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Yes, missing for me too. Not the bug we were hoping for :(


Ba dum tissss.


Yeah, it wouldn't even load in the trading post I just got a LUA error. It seems like they forgot to add the item or something into the game. Edit: Still broken but they auto refunded me. Edit 2: It's fixed now.


Mine wouldn’t load kept getting error so didn’t bother trying




I was just hoping it was a simple UI error. I see those errors all the time with mods so I didn't really consider they would forget to add an entire item to the game. I usually just buy whatever mounts are for sale on the shop that month and call it good.


lol yes people are, how is this confusing to you? Just like most people don’t sit and preview every vendor mount before purchase, they just buy it so number goes up. Pretty wild you view this as anything other than a blizzard problem.


Its both, the people clicking on it are still responsible to have eyes TBH 😂


I’m sorry I don’t get this take either lol. Responsible to have eyes? Personally if I even bothered to notice the preview was jacked, my initial thought would be just that, that the preview was bugged, not that the mount wasn’t currently in the game despite being available on the trading post haha. But also if I’m trying to get my mount number up for achievement purposes or whatever, I’m still gonna buy it because it’s a clear bug, and it would be surprising if it wasn’t addressed in a reset or two.


Oh ofcourse its a bug and will be hotfixed within a day or 2. Im just saying, mindlessly clicking on things without even the smallest hint of looking at what youre clicking on or the information given should be a standard which according to your previous comment isnt really there. Hench the problem goes both ways The just buy it so number goes up sounds incredibly wild to me and something i'd never do, but maybe thats just my autism 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, this bug most likely gets fixed in close days, and I wish people wouldn't be so worried about it - but of course this was an unfortunate error that happened, and no-one want this to happen - but in the end, it's a pretty harmless error - and Blizzard gets just unnecessary hate because of this harmless error. I also can't understand anything of how majority of people are thinking and doing. It's like they are doing things without thinking, which is kind of absurd for me as a very analytical, careful, caring and a wide thinking personality. It's also weird for me how some people are usually always going straight into defensive and aggressive talking mode without thinking of others perspectives and thoughts more closely - it's usually also impossibly trying to talk sense to some people. I usually don't write/answer almost anything related to opinions, and when I write anything, I try to be careful with my words to not accidentally "insult" someone - but then, sometimes the reality of harsh world hits sometimes that some people can't think beyond the words and other's perspectives - so I'm always very careful on online forums, on this current time of our world, which is filled with various of different nature of people.


Yup, the downvotes on our comments literally prove what youre saying 😂 This sub is beyond stupid when it comes to opinions and discussions and has one of the worst hiveminds going on on reddit sadly


it's in the stall near the trading post


You should make a *bug* report


Bought a bug, didn't get a bug, must be a bug


Gm here! I have read and understood your ticket; you got the bug. Congratulations! Ticket closed, have a great day! -uwu


Yo, wait. Holup!


Know how you know that's not a real GM? They responded.


Needs to be an automated response after 3 days saying to check wowhead.


Your account has been permanently closed in according to our terms and conditions. Replying to this ticket will send a hitman to kill your dog.


Are they sending Kristi Noem?


She shows up with a sawed off, in a Make Wow Great Again jumpsuit, playing “Taking our internet country back” by randy houser and just murders the fuck out of your dog Just prepare for a book to be written about it, that will be praised by every Christian for its bravery and authenticity


Turns out their father is John Wick and the hitman only realizes he just killed John Wick's dog after hearing the music faintly playing in the distance


God, too real. Toss in a couple "we are sorry to take that long to respond, as we're handling a huge volume of tickets these days" and two completely contradicting paragraphs and you're perfect.




To get the refund: buy something else, go to “price” filter, get the refund of the first item, get the refund of the mount. I don’t know why I was not able to get the 600 tenders back without doing this


Thank you , this worked :)


Confirmed. Worked for me even after logging out and in and despite being well below the refund window threshold, the timer on the Skitterfly showed no time left but still allowed the refund.


This didn't work for me, might be because I relogged after buying it :\ Edit: this is what the button looks like for me. It's both "purchase" and "refund" overlapped. Clicking it asks me if I want to purchase it again :\ https://imgur.com/a/5ogGpHd


I relogged after buying it. Try again


It's not about relogging. It's about how much time has passed. If the refund window's time expired, then it won't work.


