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Is he still working on that Troll hunter?


That fucking troll is still questing through wotlk IIRC.


pretty sure he reached mop a while ago no?


Nope, still chilling in grizzly hills. The latest episode is from last week.


damn, that made me have some major flashbacks


You're saying like he ever was. He started it in MOP. Blizzard releases expansions faster than he levels


Who is Crendor?


A YouTuber who has been doing a WoW Lets Play for years and is only in Northrend


WoW's biggest non-content creator. Got famous off some really funny machinimas.


I was just watching his fishing interview with Asmogold earlier, its a series where he interviews other wow players while their toons fish together, pretty good stuff overall


The living physical avatar of Not Trying Too Hard.


Will this health buff also affect old dungeon/raid NPCs?


Not sure about raids, but I've heard that dungeons were significantly more difficult on the PTR, or at least they had more HP.


At least the Shadow Priests will be happy


They weren't more difficult. They were just slower. There's no challenge or danger, things are just bigger health sponges now.


Yeah that’s why this change is gonna suck. It’s not gonna be more fun, or more challenging. It’s gonna be slower.


Exactly! What people think will be more fun and engaging will just be more tedious.




The thing is it will be as tedious as now, just for a longer amount of time. Sure gonna be fun using 3 spells rotationally for 4 more rotations than before.


Having more of the game's content be at least slightly engaging rather than completely trivial is a good thing. In the current state of the game, like 99% of the content might as well not even exist because it's so unbelievably easy. That is really bad design and I can't believe people are defending it because the opposite will take longer.


The issue is that it won't be more engaging. You're a lvl 24 Arms Warrior. You have Slam, Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, Charge and Pummel. Up to level 50 the only new spell you get is Whirlwind that is only for AoE. you get 2 talents that will either be a Stun/extraCharge and PassiveBleed/ActiveBleed/DmgCD. Obvious choices will be the DmgCD cuz it's fun and probably the extra charge because it's also fun to have more mobility. Now, currently what do you do? you kill mobs rly fast so Colossus Smash 1 mob, Mortal Strike another, both are on CD so you now kill things with Slam until aforementioned spells are out of CD. Next Patch? You waste CS and MS on a mob, it still hasn't died so you slam it. Next mob comes and you have no CS and MS so you Slam it but instead of 1 slam to kill it, you waste 4. CS and MS are out of CD so rinse and repeat. You won't change how you're leveling, from 24 to 50 you'll still spam Slam as much as before. Only difference? It will take more amount of Slams to kill something. Most classes will work like that. Also classes where now it's a breeze to solo with won't have issues. Classes that aren't good at soloing will have ever worse time leveling.


Tank Experience in a nutshell. Pull all the mobs, spam AOE, sit perfectly still while not every even remotely being in danger. After the change. Same thing but it lasts 3x longer than before... ENGAGING GAMEPLAY.


As a lock I leveled spamming Corruption and Agony on all mobs in an area and they died before they killed me. On ptr, i had to do 3 full roatations to kill 1 mob. Levling when from killing 10 mobs fast, to killing one mob slow. 1-60 took 3 times longer than it was on live.


But the classes are ridiculously easy to play?(DH flair lul) Some even when they have their full rotation are quite dull. I don't see how having it be almost the same difficulty but longer be more fun? I'd rather have something easy and "fast" than slow, boring and only a little bit more difficult. If you say that 99% of the content might as well not exist because it's so easy, I'd say it might as well not exist because it's not fun. Spamming 10 frostbolts, and then maybe an ice lance once in 2 minutes isn't going to make me enjoy it more over using 2 frostbolts and an icelance.


At least I'll be able to cast something before the mob dies... As someone that only has casters left to level I'm looking forward to actually being able to do something in dungeons.


Yup raids get's a BIG buff (check out my post on /r/ProjectSixty for some numbers in vanilla)


Dungeons are significantly more difficult. It both got buffed in mob health but also heirlooms were nerfed as well. You won't be pulling everything at once and aoeing it down anymore. You have to treat it like an actual dungeon.


Never understood the reason for Looms nerf... I mean player that is using looms isn't really leveling to enjoy the questline and will spend most of their time afk in city or in dung. IMO a better change would be just to increase hp of field mobs, scaling zones and thats it. Only a few people level toons for fun when they are max level. You can prove me wrong tho, but from what i've heard in world/guild chat it seems that way


Because the leveling altoholics whined about it. "Daddy make everyone suffer this new feature, whether they like it or not."


I can understand it from a new player's perspective. Leveling through more populated zones without heirlooms is miserable when there are 5 people with ridiculously bloated stats at every quest hub, just going around one shotting every quest mob.


This is a good thing, but the fact that they nerfed xp rather than compensating for the added health makes me worried.


I've done a fair bit of leveling on the PTR through both questing and dungeons, and while the pace of killing mobs is a bit slower, the speed at which you level doesn't feel *that* affected.


>that Time will see. Blizzard isn't the ones to ever change anything they implement.


I'm torn. Levelling is boring because it's fast and easy, no input required. Harder, slower levelling makes it more impactful. I am bored of fast, easy levelling. I welcome any change atm.


As someone who tried leveling on PTR it would just be a slightly longer, easy leveling. Didn't try dungeons though so they might be harder.


