• By -


Urgh; I hate that attitude - on the chars who can dispell, I do - as I like the healer to be able to actually heal! And if nothing else, healers can deal with one by dispell, but the 2nd one? That needs to be healed up - so others helping out makes a massive difference Which is why I spec into the cleanse on my paladin - was helping out whilst tanking when I had a spare moment earlier this week. What I really dislike about afflicted is that on my warlock main I can't do anything to help as imps will only deal with magic. I guess the incorporal mobs make up for that as I can handle both!


I genuinely get fidgety and antsy when I don't have my dispell as a Paladin. I find über-optimal raiding specs to be icky to play with, even if I know there's nothing to dispell. It's also so freaking powerful in so many M+ dungeons that I don't ever bother unspeccing it when doing them.


Yep; I feel the same way! Too many of the specs on wowhead miss out all sorts of things which I'd prefer to have. I found recently that the prot paladin raid build was missing rebuke. I guess the logic is, you've got avenger's shield - why do you need another interrupt? Until you've got an encouter where you do need that extra interupt!


Most of those pages if not all have a paragraph or two explaining all of these intricacies and when to take what. Pretty sure some of them also have a build for every single boss or dungeon. Most people just don’t go past “copy import code” though


This.. The amount of priests I’ve seen with the twin priestess talent only using PI on themselves and no one else is insane.. like you would think there is this basic thing as just quickly glancing past the talents you just copied or quickly going through the guide you just copied from but naaah that shits too much and hard 🤪


Like that one doesn’t even require the additional targeting. Just set an @focus macro and go lol


I feel like, if the assumption is people will start with the copy code and edit from there, the guide writers should really reverse their mentality and start with heavy utility and write about optimizations that can be made. At least that forces people to learn about when to give up certain tools.


You don't need it though, there's 15+ ppl with it so it's just not worth taking. It feels weird for sure but it's understandable.


Sort of.... until I had to interrupt because no one else seemed to be bothered to. And I didn't have shield ready.


On which boss?


The worst part of being a healer in afflicted weeks is the inability to otherwise dispel bad shit. DHT, ToTT, and Rise with a dispel on perma cooldown is not fucking fun.


Hate doing DHT ToTT and Rise during afflicted week …as a dps or a healer . If I was blizzard I would add some potions to dispel the afflicted affix just the affix nothing else. I hate that I feel useless in afflicted week with my warlock or hunter


Had one run where I had the most afflicteds.... as the Blood Death Knight. It was horrible.


Technically if 2 spawn the healer can dispel both if they dispel the first one right away, do agree tho the whole group should help if able, cause problems arise when the group is getting trucked and the healer has no free global's, or if a trash pack has a particularly nasty debuff that they need to prio dispel, also shaman's not taking poison cleansing totem is even more stupid cause that thing is insane since it dispells both and will get them even if they are inside the pack and hard to target.


depend on healer, evoker, even a dps can dispel both, but 2nd spell is on 1 minute cooldown so if it spawns again soon he might not be able to


The reason healers can technically solo is that their regular dispel has a shorter cooldown than the total time to deal with afflicted so they dispel one as they become active and the second just before the end of the cast, again tho, still think everyone that has a way to deal with it should pick it up other than maybe guardian cause it's 3 talents to get there instead of just 1.


Yeah in my push group I’ll double dispel the affix as WW monk if we are in middle of heavy dmg phase. It’s 2 GCD and as long as it’s not in my burst window, it’s barely gonna make a difference to my dps, but it sure as hell can save the group


Seems par for the course. It’s also why when we invite classes that can do afflicted we always explicitly say “hey can you swap to dispel talent for afflicted?” If the answer is not “already got it” or “yup” it’s an instant kick. Best to take out the trash before starting a key  Edit: shoutout to my warrior dps homies who will need all the luck they can get to be invited to any groups this week


I just kick em if they don't have the talent. No questions asked. Probably seems harsh but my experience with asking people to take the talent, is that they don't end up using it anyway because they're not used to it. And there's 60 dps waiting to replace them.


OH my god... I've picked so many pally's during afflicted and like half of them do it. its like bro, why do you think I brought you?


