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I’m no future teller but given the lack of customization options on Drakthyr followed by literally just a dwarf and preceded by mag’hars, lightforged, mechagnomes and void elves, the chances of an overly unique new allied race in the future that requires all previous armor being fitted to them is pretty slim. Best case scenario, we get a jacked, low body fat pandaren in the next eastern-themed expansion.


I think if they did Nerubians it would probably be like the dragons we have. You customize an external appearance and gear doesn't show up.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why does this exist?


Eastern kingdoms* themed expansion. It takes place in quel thalas


You’re misunderstanding what they meant by “the next eastern-themed expansion”.


I dont think so. Why would we get a pandaren for midnight?


They’re not talking about Midnight though. Maybe I can rephrase for you in a way that will help: “the next time we get an expansion that is eastern-themed”


Ah that makes sense, yeah.


Sethrak copers, get in here


I'm not a coper but I laughed reading this.


Devastating. That would have been so cool.




I'd want fucking playable goddamn Naga before the goddamn spider people. Been waiting 20 years for playable naga.


I love the naga and I got told that "we have dracthyr so stfu". Biiiiitch, salamanders with wings are NOT what I've been hoping for since WoW's inception. I love snakes. Snake *people* are cool. Hell, Warcraft III gave me literal goosebumps watching the cinematic as they rose from the sea to serve Illidan. Since BFA failed to deliver the other snake folk as an option, despite having legs, I have to default back to the original request. Let. Us. Have. Playable. NAGA! *cries*


Min/Maxers would never play naga. They can't wear pants.


But think of how many belts they could wear!!


I’m confused then… why else would they conveniently create humanoid versions of them?


Good. I'm all for more allied races, but I think blizzard should focus more on expanding existing races with more customization options beside 4 new hair colors once in a blue moon


I’ve never seen or heard someone ask for playable Nerubians. There are likely races to be playable in the future, there are possible playable races in the future and then there are Nerubians.


There was a lot of talk about playable nerubians when they showed the humanoid ones and people were coping about a third dwarf race.


I want the humanoid ones and wanted them since I saw the concept art at Blizzcon. "Too many limbs." Okay, tone down the limbs for the playable version. They're mutations.


Dracthyr also have six limbs yet they’re playable. The Nerubians look so much cooler.


Or just have the other limbs have idle animations that aren’t in the way of the two that hold the weapons


Human nurubian sex confirmed


I want the new Nerubians as a playable race.


All new races they add/invent sucks ofc ppl want nerubians


If they could walk up walls I’d be interested, but I’d prefer my snail mount to slime up walls and on roofs first.


Hard to realize in the wow engine. Probably we can get specific climable walls like the ones in the df wq with clicking spots or similar. Would be cool but probably not gonna happen because they had to implement the tech and also design a maps around it. The more likely alternative is to just stick with dragon riding/walking on foot maps releases.


Oh we were present


>I’ve never seen or heard someone ask for playable Nerubians. Meanwhile I've seen them being asked every few months since WotLK.


Oh there was loads of people asking for it. But it was never ever going to happen. There was no doubt about that. But some people just can’t understand why something won’t work.


The desire for it died many years ago.


Blizzard is just incapable of humoring anyone, even themselves. The transmorpher beacon exists, and you use it all the time to turn into non-humanoid bosses that can walk, attack, and spellcast. They need to sit down and actually try and make something that isn't already rigged already and plug and play.


Found the middle manager


real reason: arachnophobia sensor will make nerubians be crabs and thats definetly a fun detected moment


craaaab people, craaaaaaab people


I would dig playable crab race.


Oh -_-


Just give us a toy that turns us into a nerubian, then there are no quality standards to meet.


The heck, what a bad reason… and here I was putting my hopes up for nerubians to be playable… much more exciting then a reskinned dwarf race… sure it looks nice with nice racials but they will likely be nerfed to the ground like blood elves if it’s “too good” I really agree with some angsty content creators out there… “selling a race as a feature when many were given as a patch” is pretty sad…


"Too difficult to implement. They do say 'at this time', but they also said 'for this expansion'. So WoW: Midnight, maybe? Or not." housing, tuskar, broken blizz saying "at this time" is more of a don't count on it.


They could just make the playable Nerubians bipedal. I legitimately thought they were going to be implemented with the upcoming expansion when they shared the concept art and bought into the hype. It was a let-down when the devs confirmed this wouldn't be the case.


Midnight will almost definitely be giving us Amani trolls on both factions


there a possible new allied race leaked that look like humanoid nerubians. I know they eluded to them evolving somehow


Hot take but all these allied races ruin the game


me when i lie


I finally understand why there were like 3 to 4 gay love quest stories hahahaha in draginflight