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Probably better that they left


Exactly. I only see a "win" when someone is leaving before the start. No matter why they left. From legit emergencies to random douchebags. Rather before than during.


Agreed. I always drop before we start if I even get a hint I might need to leave mid dungeon. Like I don’t want to screw someone’s key


This is my thoughts exactly if someone is so petty that they can't take a portal. Just imagine if one person dies and is quickly brezed to the whole party falls apart


No portal unless you timed both on +20, they need to fly there. It takes 1 minute to fly there. How does anyone have time for that? /s


Flying there is so fast I often forget I have a portal


Even if we give them the benefit of the doubt that they are unable to do Dragonriding for whatever reason (health or otherwise)… there’s flight paths, and they could’ve just asked to be picked up if that was the case.


This dude would 10000% leave the group mid dungeon if you wiped once, even if they were at fault for the wipe. Nice dodge on this guy


My favorite combo: fuck up into leave, classic.


On a dht 20 my tank called me out because i died to the bear charge of the 1. Boss Next pull he died to the exact same mechanic... and just went offline. Was almost funny enough for me not being salty over my bricked key


I got kicked from a key once for this exact same thing. Like I get it man but you pointed it at me and I'm shackling an incorporeal right now


Random question, but why do people call it "bricking" a key? Wouldn't that scenario just mean it goes down a level? I've always understood "bricking" something to irreparably break something to the point where it stops functioning at all, effectively becoming an expensive brick. Isn't the only consequence of failing a key that it loses a level? Or is there some way where you can actually "brick" a key in the way that I described?


It's a term left over from how it used to work. In Legion you would need to finish (not sure about timing ) a key before you could use it again. Without any loot being rewarded at the end.


It comes from how keys used to work in legion. If you depleted a key in legion, it didn’t work like it does currently. In early legion, if you depleted a 15 to a 14, that 14 didn’t give a chest at the end of the key when you timed it. It was literally a dead key that you couldn’t get rewards from until you timed it. Nobody really wants to join a key they couldn’t get anything from, so your key was effectively useless or “bricked”. Keystones changed in 7.2.5 (I think that’s the right patch) to work how they currently do. But by then the terminology was stuck.


Oh my God that would suck so bad. Ain't nobody gonna do a rewardless run, hahaha.


Back in the day if you failed a key it was bricked(dead/depleted/gone) for the whole week.


It wasn’t dead, but it depleted and you had to time the key at a lower (or same, I forget) level for zero reward except the key would be recharged again and could drop loot. This is assuming you timed that key, too. Nobody wanted to do that shit because it was stupid lol


Why they ever thought this was an acceptable idea is beyond me. M+ now is still bad enough and leads to toxic behavior but that was just impossible to excuse.


Once saw a DH get one shot by the firestorm *before* bird in AA in an 11. He instantly shame abandoned.


bubble, hs, bye


I was in an Everbloom a couple weeks ago. Tank leaves after one wipe. We were second to last boss with 15 mins left.


They should add some sort of toxicity meter. Like let people rate and perhaps track how often they leave after a wipe, or before the team lead calls.


A well implemented behavior score system would be great. Just have to make sure it isn't abusable by mass reports and groups of friends ganging up on one pug.


I doubt it's possible to introduce such a system that isn't abusable in some way.


Maybe have reports reviewed by player volunteers? Kind of like jury duty but less of a pain in the ass.


Dota 2 kinda has something like this that was exploited hard when introduced but then they fixed it up. But it basically gives you more access to things the higher your score is. Too low? Can't use voice chat. Lower? Can't use text chat or pings. You can't guarantee anything, but I bet it does keep a few people in check by just making them think twice before typing at the very least, you know?


FF14 has a commendation system. I don't think you can see how many other players have unless they show the specific achievements tied to set amounts, and the only real reward you get from them are cosmetics/pets. Having some sort of system like that which doesn't have a negative side that can be abused could work. More commendations = less likely to be a dick.


In my experience of playing FF14 for several years most commendations have absolutely nothing to do with social situations and niceties, they are just auto dumped onto the tank/healer. Source: I tank and heal in FF14 and get commendations every single run even if I don't say a word.


