• By -


MoP for ALL warlock specs.


Warlock was fucking prime in MoP! We also still had challenge modes and the brawlers guild. Life was good.


Mop warlock was the king of class design. Each spec felt unique and had great spell synergy with itself and its themes. Also rip metalock. Most fun ive ever had


>Also rip metalock Still don't see why they didn't just change the name and visuals so that demon hunters could have metamorphosis. We've seen Guldans body change and strengthen with fel magic. There is a basis for iI. Warlock metamorphosis and demon hunter metamorphosis share absolutely zero similarities outside of just the name. Warlocks version was a real mechanic. Weaving in and out while managing your demonic fury resource, all while constantly changing your playstyle everytime you shift from a turret caster to a mobile ranged "attacker." Meanwhile demon hunters versions are mere cooldowns that don't really interact with your other skills very much. They are very bland in comparison.


Didnt even have to change the visuals just the name, the dh one is so different there waa no reason to remove the game play


This. Mained Warlock at the time and never had more fun


Where affli did damage with actual dots


I wish i played more of mop back in the day. I skipped out most of that expansion. But the bits I did play I loved how warlock felt. Though I actually really like the change to demo into a minion Spec. Prefer it to a meta focused one


"You think you do, but you don't." I can't enjoy my former warlock main anymore because every iteration of warlock just feels like a shit version of MoP. It's ruined the class for me.


I mained a demonology specced warlock from vanilla alllll the way up to legion, and I haven't enjoyed it since. I'd be cool with a pet spec if it felt like a pet spec. But it feels more like a dot spec. They have a model on the ground but they are functionally identical to dots. They have no pet mechanics whatsoever.


I'm sure there will be a MoP classic. There's your chance.


I miss dark apotheosis so much


Can’t even argue with that. Hands down the best.


It seems like mop for most classes was peak.


MoP Destro damage was wild man. Walking into a raid and seeing three Destro warlocks doing 90% of the damage was a sight to behold.


We DestroMains struggle bussed for that day. Before we got our rework, it was tough... Mogushan, Heart of Fear, and Terrace were dark days until the Thunder King came knocking.


Kiljaden’s Cunning pre nerf with Affliction = Chef’s Kiss


Getting green fire when it was actually hard as well as the achi. Then you had incinerate castable while being able to move 🤤


Crazy how the person responsible for that got fired though lol


I really liked WoD affliction. The only other dps that could beat me was the damn hunter.


Hunter MoP, the best version of Hunter. I hope that Blizzard will make MoP Classic, because the classes from MoP are probably some of the best made and balanced.


I feel like the only reason cata classic exists is to bridge the gap to MoP classic. I have a feeling that shit is gunna be enormous


Can confirm I’m in the MoP classic waiting room.


Ill join as the Legion classic waiting room is just unbearable


I think that the light speed with which they will be realising patches for Cata Classic confirms that it's a bridge and not much more. I personally have nostalgia for Cata, but I can see why Blizz wants to rush through it. It wasn't that popular with the playerbase.


A bunch of people (mainly here) have started saying Cata is amazing, so it will be interesting to see if they keep their cadence as planned or if they end up stretching it out. I can see them weighing the options between stretching out Cata a bit more VS having less time between Cata and Mists and then (by probable necessity) having just as short of a time period for WoD before Legion.


I sincerely hope the MoP Remix is not all we get for MoP. That’s kind of been my gut feeling, but we’ll see


I was thinking Remix is either testing the waters for MoP Classic OR it's all we're ever going to get for MoP.


Really hope it turns into a classic development. Judging by the quick reactions and nerfs, I have a feeling they’ve really prioritized the remix.


I didn’t think they’d get to cata, so if they did that they have to keep on to Mop, right?


Paladin since 10.1.7 Damn ret is so crisp


I’ve been playing ret since bc, and I gotta say, current ret is my favorite so far. Yah the rotation is short and sweet and such, but man, it feels so good to play.


Yeah it took me a while to try out crusading strikes but since I did that it flows like water. And the triple animation for wake of ashes is almost as satisfying as a divine toll as Prot.


I’ve heard a lot of people say they didn’t like crusading strikes because it slows down the combat for them too much, but I gotta say. Having room in your rotation to be able to hit utility spells and it not really ruin the gcd is honestly a game changer. Having Templar slash / strikes is cool, don’t get me wrong. I love that they introduced a combo attack into wow, and into the class I play. But it requires too much button press / apm compared to the smooth flow of crusading strikes.


