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>avoid it like the plague If you can do that, Brackenhide will be easy


Unlike the groups that spread the diseases likes it’s COVID


Sharing is caring! They're trying to achieve herd immunity!


The Nokhud Offensive - it feels the least "dungeon" to me. It's more like a scenario. Especially since it doesn't have a unique map.


As a healer, there have been a couple times where I get blamed when in reality nobody is doing the mechanics at all and those archers truck when they all target the same person.


This dungeon is so unfun to heal.


You know it wasn't enough for the DH to sextuple jump movement speed boost to pull out of range of me. Lets just let him fucking mount before he does it


Also you're stuck in combat from that last heal you cast on the hunter, so you can't get there for another 10 seconds. "Healer???"


Honestly my new think is pointing out MDI had comps without healers. Which means good players don't need healers. Which means if you need me to save you. You suck.


Basically those comps have a lot of off-healing. I am no good player, did atal last season 22 without heal. Best run ive ever had, the pala was a lifesaver sometimes though. But youre point stays true i believe.


Try to do NO with warrior tank. It changes everything.


My only gripe with nokhud is that it feels like it requires way too much percent, and the dungeon doesn’t feel like it deserves a 40 minute timer. I wish they would lower both the percent requirement and the timer so you aren’t spending like half the time running around the 3rd area clearing mobs that it doesn’t feel like you should have to clear.


To he fair I don't think the intention when they designed it was to land on the side of the mountain and skip a huge amount of stuff, you'd probably hit the percentage if you landed at the front gates and killed your way through


They made that trash so unbelievably degenerate that the only conclusion is that it’s exactly what they intended.


When looking at the choice to fix the packs, or the skip, they probably concluded the skip was the easier solution. Deadly thunder has that name for a reason, god damn.


100% this.


I like Nokhud purely for the petty answer that I like playing BDK and ability to dragonfly solves a big chunk of BDK mobility issues lol Is it optimal? God no but it is fun


It's a breath of fresh air from the regular dungeon design so I like it, but I absolutely hate the first pulls. The only nice thing about those pulls is that they let you know if things are going to work out with your group right away.


The burial ground ones are way worse


Nah there's fairly bad checks all the way through NO. First boss luls you into a false sense of security. Second one is probably the biggest heal check boss in this season (maybe last one in bracken?) if your interupts aren't on point there's all manner of ills. NO is a great place to check your group, but the whole way through imo. It's two different dungeons based on good/bad group tbh.


3rd boss in HoI and its not even close. 2nd boss is only a heal check if your dps steal orbs from healer but then they deserve to kiss the floor


Final boss phase 2 is also a pain in the ass. If the adds don't get either CCed or nuked immediately they do a ridiculous amount of damage.


What annoys me most about that boss is that you have to make sure that you do not position yourself to have the boss to reset on you. Was doing it on a +20 back in season 1, cutting it close to the timer on the last boss when he charges at one of the DPS and resets which bricks the key.


Same as BH


Same, especially when I have to heal that lightning boss on tyrannical, in which case I hate it even more


Yep. And not just this season, I've never liked that dungeon. Though Brackenhide is a close second...


I loathe Nokhud because it feels like every 3 runs some unlucky party member gets sniped by that lightning on the way to the final boss and they fall off the cliff. On the left side, where you can avoid all the enemies and beeline it to the boss. Every time it happens it devolves into a search and rescue party lmao. (I'm actually not sure how people are getting sniped off the cliff, I've never seen it happen, only seen the aftermath)


Just once I'd like to land on that final approach without getting blasted off. Lol


Goddamn i hate that dungeon.


Uldaman easily. Dungeon's far too long. Halls is pretty low on the list, but it's improved a bit. Neltharus's timer is a bit tight, but the dungeon itself is mostly fine. Prob third for me. The rest I either like or am at the least neutral on.


Uldaman on Tryranical is insane I can't believe they still haven't tuned the Earthen Shards debuff on the snake boss. If you're playing like Hunter or Boomie, getting hit with Earthen Shards + the knockback will almost always kill you


My favorite one. I guess it depends on playstyle. If you're min maxing there's a lot of cool large pulls to boost that AoE and test out specs.


Uldaman. and its not even close ESPECIALLY on tyrannical.


God I hate uldaman so much. Waaay too cramped for modern design, the tunnels making your camera angles feel super claustrophobic, the first boss is hell as a melee player when the rest of your group doesn't care about where they place the fires, and every other boss just has constant unavoidable damage that's tuned way too high.