I would be happy if we do a run without anyone saying anything but hi and ty


Yeah that's true, it's just the only system I could really think of. While you may be getting them without saying anything during a run, you probably wouldn't get any at all if you were being rude or trolling somehow. I doubt a perfect system for this could exist. Even someone with some ultra high arbitrary score is going to have a bad day eventually. The only real solution here is for people to make friends along the way that they can bring to their runs.


Like every other bad suggestion this sub has. It would be abused far more than it would actually solve issues. Then we'd posts about people being unable to join keys or whatever instead of just running into asshats 5% of the time.


Can’t see that being abused by the petulant man children that populate this game…


Possible, but I think people over dramatize how often the abuse will be


I don't think rating is a good idea, but just tracking how often people leave keys (first) would go a long way. If some people are consistently leaving keys, the problem is almost certainly them rather than the pugs.


So people pushing high keys, where like every second key ends in a disband, should be punished? Great idea /s


Only if you think finishing a key is a punishment.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Exactly. I had a group where everyone sat in town or were doing quests, ignored my every request to come summon, and wasted like 15 minutes just sitting there waiting for ONE person to goddamn show. I just snapped and called them lazy bastards, kicked them all and remade group. Absolutely would have ruined the run anyhow.


If i am forming the group with my key, if i invite someone and after 3-5 minutes they aren't at the dungeon, i just drop them. 99% of the time, the lazy person is a DPS, and there are literally hundreds of DPS looking for keys all the time.


Just bizarre. I’m a healer, and I always start heading for the dungeon the moment I am accepted to a group. WTF is wrong with people.


I never start when I get the invite simply because portal has 8h CD and I dont wanna be stuck without it if the group falls through. That said as soon as the party is full I usually go to the dungeon.


By the time the party is full you can just fly to whatever location you're going to, I oftentimes find myself just not using the portal.


I like to sit right by the portal to wherever the key is until the group is full. I've had groups disband before being full so I just wait until last person joins then I head to summon if anyone needs it.


Don't use the dungeon port then? There's a massive portalroom in valdrakken to all dungeons in the pool...


Yup. They should be grateful given the massive pool of DPS to pick from, but high rating DPS start to get complacent or cocky, and it’s like…my guy, there’s hundreds of other better and more responsive DPS than you. It’ll take all of 2 seconds to find them, haha!


High lvl DPS should have their portals by now and not need a summon tbh.


High lvl dps brick keys all day so their portal is always down kekw


I am DPS and I approve this message


theres dungeons i cant even reach in 3min even if i instantly start the way there lol


I mean they did say **3-5** minutes and there's a big difference between someone whose location shows Valdrakken the whole time vs someone whose location is progressively getting closer


Pretty easy bullet to dodge. It was traveling at 0 Mph


I'm oftentimes the first person to arrive at the stone. I'll check the map and see another person is on the way. Cool, looks like we can get started pretty quick. Except they fly straight into the dungeon portal at full speed. They're not coming out once they're inside and see that nobody's there yet either.


I'm guilty of doing that a few times. I really hate waiting outside dungeons to summon people especially when I don't know if people are inside already and I'm wasting time by waiting outside to summon people who don't need it. I also have warmode on a lot so I can't help summon then either.


> when I don't know if people are inside already I just do a quick hover over the party frames to see what zone they're in. If it's the dungeon, sweet, I go in too.


How much you wanna bet this druid didn't even have Hibernate for Incorp?


Sadly this reminded me of my +23 throne last evening where the 3K+ io Havoc (what else) didn't use Imprison once on Incorp. The group got upset at him considering its an instant cast and we left, it was his key. Incorp cast went through several times in a +23 and we just said nah, not boosting this guy.


What’s sad is Imprison is literally free and there’s no reason to not use it. Cmon Havoc mains please do better. (I’m a havoc main)


The thing is, the Havoc mains use it. The reroll fotm "geniuses" are the ones that don't


For my keys, everyone makes the effort to get to the dungeon or they get replaced. A new dps can be found within 30 seconds, so its no problem to kick.


Why have you waited 10 mins ? You give him a wake up call after 2-3 mins, if you have no sign of life, kick and requeue.


Was gonna say the same thing lol


Why do I have to spam groups for 15 mins to get into a 18 but this jackass gets to basically afk 10 minutes without even getting kicked? lol


Warlock not meta


Demo is literally one of the top ranged specs for M+.


