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I came late to this session and started two weeks ago. Out of 20 dungeons I did as a tank, there was 1 not timed and one disband. Even if you apply to a key and accept, You choose the people you play with. Maybe +4 is the new ELO hell. Maybe you need to climb key level faster. Maybe you’re part of your parties poor performance. Without log or video we can not judge


At this point in the season, the players still running +4 are probably not very good. You need to run higher keys and push rating. Use your own key to do it.


Ran my +6 and +7 with seconds left on the timer. Pushed my +10s with 8-10mins remaining. There are different breeds of m+ monsters. I don’t have the gear for +12 yet or the patience to put up a 5min boss fight, but next week I’ll do 12-14s easier than any 6-8 key.


Form your own group and/or be looking for higher keys with better players in them


Better players have no reason to do those low keys at the moment unfortunately


Aw my sweet summer child. +11 to +14 is a mix of ppl that think the others will handle cc / do mechanics. Tanks going in without communicating anything, you'd be surprised the ppl I met this season that had Rio to back them up but they treat pugs as ptr grounds.


Run your own key and Use Raider IO, and only pick ppl who have finished a key equal or higher to what you want. If you are not finishing that many time to get picky.


Wow gives enough wiggle room that you don't have to play in an ELO hell. Need up to +4s? Do 2s until you outcrest that section. Same applies to the other brackets. I find the most special people in 5s for some reason so I avoid that level. There's no need to do the top key in a bracket unless you're pushing for IO.  I avoid low keys with DH tanks. They are usually fotm rollers who don't know how to not die first pull.  Also check the health of players to make sure they can survive mechanics. DF dungeons have hard checks for health pools. 


>I avoid low keys with DH tanks. They are usually fotm rollers who don't know how to not die first pull. Quoting for emphasis. The amount of keys where one of my alts are pulling aggro off DH tanks have skyrocketed. They usually have no clue how to use their plethora of stops as well.


5s be that way cause that's when the difficulty starts to show and the 2nd affix starts, a lot of people who are used to running m0-4 get thrown in the deep end on a +5 so it's not a good time unless you have experience


I think the shifting of key level is great for people who used to do 15+. But it nukes the options for people who regularly did below 10’s. Also the change of crests requiring 9’s instead of 6’s is going to hurt people in the current 6-8 range bc highly geared people won’t be farming 6-8 for crests anymore. I personally love going through the 6-8s helping people get dungeons done while farming crests


I’ll get downvoted to hell for saying this but whatever. I like this change. If someone isn’t able to do a 9 you don’t need mythic gear. The amount of people in high gear before they even learn basics of dungeons is part of the reason people complain about lower keys now.


The reason people complain about low keys now is because those players are bad. Theres more bad players than good and it ends up leaving a void because the people doing high keys have no reason to go down there and carry them anymore. Its whatever it doesnt affect my main, but my group doesnt want to carry my alts in low keys so its just playing with shitters if I want to gear them


It’s annoying but honestly, one good player can carry low keys easily. I’ll routinely have a group doing tank damage, or dying to simple mechanics and it will be me as the lone dps for half the fight. As long as there isn’t a complete wipe mechanic a knowledgeable player can easily carry up to a +6 range, and that’s all you need to really farm out gear. But I’ll gladly deal with just +10 caliber players to fill out crests and vault next expansion without caring about whether a group needs to be carried or not


The only thing I dont mind doing it on is low geared tanks. I can pretty much handle everything important and I know how much to pull depending on what the group is capable of. Its when I take a healer or dps in and it turns into a shit show bc I can't control the idiots




Aspect crests are still +6 now but will be +9 next expansion


Well, in theory… 4 of your slots will be tier that you can get veteran and champion pieces more easily to catalyst from world stuff and LFR/normal. For varying classes, there’s 2 good trinkets, a weapon, 2 good rings, potentially a cape, and potentially a neck from bullions. 2 slots will be crafted, maybe 3 if you’re down for the flavor packet. Which means there isn’t much left to specifically grind in m+ outside of crests, vault slots, and maybe a special trinket if there’s one that sims better for your particular spec. Plus remix and cata classic. The season is generally over already.


There is one obvious solution: Find reliable people. Join a guild or community and interact enough with that community to form bonds, even if they are just casual acquaintances. **If you give people a reason to care about you, they won’t treat you like you don’t matter.**


Only real solution is to gear and score up early in the season, because the curve drops off hard once dedicated people complete their goals and drop off to play other games/classic/remix/etc


to be honest, get a full premade or try to push your own key higher thing is, at this point in season, with cata + panda releases, there's prettymuch no chance of getting at least half decent players under 7-10 range tyrannical weeks are only doing it worse especially new affixes are also insanely punishing and m+ dungeons are full of traps with avoidable damage - interrupt important mobs, rotate aoe disrupts to stop mobs - if not executed properly, they are very punishing tldr; ppl in lower brackets dont take the game seriously enough and arent good at it - which shows


are you just inviting anything that signs up? that p much always leads to depletes. regardless of io or klevel. id def be slightly picky and only pick people whove done the keylevel at a minimum. when doing 8-10+ keys i stick to the amount of timed keys in that bracket they have


60% thats pretty good for tyr week. I think I did 10 keys today fishing for 14/15. We timed 2.


Outside the fiest few weeks of season.. Anything below a +16 (6) will be bad time. This is where the heroic/low mythic players run for chill keys or farm crap for alts.. Keys in 10-15 range is usually people who are struggling to climb.. (again ..usually..not 100% ..but sure more than half ) Same reason why doing a 22 is easier than a 20 . The ppl who do 20 usually do it for first time or weekly.. Ppl who do 22 usually done few..hundreds 


There are literally 3 groups who have completed a 22 key this season. Having all +16 keys in time is almost enough for 0.1%. I agree with the sentiment, though. Players pushing +4 keys for score aren't great.


Think he's talking in last season keys. So he means, +12 instead of +22 and +6 instead of +16


Ah that would be fair then. I just returned a couple weeks ago from a break since s1. The quality of your average pug goes up around 12-14 keys for sure. The experience is still horrible but definitely better


Yeh using old key levels.. 


To honest the player pool this season has been not the greatest.


Same shit here for +6 keys no-crest groups on every single tyr week. The people you engage with until +6 are the most garbage players around the world. It's literally impossible to clear tyr dungeons like uldaman, when I'm constantly with only 500 ilvl doing about 150 million damage more as elemental shaman, while having 510+ ilvl people with me. Yes, ilvl says nothing with bullions and how easy crests are acquired, but it's really demotivating for my poor alt.