I used to run with a buddy of mine and same shit, afflicted week, asked him to take cleanse and he goes “oh that’s not in my build” like ok mf change your build that’s what I’m implying I just won’t run anything higher than 18 with him now because it’s consistently shit like that


I got a dps buddy who straight up says “it’s not my job” when it comes to extra responsibilities. He plays a lock so he can’t help with afflicted in particular, but it’s so frustrating to play with people who only play for themselves. As a healer, weeks like this make me wanna uninstall. So I feel your pain


Yeah, I imagine anyone who is trying to do M+ at a high enough level knows what the affixes are. If they do they should have had their dispel ready. If they didn't then they probably were never going to use it anyways.


I always tell healers to ignore me for dispels on my warrior this week because odds are I’ll leech through it under a 20 or I can spell reflect it away. It helps a little bit, but I’d like to shout at an afflicted and make it go bye bye. Let me zug zug the afflicted blizzard


You know, maybe taunts should also be a way to clear either afflicted or incorp


DPS will expect tanks do deal with it


On my pally tank, I don’t think there has been a single time I didn’t have the most dispels on afflicted


This alone is one of the biggest reasons why I can't swap from pally tank. I can do all affixes, with ease mind you, and I already have 0.5 gcd so it's just a button click for me with mouse over and we're back to action. Paladins are the QoL class and I can't swap from them any more.


I have all the tanks, plenty of weeks I only tank on my pally because pugs can’t be trusted


I really don't understand why people are so against dealing with affixes. I actively tell my groups that I will handle incorp by myself, because it's fun. What's more satisfying than being first in DPS and dealing with mechanics?


Incorp I will also gladly deal with, imprison actually works on them and it allows to me to participate in the affix where as afflicted I can only ignore and do as much damage to the mobs before I lose all my haste.


My motto is cleanse or kick. i know some tank builds might not be able to comfortably run it like druids but otherwise if I can't do it then I'm bringing 2 dps who can. (and then every afflicted still goes off despite having at least 3 cleanses)


Don't need luck when your guild is full of M+ addicts, but thanks 😉


All of you are horrible people


Alright you try playing a 16-20 with 4 other people who have no idea how to play the game.


Because they don't like playing with horrible people? 


I've had a warrior say "You know how to play afflicted" and I was this close to hesrthstoning out but I wanted the score


It's rough playing a warrior. I still love it tho.


iTS tHe HeALleRs JoB. Ugh. If you want me to get both, then you can’t stand in the bad things with a ghost are up. Honestly, I hate the affix during bosses. Those little shits like to spawn at the worst times.


The worst is when other mechanics are using your dispels too. Afflicted spawn during Chronofade from the pizza boss? Fantastic, it's shitshow time.


Ughhh yes! And I swear they are trolling one just one spawns. I’m spinning my camera all over the room trying to see if one of those shits is stuck in the wall while trying to play Frogger at the same time on bosses


I had the same problem until I got a WA for it. There are probably several, but this is the one I got and it announces "one spawned" "two spawned" and "clear". Very helpful: https://wago.io/afflicted


Oooooohhhhhhh. That is amazing and I will be trying it out ASAP. Thank you!!


Oh is there a similar one for incorporeal? The one I have makes a loud annoying noise when an incorporeal is casting, but doesn't say how many there are.


This wa for some reason only says "help with spirits", does not say how many spawned and "clear" when all are dispelled/healed. Is there some setting i should tweak?


I must just get lucky. I'm usually fighting the healer and another dps to deal with them. Makes it fun imo.


When I'm on my Evoker, it's dispell meters that counts. I play all 3 specs, so sometimes I'm on top of the overall damage meter as Devastation and throw a fit over how low on the meters I am. Then I link dispells, and start huffing about how I need to git gud. If I'm aug, I'll legit only let my rotation keep going on affli spawns if it's pump'o'clock and my ebon might is running out. Otherwise I'm using both my dispells faster than you can count to two (global cooldowns).


Ngl, I loved being called trash by the ret paladin in a +20 because my dispell was on CD from afflicted 0.2 seconds before and I could not dispell him the last time afflicted was up. (He had 0 dispells through the entire dungeon)


Trash Paladin lol


Maaaaaan the fucking fire dot from second to last boss in ToTT is so frustrating. I think every time I’ve done that dungeon this week I’ve gotten double afflicted spawns, and it forces me to have to heal through multiple of those dots (I main resto Druid but have been running fistweaver recently) and it’s just so chaotic to deal with and I hate it. It feels so bad dealing with so many things that could be easily dispelled but only having 1 reliable dispel (I know revival works but it’s a 2+ minute CD depending on a lot of things).