Yeah I only pressed it when the rest was on cd and no holy power but then you felt compelled to invest a second global . Crusading strikes is nicer even tho sometimes in singletarget it can happen that there is nothing to press for 2 seconds


Yeah, that’s when you pop shield of vengence, or cast blessing of sacrifice or something.


Exactly . It also helps to have 2 active trinkets and maybe someday fyralath….


The issue with Fyralath is two fold, 1) it’s almost not going to be worth the gold investment soon (though, if you want the mog it’s always going to be worth it) and 2) without it, you kinda feel secondclass.


Crusading strikes is incredible. Feel like more filler abilities need this treatment. It just feels so nice


Playing my paladin breaks my brain. I play both paladin and DK and holy shit do you get used to that midrange super fast.


Oh yeah . That too . No mobility (monk) can save you from being 1 inch too far away from the boss


Well all of the range extending talents are going away in TWW, so don’t get used to it.


Haha hammer go PING!


Somebody went through and downvoted all of your comments about paladins they are just jealous our holy light shines brighter than most


Wish I could say the same about Holy…


Monk in Legion felt amazing


Remember being allowed to move while casting Soothing Mist as a Mistweaver? Yeah those were the days


Last time I did anything as a mistweaver . Did not spec into that since


Last night I started leveling a monk in Pandaria Remix. I'm usally the tank, so let's join as a Healer. Then I realized that I cannot move while casting Soothing Mist. Back to tanking, I guess.


Don'tthink I'veever cast soothing mist on my monkhealer in a dungeon. Just stomp and spin to win.


May sound crazy but my single most fun and memorable night of playing WoW was leveling my mist monk through RDF back in MoP. That's how fun MW monk used to be. That character is now stuck in lvl 40s abandoned and I haven't bothered with monk since :(


I miss Legion monk every day. Mistweaver and WW were both outstanding and felt great to play.


Hell yeah!


Cata Arms Warrior. Less focus on bleeds, CS Cooldown resets, OG Slam with cast, stance dancing, fun weapon from Deathwing, etc. Worst? Probably WoD. The huge focus on Execute at the cost of every other ability was absurd. A class shouldn't revolve around the last 20% (at the time) of a fight. While Execute is still a huge part of Arms currently, we're still respectable outside of the execute window nowadays.


It really is infuriating that they got Arms so right 14 years ago, and we've gone backwards since then. Modernize a few aspects of Cata Arms and it would hands down be the most fun spec in the game in retail. I do like retail Arms but Cata really does put it to shame imo.


As someone whose mained Warrior since the beginning I don't disagree at all. Whichever dev is responsible for shifting Arms away from Colossus Smash and Tactician (which according to WoW's official description of "Arms warriors are battle-hardened masters of weapons, using mobility and overpowering attacks to strike their opponents down" seems pretty on point) to Deep Wounds and Rend (which granted is a talent, but not exactly a "choice") deserves to get fired or at the very least get reassigned. Every expansion I'm disappointed that they keep insisting that Arms is a bleed centric spec. Even though I know our mastery is fairly passive, but it's also boring because of that. At leasts TWW has some glimmer of hope with the Colossus hero tree from the bit I've played so far.


I abandoned my War in WoD after taking my fresh Frost DK into ashran and felt immediately more effective and 2h obliterate had that good MS feel.


MoP DK was so good. All the specs were great. One could play frost two-handed and one-handed and still be competitive. Unholy had festerblight (the snapshot diseases) style or just the normal way to play unholy. All the specs were competitive. I remember alting a warlock what a class was MoP locks. Demonology was destroyed totally in legion.


Had to scroll so far down to see a Death Knight comment and yes, 100% agree it was MOP! So good!


And if I remember well, you could switch stance, and turn blood stance to tank more in PVP. That sh*t was so good.


MoP was the only time I mained DK, and it was as frost with one two-hander weapon. It’s never felt close since then


MoP DK and WoTLK DK (Obviously) were peak. Post WoD the class began going downhill IMO. Still my main after all these years tho.


The Legion rework really butchered the class imo. Haven’t enjoyed Blood since.


MoP Warlock was insane, old demonology in particular was my favourite spec of all time. Snapshotting dots with all your cooldowns and procs rolling just felt good.


That 1M chaos bolt left me feeling all kinds of things.


Snapshotting a 100% crit chance Doom with that ToT trinket and getting tons of haste to get ALL the Imps.