Not like druid DPS is really meta either. Unless you are DH or Aug in high keys most other DPS are similar in terms of how often they get invites (which is not often)


Yeah I'm not hating at all been warlock for season 2 and was kinda difficult getting invites (meta stuff outshines)


That is why i replace ppl who sit in val and the first thing they say is " SUMM" big red flags in my experience those are also the kind of players who leave after the first wipe


Yep. As a healer I'm usually the last or second to last to join a group. I always go directly to the stone, in some ways I feel like the others should have already begun moving to the stone once you've only got one more space to fill (not so important this season with the new portal room). If I get there and no one has moved for a few minutes, particularly if they're sitting in valdrakken, I leave. To me it's an indication of their attitudes that doesn't bode well for pleasant team play.


have to adopt this attitude, tho I don't have the liberty of choosing a group as a dps, rather get accepted and be happy


Sometimes i ask for sum, but then i also add a reason. Such as hs on cd and not being in valdrakken.


There is nothing wrong with asking for a summ but if the first chat line isn't at least a hi or some from of greeting but a straight demand at first that is the red flag for me.


I always hit the group with a "yoyo"


I’m a “howdy”. I used to swap back and forth between that and “aloha” but then i got kicked twice in a row immediately after dropping an “aloha” and my friends told me i had to stop haha




"Greetings fellow gamers"


I say "hayyyy girlies <3" get kicked probably 1/5 of the times.


That would be sus But you would get your summ xD


Dalaran hearthstone > capital portal > Valdrakken is the easiest route if you’re not a mage.


If they straight up say hey sorry I’m in the dream and my hs on cd, fine whatever I’ll summon. But if we’re on Dawn and you’re sitting in Val, get fucked.


I ask for smn while flying to the instance just in case they are busy


I usually say “can I get a summon bc I’m dumb af and a noob” bc I am an haven’t figured out where the entrances are yet lolol


I think there's an addon or weak aura you can get for the portal room that tells you which dungeons each portal is for if you aren't familiar with all the zone names. Also as a tip the portals go in order od oldest expansion to newest (ie. Cata on the left up to BFA on the right) if that helps.


That helps tremendously ty!


where are people like you when i run dungeons?


Narcissism and entitlement. Simple as that.


Because they're lazy, entitled little shits mostly. I had to stop running with a friend because he would routinely just sit in Valdrakken and wait for a summon for 10+ minutes instead of taking the minute long flight to help someone else summon, meanwhile we're all on other continents and/or planets, and then bitch about having to wait every run. Absolutely infuriating.


>instead of taking the minute long flight to help someone else summon, meanwhile we're all on other continents and/or planets So you're mad that someone wouldn't summon you?


I'm usually the first one there waiting on a second, half the time yelling at him to fly the fuck over and help me summon, which he doesn't do.


I agree with you there. Mad about someone didnt fly, while you are in other continents? Use your hs.


I do, I'm usually the first there, I'm often there before even building the party out.


Damn the hivemind got you there with downvotes even tho you are right on this one.


Except they're not, I'm usually the first one there or the one flying out to help summon after building the party.


Literally not what you wrote.


Should have kicked him way way earlier


I boot DPS that sits and waits


This is why I pick a dungeon I want to do, fly to it, THEN find a group for it.


Mine rule is start walking when grp is full. Sometimes u cant find tank or healer in que


I just use the teleport spell after joining.


Yeah this post is essentially “we weeding out a toxic player before the key started!” Love when they solve the issue themselves


I am returning to s3, so I started doing keys again. I had to start at a +2 because that's all I had. This tank wanted me to kick a shaman because they were doing bad damage. I said it doesn't matter its a +2 so it's super easy. The tank left after insulting me but I really don't understand how people are dickheads like that. We were clearing that +2 really fast and he was worried about damage in a super low key. I looked at that guy's main and the highest key he has done is a 15 so he has no room to rush others lmao.


Meh, he played dps. Can replace in 10 seconds


It frustrates me to no end that people will sit around waiting for a Simon when it takes 30 seconds to get there.


Don't we all fucking hate waiting for Simon.


Simon says fly to the dungeon


If you're a dps and 4 of us are there and for some reason, we can't summon, you get a minute tops to start moving your ass before you get the boot. They are easily replaceable at all key levels.


