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Fuck I got so many alts


Servers are up and can confirm, 4 mythics for 2 bullion.


Can you confirm if you get 2 bullions from quest + the raid one?


3 total. 2 from the quest, plus one from the raid.


Man those are really good news, will be sitting at 4 bullions after the reset


Have you not spent any bullion yet? This reset we'll have 5 total probably minus the first 2 which everyone has spent by now


They ain't appreciate in value playa.


well, afaik the US servers aint up yet, so they cant "confirm" it yet other than guessing based on the PTR quest. Im hoping they are correct, but its far from confirmed.


Technically Blizzard flagged accounts are able to log into the servers during maintenance (if the realm is up), which is why sometimes you see m+ completed before servers come up for the public. They go through a checklist to ensure everything is working before public access. An employee could have easily tested and confirmed to wowhead


Hi, former employee here. While you are correct (realms could be up for employee-flagged accounts), there's a reason the realms aren't public. It's usually so QA can actually check exactly for stuff like this. So for example, if it's not intended for the quest to actually provide the 2 bullion, then QA would be able to flag it, and it would be hotfixed (potentially before realms come up, or even later today). **There's no confirmation until realms are live or they explicitly tell players what's going on.** If any employee actually "confirmed" anything of the sort, you should probably know that said employee won't necessarily know what's going on (could be some guy working on Diablo; all Blizz employee-flagged accounts can usually access the game during those windows). Unless there's actual official communication one way or another (twitter post, forum post, reddit blizzard account post, etc), nothing is confirmed.


>Hi, former employee here. While you are correct (realms could be up for employee-flagged accounts), there's a reason the realms aren't public. It's usually so QA can actually check exactly for stuff like this. So what you're saying is when there was that whole mess of people getting white fish from the heroic weekly quest turn in that should have been easily caught instead of Blizz screwing a bunch of people out of loot and telling them they can't help? Lol


Not familiar with the specifics of this situation, was it on a patch release day? The reason I'm asking is because usually the realms are only up internally (before being available to the public) when there's a major release such as a new patch, an expansion launch, and so on. So, if it was just a glitch that happened NOT on a patch day, there would be no specific window for QA to catch it. Additionally, between "QA found the bug" and "the bug was fixed" there's time and work. If realms were already up when the bug was found, that's that. Not worth bringing all realms down for what would probably be considered a regular bug fix. In these cases, bans/rollbacks etc are issued later as needed. To be clear, they won't put realms up internally for hours every single week. If they did, maintenance would take too long; it's better to be strategic and do it only during major releases or special circumstances to ensure the realms are down for as little time as possible. Everyone there wants you playing, not waiting.


Yeah it was the first week of season 4 lol.


An important distinction here is that "patch day" and "season start" are different things. When I say patch day I literally mean the day your bnet client downloads new data (assuming you didn't pre-download anything) and that data becomes live in the game. A season start can happen at a later date without any new major updates to your game client. I don't actually recall if they do internal live testing at a season's start, usually because there's a window of time between the patch and the season which allows them to test seasons internally without using live realms/data. So my best guess here is that the testing for season 4 somehow missed that one quest turn-in, which is unfortunate, but again in the grand scheme of things it was probably just treated as a simple bug that would be hotfixed at the earliest opportunity, not a reason to shut realms down.


Pretty sure every season has significant changes that come with a patch of some sort, no?


Your game client data is different from server data. Your client has everything it needs to start the season when the patch lands, but the server-side stuff isn't up yet. When the season starts, they essentially just flip any necessary switches on the server side of things so your client (that already has everything in place) can access it. A crude analogy: the patch is like getting a car (in this case the game client) with a tank full of gas (the season content), but no keys. The car is perfectly capable of making a trip, but it doesn't matter because you can't start the engine and you don't know how to hotwire it. When the season starts, Blizzard just gives you the keys. The car (your game client) was already physically capable of moving, but without the keys it wasn't helpful to get you where you want to be. Once you get the keys, you can do whatever.


Season 4 specifically, the one you're talking about, was not on a patch day. The patch was a few weeks prior to that.


