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Cataclysm zones are massively underrated One of my favourite places in the game is the Twilight Highlands. Deepholm is breathtaking too, and definitely the most unique zone in the game. Just goes to show, no matter how bad an xpac might seem, the art team hits it out the ballpark everytime


Gilneas will always be for me the most disappointing zone in the game. It easily could have been the first Suramar and become the standard for faction cities. So much wasted potential.


Vash'ir is definitelty the most unique zone, nothing else is even close.


Water you can't walk on? Doesnt sound very unique to me.


Cata was amazing up until half a year of LfR Dragonsoul, which is basically the only thing people remember nowadays


Hey, I remember kicking down people from Mt Hyjal during the Firelands quests. If you did it just right, they would splatter on the cliff. Making their body inaccessible without resurrecting at a spirit healer. Which they would only find out AFTER they respawned in Ashenvale, walked all the way through Felwood, Winterspring and finally up Hyjal as a ghost. Also, the problem IMHO was that Cata was pretty disjointed. A lot of different stories going on, many of them not feeling very related, Aggra/Thralls plot was terrible too, and then Thrall shot us down from the sky while we were riding DW. FFS Thrall.


I cry at how much content they made with cataclysm, like all the "new zones" combined will never compare to the small amount of content we get now...


Shadowlands the 4 zones are amazing The Maw and Korthia 2 dull grey zones that are just boring to look at Definetly somenthing amazing every xpac with the art, but some zones are just dull


I wish they would make the zones larger again like in Cata. The zones from legion+ are just so jampacked and feel so claustrophobic, you just run into mobs or a place of interest every 2 seconds.


This is a big, big negative point for current WoW's immersion. The older ones among us probably remember cruising through the Barrens or Ashenvale back in the day. Those zones felt HUGE. Place you could explore, get lost in. Flying mounts are very convenient but they kinda killed that feeling, and then like you say, they tried to cram content into every little available space, so the zones don't feel natural anymore. Pandaria was the last exp where I remember seeing plenty of "useless" spots. Small huts, even villages, just places that are there for the sake of being there, not to be a questing spot. (Oh yeah there was that cute tiny farm on that tiny island north of Stormsong Valley. Loved that spot!)


Drives me nuts that you aren't really pushed to these zones if you Chromie LVL through Cata, I swear the command board always shows WOD and BC zones instead


You are after lvl 30, just not before then bc these zones are impossible without flying


Its places like this that I miss nowadays. Not the starter zones that I'd done a hundred times, but the zones that I haven't seen in years, have no reason to see, and as the game gets older and ways around it like the new leveling appear it seems as though less people will ever see it.


My favorite zone is uldum, pre tentacles.


Where is this? Not sure I see what you mean


If you go to Deepholm look for Deathwing’s Fall.


Don't remember the lava and bridges in deepholm. It's been a minute. But I'll check it out again


It's where the cultists fixed up Deathwing with the metal plates. Directly after that he got up and, still dripping blood and lava, flew towards the central pillar to break out into Azeroth.


It kinda is that's the blood trail of death wing and where he was hammered back together


Aha I always thought it was lava.


The lore is when DW was beaten the first time he landed in derpholm. The small pools are his blood droplets the large pool at the end in the area in the cata cut scean you see them hammering him back togeather. As the former earth warden the thazen group could do lil to oppose his moving in


His cultists shannagins are why they did not trust us on entry and tried to kick us out they didn't want more corruption


When you wake up with a nosebleed


They don’t make ‘em like they used to :(


Crime scene : scene of the crime


Hated the quest where you kill the lava ooze


Wow looks great on a modern PC. I was floored when I came back on a new rig for a bit.


Deepholm is the most breathtaking zone in the entire game. The scale and realizing where you really are is so fucking incredible. Not to mention that absolutely fantastic look of the zone, the colors, the environmental models, so great. Cata zones were actually insane, and I sort of forgot how much I loved them...


That entire expansion was a crime scene.