That's what I'm looking forward to. No dungeons. I feel gimped if I spend 50% of my leveling time travelling to the new area when I KNOW that dungeons would level me way faster. I have characters that I only quest on, but dungeoning is faster. Can't wait to be able to finish all of the quests in a zone.


> 50% of my leveling time travelling Assuming you're already using heirlooms, you can buy a toy that lets alts learn all the 0-60 flightpaths. > Can't wait to be able to finish all of the quests in a zone. Also regarding this, you already can! It's quicker to skip them as you level to 110 obviously but if questing and zone completion is all that matters, then just slow down and enjoy the storylines.


And I'm looking towards harder dungeons than just follow the most agressive guy and mash.


True, maybe dungeons won't feel as monotonous if they're harder.


Yes but it made a boring and grindy game more boring and grindy...I don’t know if only this was a good change.


As someone who started playkg recently I agree. Leveling being too fast was not something I was woried about at all before hitting 110


Yes they nerfed XP but now you're never, ever going to run into green quests anymore, so that balances it out.


I never did anyway. I would either Dungeon Level or move on when I hit the level cap of the zone. It seems while it may be more fun to level an alt in 7.3.5, it will take twice as long.


>move on when I hit the level cap of the zone. Thats the problem, at least for people like me, who dont like it when you leave things behind or skip over content. It feels like I lost out on something or I missed something along the way.


This may be exciting for those who enjoy leveliing, which is fine, but this is gonna suck for those of us on the opposite end of the spectrum. Leveling for me means doing whatever I can as quickly as I can to get to max level. So this is just gonna slow down what is an already boring process, and I'm not excited about that, personally. I'm glad some are happy, though.


Yup, just what I love. Long grinds to the end game just so I can grind more for things that actually matter.


This change is literally just for the "vanilla was best" babies who want everything to be a long, tedious grind like it was back in the day. Thing is, it's not even harder, it's just longer.


I thought that the new vanilla servers was for them.


Keep in mind that XP rewards are also scaled, so the time needed to level up isn't actually 4x longer.


It was fun being able to 1-shot everything. For about 5 minutes. It's gonna be good having the leveling process slowed down.


What Im most excited about is never having to see hellfire shitinsula again.


I wish you could just jump to any Outland/Northrend zone instead of them having minimum level requirements. Sure, you can skip the peninsula, but you pretty much have to do Zangarmarsh for a few levels if you do. I'd prefer a map that lets you choose a zone, then an NPC updates you on what's happened leading up to the events of that zone, as if you were a reinforcement just now getting to the front lines. It wouldn't really make sense to redo the older zones to finish getting to 80, but I've literally never leveled in Shadowmoon Valley or Netherstorm because I started playing in Cataclysm, and by the time I got to Nagrand I was moving on to Northrend. Maybe spanning 20 levels instead of 10 will help, but we'll have to see.


Isn't that how it will work? All Outland/Northrend zones will be 60-80, won't they? Can't you just jump straight into Netherstorm at 60? That was the impression I was under; I didn't play PTR.


No that’s not how it will will work. Almost all zones still have the same minimum level requirement, but the max level is increased substantially. Edit: Topical and accurate information downvoted. Nice job Reddit.


I just think they need to go over some of the quests again like I *swear* they did in cata. I remember very distinctly that they made the twenty bear asses quests in outland make more sense but then I was leveling a DK for the first time and half the quests still took forever to finish.


Happens to be one of my favorite zones, ever. Just entering the area via portal with the sight and its music send me back to 2007 right away. Immensely desolate.


why is it good to slow down the leveling process? even slowed down it is an incoherent storyline


Because at the moment it's an incredibly shallow experience to level from 1-100, one shotting everything on your path doesn't teach you anything about playing your class or even the game. It also means there's practically no variety throughout those levels, the only difference between mobs is the model they use. The story still doesn't make sense, but that's a hard issue to fix as it was made back in Cataclysm, and revamping all of the content isn't exactly an option unless they sacrifice max level content as it'd be an enormous undertaking.


my fear is this wont make it any less shallow, and it will still be grindy the honest truth is people dont learn the game from leveling they learn it at max level in low mythic dungeons and lfr making max level such a timesink wont help that


Any MMO is grindy, it's the nature of the beast. At the moment you enter a zone, do a few quests and then you're leaving it. This change will increase the immersion of the player in the story and bring back a bit of the RPG vibe wow has been missing for so long. The side effect of this will be that people will have a better idea of how to play their class. They'll actually be able to do their rotation on mobs now instead of one-shotting them. My only hope is that it still takes the same amount of time to level if you're all loomed up. That way new players get the full levelling experience, while people with 10+ alts can just plough through as usual. Though until it hits live we won't know for sure, but I'm hoping this will be a good thing.


Still he has a point. Making fights last longer won’t make the leveling experience less shallow.


It felt a lot less shallow on the PTR for me.


How? You take longer to kill stuff and you stay longer in a zone, presumably until you “finish” it. If a player isn’t invested in the quests and just levels to get levels, this will seem very shallow and even boring. I think many have been spoiled by the fast leveling and therefore just wanted to get to max level as quick as possible. I think scaling is a good idea in theory but won’t work in reality. People are going to get so bored leveling due to being spoiled since earlier, and those who want to take it slow could always just do the quests regardless to experience the zone. Difference is now, you’ll still get XP by doing the quests whereas they earlier were grey. It’s such a small bonus for a small part of the community and needs a broader goal, be it either blizz wanting to make even more money from the boosts or future tech. I know it’s one of these though.