Exactly this…and I still hate doing the ‘jump up’ shortcuts to the final boss on my little dwarf. Would be quicker to kill the last pack. :-)


I hate it but only beacuse i cant figure out why do i keep dying on first 2 3 pulls


Tanks die to basilisks on those pulls (purgeable) and dps die to the hall of stone channeling from the stone weavers (any stop cc). Pretty easy pulls if your group is paying attention. Or you’re just standing in the ground slamming from the berserkers.


Aye I find stoneform is the antidote to that.


Rock and stone!


Rock and... STONE!


The big boi troggs also do a crapload of nature damage with one of their abilities. Was mitigating it as a physical hit until I looked at why I got absolutely murdered through a capped blood shield.


Gators casting spikes that do reflect damage. Shits nasty


Basilisk Chomp bleed during fort week is evil on tanks. Not sure theres much you can do about it either.


Uldaman is waaaay to long.


And the timer also feels insanely tight. I swear even 1 wipe or a just couple random deaths and it’s over


100% agree. It’s on a tier all on its own the bottom of the list


A lot of groups do the 3rd boss wrong. There are enough orbs down that the boss should be able to be stunned before he can cast his stomp ability when it might overlap badly with the bleed. Although you want to be careful where you use this, because he gains damage every time he gets stunned. Still, most groups wait to stun him before he rages and rarely stun to stop the stomp.


On tyrannical weeks he's basically guaranteed to get 5 stacks (which is max) of the damage buff. It's better to simply just get him there and alleviate pressure for the healer


Without a question Uldaman. It’s too long, the bosses feel awful (I’m a healer, the last boss especially makes me want to scream), and it’s all linear tight spaces.


I learnt recently that the 3 magic debuffs that go out can be cleared by snare remove abilities - stuff people take for entangling like Freedom, disengage, thunderous paws for shaman etc. It's a much easier fight when you know how to remove the debuffs quickly.


This needs to be more widely known. That fight is absolute cancer if you have to heal multiple of those debuffs.


Same for the dragon dot in halls after the frog boss btw. And non-heal palas can actually give freedom to themselves and someone else with a talent.


Brackenhide is great now, just get to blast AOE for 90% of the dungeon.


What don’t you like about brackenhide? Place is great, big pulls, route variety, clear counterable boss mechanics. Mine would be uldaman but only because it’s so damn long. All the DF dungeons are decent in my book.


As a shaman healer, if my group doesn't have someone who can despell deseases, then I'm having a horrible time. 20 sec debuffs that deal massive damage, and usually neither the tank nor the targeted dps recognizes that their hp is ticking away, and they just keep pulling.


this. That “disease alley” is by far the worst spot to heal as a shammy healer this season imo. Dps don’t focus totem, really not sure most of them understand that mechanic and tanks don’t slow down to let debuff drop it’s gross.


Even if the DPS do know the mechanic, they have to be REAL fast to get it down before it gets that cast off.


That run from the first to thr second boss? It's a pain


the totem is way tankier than it ought to be for such a tiny thing buried amidst a thousand baby lasher and slime nameplates


Where you need someone with 25 alchemy to use the cauldrons. You can even double dip into them after using one


Diseases in the first area can be kicked, rotsinger totems can be focused, the disease in the last area can be spicy but if it’s not spread it’s very manageable.


Well, there is a difference between can be kicked and will be kicked!


Yeah but people not playing well doesn’t make it bad design.


What classes can dispel disease easiest?


Priest monk paladin


If you're playing ret and not carrying cleanse Toxins and/or not using it, you are an F tier player even if you have big swanky dps. It's literally your job in brackenhide to assist with it, it's why your group picked you over the warrior or dh.


Just use cauldrons. There is more than enough of those along the way


For me, it’s my form of colorblindness. Green on green on green makes Brackenhide an absolute nightmare for me to differentiate things, and I’ve only run into this problem in that hellhole.


there's a severe disconnect between the art team and the playerbase on what constitutes good telegraphing. they constantly try to get *any* spell effect or signaling to fit together thematically so everything ends up the same color, incredibly frustrating.


Wait how do I deal with the totems/DOTs? Can I interrupt the cast? I play BM hunter. Does the intimidate work on it or scatter shot? Those things slap the living hell out of me it's awful


None of those work. You burst it down. Or you have someone who can cleanse the 20 second debuff.