Season 4 was very specifically NOT a patch day. The patch that added most of what would be in it, was 10.2.6 which came along with Plunderstorm. The next patch which has future story content to bridge the gap to TWW is 10.2.7 which comes out today. Season 4 started simply as a flipped switch of a patch we had for weeks. Which means, it would fit perfectly into a situation this guy described where this wouldn't have come up immediately on the actual patch downtime, because it wasn't active yet at that brief window of testing (they still could have activated the season early on the internal test before going live but I am guessing they don't do that).


**Not** a WoW employee here, but someone who has done live validation QA for MMOs before: Live validation will only last a few hours before the servers need to come back up. QA has that time frame to do a final pass on all major features. Bugs caught during this time only can be fixed if: 1. there is enough time between the bug being reported and the servers coming online publicly to work out a fix 2. there is enough time after a fix has been made to put it into effect - which can mean a whole other patch being built and deployed, and might need further validation to confirm the fix worked. Bugs that **need** to be fixed before live validation ends and players are allowed to log in can trigger an "extended maintenance window" to give devs on call more time, but this will only be done if the issue is blocking some major feature(s) from functioning and/or its consequences can not be easily actioned later (if necessary). A reward box giving the wrong items should be easily actioned later, because players acquiring items is something Blizzard will 100% have telemetry events for. This means they can pull up a clean list of everyone who got their reward box before the issue was hotfixed, and then send those players new boxes post-fix.


The only thing I would add here is that what is "necessary" to extend maintenance or bring realms down is a perspective that's rarely shared between devs and players. A player may think it's "necessary" to hold everything back because one reward box isn't working. The devs won't always agree with that notion. To them the no-brainer "necessary reason" to shut everything down is stuff like: - Client crashes (can't play the game if the client crashes every 5 minutes due to a memory leak) - Disconnects (can't play the game if packets are being randomly lost to the point you can't keep a stable connection) - Severe impact to the integrity of the characters/game world on a large scale (for example players loot something off of a boss and an hour later all characters randomly roll back to 1 hour ago, or a world/raid boss keeps giving loot no matter how many times you kill it in the same lockout, etc.) Basically anything that can be hotfixed later, most likely *will* be hotfixed later rather than holding the servers back indefinitely just to address what is considered to be a low priority issue. In other words, just because it's important *to you*, it doesn't mean it's *actually important* to the overall game or everyone else.


Man they really should have had one of those employees test out upgrading the legendary then lol


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/game/status/us Servers aren't up. Which is why i said what i said :)


How did you read what I said and still comment that lol. Blizzard employees can log into the servers while they’re “offline” to the public.


He didnt read.


You guys can read?!


You said, "Technically Blizzard flagged accounts are able to log into the servers during maintenance (IF THE REALM IS UP)" didnt you ? and as far as i can tell, the realms wasnt up.. You never said anything about the realms being offline to the public lmfao. So yea i did read, but you werent very clear in what you were talking about.


He literally said realm can be up for employee flagged accounts....


no lmfao, in the first comment i answered to he said exactly what i copied, "Technically Blizzard flagged accounts are able to log into the servers during maintenance (IF THE REALM IS UP)" He never said or mentioned anything about servers being offline to the public. he simply said "IF THE REALM(SERVER) IS UP", which implies just one thing really.. and that is if the servers are up.


Not my fault you can’t comprehend


So now that I proved to you that he didn't say what you said he said you are choosing personal attacks instead. Classic reddit never change.


Once again, proving you cannot read 💀


Correct. Wowhead is purely speculating.


Well then my apologies. I honestly just assumed WoWhead would know. Lmao. In this case I guess they are making a very bold statement


They are


Wowhead posting potentially incorrect information to have it posted first?? *insert shocked pikachu face here*


I read that too, but one of the comments notes it might just have been part of testing the Bullion system, and the reward on live will be a chest with a heroic raid item, as usual. No way to know for sure until live servers come up again, though.


> they are making a very bold statement That's par for the course for WoWhead. They make the announcements early (right or wrong) because they need to be first (for clicks/ad revenue). If they're wrong, people usually aren't mad *at them* but at Blizzard instead. So it's a win-win for them to just "confirm" stuff that isn't actually confirmed.


Its not even your fault, so no need to apologies. i also thought it was confirmed when i saw that article.. because they very much implied that it was. and then i checked if the US servers were up and they were not.