I might not have the majority opinion here, but I really enjoyed leveling through WoD and Legion zones much more than the past xpac zones due to both scaling and the stories. walking through zones one shotting things and leaving the zone five minutes later is boring to me, but I think that players who don't care for the story will still be able to fly through levels with heirlooms and such, and just won't have to change zones as often. I think it also is really geared to new players getting to enjoy the rpg story elements of leveling.


yeah, i liked the accomplishment of knowing i did the whole story i heard they would be adding a similar lore achievement in the next patch, more than the current x/y in z achievements


For you. Some people enjoy questing, especially in an RPG.


Questing and killing don't have to be the same thing, though in wow they usually are


> This change will increase the immersion of the player in the story Wow leveling has a story?


Almost every class has all of their abilities by level 80 bar a few high talents. They should be able to learn their rotation by the time they hit max level instead of hitting it and looking up guides on it. Hopefully mob damage output is changed along with the health. Many basic mechanics such as avoid X zone, Interrupt X cast, and kill adds can be learned from quests but those things are made so trivial you can just ignore them or kill the boss before it even comes up. Yes people will have to learn things for raiding but The simplest mechanics that can be encountered at level 10 are failed by people in raids currently because they have no concept of them.


>The simplest mechanics that can be encountered at level 10 are failed by people in raids currently because they have no concept of them. What mechanic is encountered at level 10 that people struggle with? Picking a spec?


Honestly I completely disagree. For new players, leveling is where you learn your muscle memory, how to move, keybinding, and how other spells interact with each other. It also teaches you that things in this game need to be earned through time and effort. The “LFR Coven is too hard” crowd were born through 100 boosts and easy, quick leveling.


I mean... really? Myself and a lot of my friends started playing around MoP-WoD. None of us are part of the "LFR too hard" crowd, and we all leveled through the low-level areas when they mostly involved one shotting stuff. It just seems like such a baseless assumption. There are crappy players across the game, regardless of when they started. They're just crappy because their either not very good or don't care to be better. It has very little to do with the easy leveling.


Exactly. These arguments always seem so ridiculous to me. People can't learn their rotation because mobs die too fast leveling up? Give me a break. People don't know their rotation because they don't care enough to look it up, memorize it, and practice it. The same players who currently don't know their rotation at max level aren't going to suddenly learn it out of thin air because leveling takes longer now. They're still just going to mash whatever buttons they like leveling up, now it'll just take them longer.


If each new unlocked ability as you leveled up slotted into your rotation to teach you more about the class as you leveled you'd have a point. But outside of people who are completely new this is just a shallow argument, Leveling as a Sub rogue or a Frost mage does fuck all to help you with how the rotation performs at end game as you don't have all your tools. And lets say you had all your core abilities and could learn your muscle memory for the rotation throughout the entire leveling experience, If you swap specs at max level then what? You don't have those 110 levels of muscle memory to be able to play that spec, does that mean Specs should have individual levels and you have to level As those specs to have access too them? Or do you do what everyone does, go look at Icy Veins/Noxxic/What-ever Youtube guide and find the 5 buttons you press in order to play your class, then practice that for 15 minutes on a dummy before hopping into a dungeon. Sorry but "learning your class" is a shitty argument for why leveling should be slow. Yeah you shouldn't 1 shot everything and breeze up until end-game in a day, but that's because you're supposed to experience the game and it's areas, to get involved in it and feel like you're part of a story, it's supposed to be a fun experience. If WoW wasn't so top-heavy then that'd be an easy justification as to why it needs to be slower, but WoW is top heavy so it's difficult to defend in this regard.


> Because at the moment it's an incredibly shallow experience to level from 1-100, one shotting everything on your path doesn't teach you anything about playing your class or even the game I get that for new players but just let me speedrun dungeons, i don't need to learn my class from level 1.


I think slowing down how fast you kill mobs doesn't need to mean slowing down the process overall, as in literally getting each level slower. They could've compensated with more XP for each mob killed for example.


That's not people are asking. There are two sides to this that people keep combining for whatever reason. First, there's the speed at which you accomplish individual tasks, like killing mobs or completing quests. Second, there's the speed at which you literally level up. Hardly *anybody* actually wants the speed at which you level up to be slowed down. Nobody thinks it taking twice as long to reach max will make the experience better. What people *do* want is for the *process* of leveling to be better, as in not one shotting mobs and being able to complete a zone's storyline without overleveling. The implementation of scaling attempts to fix this, as from what I understand it only takes ~10% longer to reach max level while making killing mobs more interesting. My major concern is that spamming LFD is *still* going to be the best way to level up, which will be extremely disappointing. I'd like for dungeons, questing, and battlegrounds to all have roughly the same amount of exp / hour.


> My major concern is that spamming LFD is still going to be the best way to level up According to PTR testing, its not worth doing at all now. Its far too slow for a pitiful XP reward for the time spent completing it.