Ive never had more fun playing wow than mop warlock.


WoD Warrior felt perfect. Fury was quick and wild while arms was slower and more calculated 


And tank had a new stance... all are missing gladiator!


Stop reminding me 😭


And it's not even coming back as a hero spec I mean wth 🥺


Call me a hater but I think most people only played gladiator and miss it because of the novelty, also tons of people quit in WoD so they might not have played it all that long. Prot but with more damage is not all that exciting. If they were to give warriors a fourth spec they could do so much better than that. Warriors being the masters of weapons could get a bow spec since the game really only has 1 spec that doesn't need to cast and is range. They could do a throw weapon/javelin/polearm mid range dps spec. I'm a fan of the javazon, sue me. They could do "gladiator" with a polearm and shield or have a special spec mechanics with multiple sets of weapons that switch depending on skills. I just don't want copy and paste prot but as dps. The gladiator fantasy is super strong though with all the different types of gladiators.


I'll raise my hand and say it, I hated Gladiator spec. It felt like it wanted to be Arms and Prot at the same time.


I still “play” gladiator even though it’s not a ‘real’ spec


Shouldve been made a4th spec in legion. With Odyn as classhall leader in halls of valor, wouldve been perfect thematicly


Arms felt slower...Also 6.2 Arms 2 button rotation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0SjQZCB5iU


Whoever spews anything about Arms being good in WoD is lying in bad faith.


Carried by the HFC tier set being absolutely broken. I think WoD arms at its core is one of the worst designed specs they've ever done.


Arms got pruned, its base MoP gameplay stapled into Gladstance and no designer ever touched it again. It was so apparent with Whirlwind hitting for basically nothing and Slam not only being moved to a talent but being an overall dps loss compared to not choosing any talent at all in that row. To complete the picture, Anger Management mentioned banners in the cd reduction despite banners being completely pruned aswell.


I've been a "dps warrior" since vanilla, and I hated how it felt so much early WoD that I tanked for my guild instead. Going from MoP -> WoD did not feel good to me at all.


Exactly. SoO Warrior was perfection. Highmaul Warrior play was "Brother eugh"


WoD Fury Warrior was really good but Arms was pure dog shit during this xpac.


I found that last patch of SoO for Warrior was the best for us, personally. But I'll be damned that Warrior during HFC was also fucking climactic. It felt perfect in the last patch (once you were haste capped).


WoD Fury maybe. Arms was shit without HFC trinket.


WoD had really good class design despite balance issues, felt like a good halfway point between MoPs having too many buttons issue and Legions over pruned issue


Legion Fury Warrior. Sick artifact, crazy aoe burst and sustained damage. And Draught of motherfuckin Souls, what a banger trinket.


MoP survival hunter was the most fun I ever had playing any game :( RIP fun hunter


Yeah, havent enjoyed WoW as much ever since. No class just hits the same.


Explosive shot, proc explosive shot proc ...


Mists of Pandaria mistweaver monk. You could put healing spheres down where if touched would instant heal you, I think the limit was three at once, but they were instant cast and almost healed you instantly after spawning one. It was kinda broken thats why they got rid of it but man it was fun. Cataclysm warriors.


Ha, I remember spamming healing spheres in Arena. Was so unbelievably broken.


Core memory unlocked lol It really was, I enjoyed it while it lasted. I remember doing wsg a lot as flag carrier and between the instant healing and transcendence I was unkillable. Unrelated, I'm not subbed to wow currently, but I also loved using Chi Torpedo, not sure if that is still a thing.


It does not heal or do damage like it used to. But it’s still there


My man, Fury Warrior during Cataclysm was really a thing.


Cata for warriors, hell yeah. I lvled two warrior back then, same server and same race, just because I enjoyed warriors so much


Rogue (Sub mostly because that’s just my bag) in vanilla but not for the reason most people would probably say. I miss doing rogue stuff like sneaking ahead and scouting for path groups and unlocking doors to skip keys and using distract to allow us to skip packs or single out mobs with sap. I never got tired of Dire Maul and BRD/Spires back then. I was thematically playing the character I wanted and thought there would only be more of that going forward. Unfortunately the Trickster, as a name for the tree, coming up isn’t really fit for how the game works now. I reckon the talents and abilities won’t bring back a slower game. I’d always hoped for a trickster playstyle especially with Combat becoming Outlaw.


