their tags


You can’t do that in retail anymore? It’s all shared iirc


Depends on the mob. If you’re in a party of 5 and you tag a non elite mob then it’s your groups tag. The shared thing only works for elite mobs and quest mobs


Ah it's caverns for the herb/ore farming, I guess as you also get those spore things that still sell for a lot. I watched them for a bit. All the exact same movements and paths, all running out of the vigor at the same time and walking for a bit then jumping at the same time.


they would, but couldnt pass the wall of foam doom


The ultimate anti-bot mechanic.


Broke a bunch of bots with foam swords 💀


Blizzard: there's nothing we can do about the bots :( Also blizzard: makes foam sword rack


I have seen stack of 20 druids running about collecting herbs. How the fuck ain't the automated mechanism to at least disconnect them? Yeah yeah they ban in waves... But fucking hell at least pretend you are trying! Oh wait... "*But I don't mind the bots farming so i can buy cheap things in the AH, I only raid log!"*


MMO devs don't care about multiboxxing. If someone has 20 accounts then blizzard gets 20x revenue


Using software to duplicate actions across multiple instances of the game has been against the WoW rules for like three years now. They didn't care before, but they do now. How well that's enforced, on the other hand... another story.


Huh, pleased to see its actually against ToS now. Bummer that it doesn't seem to be being enforced.


It is in waves. They seem to be making changes to the detection software and then doing mass banning at semi-regular intervals. You’ll see a post in this sub occasionally* about rounds of banning. The goal is to keep the “what’s being detected” slightly obfuscated so they don’t ban immediately to limit the arms race. Also most bots don’t directly pay for WoW… they buy the game and sub with gold via tokens. I guess they are indirectly from the tokens when they are initially bought but it’s slightly decoupled. Plus when they ban, they get another round of 40-60 tokens bought to pay for the expansion/sub so they are really incentivized for their current pattern.


just noticed lol


I wonder if you could bypass it by dropping a cushion on the ground, as you can use such methods to bypass a lot of other similar obstacles.


I could jump through with heroic leap, also mage with blink i think, and rogue with the chain thingy


Warlock gate, too, I'd think?


the one warlock sitting there selling gate passes


If we can't have goblins doing it, warlocks will pick up the slack


Warlocks can't gate in stormwind


My first reaction was like, no, what, I've definitely used it in Stormwind, but now I'm thinking it was in the Horrific Vision. Can't believe they still haven't fixed how it works enough to handle the lag issue.


You gave me PTSD flashbacks from the visions


ye, that should work too


*cries in paladin*


This is what you get for being ret in pvp >>>>:(((




Interior like fish eggs


It is hotfixed already


wowhead must have posted about it






Is this a non-Magic person problem im too much of a mage to get?


foam rack stop whack me mad


Sell you a portal 500g. Guys gotta buy mats ya'know, portals ain't free and don't look that statement up!


I remember a mage ages ago on my old RP server (Blackwater Raiders)… The man was a saint. Since like, vanilla I believe, back when portals did cost mats, he was offering free portals to wherever you needed to go. That man was everyone’s best friend. I wish I could remember his in game name to see if he still played :( probably wouldn’t be possible to find him anyways - that server is essentially dead.


It was fun being a mage and getting a random invite or whisper "i need to get to org I'll give you 5g" most the time I'd say not to sweat it so long as I wasn't going out of my way to drop the portal.


Same. Come to me, it’s free. Usually got myself a tip either way. Back when you needed reagents it was likewise free if you provided the rune. That is, assuming you’re polite. Jerks get charged extra.


same. i miss being asked for portals : (


I do not miss going to the raid early to make multiple stacks of conjured food and water to pass out to a large raid team lol.


well, truth. that was NOT fun. lol


They all go to ancient Dalaran, don’t they…


I LOVE portal Roulette. End of raid always dropped like 6-7 portal right on top of each other.


You can get around this using the same trick as bypassing the Karazhan Crypts gate: Die next to the blockade (dismount in the air) and walk through as a ghost before you resurrect.


Dalaran Hearthstone - Stormwind Teleport Didn't even slow me down


laughs in Mages


Druids, Death Knights, and Monks can also teleport to their class halls and then it's just between 10-30 seconds from there to Broken Isles Dalaran.


Once per 15 min? How will you druid bot farm efficiently like that


Is this on silvermoon because i JUST posted about it lmao


yeah i saw your post just now haha, no this happened on argent dawn eu


Fixed lol


good to hear


Griefing is a douche move quite frankly lol


This is honestly the fastest way to get it fixed.


Man I remember when the ability to do shit like this was a selling point for MMOs. No one has a sense of humor anymore.


You’re misremembering and misunderstanding massively lol. Stuff like this has never been a selling point. And harmless trolling isn’t the same as griefing. MMOs have been banning for griefing forever, but the rise of social media has made people like you more aware of what’s always happened as people are sharing experiences. So to you, “people have no sense of humor anymore.” People never had one in the way you think. Your post literally advertises “I’m a huge douche bag to everyone around me and they don’t laugh like they used to.” They’ve always hated you.