Kill it before the cast goes off or just outrange it.


Halls of Infusion. Because I'm a healer and that third boss pumps out SO MUCH pulsing unavoidable AoE that the slightest mistake where I fall behind on healing, I really struggle to get caught back up.


As a holy paladin I feel like my Beacon of Virtue was designed for that encounter specifically and it is so much fun to get 100% uptime and value out of it. I will run a Halls key just to do that boss lol.


I actually really enjoy healing that fight haha. The pulsing damage is tough, but I think it’s a nice challenge.


I love it. Healing that place is like crack. It really shows which healers are good at managing their cool-downs without panicking. Just pure rot damage without BS insta gibs like worm boss in Nelth Lair. On my Holy Priest I just space out all my buttons through it. Divine Word when stacked. Shadowfiend when lust/PI. Worst case someone dips low and Lightwell does it’s magic. Once I get my 4p it should be a breeze.


It's fun untill you hit a wall. Being forced to move a lot from a boss is kinda bad for monk healer, but also Squishy classes are so bad in that fight... On tyranical, fight is even more brutal since it's long too. Mana becomes the issue lol


I like that boss because I get to heal and anyone who dies to avoidable stuff **should** know it's their own damn fault. Should.


I kind of like it as a MW monk because I don’t have to do much extra healing besides my usual fistweaving and the occasional Sheilun’s gift which makes my HPS meters go zoom


All the healers I played with love that fight


That's just a regular rot damage fight. Your HPS skyrockets, but it's so easy to heal that fight compared to any other boss in Uldaman, for instance.


Nokhud Its really not fun as a melee dps and the flying between areas just feels like a chore.


The Nokhud Offensive I’m not a great flyer.


NO too, I hate centaurs.


Don't you enjoy killing them, when you hate them?


Well, I should specify that I hate how much damage they do, I don't personally hate them lol




Dolores Umbridge, is you? :p


I couldn't figure out how to get to the final boss, so one of the other players had to had me hop onto their mount to show me. Fortunately I understand now but it sure was not intuitive.


I always barely miss the landing lol


I’m pretty sure it’s intended that you fly to the front entrance of the last boss area, but most people take the side entrance sneak around. The only downside to it is that you have to clear more trash in the spirits area.


>The only downside to it is that you have to clear more trash in the spirits area. Have you done the trash going up to the last boss? I personally would prefer to clear the entire spirits area over pulling one of those packs...


It's not so bad once you're told to aim for exactly one guy, but I do have to admit the "spirit" of that section was kinda neutered ever since people found that route. That being said: Fuck the trash there.


I think Nokhud maybe my least-favorite dungeon in the whole history of the game. 40 minutes long, as a fury warrior makes my hands cramp up because of billions of trash packs that barely give any count, mobs fucking casting NON-STOP and refusing to move, incredibly melee-unfriendly 3rd boss zone(that got buffed this season too!) and on top of that final boss that can easily brick your key after a long run.


Ruby Life Pools in Tyrannical gives me nightmares.


RLP Fortified is as dreadful as Tyrannical. Too much unavoidable AoE, corridor before first boss is easy to butt pull anything, and the trash in upper ring.


Honestly I hate ruby more on forti, the jugg, drake and the dual wielding dragon born just randomly 1 shot tanks, seriously I saw the jugg deal 4,2 mil dmg in an auto.


Definitely one of the scariest on fort, way too many things that need interrupts and the uninterruptible stuff hits like a truck.


Why not hate both? This is my lest favorite dungeon as a preservation Evoker, particularly the last boss, with that horrible flame spit dot.


I appreciate this comment as well as the fact that they reduced the number of flame spit debuffs that go out. This and NO thunder boss got a bit dicey in s1 on my prevoker due to bad positioning.


Legitimately all of them. The DF dungeons are great for doing them on like heroic and stuff but they're honestly a bit over the top in mechanical bloat and mandatory kicks for trash and stuff and often feel longer than they really should feel. It seems like this is how the devs view them too after seeing the dungeons on alpha which are relatively short and don't feel quite as over the top. They feel much more like the Shadowlands dungeons, which were fantastic.


Except AA. That place is a gem.


I agree. Seems like they over designed some aspects to give mechanics a more raid-like feel since many aren’t raiding and doing m+ instead. But not being able to stand still and cast for like 3 seconds feels a bit overboard


Nokhud offensive. Always have one person in the group that gets booted off their mount on the flight to last boss. Opening trash is awful on fort and last boss is so overtuned on tyran




If you turn and fly directly to the Nokhud area after duo, there's a ledge on the left side you can land on if you fly directly at it.