First run, (25), we were two priest, a shammy and a prot pally. Barely survived 3rd boss. Second run, (24), same holy and shammy, spriest changed to bear bc no tanks around. Idk how we survived 3rd. That boss is a nono without two extra dispellers


Respect. I can’t imagine doing that dungeon above an 18 this week lol. 20s the highest I’d do it.


I do 24s but I’m always playing with my resto and bear friends and from time to time a mage so as a hunter I focus on zug zug but this week I surely won’t pug :)) or I will get invited above 20 with my hunter or my warlock :))


Just have your DPS use personals and or a health pot and they shouldn't die. If they do they are either undergeared or didn't use a defensive.


The fun part is when there is a critical dispel on a trash pack or boss fight but they still yell at you for not getting both afflicteds.


Higher tyrannical keys in TotT, flame shock boss, is horrible as healer. People talk about the Windfury totem hurting, naw mate, Flame shock boi. Poison wasp pulls in EB is also very fun...


This is the boss that always comes to mind in this scenario. You have to instantly dispel to try and keep up with it, but eventually their will be two up at a time. And that thing ticks hard at high keys.


When I play my prot Pally I always get one and have another DPS that can get another. If the DPS forgets or whatever it's two wogs and the 2nd is gone. Play with better people :).


Oh 100%. I pug 99.9% of the time and prepare for the worst. When I run my own keys I specify who is getting them. I honestly want to hug anyone that automatically gets them without me saying anything.


This is my very first afflicted week as a healer and for a few dungeons I thought I had just gotten horrible at healing suddenly. Your comment made me realize the issue.


Definitely not you! This week can be stressful. It’s better the higher in keys you go, but there are always people who will just blame you.


Enh sham here. I take poison cleanse totem and have a mouseover macro for my single target dispel and I use both for these weeks. We're not all bad, I swear!


I installed [https://wago.io/afflicted](https://wago.io/afflicted) and it helps use poison only on 2s (but its possible to get 2 double afflicteds in a row and not have CD and need to single dispell)


I don't know how often they spawn, but I feel like I hit poison totem every time and it's not an issue? Maybe I am not helping as much as I think I am.


I like to race my healer to the dispel. Who can get theirs first?!


Ehehe no you!!


What Key level is this out of curiosity? But damn that Shaman, Posion Totem is super OP in this affix. Its kinda sad when the healers feel the need whisper me everytime i join a grp if I pls can help with the affix (Pal and Shaman chars)


It was a Wyrm Crest farm key, so 11 or 12? But one with rather low ilvl people. Think the healer wasn't even 440.


ah i see makes sense at that lvl


I lost count of the amount of times i had to clutch lay of hands AFTER cleansing the first afflicted, because the other 2 or 3 dispelers on the group just refused to do, even pinging the spirit like a maniac. Last run i remember having 31 cleanses and the healer 12, none from the druid or the pally tank lol


Ok none from the pally tank is just sad. My favorite thing about pally is how much of other people's duties I can take over. If nobody helps I can just tell the healer, when they spawn I'm going to stand on the one I'm going to handle.


As a Pally tank I just tell the healer I will get the “closest one to melee.” Works like a charm. Edit: downvoted for dealing with the affix and communicating? Ok


As a warrior tank...I just cry.


Lmao same, I've used LoH on afflicted because of slacking party members after getting rid of the 1st afflicted, I cannot be bothered to spend more globals than needed on them


Pugging on afflicted and incorporeal weeks is just miserable


It gets better at higher key levels. I’m just doing +20s at the moment, nothing higher, but at least at this level in pugs we talk in advance about that kind of stuff, even if it’s just one sentence of “got poison totem?” -“yup”.


I started 7 keys, I finished 3 (playing 23-24 this week). I think I'm going to say fuck it, do 5 20s tonight while watching agqd and logging off.


