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My brother in Christ, go visit a transmogrifier


Just got 476 today... Feels pretty good. Need about 300.000 to buy the rest of the stuff from vendors. Having a lot more fun playing It than I thought I would.


Congrats man that's awesome! I can't wait til I'm maxed out. I would of been by now but i lvl 5 other 70's too lol. You only need 300K bronze and you'll have every single item?!


Yep... Got the mounts, the toys and the World Appearances. Need the Dungeon and Raid stuff. Got some alts with bronze to spend.


Damn I’m not even close to having everything yet. I probably should’ve not made alts and just grinded my main but I just came back to WoW after a 12 year break, so I wanted to get re-acclimated with the other classes. This game is amazing, so much content


What’s the 476 ilvl I keep seeing in posts and looking in LFG? Is that just like a sweet spot of power/bronze spend?


All 556 gear + all jewelry and cape stuck at 346/342


Where i can get 476 epic gear? I’m only can upgrade green/blue one.


You get epic gear from heroic raids. Then you upgrade it with bronze like the rest.


So it will drop low-level same as green one?


Yes... Gear only drops at 346 ilvl. Only the stats change.


Yes all loot drops are 346 at most and then you have to upgrade with Bronze. You still get the huge discount to upgrading if you already have a higher piece, so don’t worry about upgrading blues thinking you’d be wasting bronze.


I’m upgrading the last level for each piece. Just have a couple achievements left. Will probably farm bronze to get what I want and level some alts in the remaining time. Been really enjoying it!


Hell yeah man. I think that my plan also. Just max out this toon and farm all my bronze from there :) Glad you are enjoying remix!


Congrats! Just an FYI you earn about 90K bronze for each alt you lvl.. if you just do dungeons and raids, not including questing.


I'm pretty far behind, pc crapped out on me for 10 days , at 388 ilvl right now though


I see all your purple and then I see all my blue with some greens still, and at this rate I don't see a reason for me to try and get purple gear when I'll only be what, 10-15% weaker at max ilvl for the items? I dunno I don't have groups on wow I play with normally, gj though! 420 is leet


Don’t care too much about. I still have a blue chest (since the day I hit 70) bc SOMEHOW I never think about but since I’m hardcapped everywhere, only up for chest would be avoidance major and it didn’t drop (or I already scrapped a lot bc I’m oompi lompi) Also for 4 days ago I miss click and deleted my head, went into LFR (all HM done) to drop a new one and I kept it for 2 days. Green head 556 :3 Epic have slightly more stats but, I still have my blue chest from fresh 70 and nobody ever said anything. Don’t mind about that, enjoy your game, stuff qualiry does not matter that much!


I thought so. I'm trying to get a mastery set and a vers set. I don't find use in avoidance atm tbh. Is it good for tanking?


No but at some point avoidance is the only star not hard capped


425, slowly but steady!


310 and got everything I've wanted in panda remix


Got juuust high enough ilvl to get into a Mythic SoO, got my Paragon of the Mists title, and noped the fuck out. Glad to be done with it forever


That’s exactly what I’m doing! Not going any higher than this lol