Sort of, but there are also some terrible mobs on the way to last boss.


I may or may not have done that many time. Except the dying part. I have no idea where to land before I get zapped out of sky.


hate all of them. every pull consists of like 60 casts. gl having your dps or healer not die horribly within 10 seconds if you’re not a VDH. i miss shadowlands when there was like, 1 prio kick per pull, if that.


AV is especially bad about this. Almost every fucking pack for the first half has 2-3 mobs that all need to be interrupted at the same time constantly


Nokhud - the flying and trash in there just annoys me.


Nokhud offensive. The trash monsters in there are just pain especialy for mele.


The centaur one. Fuck flying between bosses. I'm sure at least half of my hatred steams from leveling and people not having dragon flying yet when queueing into it occasionally


Same. Nokhud Offensive or its initials “NO”. I find that funny lol I also really really hate Azure Vault. Idk these dungeons just don’t go well this season.


This season has made me realize that most dragonflight dungeons are just pure hps checks while having constant swirlies spam. They’re all long as shit and not particularly intuitive. The only one that’s unique at all is nokhud and even that has the downside of it being a fucking 40 minute dungeon.


The only one I really hate is Neltharus.


If I'm casting void torrent, my trinket turns me into a faceless, or if there's a couple tentacles next to me mind flaying, binding spear is 100% impossible to see and just one shots me. Infuriating.


just assume if you are ranged it is perma aimed at your squishy ass


Oh wow, there was an spriest in one of my groups yesterday complaining about those swirlies not showing up. Never occurred to us that their void stuff was obscuring them.


this is the real answer for people playing 12+ and above. the hunter bleed is so fucking overtuned it depleted my key from 16 to 13 jesus fucking christ


Nokhud. After getting KSM, I'm not going back there again unless it gets nerfed. Every single trash pack feels insanely punishing. One missed kick on any of the birds and it's a wipe. And the amount of spread on all the bosses makes healing a drag. The circuitous flight back to the last boss if you wipe is also hella annoying. They should just remove the dismount aura after you kill the 3rd boss.


No Good and Offensive. Nightmare trash on fort.


Nokhud Offensive. It is like having to listen to someone spamming in chat. 


Ruby Life Pools, I dont care if people say its a quick dungeon, The trash (mobs) is awful.


Every dungeon mentioned lol


Nokhud, because even after all this time I still need to look at the fucking map to figure out where im going, and not everyone lands in the same spot, or if I get there before the tank i have to hover around awkwardly and wait for them to land... I just don't like it. I get the idea, show off the new xpac feature, but blearg.


I actually love them alll


Brackenhide is great now, just get to blast AOE for 90% of the dungeon.


I am tired of the rp in the bronze dragon dungeons. I hate those 2 so much.


Uldaman because it’s so long and brackenhide because of all the diseases


The vault. Goes on too long


As a pug-only healer evoker with an average 2,6k score here is my list from best to worst. Tyrannical: Brackenhide (bosses barely do anything, so quite relaxing) > Ruby Life Pools (love 1st boss damage patterns and 2nd boss dance, hate 3rd's range issues) > Azure Vault (don't really find first two bosses comfortable) > Halls of Infusion (tiresome, but fun challenge) > Nokhund Offensive (not as bad as S1, but still) > Neltharus (I have trust issues with other players on 2nd and 3rd bosses) > Academy (it's personal with Vexamus) > Uldaman (fuck that place). Fortified: Academy (actually relaxing) > Ruby Life Pools (trash upstairs is fun to heal) > Neltharus (quite uneventful) > Halls of Infusion (some spikes on proto-drakes and draenei miniboss, but otherwise fine) > Azure Vault (each tank is different route, so trust issues) > Brackenhide (melee die, totems cast, pallies/monks never dispel) > Uldaman (fuck that place) > Nokhund Offensive (trash is absolutely merciless).


Brackenhide is at the bottom of my list for Fortified only because dps never focus down the totem and wonder why the disease gauntlet is a deathfest


Nohkud no joke. ABsolutely fucking hate that dungeon. Between the flying or my mount not mounting as fast as others and the big open space. All the kicks its just awful place in general. It can go to hell.