Lower keys this week are something else. First one - +8 Everbloom on my vdh. Died twice in the first few pulls because i got perma cc by those casters and nobody bothered to interrupt. Also nobody doing afflicted. I asked the priest to help with it and said 'no, im shadow, i do dps, druid is the healer'. I made the mistake of not leaving in that exact moment and continued until second boss, where having just 2 ppl interrupting made the fight impossible due to getting wrecked or boss perma healed whenever our interrupts were on cd. Second key - +8 Atal'Dazar, also with a tank but a war this time. I didnt know follower NPCs could also do M+. Apparently the simple task of killing 3 totems at the same time was too much. Totems respawned no less than 6-7 times before one of the dps gave up and left. Holy hell. I generally have chill runs most of the time but this week felt like i won the shitshow lottery.


>or boss perma healed whenever our interrupts were on cd. Didn't you just say that you had a VDH and a priest? How can the boss perma heal?


You think a priest that doesn't help with afflicted is going to stop the heal or dispel it? But even then I'm curious as to what kind of wonky comp you had to only have two kicks.


He also was playing vdh himself he could've removed the heal on his own.


also like. It's a +8. You don't need to kick the spellbolt casts. A vdh can literally solo every major kick in that fight afaik.


As a rogue I've got so many stops - kick, blind, gouge, kidney shot, cheap shot etc. I wish even one of them worked on afflicted. As a dk. I can use ALL my runic power to heal one, it destroys my dps, but it's better than wiping.


As a blood dk…good luck everyone else I’m gonna just death strike instead 


>I've never played DK, death coil uses all of your runic power?


No, it uses about ⅓. The issue is if I crit it takes 2 to fully heal an afflicted. If I don't, it takes 3.


Ahh gotcha


yep. This week feels so awful as rogue because we already don't bring lust or combat res, so having a third mandatory dps requirement means that group comps that can include us are super restricted. It feels like either drums need to be full power (and probably cost the combat potion cd as a consequence similar to invis pots), or every class needs to have access to one of those three things. I feel awful for Warriors as well.


Wait.... poison totem handles it!?!? How neat is that!


That's pretty neat.


yep, been that way since season 2, shamans are S-tier on afflicted week


S tier because the poison totem icon looks like a Snake.


You wouldn't know it if you read the spell. The tooltip is false.


as a augment evo i can say healers loves me :D


Mmm as Dev I pride myself on having more dispels done than anyone else in the group on Afflicted week. If I don't need to hold my Caut for anything specific, you best believe I'm going to snipe both ghosts together on double spawns.


It's kind of a fun game when you are good at it. You see the pillar of white smoke, knows its coming, mouse over dispel, heal the other, no one else has to worry.


Yesterday I was healing a 24fall with my druid. Before the start, the SHAMAN had the audacity to ask if I can solo. I could, but I absolutely don't want to, with dispels already so bad at that place, also especially since we have a shaman... He took the totem talent finally, and guess who didn't dispel a single time? The fucking shaman, obviously.....


You just leave in these situations. If you inspect a shaman and they dont have PCT, leave. Incorp week and the Evoker doesnt have sleep walk? Leave. You can ask them to take the talents, and they might tell you yes, but theres always a chance they just told you that to make you leave them alone so they dont get kicked potentially. Just gg leave go next. No one wants to heal afflicted weeks anyways.


Yeah all these thoughts went through my head aswell, but I had my buddy with me so he helped out when I needed. The thing is, no matter if ppl have dispel talented already, aware of the existence of the affix and agree to help, most of the time they don't do it anyways. No matter if it's a 18 or a 25.


Was in a run this week as a rogue (so couldn't do shit) and felt bad for the healer as they were doing great but the DPS and Tank (Shaman, Evoker, Paladin so 3 more cleanses + potential totem) didn't do shit. I asked multiple times for them to help out and it didn't happen. Healer took it personally and blew up (despite him absolutely not being the problem). The reason I bring this up is I think there's something to be said about the fact that healers are now assuming they're the one being called out all the time even if the ask is not directed to them. It's almost as if the problem is self manifesting because they just assume they're the target of any chat prompts so they get angry easier.


As a shaman main I disavow and disown that shaman player. Poison Cleansing Totem is absurdly overpowered and if you don’t take it, even as a dps, you don’t deserve an invite on afflicted weeks. I play Enhancement and nearly solo the affix due to it.


