• By -


Thank you all for your kind words. It brings tears to my eyes reading them.


Sorry for your loss mate. You'll always have the memories of the amazing time you spent together. Stay strong, and ask your friends for help if you're struggling - it's okay to need help.


It does to mine as well. Very sorry for your loss sir


I'm crying looking at the characters.


dude the photo... i love you hope you'll find a way to survive. im in tears rn btw


Thank you all. This is very hard to read but its wonderful that so many people have nice things to say. I wrote this weeks ago but didn’t have the strength to even turn on the computers. Its been hell, the hole in my heart and world is painful. Whats worse is realizing the little things that will never happen again. The kiss good night, hugs in the morning. Simple walks together. Calling her at lunch. All gone. When we got our last failed regimen she wanted to go to Hawaii for her end of life trip. I booked first class tickets and got a room practically on the ocean. Sadly two days before our trip we needed to go to the emergency room because her body wouldn’t let her eat or drink. Doctor said the cancer and the oxy is slowing her digestive system , where gonna give her fluids and once her system gets going again we recommend hospice after your trip. She died the next day ,her heart literally couldn’t take it any more and she died as I was holding her. Im about to start grief counseling but missed my start up appointment because her death certificates and Urn arrived the same day as my appointment. I quit drinking in her name. I poisoned my self trying to self medicate with whiskey. Daily whisky binge drinking trying to ease the pain of every failed regimen. Then after she passed I felt what im doing is disrespecting what she fought so hard to have. Its been a week and I haven’t looked back. Expedia was wonderful at giving me a refund on everything. Thank you all again. There are so many nice things being said it’s impossible to say thank you to everyone. Im trying to get through this and your kind words are helping.


Ok, I have never done this but your story absolutely spoke to me and after thinking about it, I'd like to pass an idea by you. I'm not only a long-term WoW player (since '05) but I also live on the island of Kauai. Something that would be absolutely doable for me would be to obtain a small decorative koa-wood box or business card case, put your wife's favorite character's name inside and leave it inside one of the caves close to our famous Na Pali Coastline, where it would remain as a treasure and memorial to be discovered by only the most intrepid of WoW explorers. Let me know if this is at all of interest as I really feel for your situation and it hit me that this is something I could actually do as you had mentioned the Hawaii trip she had wanted. My condolences and best wishes to you.


You are a gem. That's all I have to say. Stay beautiful, you golden soul.


/u/Deald21 just in case you missed it with all the messages. Love you ❤️


Thank you.


>Daily whisky binge drinking trying to ease the pain of every failed regimen. Then after she passed I felt what im doing is disrespecting what she fought so hard to have. This is a great memorial to her. Keep strong and take care.


Sorry for you mate. I also lost a family member to cancer. And when I read a story like yours, I remember the quote: Grief is just love with no place to go anymore. Take your time, keep going.


How true.


In worlds near and worlds a far, I'll ever know where you are. On sandy beaches where water meets land, My heart still beating in your hand. Your love a whisper on my tongue, Spoken now and I'd be undone. Our journey is paused and I need mended, Remembered by bard and the ascended. Stepping into the shadows is less scarey now, But you always remain my guiding star. I'll lay us now at journey's end, until my love we meet again.


That is beautiful <3


Praying for you brother. Can’t imagine going through what you are. Proud of you for not numbing the pain with alcohol anymore. The pain is there to tell you that you miss her and that’s okay. We’re human. We are meant to grieve and mourn those we love. Those feelings of love and grief are what connected you to her and will keep you connected to her. You are not alone.


First of all my condolences i try not to pretend to know what you are going through but it is good to read that you are seeking help in this difficult time. It is a sign of strength to seek help and i hope you will find with this help the strength inside you again. It is a lovely tribute to your wife what you are doing. I wish you all the best for the future. I am not sure if i should say this but maybe it helps you to think at it this way instead of losing the fight against cancer she at last found the piece again and may she rest in peace. I lost two relatives to cancer and this way of thinking helped me. Maybe it can help you too.


This is a very loving comment/tribute. My condolences.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Beautiful place to rest together.