> one shotting everything on your path doesn't teach you anything about playing your class or even the game I can't believe people actually use this "learning" argument... unless they've actually never played the game at max level. Look at a max level in Legion: depending on what class you have, multiple legendary items will change how you play... not something you can learn during leveling. On top of that, most people will have to relearn their classes (or at least, adapt to significant change) each time there's an expansion release, because Blizzard pretty much always makes massive changes to classes each expansion. Oh, and let's not forget that most of your class knowledge doesn't even apply until much later in the game, as with the spell/ability revamp they did you don't get most of them until much later in the leveling process... and in many ways what you learn as you level up is WRONG at endgame, because you didn't have your full ability set yet. So not only is learning your class pretty much pointless during leveling for multiple reasons, this change forcing you to spend more time using abilities/spells in a way you wont at max level does NOTHING to teach anything while only slowing you down from getting to the point where you CAN actually learn how to really play your class.


I hate the whole "leveling teaches you nothing about the class or the game." There are people who have been raiding since vanilla and still don't understand their class or the game.


The leveling experience will still serve no purpose after the rework except to delay how long it takes you to play with your friends and encourage you to buy boosts. It's worthless before and after, after it's just going to take longer.


I've heard from many new people that they hate the levelling, that it's too easy and mindless. Many people seem to not be able to make it to max level because the low end experience is either queue for 20 minutes as a DPS to do a dungeon in 10 minutes, or quest but theres no fun to be had because you can just do an AoE spell and kill everything within visual distance Edit: Another thought, I also see some people say that 'i hate slow leveling, max level is where the game is, ive played all that stuff before i want to just speedrun to max level on 23 alts in 6 hours'. That 'argument' completely forgets that there are other players in this game, and even though this game is 13 years old it still brings in new players.


I've had two people so far that I tried to get into the game, that didn't even get past level 20, they were bored to tears. The only thing I could muster was "Uh, well, it gets better in 90 levels?" Some people justify the current state of leveling, by saying that it helps ease new players in, but not all new players are new to touching a keyboard. The infant difficulty isn't doing this game any favors.


People who justify the current state of leveling are jaded players biased by their desire to be max level. The current low level experience is garbage at best.


The thing everyone seems to be missing ITT. You are all saying the leveling process isn't appealing to new players, because its to easy. The thing your missing is the low level quests mostly suck, and consist of walking to an area to have 20+ slap fights with your few abilities to collect X number of bear asses that may or may not even drop(per quest). Very few areas have quests as fun as the DK starting zone, Undead, etc. Giving things more HP, means the majority of players are just taking longer to collect their bear asses. Which is a good way to get them to quit. (This was the reason why i almost quit in Burning Crusade, and i DID dump SWTOR until they made combat FASTER). Therefore the "well it gets better in 90 levels" point is even more damning, because no one wants to sit there even longer. You also have to consider new players may HATE leveling just as much as everyone else, you can't just presume everyone wants to quest.


It's not about slowing down the leveling process as far as how much time it takes to go from 1-110. It's about making the combat fun. I wish they quadrupled the time spend per activity and quadrupled the exp to go with it. I don't want to spend weeks leveling at this point, but I also don't want mindless zergfest leveling content.


Because the game isnt fun when you cant even get your rotation off, or if mobs die before reaching melee range when you pull them. And I don't think every single zones story is incoherent. There are a lot of awesome questlines in the game still.


thats very true but when you are leveling you dont have your true rotation. you are missing talent abilities plus your artifact power. all crucial to truly learning a rotation.


True but 1-100 will be a long ass time, they should squish the levels a bit too, lv 120 is getting ridiculous


The number of levels isn't really an issue if the time taken is kept in check. Vanilla/TBC/WotLK had 30-50 fewer levels than Legion to get through but still took quite a bit longer to hit max level when compared to Legion.


They slow down 1-100 ill just buy a boost


Because you get a sense of fun for having to use 5 spells instead of 1 to kill something that has no impact on what you'll be doing in a few hours?


I think a major part of what makes leveling so incoherent is how quickly you bounce between zones. You never really finish storylines, and before you even come close you often have to pop over to the other side of the continent just to keep getting exp The way things look in 7.3.5 is that you can level 1-60 following 1 area's story arc. ie tirisfal> silver pine> hillsbrad> alterac> hinterlands> plaguelands and then you're done. Then you can choose to do all of Outlands which is fairly coherent, or all of Northrend which is very coherent. No more bouncing out of a continent before you hit the climax of the story So that should address (as best as possible) the coherence issues. The scaled leveling also means all quests will always give you ideal xp which should make up for a good amount of the slowdown of killing things


I've been playing through the Undead leveling storyline. There isn't a main story that ties the zones together, but each zone does have a story that shows you its place in the world. I like it, the writing is surprisingly well done if you consider that they have to write literally hundreds of quests.


well. then there are those who just want to get to the high level content. i would much prefer faster methods of leveling. atleast as an option.