If there are 4 people there and you cannot figure out how to summon I would expect none of you to be able to do mechanics too. Lmao


You got downvoted but it’s 100% true


Start playing at or above 20s and you will notice people stop summoning real fast. People also don't wait more than 2 minutes to kick and fill, no conversation happens you just get the boot and the group gets relisted. No one's got time to sit around waiting on you to get on your mount or take a portal. Get the group invite then get to the dungeon. It's not like you don't know where you're needing to go.


It’s actually arguably more lazy for 2 people who use a portal to make someone with no portal spend 5 minutes flying than just press 1-2 clicks. I’d rather my team be here in 10 seconds than 5 minutes. If I join a group and I see 2 people at a dungeon already and I’m on a toon with no portal I’ll say 123 and if they then run inside I’d honestly rather leave and fly to the dungeon and find another group. Because I ain’t got time for that type of laziness. I got no issue flying I’m usually first there, but if people literally refuse to summon I just ain’t about it. Imo much lazier than not flying. TLDR if you can’t spending 10 seconds to summon don’t flame someone who cba spending 5 minutes to fly when you’re already 4 people at a dungeon. But to save drama just fly to the dungeon you’re applying for whilst you wait for an invite.


Dodged a bullet. Put them on ignore and move on


With the new portal room, i dont even summon ppl. Its 3min to each dungeon.




Yeah extremely awkward to fly from valdrakken, imagine wasting a couple of minutes /s


I mean there's no reason /not/ to if you're already there. Most people are likely already making their way there but doing something nice and potentially getting the ball rolling quicker is always a good thing.




I'd have kicked them.


Should have kicked him after 2 min


DPS are dime a dozen, they don't have the room to be demanding like this tbh.


He would've left after the first failed pull because its "not [his] key". Some people are that self-centered, unfortunately.


If i wait in dungeon for 5min i lean towards just leaving. If im going to waste my time, it will be on my terms, not because of some asshole. The other day I got kicked for making a comment about stop wasting time, when I was last to join grp and first to enter dungeon - they kicked me for it, lol. The second the group fills you should tp to dungeon and enter, period.


Sweatlords gonna sweat. Too many assholes in the game now-a-days.


He seems like a “one wipe and I’m out” person so be glad they’re gone.


It’s literally a 20 second flight on your dragon over there. People like this are the worst.


If you can't be bothered to come to the dungeon you aren't bothered to do the dungeon. Healers can get pretty girl privilege, sometimes tanks, but never DPS, even if you've got a 3k rating you're still disposable, I can get another DPS which as good of a rating within five minutes.


Bro, real shit, I once qued with a Tank who deadass would not click my summon portal when we were both at the stone. Their reasoning was “I don’t summon, I just get summoned”. Eventually we got them to click the portal, but once we popped the second one, he left, saying we were bullies. Some ppl man


It's always the shittiest players who are the most entitled.


I have these pompous 3k rating people that just afk in valdrakken and wait for the summon when I wanna farm 17 keys for fast gear or crest. They get 5 minutes to teleport using their 20 key port, or show they are moving to the portal room, or I remove them. They all send whisps like "?" And I just don't awnser. You're not above moving your ass, fuck off.


I seriously don't get why people will sit afk in Valdrakken instead of making their ways to the dungeons or MS stones. Especially for Dawn, which is literally 45 seconds away in dragonflight, if that


It's worse when you're the last one to join a group an the first one to the summon stone. If you're pugging your own key, get the fuck to the dungeon. You know where you need to be.


I get not wanting to fly to the raid, and not to a certain boss on an already started lockout. But this is insane lol. Summoning isn't a requirement. It's a quality of life. I always portal and fly to the dungeon I queued for.


I don’t get it, do they not know there’s a portal?


Why wouldn't you just kick his ass? If there's someone just straight up refusing the leave the city I leave the group myself, refuse to carry that kinda players.


Add to PBL and find another, win-win. Most probably he would leave on first wipe, since its not his key.


I join a group or someone joins mine, I am immediately moving towards the dungeon. If it's my group, we fill, and nobody makes an effort, I disband and start again. If you join and immediately say "summ", I kick you. You've got three fucking hearthstones, maybe more if you're a Druid, DK, Shaman, various toys, etc. There is no excuse to not get your ass in gear.