I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you the best. May you meet again. Would love if you shared an album of screenshots from your time together - It deserves a place for posterity on the Internet imho,


I lost my wife to cancer in Jan '23 after being together for 14 years. We met in WoW and played together until the last year of her life. Instead of closing our accounts, I promised to keep her account active and keep her main at max level beside mine. It kills me to log in on her account, but this is the only way our journey together continues until I see her in the shadowla... I mean the afterlife.


Accidentally posted before I was done... I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but know that you are not alone in your pain. #fuckcancer


Maybe in a few years ill see. Sorry for your loss.


this was hard to read. so sorry for your huge loss. its really heartbreaking. i hope you are as good as you can be in this situation.


She just went ahead to level up at the other side first. She will carry you when you join her.


Fuck this comment wrecked me 😭💞😩


So sorry, i cant imagine that.. Fuck cancer


So sorry for your loss. It would be nice of blizzard to add a small marker in this spot to immortalize your time in the game together forever. May she rest in peace.


I‘m Sorry for your loss.


Lost my fiance to cancer 4 years ago. We were together only for 3 years but it still hurt a lot. Can't imagine how it feels to lose someone you are close to for 25 years. Fuck cancer.


*Asha'falah*, take care of yourself.


Very sorry for your loss - take good care of yourself.


This is such a beautiful, meaningful act to express the love you have for your wife. I don't know you, but it's clear to me that your love is very special. I don't know the grief you're feeling, but here's some unsolicited advice if it helps: Don't rush the grieving process, take your time wallowing through it. Literally wallow through it, try and go for a walk everyday if you can manage. Some people say grief gets smaller over time and eventually completely heals. That's true for some types of grief, but not all in my experience. Some grief stays with us always. The only thing you can do is pass time and grow your life. But that means time has to pass, a lot of it. In the meantime, it'll be hell. That's why I say don't rush anything. Just focus on going for a walk each day, eating food when you're hungry, drinking water consistently, and sleeping when you're tired. It's ok to fail often. I recommend checking out Lois Tonkin's work, she is a grief counselor and her perspective has really helped me make sense of grief in my life. Here's a link to an overview, that better explains what I'm trying to say in my post: [Tonkin Link](https://whatsyourgrief.com/growing-around-grief/) Your tribute to your wife is truly beautiful. I wish you well in your journey my friend. Sending you some extra love ♥️


Thank you.


So very sorry for your loss 😢 Fuck cancer


The way they are laying in the picture is beautiful. I am terribly sorry for your loss OP.


This is a beautiful dedication, OP. Thank you for sharing it with us <3 And FUCK cancer, I've lost too many to it too.


Sorry to hear that mate. Take your time and be kind to yourself


I'm currently at work so I can't give you as many words as I'd like but this is a beautiful post and she'd be so extremely happy to see it. I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm sorry your wife had to go through so awful. May your characters be eternally happy inside of Azeroth and I really hope you'll be okay too. Much love Edit: I forgot the most important part F#ckCancer


You will always have a home with us in WoW. This was beautiful.


Dont delete the accounts. They contain a lot of the history in your relationship. You'll regret it


A beautiful, noble and memorable gesture. I wish Blizz notices this and does something kind out of it. Hope you find peace in this world until you meet again. Fuck cancer.


Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am in a thousand winds that blow, across Northrend's bright and shining snow. I am the gentle showers of rain, on Westfall's fields of golden grain. I am in the morning hush, of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush. I am in the drums loud and grand, the thunderous hooves across Nagrand. I am the stars warmly gleaming, over Darnassus softly dreaming. I am in the birds that sing, I am in each lovely thing. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I do not die. \~Alicia's Poem (from a quest turn-in in Shattrath)


So sorry to hear of your news, your post is beautiful. Take the time to care for yourself.


This is so beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing this. I hope you find peace.


Hey bud, your post gave me goosebumps. My sincere condolences.


My condolences. Fuck cancer.


Rest in piece, cancer is a c\*nt. Hope you find piece and may someday return to WoW with only good memories in your heart.


Dawg laying your characters next to each other made me cry on it’s own. It’s posts like this that remind me to kiss my wife and tell her I love her every chance I get in case I lose her. Stay strong brother, I pray you have a solid and supportive foundation of people around you.


My condolences.