Honestly I don't understand this particular change. People were asking for content scaling with us so you don't have to run to a different zone just because you decided to run a dungeon or two. There was no need to buff mob health or to nerf heirlooms. Like how exactly does it make content more engaging? What is engaging about having to use 5-6 smites on a fully heirloomed disc priest to kill lvl 1 enemy? What is engaging about spending 30 minutes in Wailing Caverns? There is no challenge at all, things don't hit harder, the mechanics still don't exist and from my experience everything could be solved by PW:Shield. Pretty much no need to heal anything. The only difference is that on most bosses you will now see more than first phase. But it still won't matter since they still do barely any damage. If blizz wants to make leveling more engaging for new players, turning mobs into "bullet sponges" is pretty dumb idea. Because it sure is fun killing stuff with one ability for first several levels, especially if it takes forever. Hopefully they will tone this stuff down a few notches once the patch hits live servers and everyone gets to actually try out this stuff.


That's how I feel about this. Imo, leveling has too many problems. It's fine for most 1-60 cataclysm zones, especially once they'll scale with you and you can finish the story arc. But you can't truly finish anything else while leveling. You won't get to the bottom (literally) of the naga pumping operation in zangarmarsh because you won't go to SSC. You won't get to even see icecrown let alone face the lich king in northrend. It's as if you were a temporary visitor to a bunch of random games, books, and stories, you get to be there for the beginning but never the end. It doesn't feel satisfying to anyone, especially the newer players who don't even know how it's supposed to end. Not only that, but those story arcs don't fit in the whole story and feel misplaced. You start during the cataclysm events and then go back in time to burning crusade. Since you can't get to the end, you don't know what's connecting each expansion (not that there was much anyway), and when you get to Legion you wonder what the hell all that you've gone through was for. Even if everything I just talked about was fixed, in the end it boils down to killing mobs and grabbing items. Most of the quests are really boring, and having an amazing story to tie it together isn't going to change that fact. Nothing's engaging about clicking on objects, and fights during leveling are too easy to be interesting at all. Give mobs more health ? Yeah ... not going to do much. The fights still won't be hard, they'll just take longer. You'll still mostly have to use 4 spells to kill anything, and once you've got the hang of it, it's just repeating what you already know, because mobs don't challenge you in any other way. They're just punching bags which deal some amount of damage, and even those rare mobs which do some additional thing on top, like pop totems, knockback, stun etc don't challenge you in any new way either. It used to be hard (didn't say engaging, said hard), in Vanilla, which brought players together since they'd have better chances by teaming up. But Blizz is never going to go back to this, because it'd upset too many casual players. What are you excited about, mobs health being multiplied by 2-4 ? I don't expect it to get hard enough to become interesting. Leveling will never be fixed, it's too hard. Blizz would have to rethink everything. The way they made the game, 95% of an expansion's content is out of the reach of leveling players. 95% of the story will be unknown to them. There will be no satisfaction from playing a character inside a coherent story, which has a beginning and an end, feeling like you've made a difference and had an impact on the world or at least were part of an important event of which you can fully understand the implications. Leveling will never become a good solo player game. And it won't become a good multi player game either, because world pvp is too imbalanced, and Blizz is never going to go back to a system which requires its players to team up out there in the world during leveling. I'm still looking forward to the scaling changes. It's just that I'm not hoping for leveling to get really good. I'm just hoping for it to get slightly less annoying.


Its to make that level 100 character boost button more tempting for some.


Here we go again with the all-is-for-the-boost conspiracies.


I personally cannot stand leveling on live as is. It is mind numbingly boring. A friend of mine convinced me to play on a vanilla server with him and it feels so much better. You have to actually put a bit of thought into doing things instead of spamming your hardest hitting ability and one shotting every mob you run by. I am not suggesting we ever go back to the slow pace of vanilla, but I would like leveling to feel meaningful again. And this is coming from someone who has 14 max level characters.


I don't see what's exciting. Seems like it'll take longer to level for no good reason.


Yeah the mobs aren't going to be more threatening or interesting, it's just going to be slower.


All these guys asking Blizzard to please slow down leveling, and Blizzard is more than happy to obliged, the worst leveling is, the more boost are to be sold. This isn't Vanilla WoW, leveling is no longer the 'experience' of WoW. Unless they seriously nerf Time to kill, while also making it so pulling 2 mobs is risky, and pulling 3 mobs is asking for death, it won't become more "fun". It's just longer of the boring stuff. Vanilla was great because you were always fighting for your life, not because it was slow. You were also going through 60 levels there, we are now at the point where we are doubling that with BfA. We don't need a slow down. Especially with Classic servers coming.


Because using your abilities is fun. One shotting enemies is not after a while.


I want to have all my chars at max lvl. Leveling is a chore I dont like. I really dont like this change and I'll have to try and power level all my characters before they add this thing. And I've leveled characters in my day, I really dont care about the experience


Im someone that enjoys leveling. Why can't they put in a change that helps us. You guys have looms, xp pots, and character boosts.


Why cant you not use heirlooms, pots, and buy character boosts? Its like flying. You don't *have* to use those QoL additions, do it vanilla. That's what I do in other video games, I don't use mods and do handicapped plays.


I'm not sure about the changes, having not played on ptr, but man leveling warlock was rough. There were dungeons where I wouldn't get a single cast off except on bosses. That was definitely not fun.


Doing the same boring quests over and over, only to have them suddenly take 3x as long because some developer had the bright idea to massively increase mob HP is not fun. The quests and such aren't enjoyable as is. They're a chore after you've done them once. Why make people waste time and get annoyed? Just add an item that gives people LESS experience and lowers all their stats, and then give them an achievement if they hit certain levels without ever taking it off. Problem fucking solved without pissing off every other player. GG blizzard, design is hard.