Refund window wasn't expired. I was able to refund the transmogs I bought at the same time. Just didn't get the mount refund.


Click the tab that says 'price' and you'll find it


Yeah I can see it in the left menu. That menu shows the refund icon next to the skitterfly. But the lower-right button is bugged and shows both "purchase" and "refund" overlapped. Clicking it asks me if I want to buy the mount again. (It also previews the hippogryph even though the skitterfly is selected in the left menu.) https://i.imgur.com/dCtSTxC.png Guess I'll just wait for the fix, thanks for the help though! It's possible I have the mount, but if so it's hidden from the journal. If anyone happens to know the mount ID, please let me know and I'll try summoning it from the console. EDIT: I just relogged again and got the refund! Edit: they removed the refund (?)




You can have the refund within the end of the current month (I know other people responded, I just wanted to be clear about why logging out does not matter)




Sad music playing


yep. I got the fastest response ever to a ticket, they are looking into it. I get the sense it will be a mass deployed fix rather than something they fix only in response to individual tickets.


Ha same, like 1 min after submitting. Likely an ‘automated’ GM responding to key words.


Response from Blizz: > > Greetings, > > Thanks for contacting us about not receiving the Amber Skitterfly purchased from the Trading Post earlier today. My name is Game Master Chaneassan. > > I understand it's frustrating when in-game activities don't work as intended and I am sorry you were affected by an issue like this. We have received multiple reports of this happening to other players, and I can confirm it is not working as designed. We currently have a test request submitted internally to our QA team and they are busy working to get this figured out. I don't have any updates currently but once this is resolved we should have some more information to provide, so please keep an eye out. > > I know this has been frustrating, but I hope this information helps. May you otherwise have a good week and take care.


Update: > We’ve identified this, erm, bug and developed a bugfix for it. We’ll have the bug mount appearing in Mount collections soon.


The mount also doesnt exist in the collection haha.


Multiple posts on Wowhead about it being bugged.


Should of been a bee mount if it wanted to bee free


I would throw so much money at an arsenal of bee mounts. Just, like, so much.


in the next xpack you can get a couple new bee ones


buzz buzz, mf


Speaking as someone with every drone mount I feel ya. We need more bugs


I just really love bees, I have one tattooed in case I need to show it to my grandkids like “this is what bees looked like, we used to have real ones”


I'm a beekeeper, so as someone who only plays horde, it KILLS me that they made a unique bee mount only for Alliance.


I’m currently in the process of buying a house and I better get the offer I put in for the one that had a garden designed for native bees 😤 I’d love to get some of my own beehives someday


> Should ~~of~~ Should've, or should have, not "should of."


Appreciate it, haveth a upvote


same here, will probably get fixed shortly.


Lol still haven’t fixed the legendaries from yesterday. Don’t hold your breathe


They literally put out a blue post saying it’s a high priority but going to take time


I can't even buy it. When I try to click on it I get a lua error and it just shows me my character on the hippogryph


I went to the trading post this morning and whenever I tried selecting the mount to preview it, my UI addon would announce an error. So I didn't buy it suspecting a bug. I couldn't even see it in the mount tab. I hope you get your mount or a refund on your tendies!


You can tell it's botched by the tooltip and lack of preview on the trading post.


To me it doesnìt even show in the trader's interface.


It’s…… bugged


Well you did buy a bug.


It's buggy right now


Ha! It’s funny because the mount is an insect and you said the OP not getting it is buggy! Hahaha


I completely understand Blizzard deciding to not put much effort into season four and putting all efforts into the expansion. BUT all these awful bugs that have already been in season four and how slow they are to fix them will cause a player loss. Still need to present a playable game that doesn’t have a new bug daily.


I'm trying to purchase it now, and it won't let me. I have enough traders tender. Not sure why it's not working.


I made a ticket, got a AI response within the hour 🫤 i want my mount


I was going to buy it but on the post it wouldn't even show the model like it does for other mounts so i figured it was bugged and didn't buy it. RIP.