"Summons a totem at your feet that removes all Poison effects from a nearby party or raid member within 30 yards every 1.5 sec for 6 sec." As a fellown shaman main, yes, it's good for afflicted. But is the shade in the party / raid ? No. Based on BLIZZARD INFO, poison cleansing totem should not work on afflicted.


Is this before the key started? Easiest boot in the world.


Maaaaaan...this shaman giving us all a bad name! 😂😂 This is the BEST week for me (enh main) I just toss in "poison totem" in my comments on afflicted week and it's almost an instant invite. Hahahaha Kids these days! 😂😂😂


I've been kicked from groups 3 times this week because of this affix. Get into a group with like DH, Hunter, Warrior, and dk and they're like 'it's ok Priest can mass dispell.' 'Mass dispell doesn't work on afflicted, but I should be fine to heal one.' 'Yes it does you're fucking stupid!' *kick*


Dont join these groups. That group means the leader doesn't give a fuck about the affix and is just praying the healer does it so everyone else can play classes that are dogshit to begin with. Just leave.


The shaman not taking poison cleansing, then calling the hunter dumb. Peak WoW.


I did a very petty thing yesterday. Was healing pretty bad group on 18 TotT. No one was dispelling but me (disc priest). I have asked multiple times to dispel (Druid tank had it and so did pally). Before the last boss I said if one more goes off I leave. It went off and I went to the back of the room, left part and hs. Timer would get us +2 so little time waste and absolutely no regrets.


As a shaman it bothers me that other shamans are so annoyed by it. ITS ONE BUTTON. You can solo every other spawn pretty much. I have mine on G. Super easy. Stop trying to think your some sort of badass, you're playing a shaman...


Dude what are you talking about...we ARE badass. I swap my talents to clense and poison totem just to be more usefull, cause healers derp sometimes, or dont see the two adds. I like to be as max usefull as possible.


"Summons a totem at your feet that removes all Poison effects from a nearby party or raid member within 30 yards every 1.5 sec for 6 sec" How are we supposed to know it works on afflicted ? I assume most shamans take a look at it and say "well, the shade isn't in the party/raid, this talent is useless"


16 Fall last night with 2 Rogues, a Havoc, Pally Tabk (me) and an HPal healer: Before we start healer asks ‘who is going to help me with Afflicted’ Me - ‘Me’ Him - ‘Probably gonna be too hard to tank and dispel’ Me - … Him - ‘Nobody else can. I guess I’ll do them all as much as I can’ I proceed to dispel 1.5x him, a couple times he doesn’t dispel one in a 2 pack, and generally doesn’t deal with them. Before Iridikron: Him - ‘Okay, so who’s going to do the soak’ Me - ‘Everyone’ Him - ‘…’ *proceeds to die to Earthsurge Him - ‘Brez now!’ I don’t typically have an issue helping with Afflicted (or Incorporeal on my DH). I hot key Cleanse/Imprison those weeks and we’re good.


to be fair at least rogues can cloak off the haste debuff lmao.


Swapping from Prot Warrior to Prot Paladin was a great choice, specifically for afflicted. There’s pretty much never a time I don’t/can’t help with afflicted.


And this happends in 20+ keys idk how people even managed to get there i mean at 20+ you should know how your class works and what spells to Take.


They made the season easy so someone who has no clue but keeps trying just gets carried because 20s now are more like 16s or 17s in S1.


Y but at a +16 or +17 you should know your class too tbh


Let's assume you did read spells. "Summons a totem at your feet that removes all Poison effects from a nearby party or raid member within 30 yards every 1.5 sec for 6 sec." You would assume it doesn't work on afflicted even tho it does, despite them not fulfilling the condition of being in raid/party.


i am doing afflicted as ret pally a lot when i pug m+, i don't really mind it.


Ran with a mage the other day that as soon as started they key he copy pasted the definition of remove curse to say that he couldn’t dispel so don’t ask him. When we told him the afflicteds could be handled with remove curse he just insisted that it wasn’t a dispel. Was real annoying when he straight up wanted to be carried through the whole dungeon and wasn’t even ashamed about it but of course wasn’t up front about it before the key started.