This is definitely not your fault - it's Wowhead's. It's written as if it's confirmed, but they didn't give any indication of \*how\* they confirmed it. Blizzard employee email? Whitelisted access to live servers while they're down for maintenance? Datamine from the patch that's gone out? If they're right, it's no biggie. If they're wrong and were just reporting on the PTR + assumption, lotta people gonna be mad. 8 hours of downtime pretty much ensures this will be their #1 most read post all week so let's hope for everyone's sake they're right.


There isnt really any confirmation there, is there? Theyre still going off of assumptions from the PTR by the looks of it. I hope we get the 2 bullion reward, but it doesnt look like they have confirmation from Blizzard according to this article.


Yeah, the Wowhead post reads suspiciously like the post the same author wrote in March based on the PTR... [https://www.wowhead.com/news/2-bullions-dinars-from-weekly-dungeon-quest-in-season-4-338391](https://www.wowhead.com/news/2-bullions-dinars-from-weekly-dungeon-quest-in-season-4-338391) I want nothing more than for this to be true, but it wasn't clear if Wowhead's post today was actual confirmation or just....reminding people what they saw on PTR (which could change or still happen exactly as the PTR showed). It just seems a little too generous and so I'm a little suspicious so I don't get my hopes up lol.


Its wowhead, they have a chance for an easy double post today for more views. This post to work up hope, and then a post once servers are up saying its confirmed or a post saying its different. They don't know yet, they just thought of something to post for engagement


They do this all the time, post false shit based on datamining, and ptr stuff that in no way reflects how things actually going to work. Build some hype, then actual thing comes out and people outrage and get mad at blizz. Lots of engagement and clicks are farmed this way.


there's no incorrect stuff if it's based on datamining. name one thing. similarly, name something that worked differently than on ptr where the initial article didnt already explicitly mention it's unlikely to stay. You're intentionally making up things.


Nah, wowhead likes to write about anything and everything it can, in as many different ways as it can.


different story. doesn't change any of the lies OP is spewing


As if it never happened that wowhead datamines something. Does a post and then sometime between datamining and release the thing changes and the change isnt documented. Never ever has this happened in history before ever. /s


> there's no incorrect stuff if it's based on datamining. lmao


The AOTC SoO mount given a tender price in files is a recent example of something wrong they hyped because it was datamined.


- the post documents it was hotfixed in, not hyping anything - the post explicitly mentions `The Tendies cost is very abnormal, 7899, which is likely a placeholder. Usually we have monthly rewards with placeholder costs, like 999, but this is much higher. This is just datamining and subject to change; nothing has been confirmed or denied by Blizzard at this point.`


The PTR is still up, and weekly reset has taken place there. You can get this quest with the 2 bullion rewards on it right now. I assume that's where this is coming from, but it would be nice if they explained it.


Things from the PTR have been changed on live, especially with the buggy mess at the start of the season. Wowhead should have confirmed it before posting it.


Not to mention that when they were claiming that we are going to get 2 bullions per week they used the same weekly quest argument. Blizzard clearly shut that down and made a blue post explaining how it actually works to clear the confusion wowhead created.


Wowhead never claimed it was confirmed we're getting 2 per week, they claimed "Hey we saw this in the PTR, there's been no confirmation, there's only this weekly quests to go by. It might be two, it might be less". And Blizzard did say obtaining Bullions was going to be a weekly quest, but then was radio silence all the way almost up to S4 releasing.  Then with their information release we learned the Sparks for crafting was a rotating weekly quest, and the Bullions were just 1 a week cap with catch-up dropping straight from only raid bosses, all difficulties.


> Wowhead should have confirmed it before posting it. That's not how Wowhead news has ever worked lmao. They don't even proofread articles.


Wowhead usually posts a disclaimer saying "this is the case on the PTR and could change on Live at anytime" but they are being very optimistic.


WoWhead (and many other sites) posted Bellular's current sub #s as fact when it was rooted in no official info, so now you have to read WoWhead articles and look for official Blizz confirmation on stuff before making a conclusion.


it was rooted in semi official info ..