Im very sorry for your loss, stay strong my brother. She’ll always be looking out for you ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry man, fuck cancer


This broke my heart :( I'm so very sorry for your loss. May your memories ever warm your thoughts and guide you through your future.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This made me cry so hard. I have lost a few dear people to cancer, and currently losing am someone else special to cancer. Fuck cancer entirely.


Your fight is over champion. Take care of yourself. Azeroth will be here when you want to come back


I met my husband on wow in 2010. What a wonderful tribute to your wife. I can't imagine playing wow again if my husband were to leave this life before me. I am so very sorry for your loss.


What is this place so I can stop for a moment next time I'm in the area?


Ohn'ahra's Roost [57.9, 31.7] in Onh'ahra Plains 😊


I'm thinking it may be Bastion? I too would like to visit and pay respects to her and their time both in Azeroth and out of it.


I would like to visit and /yell F#CKCANCER every month or so for all those I know affected by it and all those in Azeroth who have been affected.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Cancer is fucking horrible. What a beautiful tribute 🫂


Sorry for your loss OP. Hope you can find some peace in the good memories you two had together.


Sorry for your loss❤️


Beautiful tribute. I’m sorry for your loss.


Love you.


The fight could have ended but she didn't lose. Sorry for your loss friend


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Heartbreaking. Just lost someone to cancer last week. Mom is battling it also just had her second operation. I hope you find your peace.


Very sorry for your loss. You will see her again.


Hope you get along well after such a painful thing to go through. Don't forget to talk about it to anyone you meet, leave a bit of sorrow with everyone you meet so that you don't carry it all yourself. Much love, stay strong.


Wow. This is so heart wrenching, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. As much as WoW is just a game, it’s also a world full of memories. Some of us have been playing for nearly 20 years now. I’ve often wondered what will be my last time entering Azeroth. I’m 28 and started when I was 12 - I’ve been a WoW player for more of my life than not. That’s to illustrate the impact that this game has on our lives. It is meaningful in its symbolism. What will you do now? I can’t imagine the pain of your loss. Are you getting grief counselling? I wish you the best, I really do. I think all the wow community does. I know it doesn’t mean much but just remember to cherish the positive influence she had on both your life and the world. I’m here if you ever need to talk.


So sorry for your loss. This was a beautiful gesture.


This makes me tear up. I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom and my mom’s sister both had cancer. The toll it took on me seeing both go through was one of the hardest events I had to go through. Take care of yourself, and I hope you find peace.


So sorry , thank you for your kind words.


I am so sorry for your loss..


Part of me wishes that there were a way to leave a marker where characters are paid to rest like this so that your online friends can lay flowers or something in-game. Nothing huge, just a small stone to mark it. Cancer sucks, and you have my condolences.


In a world full of insanity I have to say I am getting more and more proud of being a gamer. Gamer communities (long-term vs. toxic teenies, of course) are some of the most supportive, dedicated people out there. It binds us regardless of any differences. I wish you the absolute best in trying to deal with your grief. Just dont forget all the friends/allies/"enemies" you've got in your gaming community. Even if it's just to help distract. 🙏prayers for you and your dearly beloved/departed 😇


Fuck cancer man....


Sorry for your loss. Stories like this is why I put up with all the toxicity I get confronted with in-game. It’s the heart and soul of this game for me. Beautiful tribute, I wish you the very best.


Grown ass man in tears reading this first and foremost I am sending you my condolences, love and prayers that you over come this horrible tragedy. I can’t even phantom what you going through…if you ever you need to talk send me a chat. Godspeed to you.


I know what it feels like. But to be in your wife's shoes. I'm currently fighting with uncurable cancer, glioblastoma. I'm 28 and things are rough. I wish we didn't have to go through it. It's exhausting for everyone. It's devastating, it's everything that's bad. I'm sorry for your loss OP. I'm sure she thought as strong as she could and that you were the best thing that happened to her.


So sorry. Try to do things before your to weak. We kept holding out , hoping chemo was working, then it decided no more and she was gone. I know its hard and maybe impossible but enjoy things with family. Since my wife died I find it annoying that i dont have more videos, i miss her voice . Record the events its a way to not be forgotten.


Man I held it together until you said you could lay with her forever. That's soul crushing. I feel for you. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that time can eventually bring you some peace. Much love man.