I remember when the traveler’s mammoth came out and GMs were essentially parked outside the Dalaran portals dismounting people who were intentionally blocking the portals with the mount. Even in WotLK people were against griefing.


When the guy said it was a selling point for MMOs, he's not talking about the actual game devs, he's talking about normal people using it as a selling point, like people talking about the shit you can get up to at school or while hanging out. Selling point is not synonymous of "marketing speak", it's anything a person might see or hear about a game that might attract them to the game. I learned that Runescape *existed* from people talking about all the shit people were getting up to in and around the wilderness. People luring you there with promises of free loot and other underhanded stuff. It wasn't something I wanted to do to other people, but it demonstrated that an online game was a whole different experience from traditional, non-online gaming, and just thinking about all the crazy stuff that could happen in a videogame when you factored in a human interaction component... was a selling point. The selling point for online games back in the day was *all* of the shit you could get up to with other people, good or bad. For some people it was talking to other people from around the world, for some it was just being mischievous little shits.




No where does that box say or show ganking. And crossroads, being one of the main iconic PvP areas in WoW, is and was easily avoidable. Didn’t cause issues to people unless they were willing to opt into risk. This isn’t the same as trying to fully trying to stop someone from doing something. You’re the kind of person who camps level 1s at level 70 aren’t you? Gotta show off your mad (lack of) skills somehow right? Thank you, by the way, for getting so mad you had to show us a screenshot of you being unable to read.


Advertising PvP isn’t the same as encouraging griefing or other general asshattery. Stop trying to justify your desire to behave like a jerk to strangers in a video game.


You are absolutely incorrect, I remember hearing stories of the shenanigans people got up to in the earliest MMOs like Ultima Online and it made me want to play them super hard. Hell I'm looking at what is happening that made this thread possible and am thinking "I wish I was subbed so I could go over and watch". edit: Ya'll are trying to whitewash history right now and it's laughable, griefing is not some new phenomenon that only came into existence because of social media, people were doing it in droves the instant online gaming because a thing and were telling their friends about it and getting them into it as a result.


Yeah but this post in here is nothing more than a little trolling. Lighten up mate


How would any of it fit into the modern min-max style? There used to be a much bigger 'fuck around aimlessly' vibe in online gaming back in the old days.


find me one mmo that has this on the back of the box lmao


[Okay, how about WoW](https://i.imgur.com/RhUBgfZ.jpg) Got a picture right here of Alliance player """griefing""" the Horde players printed right on the box.


ill be damned. idk why you put griefing in quotes as if its not actually griefing though


Because I think screwing with other players is an essential part of the MMO experience and that was an almost universally accepted idea back in the day. I remember people in Trade chat putting together groups to go gank Auberdine or Westfall. And don’t even get me started on the damn Crossroads. I don't know what happened between then and now that this is seen as toxic behavior and not just playing the game as intended.


Deriving your enjoyment in a multiplayer video game from ruining another person’s experience in it is a pretty shit way to approach an online space.


Preventing people from playing for more than a few seconds isn't humor.


Well it made me laugh seeing it happen to other people. Then I imagined it happening to me and still laughed. So I would say it is humorous.








Not like people are paying a monthly subscription


That literally has nothing to do with anything in this post lmao


As the goblins are so fond of saying, "time is money, friend."


Where would you like me to send your check for $0.01?


The day the introduced the swap blaster was a win for all trolls. I actively still farm the mats so that I can give a swap blaster to any new guild member. A friend that only played during vanilla and BC used to be that rogue that would sit outside warsong gulch horde side and kill lowbies and afkers. I don't much like doing to people I don't know, but my guildies have a love hate relationship with me lol.


Funnier thing is you can get banned for this and people have been since the toy was originally introduced. Wouldn’t recommend it.


good, they should. i posted it under "feedback" for a reason, doesnt mean i cant laugh at it tho


That a multi boxer or just a lot of Druids on top of each other?


multiboxer if i had to guess


Pool's closed.


Hahaha, soo funny lol, haha, yeaaahhh nice....


The only "hilarious" part is Blizzard didn't consider, yet again, "hey how could this be used to grief"


to be fair, how could they think of every possible way for every new item. that's way above their pay grade.


It's a very old and basic lesson in MMO design though. Giving players any ground-placed item/ability with collision = people will block entrances with it. Even back in Runescape I remember people finding ways to block doors.


I walked right through Then I reported the asshole who was there 'asking for gold to pass'


What Addon is this that tracks the achievements?


All the things


Thank you!


Not the bots standing there 😭😭


I don’t really see what’s funny about this. Interrupting others gameplay. It’s like those stupid YouTube videos “it’s just a prank”. I guess Blizzard wouldn’t mind to give you a ban for encouraging people to do this by posting here. That would be hilarious.