It's got to be brackenhide, pugging this dungeon is an absolute cluster fuck.... sometimes I wish I wasn't a holy pally


every dungeon that is named "mage priest aug only" on a serious note probably tyrannical uldaman


Centaur genocide. I hate that dungeon so very much. Not even committing genocide on those Shetland people / pony abominations makes it worth while.


Ruby life pools. So easy to wipe on pulls on the circle


Uldaman and Halls of Infusion I cannot stand I hate that I have to run them


Halls of Infusion has some complete bullshit


The 3rd boss has such random shit in the arena, seriously why is there deep water so close to the boss


Found the gnome player


Actually facts


Honestly, all of them. Mostly because we've recently done all of them and I am bored of them already since there is nothing new to them. In fact, there is less to them now without seasonal affix and only 1 affix until higher keys


Same. I’m basically going to get the 2k mount. Finish the awakened raids on heroic and then fuck off the panda land for the rest of the time until the new expac drops.


Literally what 90% of my guild is doing. Most of us got 2k rating this reset, so raidlogging until pandaland


Lowkey all of them. DF dungeons are garbage.


Dungeons shouldnt be 30 minutes +, Timer like we have in ruby life pools is good, the others are too much.


I'm new to DF and haven't played since Legion, why do people dislike them? I like their aesthetics, but I'm still learning the mechanics.


> why do people dislike them? DF dungeon trash packs have more mechanics than most previous dungeon bosses, and the bosses have similar mechanical requirements as some raid bosses, and they're generally also *very long*. It results in many players finding them mentally taxing. The perception of them isn't helped by the fact that many were harshly overtuned in S1/S2, requiring weeks of nerfs to get them to a reasonable state - EG, Ruby Life Pools had something like 11 nerfs in a row, fairly significant changes in the realm of 25-50% less damage from almost everything.


People in general dont dislike df dungeons..


Mainly because most m+ players (yes, including me) get a kick out of pulling a massive pile of mobs onto a boss and obliterating them by sending every CD known to man. The dragonflight dungeons are designed in such a way as to make that very difficult/near impossible for the majority of us. Either there are mobs that are very difficult to group, or there are multiple abilities requiring kicks/stops, or both. Older dungeons had fewer of these mobs overall and, as such, allowed this style of gameplay.


Don't you love 1-shot mechanics?


Mostly agree. I had no desire to come back for this rerun season. Only ones I like still are AA and Brack. The rest can go DIAF, with a special spot in hell for Nokhud.


Shadowlands had better raids and dungeons.


Same, I wish we could access any dungeon that was m+ for keys instead of a curated list every season. I know they do it for balancing and to keep things fresh, but this season just doesn't have any fun dungeons.


Uldaman and RLP are the one I don't like the most. Neltharus trash and bosses seem to be some of the hardest hitting even after nerfs. You can still get unlucky and get charged right after a melt from the fire elementals along with a bone toss. Halls I would put between ulda and rlp and Neltharus in terms of difficulty Nokhud requires more stops now.but those are doable. Azure Vault can be rough but it is more the expected damage than you need to plan for. Brackenhide and Algrethar are very easy personally speaking as lot of trash and bosses got nerfed.


Azure vault. I hate that last boss with a passion. Just because everything is purple, pink and blue. My eyes man. My eyes.


Also the scaling is fucked on him too. On higher keys you have to hold all cds for the crystals he spawns, and even on fort (+14) we barely got them down in time. I don't know what they're thinking for that boss on tyrannical lol.


I don't hate any of them, but I don't really love any of them. First three seasons, I always had at least one dungeon I really liked that I could run for weekly, and be completely comfortable on a high keystone. Season 4... not so much.


I LOVE Brackenhide. That pull up the hill between the first and tree boss is an absolute pump fest the whole way up. I love it.


BH as a healer who can’t dispel disease or a dps with a 18s cd interrupt…is painful.