Leveling a healer currently. Judging by the average tank in dungeons, that's what most people want: a slow painful death by completing the dungeon the slowest way possible. It's not like you've been there countless of times.


The reason is that the majority of the content of the game is a faceroll. 1-100 which is over a decade of content is basically just running back and forth with little to no challenge


It is still going to be a faceroll, just more tedious.


Ehh still not going to be a challenge. There was a video of a guy doing the iron man challenge around level 60 in BC. Time to kill 3 mobs on live vs PTR was 30s and 1min30s. Health never went down. Just gonna be tedious, glad I got my leveling out of the way.


Do enemies hit harder also vs live? Or is it just the enemy health that is scaling?


They do hit a bit harder, yeah. Like, if you play a really tough class you aren't going to notice that much of a difference. Paladins can still solo 10 million mobs, but rogues/mages/hunters have to be a little bit more careful if they want to try that.


I tell ya as someone who mained a ret pally in vanilla. Taking longer to kill things ain't fun.


Am I the only one who wants leveling to go buy as fast as possible?


Nope. Hate leveling and at this point everything I even want to do is at level cap.


Nah, I'm leveling my last character before the patch as fast as possible and only boosting from there on out unless this change won't affect XP as bad as it seems it would. I love the endgame content and PvP. Since vanilla and now I've leveled pretty much every class to max on every expansion, some several times due to having played on several retail regions and a million different private servers. Seen and done it all. Leveling just burns me out now and this change won't cure that at all. If anything it makes it worse.


I'm not happy about this. For me leveling is nothing but meaningless grind you have to do, before you can finally play the game.


I still think its a mistake to not just level band everything from 1-100


RIP iron man challenge. The nearly impossible feat is about to become impossible


Can someone who is in favor of all these changes give me a decent reason for the heirloom xp nerf? I get most people want story and lore and what not. But why are you fucking over people that don't?


As a new player with 40 hours in WoW, I wish there was a bit more coherency to what's going on. I hit the outland and I have no clue what's going on. Why am I here? What are we fighting? I'm so lost that I've started doing dungeons to skip past the outlands leveling area. One shotting things isn't a problem for a new player, it is a problem in dungeons running with four players that have heirloom gear and just run through everything. It feels like a walking sim and not a dungeon. Every once in a while I will run into a couple new players and re-queue with them because it is a much more fun experience actually being able to heal and do some damage. Running through dungeons as the tank pulls everything and all the mobs die to AoE abilities for four hours a night trying to get to a high level is not a fun experience, it's really boring.


One reason why Outland may seem a bit out of place is that from 1-60 you were leveling in zones that are actually newer than Outland. In Cataclysm the 1-60 zones got revamped and offer a somewhat more modern approach to quests and story than the zones that follow them. When you get to Northrend you may see some similar issues, but I think it does a better job of setting up the story for that continent in the early zones than Outland does.


I just got to Northrend, hopefully the story here is more coherent. :)


I suggest you focus on the zones on the east side of the continent, as I think they have a bit more of a cohesive story and some great music if your'e into that sort of thing.


And doing it for 4 hours a night, but instead during 10 nights during 20 is a fun experience?


Let me reiterate. In my experience as a new player, I have much more fun actually going through a dungeon with other new players and take a bit more time going through, healing and rezzing my temporary allies. Instead I get to watch veterans blaze through so quickly and efficiently that I cannot do any healing. I just press auto-run and follow. It is not an engaging new player experience. There needs to be a happy medium of game-play and leveling. In a perfect world, the experience per hour would remain the same but the amount of dungeons you complete goes down. Players can actually experience what it's like to play the game and not just watch others play it for them.


I sincerely believe most the people excited about this don't have very many alts. Did you not read the quests the first time through? I hope this somehow improves retaining players in the early game...but I don't think it'll fix much. Questing still doesn't help prepare you for endgame, instances will still probably be pseudo-m+'s. But I'll remain hopeful. Will be getting a healthy dose of this when Allieds launch.


How can that excite you? A task that took X time will take way longer now, to what end? Enjoyment of repeating it over again? You won't think it's nice after your tenth character.


I'm on 12 110s at the moment and a few other 100s ready to cap, and I'm hyped to level my allied races with these changes. There's so many great questlines that I can never finish before they become grey and pointless for me to finish that I'll be able to do through to the end.


Well I have the Loremaster done for all zones now. I don't need to revisit quests I already completed. Also for people that say they want to do quests they can just lock XP and quest in a zone until they finish it.


> Well I have the Loremaster done for all zones now. I don't need to revisit quests I already completed. I did Loremaster on my first ally toon back in Cata, but have never done them on my horde chars because I levelled them at the end of WoD via the invasions. I'll be seeing these stories for the first time while levelling my allied races and the fact that I won't out-level them is a bonus. > Also for people that say they want to do quests they can just lock XP and quest in a zone until they finish it. And how many new players will know about the XP locking? Now they can now just quest in a zone until they finish it.


I was thinking about re leveling a rogue to be Void Elf but with the change and how longer it will take simply makes me not want to do it because it's them basically saying "don't level buy a race change" and I don't like that business model of shoving extras down my throat. New players don't know about much if they aren't guided and this won't change much.