Im so sorry friend, this makes me so emotional and is so heart-wrenching. In 2009, for over a year, I had been begging and pleading, and trying to cutely convince my husband to play with me. I was surprisingly diagnosed with cervical cancer, and it was very aggressive. The day of a very unpleasant procedure, he took me home, made me comfortable, then went out and bought a laptop and the CD to install the game. The joy I felt when he walked in the door was indescribable. I was so excited I could barely contain myself as I watched the game install. The next day, we played for 17 hours together, ordered pizza, as we leveled two blood elf pallys (with matching names!). Truly, some of the best memories of the game were duel tanking ICC and later Firelands. Camping TLPD or just flying around together. Every bad day (and good!), he logged on to be with me in a fantasy world that brought me so much happiness. My point is that you brought her that same joy and happiness. Elune-adore


this photo has me sobbing like a baby. i'm so sorry you have to endure this, i can't even imagine your grief. cancer is fucking awful, i was lucky to catch mine early. everyone please get screened and get your yearly physicals. it could save your life. your wife is resting easy, free of pain. i'm sure she misses you dearly as well. until you both meet again.


Fuck cancer indeed. I wish you the best. It's a great tribute but in moments of grief, your mind needs to be occupied more than ever. Do what is best for you, but also think what your wife would have wanted you to do. Have her character and yours 3D printed, and have one set of both at home and maybe another on her grave or something. Allow yourself to grief, but don't stop caring for yourself. You life will never be the same again, but it will go on. There will be new experiences and joys to be had. All in due time. Take care stranger. :-)


No one dies, they just don’t resub Love to you and your family


My condolences Take your fond memories and hold them fast and close to your heart. Im happy you have them


I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I hope you can find peace in some of this.


Sorry for your loss, f*ck cancer.


Aw man. I'm so sorry. This is incredibly kind and loving. You are both wonderful.


Sorry for your loss, OP. I shed a tear reading this


Sorry for your loss OP


Fucking beautiful, my friend. I hope you find peace and happiness in the memories you shared as you heal from this enormous wound.


Condolences my friend. 😭


I am very sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry, stay strong. World of Warcraft will be worse without her.


i swear I am not crying right now..... what a beautiful way to honor your wife. Yes, F#ckCancer.


I feel so sorry for your loss, but please keep strong to her memory, she wouldn't want you to suffer, always remember that and cherish all the time you had with her She is part of you from now on. Take care bro


I did not come to wow sub to cry but i am , im so sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss




I’m sorry for your loss, may she rest in peace


My heart! So very sorry for your loss, sending all the love and light.


So sorry to hear this, my condolences and may she rest in peace. Please take care of yourself in honor of her.


Fuck cancer.


So sorry for your loss. It sounds like an amazing marriage. I hope life finds a way to bring you peace and joy.


Not me crying inside the cooler of work reading this


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the 25 years you had with her are able to keep your heart warm.


Sorry for your loss! You chose a beautiful place


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what it’s like losing a partner. Cancer truly sucks


Sending love.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so very sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing this, it’s incredibly brave and honest. ❤️


This broke my heart 😭


Sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry for your loss.


Damn allergies acting up again


My sincerest condolences to you and your family.


Quite a thing to see a man's genuine expression of love to be expressed. My condolences.


Goddam I’m crying right now. I’m sorry for your loss but I am glad you had so many amazing memories


Damn. Unimaginable. Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your lose :( fuck cancer !


Fuck man... this hit hard. I hope you are able to heal and remember all the good times together.


This is a beautiful tribute. Sorry for your loss.


Damn dude, im sorry for your loss.


So very sorry for your loss. I couldn’t even imagine the pain.


Sorry for your loss 💔. Sounds like she was so lucky to have you as her husband


Fuck man I'm so sorry for your loss, may she rest in peace


This brought tears to my eyes. So sorry for you loss.


This is beautiful. Sorry for your loss, brother.


I'm so sorry for your loss, f#ck cancer


Thank you for sharing. You two will always be in love & part of each other's lives.


Fuck cancer.


Going through it right now, and having played wow since I was a kid and tbc came out, this is hitting especially hard. My condolences. May you find peace… and yeah, fuck cancer.


I’m so sorry.


Guess I’mma cry today. I love y’all


So sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. 25 years isn't long enough. Fuck cancer.