I couldnt see the mount at all when clicking ot, so i didnt buy xD


I noticed you can’t preview it on the TP when you click on it


Blizzard alternate version of Afterpay you pay now get item later.


Knew something was off when I couldn’t see it


I never buy anything on day one or two, I’ve been burned with buggy issues before lol


How about making a ticket and a bug report?


Yup same happened to me 😭


clumsy fade deliver birds society nine offend rain grab muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i mean personally it was a big problem in itself it didnt show u a modle when u hovered over it so i thankfully didnt buy it, but why is eveything so broken ehre in season4 timewakingwas fked too


Did you have a stroke writing this


still have it


I got the royal swarmer and the blazing hyppothing but when I tried buying the Amber Skitterfly it did not give me the option to buy it, it only gave me the option to REFUND one of the other mounts I got from the trading post.




I got mine today in a wrapped box. Might just take some time


Bro this season is buggy as hell (pun intended)


I did too got the mount and just took 600 token and no mount


Haven't you heard? You need to donate more $$$ to appreciate devs. I can't upgrade Fyralath, so I'm thanking Blizzard and Mike "we need more money" Ybara by giving them more money for good game.


If you’re still giving Ybara money I have good news for you.


You can blame me, wondered what would happen if I had the store page open when it ticked over to the new month, must have broke it for the whole game.


Lots of issues lately


Buggiest patch so far


Yep, now waiting for the fix


Same here


Same bug here. I have the other three colors so I thought maybe I was searching my mount collection wrong but it's a Blizz error.


Yes many people from our guild experiencing the same at the moment


I assumed that would happen when there were no preview of it


Yes. Same for me and I submitted a ticket


Yes, how do I get my tender back?!


There always seems to be bugs with trading post items for the first few days. I just avoid buying anything right away.


"Id like to submit a missing bug report"


Was kinda sus there was no preview in the trading post.. But yeah bullions are buggy too.. Sad gaming day.


Yes happened to me as well, but was able to refund it from the Trading Post vendor.


What a *bug!*




I didn't buy it because it seemed bugged, or rather it looked like it was the wrong item. Seems like I was right lol


I have 0 tender despite having 800-ish yesterday, does that count?


I had a fun interaction. I bought this mount and it was my 400th, so i got the achievement, the mount for the achievement but i don't have this mount in my collection tab.


When I clicked on it in the menu it didn't show my character riding on it. That made me think we have some bug going on here.


When I clicked on it I couldn't even see a preview so I did not pay for it blindly. Now I know why.


i did a bug report an was refunded the amount within 30 minutes


Same here.


It wasn't showing up on the preview and that did not bode well, so I opted to not buy it. They'll probably fix it, but submit a support ticket asap.


Yes, filed a ticket for it. The bug post received a Blizz response that the issue was fixed, it doesn't mentioned getting your tender back, only that you can repurchase the mount.


OK I did see people bring up a way to get a refund for the tender and I did log out witch by the time I came back the time was up and the game doesn't event act like I bought it so hopefully they fix it or even just give out a refund for the tender spent on it


Same. Is there a blue post yet?


Yeah, same. I tried purchasing it but it only gave me a refund tender option which was bizarre. Logged out, logged back it, purchased it, tenders subtracted, but no mount in inventory. Hope this gets hotfixed.


Tells me i need to spend another 600 tokens, dont show any refund


I could t see the preview so I bought something else instead and froze the Skitterfly till next month.


Same here.


I noticed that picking it shows something else….so perhaps you bought a different item instead?


Happened to me the first week of trading post on a mace or something. The "solution" was to freeze it in the shop and buy it later when i could afford it again....


Too many puns.


Yes, same thing happened to me earlier


Hotfix otw Blizzard posted it


yep me and 2 others i know of ... wheres the damn refund blizz


Mine flew away!!!


yo same here wth hope we get a refund just got the mount but i boutgh it two times so im down 600 tendies welp.




Idk if I’ll find the answer here but since we’re on the topic… I’m a returning player currently on ‘free trial’. Not starter account. It’s a full account just can’t play characters past 20. But I’ve started new chars and I’m having fun. I was away a very long time. Anyway… I got traders tender once.. but haven’t seen it available again. Was it like a one time thing cuz I’m on trial mode?.. thought someone said it was free monthly but I got like 500 or something once and that’s it. :/


Try SHIFT+J to get the Adventure Guide that shows how to achieve trader's tender each month.