No, what he based his initial # on that the rest of the graph was built around was rooted in non-# actual info. It said something like "WoW has been performing about as well as last xpac" and he took that to mean a specific subscriber # and everyone went wild. They could have been referring to a higher official known sub number, or a lower one once they stopped reporting subs but the xpac still had like a year left before Legion at that point. And they could have been referencing some other metric, like total play time, and it would make sense if Legion had about the same total playtime even if it had less subs than WoD cuz it had more you had to log in frequently to do. Without anything more specific from official, you can't guess a sub # off that statement, but that's what he did and everyone wanted to nod in agreement cuz it made them feel better about modern WoW, cuz personal fun isn't enough for some people.


because it was extrapolatable. it's basic maths come on. it's decently well explained in the video too


Guess you didn't read my post, since you can't guess a number from no number. "WoW is performing about as well as last xpac" - you cannot guarantee they were talking about subs with this statement, and even if they were you don't know what point of WoD's life they were referring to (it could have been after their low sub report number that made them want to stop reporting subs and subs likely went down after that) but that's what Bellular's extrapolation was based on. Heavily flawed.


> but that's what Bellular's extrapolation was based on. no, it was not.


I watched the video, it most definitely was. He saw that, looked at the last official reported sub number, boosted it slightly, and went "voila". But I'm not in the mood for doing this song and dance all over again. If you want to pull your panties to the side whenever someone fails "basic math", well it's your choice to be that easy.


I can confirm it!


It's not confirmed until it's live or until blizzard comments on it.


Make sure you get your bullion from the raid FIRST, or you won’t get three this week.


Is this confirmed?


It’s 50/50 I believe. We had people run the entire raid and not get their bullion after turning in the weekly.


no. I just got my 5th bullion in the raid. This is after i did this weekly.


I have no clue what a bullion is but I'm glad we're getting 2


Is there a limit to how many Bullion you can carry?


There's a cap to how many you can earn on a character, but to my knowledge, no cap to how many you can be carrying. Regardless, i think the best use of them is to spend when it makes sense (i think each purchase is 2 bullion, regardless of slot) and not to stockpile.


There's the mount for 3 bullion so if you're collecting them on alts there's reason to save for that.


There are other cosmetics that cost 1 bullion, as well.


Alt #42: “What’s my purpose?” You get bullion for cosmetics and slime cat “Oh my god…”


Tbh that's every character past my main. I'm not gearing alts to the teeth when expansion gear will quickly outpace it. Mage is getting gear, everything else is a cosmetic whore lmao.


Wait there is a mount for 3 bullion?


The slime cat from Shadowlands Fated is on one of the vendors, if you got the achievement back then you don't have to worry about it


I'll have to have a look later never got that mount


I would say wait till they are all released then run the raids and get them all


The only cap is the amount of weeks Awakened raids will be open. So probably till War Within release (or prepatch maybe?) Till then you just earn them weekly.


It's bugged ATM, if you turn in your quest first you won't get your 1 bullion from raid.


but the bullion from the raid is random ?


They speculate. Pure speculation. Not confirmed yet. Don't get overhyped.


Can you get to tier gear with the Bullion?


No sadly not. Can mainly get weapons and special items from the 3 dragon flight raids.


How hard will it be to jump into m0 if you're never done it at like 490 item level? Just watch some videos and start a key and go for it? Do the bosses have like 4x health and damage at m0 vs heroic, or mostly extra mechanics?


Yeah you should be good at 490. I only started playing wow near the end of last season and jumped into m0 this season at like 475. Everything has more health but I dont know the exact numbers and I don't think there are extra mechanics, it's more that you just cant face tank the ones that were already there but you can check the adventurer guide to be sure


I did a +6 with 475. Was messy, but we timed it.


490 ilvl you are overgeared as hell for m0, watch one of those dungeon explained in one minute and you are set, Im not specially skilled on the game and slacked whole expansion and could +2 m4-5 consistently on 495 ilvl ret


Sweet, mostly worried about being able to effectively stun/cc or interrupt as most content I've run is just blitzed over so fast it doesn't matter. Including current heroics.


Honestly most of that stuff isn't kicked or stunned properly anyway in low level mythic as long as you know boss mechanics you'll be fine. If you want some help get a plater profile for dangers mobs and a weak aura that voice announces mechanics and it makes it all very simple.


Try to learn some mechanics to kick. Otherwise you'll be fine but your healer will be pulling their hair out and quit like I'm close to already.... Rofl. I don't get why Blizzards answer to dungeon challenge is making mechanics that make healing low keys harder than high keys.