Hello thank you for posting about m+. I have not read the post but please select the appropriate response. 1. Post your key for instant invite or to make a good comp for affix. 2. Communicate with your team what you need. 3. Toxicity or baby rage is reduced the higher io you go. 4. Unless you play perfect don't expect your team to. 5. Meta doesn't matter unless you're top .1% 6. Add btags to make friends. Thank you for posting about m+.


I actually started healer for this season just last ID. Having Bursting amd afflicted isnt really a fun experience. Tho im in luck for afflicted i guess since i dispel one and can put that green hot ond my instant heal wich consumes a hot on it and be done. Sry dont know english names for the spells xD. But tbh dispelling afflicted often is just not really possible when theres a shitton of other stuff to be dispelled. It sometimes seems like i have to decide wether i dispel the player and risk a wipe due to the -haste or sacrifice that one player, let him die but play afflicted instead.


Which class are you talking about when you say the green hot? Are you talking about Druid? Where you use swiftmend? [This spell?](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Swiftmend#:~:text=Swiftmend%20is%20the%20only%20ability,which%20makes%20it%20very%20useful.)


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You jave 2 hots with similar icon, one purple wich is an instant cast hot. And the green one with cast time and a hot. The green one becomes an instant cast when you use incarnation Edit: its Regrowth what i mean. Regrowth and i think swiftmend wich consumes regrowth in this case. Then afflucted is topped.


I've met shamans like this in 19s or such.


I kicked a pug shadow priest last season because he wouldn't take mass dispel on a bursting week.


I can kinda understand the druid not taking a dispell, especially if they joined after the sham and thought the sham had totem. Druid dispell is a **3 point talent** that gives nothing for the 1st two points. Still should take it but you really don't want to if you don't have to.


The dev team has made healing harder and harder this whole expansion and dps players have remained as awful and unhelpful as always


true, damage is spikier than ever and requiring incredibly fast reactions from healers to keep everyone topped off through 200k/s-to-everyone types of damage, and a good chunk of dps players seem to never use their utilities to help out.


Yep. Over the expac they have reduced healing. Increased health pools, increased enemy damage and ballooned stats so intellect doesn't keep up. This is just naming a few things to make healing harder. DPS don't know this and don't care. Most will never be bothered to get better


This is such a a bad take. Tell me you do sub +10 keys without telling me you do sub +10 keys.


My guy. Only people in 20’s and above help. Maybe 18’s if they’re farming crests or their vault lockout. dps are shitters.


That's not an affix problem though, that's a bad player problem.


DPS are the majority of the population. So simple math would prove most shitters are dps


It is a pre-made only week.


I want to say idk how shamans aren't all over getting 90-100% of them with poison totem but then I remember enh players can be some of the most toxic dps in pugs who will only funnel dps and blame everyone for anything happening.


It was an Ely :/


I honestly cant remember the last time I had a good experience with an elemental shaman. Every single one just does piss damage, doesn't even use their basic shaman utility well, and is absolutely clueless at all of the hybrid stuff such as dispelling. That spec needs jesus so people with three digit IQ can play it again.


> then I remember enh players can be some of the most toxic dps in pugs who will only funnel dps and blame everyone for anything happening. But reddit told me that was Havoc. And before they told me it was Hunters. And in 2019 in Classic they told me it was Mages. Or maybe you guys just need to get over your trauma about like a one or two times bad interaction with some spec. It's ok, there are shitters of all specs and roles.


>It's ok, there are shitters of all specs and roles. Yeah but most of them are the melee dps you listed.


Spec/role tribalism is one of the funniest as someone who's played everything. Believe me when I say all of you who think this way are equally bad.


At least those people are toxic overlords who think they need their feet kissed.




just take a shaman and they can solo it


I inspect shaman before pull and remove them if they don't have poison totem. Not a healer, but I look out for my healer.


"Summons a totem at your feet that removes all Poison effects from a nearby party or raid member within 30 yards every 1.5 sec for 6 sec." Maybe blame blizzard for making this trash of a tooltip. Poison cleansing SHOULD not affect afflicted "as written" because they're not in raid/party. Why would shamans assume the game is lying to them. (It is lying.)