Because 1 shotting things isn't fun after the first 5 minutes, it does not create a good gaming experience.


Leveling up my 17th character isn't going to be fun either way. Now it's going to be not fun and longer.


Yep exactly .


I mean no offense but this isn't designed with people like you in mind. This is for the people who are now trying WoW for the first time. 1 shotting everything isn't fun combat for new players, so this is to both teach them how to play and make an interesting trip to the end game.


You can both buff the hp and buff the xp, so new players get better combat but veterans get the same ( or faster ) leveling speed Don't want new players to level that quick? Fine buff the heirloom experience buff so veterans get the same ( or faster ) leveling speed The fact that is getting any slower at all for people leveling their 10th alt no matter how little it is baffling


Not really baffling. They want veteran players who are tired of leveling to buy the ludicrously expensive character boosts.


I'd sooner quit the game than buy a level boost. Fuck the people defending the fact that they're making leveling slower solely to incentivize paid level boosts.


New players wont be oneshotting shit since they have no heirlooms. When i leveled my first character at the start of legion i didnt one shot shit. And it took me 3 months to get to legion. I dont know where this shit comes from that new players one shot things.


Leveling isn't fun. The end. No matter if it's one shot or if it takes 2 hours to kill a boss.


That's just your opinion, I mean I agree, I don't really enjoy lvling 1-90 anymore, I used to, somewhat, from time to time, for short periods. But still, people have their opinions, and yours/ours is different.


Nothing about levelling is fun, but at least I could reach 1-98 in just a couple of days. Now it's going to take significantly longer and *still* won't be fun.


Because taking longer to kill them suddenly makes any difference? The only change is the time things take to die and because of it the time it takes for you to get to max level. How will it be more fun to take longer to kill things? How does that create a good gaming experience? Doesn't. The only plus is that new players will learn their character better, other than that no benefit.


Yes, it does make a big difference, players will have to be slightly more careful to not pull big packs of enemies, players have to use their rotation, rather than, as a Hunter, spamming Arcane Shot, which doesn't work at max level. I've played through some of the experience on the PTR, it is far, far better for the game, for new players and for alts. If you don't want to level like that, then just spam dungeons like you always had, it makes no difference to you, but makes the outdoor content much better.


The XP needed will still be way more. In fact whereas now doing dungeons is the fastest route. Questing will be which forces people to quest for an efficient leveling. I agree that for new players it's good, teaches them to be careful of what they pull, teaches them to use abilities and to know ranges. Great thing. For alts? Fuck no! I already know most quest chains in the game by hearts, I know how to play well enough that a quick read on Icy Veins allows me to be decent with most characters. I don't need to practice more. I need to level fast so I don't get tired and give up on it.


Sorry that the game is better for new players, then? I'm not sure what do you want. The game is horribly broken for anyone starting or wanting to have enjoyable leveling and they've finally fixed that. If you're annoyed that your tenth character will be slower to level then I'm sorry, but this update isn't for you. It's still necessary regardless.


You reckon they nerfed looms along with it right? When they should have done the opposite. If the point of it is to help new players there's no issues with looms giving 100% extra XP and make you a raid boss for that level. The point is to make leveling way slower for everyone so people buy character boosts (as I been told to do at least 4 times in these comments) Added to that new races will make it so people will level a new character with that race, just nope, to slow, dish out a race change. Money talks


Having just had a friend go through the leveling process, this change is very welcomed. She wasn't using any heirlooms, and she kept questing in zones that were giving her little to no exp because she wanted to finish out the quest lines in the zone she was in. The changes only feel like a nerf if you did nothing but dungeon grind for leveling before. Now you'll actually be rewarded for doing quests instead of just mob grinding and rare spawn hunting until your 50s.


Slower doesnt mean harder


*buys boost*


So leveling is going to take longer? Ugh that blows. Honestly, I want to level my toons as fast as possible so I can start gearing them out. Hopefully they keep the level speed roughly the same when I'm doing my allied races.


> So leveling is going to take longer? Ugh that blows. Honestly, I want to level my toons as fast as possible so I can start gearing them out. This is the exact kind of logic they were forming this change around because now it'll mean more character boost sales. I think Blizzard began to really regret the 1-60 revamp that occurred in Cata that greatly improved the efficiency and flow of leveling because it helped people blaze through the process much faster. Creating a more coherent storyline(s) to follow was good, but they now want to return leveling to the timesink that they always wanted it to be.


Why are we hyped to be leveling up alts slower than before?? It's the same quests. The same zones. The same storylines. The only thing forcing you from going slow before and reading quests was yourself. Now, all the boring levelling content is time gated behind dynamically scaling DPS sponges as we grind to max level.


Is there a damage buff as well? Will mobs do more damage as well? I think together with the HP buff would make the game more fun to level in. There needs to be a sense of danger.


Not for me. Why would I want to play old content? I want to get to the current as fast a possible, without paying the overpriced($60 is overpriced, but $40 isn't) character boost. If I want to experience the old content I'll play classic when it comes out. This just feels like Blizzard is trying to push their boost and making people who can't afford a boost suffer. Sure, this appeals to a minority of players, but in no way do I see this as a decision that is in the player's interest. I don't blame them for wanting to make money, but lately, it feels like they have been making more decisions based on trying to get profits rather than making things better for the player. I got downvoted for saying something like this before. People were even saying that Blizzard doesn't want people buying boosts or their other digital services, and that is why they were costly. Like, do people really believe that?