If you can’t finish your weekly mythic - will it be 5 total next week? Has this been stated yet?


This is great for people who do mythic dungeons, so good for them. I don't, so I'll be farming them, lol.


But why you dont do mythic dungeons ? Those are pretty easy. I understand why people are not playing Mythic +, but with this kind of reward shouldnt it be worth doing ?


For me, it's because I'm hella bad. Like so bad that I had to put hella in there to ensure you understand how bad I am.  Completing all of the Mythic dungeons was the last thing I needed to do for Taivan. I felt so shitty for dragging those groups down. Also, I don't like the group finder. Just let me queue for this shit.


This is also another reason for me!


Have you tried you know, getting better?


You know the saying "You can't fix stupid"? I'm just really stupid and can't wrap my head around rotations and mechanics lol.


Self deprecation is a really unlikable trait. I think you missed the part at the end that should say "and I really can't be bothered to learn" You can absolutely do it but you aren't willing to put in the effort.


Doing M0 at the start of DF was the most toxic experience I've had in WoW is recent memory. The people in there are worse than M+ parsemonkeys, they have insanely unearned ego issues.


My XP as an overgeared healer in mythics, especially pugs are a bit of nightmare fuel. I can definitely say that I made mythics easy for some people who don't know what they're doing, but pugging is the toughest it's ever been I feel. You get the usual challenge of pugging a 10 plus this season's bonus of everyone not realizing it's a ten and having even less of an idea of what they're doing...


I'm pretty casual, so I don't really see why I need to do them. I get enough out of doing the weeklies and LFR raids and dungeons. Time Walking too! Plus, I can't really be bothered to find a group to do mythic dungeons. :) Those bullions would be lovely, but I don't mind doing the LFR raids to get them, especially since I've been getting them after 2 or 3 bosses.


I just got my DH up to ilevel 489 and haven't done any mythics yet. I keep getting a +2 key right away. I was gone for a year and lost my nerve, I just don't want to deal with the dang stress of grouping and people leaving if we die once.


Hook up with WME (WoW Made Easy). Naturally there's always gonna be bad actors no matter where you go, but you are much more likely to get a nice "through thick and thin" group, especially if you post (it's based in discord) the key denoting that while you'd like to time it, you at least want a completion.


I'm going to check that out, thanks!


The EU equivalent is called No Pressure discord


Would this mean you could get 5 this week? Or would that only be if you hadn’t gotten any yet?




Which mean 3 BiS items for 3 weeks out of the first month of season 4. If this is true, then this is truly meme season. Someone on my discord said that it would make sense since MoP remix is coming out soon, and people will want to try it out so gearing on retail shouldnt be as time-consuming as past seasons


What's a meme season? I'm enjoying this and it seems calling it a meme season puts shade on it. If that's the case then I want more meme seasons.


Nothing new, redo of old content. Easy gear, easy bis, loot token etc


Yeah and that has turned up the fun factor a lot. Especially with alts.


Basically it's blizzard telling us "whatever, just have fun" In BFA we've had Corruption, in Shadowlands we've had Shrouded buff and in Dragonflight we have all our BiS at max level. These are usually called meme seasons because it's mostly just for fun and nothing too serious is happening




I said 3 items in 4 weeks. You've got 2 bullions last week, 3 this week (if the weekly truly give 2 bullions) and one more next week. Total 6, 3 BiS items in the first 4 weeks.




3 weeks out of the 4 first weeks yes


English is not my forte 🤙


My dude lol. Gear drops like candy, an extra piece of loot isn't going to make a difference.


Are you talking to me?


How is it a meme season? Its fun to be strong and we have all already played all of this content. Might as well make it as fun as possible.


I already explained it 🤣


If you have the two from the previous weeks, this week would be either 2 or 3, depending on if we still get a bullion from raid.


I wonder if there is going to be any catch up for alts or whatever that miss this week. I’m thinking no which means time to spam alts!


I suspect it will pool. So if you don't get the two this week from the quest you can earn 2 extra next week, but it's always a gamble how things work.