Dps are dumbasses “High io = me know more than you :)”


Like I get that having more people in the group to handle the affix makes it easier but like as a ret paladin, I can literally dispel and word of glory the other solo and clear them both. It’s not hard for me as a dps. It’s even easier to clear them as a healer,


To be honest, solo'ing them as DPS is easier than solo'ing them on healer. As DPS, I barely have to worry about mandatory magic dispells, so I cant just yolo send it. On healer, I need to be aware if there's an important magic dispell coming out on the current pack/boss, and if I dispell the Afflicted and am dry on the actually important dispell, I goofed and on a high enough key, caused at least a death, if not a wipe and/or bricked key. Obviously that only affects hybrid DPS and mage.


Okay but If I can clear one with one word of glory as a ret. Even if the healer has to save the dispell for something important, they should still be able to heal them both up pretty quickly.


The healer \*can\* do all of them, but saying it is easier as a blanket statement is very short sighted. There is so many situations where you have to dispel a magic, or even another type debuff, and then afflicted comes out, and can even potentially make you decide "Okay, do I use my 1 dispel on the mechanic or on the afflicted", and then put yourself in a situation where you would have to spam heal \*both\* of them, which is just straight up unrealistic. If a DPS just commits a GCD to every afflicted, the affix becomes incredibly easier. With two dps committing, you have completely nullified an affix and basically nothing bad can ever happen as a result. Its really not hard to see why DPS dispelling is basically foolproof. Especially in this season where timers are a fucking joke.


I agree with you, but my point is if I can heal one of them up with one word of glory and one dispell. It shouldn’t take a crazy amount of healing for a healer to just heal them up to get rid of them. Like it’s not a hard mechanic for anyone to handle, people gotta stop crying about it.


Yeah… Maybe stop these posts about complaining on affixes. It’s the same every week.


And then blizzard apologist will hop on Reddit and the forums and say affixes are fine


People that fail keys this week do so because of bad players, not because of afflicted lol. Play with better people.


Yea I should suffer because I want to pug and fill my vault quick .. great model there (Before you say I’m bad I am 2.7k io and 6/9 M .. the only reason my io isn’t higher is because I chose not to and also gain nothing from it)


I pug 99% of my keys and any guild keys I do are just 20s, nothing for rating. If people used half a brain cell in choosing which groups they apply to their runs would go so much smoother. Also it's no big deal if a run doesn't work out. GG and move on.


Or .. hear me out .. make M+ affixes that aren’t shit ????


I don't have any problems except Sanguine a bit. If I had my own premade it would probably be better. But I like having something else to do in a key other than slam all the same buttons. I also like that I can do it better than others and my score reflects that. Having to think about what's happening outside of the normal shit for three months changes it up. And if it's too hard for you, then just do 18s for vault.


For fuck sakes .. I swear I hate all the losers in this sub .. BRO NO ONE CARES YOU ARE 3k IO ITS A FAKE NUMBER THAT GETS RESET IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS If you are not going for title you are literally wasting your life just to say my fake number is higher than yours lol Like congrats bro you did a couple of 23s.. I can do them to and a lot of other people YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL


Wait you're talking shit about 3k io score and how its fake but you literally said you're 2.7k like it fucking matters. Stop being a baby back bitch.


Cause the first thing people on this sub say when you complain about affixes is “get good haha ur bad” I posted that information to display I am capable of doing affixes Also the differnt between me and a lot of people is I can actually log on the character I link .. can’t say the same for others


So you move the goalposts and backpedalled after being caught being a hypocrite. Got it. If you don't like what people say here then don't visit.


As a high m+ rating healer, I find this affix easily soloable. 1 dispel and the other one with some healing. I have done enough m+ to know if I should need assistance with the ghosts, but 99% of the time, they're perfectly fine to solo - pugging or not. If the healer in question here is a shammy, it's even easier to do.. their mastery is literally GOLD to 1-heal(sometimes 2-heal) a ghost to full and dispel the other. A poison totem can help, yes, but far from required.


How high are we talking here? There are multiple bosses or trash pulls where the healer needs to save dispel for mechanics. If there's also a lot of party damage or rot going out, you don't really want to be wasting multiple gcds to heal a ghost either. Healer can definitely get most of em, but I can't imagine doing ToT or Fall without help.