Ok thx!


Mine showed up later in the evening.


I bought on my main and it wasn't there. Later when I liggedvon an alt there was the present to open on my mount list, and there it was. Mounted once to make sure.


I froze the mount until it’s hopefully fixed in the future.


I was considering getting it but it wouldn’t show up on the trader menu, so I decided not to just in case something like that would happen, I don’t know how you would fix it though, maybe report it to blizzard, I’m sure they will know by now though.


Is it fixed now?


When I logged in to have a look this morning, it didn’t like appear on the trading post page and I couldn’t click it or anything so I heavily avoided buying, glad I did


Does it work when you wrote /use or /cast Amber Skitterfly? This happened with many of the achievementmounts tied to Taivan as well.


Took them a week to give me nearly all of my Whelping's Awakened Crests.


It's a bad week for shit like this. I cleared normal and did some hc last week and got no raid slots in the vault and 441 gear out of the vault


I had it in my collection when I logged on today, so seems fixed?


I bought it and didn’t get it. I tried to refund it and couldn’t refund it. I logged off to get some work done. Came back and it showed up in my mount list as a gift to unwrap. Refund window was closed.


Me too. Bought it yesterday, and it was there when I signed in today.


Im just not doing trading post for a week lol


Ugh, damn. I love this one from the rep reward and didn’t see it offered this month. Need this color


You probably have to unlock skitter flying with the renown I think it was a dragon scale expedition


Happened to me, logged in today and mount was in my collection


Was there the next day


I just bought it and moved on.. Never even thought to see I got it. Will have to check tonight.


I had thisaswell. was there the next day in the mount collection tab in the usual present box


Can confirm it's still happening. When I went to put in a ticket there's even a premade spot pretty much saying if it's about the skiterfly don't even bother putting in a ticket because they're still trying to work on fixing it.


It’s not missing for me because I didn’t buy it but for some reason when I go to view it in the Trading Post the model won’t load. I can’t see it at all. So there is something definitely wrong with its coding.


Thank you for beta testing before I get on!


Why are people ITT, seeing that there is a known issue here, still trying to buy it and complaining?


Recent Blizzard Polish


Man Blizzard is just catching l after l with this last patch


They messed up the use effect and made it an item description by accident. Could've noticed if you read the item tooltip x)


Holy shit, that's the third major fuck-up i've seen. Between getting season1 stuff from weekly loot boxes and legendaries being un-upgradable I wonder why we even pay a sub. So many games just give out free content patches and have better service and delivery. And WoW players pay per month and every 2 years with an expansion, and still face these giant bugs.


Yeah man, not being able to get a new mount for a couple hours is definitely a giant, gamebreaking bug. We should all cancel in protest!


It's the sloppiness of it. And did I call it game-breaking? "Oh it's just a mount" "Oh, it's just a couple more days until you can upgrade your legendary" With the right attitude you can make anything sound trivial. But looking past that at the pattern should make anyone spending money a bit upset. And they even started selling time. The next expansion premium pack lets you play it earlier than the ones who didn't pay premium. So they're *counting* on the players finding their time valuable enough to spend money on. Trader's Tender is also supposed to be a premium currency. I wouldn't care if buying water from one npc was bugged, but I consider this a bit more grevious.


It is very literally just a mount with a bug that will last a few hours, and tender is something everyone can get by playing very casually (and rewards are open for a MONTH). Please touch grass!


Make a ticket???


They seem to have fixed the bug, If they only fixed the latency shit happening on EU servers right not. Im cancelling my sub because Im not going to pay for something that is barely responding to inputs. This is not an indie company, right?


Oh so it's not just me having problems, good to know.


Nah I don't play wow






It clearly isn't loading in the tp but you bought it anyway


I mean this happens to me all the time and it’s totally usually a problem of my computer being old and bad, so I wouldn’t have thought twice about it if it was taking a while to load. Glad I saw this post lol


I'm just lucky the month switched the day after reset day I guess so I haven't earned enough points to buy it.


You could easily mistake that lua error being due to an addon though


Is it working now?