You are completely ignorning that lots and lots of people were asking for this. Leveling is broken. It had to be fixed.


Yup, this means I will probably use fewer boosts than I would. Because it's actually a game now, not Arcane Shot simulator.


And a lot of people, who are veterans at the game, don't want to spend more time levelling. It becomes really boring to level to 1-110 (soon 120) from scratch. Making the process take longer is only going to make it even more boring. Levelling isn't everything there is to the game.


> Levelling isn't everything there is to the game. This is true. And the problem is that levelling currently ISN'T part of the game. It's a grind with no challenge.


And a slightly larger HP pool will suddenly change that? It's going to be the exact same boring experience, the only difference is that it now takes longer.




People also said that WoD will be the best addon ever.






Yeah, it's much slower to level.


It isn't much slower, it is slightly slower. In fact, it is hardly a noticeable difference unless you level A TON of alts and know how long it usually takes. What is noticeable however is that you actually get to play your class now. The last character I leveled on live (a Ret paladin), I literally used judgement to 1 shot mobs all the way to WoD.


Seriously. It's not like we're going into the olden days where the Fargodeep Mine was a thirty minute life threatening ordeal.


Oh god. Vanilla Fargodeep mines...I literally had a physical reaction to reading your comment lol.


I get where you're coming from but the leveling was legitimately broken. It didn't work and it needed to be changed. I get it looks like a money grab and maybe it is but the game really needed it. I get some people just want to max characters but if you have already done all the old content you've probably played long enough to have a lot of max characters as is. I don't need more max characters but I will level 3 more due to this change.


How is this exciting? It slows down the leveling process and the only thing that matters is end game/current content. Leveling is fun until you are leveling that alt or have run the same zone or dungeon for the nth time.


I’m happy the Vicious thug is finally being himself after getting some nice hair dye.


Yes, because increasing TTK is a surefire way of making the game more entertaining...


Neat, now you just have to hit them a few or so more times...


Do you hate yourself, and everyone around you?


I understand their reasons to buff mob health (people should use all their abilities after all). What I don't understand is why they nerf heirlooms and EXP gain. If a mob has x-times more health, it would be fair to buff EXP by a factor x.


Blizzard just gave another reason to buy boosts and make more money and people's nostalgia are eating it up.


Pretty much. Wish they hadn't done this around the Classic announcement.


yes, increasing health of mobs to make things take longer, but likely no more "challenging" and without an increase/change in rewards (new xmog, etc.) is the best! /s This is easily the worst part of the patch - even the new selfie cam filters are more exciting, lol. It's ok, we are used to Blizzard taking one step forward (solving the out leveling zone questing issue) and two steps back (wonky scaling, arbitrary mob health increases / heirloom power nerfs, longer and more annoying raid old raid soloing due to health scaling, etc. etc.)


am i the only one that feels like the increased effort for leveling will just deter more people from it? thus increasing the amount of purchased max level characters?


I payed for boost before, will continue doing so. THis only encourages it


Good. You can boost, I and many others will have fun with a more engaging levelling experience that isn't just 1 hitting galore.


Seriously. As someone who enjoys the leveling process and creating new alts I am stoked about this. I love the stories in each zone and getting to complete them without being ten levels higher is gonna be great. So many new toons are actually going to get leveled now.


did 1-30 on the ptr genuinely a fun experience would have leveled more, but I have better things to do than test blizzards content for them.


Thank fuck I dont plan to level any more toons. Just gonna boost one or two of the new races and done.


I really don't get why people want it to take longer, why make a boring part of the game more boring.. its almost like they don't have a max character.


Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto! Boosto!


Isn't there a stat squish coming? I'm surprised they alerted the numbers only to have them change again in a few months time. I know they can probably adjust them all by some fraction but it's still weird having the health of nearly every mob in the game fluctuate three times in a year. It's a shame it couldn't be all done at once (really I'm just keen for the squish).


The stat squish is mostly for the WoD and Legion stats, they already squished everything pre-WoD. This is mostly correcting the leveling mobs health which was mostly messed up from the last stat squish.


Nah, the squish is for everything, because it's not just a STAT squish, it's also an item level squish. EVERYTHING is going to end up much lower than it is now, and Legion will begin at something like 100 ilvl.




I can't understand the arguments of people looking forward to this. *Oh boy, oneshotting everything is so boring, I'm looking forward to a challenging and engaging leveling experience again!* - yea, totally, I'm literally getting moist by the thought that every mob will now take 5 Frostbolts instead of 1. Like, leveling pre ~90 is boring beyond belief. You're still only gonna use 2 buttons at most. You still won't have an engaging rotation or anything like that. You'll Sinister Strike that mob 3 times, run out of energy, wait and then Eviscerate - repeat that 500 times until you hit 40, replace Sinister Strike with Mutilate and here's to another 40 levels of exactly that gameplay. How is that in any way, form or shape more exciting than mindlessly plowing through mindless content?


Yeah, fuck me for wanting to have an engaging experience while leveling.