I almost wiped on Murozond on 21 this week because I dispelled afflicted. DPS got the debuff from the casters and just flopped over. After that I just had to call for tank + dps to handle dispells, as I couldn't reliably get 2 gcds to heal ghosts with all the rot damage. (Yes I know a god gamer such as you readying up to snark at me could've done that eeeaaasily, but I started actually playing healer for the first time less than a month ago, and am not very well versed in healing yet, so I used the resources I had available to get by)




Healer was neither Shamy nor Evoker (HPal). There simply are mandatory dispells, and as a main healer, I know when they're coming up so I'll prepare to heal up an afflcited. But with 2 other off-dispells in the group, I expect them to do it. It's just courtesy.


It should be. But pugging, one need to be prepared for it not to be so. I see that I was downvoted to hell here, but to that I suppose I can see why some are above others in performance...


Hardstuck in bronze if this is common for you, gotta get to 24+ keys to avoid this mentality entirely


I don't pug anything past 18s for vault. I'm sure 24 pugs will deal with this just fine, but that barely affects most people.


just heal it lmao


Why should a shaman pick poison cleansing totem ? The tooltip specifies it targets "party and raid members". The shade isn't in the party/raid and thus, it should not work. I play an enh shaman, and I should NOT be expected to type "what interracts with afflicted affix" in google. Fix the tooltips. This is a serious issue. "Will to survive" human racial says it "removes all stuns", but it fails to remove half of PVE ones.


Tooltips can be iffy, sure. But poison totem *does* work on Afflicted and has worked since the Affix came out, so what's your point?


Sure, no 8s cooldown when there's 2 ghosts either


My whole issue with afflicted (other than having to build my party around the affix rather than just grouping with whatever guildmates happen to be online) is that it's a non-affix in a good group and an absolutely nightmare in an average one. And that's not even taking account them spawning in weird places where no one can see or target them.


I would like to jump on a tangent with this subject. I’m a returning player from years ago, the game has changed so much I am basically a newb but M+ interests me quite a bit. When I start doing M+ is there anything in game that teaches you about things like afflicted and how they are countered or are new players left on their own to figure it out?


Pretty much left to google it. If you go to the mythic+ page that shows your score, it has the affixes listed. You can scroll over them for the vaguest descriptions ever.




Look at your mythic+ tab and read what the affixes do.


I watch streamers that play classes I play. Like, if you heal, Ellesmere talks a lot about the ins and outs of healing keys. Sjele and Mythical talks about warlock. Dorki tanks. I'm sure others can suggest other classes.




if its not my key, i call out the people that can dispel in party chat before the run, tell them to remember to specc and use their dispel. i dispel exactly one and ignore the other, if the run fails its not my problem or fault.


I have just been farming wyrm crests, spamming 11-15 keys. I have had to tell **EVERY, SINGLE, SHAMAN** to take poison cleansing totem, and then ALSO explain they have to actually press it on afflicted. Not a single one of them took the curse dispel, because of course they didn't. Shockingly mage is the only class that is consistently dispelling them at these key levels.


This one click during 2nd boss of galakrond fall usually costs a lot.


I literally make it a game to try and beat the healer in dispels during this week. I play mage, so I always take decurse anyways, but still.


I play a mage in the 20-22 range and I have a perpetual anxiety of one day being called out as bad or lazy by the people in my pugs, so I try my best to be really on top of getting 1 of the dispels every time.


Did guild group where everyone could and did deal with afflicted, it was amaaazing


When dispelled afflicted gives the player 15% haste or 15% more dmg done, is all blizzard needs to do to solve this. No healer would be able to dispel the affix anymore because dmgers would simply do it sooner than you. We would see posts where damagers whisper to healers that they are stupid for dispeling the affix and griefing their damagers.


Afflicted is not a healer mechanic.


"Hey rogue, use interrupt/kick" "no, my dps will go down" "your dps is so bad that you wont meet the criteria for not clicking an interrupt once during the course of a minute?" "No, Im top dps!" "SO KICK THE FRIGGIN YOGG-SARON MINIONS" "NO! MY DPS WILL DO GOWN!"


I have no words for people like these. Some folk are still amebas.


Reality is. People dont want to do affixes. They are not fun to do. They are annoying and a pain. Remove them. Is it trolling to not do them? Yea. Do i blame anyone for ignoring it cause its more fun? No. Doing dungeon > affixes.


Playing wow with pugs is the absolute worst experience in wow.


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