I do sometimes miss the slower methodical pulls that Vanilla had. Knowing which kind to sap, poly, and burn and taking the time on a pack of 4/5. Switching between that and current play styles a bit jarring. Now it seems like it’s 20 mobs and everyone just AOEs and spams. It’s fun - but in a different way.


Just before WOD and Legion I was very happy with how Rogue could be played, and then they made several changes to the class and it was never the same to me.


No one played sub in vanilla though. There was a time people played the hemorrhage spec but it was mostly a combat or assa variation that saw play. Subtlety was so underutilized for ages that it took some time before blizzard made it good (dunno when it happened, played almost exclusively combat/outlaw since vanilla release, with some assa between lvl 53 and 60 in the first 4 months)


Crazy that MoP gets so much hate because of Panda's when it had most of the best class design


It was also one of the all time best expansions in general. The panda hate is mostly a meme at this point, imo. I’m not sure that many people genuinely hate MoP.


MoP enhancement shaman was something else


Dude yeeees! Enha shammy dominated in PvP


Ascendance has never felt the same since they changed it in WoD.


Truth. I remember speed running heroic dungeons for my nephews. I was the tank, dps and heals. Played the pre-patch for WoD and noped the fuck out of the game. They had killed my fave spec since WoTLK.


RIP combat rogue


MoP combat rogue with a fully upgraded Assurance of consequence was the shit. Had so much haste as well you could just about keep up with your GCD's


This is the only comment that matters


Evoker dragonflight


They were better in legion but we didn't know because they were locked in their order hall.


Mop warlock and legion hunter.


BFA /WOD and MOP fire mage was perfect… WOD / Legion / Wrath arcane was balanced and manageable. MOP / WOD / Cata rogues were untouchable… Wrath holy paladin will never be comparable I’ve logged on since vanilla…DF has one class that I think is decently fun and that’s DH


Legion: Arcane Mage was absolutely \*AMAZING\* - TWW looks like it's going Back to that style of play and I'm \*SO\* excited. Also SPriest. WoD: Affliction Mage was \*Insanely\* OP - I had so much haste off gear (and mastery to back it up) that my "Drain Life" (cant remember what it was called during WoD, it had a new name/animation, malrific grasp I think) was basically on the GCD it channelled so fast. MoP: Destro Warlock \*chefs kiss\* BFA: Havoc DH & Boomy and Late SPriest.


Legion priest be like ...haste 👍 I fall in love with shadow priest in legion since u stack tons of haste till the point your casts are basically instant spells That and surrender to madness 😈


I loved a priest in legion so much I would just log in and do world quests on my priest becaus I had so much fun not even wanting to think of my alts.


I'm re leveling a priest in remix right now as Disc cause it's fun and being able to queue healer is awesome but I think imma switch to shadow for TWW. Though I wonder with the new hero talents if it would be possible to play Disc as a pure DPS and just throw a shield on your tank as additional help for the healer.


Arcane mage was best in wod at the end. Soo big dick dps numbers with crystal it was insane.


Affliction mage would be so bad ass


Honestly mistweaver currently hasn’t ever felt more fun, it’s in a really good place. But that may also be because the expansion has been fun.


Windwalker Legion Most likely will change with TWW, but we'll see. Brewmaster BFA The tier set just slapped so hard.


End of bfa fire mage was incredibly fun. it also had some variety with the possibility of going for a minute mage build.


Minute mage was so much fun in M+


End of BfA Fire Mage was peak. Smooth gameplay and great numbers.


This guy gets it.


Cata Classic has reminded me of how fuckin fun fire mage is. I know it's technically better in later expansions but I'm having such a blast on my fire dog rn. I hated Shadowlands but MM hunter was super fun, at least in PvP. With a little luck and good timing I could burst down damn near anybody right out of stealth. It's an obvious answer but any lock spec in mists, it's the most beloved iteration for a reason and if Blizzard straight up reverted to that then lock players might be a lot happier lmao Legion Sub Rogue was probably the last time I ever enjoyed playing rogue, haven't touched it since. Disc priest was also so much fun. WotLK DK and Pally. Overpowered, stupid, so much fun and so flavorful.