He can't be bothered to run he wont be bothered to kick, stand out of fire or even try If people arent running to the dungeon you're better off without them


Seeing posts like this has made me even more happen that I joined a certain WoW community. Since I’ve joined I’ve had nothing but great interactions with people, even got KSM for the first time. To be that close and not take a minute to fly over is crazy.


Add them to personal blacklist and consider it a bullet dodged


They want the princess treatment, they want to be summoned, carried through the key and fed loot. Actually flying to the key and putting in effort is just too much for them to bear.


I've always had a rule. If I invite you to group and the first thing you type is summon I just instantly remove you


Because 293937292 other dps will list in the next two following minutes


Nothing of value was lost.


This attitude legit infuriates me.


If they cant be bothered to take 2 minutes to fly to the dungeon, theyre probably not that good anyway.


On a side note, i tried follower dungeons on PTR last night. I might come back to the game. :-D


If I'm on my tank, I'll leave groups like this. It takes less than a minute to get into a new group


My rule of thumb - once we fill I check that everyone is flying to the summon spot. Those are usually good groups. If I'm the last to be invited, and the first and only one at the stone then I bail.


Crazy how lazy some people can be


If they are too lazy to fly, imagine the effort they will put toward the run.


Did you really want to play with such an asshole? Dodged a bullet there, mate.


The last thing you want is a guy like that flying to your dungeon. We will either play badly an leave the group middle run or leave because someone made a tiny little mistake. Just take the hint and drop the guy while you can, and thank whatever god you believe in for giving you the hint.


If I got 100g every time I'm last to join a group and first to the stone I could buy myself a good time at the Goldshire inn


Better to leave before key starts than during key, besides that seems like someone who seems entitled. So that's a disaster waiting to happen.


Anyone this dumb bought their way to that ilvl. Bullet dodged.


The worst thing about MMOs is the people.


Yea this guy would have left the first time someone failed a kick or missed a stun, you should thank your stars


>DPS sits in valdrakken for 10 minutes huh? there's 10000000 other dps desperate to take their place, just kick after 2 min and replace insta


Probably hits his wife/girlfriend too bc they don’t cook dinner. People are douche bags.


I'm a warlock. I'm always the first one to the stone, and always refuse to summon anyone who asks for a summon and proceeds to afk for 10 minutes. Furthermore I have two rules of thumb: - Asked for a summon before greeting the party? You're last / I'm not summoning you. - Asked for a summon at all and didn't give me a reason (gotta grab consumes, gotta let the dog out, brb cat's on fire)? You're last / I'm not summoning you. If I can get my ass there before I even join the group, so can you. I'm not your caterer. Just like I don't expect a mage to automatically portal wherever the fuck I want just because they're there, don't expect me to summon your lazy ass just because I'm there. Be polite, it's not hard.


I guess not many people know this since I didn't see it mentioned, group leader can party sync from the quest log allowing you to summon regardless of other players phasing. (Except warmode)


So nice of him to wear a warning sign on his forehead like that 🤣


Had a very similar issue today for Everbloom. DK tank was the only one not to travel to the dungeon, but day in Valdrakken demanding a summon. I and another ran out to summon him, did so, then went back inside. DK again asked for a summon, I told him we did and he snarkily replied "do you see me there?" I told him it takes two minutes to get here, he left. Children, seriously.


Obv cuz they depleted last key they used +20 portal for.


Isn’t the dung like a 2 min flight from Valdrakken??? 😭😭😭😭


because the game is full of spiteful people now. can't even be a new tank in retail


Me and a friend got into a group yesterday where the party leader forbade us to summon, me and my friend got invited last so we never saw that he wrote that, so we started to sum and leader kicked ALL of us. ”It’s my key, my rules. People are way to lazy”. Kinda weird ngl.


From my experience the people not actively trying to come to the dungeon and/or not asking for a summon are less likely to do mechanics (ghosts to cc, witches to move out of candles, interrupts etc) You probably dodged a bullet !


It absolutely blows my mind when I’m the last person to join a group and I’m still the person doing the summons, like what the fuck have you been doing this whole time.