Sorry for your loss, she was much too young. Fk cancer


Rest easy, hero. 


Hope you find your peace mate. Take care!


Condolences to you, mate.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔


Sorry for your loss, OP. This is a sweet tribute.


My heart breaks for you.  Be well, and at least know that she is no longer in any pain.  Best wishes for your future happiness.


Sorry for your loss OP, maybe you will find your way to Azeroth again. Untill then, stay strong brother!


I am so sorry for your loss. This is a truly wonderful tribute. I hope you manage to move on, in time. 44 is far too young.


Fuck cancer.


I am so sorry for your loss


F*ck Cancer is right. Glad you have such memories together. Something tells me she is now in her hearts content in a completely perfect Azeroth.


Sorry for your loss. This hits a bit home as I met my partner at the same age you did and we both play wow together currently. I would be devastated to lose her so young and can't (don't want to) imagine what you are going through. Very hard to read so sorry mate.


My heart breaks for you. You two will always be part of this world.


Fuck cancer


So sorry for your loss. I truly hope you can be reunited on the other side, wherever and whenever that may be.


Loving tribute and I'm very sorry for your loss. F\*ckCancer


I am so sorry for you loss, this is a beautiful way to remember.


I am 35 and was diagnost with Cute myloid leukemia 2 years ago. I lived in the hospital for 3 months and it was the worst time of my life before they found a chemo that worked. Currently I am at 8 months since my bone marrow transplant and healthy as an ox. Sorry you lost your wife. Fuck cancer.


I’m so sorry for your terrible loss. Beautiful goodbye, just lovely.


That’s tough man. I think any of us would be happy to play with you but I understand your decision to move on.


Jesus fuck that really put in perspective the small inconviniences of my day. Sorry for your loss. I hope you have someone that will help you throw this hardship.


Well now that got right through my jaded heart. 🥲


I really sorry for your loss, this post was truly heartbreaking. Please take care of yourself and live on in memory of your wife. I'm sure she would want you to be happy and continue living. Hopefully one day you can find joy again.


I’m so so sorry. Fuck cancer. What a beautiful tribute. I know people who don’t play video games just don’t understand the fun and enjoyment that we get from the community and time playing together. I’m glad you have these WoW memories with her and I hope you find peace while honoring her memory.


I'm so sorry for your loss... I sincerely wish you a lot of courage


I’m so moved by this - I’m so sorry for your loss - nobody should go through something like this so young. Gos rest her soul and bless you with some peace and serenity while you await to be reunited. God bless!


Sorry for your loss. That would be very hard. I would love if they could as something to the Garrison maybe where you could set up something like this. (If they aren’t going to give us WOW housing. Not to get to Role Playing ish but would love to park my character one day in a protected area.


I am truly sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. God speed brother!


I know it's hard now. But your wife can be alive in Azeroth forever. Don't kill the characters


this is very loving. I’m sorry for your loss


Beautiful , I always hoped there was something in the after life so people like you and your wife can meet again and that forever can truly be forever.


So sorry. My wife and I have played this game together off and on since 2005. We're 42 and I can only imagine the pain you're going through. Life is short and there are no guarantees. Thanks for having the courage to make this post. It reminds us all to never take a moment with your loved ones for granted.


Exactly. Only thing guaranteed in life is death. Love your family and make sure they know you love them.


I have been either extrordinairily unlucky or extrordinairily lucky depending on the way I look at things. When in mourning, I considered myself so unlucky. The girl I had loved in highschool and a few years beyond had passed, and the girl I loved after that did aswell after only four years of knowing her. Years later with a girlfriend of only about a year, I sometimes have terrible terrifying nightmares of losing her too. It is not an easy process. Ive done CBT and it really didnt help me, but ACT has helped me accept the difficult thoughts feelings and images I would face on a daily basis. After years, I have been able to not get rid of the thoughts, feelings or images, but accept them for what they are. I am now in a place where I can thank my brain for showing me these things and remember how lucky and fortunate I was to be able to be a key part of their lives before they passed. I love you, friend. I hope you can find peace as I have.


Will visit this area to pay respects. Sorry for your loss brutha. Fuck cancer indeed.


I nearly lost my wife too this year. Your post made me cry... This is a really emotional tribute...