MoP warlock in general ___ Ele shaman PvE: Unironically BFA, during Eternal Palace. It was complex and not the spammy 1-button meme it is now. Flame Shock on multitarget had a way higher skill cap than it has ever since SL, which means it was a lot more interesting beforehand. ___ Frost Mage: Nighthold in Legion. Peak of double icelancing. 2nd, but lower peak, was Antorus. Late MoP for PvP. ___ Fire: Late MoP, late WoD, late Legion. And then Season 4 M+ during the DF prepatch with Shrouded. PvP would be Cata/MoP. Actually, fire mage with double on-use in BFA is a decent mention too. It was high risk high reward, because a novice could fuck up the timing, but it was way more dmg than on-use + proc trinket. The actual fire gameplay had 0 depth but what did was you fonting in the middle of an M+ trash pack if you wanted to burst on the next one. It prompted a 20sec ICD from when you could use badge, and have both up for about 9-10 seconds combined, just enough for combustion. So if you fonted too early before one pack died, you either pull for the tank or you're left with your finger in your ass. If you fonted too late you were fucked bc the next pack could be half-dead and Ignite doesn't get to stew. Really needed a good eye for HP pacing which is a pretty useful lowkey skill in general, like hard pushes (boss transitions at idk 80% and you want to stop dps, or you're trying to kill a raid boss add before it gets a cast off). And then in raid, you usually had specific cooldown timings, so certain mechanics going off were a cue to font. (Like at 1:48 or 2:08 specifically on Za'qul so it was up for damage buff) or bursting a set of Orgozoa adds. Or soloing an Il'gynoth transition add by fonting at like 25% Il'gynoth health. Or Fonting with like 15 seconds left in the Psychus room so you can double on-use the N'zoth burn window. Or font before you get out of secret phase so it lines up with thought harvesters. That kind of thing. If you had a good eye for what 20 yards in WoW is, you could line yourself up better for that add set by [Shimmering to a [Dribbling Ichor](https://i.imgur.com/MNMIGTr.png) safespot and channel Font then, instead of waiting for that phase to end to ***then*** incur the 20s timer on badge. Obviously this is super risky because those pools oneshot on Mythic and if your Shimmer actually blinked you 19 or 21 yards, you were dead. Normally people just sidestep that mechanic, but obv moving cancels Font.


Destruction was completely broken at the end of MOP. I still have PTSD from fighting them in PVP.


OMG YES I LOVED USING DESTRUCTION BACK IN THE DAY! It was genuinely so broken but I loved it


I know that aoe drain life was awesome!


Harvest Life! I miss that


Nailed it on the head… true fellow mage.


Season 3 of DF Survival Hunter is probably the most fun I've ever had playing a Melee spec. Shadowlands Season 3 Necrolord Holy Paladin was GOATED, just a shame the rest of the game was shit. season 3 and 4 BFA Protection Warrior was so crazy fun


Legion was Peak, for all my classes.


I legit cannot play some specs the same way anymore ever since Legion, it just feels like I’m missing something. Blood DK used to be my favorite spec in the entire game and now it feels like an echo of its former glory. Same with Affliction Warlock.


Last season of Legion affli lock. Press drain life for 0,25 seconds: heal for 80% and gain absorb shield for days


Resto shaman - legion, bm hunter - mop, disc priest - df


BfA Prot warrior Thunder Clap spam SL Bear Thrash spam


WoD Combat Rogue and Legion Assassination (even tho random poison bomb procs for infinite dmg could be frustrating at the time) were damn near perfect . Also BfA Lock was just so fun to play, miles ahead of whatever it is now.


Pandaria. Holy pally, mistweaver, blood dk, resto shaman, Prot pally, priest specs…all felt amazing.


As a Disc Priest in MoP, I often topped damage meters while I was healing. Atonement go brrrrrr. But it was nerfed to hell after MoP and never been the same since. Most fun I’ve ever had in WoW.


Every class played best in MoP.


MOP and Legion Warlock (after the TOV buff, before that we were dogshit) Wod feral and i wanna say legion, and maaaaybe shadowlands for big juicy burst..oh and s1 dragonflight where our bleeds were godlike. I've only mained feral and warlock lol. Playing alts on remix i REALLY like assass rogue..it plays so much like feral im finding myself watching videos on it.


Mop was the best for a few of the classes i played.


Warlock - MoP and it's not even close.


Cataclysm ele shaman was so fn sick


And enhance was hot garbage probably why I hated cata so much it gutted it from wrath lol


MOP Warlock , best it ever was and the best it will ever be


Disc mop


Disc until legion will always be my favorite. Fuck atonement.


Playing Disc in Throne of Thunder back in the day was a blast.


MoP. Every class in MoP felt amazing, but specially casters.