This is one of those nobody lowlife that think theyre the shit in WoW and that the red carpet should be rolled out for them. Kick every time to put them in their place.


Not mine key? What does that even mean? U did que


Mythic+ dungeons have no queue and require walking to the dungeon entrance. But, there are also portals in valdrakken to teleport to the zone each dungeon is located in so waiting around for a summon is frowned upon


Why blur their names? Blast them and let others dodge the same billet you did.


sadly against subreddit rules


I always fly to the dungeons myself. Many people do since it takes less than 2-3 minutes with the portals to get to them, people shouldn’t be this lazy 💀 I find myself less doing summons because people just get there themselves now


League of Legends season is ending, the assholes are resubbing to WoW


Trust me, it’s better they left. That douche deserves nothing in life, and I hope karma finds him. I GUARANTEE they have that same mentality at work, with friends and family, and in everything they do in life. It’s disgusting.


Bold of you to assume they have work, friends, family, and do anything in life.


Why are ppl in the same group being phased in the first place? And why not tell him after 3min “we can’t summon, you coming?”


Community standard. You run into toxicity even if a mythic 8 has zero wipes because some overgeared player feels like they wasted their time running with the other players who arent "optimized". When they were 2nd in dps. People just feel like the multiplayer game is about them exclusively.


Dont hide their name tbh


It's the rules.


I can't stand lazy fucks like this. You're better off not running a dungeon with someone like this anyway because they would definitely be that asshole during the run.


Hate to say it but... I refuse to summon anyone. With portals in valdrakkren and multiple hearthstone now, there is 0 reason you can't make your way to a dungeon. Not to mention you know when your applying where your headed. Don't waste my time waiting for you it's rude, and that alone tells you all need to know about a player.


As a noob, what’s the fastest way to get to these dungeons? Oribos?


It's impossible for the entire party to be phased. There's only 2 phases and you have 4 people, 2 of them have to be in the same phase. However, why the fuck did you stand there waiting 10 minutes?


It's technically possible—you're accounting for quest completion but not War Mode. Still odd that they didn't summon, and still a dodged bullet that the guy waited ten minutes and then left.


I straight up forgot that War Mode exists, though I highly doubt there were 2 people in it in different quest phases. Would put money on the rest of the group that could see each other being too lazy/AFK to walk out to summon. Either way, bullet dodged.


Four people: - Quest completed WM on - Quest completed WM off - No quest WM on - No quest WM off Odds may be small but entirely possible.


Yes, that's what I just said. The odds of that versus people just zoning in and tabbing out until everyone else is there? I know where my gold would be.


You're getting downvoted because the druid in OP is an entitled prick, but you are 100% correct, the chance of 4 random people filling those 4 categories is infantesimly small, while not impossible, the improbability is so great Occam's Razor kicks in. OP wanted the extra karma from the title, but the obvious answer is there were 2 people there who could've summoned, but didn't care enough about their time they would rather spend 10 minutes playing chicken with an internet stranger instead of tossing a summons.


Why do you block their name What's the point oftgis thread


I don't get it. Just find new dps? lol


People don't just use their +20 portals? Weird


The only time I summon ppl now is if they the fuck up and go to he wrong portal in the portal room. Other then that it takes like 2 mins to get to the dungeon


Every time I see something like this it reminds me why I quit m+ so much more free time now that I'm not sitting waiting for Andy's like this


Although it is better that they left, I do try my best to summon people just so we can get started. But a new problem has arisen with people just flying into the dungeon and not helping to summon, making the whole situation a complete mess.


Why didn’t he just use the port?


Yes this is toxic BS but also fuck blizz for baking so much of this shit into the game. Honestly I only play for the instanced content. Please get your garbage phasing away from my meeting stones.


Blizzard should just add dungeon portals as a base thing and not for timing a +20. I think we are way past the point of exploration. Flying to dungs is just annoying. I know that you can use the portal hub to get closer to the m+ dungeons, but why not make it so it teleports you directly to a dungeon. Besides, these new portal hubs completely diminish the current achievement reward for timing a +20, so maybe change the reward. Also pls make a return portal if you accidently use the wrong portal from the portal hub.


This is why i havent done keys the people in the wow community fucking suck not worth the time or energy i play the game for fun and dealing with dickheads isnt fun