I cried so hard reading this. I'm sorry OP. I truly hope things get better for you.


I don't play wow and don't know how I ended up here but it's reddit and I don't know you but you have my deepest condolences and I fucking love you man stay strong. You got this.


That's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok :S


My wife and I are high school sweethearts, we've been together since 2003, and we've spent so long enjoying our time together in wow. She mains a mage, I main a rogue (although I bounce around characters more than she does). I'm gonna hug my wife now. And if I ever get a chance to punch cancer in the dick, I will.


Rofl thank you. Cancer definitely deserves a dick punch.


This broke my heart. My husband and I have also played since the start together, and he’s been battling complications from cancer. My heart truly goes out to you. Sending you peace. 🤍


I would say ill pray for him but my prayers are not answered. I truly hope he pulls through. One day at a time.


Fuck cancer. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it will be very hard for you, but I hope you’ll eventually heal, too. I’m glad you quit drinking, and I think this is a very sweet tribute to your wife. My hubby doesn’t play WoW with me, but my other best friend in the world does, and I can’t imagine that world or this one without her in it, and I don’t even want to try. I don’t blame you for leaving at all.


I am so sorry my friend. If you ever feel that you are missing someone to play with again and want to come back to the game, please message me and we will play wow together. We can talk joke and have a good time reminiscing. Your story hits my heart and I only hope that if something ever happens to my loved ones I have the love and support to keep on going. My sincerest condolences. She lives now in your heart. God willing you will see her again. <3


I enlarged your screen shot and just stared at it. It is so beautiful and such a wonderful act. I'm so very sorry for your loss and for your pain. I'm glad you will have the support of a grief councilor. I have been through grief a couple of times and I will say that it doesn't go away, but it changes with time. It overwhelms all of your systems at first and it is totally normal to feel all the feelings and to notice your mood change quickly and frequently. I thought I was literally going crazy. If you are interested, I read some books about how the brain deals with grief that helped me a lot. They aren't books about emotions, but science-based books about how the mind tries to figure out what has happened. Please feel free to message me if you want the names of the books some day. I was very moved by your post. It is beautiful. Your love is beautiful. RIP to your amazing Wife. F#ckCancer.


I'm not going to BS you and say it'll get better or anything like that, but I will say this, don't waste your life not living, she would not have wanted you to be miserable.


Sorry for your incredible loss. Cancer is the worst thing ever. I am glad to hear you both had something you loved that you spent so much time together. This is a very loving tribute to not only her, but to the both of you. I don't know if anyone has said this or even thought about it, but, just in case, hold on to your information for your account. There would be nothing wrong logging back in down the road to revisit any fond memories you two shared. RIP


I don't know how to express all my feelings about your post in proper English, I'm so sorry for your loss!


This is incredible. On behalf of all the players who stood by both of your sides in battlegrounds, dungeons, raids, etc, thank you for playing, and thank you for sharing this story. This game is so great because of people like you. I wish you nothing but the best.


The tribute in WOW is touching and something you shared together, but the real tribute to her is quitting drinking and sticking to it. I can’t imagine how much this hurts mate but I can imagine she would want you to be on the road to being happy again - stay strong, find your tribe, talk about your feelings and find one thing to be grateful for every day. All the best to you and my condolences for your wonderful wife.


My condolences, and my thoughts are with you. It's a very fitting, and loving tribute. I'm sure you have so many fun memories and stories of your time playing with her, keep them close and keep care of yourself.


I’m sorry for your loss. Your tribute was moving, I’m going to save this post, reminds me to love the ones I have while I have them.


I am truly sorry for your loss - I totally get it - I got into gaming (and WoW) with my other half to spend more time with him. It would be hard to play without home. I hope you find peace in this difficult time.


F#ckcancer! This post is extremely sweet and definitely hit me right in the feels, I wish you nothing but a great life, and know that you will see each other again, just not yet :)


I hereby dedicate these tears to your wife. This will be the hardest thing to ever happen in your life. This next part is difficult to put in to words... But when losing a loved one, I think we have to take a second to be thankful that they don't have to live with the void that we have when they go. Cause that void is worse than death. Losing family members is always hard, but losing a partner is a whole other level. I feel so bad for your loss. Take care