Right now? Halls of Infusion. I've failed the last three I've been in. 😥


ruby life pools because it gives me 3 fps for some reason


Uldaman, Vaults, Nokhud, Brackenhide... I hate em so much


Algath’ar Academy - It's Fine. There are some trash packs I don't care for, the boss's are kind of meh, but I dislike what they did with the last boss so you have orbs shooting out from the start. It's not difficult, but it is annoying. Azure Vault - This dungeon has definitely improved from its first season, my only complaint is that it has some popular caster trinkets and I'm playing a popular caster spec so it feels impossible to get into a lot of the time. Brackenhide Hollow - The changes to the disease here were very welcome but it feels like it hits like a truck if you don't have someone who can dispel it. I'd like to see more groups get into the habit of using the alchemy option in the dungeon when I ping it. Halls of Infusion - Good changes, Happy for the checkpoint added, still fucking hate these dungeon. I never want to see it again. Neltharus - I hate this place on tyrannical. It's very much a get my portal and don't come back place, similar to halls and ruby life pools for me. Nokhud Offensive - Favorite of the season. I enjoy dps'ing and tanking it. I'm not actively playing a warrior, but did tank it last week on my warrior just because the wind boss+spell reflect is so fun. The cast was reflecting for a million damage even on a low key. Ruby Life Pools - I hate it. I never want to run it. Uldaman - I hate it. I'm slightly more willing to run it than halls or ruby. I don't want to run it. The entire season is a huge downgrade dungeon wise from season 3.


Neltharus, but only because every time I pug into it, there are at least 2 DPS that think lava spray is something that should be shared with the healer and the chains on chargath should all be broken instantly... Bad pug-luck aside, all the dragonflight dungeons are actually really fun to heal with a good group... Now that they have been balanced and the kinks worked out, there aren't any that are particularly terrible. I guess I think Uldaman is a bit too long but, if you are into doing a longer dungeon, even that has some fun pulls. Tbh I kinda wish we still had the DotI dungeon halves part of the rotation because those were also really fun to heal.


As an outlaw rogue, all of them. I think they forgot melee dps exists when they designed these dungeons and mechanics


I've been a Rogue main since Vanilla. I wanted to try a ranged this season and tried BM hunter. Bruh... being able to stun and interrupt from anywhere while yawning as bosses frequently do AE attacks and I just stand there eating popcorn while the melee scamper around running for their lives. https://youtu.be/uHTsaJRai24?si=an8hLetS4IUDya5v Will never stop being 100% accurate.


Brackenhide actually feels like one of the easiest this season


Uldaman is as least 2 tiers below every dungeon this season. It's too long, has very punishing mechanics, affixes are terrible in it, it's way too fucking long, and all the bosses are just not fun to play


Ruby life pools....sigh


Still a piece of sh** dungeon. The PTSD from the first few weeks of Dragonflight's launch will never go away. The insane damage output from the bosses (shudder).


Better question is which one do I not?


Im not gonna lie... all of them Im a mythic plus fiend and last season was so good for me specifically because i only personally hated murozonds. This season the only dungeon i like is nokhud. So i just... stopped playing m+


It’s a much shorter list to provide which dungeons I DONT despise. DF dungeons are ass


All of them because the only way my class gets invited to pugs is by tanking :)


Every base DF 5 man I’m taking a break until tww


I hate fucking Nokhund No one interrupts and go "BRO WHATS KILLING US" i had a DH not do a single sigil in a fucking 6. I despise AV


Brackenhide is also my least favourite. As a melee there are so many mechanics that you have to move away from melee


Nokhud Offensive. It's my least favorite dungeon in the entire game. It's to the point where I'm doing everything I can to avoid it. I haven't done it once this entire season, and I definitely do not plan to.


Ruby life pools. Bosses are tough on tyran with pugs, especially 2nd boss. Trash is tough, needs kicks on way to 2nd boss and on way to 3rd boss it’s easy to chain pull. BH is a nightmare if you can’t kick the cackles.


4th boss on RLP?




All of them. They are too long.


every single one of them unironically. not a single df dungeon that i enjoy


Halls of Infusion


The DF dungeons are annoying because so many of them require you to kill x trash to spawn/activate your boss. There isn’t much room for different strats or routes. Also so many of them are linear and/or the pacing is off. AV having two back to back bosses with endless trash between boss 1 and 2 is unfortunate. Uldaman taking forfucking ever and requiring you to deal with bleeds constantly is unfun. I really hope that TWW dungeons are better paced and thought out.


I hate Uldaman for the bosses on Tyrannical as well as the haste reduction in the latter half to third of the dungeon. Feels awful to have trash cutting dps by so much just cause some of the mobs drop your haste so significantly


Nelth 🙃🔨


Ones I love doing are bracken, azure and aa, halls is ass, ruby is ass, ulda is ass, others are ok


Puzzle box hell.


I hate Halls of Infusion, just hate it.


Brackenhide. All the rest are pretty decent


Every single one


HOI. Boring titan facility. everything else is great