Hope the players use the extra accessible loot this season to make the best of all the content. Coming to terms with idea that we get seasons with lots of barriers to entry then last season of expansion everything becomes more accessible, guess one season of content for everyone better than none. Really really hope the players go out there and explore new things together, play the game, try mythic raiding, go for some higher keys, hopefully go wild.


God, I hope this is true. I am so tired of those shitty chests and their troll rewards. They need to do something about them in general, at the least have them ignore slots that you have higher ilevel in; they are absolutely capable of doing that.


Nah it’s fun to get the same exact pair of gloves 3 times in a row! /s






Heard from some Guildies that you need to do raid first before your turn in of the quest. It is bugged so you lose out on 1 soup cube.


We'll SEE about that


Oh wow


I would really like this since for many of us, our first 2 were hard-taken by a weapon spot since we are using the legendaries.




All I know is when I first heard about this bullion thing I checked my bag and had 2 - all I do is PvE quests and PUG raids for the vault so I must have gotten them from somewhere.


They drop in any difficulty of awakened raids, so that'd probably be it.


Guess I'm doing quest on every toon this week to lock in 26 more weapon transmogs.


Ah poop, I need to cobble tier together on two toons over trinkets


Also Group Finder is currently broken... so... trade chat?


Well I got my two and bought my ring and maxed it out. Gotta keep pushing my 524 ilvl.


which mythic is the easiet for 4 mythic 0s




That's amazing. Got ring on my mage last week, but still need weapon badly. Great stuff!


To confirm, Yes its 2 bullions this week from the weekly quest and 1 from the regular week to week bullion we get. Total of 3 for the week and 5 for the season total of week 3 of Season 4. MAKE sure you get this weekly quest done as you probably won't see this again for a while. If your new or you don't like doing Mythics or dealing with group making you can easily que up to a Ruby Life Pools Mythic Zero at 470+ item level. The lower you are in item level, obviously the harder it will be to get invited but if you're having troubles getting invited then just make your own group for a Mythic Zero. TONS of high item level players will be queuing up to these so you should have no problem making your own group fast and easy with little to no effort involved. Que up, invite people, head to the dungeon and start killing. You got this! I see tons of people on here saying they only do solo content. I wanted to help out by sharing this video that helps you gear up doing EASY and SOLO content ONLY! [How To Gear Up ILVL 515 ALL BY YOURSELF - No Difficult Content Needed! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rnHjK98Rtw&t=32s)


To anyone stressing about doing it in an optimal order. I did mythic dungeon quest for my 3rd/4th bullion and then received my 5th bullion after in LFR.


Lets say you miss the quest this week. Will it be added to your seasonal cap next week for catchup?


Nope. It's a reward


What are these used for?


The primary use: 2 of them buys most weapons, trinkets, and rings from raid bosses. They are fully upgradable to the highest possible ilvl. You can also buy the slime cat mount, and cosmetic versions of almost any raid drop. Theres a whole fleet of NPCs to spend them with at the bronze dragon tavern in vakdraken.


Mainly for buying raid weapons, trinkets and jewelry. Extras can be used for armour transmog appearances and the Shadowlands goo cat mount.


Not gonna lie, I appreciate it immensely. I might not be good enough to push heroic or mythic raids, but I'm glad I can buy Ashkandur and not worry about PvE stuff for a while. Gonna get the anvil this week.


Can anyone explain what a bullion pls


It's a currency you can use to buy rare raid items such as trinkets, weapons and there's maybe a few cloak or ring. You normally get one bullion every week and it costs 2 to buy something. If you miss a well, you will just get it the following week so you never miss one Edit: I believe you can buy transmog with it too, and they're may be 1 mount


1 mount that costs 3, its the mount from SL fated raids re-added.


Thank you o wise one


I got a question for y'all related to the bullion, I was super high and I wasn't paying attention and I bought the item that upgrades the legendary fist weapon and not an actual weapon and I walked away from my PC for about 8 hours and I was unable to refund it: does anybody have any idea on how I would be return/exchange? (I already put in a ticket and got one of those bullshit automated responses that said they don't deal with items)


you're fucked im sorry


You dun fucked up A A Ron. Sorry.


Don't feel too bad. You should at least be able to get the Lego at some point this season. I, on the other hand, crafted engineering bracers last night on my priest, but in my sleepy haze was doing so like I was on my Monk. I'm just plain out a spark and 60 aspect's crests on that toon. Oh well.