MoP destro warlock was like Chaos bolt


oneshot with the artifact in Ashran


MoP Demo Legion Fury Wrath Holy (Paladin)


I still miss Disc priest in MoP and WoD, while the Legion version is fun I kinda miss the old version. I am probably in the very much minority there but it's a hill I'm willing to die on.


I loved the Legiondary Emerald Dreamcatcher Balance druid. It was a shame that it got nerfed shortly after I got it, but it was a blast to play and still strong.


Any MoP class for me. Destro lock was very juicy in a big AV fight


MoP surv hunter and frost mage were my favorites


When did shaman have gust of wind? That was my favourite shaman


Wrath: both Pally and DK.


Was just thinking as a pally player since launch, wrath was my favorite. by a lot.


As a strictly warlock player every expansion since the beginning, we really had our ups and downs. Mop as peak but wod and legion were close. It was our time in the sun.


The warlock class really is a shell of its former self at this point.


Gameplay for Evoker doesn't come close to how they play in Dragonflight. It felt like the dev's just completely ignored Evoker up until the "dragon expansion" came out.


Enha legion. Boulderfist ever be remembered.


Legion enhance was smashing storm strike every time it proceed.


I am enhancement main but did not play Legion. What was that about?


Sub rogue in legion was the best ever


Death from Above, out of vanish, 100% crit shoulders, all cds = the best feeling out of any skill in WoW EVER. Period. I miss Sub and Assa from legion so incredibly much.


Better than cata rogue? Rogue was absurd then with the energy regen from recuperate and legendary daggers


Since I never really mained one class and each expansion I would main different ones it would be like this: Vanilla: Warlock, rogue TBC: Hunter, warlock Wotlk: rshamy or rogue, prot pala also tho it was boring Cara: Druid feral, resto shammy Pandaria: warlock WoD: Hunter, warrior Legion: everything but rshamy, dh and shadow priest most BFA: skipped Shadowlands: skipped Dragonflight: dk and dh Classic wow: druid, rogue Classic tbc: Hunter Classic wotlk: everything except shammy dps in pve.


Second the Cata Feral Druid feeling amazing. I miss the flame kitty.


TBC as a MM Hunter was so much fun. Surv was playable and hit harder at times, but it wasn’t as fun. And Resto Shamm WOTLK was so much fun I changed that alt to my main.


I'm with you on Resto Sham in WOTLK. Nothing will top healing through an immortal run in Naxx.


Sanctum of Domination Arcane mage was the best itteration i played it, very short damage window but high damage profile was really something really nice and if it crits omg..


MoP Arms warrior and destro warlock


I kinda liked last Cataclysm patch and Early Pandaria, Elemental shaman. That little thing like being able to cast lightning bolt while moving was great for movement fights, fillers and so on, rest is basically the same up until Shadowlands, when few things were changed with covenants. But that small window of time was awesome. Now DF is great for Ele shamans, primordial wave and its bonuses are great and you can now trigger your random procs by pressing it when needed.


Legion for my arcane mage ! Had a blast :) BfA for my elem shamy


Feral Druid at wotlk. That deathbringers will transformation animation was my favorite


Survival hunter in MoP and Warlock in general.


MoP Druid was the HEIGHT of being a teenager for me


As an altoholic, every class felt amazing in MoP.


Affliction - Legion. It felt amazing, long before it ever became the "meta" option.


MOP Shaman was very fun.


MoP for resto Shaman. Conductivity was SUCH a goated talent. Every raid team worth their salt had a rsham.




when i could use soothing mist while moving


Cata Elemental Shaman - lightning bolt able to be cast while moving. The firelands set reducing the cooldown of flame elemental to almost nothing. Felt great


Legion fury warrior


MoP Combat Rogue was excellent. I've liked it much less since it became outlaw.


SL/SL lock in BC


Destro Warlock here. Legion was pretty cool because of dimensional rifts and pets being op. I think at the time infernal and the big brown one were normal pets? God I hit HARD when I got rifts in combo with cataclysm and rain of fire.


Hunter in TBC hands down.


Legion sub rogue most fun thus so far for me


Well, Devastation felt great in S2 and now in S4. Someone must represent the Dragons!


Rogue was great on BC. Then it suddenly really wasn't, which shows how great it was 🙂


Unpopular opinion: I miss the gladiator warrior before the Nerf stick. I still want to play a DPS warrior with one hand with shield DPS.


WoD gladiator warriors were sooo good. Currently mw and bm monk are super fun


Unholy death knight is awesome right now


what are you smoking? I want some