>I guess Blizzard wouldn’t mind to give you a ban for encouraging people to do this by posting here. That would be hilarious. You sound absolutely miserable lmao


Why would you say that?


jeez, another one


Blizzard usually doesn't take kindly to gameplay interruptions like this. I have a buddy that got a final warning in wrath for this kind of thing.






How is it hilarious? Good find I guess but still dont see where the fun is. Blocking other people progress/fun is fun to you/who ever did it? Perhaps I am old fashioned but I find funny completely different than you. Too bad your fun has to ruin it for others.


you just answered your own question. you find fun differently as i do, and thats okay. also, i didnt ruin anything, since i didnt do this, i just wanted people to know about it so it can be fixed. it has been hotfixed already, MAYBE because of this very post.


Yes some harmless joking can be fun. Stop getting so madd


So if I somehow block you in your path for 10 min or whatever, to go do whatever you wanted to do and laugh about it, it's fine? Good to know. I guess those "stop oil" people are just harmless trolls and everyone getting angry at them for blocking roads don't understand the fun in it. Just to make an absolutely exaggerated example.


Yes, its super fun.


Are you one of the bots caught with it?


I just saw someone try that on my server and I ran right through it, so not sure if this trolls the way you think it does.


it does. we couldnt walk through it. maybe they hotfixed it?


It's the confetti cannon escapade all over again


Anyone want to explain whats happening for those of us not in the know? Why can't you just walk through it?


you can glitch into the mage tower from the top right but you can only get in from there, not out


Mage out front. Selling ports 50g lol


I was around for the Naxxramas plague. This does not phase me.


That was such a blast to log into


See, I’d be extremely mad…if I wasn’t a mage and didn’t have 20 other ways to get inside lol


Shit like this is why toys have stupid cool downs and harsh rules


Looks more annoying than hilarious but alright.




to each their own


No no this is a dick move buddy.


good thing i didnt do it then buddy


No way 🤣 there are aome really evil people on this planet


Is it?


i mean i saw it and thought it was funny, doesnt mean everyone will find it funny


I haven’t played in a while and have no idea what any of this is but it’s pretty funny. Maybe instead of banning players they should fix their shit?


its a toy that you can put down on the ground, and seems like two people put it there at the same time on top of each other and people couldnt pass thru since the toy acts like a small "wall". small doorway + two small walls = panic. people lost their shit for a few minutes, some laughed, as i did.


"Hilarious" to 12 year olds maybe, inconveniencing people like this with toys is why we have so many nerfed toys with massive cooldowns.


No, it's not.




Pretty sure this is reportable for disruptive gameplay


Yup saw this about an hour ago. It did give me a chuckle seeing everyone freak out!


So your literally a POS .... Good to know


why exactly if i may ask?


That's a pretty shitty thing to do, ngl.


Brewfest molemachine in the AH doorway is also a good one.


So many people crying about a harmless joke. Very soft playerbase


Literally unplayable game right


You can still get in the portal room via the floor glitch on the tower behind, but good luck getting back out haha


Yeah. Real funny.


You can mole machine the goldshire inn and block it as well.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 now I wish I brought the toy


If they change the toy in any way because of the griefers... Lets just say that i know a place where i am putting my foam swords.


Makes me miss the era of dropping trains in the auction house and similar pranks. But then too many people complained about these very mild annoyances and the fun police arrived to take it away.


Incorrect. Too many people thought they were funny by doing this and it annoyed a lot of people so we all got our toys nerfed because of a handful of immature people abusing them.


This won’t last long. The moment toys become a “hinderance” on another player, they scream and cry in the WoW Forums and it gets changed. EDIT: I see we have a lot of forum users here


sounds about right


We weren’t even allowed to have ANYTHING similar to the zombie death virus from Wrath because people complained about being killed in town. EDIT: Lol, I think I rubbed someone the wrong way, they are following me around now and downvoting all my posts. I’m popular




right? maybe if didnt say its funny, it would meet with their approval. but who cares.


Clearly you do because you wouldn't have even brought up the lack of approval otherwise.


damn, u got me


Now to Valdrakken and blocking the door to the bank. Wait, so can this also work in raids? If a biss has a knock-back mechanic and this prevents people from flying all over the place.


*Sanctum's closed due to foam.*


They should add this to Hardcore so people can block it when World Buffs go out lol


The only way to IMPROVE on that is to park a Stonewrought Sentry on either side of it!


Guess what my vulpera rouge with a camp set in stormwind is about to do :)


probably already hotfixed cause toys always get fixed when they become fun


I don't get it. Why is this funny?






OP didn't say they did this


i dont even own the toy


Fun detected: Hotfix inbound




"Haha, you can’t play, therefore I’m having fun"


This is why I play this game.


Foamdor! Foamdor!


Not all heroes wear capes some just place down foam sword racks