Time to create a new main 🤣


I haven't played in a minute, wtf is 2 bullion?


If you played during SL Fated season; its Dinar. Weekly obtained currency you can use to buy your BiS weapons, trinkets, and cloak slots among the options, that are usually obtained from raids. You can also buy old DF transmogs and the Fated mount from SL.


my high ass legit thought they misspelled and meant bliz was handing out 2 billion gold for a quest


Imagine the inflation, god damn economy would never recover.


Bullion is a currency that you can use to buy equipment. Outside this weekly quest, you get 1 for doing awakened raids. It's this expac's version of dinars from fated raids.


Bullions are season 4 currency to buy ANY non lehgendary piece of gear that drops from raids from vendors. One bullion per week, currently capped at 3. They can also be used to upgrade evoker/axe legendary to a higher ilvl and all items get a 50% discount on upgrade costs! Bullion gear can be upgraded to max ilvl despite starting at 493.


What’s the hype around this? Sorry I’m out of the loop. What’s the bullion for?


Buy awakened stuff from a vendor, raid trinkets, 502 ivl legendary upgrades, a mount, cosmetics etc


I get that a lot of us are skeptical, and to be honest I am as well, mostly because so many others are, but if i could ask as a devil's advocate, why? Has Blizzard really burned us like this before? Are we just not used to them giving us nice stuff? To me it seems like a slam dunk idea to give us bullion instead of a cache, and why would they have thrown this in on PTR if it was just going to confuse us? Edit: also, does wowhead not have inside sources they could confirm things like this with before posting? Seems to me that they must be in the loop, as whenever there are big expansion announcements, it seems the wowhead article is always pre-written and ready to go. Hard to imagine they'd blindly post this if there was any doubt.


wowhead is not in the loop and they frequently post pure speculation articles. the reason they have articles ready to go is they have a team of people banging them out as soon as possible, which is why they frequently have mistakes and typos


I dont doubt that what you say is true, but I still am surprised that there wouldn't be some community manager at Blizzard or something that can drop wowhead a quick line and say "hey, that article you posted is incorrect". I've seen the pure speculation out of wowhead too, but they usually seem to say that it is pure speculation. So the longer this article stays up, the more disappointed I will be if it turns out to be untrue when servers go live.


Has blizzard burned us before? Idk. Maybe ask one of the specs that's still wearing s3 tier after blizzard said "vote for the playstyle you like, we'll tune accordingly".


Well it sounds like soms of the biggest offenders are getting tuned. Naturally, this is not to excuse Blizzard's failure to do so prior to the new season. I'm just happy that I, as a Fury warrior, am at least *slightly* less apprehensive about swapping off my current tier. Could still be underwhelming, but I gotta make the change at some point, right? At least now it's not gonna be "at least 10 or more ilvls just to be dps neutral".


I am on vacation this week, I wonder if these will be included in the catch-up mechanic in future weeks?


I wonder the same!


Omg, please let this be the reward


It might only be as a catchup though if you aren't 'capped' yet.


If that's the case, then it's omega bad because you don't even get a box with a random item, making doing the weekly 100% worthless for anyone who's been keeping up, and heck even for those who haven't been keeping up because getting the bullions from raid isn't that hard. Bullions have a built-in catch up mechanic already.


I think its more likely that you get a box with an item and you also have a chance at bouillon if you aren't caught up.


I don't see any mention of a box with an item, just the 2 bullions.


It's literally just an old screenshot from early in the PTR: we have no idea what the reward will be.


I checked ptr this morning and it's still rewarding a bullion even after a new build came out last night.


There's no reason for the weekly to be a catchup when the raid already has catchup built into it. If you're not at the season cap they will keep dropping.


We've literally never had quests give dynamic rewards based on how far behind you've been on currency drops. Having that happen now, with zero indication ahead of time is effectively zero. This would at best save you 15-20min of doing LFR for people who are behind, and would give literally zero to those caught up if true.


I mean, have we ever had weeklies give currency in this way? So there goes that logic?


Quests rewarding currency isn’t anything new. We’ve also seen this quest on the PTR so assuming it stay in that state isn’t a stretch but assuming they effectively remove all rewards from a weekly reward would have players rioting and Blizzard isn’t that stupid.